Trump skryter av coronatesting i USA

12.05.2020 kl 08:22 550

Patetisk-tragisk pressekonferanse hvor han, og sine testeeksperter, under hele seansen, skryter av at USA er verdens beste i testing. Det viser at han ikke er til å stole på. Økende totalitærisme, med eller uten Donald.

De vil snart utføre 300 000 tester pr dag, sier han. At de allerede snart har passert 10 millioner tester. De skal få 240 000 nye "test sites".
- vast amounts of test supplies.
En av testeekspertene han hadde bragt til scenen, sa at "I`m the schwab-guy."

De neste 4 ukene skal de teste 12 millioner amerikanere til. Test-eksperten uttalte at de etterhvert skal "move into surveillance of asymptomatic persons".
/ "surveillance-mechanisms". /"contact tracers".

12.05.2020 kl 22:05 521

Han likte ikke at en kinesisk-etnisk reporter spurte om hvorfor han la vekt på å konkurrere me testing, mår amerikanere døde hver dag.

You’ll have to ask Kine about that svare presidenten. Hun spurte hvorfor han spesifikt spurte henne om det, og Trump svarte selvsagt at det gjorde han ikke🤷

CNN sin reporter fikk ikke komme til med sine spørsmål, og Trump sa takk for seg og avbrøt det hele.
Trump driter i alt, bortsett i fra seg seg selv😝
Slettet bruker
12.05.2020 kl 23:00 506

Remember this, every Governor who has sky high approval on their handling of the Coronavirus, and I am happy for them all, could in no way have gotten those numbers, or had that success, without me and the Federal Governments help. From Ventilators to Testing, we made it happen!

Trump er misunnelig på guvernører som får høy approval rating mens hans egen ligger fast nede i gjørma.

Montana guvernør Bullock er et godt eksempel. Han står til valg til senatet til høsten. Når Corona krisen inntraff stoppet han alt fokus på senatvalgkampen og har fokusert 100% på guvernør jobben. Han har 70% approval for jobben han har gjort og virker nå rimelig sikkert til å stjele et senat sete fra republikanerne.
Trump har gjort det motsatte. Alt han sier, gjør og tenker handler om valget til høsten. Det er rart med det. Folk liker politikere som jobber for dem ikke politikere som kun fokuserer på å bli gjenvalgt.
15.05.2020 kl 11:21 472

"Trump says he would mobilize military to distribute coronavirus vaccine when its ready

MAY 14, 2020. CBS NEWS.

President Trump says he would "rapidly" mobilize the U.S. military to distribute a coronavirus vaccine once it`s ready, focusing first on nursing homes and the elderly most vulnerable to deadly complications from the virus.
Mr. Trump made the comments during an interview with Fox Business Maria Bartiromo.

"We`re mobilizing our military and other forces but we`re mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a vaccine. You know, its a massive job to give this vaccine. Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year we``re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.", the president said."

Han har visstnok ansatt en tidligere rep. fra GlaxoSmithKline som skal samarbeide med nasjonalgarden og militæret om distribusjonen.
Redigert 15.05.2020 kl 12:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2020 kl 12:33 464

(Natural News) Trump is about to name a "vaccine czar" to run "Operation Warp Speed", a fast-track scheme to distribute 300 million untested, unsafe vaccines across America before the end of the year. The person being named to the is a former executive with GlaxoSmithKline,"

As ABC6 reports:

Moncef Slaoui, a former GlaxoSmithKline executive, will lead "Operation Warp Speed". Trump`s push to accelerate the vaccine development process for COVID-19,, according to an administration official. Slaouni is to serve as a volunteer capacity, and will be assisted by Army Gen. Gustave Perna, the comimander of United States Army Material Command."

If you``re wandering why a US Army general is getting involved with the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine push, its because Trump has just announced he`s going to "rapidly mobilize" the US military to distribute the vaccine, according to CBS News.

Trump has betrayed his nation and the American people. He is now an agent of Big Pharma and the anti-human rights vaccine industry that uses human children for medical experiments, all around the globe."

kilde: "Trump to name vaccine czar; a former executive of a BigPharma drug giant that admitted to FELONY crimes under $3 billion settlement with DOJ"
May 14,2020, By Mike Adams.

Det må nevnes at Mike Adams tidligere, har det virket som, vært en ganske svoren Trump-tilhenger. Når han nå sier dette, forteller det mye.

Disse vaksinee er planlagt utført med sprøyter som kobles til RFID-tracking/trracing.

Slettet bruker
15.05.2020 kl 13:00 453

Du må være uendelig naiv. Alle politikere jobber for å bli gjenvalgt. Det første de glemmer er hvem som har stemt dem inn,og hvorfor. Du trodde ikke for ramme alvor at de jobbet for kveget?
Slettet bruker
15.05.2020 kl 13:16 447

Noen er verre enn andre og min sammenligning mellom Bullock og Trump er god.
15.05.2020 kl 13:25 439

Du som er så glad i , og har så stor tiltro til vaksiner - hva synes du om det Trump-administrasjonen har planlagt ?
16.05.2020 kl 12:44 407

Intet svar fra Jabbadabba..
16.05.2020 kl 12:54 403

Mint Press News:

"Operation Warp Speed

Trump Unveils Plan That Would See Big Pharma Reap Massive Profits from COVID-19 Vaccine"

May 15th, 2020
By Raul Diego

"A former Big Pharma executive and a four-star General have just been appointed by President trump to lead a "Manhattan project-style effort to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus." The effort, called Operation Warp Speed, has set a goal to create 300 million doses of a non-existent vaccine by January."

Slettet bruker
16.05.2020 kl 13:14 395

Hva skal jeg svare? Jeg håper det utvikles en vaksine men den må selvfølgelig testes ut for safety før den taes i bruk. Slik er det med alle medisiner. At Trump er truende til å ta shortcuts tviler jeg ikke på men regner med at det er andre voksne folk i FDA som vil stå for beslutningene. Er det en ting amerikanere er redde for så er det å bli saksøkt og slipper de en vaksine på markedet som viser seg å være farlig og at dette ville blitt oppdaget ved vanlige studier, så ligger både landet USA og alle som sitter i styre og stell veldig dårlig an.

Forøvrig regner jeg ikke Natural News som en nyhetskilde. De lyver så mye at det er umulig å vite når de snakker sant eller ikke.
Redigert 16.05.2020 kl 13:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.05.2020 kl 17:24 359

The Last American Vagabond

"Meet the companies poised to build the Kushner-backed "Coronavirus Surveillance System"

11. April, 2020, Posted by Whitney Webb.

"The three companies behind the leading proposal to build a "national coronavirus surveillance system", are an initiative spearheaded by Jared Kushner, boast deep ties to Google, intelligence-linked venture capital firms as well as one of last year`s eerily predictive "pandemic" simulations.

On April 7, Politico reported that the President`s son-in-law Jared Kushner was spearheading an all-private sector taskforce that aims to build a "national coronavirus surveillance system" in order to "give the government a near real-time view of when patients are seeking treatment and for what."

Slettet bruker
17.05.2020 kl 21:17 341

Florida Health System: 25,000 COVID Tests Might Be Wrong

A Florida hospital system says the results of 25,000 coronavirus tests may be wrong because of problems with an outside lab. The announcement by AdventHealth, reported by the Orlando Sentinel, means that people who tested negative might actually have been positive—and infectious.

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro threw the Centers for Disease Control under the bus on Sunday regarding the overall lack of coronavirus testing early on in the pandemic. Appearing on NBC News’ Meet the Press, Navarro was pressed by host Chuck Todd on President Donald Trump’s apparent issues with the CDC. “It does seem as if the initial guidelines, they didn’t want them put out. They’ve put down very limited guidelines with more detailed ones coming later. CDC hasn’t been able to give a briefing now in over a month. Does the president have confidence in the CDC?” Todd wondered aloud.

“Early on in this crisis, the CDC, which really had the most trusted brand around the world in this space, really let the country down with the testing,” Navarro responded. “Because not only did they keep the testing within the bureaucracy, they had a bad test. And that did set us back.” The Trump administration has publicly celebrated its coronavirus testing push in recent days, with the president going so far as to say they’ve “prevailed” on testing.