APCL/Gambia; The deal we know

APCL 08.09.2018 kl 11:12 15785

The Deal We Know? (Artikkelen inneholder også flere illustrasjoner, så jeg anbefaler å lese orginalen).

An Australian company, FAR Ltd, announced in late August that they will commence oil exploration offshore The Gambia’s coast in early quarter four 2018, however, Gambian authorities are yet to make a public announcement. Exploration precedes oil exploitation as it will confirm the quantity of oil off The Gambia’s coast. However, this key stage requires transparency and trust to avoid the country’s natural resources being undervalued for cooperate interest.

The Gambia’s oil blocks dubbed Samo, consist of six oil blocks on the Atlantic coast right next to Senegal’s SNE oil wells. On 22nd August FAR Ltd issued a press release announcing that “the Samo-1 well is planned to spud in early Q4 2018 and is expected to take approximately 40 days to drill on a trouble-free basis.” A week later another announcement from FAR Ltd highlighted that the Government has approved FAR Gambia Ltd’s farmout agreement of a 40% interest in petroleum licenses for offshore Samo blocks A2 and A5 to Petronas. The farm-out agreement means that the Malaysian oil company, Petronas will fund 80% of the exploration costs capped to US$45 Million. FAR will retain 40% of its original 80% working interest. FAR Ltd has created a local subsidiary company, FAR Gambia Ltd which currently employs about 5 operatives.

Senegambian Oil Reserve?
The Samo-1 oil well shown on the map is over 1,017m below sea level and approximately one hundred kilometers offshore. It is in very close proximity to Senegal’s SNE oil well as shown by the schematic and the plan. A PowerPoint presentation prepared by FAR Ltd shows a “Regional schematic cross-section” which according to them demonstrates that “the Samo Prospect has two main targets; an upper reservoir interval which contained liquid-rich gas at SNE and a lower reservoir interval which was oil-bearing at SNE.”

Observing the schematic [which must be seen as a representation]depicts the concept that the oil highlighted in green automatically stops where the Samo and SNE valleys meet. It’s more likely that the green shade, representing oil continues well below the point which the valleys meet raising the possibility that both oil wells are connected and thereby have a combined “Senegambian oil reserve”. Senegal recently launched its national dialogue on oil and gas and announced plans for oil exploitation in 2021. If oil wells in Senegal begin full operation then The Gambia’s total oil potential reserves could decline.

In an interview last year with Offshore Energy Today.Com FAR directors revealed that “the two [A2 and A5] prospects have a combined best estimate Prospective Resource of 1.1 billion barrels on a gross unrisked basis (926 million barrels net to Far).” However, after a more detailed 3-D seismic survey a follow-up announcement highlighted that “the two target reservoir intervals are assessed to have a combined Prospective Resource of 825 mmbbls of oil” about 100 million barrels less than the initial announcement.

Transparency out the Window
Given the wide reporting on the Gambia’s oil exploration deal outside the country, the time has arrived for The Government to disclose the full details of the agreement and outline what the country stands to gain from it. The deafening silence from the authorities is in sharp contrast with how oil exploration is progressing across the border. To engage the public Senegalese President Macky Sall, opened a national dialogue on the management of oil and gas in June this year and contract agreements have been made available for public scrutiny.

According to APA News, a government press release was issued inviting “all stakeholders in the nation to the national consultation on the management of revenue from exploitation of oil and gas”. The release also states that the Senegalese Government intends to seek parliamentary approval stressing that “the conclusions of this consultation will be the subject of a draft law on orientation regarding the distribution of the revenues resulting from the exploitation of oil and gas, a bill for which will be submitted to the National Assembly”. This will allow stakeholders to engage the government during the national dialogue and via the National Assembly.

In contrast to The Gambia, last year former British Premier, Tony Blair visited The Gambia and held closed-door meetings with newly elected President Barrow. In February 2018, Mr Blair’s partner, Cherie Blair represented The Gambia in a legal case against African Petroleum Company which was holding on to two blocks A1 and A4 in The Gambia. In a follow-up public event in May, Tony Blair invited President Barrow to London’s Chatham House where they both remained tight-lipped on oil exploration in The Gambia.

Conflict of Interest
If the authorities silence on this issue raises a cause for concern then the alarm bells must be ringing given the blatant conflict of interest overshadowing the FAR agreement. Lawyer Amie Bensouda is the legal representative of FAR Ltd and also a lead counsel for the Janneh Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating the financial excesses of previous Dictator Yahya Jammeh’s regime. On the governments side their legal representatives negotiating the FAR contract is Berwin and Leighton however, Amie Bensouda associates also advices the Government on Model License for Blocks 1,3,4 and 6 together with Berwin and Leighton. This is a clear conflict of interest and gives Amie Bensouda a unique advantage during oil and gas contract negotiations as she has a working relationship with the government, Berwin and Leighton and also a representative of FAR Ltd.

Another cause for concern is the interference of FAR Ltd and Erin Energy in Gambia’s recent KMC Mayoral elections. In many countries with evolved electoral laws, external interference is not permitted in any local elections. This is highlighted in the United States Mueller probe of Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Elections. Current KMC Mayor, Talib Ahmed Bensouda had a cover photo [seen above]posted on his GamSense Facebook page, promoting his flagship local project supported by international oil companies FAR Ltd and Erin Energy. Mayor Bensouda is the son of Amie Bensouda and boldly announced on their GamSense page that “the agreement to begin the $12,000 [school rehabilitation]project was signed by Talib Bensouda and Far Limited.” This should be a cause for concern for anybody interested in free and fair Gambian elections.

Can the Barrow administration emulate the transparency being exhibited next door by making the contracts public and engaging the general public on how best to manage the country’s natural resources? Can National Assembly members exercise oversight and ensure that Gambia’s interest is being protected? How will the environment be protected? How will the government monitor the oil exploration project? Will there be independent studies or will The Gambia just take information submitted on the “total oil reserve” in good faith? Certainly, there are more questions than answers around the oil deal. It must be clearly stated that all Government key players have a responsibility to engage The Gambian public, however, its very clear that more information is available from international companies not under The Gambian taxpayers’ payroll.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.09.2018 kl 22:25 10591

Gjennomsnittstiden for behandling av sakene er i følge ICSID 3,5 år. Så her kan det fort gå noen måneder til. Håpet er jo at partene kommer til enighet først.
Slettet bruker
09.09.2018 kl 21:46 10703

Hvilken tidshorisont prater vi om her da, ting vil jo ta litt tid i Africa, og da mener jeg virkelig ta tid , snakker vi vinter eller neste sommer ?

Nå skal da vel Røkke til å lete i Africa og så det blir konkuranse hehe
09.09.2018 kl 20:35 10842

Ganske sikker på at apcl vil levere på sosp:)De har et veldig godt forhandlingskort med rop-lisensen, hvor Senegal kanskje var litt for kjappe med å selge til total.De har gjort det ekstra vanskelig for seg selv,med den klønete handteringen.Derfor er det veldig sannsynlig/fornuftig at apcl får forlenget på sosp, rop beholdes av total(som slipper usikkerheten om lisensen),og Senegal får en halv seier.De slipper en langvarig sak,mye kostnader og i verste fall at apcl vinner og det blir veldig dårlig forhold til total!Og med tanke på at apcl/Senegal forhandlet ganske så lenge,også på overtid,så har de helt klart hatt noe å diskutere og sett det som best å komme til en løsning!Så dette kommer de helt sikkert til en enighet om,uten å gå hele veien i voldgift!I Gambia er det jo bare å vente på avgjørelse om rule 41(5).Først etter den avgjørelsen vi eventuelt får litt action:)Og den meldingen nærmer seg veldig!!Her tror jeg helt klart at tålmodighet vil lønne seg kraftig.Apcl kommer til å gå flere kroner,hvis en positiv melding kommer fra enten Senegal eller Gambia:)Apcl har vært på 1kr før og vi vet jo hvor toppen var forrig gang,volumet i aksjen kan til tider være veldig stort.Så gode nyheter,vil fyre raketten!
09.09.2018 kl 20:07 10888

Ja hadde vært godt med litt søvn
09.09.2018 kl 19:07 10994

Ikke for tidlig at det skjer noe denne uken.
09.09.2018 kl 17:32 11124

Føler meg trygg på at det kommer noe godt ut av vente tiden... men greit å få det bekreftet snart
09.09.2018 kl 16:55 11213

Måtte lese over den seneste rapporten fra APCL igjen, og kan ikke legge nok vekt på dette;

1. Whilst the licences in The Gambia and Senegal are currently subjected to legal proceedings, we continue to focus our attention on progressing the licences through our technical capabilities so that we are well placed to progress with operational activity as and when a resolution is achieved on either or all licences.
- Merk denne: as and when a resolution is achieved on either or all licences! Har selv vært litt redd for at APCL muligens ville for mye, med å ha alt tilbake og gå hele veien. jeg syntes denne klangen i tonen viser at de vil samme som oss, å muligens ha en igjen hvertfall - noe jeg mener er best case som situasjonen er.

2. Sierra Leone: In parallel we remain in discussion with potential partners who have participated in the Company’s data-room process. The Company has been assured of full support for this process by the Petroleum Directorate of the newly elected government.
- Spent på å se nå før November om det skjer noe med partner her.

3. It is our belief that the initiation of official dispute resolution proceedings would help to underpin and shape discussions with the government, with the ultimate aim of protecting our interests.
- underpin and shape discussions with the government. Snakket mye om før, virkelig en god formulering som igjen viser hva APCl prøver på og vil vinne frem en lisens.

4. That said, we remain steadfast in our legal position and are fully committed to achieving a reasonable outcome that benefits our shareholders, no matter how long and arduous the process might be for the Company.
- Ingen usikkerhet på vår legal case..

5. The Company elected to move into the next phase of the SOSP PSC in late 2017 and requested that the outstanding drilling commitment in the expiring phase be transferred to the next phase as a seismic commitment. To date, the Republic of Senegal has not responded to this request and accordingly the Company reserves its rights under the SOSP PSC.
- Her må vi huske at Senegal ikke har besvart mange selskaper om fremtiden og status, ettersom Ministeren Sall nå skal legge frem det nye og oppdaterte oljekartet. Kanskje derfor APCL ikke har fått svar? Videre, så har jo Barry Morgan også sagt å ha sett kartet og at APCL står som eier av SOSP.

6. The Board remains open to constructive dialogue with the various authorities in the hope that all parties can agree a mutually beneficial outcome that avoids prolonged and costly legal proceedings. We are however preparing ourselves to maintain the full course of proceedings and have the financial strength to see them through to the end if required.