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14.10.2019 kl 08:04 4798

X22-report 14/10-2019 - Fear Is Flushing The [DS] Out, The Only Way Forward, Expose, Transparency & Truth - Episode 1994b

- Ilhan Omar (Gift med sin egen bror)
Omar and her boyfriend were part of the riots in Minnesota. Protesters reportedly made a bonfire out of a lot of Magha-hats.
Citizen Journalists caught Minnesota Rep Omar and her boyfriend Tim Mynett on tape. Omar insisted she was in Morocco at the time, but facial recognition system identifies her at the riot.
She is lying. AGAIN!

- The Biden's Coruption
Lindsey Graham is ready to have Rudy Guiliani testify in front of the Senate. Trump is continually reinforcing the Biden corruption at all his rallies. Fake News Media, som NRK, is AWOL.
Hunter Biden finally didn't come out of the shadows himself he went through his attorney. His ATTORNY(George Mesires) stated he will step down from the chinese-backed private equity firm, but he'll keep his money.
He will forego all foreign work if his father Joe Biden, is elected as president in 2020. This is absolutely meaningless! They already committed the crime, and are under Investigation in USA and in Ukraine. These people are stupid.

- Marie Yovanovitch (US ambassador to Ukraine)
John Solomon exposes her links to radical G. Soros group in Ukraine. Yovanovitch gave a Do-Not-Prosecute list to Ukrainian prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko in 2016.
Obama and George Soros anti-corruption organisation in Ukraine(NABU) was in fact a corrupt organization.

- Schiff's Flying Circus ("WB")
He does not want the "WB" to testify in front of Congress. The "WB" is a CIA-agent, Obama's director of Ukraine at the NSC, and now also connected to the Steel dossier.
Ukraine Billionaire Victor Pinchuk(Clinton donor) sent MP Olga Bielkova to meet with "WB", the same day she met with David Kramer to kick the Steel Dossier into high gear.
The "WB" verified and approved Obama's Steel Dossier. The "WB" was also involved in the transfer of 4,5 Billon USD from IMF to Ukraine. The money that later dissapeared.

- DS palyer's are flipping
DS Professor Joseph Mifsud is now in hiding. DS will silence individuals that flip.

- The Border
The acting homeland security chief(Kevin McLean) decided to resign. Trump: "wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector".
The DS operatives within his administration are being removed one by one.

- DS Endless Wars
Trump: "Focus on the big picture". Zelensky is pulling Ukrainian troops back all along the front lines in the east.
The DS, the C_A, they never wanted these wars to end. They didn't care about the soldiers, they didn't care who lived or died, they didn't care as long as their system stayed operational and they were in control.
al Qaeda, al sham, al nusra is the paid mercenary army of the DS. The Obama administration said the war in Syria would go on for years!
Turkey are routing them out the paid mercenary within the Kurds. Why do MSM pushing their idea that the Islamic state prisoners escaping? To stop what is going on, and keep the DS paid mercenary army.
Turkey mission is to remove the remainder of the paid mercenary armies, and have the Kurds reintegrated with Syria or go back to Iraq.

- The Harvest has begun

- Q953 Public Awakening
Flynn know where the bodies are buried. People now are catching on to what is going on. Trump and the administration with Rudy Giuliani and the rest, they're slowly educating the American people.
those people who just been listening to the news they're starting to question everything because everything the news has been reporting has been wrong.
Russia collusion, MSM were wrong. "WB", MSM were wrong. The Impeachement, MSM were wrong. Trump Taxes, MSM are going to be wrong, and MSM will try to clog the news cycle when the FISA-report comes out.
They want them to see how the MSM is feeding them fake information time after time after time.
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
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