APCL. Ang. de nye reglene i Senegal

APCL 18.12.2017 kl 18:29 12952

Den nye petroleums og energiminister Kane ang. de nye reglene. Oversatt fra fransk

After the revision of the oil code that is underway, Senegal will no longer sign oil contracts with small companies. According to the Minister of Petroleum and Energy who defended the draft budget of his department before the deputies, from 2018, Senegal will sign oil contracts with the majors.

The budget of the Ministry of Oil and Energy was voted by a majority by the deputies Saturday. Minister Mansour Elimane Kane took advantage of his visit to the National Assembly to discuss with MPs the ongoing procedures for greater transparency in the management of oil and gas resources. According to him, the head of state is the first to demand transparency in the management of natural resources.

This justifies, in his opinion, the accession, as early as 2013, of Senegal to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (ITI), which has 52 countries, of which 19 are African.

In 2016, Senegal had again made a constitutional revision to allow all citizens to have access to information related to natural resources. Senegal's petroleum code is also under revision. This code, recalled the minister, dates from 1998 and was based on the attractiveness of Senegal. With his review, he said, he will be "much more profitable to the people". This new code will also allow the government to work directly with the majors who will do exploration, development and production instead of giving its deposits to juniors who, after exploration, will sell their shares. "We have no more time to lose with the small companies that will find, then seek to resell. From 2018, any contract that will be signed will be made with the majors, "said Mansour Elimane Kane.

In addition, the minister informed members that the government is working on a bill for the distribution of oil and gas revenues. This law, once adopted by the National Assembly, he said, will "know what to keep for future generations and what will it take to put in a sovereign fund so that all Senegalese can benefit ". "Transparency, it is total. People who want information can have it, "added the minister. Indeed, with oil and gas, Senegal has set itself the goal of achieving universal access to electricity in 2025. According to Mr. Kane, the government's option is to make Senegal a energy services hub. With oil and gas, he added, Senegal no longer needs to subsidize its agriculture because it will have a cheaper fertilizer.

"This oil and gas ecosystem must benefit Senegalese and new industries and small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from these resources," the minister said.


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08.03.2019 kl 08:43 3027

Tør en virkelig vente lengre på å stå utenfor APCL?
Sitter selv med en riktig så god følelse på at det skjer noe positivt her snarlig, kanskje alt i løpet av neste uke?
08.03.2019 kl 09:08 2956

For et jævl... jallapapir!
Bring on the f... news.
Det er det eneste!! Som kan gi varig oppgang!!
Det vi opplever nå er ren nonsens!
Aksjonærer: Skjerp eder!!
08.03.2019 kl 09:24 2912

Tenk dere...
Igår gikk det ca 2 mill aksjer rundt 1,20..
Idag kommer en blind nisse og dumper ned til 1,12...
Et nivå jeg trodde var historie%%
Og nå bygges kursen nedover fra 1,16...
Noen VIL rett og slett ikke tjene penger!
Jeg undres over slike idioter!
08.03.2019 kl 14:37 2638

Kansje, rock,n roll kan det bli flere enn 1 gang. Sammenligningen med TSU og Canargo er vel relevant, husker var med på begge i sin tid
08.03.2019 kl 14:38 2636

Teknisk er det helt på sin plass med noe nedgang etter bra stigning uten "news"
08.03.2019 kl 16:28 2494

"Nedgangen" i dag tror jeg nok var en indirekte konsekvens av vår regjeringens ordre til oljefondet, om ikke å investere i leteselskaper. Ser det samme gjengs over hele linjen. Kursen spretter nok påny, bare investorene for tenkt seg litt om.
08.03.2019 kl 17:15 2420

Det går opp og ned på luftslott i denne aksjen, intet nytt mao. Venter fortsatt på 2020... Ser vi 50 øre i mellomjulen? Igjen? ??
Slettet bruker
08.03.2019 kl 17:16 2415

tror ikke akkurat oljefondet er inne i APCL - og hvis det å kvitte seg med oljeaksjer er gjengs over hele linja, har vi nok ikke en gang sett starten på det du kaller "nedgangen"....
08.03.2019 kl 19:54 2251

De kvitter seg ikke med Equinor.
Er det på det stadiet en er i apcl pt at en sikrer pga no news rundt kronen?
08.03.2019 kl 21:46 2114

Hei Wrom,er du bull fremover?
08.03.2019 kl 23:20 2027

Glemte atl i desember. Mener den var nærmere 50 øre, husker ikke eksakt hva jeg kjøpte på da, men det står svart på hvitt på papirene mine hjemme. Tror vi skal ned på de nivåene før vi får en endelig avslutning på dette dramaet.