GOGL - September #1

GOGL 03.09.2018 kl 08:27 25546

PAS er ute med ny månedsportefølje I dag. De beholder GOGL og begrunner dette som følger:

"GOGL – BUY, TP NOK 97 / USD 17.5
Near five years after Fredriksen’s previous growth vehicle Frontline 2012 stated that it wanted to create a spot oriented capsize vehicle that could “pay out dividends almost every day” we are finally getting here. The Q2’18 report was just ahead of expectations, and we believe the 10/cent per quarter dividend will increase steeply from Q3. The capesize market has stabilized well above USD 20,000/day, panamax rates are trending upwards, and the overall demand picture from China is encouraging. The market will eventually start to talk about yield again, and we continue to see significant upside. With USD 1.6/share of FCF at what we consider to be fairly modest 2019 estimates (USD 20k/day for capes) the potential is substantial. Current NAV of USD 9.1 rises to 10.7 if values increase 10%, and if cape-rates go to 30k GOGL could see two dollars of EPS next year."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.09.2018 kl 17:52 5645

Gogl eneste bulk aksje som går ned i USA utroligt eller hva ? børs er ikke lett og skjønne av og til
28.09.2018 kl 07:51 5349

Coal freight rates face 20-40% hike from 2020 – WoodMac
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 28/09/2018

Looming restrictions on shipping fuel sulphur content could see freight rates on seaborne coal routes rise by as much as 40% in 2020, consultancy Wood Mackenzie said on Thursday.

“Coal companies relying on ocean transport should brace for increased voyage rates,” said Anthony Knutson, principal analyst for WoodMac.

In October last year, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) said a global fuel oil sulphur limit of 0.5% mass/mass (m/m) would take effect from 1 January 2020 to help meet the UN body’s environmental and health objectives.

This represents a significant cut from the 3.5% m/m limit, which has been in place since 2012, and relates to fuel oil used in a vessel’s main and auxiliary engines and boilers.

“Coal exporters and importers can expect a 20% to 40% step change increase in coal route voyage rates on a US dollar per tonne basis [if they switch to lower-sulphur fuel],” Knutson said in the report.

According to shipbroker Arrow estimates, a capesize vessel of coal to Europe, from Colombia, currently costs around USD 8.75/t, which is just 9% of the current Des ARA coal price.

For decades, heavy fuel oil has been the global bulk fleet’s fuel of choice, due to its low price and wide availability.

“The days of abundant and cheaper marine fuel are ending,” he said, adding however refineries were slow, and possibly reluctant, to make major investments for the swing to low-sulphur fuel oil.

Shipowners have other options to help them comply with tougher environmental and health regulation, such as retrofitting scrubbers or switching to LNG.

Scrubbers – more officially known as “exhaust gas cleaning systems” – can be retrofitted to vessels and “clean” the emissions before they are released into the atmosphere.

“We predict scrubbers as a medium-term solution for marine fuel compliance. To continue running traditional [high sulphur] fuels requires the cost of a scrubber and downtime for installation,” Knutson said, noting however the technology was largely unproven and costly.

LNG is another option, he said, adding “we forecast liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a long-term solution for marine fuel compliance”.

Existing oil-based engines cannot switch directly to LNG, but shipping companies can procure new LNG-fuelled ships with engine package options ranging from 100% LNG-fired steam turbines to dual diesel and LNG-fuelled units.

Yet so far, shipowners have been slow to deal with the impending restrictions, with many adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach.

“The clock is ticking on global bulker companies before binding international marine fuel sulphur limits come into force,” Knutson said.
Source: Montel

28.09.2018 kl 09:16 5197

Det ser ut til at vi skal "tygge" oss gjennom 80-nivået i dag, kanskje til og med over 81. Det er bare å nyte ferden, og samtidig rette en takk til SEB som etter sigende har tatt opp GOGL til kjøp.
28.09.2018 kl 09:17 5187

Blir vel aargangsvin i dag, Kjepet ?
28.09.2018 kl 09:45 5105

Mener alt ligger til rette for å nå gamle høyder. Passerer 100 før nyttår
28.09.2018 kl 09:48 5090

Tja, er jo fredag, som forresten ser ut til å bli go' dagen i bulk fremover. Sjekke de siste 3 fredagene.

Opptatt i kveld, men får vel ta med fruen på en bedre middag i morgen kveld, inkludert årgangsvin :-)

Helt "greit" volum den første timen også. Mange som har det travelt med å komme inne nå (sent men godt).....

@kubota: Er du inne igjen?

Redigert 28.09.2018 kl 10:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.09.2018 kl 10:39 4950

2018-09-28 10:29:40 CET
Oslo (TDN Direkt): SEB oppgraderer anbefalingen på Golden Ocean-aksjen til kjøp fra selg, og høyner kursmålet til 15 dollar, fra tidligere 8,3 dollar, ifølge en oppdatering fredag.

"Det sterke antiforurensningsstandpunktet fra kinesiske myndigheter presser stålmøllene og utilities-selskapene til å bruke mer importert jernmalm og kull. Vi venter at den høye kullimporten vil fluktuere, men at jernmalmimporten vil øke stødig. Tørrbulkordreboken er begrenset, kapasiteten vill falle videre når IMO2020 insentiverer sakte seiling", skriver meglerhuset, som har økt sine utnyttelsesgrad og fraktestimater.

HH, finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
28.09.2018 kl 10:41 4939

Moro at stadig flere og flere meglerhus kommer diltende etter.
Slettet bruker
28.09.2018 kl 10:58 4889

Da får vi håpe på en god rateoppdatering i ettermiddag!
28.09.2018 kl 11:01 4881

Ser bra ut i Kina i dag. Et par prosent opp der på Iron Ore indexen :-)
Redigert 28.09.2018 kl 11:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.09.2018 kl 12:41 4687

NOK 120+ i kursmål fra SEB gir en temmelig pen oppside for de som vurderer å gå inn/laste mer. Jeg sitter helt stille og venter på NOK 140.
Slettet bruker
28.09.2018 kl 13:16 4614

Håper vi ser $30k utover høsten. Da blir det penger!
28.09.2018 kl 20:01 4420

Bulk report – Week 39
28 September 2018

A stop-start market for the big ships with many expectations and few fulfilled. Holidays curtailed trading early in the week, but the C5 route regained some ground with rates in excess of the mid-$7.00s for 11 October onwards, although, bunker values also rose sharply last week. Owners remained optimistic, wanting $8.00 as the week closed out, with some suggesting it had been done. Timecharter trading was less prevalent, with rates ranging from $15,000 to the low $17,000s for Australian round voyages, with the rate dependent on how well the ship was described. Brazil was expected to be active, but again fixing was piecemeal, with rates for mid-late October still under $21.00 for Qingdao discharge. Further north, talk focussed on a tightening supply of tonnage, with rumours dominating the market of sharply higher rates agreed, but not always confirmed as fixed. There were various rumours of over $20,000 daily for transatlantic rates and some suggesting the Puerto Bolivar/Rotterdam route was in excess of $10.00 and heading towards $10.50.

Despite the disruption due to the holidays in the East at the start of the week, rates have improved everywhere ahead of further holidays this week. The Pacific has been well supported by mineral trades, especially into India, with South America adding fuel to the flames as owners in the South were able to fix on a DOP basis. A well described Kamsarmax achieved $17,000 daily basis Singapore delivery for a South American round. The Atlantic was busy from the start of the week, with a shortage of tonnage from the Mediterranean, with Kamsarmaxes achieving $15,500 to $16,000 for longer grain rounds which were similar levels to the shorter coal trips in the North. There was also a number of front haul stems from St Lawrence to China covered at around $23,000 daily from Continent deliveries. Period activity was sporadic as charterers considered the effect of this week’s holidays.

Overall a positive week for the BSI with gains made from key areas. Period activity remained, with a 56,000dwt fixed delivery Kandla for three to five months trading at $13,500.

The Atlantic saw better demand from the US Gulf, Mediterranean and South Atlantic regions, with a 52,000dwt being covered from the US Gulf to the East at $24,000. In the Mediterranean, a 60,000dwt was fixed delivery for a Canakkale trip via the Black Sea, redelivery Chittagong, at $24,000. Demand remained from Brazil, with charterers seeing improved values for Ultramaxes on the back of strong rates for Panamaxes, with a 63,000dwt covered in the upper $15,000s plus upper $500,000 ballast bonus.

With holidays last week and imminent holidays this week, the market remained relatively firm. A 56,000dwt fixed delivery for a Surabaya trip with redelivery to west coast India at $13,500. More demand was seen from the Indian Ocean, with a 55,000dwt fixed delivery Durban for an early October trip, redelivery CJK-Japan, at $13,700 plus $370,000 ballast bonus.

Like the larger sizes, it was a more positive week for the BSHI, with gains made across many routes. Some period activity surfaced, with a 32,000dwt fixed from the Continent for three to five months, trading redelivery to the Atlantic in the mid $10,000s. The Atlantic saw upward pressure from the US Gulf, with brokers suggesting a tightening in tonnage supply was pushing rates higher. From East coast South America, demand remained, as a 37,600dwt fixed delivery Santos for a trip via the Plate to the Baltic in the mid to upper $15,000s. As the week came to an end some suggested a slight easing of demand from the Mediterranean, but few fixtures were disclosed.

With the upcoming holidays in the Asian market, brokers advised little activity evident towards the end of the working week. A 37,000-dwt was reported fixed for two laden legs delivery Indonesia, redelivery Singapore-Japan, but many were waiting to how see how the market will progress in the coming days.

For daily dry bulk assessments from the Baltic Exchange please visit www.balticexchange.com/market-information/


Ønsker med dette alle en riktig god helg.
28.09.2018 kl 20:18 4386

Mange tak for alle de gode informationer/ indlæg du servicerer os med. Jeg er forholdsvis ny her på GOGL tråde og oplever kvaliteten af information og tonen her som noget af det bedste jeg har oplevet på HO gennem mere end 10 år.
God weekend
28.09.2018 kl 20:27 4369

Slettet bruker
28.09.2018 kl 20:50 4328

SA 2Takk det samme.
Redigert 28.09.2018 kl 20:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.09.2018 kl 09:05 4074

Her er det bare å fylle glasset. Tror vi snart passerer 100