ASETEK stor ståhei og mye gratis-reklame

ASETEK 16.05.2020 kl 16:40 1907

Jeg har søkt litt på nettet i dag, og absolutt ALLE teknomagasiner, hardware-nettsteder og datablader skriver om Asetek's nye oppfinnelse og prater varmt om den og venter i stor spenning på lanseringen og at den slippes på markedet. Det er første gang jeg ser nyheter om Asetek spre seg til nettsteder verden over i så stor skala og med slik geografisk spredning. Det skrives på norsk, dansk, svensk, engelsk, tysk, nederlandsk og en rekke språk jeg ikke engang gjenkjenner i farten og noen med alfabet-tegn helt ulikt vårt, og det allerede nå. Jeg kan knapt forstille meg all omtalen som vil komme når test-kjørerne fra alle datablader og dataforum og datablogger skal skrive om sine erfaringer med Asetek's geniale løsning. Mye gratis-reklame fremover for Asetek dette her.

Asetek Unveils Rad Card™ - Industry’s First Slot-In PCIe Radiator Card
Bringing Liquid Cooled GPUs to Space Constrained PCs

Aalborg, Denmark – May 13, 2020 –– Asetek, the creator of the all-in-one (AIO) liquid cooler and the global leader in liquid cooling solutions for gaming PCs and DIY enthusiasts, today announced its Rad Card GPU Cooler, bringing liquid cooled GPUs to space constrained PC cases. Asetek’s Rad Card GPU Cooler, the industry’s first slot-in PCIe radiator card, is first available in Dell-Alienware’s newly introduced Alienware Aurora R11 PC.

Space concerns are a real issue for PC manufacturers, leaving GPU air cooling as the only option, until now. Asetek took this challenge head-on, innovating a new approach to radiator technology that reimagines the shape and location of the radiator. The Asetek Rad Card GPU Cooler fits into your motherboard’s PCIe slot, just like any other add-in card. By utilizing PCIe slots, Asetek has defined a way to overcome PC manufacturers’ dilemma of finding additional space inside the case for a liquid cooled GPU heat exchanger (HEx).

The unique design of Asetek’s Rad Card GPU Cooler provides numerous benefits:

Space: Rad Card enables a liquid cooled GPU in a chassis where space is constrained, while leaving room for a liquid cooled CPU in the same case.
Performance: In space constrained PC cases, Rad Card provides superior cooling over an air-cooled GPU, ensuring GPU stability and limiting thermal throttling.
Aesthetics: Rad Card eliminates the hassle and clutter of tube routing for a clean and sparse system environment.
“When Alienware approached us to develop a solution to enable GPU cooling in space constrained cases, we were up for the challenge,” said John Hamill, Chief Operating Officer at Asetek. “The result is a completely redesigned approach to GPU cooling.”

To learn more about Asetek liquid cooling, please visit

About Asetek
Asetek, the creator of the all-in-one liquid cooler, is the global leader for liquid cooling solutions for high performance gaming and enthusiast PCs, and environmentally aware data centers. Founded in 2000, Asetek is headquartered in Denmark and has operations in China, Taiwan and the United States. Asetek is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ASETEK.OL).
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.05.2020 kl 18:53 1869

Stop, stop, Plutokrat, du taler den jo væk fra 35 kr. 😊🤣

Selvom jeg er dansker, så vil jeg ønske god dag i morgen til alle nordmænd.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.05.2020 kl 01:06 1798

Herlig, takk!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.05.2020 kl 14:46 1712

Fremtidsudsigterne for "liquid cooling" ser meget lovende ud med gode vækstprognoser. Hvis Asetek formår at opretholde en innovativ og markedsledende tilgang til markedet kan det blive virkelig spænende. I den kontekst er seneste nyhed omkring Aseteks "Rad Card™" særdeles interessant.

Data Center Liquid Cooling market worldwide is projected to grow by US$6.2 Billion, driven by a compounded growth of 27.9%. Indirect Liquid Cooling, one of the segments analyzed and sized in this study, displays the potential to grow at over 27.5%. The shifting dynamics supporting this growth makes it critical for businesses in this space to keep abreast of the changing pulse of the market. Poised to reach over US$5.1 Billion by the year 2025, Indirect Liquid Cooling will bring in healthy gains adding significant momentum to global growth.

- Representing the developed world, the United States will maintain a 31.4% growth momentum. Within Europe, which continues to remain an important element in the world economy, Germany will add over US$195 Million to the region’s size and clout in the next 5 to 6 years. Over US$285.7 Million worth of projected demand in the region will come from Rest of Europe markets. In Japan, Indirect Liquid Cooling will reach a market size of US$345.3 Million by the close of the analysis period. As the world’s second largest economy and the new game changer in global markets, China exhibits the potential to grow at 26.8% over the next couple of years and add approximately US$1 Billion in terms of addressable opportunity for the picking by aspiring businesses and their astute leaders. Presented in visually rich graphics are these and many more need-to-know quantitative data important in ensuring quality of strategy decisions, be it entry into new markets or allocation of resources within a portfolio. Several macroeconomic factors and internal market forces will shape growth and development of demand patterns in emerging countries in Asia-Pacific. All research viewpoints presented are based on validated engagements from influencers in the market, whose opinions supersede all other research methodologies.

- Competitors identified in this market include, among others,

Allied Control Ltd.
Asetek A/S
Emerson Electric Company
Green Revolution Cooling Inc. (GRC)
Horizon Computing Solutions
IBM Corporation
Midas Green Technologies, LLC.
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
Schneider Electric SA
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.05.2020 kl 04:51 1327

Mon ikke Asetek skal over kurs 60 NOK i denne uke? Sker det, så er det åbent op over kurs 70 NOK ret hurtigt, da der ikke ligger ret meget modstand rent teknisk 👍
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.05.2020 kl 13:23 1203

Fra og med i dag av er Asetek sin nye oppfinnelse ute for salg og mange er nok nysgjerrige.
Flunkende ny Alienware Aurora fra Dell ble nettopp sluppet på markedet i dag med blant annet denne kjøleløsningen.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
29.05.2020 kl 23:25 1157

Spændende tider for Asetek 🚀🚀😎
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:13 Du må logge inn for å svare