Politiet blir overfalt av gjenger på gata i London
11.06.2020 kl 19:26
Dette blir dagligdags, så politiet bør fra selvforsvarskurs. Det holder ikke med respekt gamle knep og koseprat i nye UK👮💂♀️👨🏾🦾👨🏾🦾👨🏾🦾👨🏾🦾
Hackney police 'attack': 'We are not punch bags'
The home secretary and the Police Federation have condemned an incident in which two police officers were allegedly assaulted.
Video filmed by an onlooker circulating online shows an officer struggling on the ground with a man in Frampton Park Road in Hackney, north London.
The attack was called "sickening" by Priti Patel, while the federation said: "We are not society's punch bags."
Two men, aged 20 and 38, were arrested on suspicion of assault on police.
The officers, a man and a woman, suffered minor injuries but did not require hospital treatment, the Met Police said.
A member of the public, who had claimed to have been assaulted, flagged down the police on Wednesday afternoon.
In a statement, the Met said: "As an officer attempted to speak with those involved, one of the men resisted and a struggle ensued. A number of other people became involved whilst the officer was on the ground."
Hackney police 'attack': 'We are not punch bags'
The home secretary and the Police Federation have condemned an incident in which two police officers were allegedly assaulted.
Video filmed by an onlooker circulating online shows an officer struggling on the ground with a man in Frampton Park Road in Hackney, north London.
The attack was called "sickening" by Priti Patel, while the federation said: "We are not society's punch bags."
Two men, aged 20 and 38, were arrested on suspicion of assault on police.
The officers, a man and a woman, suffered minor injuries but did not require hospital treatment, the Met Police said.
A member of the public, who had claimed to have been assaulted, flagged down the police on Wednesday afternoon.
In a statement, the Met said: "As an officer attempted to speak with those involved, one of the men resisted and a struggle ensued. A number of other people became involved whilst the officer was on the ground."
11.06.2020 kl 19:45
Hva gjør en hvit politimann i et Afrikansk strøk? Dette bør være en lærepenge. Hvor lenge går det før Engelskmennene finner ut at nå er det nye tider. Det er BLM som hersker.
11.06.2020 kl 19:51
Antifa har erobret område i Seattle. Ikke rare stykket, men et sted må man begynne..
11.06.2020 kl 20:20
BLM/Antifa har tatt over et område i sentrum av Seattle. De kaller det "Seattle Autonomus Zone". Politiet sier de har fått ordre fra ordføreren om å ikke gripe inn og det er innført et 30-dagers forbud mot tåregass.
12.06.2020 kl 00:15
Trump truer med å ta det tilbake. Kaller dem terrorister. CNN
Da smeller det for fullt.
Han er i Twitter krig med de lokale myndighetene.
En svarte på tweeten med: « go back in the bunker»
Selv her på HO debatt har vi ikke sunket så dypt.🤭
Da smeller det for fullt.
Han er i Twitter krig med de lokale myndighetene.
En svarte på tweeten med: « go back in the bunker»
Selv her på HO debatt har vi ikke sunket så dypt.🤭