Zenith Energy Ltd.( News før eller den 20.08.2020)

ZENITH 28.07.2020 kl 22:29 23356

July 20, 2020

06.08.2020 Se dette intervjuet av AC


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Update on Tilapia in the Republic of the Congo

Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to provide an update on the Tilapia licence in the Republic of the Congo which expired on July 18, 2020.

The Company can confirm that the Company's subsidiary in the Republic of the Congo, Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo S.A.U ("AAOG Congo"), continues to operate the Tilapia oilfield on an interim basis following the implementation of a "Plan for the Continuation of Activities" ("PCA") agreed with the national oil authorities.

New 25-year licence for Tilapia ("Tilapia II")

The Company is pleased to announce that, in accordance with local procedures, it has submitted a comprehensive commercial and technical offer (the "Offer") to the Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of the Congo for the award of a new 25-year licence for the Tilapia oilfield to be named "Tilapia II".

In consideration of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the expected evaluation period for the Company's aforementioned Offer, the Company expects to receive a preliminary indication regarding the possible acceptance of the Offer within the next 30 days.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:

"We are very excited about the good progress we have achieved in recent weeks in the Republic of the Congo, specifically in respect of the submission of the Offer for Tilapia II. As is to be expected, the unprecedented world crisis presented by COVID-19 has delayed all activities, including the arranging of meetings to conduct the necessary negotiations prior to submitting the Offer.

The Tilapia asset has transformational production potential and the award of a new 25-year licence will represent the first important successful milestone in our journey in the Congo. It is our hope and expectation that we shall achieve this goal in due course.

I am also pleased to confirm that negotiations are nearing a conclusion with regards to defining a payment plan for the repayment of the US$5.3 million debt owed by Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo to AAOG Congo."

20. juli 2020

Informasjonen i denne kunngjøringen anses av selskapet for å utgjøre innsideinformasjon som er fastsatt i henhold til markedsmisbruksforordningen (EU) nr. 596/2014 ("MAR"). Ved publisering av denne kunngjøringen via en forskriftsinformasjonstjeneste ("RIS"), blir nå informasjonen inne i dette dokumentet ansett for å være i det offentlige.


("Zenith" eller "selskapet")

Oppdatering om Tilapia i Republikken Kongo

Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" eller "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA-ME), det børsnoterte internasjonale olje- og gassproduksjonsselskapet som fokuserer på å forfølge afrikanske utviklingsmuligheter, er glade for å kunne oppdatere Tilapia lisens i Republikken Kongo som gikk ut 18. juli 2020.

Selskapet kan bekrefte at selskapets datterselskap i Republikken Kongo, Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo SAU ("AAOG Kongo"), fortsetter å drifte oljefeltet Tilapia på midlertidig basis etter implementering av en "plan for videreføring av Aktiviteter "(" PCA ") ble enige med de nasjonale oljemyndighetene.

Ny 25-årig lisens for Tilapia ("Tilapia II")

Selskapet er glade for å kunngjøre at det i samsvar med lokale prosedyrer har levert et omfattende kommersielt og teknisk tilbud ("Tilbudet") til departementet for hydrokarboner i Republikken Kongo for tildeling av en ny 25-årig lisens for at Tilapia oljefelt ble kalt "Tilapia II".

Med tanke på virkningen av den pågående COVID-19-pandemien, samt den forventede evalueringsperioden for selskapets nevnte Tilbud, forventer selskapet å motta en foreløpig indikasjon om mulig aksept av Tilbudet innen de neste 30 dagene.

Andrea Cattaneo, administrerende direktør i Zenith, kommenterte:

"Vi er veldig glade for den gode fremgangen vi har oppnådd de siste ukene i Republikken Kongo, spesielt med tanke på innleveringen av Tilbudet til Tilapia II. Som forventet, den enestående verdenskrisen presentert av COVID-19 har forsinket alle aktiviteter, inkludert arrangering av møter for å gjennomføre nødvendige forhandlinger før innlevering av tilbudet.

Tilapia-eiendelen har et transformasjonsproduksjonspotensial, og tildelingen av en ny 25-årig lisens vil representere den første viktige suksessrike milepælen på reisen vår i Kongo. Det er vårt håp og forventning at vi når dette målet med tiden.

Jeg er også glad for å bekrefte at forhandlingene nærmer seg en avslutning når det gjelder å definere en betalingsplan for tilbakebetaling av 5,3 millioner dollar gjeld som Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo skylder til AAOG Kongo.

Kilde : Hjemmesiden til "The Company"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.07.2020 kl 22:45 9842

Det gir vel et stort håp- denne faller på plass.
Ved avtale på plass kan vel dette utgjør 50 øre extra på kursen.
Bull avtale dette
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.07.2020 kl 23:02 9790

En 8-dobling av kursen altså? Bwahahahaaaa
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.07.2020 kl 23:03 9784

Galv !

Ca 3 uker igjen, eller før,noe annet ville være insider info.

AC som er Direktør og eier 8% av selskapet er ikke interessert å kjøre ned kursen. Ferdig snakka.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.07.2020 kl 23:38 9734

De grønne !

Når verdens markedet skal i gang igjen ,etter denne korona epidemien , må vi ha Power, Olje er faktisk det eneste vi har bare ved å " Slå på bryteren" etterspørselen kommer til å bli enorm. Miljøpartiet de grønne mener sikkert noe annet..Men uansett så er det pengene som bestemmer, derfor ga AP og Høyre " noe"støtte til Oljennæringen.

Tenk selv.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 00:18 9675

Alle !

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 08:30 9511

Lyder vildt men men.

Tilapia på plads, så melder de bore opstart lige efter da de har forhandlet om en Rig i lang tid.
Burde ikke være umuligt.

Plus WA, Coro, Nigeria samt Tunesien.

Det kan gå stærkt op af når/ hvis firmaet frisk meldes..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 08:46 9472

Bare å laste mega billige aksjer nå. Jeg plukket 550 k nye i går. Plutselig er denne eventyrlige muligheten borte.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 12:11 9329

From AEI 29/07/2020

'Zenith Energy not sole contender for Tilapia licence

Zenith Energy, which bought the former owner of the Tilapia licence, AAOG Congo, in May, is facing competition from seven other companies interested in the oil field, much to the ministry of hydrocarbons' delight as it hopes to raise the bidding.
The race is on for the renewal of the Tilapia licence, previously owned by AAOG Congo, after it expired on 18 July. Andrea Cattaneo, the director general of Canadian Zenith Energy, was able to work his way around Covid-19 flights restrictions and land in Brazzaville at the end of June. Zenith, which bought AAOG in May, wants to secure a 25-year renewal for Tilapia.

Why the buzz?
In mid-June, the Congolese director general of hydrocarbons Teresa Goma made it clear to Zenith that getting a renewal to the licence was not going to be a bed of roses and there were several other contestants in the running. According to our information, these include South African firm Sungu Sungu Petroleum, a pioneer in the shale gas industry in South Africa, and the Nigerian trader Index Petrolube Africa, which has no experience in exploration on the continent. Index Petrolube Africa unsuccessfully tried to acquire the Congolese fields Kombi, Likalala and Libondo II, later won by Perenco after a bitter battle against Total (Africa Intelligence, 23/04/20).
Another Nigerian firm, Atlantic L&D Group, would also like to pick up the Tilapia licence, as would SNPC chairman Denis Gokana's company Africa Oil and Gas Corp (AOGC). They are joined by Kontinent Congo, a subsidiary of the US-based, Kontinent. Kontinent Bongo is headed by Cameroonian national Yaya Moussa, former representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Brazzaville. Petronas' trading arm Petco, and the Russian state-owned Zarubezhneft, make up the last of the contenders interested in the licence.

Bidding up on tax
By making sure Zenith is aware that it is far from the only oil company interested in Tilapia, Goma is hoping to raise how much each firm is willing to put down for the award bonus, which starts at a minimum $5m. Profit oil, the amount shared between the operators and the state after deduction of development costs, will be split evenly between the state and the joint venture, as is often the case with Congolese oil contracts.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 12:16 9307

Haha gjett én gang om Zenith vinner den konkurransen da...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 12:33 9258

Second Congo asset10 Jul '20

The 07.07.2020 RNS regarding a JVA for the acquisition of a second asset in the Republic of the Congo implies some interesting prospects if successful. An onshore oil production licence for a potential acquisition “producing at a rate of approximately 300 bopd from the Mengo formation as recently as 2019” with “production currently suspended pending the assignation of a new licence”, suggests from an appraisal of the likely target fields, a potentially significant acquisition.

Recent onshore production from the Mengo formation has been limited to only a few fields in the Kouilou region [ 6 coastal districts] most, if not all of which, appear to have substantial oil reserves. Whilst a portion of 300 bopd is relatively insignificant, it is the potential for developmental production which is of greatest interest. In this latter respect a successful outcome to the further initiatives towards obtaining “Non-equity development funding” from two pan-African financial institutions, announced on 16.06.2020 will be essential; the Mengo is a known low-permeability oil reservoir and as such requires advanced and expensive technologies to achieve commercial production.

Of the licence Blocks [ref Coastal Basin Block Map Nov 2019 www.congomhc.com ] which constitute the Kouilou region and which are shown as in production in 2019, M'Boundi, Zingali, Kouakoualaa and Loufika appear to produce from the deeper Vandji sandstone, part of Kayo Sud operated by Wing Wah Petrochem produced from an unspecified source, and MKB [Mengo, Kundji, Bindi & Tchiniambi Fields] operated by SNPC definitely did, and in some fields still do, produce from the Mengo. Leaving aside the possibility that Kayo Sud, for which there is no data, is the JVA target, if one of the MKB fields is the target then bear in mind that Orion Oil paid $150m for a 20% interest in MKB in 2013 on the basis of certified reserves of 1.3billion barrels of oil. Of the four MKB fields, Kundji would appear to be the most likely candidate with two wells probably still in production in early 2019, of which more details can be provided if and when we have confirmation of the outcome.

Regardless of the JVA outcome I have no doubt there will be other W African initiatives forthcoming, as Augusto Rossato ZEN's chief geologist since 2017 was Total's Operations Geologist for W Africa from 2005-9, based at Port Gentil, Gabon. He has specialist knowledge of the S Gabon-N Congo coastal basin. If AC tweets a photo of himself between Lucien Ebata, founder of Orion Group SA, and President Denis Sassou Nguesso, we can be sure of success.

Kilde : 10.07.2020 Chatten på London børs.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 12:45 9216

Eni Seeks to Sell Congo Assets

"Italian Giant Eni is said to have started the process to offload assets in the Republic of Congo and is said to be working with advisors to facilitate the transaction. This is with the aim of reducing the operation costs, staff numbers at a time oil prices have slumped by more than 30 percent following the continued surge of the COVID-19 pandemic that has seen economies shut down and demand at an all-time low.

Eni has been present in Congo since 1968 with activities concentrated in the conventional and deep offshore facing Pointe-Noire and onshore covering a developed and undeveloped acreage of 4,725 square kilometers........."

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 12:48 9242

Når meldingen kom om JVA en . Så skjønte vel de mest interesserte at det var trøbbel i tårnet og at det ikke bare var å overta AAOG sin gamle kontrakt.
Det var skrevet mellom linjene.
Og jeg tviler på at vi/Zenith har boret 1 METER før nyttårsaften.
Men ,jeg har tatt feil før og gjør det sikkert igjen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 12:54 9242

Alle !
Her er det mye på gang. :-)

Håper at AC "ikke mister hengeren på veien"

Tenk om alt kommer til å" klaffe" for AC og oss.( And up we go)
Under tre uker igjen til mange svar er på plass.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 13:13 9489

Är det rimligt att tänka att det är runt 5-10% chans för Zeniths förlängning av Tilapia licensen nu?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 13:21 9460

Jeg har stor tro AC klarer dette og lisensen blir hos oss.
I værste fall vill Zenith sitte igjen med $5,3 mill (NOK47,7 mill). Ikke dårlig investering mot en innsats på NOK 2mill
"I am also pleased to confirm that negotiations are nearing a conclusion with regards to defining a payment plan for the repayment of the US$5.3 million debt owed by Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo to AAOG Congo.”

Veldig positivt at ENI ønsker å selge deler av eiendelene sine i Congo. Forventer AC gjør et fremstøt her.

Veldig spennende tid vi går i møte.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 16:32 9333

Det ble en rar dag. Det virket at det var noe på gang, men kanskje bare daytradere!!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 16:43 9304

Fint med litt handel,ikke kun tørr prat.Satser på news utløser gain snart. 🍻
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 23:14 9110

Bra volum i dag ...nest høyeste på 1.5 mnd.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2020 kl 23:29 9075

Alle !

Det er noe på gang, les dere opp.

Anbefaler "Hold" samtidig som man har en liten pot å leke seg med hver dag opp og ned. :-) f.eks kjøp på 0.84 selg på 0.87 o.s.v. :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 12:12 8919

Alle !

Jeg innrømmer at jeg er veldig veldig spent, på hva AC har fått til. :-)

Dette "kan" fly noe voldsomt når meldingen kommer.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 15:04 8813

Alle !

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 15:10 8794

Når er det tomt for 0.08 aksjer?😎 Må bare vite det så jeg får kjøpt meg ferdig snart...eller har noen 0.070 på lur? 😊🎅
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 15:14 8790

Virker utømmelig,har nå dobbelt av tenkt🍻
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 15:29 8789

Det må være han investoren eller Chris som selger
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 16:19 8723

hohoho 🎅🎅 Vi trenger ikke salgssiden i ordredybden....det holder med EN.....hva ønsker Herren å betale for aksjene i dag mon tro??? Så får du ønsket ditt oppfylt av 🎅🎅🎅
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 16:31 8710

Ja! Chris må gi seg snart, han må da snart gå tom for aksjer? 😜😅
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 17:01 8667

og drømmen hans er inngang på 0,05
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 17:34 8627

Ja 🙈
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 18:37 8566

Synd at vi ikke får en liten oppdatering på Twitter etter gammelt!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 18:42 8553

Nå er vi snart 40 prosent ned siden 17 juni.....er jaggu litt å ta igjen nå. Tror du vi skal ned på 0.06 snart ? 😜😜 Da er det nok mange som får panikk og julenissen kommer med de største gavene 🎅🎅😊😊
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 18:52 8527

Ja, viss vi må vente fram til 20.august, så tror jeg at vi vil se 6 og 5 øre. Jeg synst det er helt utrolig at vi synker og synker, kursen burde stige på forventninger spør du meg. Men tilliten til AC er nok tynnslitt...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 19:29 8486

Falder nok ned til 0,075 kr, inden næste EMI på 0,07 kr kommer.

Så må man dælme håbe at han overrasker efterfølgende 🙈🙈

Selvom Tilapia ryger, har vi stadigvæk 5,3 mio $ til gode, så af spejler dagens aktiekurs.
Så ned siden er nok begrænset herfra 👍😃
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 19:35 8486

Nedsiden er ikke begrenset nei. Først emisjon på 7 øre, deretter spleis 1:100. Og så kan kursen falle fra 7kr til 7 øre igjen.

Hvordan gikk det i Aserbajdsjan? Hvordan gikk det i Norge? Dere finner Ingen info om det nei? Bare vent - plutselig er Congo ute av bildet, uten nyheter uten info, og så dukker det opp et nytt prosjekt et annet sted.

Rinse and Repeat. Dette selskapet er ren svindel, noe Sjefen selv har en dom mot seg fra tidligere år. Profesjonell svindel. Stay away 😡
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 19:44 8473

Har sjefen selv en dom mot seg fra tidligere år?
Hvis det stemmer er det et stort rødt flagg
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 19:52 8447

Det er vel ingen som har tillit til AC lenger? Det må han jobbe hardt for å få tilbake etter alt tullet det siste året. Nå leser vi at det er flere større firmaer som er med i budrunden på Tilapia.. Det ender nok opp med at en av de store får den nå, og så får Zenith en liten dam inne i ørkenen som AC skal hause opp. Er glad jeg bare gikk inn med 5% av penga mine i Zenith, og resten er i TXP som er oppe 350% siste året. Har enda mine aksjer her, men har avskrevet det og forsøkt å glemme de bort. Ble en fin lærepenge for meg.

Hvis du vil investere i olje/gass så kjøper du heller TXP. De har en CEO du kan stole på som jevnlig oppdaterer markedet. De har et low risk exploration program som gjør at de kommer til å mangedoble produksjonen de neste årene. De holder på å bore ny brønn as we speak, og skal bore enda en i år med 100% sjanse for at den blir kommersiell da de skal bore gjennom de samme sonene som på Cascadura 1 - det største gassfunnet onshore i landet.

Det blir hvert fall 1 år til Zenith skal bore noe igjen, og imens blir det nok 10-15 emisjoner. Hadde aldri kjøpt Zenith idag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 20:20 8427

«Veni ,vidi, vici»

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 22:03 8346

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 23:50 8221

RE: Re tilapiaToday 15:25

I think that AC's deal-making skills are unquestioned.

1. He managed to acquire the Azerbaijan rights in the first place. Although the workover side of things was not successful, Zenith still have the exploration side and I think that all would agree it is the exploration side that is the interesting part. Zenith also still have the drilling rig out there to carry out this exploration work on a cost-effective basis.

2. Tilapia – AC managed to acquire Tiapia from AAOG even in the face of competition from other parties who were offering to put approximately £1million into the company. Of course, both Oxford Energy and Jub Capital turned out not to have this money, but this was not known at the time. When it did become evident that this was the case the first thing that AC did was to renegotiate the contract until he ended up paying a mere £200,000 for the licesnse.

3. As well as acquiring the Tilapia license for £200,000 AC also acquired the $5.3 million worth of debt owed to AAOG by their partner the SNPC. This debt was owed for the SNPC share of the TLP-103C drill which was never paid. It is now owed to Zenith and it was confirmed in the July 20th RNS that “negotiations are nearing a conclusion with regards to defining a payment plan for the repayment of the US$5.3 million”. Buying $5.3 million worth of debt AND an oil license that once gave AAOG a market cap of £30 million is I think that we can all agree, one hell of a deal.

4. Tunisia – AC managed to acquire a 22.5% stake in Sidi El Kilani for $500,000. Even better than this Zenith only had to pay $250,000 cash and the rest of it will be paid out of the revenue generation from Sidi El Kilani itself. This asset on its own generated gross revenues of approx. £15 million.

So there we have it. The del-making skills are pretty-much unquestioned. AC understands how to spot them and close them for a good price. We still have the deals in Gabon to go and even more interestingly as pawnsacrifice posted on Wednesday we also have ENI looking to sell off assets in the Congo: https://www.worldoil.com/news/2020/7/21/eni-seeks-to-sell-assets-in-norway-congo

So we have an Italian company wanting to divest assets in Norway and Congo, two places that we know Zenith are interested in. Let’s hope AC can put his deal-making skills to good use again and come up with some production and exploration assets from there too.

Kilde: London Børs Chat.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2020 kl 23:58 8213

Jeg får trekke det tilbake det med svindel, under tvil. Jeg har ikke klart å finne igjen artiklene jeg leste i fjor om dette, men jeg fulgte lenker fra en av Zenith trådene her i forumet. Hvis noen gidder å grave lenge nok, så finner man det.

Men JEG er hvertfall overbevist.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.07.2020 kl 00:15 5095

Alle !

Andrea Cattaneo .

I am a self-made man and everything that I have achieved in life has been down to my hard work. I grew up in Italy, went to a state school and completed my studies with an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Genoa and a postgraduate degree in Taxation Law from the University of Bologna.

After university I began my working life as a banker with specific expertise in dealing with the Soviet Block and I worked for a merchant bank specialising in export finance to socialist countries.

I was then headhunted by the LFC (London Forfaiting Company Ltd, London) which later became one of the biggest names in the forfaiting field. At this time, 1986, I achieved what I consider to be one of my most important accomplishments: organising the first convertible currency loan in the history of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, then one of the world’s poorest countries and still in a state of severe economic hardship from the war.

I syndicated the loan by bringing together a small consortium of banks headed by a Polish bank, Bank Handlowy International (Luxembourg) SA (I would later became an advisor to the Polish Ministry of Finance). With the additional participation of SACE (Italian Export Insurance Entity), the loan was finally signed and approved. This was no easy task as Vietnam was viewed very negatively by many in the West and suffering from stringent sanctions imposed by the USA.

Prior to this deal no international bank had any presence in Vietnam. The only direct contact with the Western world was an Air France flight from Paris to Saigon, renamed Ho Chi Minh City after the war.

The facility was also made possible because Vietnam was undergoing systematic economic reform and transitioning from centralised economic planning, a hallmark of Socialist models of economic organisation, to a quasi-capitalist form of ‘Socialist-orientated market economy’. In 1986 Vietnam began a further cycle of economic reform, a policy shift named ‘Doi Moi’ (meaning ‘Renovation’) that effectively inaugurated a new economic order wherein private enterprises and foreign-owned enterprises became possible and the role of the private sector became increasingly important.

As historian Donald B. Freeman has underlined (Geographical Review, April 1996), ‘the main goals of Doi Moi were to improve lagging productivity, to raise living standards, and to curb rapid inflation, which reached almost 500 percent a year in the mid- 1980s’. This set of policies ‘would reestablish a multi-sector economy driven by private enterprise under government supervision’. In effect, this entirely unforeseen reversal of economic policy put forward by the Communist Party’s Central Committee and ratified by the Sixth Party Congress in 1986 made Vietnam the first, to quote Freeman again, ‘Soviet Bloc nation to formally take the capitalist road’. This was a great time for Vietnam; economic change and prosperity almost immediately became apparent as liberalisation began.

Before this deal I had been appointed CEO of the Italian fully-owned subsidiary of the LFC, named London Finance SpA.

During my work in Vietnam I developed good relations with the Vietnamese Government, and I was offered the opportunity to trade Vietnamese crude oil on international markets. The offer was a sign of the Government’s trust and gratitude for having arranged the first international loan in the post-war period, especially as many other banks began to follow suit and establish themselves in the country as the economic potential of Vietnam became increasingly apparent. Being a banker, I at first did not take up this offer. However, within a year, I changed my mind, left a promising career in finance, and returned to Vietnam to explore the opportunity. Surprisingly, the offer was still valid, time seemed to pass rather more slowly in those days. I therefore became an oil entrepreneur, establishing a trading company specialised in oil, textile and hide transactions in Vietnam and, later, Africa.

Whilst active in oil and textile trading I continued working in the former Soviet Bloc and other socialist countries, acting as a consultant to government bodies in Poland, Vietnam and China.
Wine Production

Producing wine has been a life-long passion and an activity which has given me great joy. This is something I pursue on the side with limited production numbers, providing a fitting distraction from the production of oil & gas which consumes most of my time. Some of my wines have achieved notable awards and recognitions.

One of my wines won the ‘Best of Tuscany’ award in the London International Wine and Spirit Competition.

Other awards include a top rating in Wine Spectator for my 2001 Brunello di Montalcino.
Greater Tumen Initiative

I was invited to join the Business Advisory Council of the Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) – a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsored project with the aim of ‘strengthening economic and technical cooperation, and attaining greater growth and sustainable development in NEA (NortheastAsia) and the Greater Tumen Region’. I also held the position of GTI Energy Sector Coordinator. At the time of my involvement the Initiative included the participation of China, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation.
From oil trading to upstream oil & gas production – Zenith

In 2007, after a period of oil trading and consultancy in the oil & gas sector, I founded Zenith Energy Ltd., an international energy production and development company, incorporated in Canada, with a group of fellow oil executives.

In 2016 the Company signed a 25-year ‘REDPSA’, (Rehabilitation, Exploration, Development and Production Sharing Agreement), with SOCAR, (State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic), for the largest onshore oilfield in Azerbaijan.

Zenith is currently completing a potentially transformational acquisition campaign in Africa, specifically in the Republic of the Congo and Tunisia, having recalibrated its strategic direction towards pursuing large-scale oil and gas production and development opportunities in Africa.

Zenith will actively evaluate any value accretive opportunities to further strengthen and balance its portfolio, including a renewable energy production activity, to enable our enterprise to further evolve into a balanced, modern and forward-looking energy company.

31.07.2020 kl 00:36 5078

Jeg kan også skrive en sånn om meg selv, det kalles autobiografi. Men den er ikke verdt papiret den er skrevet på, nettop fordi den er skrevet av han selv... Det er sikkert sant alt som står der, men er det ikke påfallende hvor utrolig dyktig og flink og headhuntet han er da? Er det ingen som orker/gidder å stille kritiske spørsmål rundt dette firmaet og denne typen?

Hvorfor er det ikke kommet informasjon rundt operasjonene i Aserbajdsjan?
Hvorfor er det rot med kvartalsrapportene?
Hvorfor er det rot med årsrapportene?
Hvorfor stilles det ikke kritiske spørsmål på «investorkonferansene» han har holdt?
Hvorfor dukker det hele tiden opp masse nye børsmeldinger, spekket med «ikke-informasjon?»
Hvorfor kjøres det stadig nye mikroemisjoner som vanner ut aksjonærene mens sjefen selv tar ut millionlønn (hvis ikke jeg husker feil)?

Det er nok å ta av her. Bare begynne å grave med et kritisk blikk.
31.07.2020 kl 00:54 5071

Alle !
Vi kan stille spørsmål til AC 20.08.2020.
Da vil han møte oss.

Da vil han svare på alle de spørsmålene som vi har, om korona vil. Ferdig snakka.
Slettet bruker
31.07.2020 kl 08:29 4925

31.07.2020 kl 08:31 4942


Nå må dere lære dere å lese meldinger.

Av og til lønner det seg å lese meldinger med lupe.
Det er jo positivt å ikke gå inn i et tapsprosjekt, for heller å bruke pengene andre steder.
31.07.2020 kl 08:34 4936


Dette er jo faktisk 'Bull" mellom linjene.
31.07.2020 kl 08:49 4899

Markedet bestemmer graden av hvor bull kl 9-16.25😀
31.07.2020 kl 09:14 4812

Angående gass dealen i Italia , tror jeg de som har fulgt gassprisene/utviklingen det siste året. Bare synest at det var bra det ikke ble noen handel.
Lånet som er inngått på 300.000 euro burde vært gjort før, så vi unngår disse månedlige emisjonen på lave kurser.
Day traderene styrer aksjekursen som de vil,særlig i sluttauksjonen.
Mitt tips er at vi slutter i grønt idag ( før sluttsuksjonen)
Det er langt frem til ......