Olje på flytende lagring vil fortsette å øke.

FRO 27.05.2020 kl 04:24 54991

“Floating volumes are likely to keep going up in the next few months as many vessels that were recently fixed on floating storage are still sailing to their destinations or in some cases have not been loaded,” Erik Broekhuizen, head of Tanker Research & Consulting at Poten & Partners, said recently during a webinar.
With so many tankers booked on time charter, the tonnage list on the spot market has tightening considerably, pushing up freight.
FRO Technical Analysis
Technical Indicators:STRONG BUYBuy (9)Sell (0)

Fin oppgang i USA i går og det burde tilsi videre oppgang på Oslo Børs når den åpner.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.08.2020 kl 16:53 2009

Har vært litt mer og høyere volum i Frontline, kan det være at det blir en økning i tanksegmentet? Ratene er ikke mye å skryte av men nå som OPEC + skal øke produksjonen og Corona virus bølge 2 er på vei vil vel etterspørselen falle som forrige gang. Kina har fylt opp lagrene sine, blir spennende å se fremover nå. Utbytte kommer i neste mnd så det er ikke heller negativt. Time will show :-)

"Det blir mer tydelig at etterspørselen som mange ventet på olje i løpet av andre halvår var litt for optimistisk," sa ING-strategene Warren Patterson og Wenyu Yao torsdag.

"Dette antyder at vi vil se verdensomspennende tilbud begynne å bli høyere, og gitt den skuffende etterspørselen, øker det muligheten for at markedet kommer tilbake til å bygge varelager i månedene fremover, i stedet for å trekke ned aksjer, som først antatt," sa de .

Av Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.08.2020 kl 16:46 2031

Oil Market Contango Returns
By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jul 30, 2020, 12:00 PM CDT

Oljemarkedets kontango returnerer

I følge Reuters estimater har Brent Crude-futures for september 2020 handlet lavere enn futureskontraktene lenger ut i tid den siste uken, noe som betyr at markedet nå er tilbake i kontango - staten der prisene for levering på senere datoer er høyere enn prisene foran måneden.

I den høye sperreperioden, da alle store økonomier unntatt Kina var under sperring i slutten av mars og begynnelsen av april, var oljemarkedet i en tilstand av superkontango. I denne markedssituasjonen var prisene foran måneden mye lavere enn prisene i de kommende månedene, noe som pekte på et overforsyning av råolje og gjorde lagring av olje for fremtidig salg lønnsomt. Handlere hastet med å charter supertankere for flytende lagring i flere måneder til et år slik at de senere kunne selge oljen til høyere priser.

I midten av juni bidro produksjonskutt fra OPEC +, økonomidrevne begrensninger i USA og Canada, og en oppgang i oljeetterspørsel Brent Crude-prisstrukturen til å bli tilbakestående, noe som signaliserte en skjerping av det fysiske oljemarkedet.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 22:11 2392


Klart det er '' dersom hvisatte '' som det heter ( Sanko ? Japansk eller Kinesisk Sake ?

Det er jo Corona som er helt og holdent hva fremtiden gjør med tank markedet fremover,
derom er vi vel alle enige.

Etter '' vårslipp '' av turister, ikke minst sol tørste Nordmenn og Nordiske land, etter en helvetes
dårlig Fellesferie, ønsker varmere strøk.

I Norge er vi veldig mange bedrifter basert på '' knowhow, kompetanse og liknende '' som mange
har arbeidet fra hjemmekontor '', og Norske arbeidsgivere er mye mer fleksible, om du måtte få
karantene, når man kommer hjem.

De fortsetter jo med det samme de har gjordt i 4 måneder til nå. Sosialt ikke morsomt, men dog,
vi er heldige som lever i Norge og norske arbeidsgivere.

Corona er hva som Rule the waves nå, og for meg ser det ut som det kommer en ny, of ifølge
ekspertisen, har Corona mutert til enda mer smittsom en.

Har nok av FRO, men sitter og ser på EURN, Belgia og USA, daglig, fordi de har gjordt det FRO
burde gjordt, kjøpe tilbake egne aksjer pga. manipulering fra hedge funds m/fler.

Sikler også på mange andre, men, nå kjøper jeg intet, med mindre det bir BlodRødt.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 21:59 2424

Covid-19 is the Elephant in the Room

Covid-19 is the elephant in the room and the U.S. death toll passing the milestone of 150,000 has spread concern to every kind of market, including commodities.

That’s according to Rystad Energy’s head of oil markets, Bjornar Tonhaugen, who added that traders that have been “brushing away” reports of new infections have now started to acknowledge that the danger to oil demand’s recovery is “very real”.

“Such a clear case of oil prices moving opposite to the direction that the day’s news would normally command is really a sober reminder of the fragile market we are in nowadays,” Tonhaugen said in a statement sent to Rigzone on Thursday.

“Not even a 10 million+ barrel draw in U.S. inventories of crude was enough to push prices higher,” he added.

According to Tonhaugen, Rystad Energy expects expect to see larger moves in oil prices next week, when the Brent future contract rolls over into trading October delivery and the extent of higher OPEC+ production volumes becomes “more visible to the market”.

“The production that is coming back will create a new global surplus of oil, which will be added to the existing stocks, driving them to even higher levels in the next four months,” Tonhaugen stated.

“Since some of the extra oil that the market will get is traditionally sent to the U.S., keeping an eye at its imports and vessel commissioning will give volumes of hints of how already stretched stocks will be affected in the country,” he added.

“As the first business day of August is a Monday, it is quite interesting to see how the price will close tomorrow, ahead of a weekend, and if the bearish sentiment this week will erase even more gains on anticipation of the extra OPEC output,” Tonhaugen continued.

To contact the author, email andreas.exarheas@rigzone.com
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 15:06 2640

Nå er det vel et faktum at vi nå ser en lavere ordrebook enn 1996. Som nevnt tidligere. Rederne er forsiktig med å bestille nye skip grunnet uklare imo2030 regler, og sett bort fra corona vil oljeetterspørsel være høyere enn det kommer skip på markedet. Det som er uklart er om supersyklusen starter før antatt overgangen 2022 2023 og mye tyder på det. Selv en twittermelding fra JH mistenker dette, mye grunnet corona.
Min bekymring er at vi får en ny runde med nedstegning som følge av corona som fører til en ny overproduksjon som igjen gir en ny runde med lagring. Vi vil få rate spikes og tidvis høye aksjekurser, men disse vil ikke vare og ender opp med 1-2 års volatilitet.

Er langt mer bekymret for de som er på tørrlast hvor man risikerer nye bunnivåer i høst. Mens tank ikke har noen særlig ordrebooking er de på en måte en "sikret" sektor fremtover, mens tørr lider av overkontrahering og selskapene lider av dette. Milliardtap på milliardtap, og fortsetter det slik må man hente penger et sted...
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 11:57 2785

Mye "hvis og dersom" i den artikkelen pluss en Sanko.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.07.2020 kl 16:12 4580

Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 27. jul 2020
Frontline ligger i en stigende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Det viser at investorer over tid har kjøpt til stadig høyere kurser for å komme seg inn i aksjen og indikerer en god utvikling for bedriften. Aksjen har støtte ved cirka 65.00 kroner og motstand ved cirka 103 kroner. Volumtopper og volumbunner korresponderer godt med topper og bunner i kursen. Dette styrker trendbildet. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv på mellomlang sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks måneders sikt: Kjøp (Score: 62)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.07.2020 kl 10:30 4799

July 23rd 2020 / Week 30
Despite the April/May tanker rate surge and near record 2nd quarter earnings will be reported in the next few
weeks, the tanker charter market continues to struggle. One of the leading shipping analysts made a gloomy
report this week about the future of the sector. . Tanker owners on the other hand remind that we could be seeing strong seasonal numbers by the fourth
Det forventes rekordsterkt 2. kvartal, ratene vil forbli lave til tankaksjer tar seg opp igjen og det blir et bra 4.kvartal ifølge rederiene. Disse dårligere tidene trekker heller ikke til seg institusjonelle investorer så derfor liten fremgang i aksjekursene.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.07.2020 kl 23:14 5044

Bunker fuel quality issues vex market amid floating storage builds - Dess større forskjell, Heavy vis mindre fosfor, vil gjøre det enda mer
PREKERT for redeier med tonnasje uten scrubbers. Ikke minst, legger man til de MANGE skip som må ta 15 års Klassifisering, som
IKKE er en Vanlig Syklus av '' kvalitet for videre seiling '', MEN, 15 år eller mer, må skipet NY Klasses + skifte rør opplegg, pumper etc.

Det koster Mye mer enn hva som er prediket her på Forumet. $ 5 til 6 Mill blir en Joke
Rregn med en sluttregning på $ 10 / 15 Mill, og 2nd hand pris i dag ca. 30 - 35 mill, som nok er enda lavere i dag. VLCC ratene er nå på nivå med Selvkost, som i hine dager var bra,

men, det er FREMOVER vi skal tjene de Store pengene. Moderne skip, lite av, og så de mindre eldre med scrubbers.

ECO ships kommer nok til å gjøre det bra når jeg ligger 6'' under torva ( vel, jeg har sagt, jeg vil at asken min skal ligge på en
minnelund ), og etter hvert vil veldig mange gjøre det samme, og gå Kun til ET sted; med barn, barnebarn etc. som tradisjonene er
å tenne lys, og minnes, ( over godt og vondt, hver sin mening ).

Det er Lysene på kirkegården, hvor også Minnelunden ligger som er det viktige å lære de neste generasjonene, og dets Verdi,
for Høytiden, som man godt kan Feire, uten å '' tro noe som helst '', men en tradisjon vi har i Norge, som vi alle burde videre-

Jeg har ikke Corona, ligger ikke på respirator, MEN, koser meg sammen med min kone og vårt barnebarn, en jente som fyller
år om en måned.


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2020 kl 17:22 5556

Laget ny tråd, pga. et emne burde være GENERALT på tank markedet i sin HELHET, ikke kun noen navngittee som FRO etc.

Linkny tråd - Tank generelt og kanskje vi kan danse en ny runde med ConTango


Kanskje får vi en ny Contango ? Spekulanter har jo tjent en formue sist, inkl. Equinor

Oil Trading Profits Soar for Energy Majors Who Made Storage Bets

By Javier Blas and Lars Erik Taraldsen (Bloomberg) –

In March and April, as oil prices plunged to their lowest in a generation, Norwegian energy giant Equinor ASA was busy doing the opposite of what oil companies usually do: pumping as much crude as possible underground into giant caverns on the nation’s North Sea coast.
Equinor also filled oil tankers with crude, turning them into floating storage facilities, and put even more barrels into onshore tanks elsewhere. Its traders were trying to soften the blow of rock-bottom prices by buying cheap crude, storing it, and simultaneously selling it on the forward market at higher prices.

The trade, known in industry jargon as a contango play, combined with other oil trading activity delivered a record of about $1 billion in pre-tax adjusted earnings in a single quarter. And the Norwegian oil company wasn’t alone: it’s a pattern likely to be repeated throughout the industry from oil majors such as Royal Dutch Shell Plc to independent commodity trading houses like Glencore Plc.The price difference between a Brent contract for immediate delivery and the six-month forward contract — a key measure of the contango — plunged to a record of nearly -$14 a barrel in early April, surpassing the contango witnessed during the 2008-09 financial crisis.

Equinor on Friday said that its midstream business line, which includes trading, made adjusted profit before taxes of $1.16 billion in the second quarter, an increase of $951 million from a year earlier. “The increase was mainly due to contango market during the quarter and good results from liquids trading,” the company said.

The key to the contango play is access to a place to park millions of barrels of crude, perhaps for as long as a year. And Equinor had plenty. “We have storage at Mongstad,” Eldar Saetre, the company’s boss, said in an interview, referring to the underground caverns able to hold almost 9.5 million barrels of crude under the country’s west coast.

“And we have storage capacity that we rent in Korea, we’ve done that for many years, and some other storages here and there,” he said. As onshore storage ran out, oil companies turned to tankers. “We have a lot of floating storage for this purpose,” Saetre added. “We have increased capacity for this purpose, increasing our shipping capacity for storage use.”

Others in the oil industry were doing the same. Although better known for their oil fields, refineries and filling stations, Shell, BP Plc and Total SA also run huge in-house oil trading businesses that dwarf independent commodity trading houses.

The three companies are expected to deliver strong oil trading results when they report their quarterly earnings over the next two weeks, according to people familiar with their business. Some of their so-called trading books made significantly more money in the first half of 2020 than they did in the entirety of 2019, the same people said, asking not to be named because the information isn’t public.

Shell in particular made huge amounts of money on its jet-fuel book, one person familiar with the matter said.

The trading units of Shell, BP and Total handle more than 25 million barrels a day of crude and refined products — equal to a quarter of global consumption. The trio don’t disclose their trading results separately, and many investors consider the operations essentially black boxes. But in the past they have said that contango plays are extremely profitable, able to give a $500 million boost in a single quarter to their trading businesses.

The three oil companies declined to comment.

Few other publicly-listed oil companies trade at the scale of the European oil majors and Equinor, although Eni SpA and Lukoil PJSC also have trading desks. While the extra profits from trading are unlikely to offset much larger losses of revenue from lower oil prices, they could help the three majors to weather the crisis and, perhaps more importantly, beat analysts’ estimates.

The independent traders also enjoyed a bumper period. Glencore, which earlier this year hired the world’s largest oil tanker to play the contango, made nearly $1 billion in earnings before interest and taxes in oil trading in the first six months of 2020, similar to what the company made in the whole of 2019, according to people familiar with the matter.

Glencore, which declined to comment, reports results in early August.

Other independent oil traders, including Trafigura Group, Mercuria Energy Group Ltd and Gunvor Group, have already announced bumper trading results. Mercuria, one of the top-5 independent oil traders, told bankers it enjoyed record profits for the first six months.

Likewise, Gunvor told employees it made bumper profits thanks to its tankers, whose value surged as companies rushed to hire the vessels for storage.

“Given our sizeable fleet of ships under management, this allowed for substantial earnings for the quarter,” said billionaire Torbjorn Tornqvist, the co-founder and head of Gunvor.

–With assistance from Mikael Holter, Rakteem Katakey, Francois de Beaupuy and Andy Hoffman.

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2020.

Redigert i dag kl 14:40
Svar på hovedinnlegg
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2020 kl 15:13 5812

Håper på videre oppgang i USA før vi tar helg, liten bevegelse i tankratene for tiden dessverre.
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det ble rapportert om ni VLCC-slutninger torsdag.

Det fremgår av en slutningsliste fra Fearnleys.

Fraktraten fra Midtøsten til Singapore lå foregående handelsdag på om lag 39 worldscalepoeng, tilsvarende en nedgang på om lag 3,0 prosent på dagsbasis, ifølge data fra Infront.

Det ble sluttet fem reiser til Kina, der to går fra AG, to går fra Vest-Afrika og en går fra USA-gulfen.

Videre ble det sluttet to reiser fra AG, der en går til Vietnam og en går til Sør-Korea.

Ellers ble det gjort to slutninger der detaljene ikke er kjent for markedet.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.07.2020 kl 22:36 6008

Snudde opp idag på ose og ikveld i us 👍😀⚓️
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.07.2020 kl 00:10 6580

Energi alt sammmen, og henger sammen; Olje frakt, tørrlast kull/jernmalm, 2 sistnevnte tørrlast.

Dersom du ønsker å lære noe mer om dette, for all del delta .....
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.07.2020 kl 00:07 6585

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson fikk en eksamensoppgave på Norsk.

Du står foran et stort fjell, hva er din reaksjon på det.

Han skrev KUN, gid jeg var over ...

Med hva som er på denne linken er det sendt å ha blitt for gammel, til Moderne politikk LOL

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2020 kl 20:40 6805

Er dette tråden for å anbefale kull- og andre gruveselskaper?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2020 kl 20:06 6867

Skal til familie over hele USA, når Corona er done.

Dette er bilen jeg vil leie :


Seven-motor Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400 is an electric thrill ride


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2020 kl 09:20 7152

Kun skrapet et par suezmaxer og aframaxer hittil i år. Skulle gjerne sett olje etterspørselen opp nå, forventer da at gamle holker som brukes til flytende lager blir skrapet. I utgangspunktet positivt, ihvertfall på middels og lang sikt, men mulig det på kort sikt blir rate press pga. flere skip i markedet.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2020 kl 07:58 7284

Virkelig rolige tider i tankmarkedet for tiden.

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det ble rapportert om seks VLCC-slutninger mandag.

Det fremgår av en slutningsliste fra Fearnleys.

Det ble sluttet en reise fra AG til India, og det ble sluttet en reise fra USA-gulfen til Kina.

Ellers ble det gjort fire slutninger der detaljene ikke er kjent for markedet.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.07.2020 kl 12:55 7628

Bra for økning av skraping sv skip WW - India har den største kapasiteten i verden i dag.

En liten småbit fra Tradewinds

Regjeringsbyrået sa at mannskapsendringer må gjennomføres i tråd med standard driftsprosedyrer som India først skisserte i april for indiske statsborgere.
Sjøfarere må gjennomgå testing for å bevise at de er fri for Covid-19-infeksjon før de ankommer India.

Utenlandske nasjonale sjøfolk vil også få lov til å bruke India som et transittsted, samt fly med internasjonale charterte og ruteflyvninger.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.07.2020 kl 18:03 8089

Ser ikke ut som Israel har tenkt å vente på det '' inevitable '', og vil ikke gi Iran et eneste pusterom slik jeg ser det.

The Times of Israel -

Fire engulfs factory in Iran’s 2nd apparent industrial accident in hours
Report: -


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 22:54 8625

Har vurdert å kjøp DHT, men ikke fått ut f...ngr

2 Press releases fra DHT nå 22.00 vår tid, om FRO kunne gjøre det samme !!

HAMILTON, BERMUDA, July 17, 2020 – DHT Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DHT) (the “Company”) announces that it has sent notice of its intention to redeem all of the Company’s outstanding 4.5% Convertible Senior Notes due 2021 (CUSIP No. 23335SAD8) (the “Securities”), on August 21, 2020 (the “Redemption Date”), at a price equal to (a) 100% of the principal amount of Securities being redeemed plus (b) accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, but excluding, the Redemption Date. The Securities may be converted into shares of common stock of the Company at any time before the close of business on August 20, 2020, upon satisfaction of the requirements therefor set forth in the Indenture. The Conversion Rate for the Securities is 187.0208 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of Securities.
The details concerning the terms and conditions of the redemption are fully described in the notice of redemption sent to holders of the Securities. This press release is not a notice of redemption. The redemption will be made solely pursuant to the notice of redemption.
This press release does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of an offer to sell or buy securities.

About DHT Holdings, Inc.
DHT is an independent crude oil tanker company. Our fleet trades internationally and consists of crude oil tankers in the VLCC segment. We operate through our integrated management companies in Monaco, Singapore and Oslo, Norway. You shall recognize us by our business approach with an experienced organization with focus on first rate operations and customer service, quality ships built at quality shipyards, prudent capital structure to accommodate staying power through the business cycles, a combination of market exposure and fixed income contracts for our fleet, a counter cyclical philosophy with respect to investments, employment of our fleet and capital allocation and a transparent corporate structure maintaining a high level of integrity and good governance. For further information: www.dhtankers.com.

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements and information relating to the Company that are based on beliefs of the Company’s management as well as assumptions, expectations, projections, intentions and beliefs about future events. When used in this document, words such as “believe,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “project,” “forecast,” “plan,” “potential,” “will,” “may,” “should” and “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. These statements reflect DHT’s current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and subject to risks and uncertainties. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect the Company’s current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and subject to risks and uncertainties. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements represent the Company’s estimates and assumptions only as of the date of this press release and are not intended to give any assurance as to future results. For a detailed discussion of the risk factors that might cause future results to differ, please refer to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 25, 2020.
The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events discussed in this press release might not occur, and the Company’s actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements.

Laila C. Halvorsen, CFO
Phone: +1 441 295 1422 and +47 984 39 935
E-mail: lch@dhtankers.com

Wilhelm Flinder, Manager – Investor Relations & Business Analysis
Phone: +1 441 295 1422 and +47 936 11 350
E-mail: wf@dhtankers.com

Melding om Q2, Mandag 10 august

HAMILTON, BERMUDA, July 17, 2020 - DHT Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DHT) (the “Company”) will release its second quarter 2020 results after market close on Monday August 10, 2020.

The Company will host a conference call and webcast, which will include a slide presentation at 8:00 a.m. EST/14:00 CET on Tuesday August 11, 2020 to discuss the results for the quarter.

The conference call may be accessed by calling +1 646 741 3167 within the United States,
21 56 30 15 within Norway and +44 (0) 2071 928338 for international callers. The confirmation code is “1249655”.

The webcast which will include a slide presentation will be available on the following link:
https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/i54k3tis and can also be accessed in the Investor Relations section on DHT's website at http://www.dhtankers.com.

An audio replay of the conference call will be available until August 18, 2020 at 19:00 CET. To access the replay, dial +1 (917) 677-7532 within the United States, 21 03 42 35 within Norway or +44 (0) 3333 009785 for international callers and enter "1249655" as the confirmation code.
About DHT Holdings, Inc.
DHT is an independent crude oil tanker company. Our fleet trades internationally and consists of crude oil tankers in the VLCC segment. We operate through our integrated management companies in Monaco, Singapore and Oslo, Norway. You shall recognize us by our business approach with an experienced organization with focus on first rate operations and customer service, quality ships built at quality shipyards, prudent capital structure to accommodate staying power through the business cycles, a combination of market exposure and fixed income contracts for our fleet, a counter cyclical philosophy with respect to investments, employment of our fleet and capital allocation and a transparent corporate structure maintaining a high level of integrity and good governance. For further information: www.dhtankers.com.

Laila C. Halvorsen, CFO
Phone: +1 441 295 1422 and +47 984 39 935
Email: lch@dhtankers.com

Wilhelm Flinder, Manager - Investor Relations & Business Analysis
Phone: +1 441 295 1422 and +47 936 11 350
Email: wf@dhtankers.com

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 19:48 8781

VLCC - Very Large Cash Cow, om vi kan siterere
Sjefen. Et av få selskaper som tjener bra, og som
ikke drømmer om det en gang i framtiden.
Og som lar overskuddet drysse rikelig ut til aksjonærene.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 17:24 8906

Ingen gambling, bare vent til august / september

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 16:31 8993

Jeg fik lastet mig op, igen, med FRO.
Chancen var med da, FRO faldt tilbage i lukke handel.

Her er det ren gambling, så mye at kurs svinger i Tank aktier idag.:
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 15:46 9052

China’s crude runs top 14mn b/d in June

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 10:44 9260

Samt mange fler Suezmax ligger på reden i nord Kina, hvor Kinas største Rafeneri ligger ...

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 10:41 9267

India tops a million coronavirus cases as pandemic hits villages Zeba Siddiqui

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 10:22 9307

På Kinakysten ligger mange vlcc som flydende lager.:
Handel med olje, foregår derude, med omskibning af transporter, der er udskibet i Arab Gulf til Japan og Korea til Kina.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2020 kl 08:52 9426

Russian Oil Minister: Get Ready for a Significant Uptick In Crude Oil Demand:
Russisk oljeminister: Gjør deg klar for en betydelig opptakt i etterspørsel etter råolje
Den globale etterspørselen etter olje vil komme seg betydelig igjen neste måned, og klatre til å være innenfor 10% av nivået som verden så før coronavirus-pandemien, sa Russlands energiminister Alexander Novak torsdag, ifølge Reuters.
OPEC ser ut til å være enig.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2020 kl 22:27 9664

Israel keeps blowing up military targets in Iran, hoping to force a confrontation before Trump could be voted out in November, sources say

insider@insider.com (Mitch Prothero) Business Insider July 16, 2020, 8:44 AM

Full article at: https://www.yahoo.com/news/israel-keeps-blowing-military-targets-154425524.html

The article contains interesting speculation, It is up to the reader to decide as to what to believe. One thing is 'for sure': nice photos.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2020 kl 12:06 10009

Iraq Slashes Oil Sales to Some Buyers as OPEC Eyes Laggards

Bloomberg News
BloombergJuly 16, 2020

(Bloomberg) -- Iraq will supply less oil to some refiners in Asia and Europe as it seeks to meet its production-cut target under the OPEC+ output agreement.

SOMO, the state-run oil marketing company in OPEC’s second-biggest producer, notified at least six customers in Asia that it won’t fulfill their requests for contractual supplies loading next month, according to company officials with knowledge of the refineries’ crude procurement. Two buyers were told they wouldn’t receive any Basrah oil and that SOMO will try to accommodate their needs in the following month, the officials said.

Three other Asian customers were given smaller volumes, another only got one-third of what it was seeking, while five refiners received what they asked for. In Europe, at least three buyers were given reduced contractual supplies, while another got full volumes, according to people familiar with the situation.

SOMO’s crude oil marketing division didn’t respond to an email seeking comment.

The reduction in supply of the medium and heavy-sour Basrah grades comes at a time when those varieties are already highly sought after. The OPEC+ output curbs and shrinking flows from Iran and Venezuela have led to scarcity, while lighter crudes that yield more jet fuel are less in demand at the moment.

However, in what some buyers said was another surprising move, SOMO offered 1 million barrels of its Basrah Light crude for late August loading in a tender document dated July 15.

See also: Dirty Oil Gets More Pricey as Major Producers Bank on Asia

Iraq, which has a reputation of not meeting its production-cut targets in the past, has come under increased pressure from Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ members to curb output as the coronavirus eviscerated demand. It slashed the term oil supplies to several Asian and European buyers by 40-80% for July.

On Wednesday, Iraq agreed to a schedule of compensatory cuts to make up for lagging on its target under the OPEC+ deal, according to a delegate. The nation will trim an extra 70,000 barrels a day in July, followed by an additional 314,000 barrels and 313,000 barrels in August and September, respectively.

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia commended Iraq for implementing almost all of its pledged output curbs in further signs that disputes among OPEC+ producers over cheating of quotas are being resolved.

(Updates with details throughout.)

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Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2020 kl 11:46 10048

QUITE SPECIAL :Coronavirus: Abu Dhabi health chief volunteers as first patient to test Covid-19 vaccine
He's probably infected and on '' death bed / row ''

Coronavirus: Abu Dhabi health chief volunteers as first patient to test Covid-19 vaccine

The chairman of the Department of Health Abu Dhabi has volunteered as the first patient to test for the inactive vaccine, which contains a killed version of the germ that causes Covid-19

The UAE has begun the first globally recognized clinical trial for a Covid-19 vaccine in Abu Dhabi.

The chairman of the Department of Health Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed, volunteered as the first patient to test the inactive vaccine, which contains a killed version of the germ that causes Covid-19.

Dr Jamal Al Kaabi, acting undersecretary of the department, which is overseeing the trials, volunteered to be second in line to test if the vaccine is capable of producing antibodies that fight the coronavirus and provide immunity to the inoculated individual.

The tests comprise the first phase 3 clinical trial for Covid-19 to be listed by World Health Organization, officials said on Thursday.


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2020 kl 11:11 10103


U.S. Position on Maritime Claims in the South China Sea

The United States champions a free and open Indo-Pacific. Today we are strengthening U.S. policy in a vital, contentious part of that region — the South China Sea. We are making clear: Beijing’s claims to offshore resources across most of the South China Sea are completely unlawful, as is its campaign of bullying to control them.

In the South China Sea, we seek to preserve peace and stability, uphold freedom of the seas in a manner consistent with international law, maintain the unimpeded flow of commerce, and oppose any attempt to use coercion or force to settle disputes. We share these deep and abiding interests with our many allies and partners who have long endorsed a rules-based international order.

These shared interests have come under unprecedented threat from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Beijing uses intimidation to undermine the sovereign rights of Southeast Asian coastal states in the South China Sea, bully them out of offshore resources, assert unilateral dominion, and replace international law with “might makes right.” Beijing’s approach has been clear for years. In 2010, then-PRC Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told his ASEAN counterparts that “China is a big country and other countries are small countries and that is just a fact.” The PRC’s predatory world view has no place in the 21st century.

The PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region. Beijing has offered no coherent legal basis for its “Nine-Dashed Line” claim in the South China Sea since formally announcing it in 2009. In a unanimous decision on July 12, 2016, an Arbitral Tribunal constituted under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention – to which the PRC is a state party – rejected the PRC’s maritime claims as having no basis in international law. The Tribunal sided squarely with the Philippines, which brought the arbitration case, on almost all claims.

As the United States has previously stated, and as specifically provided in the Convention, the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision is final and legally binding on both parties. Today we are aligning the U.S. position on the PRC’s maritime claims in the SCS with the Tribunal’s decision. Specifically:

The PRC cannot lawfully assert a maritime claim – including any Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claims derived from Scarborough Reef and the Spratly Islands – vis-a-vis the Philippines in areas that the Tribunal found to be in the Philippines’ EEZ or on its continental shelf. Beijing’s harassment of Philippine fisheries and offshore energy development within those areas is unlawful, as are any unilateral PRC actions to exploit those resources. In line with the Tribunal’s legally binding decision, the PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal, both of which fall fully under the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction, nor does Beijing have any territorial or maritime claims generated from these features.
As Beijing has failed to put forth a lawful, coherent maritime claim in the South China Sea, the United States rejects any PRC claim to waters beyond a 12-nautical mile territorial sea derived from islands it claims in the Spratly Islands (without prejudice to other states’ sovereignty claims over such islands). As such, the United States rejects any PRC maritime claim in the waters surrounding Vanguard Bank (off Vietnam), Luconia Shoals (off Malaysia), waters in Brunei’s EEZ, and Natuna Besar (off Indonesia). Any PRC action to harass other states’ fishing or hydrocarbon development in these waters – or to carry out such activities unilaterally – is unlawful.

The PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to (or derived from) James Shoal, an entirely submerged feature only 50 nautical miles from Malaysia and some 1,000 nautical miles from China’s coast. James Shoal is often cited in PRC propaganda as the “southernmost territory of China.” International law is clear: An underwater feature like James Shoal cannot be claimed by any state and is incapable of generating maritime zones. James Shoal (roughly 20 meters below the surface) is not and never was PRC territory, nor can Beijing assert any lawful maritime rights from it.
The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire. America stands with our Southeast Asian allies and partners in protecting their sovereign rights to offshore resources, consistent with their rights and obligations under international law. We stand with the international community in defense of freedom of the seas and respect for sovereignty and reject any push to impose “might makes right” in the South China Sea or the wider region.

2 ytterligere artikkler på samme Link - Scoll ned


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2020 kl 09:15 10238

Kort oversettelse fra Tradewinds ( kun 3 avsnitt, er vel lov ? )

Som anntatt mer problematikk i PG/AG

Saga tar en annen vri da flaggstaten sier at indisk mannskap blir repatriert etter mystisk seilas fra UAE

Den bisarre historien om en savnet arrestert suezmax har tatt en annen vri etter at flaggstaten sa at den var funnet utenfor Iran etter en "kapring".

Den 151.000 dwt Gulf Sky (bygd 1998) forlot havnen i Khor Fakkan i De forente arabiske emirater 5. juli, og brøt en ordre om ikke-seil, og hvor den ble kjent før satellittbilder fant den i iranske farvann tirsdag.

Les i Tradewinds
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2020 kl 09:02 10290

Oil Market Heading in Right Direction

The oil market is heading in the right direction, for now.

That’s what Rystad Energy believes, according to the company’s senior oil markets analyst Paola Rodriguez-Masiu, who sent an industry comment to Rigzone on Wednesday.

“During 3Q20, global crude demand is expected to rebound by 7.1 million barrels per day (MMbpd) compared to 2Q20, and thus we expect balances to show sizable deficits during 3Q20, even as OPEC+ increases production by about 2MMbpd,” Rodriguez-Masiu said in the statement.

The Rystad representative warned, however, that the company’s positive crude outlook is not without risk.

“The Americas region could throw a spanner in the rebalancing act as daily infections continue to rise and some states consider new restrictions,” Rodriguez-Masiu said.

“The expected forecasted draws are at the mercy of the outcome of the Covid crisis and could be weighed down further by the prospect of Libya’s production coming back after a prolonged period of shut-downs,” the senior oil markets analyst added.

“The price recovery is fragile and hinges not only upon avoiding a derailing of the demand recovery, but also OPEC+ adherence to quotas as they slowly ramp-up output in August,” Rodriguez-Masiu went on to say.

The final decision on whether the OPEC+ alliance will keep near 10MMbpd off the market or taper their cuts will be reached today, Rodriguez-Masiu highlighted. The Rystad analyst said the company anticipates the initial agreement will be honored and described an OPEC+ production rise as a “justified move”.

Rystad describes itself as an independent energy research and business intelligence company providing data, tools, analytics and consultancy services to clients exposed to the energy industry across the globe. Established in 2004, the business, which is based in Oslo, Norway, has several offices around the world and is led by CEO Jarand Rystad.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 20:38 10463

Fra et disksjonsforum i Uniten - Informative, indeed: ( Link for grafer på linken til poster on the board )

De som har kunnskap av å lese grafer, ville jeg sette pris på om kommanetarer kan gis -:)

Ole Hansen crude charts


Ser med glede på at fortjenesten min, dvs. Bankens penger jeg satte inn i Norwegian Cruise Line Holding igjen,
når ned igjen på min smerte grense ( $ 14 ), går bra opp igjen; PT $ 18,440.
Som jeg sa åpent til alle her, jeg kjøpte sist til $ 14 og solgte på $ 26 ....

NO WAY will creditorer eller Bond Holders blir REDERE, særlig ikke i Cruise virksomhet.
Slike skip kan man nesten sammenligne med et US Hangarskip, som hver især er som små byer og dets infrastruktur.
6500 Personell pr. skip.

NCLH har allerede sikret seg nok Milliarder ( US, Billions ) for ikke å feile på lån ....

A no brainer IMO Join the Circus
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 16:35 10606

At least seven ships are burning near Iranian port city

At least seven ships are burning near the Iranian port city of Bushehr, writes Reuters on Wednesday, referring to local media reports.
The news agency points out that there have been several explosions and fires around Iranian military and industrial facilities since the end of June.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 16:29 10528

OPEC+ works on modest easing of oil cuts: source

"A key ministerial panel of OPEC and its allies, including Russia will discuss easing oil cuts on
Wednesday but the relaxation will be smaller than expected thanks to compensation by countries
which overproduced in previous months.

An OPEC+ source familiar with the discussion said and OPEC+ materials seen by Reuters
showed the cuts will ease from the current 9.7 million barrels per day to around 8.54 million
bpd in August and September."


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 15:05 10626

Saken oppdateres.

Onsdag møttes det utvidede oljekartellet kjent som Opec+ i Wien, Østerrike for å diskutere veien videre for verdens største oljenasjoner.
Ifølge Bloomberg støtter Saudi-Arabia og Russland nedtrapping av kuttene fra og med august.
I mai vedtok kartellet et produksjonskutt på tvers av landene på 9,7 millioner fat olje per dag, og den opprinnelige planen har vært å redusere kuttene fra nåværende nivå til 7,7 millioner fat per dag.

Siden det dramatiske oljeprisfallet i april, der ett fat nordsjøolje på det laveste ble handlet under 20 dollar, har prisene mer enn doblet seg. I skrivende stund handles brent spot til over 43 dollar fatet, det høyeste siden tidlig i mars.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 14:51 10626

Takk Underberg.

Må jo ha noe å gjøre, risikogruppen for Corona, tatt vaksine mot lungebetennelse.

Som pensjonert skipsmegler, som jeg alltid har sagt. En skipsmegler kan litt om Alt,
Men, ikke, Alt om litt. Stor horisont på de 7 hav og man plukker jo opp mye etter 40+
år i shipping.

MERK I DAG, APPLE ( selv om de fleste har lest i DN

Kan bli en short squezze, som i Tesla, Apple VANT SAKEN og mÅ
ikke betale

Apple og Irland vant over Europakommisjonen i skattesak – slipper å betale 140 milliarder.

En EU-domstol har gitt Apple og Irland medhold i en anke over Europakommisjonens krav
om at Apple må betale flere milliarder mer i skatt til Irland.

Godt er det å se at Sosialistene, i hverfall i Irland, at Domstolene der, som motsatt her,

IKKE FØLGER STORTINGETS VILJE, som er et Grande problem med Norske Domstoler.

AP har fyllt opp alle Dept.'s i Norge med AP koryfeer, la oss alle bli kvitt, hele venstres siden
i Norsk politikk. Stortinget vår består av 90 % akademikere, som aldri har arbeidet i konkuransse
utsatt Privat virksomhet. Gjør et Dept feil, så står ingen til ansvar, og ansvaret PULVISERES, som
det heter på Jus Språket.

Det er Så lett å bruke penger, som er skap av andre ...

Håper ikke Adm. finner dette innlegget '' uansvarlig, og/eller ikke passende,
da er i så fall Grensen nådd for Ytterligsfrihet !
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 14:26 10626

Talking about the Sun

Widow of Bangladeshi Shipbreaker Free to Sue UK Company, Court Rules

By Naimul Karim DHAKA, July 14 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A Bangladeshi woman whose husband died while dismantling an oil tanker at a ship-breaking yard in 2018 can file a negligence claim against a British company involved in the vessel’s sale, London’s High Court ruled this week.

Khalil Mollah, 32, fell to his death while working on a tanker called the EKTA in the port city of Chattogram in southeastern Bangladesh, where scores of end-of-life ships are sent to be scrapped each year.

British lawyers representing his widow, Hamida Begum, took her case to court in April 2019, arguing that Maran (UK) Ltd was responsible for the ship ending up in Bangladesh, where working conditions in ship-breaking yards were known to be dangerous.
Maran was not immediately available to comment on Monday’s High Court judgment, which said Begum had “a real prospect of succeeding in relation to her claim in negligence.”

“The proximate cause of the accident was the deceased’s fall from a height, but on a broader, purposive approach the accident resulted from a chain of events which led to the vessel being grounded at Chattogram,” the court’s judgment read.

The ruling denied an application filed by Maran earlier this year to have Begum’s claim struck out.

The EKTA, which was formerly called the Maran Centaurus, had been owned and managed by companies belonging to the Angelicoussis Shipping Group, which included Maran (UK) Limited, according to details from the judgment.

Rather than deal directly with ship-breakers it has been standard practice for decades for ship-owners to act through brokers or intermediaries, the ruling said.

The Maran Centaurus was sold for demolition in an August 2017 deal worth more than $16 million.

Bangladesh is one of the most popular destinations for breaking end-of-life ships with at least 230 ships out of about 670 broken on its beaches last year, according to NGO Shipbreaking Platform.

Thousands of Bangladeshis depend on the sector for survival, but rights groups have been sounding the alarm about hazardous working conditions in the industry for years.

At least 24 ship-breaking workers were killed last year and another 34 were seriously injured at the scrap yards, the highest toll in almost a decade, according to Bangladeshi non-profit Young Power in Social Action.

Most companies sell ships to scrap dealers, better known as cash buyers, who pay the highest price for ships and are closely linked to beach yards where unsafe working practices are common, Shipbreaking Platform said in a recent report.

Oliver Holland, a partner at the Leigh Day law firm representing Begum, said that trend could change if Maran (UK) is made to accept that it owed Begum’s husband a duty of care.

“Maybe that will go some way to making UK shipping companies think twice about accepting greater financial reward for their end-of-life vessels at the cost of the environment and the lives of South Asian workers,” he said. (Reporting by Naimul Karim @Naimonthefield; Editing by Helen Popper. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers the lives of people around the world who struggle to live freely or fairly. Visit http://news.trust.org)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2020.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 14:01 10650

U.S. Says Room for Sanctions in Response to China in South China Sea

GottaLove it, let the Games begin. We, in the west, should not give a damn
about these Asians Loosing Face, who cares.All they understand, is the
POWER GAME, and the sooner the west Act, the better IMO.

The little shit in North Korea, were 98 % of the population staves to death anyway;
he Knows, his country will be obliterated to the Largest Parking lot in the World .. IF he ....

even try; and he's more concerned with himself, dosn't even like to fly ....
U.S. Says Room for Sanctions in Response to China in South China Sea.
July 14, 2020 by Reuters

An aerial photo taken through a glass window of a Philippine military plane shows China’s alleged land reclamation on mischief reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, west of Palawan, Philippines, in this May 11, 2015 file photo. REUTERS/Ritchie B. Tongo/Pool/Files
reuters logo
By Humeyra Pamuk and David Brunnstrom WASHINGTON, July 14 (Reuters) – The top U.S. diplomat for East Asia warned on Tuesday that Washington could respond with sanctions against Chinese officials and enterprises involved in coercion in the South China Sea after the United States announced a tougher stance to Beijing’s claims there.

“Nothing is off the table … there is room for that. This is a language the Chinese understand – demonstrative and tangible action,” David Stilwell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia, told a Washington think tank when asked if sanctions were a possible U.S. response to Chinese actions.

Stilwell spoke a day after Washington rejected China’s claims to offshore resources in most of the South China Sea as “completely unlawful,” a stance denounced by Beijing.

Washington has long opposed China’s expansive territorial claims in the South China Sea and has sent warships regularly through the strategic waterway, through which about $3 trillion of trade passes each year, to demonstrate freedom of navigation.

But Monday’s announcement was the first time it declared Chinese claims illegal.

China claims 90% of the potentially energy-rich sea, but Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also claim parts of it. Beijing has built bases atop atolls in the region but says its intentions are peaceful.

Greg Poling, a South China Sea expert at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies said declaring Chinese claims illegal opened the way for a tougher U.S. response, such as through sanctions, and could also lead to more U.S. naval presence operations.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian condemned the U.S. move, saying it “destroys regional peace and stability and is an irresponsible act.”

The U.S.-China relationship has grown increasingly tense recently over various issues, including China’s handling of the novel coronavirus and its tightened grip on Hong Kong.

Stilwell said the tougher U.S. position meant “we are no longer going to say we are neutral on these maritime issues.”

“When a (Chinese) drilling rig plants itself in Vietnamese or Malaysian waters, we’re going to be able to make a positive statement,” he said.

Stilwell had a particular warning over the Scarborough Shoal, an strategic outcrop 200 km (124 miles) from the Philippines claimed by Beijing and Manila that China seized in 2012.

“Any move by (China) to physically occupy, reclaim or militarize Scarborough Shoal would be a dangerous move … and would have lasting and severe consequences for (China’s)relationship with the United States, as well as the entire region,” he said. (Reporting by Humeyra Pamuk and David Brunnstrom; editing by Jonathan Oatis and Sandra Maler)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2020.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 10:44 5367

Ikke annet enn at Jedah er 4 timer foran oss, men gud vet hvor de alle sitter
på video konferanse.

Skal søke litt rundt og finner jeg noe, så skriver jeg pronto
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.07.2020 kl 10:04 5373

Markedet venter på Opec-beskjed og lagertall.
Noen som vet når klokken møte finner sted ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare