Donald Trump med økonomiske trusler mot Michigan

Slettet bruker
21.05.2020 kl 01:03 172

Ja da har det på nytt kortsluttet i TWH. Dette er er en stat han MÅ vinne i november. Ok alle vi andre som håper han må flytte etter nov 2020 kan bare glede oss over slike fantastike utspill!!


Donald Trump med økonomiske trusler mot Michigan
USAs president Donald Trump truer med å straffe den viktige vippestaten Michigan økonomisk, fordi han ikke liker at delstaten legger til rette for poststemmer.

President Donald Trump truer på Twitter med å stenge pengekranen til delstaten Michigan. Årsaken er at han mener en korrupt funksjonær i delstaten legger til rette for valgfusk fordi han forbereder delstaten på poststemming.

Trump har gjentatte ganger vært i konflikt med den demokratiske guvernøren Gretchen Whitmer i Michigan.

Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 20, 2020

Trump har også stadig angrepet poststemming, og han sier dette skader sjansene for republikanerne å vinne valg.

Trump selv stemmer per post i Florida, der han er registrert bosatt. Amerikanske soldater og diplomater bruker også poststemmer.

Koronakrisen har gjort poststemming stadig mer aktuelt, hvis man ønsker høy valgdeltagelse ved presidentvalget i november. Undersøkelser viser at det ikke finnes hold i påstandene om at poststemming fører til valgfusk.
21.05.2020 kl 01:12 166

Diktatoren Whitmer ødelegger sin egen delstat.

More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump Tuesday pushing him to end the "national shutdown" aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, calling the widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and kids home from school a "mass casualty incident" with "exponentially growing health consequences."

The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to "[p]overty and financial uncertainty," which "is closely linked to poor health."

The letter continues: "The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.

"Because the harm is diffuse, there are those who hold that it does not exist. We, the undersigned, know otherwise."

The letter comes as the battle over when and how to lift coronavirus restrictions continues to rage on cable television, in the courts, in protests and among government officials. Those for lifting the restrictions have warned about the economic consequences of keeping the shutdowns in effect. Those advocating a more cautious approach say that having more people out and about will necessarily end with more people becoming infected, causing what National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in a Senate hearing last week would be preventable "suffering and death."

But these doctors point to others that are suffering, not from the economy or the virus, but simply from not being able to leave home. The doctors' letter lists a handful of patients by their initials and details their experiences.

"Patient E.S. is a mother with two children whose office job was reduced to part-time and whose husband was furloughed," the letter reads. "The father is drinking more, the mother is depressed and not managing her diabetes well, and the children are barely doing any schoolwork."

"Patient A.F. has chronic but previously stable health conditions," it continues. "Her elective hip replacement was delayed, which caused her to become nearly sedentary, resulting in a pulmonary embolism in April."

Redigert 21.05.2020 kl 01:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.05.2020 kl 09:51 141

Uansett resultat av å åpne opp, er det ikke mulig å holde en hel nasjon i fengsel stort lenger. De økonomiske konsekvensene som allerede er på tuppen av en total kollaps, kommer på toppen av de sosiale samfunnsskadene i tillegg. i USA lever de fleste i fra "paycheck to paycheck", og millioner er avhengig av økonomisk støtte lenge etter korona-vaksinen er tilgjengelig.
Køene til matstasjonene er milevis, og består ikke bare av hjemløse og det en vanligvis betegner som sosialklienter. De kommer i hovedsak i fra middel og øvre middel-klasse og kjører dyre van. Sjefer og ansatte møtes på suppekjøkkenet.