PROT: Potential block purchase of existing shares in Protector Forsikring ASA by AWC AS
Publisert 16. sep. 2024
AWC AS (the "Buyer") has engaged Pareto Securities AS (the "Manager") to explore
a potential block purchase (the "Offering") of approximately 1,000,000 existing
shares (equal to approximately 1.2% of the outstanding shares) in Protector
Forsikring ASA (the "Company"). The Buyer reserves the right, at its sole
discretion, to increase or reduce the Offering size (among other depending on
the final Offering price) or to purchase no shares at all.
The Buyer currently holds 15,828,007 shares in the Company (equal to
approximately 19.2% of the outstanding shares). The Buyer is furthermore
represented on the Company's board of directors by Arve Ree (CEO in the Buyer).
The Offering will be conducted as a reverse bookbuilding process in which all
existing shareholders in the Company (who may legally offer shares without the
requirement for any prospectus, offer document or other measures) are invited to
sell shares to the Buyer at a price level defined by the respective selling
shareholders by contacting the Manager (please find relevant contact details
The final Offering price will be set based on the sales orders received at a
level representing a satisfactory price and volume level (to be determined by
the Buyer at its sole discretion). The final purchase price will be identical
for all selling shareholders.
The reverse bookbuilding period commences today, 16 September 2024, at 16:30
(CEST) and is expected to close at 16:30 (CEST) on 18 September 2024. The result
of the Offering (including the final Offering size and Offering price) is
expected to be published on or about 18 September 2024. Notification of
allocation is expected to be made available by the Manager on or about 19
September 2024 (T) before 09:00 (CEST) and settlement is expected to take place
on or about 23 September 2024 (T+2) on a delivery versus payment basis (DVP).
The Buyer may, at its sole discretion, extend or shorten the reverse
bookbuilding period at any time and for any reason without notice. If the
reverse bookbuilding period is extended or shortened, the other dates referred
to herein might be changed accordingly.
Existing shareholders in the Company wishing to participate in the Offering may
contact the Manager at +47 22 87 87 50 in order to place a sales order. Existing
shareholders in the Company who would like to participate in the Offering who
are not registered as clients of the Manager must establish a client
relationship before participating.
In the event that the total volume offered by selling shareholders in the
Offering exceeds the final Offering size at or below the final Offering price,
the allocation will, to the extent possible, be made on a pro rata basis based
on the volume offered by each selling shareholder with the objective of treating
all selling shareholders equally based on their indicated interest in
participating in the Offering at or below the final Offering price.
For more information from the Buyer please contact: Arve Ree / CEO / AWC AS /
+47 922 00 365.
Important notice:
The Offering will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations and information pertaining to the Offering will be disclosed by way
of stock exchange notices on
The Offering and the distribution of this announcement and other information in
connection with the Offering may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions
(including, but not limited to, the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan).
None of the Company, the Buyer or the Manager assume any responsibility in the
event there is a violation by any person of such restrictions. This includes
existing shareholders who have changed their domicile to such jurisdictions but
which may access their VPS accounts. Persons into whose possession this
announcement or relevant information should come are required to inform
themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. The Offering is not being
made directly or indirectly in, or by use of the mails of, or by any means or
instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce of, or any facilities of a
national securities exchange of, the United States of America, its territories
and possessions, any State of the United States and the District of Columbia
(the "United States") or any other jurisdiction in which this would be unlawful,
require registration or other measures. This includes, but is not limited to,
facsimile transmission, internet delivery, e-mail and telephones. Copies of this
release and any related documents are not being, and must not be, mailed,
e-mailed or otherwise distributed or sent in or into the United States or any
such jurisdiction and so doing may invalidate any purported acceptance.