USA 30.06.2020 kl 08:53 504

States Halt Reopening as Spike in Cases Shows No Sign of Slowing
With new cases surging in many parts of the country, at least a dozen states and cities are pulling back on their plans for reopening.
“This is really the beginning,” the C.D.C.’s principal deputy director said, painting an unsettling picture of the outbreak in an interview.
Jacksonville, Fla., which is scheduled to host the Republican National Convention, reversed itself on face masks.

Alarmed by a spike in cases in the Sun Belt, New York and New Jersey are reconsidering how fast to reopen.
5h ago274 comments
Redigert 30.06.2020 kl 08:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.06.2020 kl 09:33 444

Man kan ikke kontrollere et virus over tid uansett. Antall smittede går oppover, mens daglige døde har hatt en nedadgående trend siden ca slutten av april.

For meg ser det ut til at USA følger omtrent den samme utviklingen som en del europeiske land som f.eks. Belgia, Spania, Italia.

USA ligger bare på 12. plass for smittede og 9. plass for døde.