Tomra - Slovakia har vedtatt å innføre pantesystem i 2022

TOM 12.09.2019 kl 08:53 336

Slovakias ca. 5.5 millioner innbyggere får pantesystem i 2022. Det er nå vedtatt i nasjonalforsamlingen. Når landets miljøvernminister siteres på at Slovakia er det eneste landet i Sentral-Europa som får et slikt system, er nok det trykkfeil eller en misforståelse. 'Det første' er nok det riktige, for EUs allerede vedtatte, ambisiøse mål i lovs form når det gjelder innsamling og resirkulering av plastflasker, tilsier at alle EUs nasjoner etterhvert vil måtte innføre pantesystemer. Som man kan lese, har innføring av pantesystem i Slovakia overveldende støtte i befolkningen.

Slovakia will introduce a deposit scheme for PET bottles and cans in 2022

A billion PET bottles are circulated on the Slovak market every year.

Slovakia will launch its deposit return scheme for PET bottles and cans in 2022 as the new law approved by the parliament stipulates. It comes into force in January 2020, as reported by the SITA newswire.

“The deposit on PET bottles is a big step towards a greener and cleaner Slovakia,” Environment Minister László Sólymos (Most-Híd) said, as quoted by the TASR newswire. He added Slovakia is the only country in central Europe that will introduce such a scheme.

The new system concerns only stores with an area of more than 300 square metres.

The price for depositing a bottle will be €0.12. In the case of cans, it will be €0.10. The introduction of the system is expected to cost €80 million.

Experts welcome the scheme
The Environment Ministry added that a billion plastic bottles are circulated on the Slovak market each year, 400 million of which end up in landfills.

Today, more than 86 percent of Slovaks say they are in favour of the deposit return scheme in a survey conducted for the Slovak Environment Agency (SAŽP), as reported by SITA.

Experts from the Centre for Sustainable Alternatives (CEPTA) welcomed the fact that this law has been adopted in the parliament. However, they do not agree the scheme should be funded through public sources.

“The costs of the deposit return scheme should be shouldered by those who profit from the sale of drinks,” Miloš Veverka and Daniel Lešinský of CEPTA said, as quoted by SITA. This means sellers and producers ought to pay since the scheme represents the “polluter pays” principle in reality.

They also rejected the claim the deposits on PET bottles and cans is costly.

“The complex study by the Institute for Environmental Policy (IEP) shows the scheme will increase producers' costs by 1.1 cent per PET bottle,” they added, as quoted by SITA.

11. Sep 2019 at 22:20 | COMPILED BY SPECTATOR STAFF

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