Hvorfor er ikke SSO mye omtalt?

SSO 26.05.2020 kl 09:03 1084

God morgen,folkens😀
Lurer på hvorfor denne aksjen er så lite omtalt når den ligger hele tiden blant de 20 mest omsatte på børsen.
Har kjøpt meg inn 2 ganger nå siste måneden, og er ny i denne. Har inngang på 165,70 i snitt, og dette er jo en aksje med stødig finansiering og inntekter.
Håper noen som er flinkere enn meg kan være med å bidra med info i denne. Synes selv at forretningsmodellen er lett å forstå seg på.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 08:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.08.2020 kl 16:32 779

Fantastisk selskap,denne aksjen gir meg mye
26.08.2020 kl 13:44 641

Hyggelig med kursoppgang. Legger ved sitat fra relevant artikkel.

Big Oil, meet Big Green

Supermajor" has long been the term used to describe the world's largest oil companies. Increasingly, it is coming to define the globe's biggest producers of wind and solar power.

Large-scale renewable energy developers now boast valuations greater than the behemoths of the oil and gas industry.

NextEra Energy Inc., a Florida-based power company and the world's largest generator of wind and solar electricity, is now worth $138 billion. That's more than the likes of Royal Dutch Shell PLC ($112 billion), BP PLC ($71 billion) and ConocoPhillips ($40.1 billion).

Iberdrola SA, the Spanish renewable titan, is valued at $78 billion. And Ørsted A/S, once a tiny Danish utility, has been transformed into a global offshore wind juggernaut worth $58 billion.

The role reversal is a reflection of the times. Oil stocks have been battered by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting drop-off in demand. BP and Shell have been forced to write down their assets by $17.5 billion and $22 billion, respectively, as a result of low oil prices. And Exxon Mobil Corp., one of the world's largest oil companies, was removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average yesterday, a symbol of the industry's sharp economic fall.