Kongsberg Automotive - Acquisition of shares

KOA 19.08.2020 kl 13:28 1616

Blir det nytt tilbake kjøp på mandag??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.08.2020 kl 13:31 1603


Today, on August 14 2020, Kongsberg Automotive acquired 12.500.000 treasury
shares ("Egne aksjer") at an average price of NOK 0,176. Following this
transaction the Company owns 25.098.454 treasury shares. The reason for the
company acquiring these shares is to have sufficient shares to satisfy the long
term incentive program (LTI) where around 150 of the company's top employees
receive shares as part of the LTI program. As it is both costly and
administratively complicated to issue such LTI shares directly from the company
to the LTI participants, the company decided to acquire these shares in the
market in spite of the recent capital increase. Furthermore, this prevents
further dilution of existing shareholders. With this transaction, all of the
company's requirement for LTI shares is satisfied for the next 9 months. The
LTI program is described in the binding part of company's Statement on
Remuneration which was approved by the Annual General Meeting 30 June 2020.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.08.2020 kl 13:33 1588

oki takk for svaret.. :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
19.08.2020 kl 18:30 1248

imorgan da ca 0,1670 øre?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25 Du må logge inn for å svare