Trump er storkar og den beste presidenten
Uten tvil. Den verste var Obama.
22.06.2020 kl 21:54
Trump kan ikke være såååå stor! Han fylte jo ikke engang halve hallen i Tulsa! Knappe 6200 av 19000 etter brannvesnet!
22.06.2020 kl 22:29
Husk at han "he has kept even more promises than he made" . Helt suveren president!
Trump ruler i business. Trump ruler i eiendom. Trump ruler i misseverdenen. Trump ruler på talerstolen. Og Trump ruler i politikken. Han har til og med en fin bilsamling.
Hvordan kan man holde løfter man ikke har gitt? Skjønner ikke denne Trump logikken.
23.06.2020 kl 00:40
Helt uenig!!
Hans største løfte var "Make America great again"
Større løftebrudd kan vel neppe gjøres.
Aldri har vi vel hatt mindre respekt og beundring for Amerika enn akkurat nå.
Et fantastisk land med en hjernedød president.
De fortjener bedre.
Helt uenig!!
Hans største løfte var "Make America great again"
Større løftebrudd kan vel neppe gjøres.
Aldri har vi vel hatt mindre respekt og beundring for Amerika enn akkurat nå.
Et fantastisk land med en hjernedød president.
De fortjener bedre.
23.06.2020 kl 09:06
Feil Odeven! Han har sørget for Corona til hele folket! Så der har du en mann som setter USA first! :P
Vi burde vel også skifte navn på viruset? Fra nå av så kaller vi det Trumpviruset eller Trump-19!
Vi burde vel også skifte navn på viruset? Fra nå av så kaller vi det Trumpviruset eller Trump-19!
Redigert 23.06.2020 kl 09:08
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23.06.2020 kl 10:20
Hele verden går på en økonomisk og sosial kjempesmell pga Wuhan viruset. Den suverene president Trump har innfridd mer valgløfter enn han lovet. Dette er vanskelig å svelge/absorbere for marxist kommunister /DT-hatere. Valget i november blir realiteten om god økonomisk utvikling, lov og orden med den suverene folkevalgte president Trump, eller.... nedgangstider og voldelig anarki/innenlands terrorisme med antifa-sleepy Joe. Valget er enkelt.
23.06.2020 kl 18:05
122 750 døde av Korona i USA nå. Det begynner å bli noen dager siden tallet passerte antall døde amerikanere i de syv årene USA var med i Vietnamkrigen. I går passerte antall døde av korona også tallet over drepte amerikanere i 2. verdenskrig.
Var ikke korona bare en mild influensa allikevel Trump. Hvor mange fikk du til avstå fra smittetiltak?
Var ikke korona bare en mild influensa allikevel Trump. Hvor mange fikk du til avstå fra smittetiltak?
Redigert 23.06.2020 kl 18:05
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For de ekte amerikanerne som i flertall stemte inn Trump, er Amerika great again. At du og andre venstreradikale som ikke bor i USA ikke synes det, er i grunnen bare koselig å tenke på, jeg tenker på dere hver gang jeg skåler.
Så, de som ikke stemmer på Trump er uekte amerikanere?
Det ser slik ut. Det er u-amerikansk å tiljuble hammeren og sigden, være villig til å ødelegge alt menneskene har bygget siden borgerkrigen.
23.06.2020 kl 19:12
Det er jo rett og slett feil. Hillary fikk flere stemmer enn Trump, så jeg foreslår at du forandrer første setning til:
For de ekte amerikanerne som ikke hadde flertall stemte inn Trump, er Amerika great again.
Rett skal være rett.
For de ekte amerikanerne som ikke hadde flertall stemte inn Trump, er Amerika great again.
Rett skal være rett.
Redigert 23.06.2020 kl 19:14
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Nå har vi jo fått vite siste uka at trump ba kineserne hjelpe seg til å vinne valget. Det samme gjorde han med ukraina i fjor og Russland i 2016. Er det særlig amerikansk?
Dette hører du fra MSM hahaha jeg tror du tar kaken i dag. Løgner tror du på, men sannhet nekter du å tro på.
Jeg hører det fra tidligere stabsmedlemmer som har jobbet for Donald trump. Altså, stort sett republikanere.
Feil. Ifølge det amerikanske politiske system så fikk Trump flere stemmer enn Clinton.
People with connections to the Chinese government used political donations to gain influence with President Donald Trump and the Republican Party as early as 2017, The Wall Street Journal reports. The donations, which totaled in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and were directed at Trump’s re-election campaign, earned those involved with the effort seats at Republican fundraisers and in GOP leadership meetings. The Chinese nationals involved used their connections in the Republican Party to gain information, then shared it with Chinese national-security figures, including members of the military and politicians, the Journal reports; all are reported to have said they made the donations for personal reasons or “to help their businesses.” In May 2017, Chinese nationals attended an invitation-only gathering as guests of Republican National Committee member Shawn Steel where campaign strategies were discussed. Steel told the Journal it was “false, defamatory, and offensive” to suggest he assisted Chinese efforts. The Journal said there is no evidence that Trump was aware of the Chinese contributions; federal law prohibits people who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents from political giving.
Nei. Ikke ifølge det amerikanske systemet. Trump vant. Noen stemmer er mer verdt enn andre. Derfor stemte egentlig flest på Trump. Jeg har rett. Du tar feil.
24.06.2020 kl 01:16
Flue, du har sett for mye på fake news . Du er ellers en reflektert skribent, men her er du helt på jordet. USA har langt lavere wuhan dødelighet enn f.eks Sverige. NRK sende daglige manipulerende pressekonferanser med tåkefyrsten tegnell, som snakker bort det hele. Ingen kritiske spørsmål. Patetisk. USA har en helt anne befolkningssammensetning og har følgende dødelighet;
Heart disease: 647,457
Cancer: 599,108
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
Diabetes: 83,564
Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
Mange av de samme vil i 2020 bli "bokført" som Wuhan-døde. Det er "overdødeligheten" man må c på, hvis man skal sammenligne land
Samme syke fake news fokus er nå Brasil utsatt for. De er lang nede på listen over dødelighet pr. 100.000
Heart disease: 647,457
Cancer: 599,108
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
Diabetes: 83,564
Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
Mange av de samme vil i 2020 bli "bokført" som Wuhan-døde. Det er "overdødeligheten" man må c på, hvis man skal sammenligne land
Samme syke fake news fokus er nå Brasil utsatt for. De er lang nede på listen over dødelighet pr. 100.000
24.06.2020 kl 01:20
jhabba/nikab m.fl. ,....Hillary? Er dere i barnehagen fremdeles? Trump er den mest suverene presidenten over alle presidenter. Valget står om økonomisk utviling, lov/orden og demokrati eller sleepy joe -antifa marxist leninistisk anarki. Valget er veldig enkelt.
25.06.2020 kl 10:31
Du vil ikke si at du tror på dødstallene i Brasil.
Også tallene i USA er sannsynligvis underrapportert.
«It’s important to point out that the actual death toll is believed to be far higher than the tally compiled from government figures.»
Også tallene i USA er sannsynligvis underrapportert.
«It’s important to point out that the actual death toll is believed to be far higher than the tally compiled from government figures.»
Redigert 25.06.2020 kl 10:40
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25.06.2020 kl 14:00
Jeg tror bl.a. på tallene til Sverige, USA, Japan, Australia, Spania, Portugal og Italia. Jeg tror ikke på tallene fra Kina, og en god del utviklingsland som ikke har mulighet til å hverken teste eller diagnistisere. Sverige har gjort ALT feil. USA har gjort mye rett, men ble tatt på sengen av misledende info fra WHO og ikke minst Kina. USA er på nivå med Irland. Brasil på nivå med Peru, Ecuador, chile og ...Canada...
25.06.2020 kl 14:54
Det har aldri før vært viktigere å holde "loony left" unna formell makt. Det ekstreme venstre er i sterk vekst i USA og demokratene vil være nødt til å etterkomme krav fra ytterflanken for å unngå en splittelse i partiet. Så alle som ikke vil leve i en marxiststat ispedd elementer fra sterkavsnittet på psykiatrisk, må stemme på Trump.
ArneB 5.0
25.06.2020 kl 15:46
Trump er og blir en fjott! At noen evner å se noe som helst positivt i det han holder på med viser bare at dumskapen dessverre er svært utbredt.
25.06.2020 kl 18:17
Trump er den suverene folkevalgte presidenten over alle presidenter. Han har oppfylt flere valgløfter enn han har lovet. En kjempesuksess. Alternativet er en korrupt aldersdement sleepy Joe, med en ekstrem venstreside som vil føre landet inn i kaos/anerki og dyp dyp depresjon. Valget er veldig enkelt. Utenrikspolitisk vil Biden & co være en katastrofe for Norge, Nato, og hele den vestlige verden.
25.06.2020 kl 18:32
Left-wing protesters are telling Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden to 'get out of the way,'
The left-wing protest movement sweeping the country has been decades in the making, fueled in part by liberal college campuses
many Americans have been "stunned" to see protesters calling for monuments to Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ulysses S. Grant to be removed.
"They can't imagine where this came from," n the "seeds of cancel culture" were planted on campuses for the last 30 years and mostly ignored.
"It started on campuses when they enforced and instituted speech codes, which forbade a certain amount of words to be said by people. University presidents were complacent in that. Then they denied tenure to conservative professors who were balanced against groupthink.
"Then when the student started to attack their own liberal professors as racists, the universities stood aside, as did their liberal colleagues, and let that happen, too. That was the seeds of cancel culture, the irrational anti-history that we are seeing right now. Liberals in positions of leadership in our institutions stood by and let that happen," those voices are "taking over" the Democratic Party.
Pelosi orders removal of portraits of former House leaders who served in Confederacy...
"The progressives are saying 'you work for us, get out of the way, Joe Biden, get out of the way, Nancy Pelosi, we are taking over.' And people like Nancy Pelosi are basically saying 'no problem.'"
In his latest op-ed, the deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page described the movement as "smiley face liberalism." "the quick collapse of America’s elites under this left-wing offensive is striking and a historic event," but questioned whether a backlash is coming.
"Will it last? I think people across the political spectrum are shell-shocked by the events of these weeks, especially the Taliban-like smashing of monuments and the embrace of lawlessness as an official ideology, with no credible pushback from Joe Biden or other prominent Democrats. But if history teaches us anything, it’s that the American electorate won’t be pushed around permanently,"
Meantime, BET founder Robert Johnson, in an interview Wednesday blasted those who are toppling Confederate statues and other monuments across the nation as "borderline anarchists" -- while challenging the notion that black Americans support this.
Johnson, who became the country's first black billionaire in 2001, has made a $14 trillion pitch for reparations to descendants of slavery. But he said the movement to take down statues, cancel TV shows and fire professors does nothing to close the wealth gap that has persisted since slavery.
It's "tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on a racial Titanic," "It absolutely means nothing."
Left-wing protesters are telling Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden to 'get out of the way,'
The left-wing protest movement sweeping the country has been decades in the making, fueled in part by liberal college campuses
many Americans have been "stunned" to see protesters calling for monuments to Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ulysses S. Grant to be removed.
"They can't imagine where this came from," n the "seeds of cancel culture" were planted on campuses for the last 30 years and mostly ignored.
"It started on campuses when they enforced and instituted speech codes, which forbade a certain amount of words to be said by people. University presidents were complacent in that. Then they denied tenure to conservative professors who were balanced against groupthink.
"Then when the student started to attack their own liberal professors as racists, the universities stood aside, as did their liberal colleagues, and let that happen, too. That was the seeds of cancel culture, the irrational anti-history that we are seeing right now. Liberals in positions of leadership in our institutions stood by and let that happen," those voices are "taking over" the Democratic Party.
Pelosi orders removal of portraits of former House leaders who served in Confederacy...
"The progressives are saying 'you work for us, get out of the way, Joe Biden, get out of the way, Nancy Pelosi, we are taking over.' And people like Nancy Pelosi are basically saying 'no problem.'"
In his latest op-ed, the deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page described the movement as "smiley face liberalism." "the quick collapse of America’s elites under this left-wing offensive is striking and a historic event," but questioned whether a backlash is coming.
"Will it last? I think people across the political spectrum are shell-shocked by the events of these weeks, especially the Taliban-like smashing of monuments and the embrace of lawlessness as an official ideology, with no credible pushback from Joe Biden or other prominent Democrats. But if history teaches us anything, it’s that the American electorate won’t be pushed around permanently,"
Meantime, BET founder Robert Johnson, in an interview Wednesday blasted those who are toppling Confederate statues and other monuments across the nation as "borderline anarchists" -- while challenging the notion that black Americans support this.
Johnson, who became the country's first black billionaire in 2001, has made a $14 trillion pitch for reparations to descendants of slavery. But he said the movement to take down statues, cancel TV shows and fire professors does nothing to close the wealth gap that has persisted since slavery.
It's "tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on a racial Titanic," "It absolutely means nothing."
25.06.2020 kl 19:27
BLM: "If you don't give us what we want, we are going to burn down this system and replace it".
Det kan vel ikke være noe som helst tvil om at USA er i den største krisen i føderasjonens historie. Både borgerkrig og oppsplitting er nå sannsynlige utfall av denne krisen.
Det kan vel ikke være noe som helst tvil om at USA er i den største krisen i føderasjonens historie. Både borgerkrig og oppsplitting er nå sannsynlige utfall av denne krisen.
Redigert 25.06.2020 kl 19:28
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Oi oi, tenk hvis det blir borgerkrig. Mange bevæpna sinte folk i gatene. Ja da skal man ha takk.
25.06.2020 kl 22:38
Trump fikk ikke stoppet utgivelsen av boka til kusinen sin selv om han prøvde febrilsk. Der kommer det nok noe snacks til hans motstandere.
Han vinner nok valget allikevel gett.
25.06.2020 kl 22:47
Fake news, broren til den suverene presidenten ville stanse boken, som strider mot testamentet til deres felles far. Han heter også trump , men .. makan til fake news skal man lete lege etter
26.06.2020 kl 09:32
Dagens tegnell; "Vi har et økende antall tilfeller i Sverige, men det er fordi vi tester mye mer enn før." omtrent det den suverene president trump har sagt hele tiden. Sverige har dobbelt så mange døde pr.100.000. Fake news media blir avslørt.
26.06.2020 kl 09:38
Den suverne presidenten vil ha et demokratisk valg i november, ikke et stjålet valg fra Kina ( kjøpte opp sleepy joe og baby joe i 2015)
Trump fields audience questions on mail-in voting, riots, says Democrats 'destroying our country' .
mail-in voting posed the “biggest risk” to a fair election come November.
mail-in ballots would raise questions about the integrity of the election.
country like China could “print millions of ballots using the exact same paper” in an attempt to interfere in the election.
Trump fields audience questions on mail-in voting, riots, says Democrats 'destroying our country' .
mail-in voting posed the “biggest risk” to a fair election come November.
mail-in ballots would raise questions about the integrity of the election.
country like China could “print millions of ballots using the exact same paper” in an attempt to interfere in the election.
Redigert 26.06.2020 kl 09:41
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26.06.2020 kl 09:45
DT om antifa/de voldelige kriminelle vandalene;
“Democrats think it’s wonderful that they’re destroying our country. It’s a very sick thing going on, nobody’s ever seen it.”
the “radical left” was manipulating presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and would soon “take him over.”
“These people are vandals, but they're agitators. But they're really -- they're terrorists in a sense.”
“Democrats think it’s wonderful that they’re destroying our country. It’s a very sick thing going on, nobody’s ever seen it.”
the “radical left” was manipulating presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and would soon “take him over.”
“These people are vandals, but they're agitators. But they're really -- they're terrorists in a sense.”
26.06.2020 kl 09:59
The president specifically called out Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and Oakland as problematic. Trump blamed the mayors of those cities – all of them Democrats – along with former President Barack Obama and the party’s presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden – for the high rates of homicide and other violent crimes.
“Chicago is an example, it is worse than Afghanistan,” Trump told “These cities, it’s like living in hell.”
Chicago in particular has become a target for Trump’s criticism, especially after the city reached a grim milestone late last month when it saw 18 murders in one day – making May 31 the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.
The president specifically called out Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and Oakland as problematic. Trump blamed the mayors of those cities – all of them Democrats – along with former President Barack Obama and the party’s presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden – for the high rates of homicide and other violent crimes.
“Chicago is an example, it is worse than Afghanistan,” Trump told “These cities, it’s like living in hell.”
Chicago in particular has become a target for Trump’s criticism, especially after the city reached a grim milestone late last month when it saw 18 murders in one day – making May 31 the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.
26.06.2020 kl 10:05
critique on Biden, whose gaffe today on the campaign trail he mocked.
“It’s so crazy what’s happening,” Trump said. “Here’s a guy who doesn’t talk. Nobody hears him. Whenever he does talk - he can’t put two sentences together. I don’t want to be nice or un-nice. I mean, the man can’t speak.”
Trump also labeled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., as “bad people” and went on to continue deriding former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
“We have Schumer and Pelosi and people that are bad people that I honestly believe don’t love our country,” Trump said. “What they do to our country and what they’ve done with this scam.”
He added: “Now it came out that Mueller should have announced in the first week that we did nothing wrong. They had evidence in the first few days that there was no collusion with Russia. There was nothing to do with Russia. They knew that immediately.”
critique on Biden, whose gaffe today on the campaign trail he mocked.
“It’s so crazy what’s happening,” Trump said. “Here’s a guy who doesn’t talk. Nobody hears him. Whenever he does talk - he can’t put two sentences together. I don’t want to be nice or un-nice. I mean, the man can’t speak.”
Trump also labeled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., as “bad people” and went on to continue deriding former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
“We have Schumer and Pelosi and people that are bad people that I honestly believe don’t love our country,” Trump said. “What they do to our country and what they’ve done with this scam.”
He added: “Now it came out that Mueller should have announced in the first week that we did nothing wrong. They had evidence in the first few days that there was no collusion with Russia. There was nothing to do with Russia. They knew that immediately.”
27.06.2020 kl 12:55