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17.10.2019 kl 09:31 5051

X22-report 17/10-2019 - [DS] Plan Fails, Strange Messages Sent, 17th Mentioned - Episode 1997b

Nancy Pelosi told the American people that Impeachment vote will not be held. No Vote = No Impeachment Inquiry = The subpoenas do not carry a penalty for non-compliance= No one is going to cooperate.
Joe Biden:"I've done nothing wrong, my son has done nothing wrong".

- Ukraine(Obama)
A top US diplomat(George Kent) testified that the Obama administration, not the international community, orchestrated Ukraine prosecutors(Viktor Shokin) firing. The IMF and Western nations were differential to US directives on the matter! IMF put Billions of USD into Ukraine.

- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus
Mike Pence: "Impeachment inquiry has been designed and implemented in a matter that calls into question your commitment to fundamental fairness and due process rights". They're doing everything Above The Law.
Remember, HRC: Why don't we tear up this constitution, if it's not doing what we want. BOOM!! DS entire mission, their entire goal, was to get rid of the Constitution! Why were trying to take the weapons away?
Schiff trying to trap Volcker into saying that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter.
Then Pelosi announced they will not hold a house impeachment authorization vote. The house is not on board with this. BOOM!!
Nancy Pelosi cannot nullify a constitutional firewall between the legislative branch and executive branch.

- Ukraine Investigation
The Biden's, The Clinton's, Hussein Obama are investigated.
Take a listen
He mentioned the Server 10 times! He wants everyone to understand that we found the server. It is in Ukraine. BOOM!

- IG report on FISA Abuse(FISA D-class)
The FISA report was supposed to be released on the 18th, then Maria Bartiromo said maybe later this month.
Take a listen
Trump: " You will see things that you don't even believe!". " Comey, Strozyk & Lover Page, mcCabe & President Obama! BOOM!
The reporters seemed shocked about this. :-) LOL - Because the truth is going to be revealed!

- General Michael Flynn
His layer Sidney Powell requested that the US government, provide her documents related to DS spy Joseph Mifsud. The evidence includes BlackBurry Phones used by Joseph Mifsud.
General Michael Flynn is going to go free. BOOM!

- Border
The DEMS have been trying to block Trump from diverting the funds from the military to the wall. Trump vetoed the measure.

- Sealed Indictments
A 23 year old South Korean man, accused of running what they call is the world's largest dark web child porn marketplace. 100 other suspects have been arrested in South Korea.
This is just going to ramp up. The cases are gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger until we get to the big players.

- Obama
Tweets that he is proud of Justin Trudeau. Trudeau is worried before the forthcoming election and need the endorsement.
Obama decided to endorse Trudeau, but he has not endorsed an American presidential candidate. Is he waiting for someone who haven't entered the race yet? Maybe Michelle or Michael?

- Syria
MSM are saying the Kurds are good people and this shouldn't be happening. The DS created the Syrian war, the al Nasir, al Qaeda, PKK.
MSM rebrand different groups, so you don't know who's who. the DS-MSM did this when they were supplying weapons to al Qaeda. They rebranded them the Syrian Revolutionary Forces. Now they rebranded PKK to the Syrian Democratic Forces!
This is actually backed up by General Raymond Thomas. This is done in order to arm and support them! They are actually the paid mercenary group of the intelligence organization. Their instructions when Obama was president, was to release them into Europe. This was a Soros mission!!
There will be negotiations, and there will be PEACE! But he "Syrian Democratic Force"s aka PKK they will no longer be in control.

- Nancy pelosi
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is wearing a bracelet with bullets and orange beads, and a green dress.
The orange bead represents "the orange man". Bullets means "take him out". Green dress represents "a green light" => they have the go-ahead!
Then we have Biden. He messes up when he speaks. "Oh! I was never supposed to mention the number 17!". Take a listen:
"It is so important to remove this man from Office! On the 17th........." 17(Q) - Dallas(JFK) - POTUS(FISA). BOOM!

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
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