WHO Solidarity søknad og Bemcentinib?
Bemcentinib testes nå i ACCORD i England.
Hvorfor har ikke BerGenBio sent inn søknad om å bli tatt opp til Solidarity i regi av WHO?
Iflg John-Arne Røttingen som leder denne studien i WHO er det en uavhengig ekspertgruppe som vurderer nye kandidater fortløpende. Når Bemcentinib Fase II studiene er klare vil vi nok se Bemcentinib blant medisinene på WHO Solidarity’s forsknings program.
Hvorfor har ikke BerGenBio sent inn søknad om å bli tatt opp til Solidarity i regi av WHO?
Iflg John-Arne Røttingen som leder denne studien i WHO er det en uavhengig ekspertgruppe som vurderer nye kandidater fortløpende. Når Bemcentinib Fase II studiene er klare vil vi nok se Bemcentinib blant medisinene på WHO Solidarity’s forsknings program.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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20.06.2020 kl 08:59
Hvorfor skal di være med på 2 kliniske studier for å finne ut om medisinen er effektiv mot corona?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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20.06.2020 kl 09:11
Det er først og fremst fordi de ikke har fått nok pasienter som kvalifiserer seg til ACCORD studiene.
I tillegg vet vi at immuniteten oppfører seg svært forskjellig i ulike land. Det er derfor viktig å spre studiene over flere land / kontinent.
Dersom Bemcentinib viser seg å redusere alvorlige symptomer på COVID-19 tror jeg at medisinen kan bidra til å utvikle folke immunitet langt raskere enn vaksiner, som hittil ikke har vist seg å fungere.
Det at ca 50% COVID-19 dødsfall skyldes antibiotika resistente sykdommer i mange land gjør at Bemcentinib kan redde mange liv.
Coronavirus produces ‘sinister’ tentacles in infected cells
Highly unusual structure raises hopes for use of cancer drugs to treat the disease
An electron microscope image of kidney cells from an African green monkey infected with Sars-Cov-2 — and the tubes it uses to infect other cells © Dr Elizabeth Fischer/NIH
June 26, 2020 4:57 pm by Hannah Kuchler in New York
Scientists have discovered that the virus behind Covid-19 causes the infected cells to grow stringy protruding branches — a highly unusual structure that allows the virus to attack several cells at once.
Researchers led by the University of California San Francisco have released the first ever close-up images of the spaghetti-like tentacles that were taken using an ultra-powerful electron microscope.
“There are long strings that poke holes in other cells and the virus passes through the tube from cell to cell,” said Professor Nevan Krogan, director of the Quantitative Biosciences Institute at UCSF who led the project. “Our hypothesis is that these speed up infection,” Prof Krogan said of the “nasty and sinister” branches.
The images taken by scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) laboratory in the US and University of Freiburg in Germany will be published in the medical journal Cell on Saturday.
Most viruses do not cause infected cells to grow these tentacles. Even those that do, such as smallpox, do not have as many or the same type of branching as Sars-Cov-2, the virus behind Covid-19.
The discovery has highlighted a number of drugs that could be deployed against the disease, most of which were previously being developed to treat cancer. Prof Krogan said cancers, HIV, or Sars-Cov-2 were all searching for the “Achilles heel of the cell”.
“It totally makes sense there’s an overlap in anticancer drugs and an antiviral effect,” he said.
Latest Coronavirus news
Follow FT's live coverage and analysis of the global pandemic and the rapidly-evolving economic crisis here.
The initial experiments were done in African green monkey kidney cells, which have previously been shown to become easily infected by the virus. But the potential drugs were then tested in human lung cells.
The potential Covid-19 drugs include silmitasertib, made by Taiwan-based Senhwa Biosciences, which directly inhibits the CK2 enzyme used to build the tubes. Senhwa is already working with the NIH to run trials in the US.
The researchers compared these cancer treatments to remdesivir, a Gilead Sciences drug that has shown it can cut recovery times in a large trial. They found five drugs that were more potent against the virus, including Xospata, also known as gilteritinib, made by Japan’s Astellas Pharma and already approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for leukaemia patients.
Other possible treatments include abemaciclib, an FDA-approved drug sold as Verzenio by Eli Lilly, and ralimetinib, also developed by Indianapolis-based Lilly, as well as dasatinib, an approved drug from Bristol-Myers Squibb.
The Quantitative Biosciences Institute’s coronavirus research group — which includes researchers from New York to Paris — specialises in searching for drugs that target the human proteins the virus needs to reproduce, rather than tackling the virus directly.
In a previous paper published in the journal Nature, they discovered potential drugs that could be repurposed including over-the-counter medicines for coughs and allergies.
So far, their work has been focused in the laboratory but they are looking to start clinical trials in humans. The scientists also suggest trying these new drugs in combination with remdesivir.
I tillegg vet vi at immuniteten oppfører seg svært forskjellig i ulike land. Det er derfor viktig å spre studiene over flere land / kontinent.
Dersom Bemcentinib viser seg å redusere alvorlige symptomer på COVID-19 tror jeg at medisinen kan bidra til å utvikle folke immunitet langt raskere enn vaksiner, som hittil ikke har vist seg å fungere.
Det at ca 50% COVID-19 dødsfall skyldes antibiotika resistente sykdommer i mange land gjør at Bemcentinib kan redde mange liv.
Coronavirus produces ‘sinister’ tentacles in infected cells
Highly unusual structure raises hopes for use of cancer drugs to treat the disease
An electron microscope image of kidney cells from an African green monkey infected with Sars-Cov-2 — and the tubes it uses to infect other cells © Dr Elizabeth Fischer/NIH
June 26, 2020 4:57 pm by Hannah Kuchler in New York
Scientists have discovered that the virus behind Covid-19 causes the infected cells to grow stringy protruding branches — a highly unusual structure that allows the virus to attack several cells at once.
Researchers led by the University of California San Francisco have released the first ever close-up images of the spaghetti-like tentacles that were taken using an ultra-powerful electron microscope.
“There are long strings that poke holes in other cells and the virus passes through the tube from cell to cell,” said Professor Nevan Krogan, director of the Quantitative Biosciences Institute at UCSF who led the project. “Our hypothesis is that these speed up infection,” Prof Krogan said of the “nasty and sinister” branches.
The images taken by scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) laboratory in the US and University of Freiburg in Germany will be published in the medical journal Cell on Saturday.
Most viruses do not cause infected cells to grow these tentacles. Even those that do, such as smallpox, do not have as many or the same type of branching as Sars-Cov-2, the virus behind Covid-19.
The discovery has highlighted a number of drugs that could be deployed against the disease, most of which were previously being developed to treat cancer. Prof Krogan said cancers, HIV, or Sars-Cov-2 were all searching for the “Achilles heel of the cell”.
“It totally makes sense there’s an overlap in anticancer drugs and an antiviral effect,” he said.
Latest Coronavirus news
Follow FT's live coverage and analysis of the global pandemic and the rapidly-evolving economic crisis here.
The initial experiments were done in African green monkey kidney cells, which have previously been shown to become easily infected by the virus. But the potential drugs were then tested in human lung cells.
The potential Covid-19 drugs include silmitasertib, made by Taiwan-based Senhwa Biosciences, which directly inhibits the CK2 enzyme used to build the tubes. Senhwa is already working with the NIH to run trials in the US.
The researchers compared these cancer treatments to remdesivir, a Gilead Sciences drug that has shown it can cut recovery times in a large trial. They found five drugs that were more potent against the virus, including Xospata, also known as gilteritinib, made by Japan’s Astellas Pharma and already approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for leukaemia patients.
Other possible treatments include abemaciclib, an FDA-approved drug sold as Verzenio by Eli Lilly, and ralimetinib, also developed by Indianapolis-based Lilly, as well as dasatinib, an approved drug from Bristol-Myers Squibb.
The Quantitative Biosciences Institute’s coronavirus research group — which includes researchers from New York to Paris — specialises in searching for drugs that target the human proteins the virus needs to reproduce, rather than tackling the virus directly.
In a previous paper published in the journal Nature, they discovered potential drugs that could be repurposed including over-the-counter medicines for coughs and allergies.
So far, their work has been focused in the laboratory but they are looking to start clinical trials in humans. The scientists also suggest trying these new drugs in combination with remdesivir.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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20.06.2020 kl 16:58
Det vil nok bli en virkelighet så snart resultatene fra accord studien foreligger (mulig allerede nå i juli) og de kvalifiserer for fase3 for da blir det et helt annet løp både med tanke på volum og ikke minst bredde - ikke ulikt hva vi har sett har skjedd hos de vaksine kandidatene som nå befinner seg i fase3.
Det som gjør Accord studien unik er at de som går videre til fase3 vil umiddelbart bli brukt i behandling ... ;)
Det som gjør Accord studien unik er at de som går videre til fase3 vil umiddelbart bli brukt i behandling ... ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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Virker som rep emisjonen på 1,5 millioner nye aksjer til 37,50 ikke skal bety noe for kursen. Mandagen skal bli spennende.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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20.06.2020 kl 19:57
Aksjen skal til flere hundre kroner +. Hvorfor dvele med en gammel nyhet på 37,50. Det at rep.emi ble vedtatt er en seier for alle aksjonærer og ikke minst selskapet. 1.5 mill aksjer x 37.5 kr er penger i kassen det og. Tett på et kvartalsforbruk.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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21.06.2020 kl 12:36
Det ligger mye informasjon i dette avsnittet fra Godfrey..
– Vi er ikke helt halvveis i antall pasienter som skal testes ennå, men vi er kommet lenger enn halvveis i å forstå hvordan vi kan bruke medikamentet, sier Godfrey."
men vi er kommet lenger enn halvveis i å forstå hvordan vi kan bruke medikamentet, sier Godfrey.
– Vi er ikke helt halvveis i antall pasienter som skal testes ennå, men vi er kommet lenger enn halvveis i å forstå hvordan vi kan bruke medikamentet, sier Godfrey."
men vi er kommet lenger enn halvveis i å forstå hvordan vi kan bruke medikamentet, sier Godfrey.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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21.06.2020 kl 12:45
"Det er først og fremst fordi de ikke har fått nok pasienter som kvalifiserer seg til ACCORD studiene". Hvem er DE? Det er ACCORD som rekrutterer til studien og IKKE BGBIO.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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Les og lær.
We also identified two potent selective and irreversible inhibitors of EGFR, dacomitinib and naquotinib. The other 44 EGFR inhibitors showed no activity in Huh7.5 cells. Importantly, dacomitinib is a potent antiviral in Calu-3 cells. It is unclear if the target is indeed EGFR, but for many viruses EGFR activation promotes viral entry which may also be the case for SARS-CoV-2 (93-97).
Bemcentinib is a first-in-class Axl inhibitor that we found inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection of Huh7.5 cells and Calu-3 cells (98). Axl can be used as an attachment factor for the entry for many viruses including Ebola and Zika virus (99, 100). While not published, news releases suggest that Bemcentinib has demonstrated promise in preclinical data against early infection with the SARS-CoV-2. A fast-tracked clinical trial is underway in the UK (101)
Jeg tør påstå at Bergenbio står foran ett gjennombrudd innen både kreft og virusbekjempelse.
We also identified two potent selective and irreversible inhibitors of EGFR, dacomitinib and naquotinib. The other 44 EGFR inhibitors showed no activity in Huh7.5 cells. Importantly, dacomitinib is a potent antiviral in Calu-3 cells. It is unclear if the target is indeed EGFR, but for many viruses EGFR activation promotes viral entry which may also be the case for SARS-CoV-2 (93-97).
Bemcentinib is a first-in-class Axl inhibitor that we found inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection of Huh7.5 cells and Calu-3 cells (98). Axl can be used as an attachment factor for the entry for many viruses including Ebola and Zika virus (99, 100). While not published, news releases suggest that Bemcentinib has demonstrated promise in preclinical data against early infection with the SARS-CoV-2. A fast-tracked clinical trial is underway in the UK (101)
Jeg tør påstå at Bergenbio står foran ett gjennombrudd innen både kreft og virusbekjempelse.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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21.06.2020 kl 13:22
👍📈 her er det bare til å holde på aksjene.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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For de som ikke henger med her så viser resultatene at bemcentinib virker veldig godt på lunger og lever celler som er infisert av Corona.
Dette er veldig viktig og veldig bull fordi det er de 2 årsakene til alvorlig skade eller død hos pasienter.
Bemcentinib kan gis tidlig i forløpet slik at ingen (veldig få) trenger å legges i respirator. Nå er data ikke offentlig gjort og det er ikke sikkert dette skulle ligget ute på nett, men noen har fått tak i tidlig studie.
Lunge og lever er de desidert viktigste organene det gjelder å redde når det gjelder viruset.
Foreløpig så viser det ikke så mye med tanke på nyrer, men den enorme fordelen for BerGenBio er også at legemiddelet er ufarlig å gi til pasienter,
mange av de andre som også viser noe bedring gir alvorlige bivirkninger.
Dette er faktisk enormt og det verste er at det er omtrent samme resultat som på andre virus som de har vist god effekt, Ebola, HIV og Zika
Dette er veldig viktig og veldig bull fordi det er de 2 årsakene til alvorlig skade eller død hos pasienter.
Bemcentinib kan gis tidlig i forløpet slik at ingen (veldig få) trenger å legges i respirator. Nå er data ikke offentlig gjort og det er ikke sikkert dette skulle ligget ute på nett, men noen har fått tak i tidlig studie.
Lunge og lever er de desidert viktigste organene det gjelder å redde når det gjelder viruset.
Foreløpig så viser det ikke så mye med tanke på nyrer, men den enorme fordelen for BerGenBio er også at legemiddelet er ufarlig å gi til pasienter,
mange av de andre som også viser noe bedring gir alvorlige bivirkninger.
Dette er faktisk enormt og det verste er at det er omtrent samme resultat som på andre virus som de har vist god effekt, Ebola, HIV og Zika
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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22.06.2020 kl 01:19
Roboten - så gjenstår det og se hvilken vei den er programmert ved åpning ... ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:55
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