Seadrill - neste rakett ut - kort vei til 10kr

SEADR 05.06.2020 kl 15:42 3889

Selskapet blir kvitt flere ansatt og dyr US notering, sterk oljepris og selskapet er kraftig ned..her kommer traderne til å ta tak og sende den over 4kr på mandag og videre opp mot 10kr..

Aksjen tar en liten opptur fra bunnen, og puster nå litt ut før videre stigning.

Perfekt inngang.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.06.2020 kl 17:59 3798

Du kan jo begynne med å få rett ticker på tråden før du kommer med spådommer 🤣
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
02.07.2021 kl 08:45 3228

Raketten tennes nå. Oljeprisen snart 80 dollar fatet som i 2014.

2.7.2021, 07:48 · Oslo Børs
Seadrill New Finance Limited (the "Issuer") - Update on Restructuring Discussions and Proposed Consent Solicitation Launch
Hamilton, Bermuda | July 2, 2021 - Seadrill Limited ("Seadrill" or the
"Company") (OSE: SDRL, OTCPK:SDRLF) and the Issuer announce that, further to the

announcement made by Seadrill and the Issuer on June 18, 2021, the Issuer and

certain of its subsidiaries have today agreed key commercial terms for a

comprehensive restructuring of the Issuer and entered into a restructuring

support agreement ("RSA") with approximately 79 per cent. in value of the

holders of the Issuer's 12.0% senior secured notes due 2025 (the "Notes")

pursuant to which the parties thereto have agreed to the terms of the

restructuring. Under the RSA, the parties have also reached agreement on the

terms of a restructuring proposal in relation to the business and assets of

SeaMex Ltd (in provisional liquidation) ("SeaMex"), a 50/50 joint venture

entered into by one of the Issuer's subsidiaries, Seadrill JU Newco Bermuda

Ltd. Seadrill and the Issuer also announce herein a proposed consent

solicitation process to amend certain provisions of the indenture governing the


Restructuring of the Issuer

The key terms of the restructuring are described in the commercial term sheet

exhibited below and include:

· the release by the holders of the Notes (the "Noteholders") of all existing

guarantees and security and claims with respect to Seadrill and its subsidiaries

(excluding the Issuer and its subsidiaries)
Slettet bruker
02.07.2021 kl 08:49 3209

07:48 SDRL Seadrill New Finance Limited (the "Issuer") - Update on Restructuring Discussions and Proposed Consent Solicitation Launch
Seadrill New Finance Limited (the "Issuer") - Update on Restructuring Discussions and Proposed Consent Solicitation Launch

Hamilton, Bermuda | July 2, 2021 - Seadrill Limited ("Seadrill" or the
"Company") (OSE: SDRL, OTCPK:SDRLF) and the Issuer announce that, further to the
announcement made by Seadrill and the Issuer on June 18, 2021, the Issuer and
certain of its subsidiaries have today agreed key commercial terms for a
comprehensive restructuring of the Issuer and entered into a restructuring
support agreement ("RSA") with approximately 79 per cent. in value of the
holders of the Issuer's 12.0% senior secured notes due 2025 (the "Notes")
pursuant to which the parties thereto have agreed to the terms of the
restructuring. Under the RSA, the parties have also reached agreement on the
terms of a restructuring proposal in relation to the business and assets of
SeaMex Ltd (in provisional liquidation) ("SeaMex"), a 50/50 joint venture
entered into by one of the Issuer's subsidiaries, Seadrill JU Newco Bermuda
Ltd. Seadrill and the Issuer also announce herein a proposed consent
solicitation process to amend certain provisions of the indenture governing the

Restructuring of the Issuer

The key terms of the restructuring are described in the commercial term sheet
exhibited below and include:

· the release by the holders of the Notes (the "Noteholders") of all existing
guarantees and security and claims with respect to Seadrill and its subsidiaries
(excluding the Issuer and its subsidiaries) ;
· the Noteholders receiving 65% of pro forma equity in the Issuer, with
Seadrill Investment Holding Company (a subsidiary of Seadrill) retaining the
remaining 35% of pro forma equity in the Issuer (with voting rights and other
detailed arrangements between shareholders to be agreed), which shall effect a
separation of the Issuer and its subsidiaries (including the Seabras Sapura
assets and SeaMex assets) from the consolidated Seadrill group ;
· the Noteholders will have appointment rights in respect of 4 out of 5 of the
Issuer's directors on the board of the restructured Issuer's group, with the
remaining director to be appointed by Seadrill ;
· the Notes will remain in place, on amended terms including:

· maturity date: July 15, 2026
· interest: either (a) 9.0%, consisting of (i) 3.00% cash interest plus (ii)
6.00% PIK interest, or (b) 10.0% PIK, in each case payable quarterly
· call protection: redemption price on or after:

· July 15, 2021: 105%
· July 15, 2022: 102%
· July 15, 2023 and thereafter: 100%

· the Noteholders will have a first priority right to fund any additional
liquidity needs of the Issuer or its affiliates (including working capital
support, including up to $15 million of new super senior debt to provide further
funding to the SeaMex business if required) ; and

Seadrill will continue to provide management services to the Issuer's group, and
operate the SeaMex assets (with resolution and commercial agreement on payment
of historic and go forward management fees). The restructuring of the Issuer
may be implemented out of court or through a court supervised process, the
latter likely involving a pre-packaged Chapter 11 process.

The Issuer and the consenting Noteholders intend to engage with other
Noteholders in order to invite them to execute the RSA and support the
restructuring. This will allow those Noteholders who enter into the RSA to
participate in the next stage of the restructuring process, and in the event
that sufficient Noteholders enter into the RSA, will enable the restructuring to
be implemented through an out of court process that should reduce the time and
costs that would otherwise be involved in a court supervised process.

Pursuant to the RSA, the consenting Noteholders have also agreed to forbear from
exercising enforcement rights or otherwise take actions against the Issuer and
any subsidiary of the Issuer which is an obligor under the Notes in respect of
certain events of default that may arise under the Notes, including in respect
of the Issuer not making the semi-annual cash interest payments due to the
Noteholders on 15 January 2021 and 15 July 2021, until the earlier of the
completion of the restructuring transactions described therein and termination
of the RSA.

As of 28 June, 2021 the Issuer's cash balance was approximately $50.5 million.

SeaMex restructuring

As described in the June 18 announcement, on June 18, 2021, John C. McKenna of
Finance & Risk Services Ltd and Simon Appell of AlixPartners UK LLP (the "JPLs")
were appointed as joint provisional liquidators over SeaMex by an order of the
Supreme Court of Bermuda. Furthermore, on June 18 2021, the joint venture
agreement governing the SeaMex joint venture was terminated with immediate
effect. Pursuant to the RSA, the parties thereto have agreed to the terms of a
restructuring proposal in respect of the business and assets of SeaMex. The key
terms of the proposal include:

· a refinancing of the SeaMex senior secured bank debt by the issuance of new
senior secured notes on the terms set out in the commercial term sheet exhibited
below (the "New SeaMex Notes") ; and
· an offer to purchase the assets of SeaMex out of provisional liquidation, in
exchange for the release of all or substantially all of the subordinated debt
owed by SeaMex and certain of its subsidiaries to the Issuer and certain
subsidiaries of the Issuer, and a novation of SeaMex's guarantee of the senior
bank debt.

The JPLs are not party to the RSA, and the RSA does not bind the JPLs to accept
the proposal. An independent valuation of the SeaMex group has been obtained
and the JPLs are conducting an accelerated market testing process in respect of
SeaMex, to ensure that any proposed transaction maximises value for creditors as
a whole when compared to alternative options that may be capable of

Further to the June 18 announcement, certain Noteholders are now the holders of
the entire senior secured bank debt borrowed by certain subsidiaries of SeaMex,
and the RSA also provides for their support in that capacity, for the
restructuring of SeaMex and the Issuer. The Issuer intends to continue to engage
in a constructive dialogue with SeaMex's key customer, Pemex Exploración y
Producción ("Pemex") in relation to the recovery of historic unpaid invoices
(including approximately $245 million which have been issued but remain unpaid
(Copades)), and potential amendments to the terms of SeaMex's contracts with
Pemex. The existing drilling contracts with Pemex have contract terms until
between October 2024 and November 2026 assuming that they run to full term. In
the meantime, pursuant to the RSA, the Issuer has obtained the requisite
agreement from Noteholders to obtain access to funds in the Issuer's mandatory
offer holding account as may be required to ensure that the SeaMex group has
continued access to funding, and is proposing to launch a consent solicitation
process to formalise the requisite amendments to the indenture governing the
Notes (see further detail below).

Restructuring support agreement

The RSA contains certain covenants on the part of the Issuer and certain of its
subsidiaries and the consenting Noteholders, including commitments by the
consenting Noteholders to support the restructuring on the terms outlined in the
commercial term sheet, and on the parties to negotiate in good faith to finalise
the documents and agreements governing the restructuring. The RSA also provides
for certain conditions to the obligations of the parties and for termination
upon the occurrence of certain events, including without limitation the failure
to achieve certain milestones and certain breaches by the parties under the
RSA. In particular, the RSA anticipates that the restructuring of the Issuer
will be launched by August 6, 2021, and consummated as soon as reasonably
practicable thereafter, with a long-stop date of September 30, 2021, in each
case unless such dates are otherwise extended by the Issuer and the requisite
percentage of Noteholders that are party to the RSA.

Proposed consent solicitation

Seadrill and the Issuer also announce a proposed consent solicitation (the
"Consent Solicitation"), to be launched in the near term, to amend certain
provisions of the indenture dated as of July 2, 2018 governing the Notes, as
amended and supplemented by that certain first supplemental indenture dated as
of March 11, 2019 (together, the "Indenture").

The proposed amendment amends certain terms and covenants of the Indenture to
allow the Issuer to use Net Realization Proceeds (as defined in the Indenture)
as of the date of the proposed amendment to the Indenture that have not
previously been deemed to constitute "Excess Proceeds." The funds will be used
for reorganization expenses of the Issuer and to advance funds by way of loans
to SeaMex and its successors and its and their respective subsidiaries to meet
their ongoing operating and administrative needs, including operating
disbursements, personnel costs, personnel taxes, direct and indirect taxes, debt
service and other costs and expenses.

The required majority of Noteholders representing greater than 50% of the
aggregate principal amount outstanding have, pursuant to the RSA, agreed to
provide consent to the proposed amendment.

Seabras Sapura

Also exhibited below are cleansing materials in relation to Seabras Sapura.
Seabras Sapura is a group of related companies that own and operate six pipe
-laying service vessels in Brazil. The Issuer has a 50% ownership stake in each
of these companies, with the remaining 50% interest owned by Sapura Energy
Slettet bruker
02.07.2021 kl 10:26 3089

Fromel 1 i Rigg starter nå.

100kr target.

Burde gå med en høy oljepris. 2014 over 80 2021 over 80 doller fatet.

2018 emisjon 200kr pr aksje nå 3kr, pga lite jobber. Men nå er markede brennhett.

Tørken er over innen rigg.
Slettet bruker
02.07.2021 kl 12:40 3006

Bunnen nådd, det blir rekyl mot 50kr i første gang.
Slettet bruker
02.07.2021 kl 12:46 2996

..blir ikke aksjonærene utvannet som i NAS? Kreditorene styrer showet.. men kan bli en trading yndling igjen..

Eller er plutselig situasjonen forandret seg ?? John sa selv at det blir ingenting igjen til eksisterende aksjonærer... hva har skjedd etter dette??
02.07.2021 kl 13:45 2936

Den melkes Max nå - smeller til 4kr på et blunk
26.07.2021 kl 15:38 2442

2.80 kr er d billigt nu. Lurer på å kjøpe???
Slettet bruker
26.07.2021 kl 15:46 2399

Ja nå er det kjempelurt å kjøpe, før den faller under 1 krone.
26.07.2021 kl 15:48 2386

Dagens bløff

er verdt 25 øre

KJØP Shelf drilling

Børsverdi ca 600 millioner kroner

har 30 rigger !!

Bare EN rigg er mer verdt enn børskursen :-))

DER blir det fest
Redigert 26.07.2021 kl 15:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
26.07.2021 kl 15:48 2386

IKKE rør den før under 50øre...
Føre var
03.11.2021 kl 09:31 1819

Det er så stille så stille rundt Drillen om dagen, ingen som kommenterer noen ting. Savner rallytrådene.

Hva er stoda, akkurat som før?
X-43 scramjet
07.11.2021 kl 13:48 1623

Er nok en del Seadrill veteraner som har fokuset på neste case Borr Drilling fremover. Skal handle masse Seadrill på 25 øre etter nyttår etter ferdig rekonstruksjon.
07.11.2021 kl 17:27 1498

Det sykeste er vel at denne aldri kommwr ned på 0.25 men blir liggende på 0.75 -0.8 Så frediksen og lånegiverne kan 3 doble pengene sine å bøtte ut.
X-43 scramjet
07.11.2021 kl 18:15 1440

Skal bli spennende å følge med. Blir vel en aksje spleis og på øre tallet. Er andre rigg aksjer å ta tak i før den tid. Først et jule rally i Borr Drilling.