Hillary: «Our democracy is in crisis»

HILLAR 17.09.2018 kl 06:54 590


Enig med Hillary.
Men det ville ha hjulpet demokratiet om venstreskrulla kunne innse at hun tapte
17.09.2018 kl 13:29 554

Anyone Who Doesn’t Accept The Results Of An Election Is A Threat To Democracy

17.09.2018 kl 14:11 544


Hillary er en skurk som fikk hjelp av partileder Debbie Wasserman Schultz for å jukse med primærvalget slik at Bernie Sanders ikke skulle vinne.
Schultz gikk av samme dagen da landsmøtet ble samlet for å samles bak Hillary til Democrats’ kandidat.
Hillary kvitterte med å ansette Schultz i egen valgkampstab og kjøpte derfor hennes taushet.

Dette er ‘ demokrati i fare’,Hillary!

Selvsagt nevnte norsk media knapt nok heller ikke denne saken!
Hillary er en STOR belastning for Democrats som ligger med brukket rygg og elendig ledelse!
17.09.2018 kl 16:47 529


Her er Hillarys svulstige ord og påstander.

Hillary’s America og Clinton Cash er to (bøker og ) filmer som ligger på youtube.com......
Mange flere skandaler er avslørt om Hillary siden disse filmene ble laget,så hun har ingen troverdighet som forsvarer av demokratiet i USA!
Slettet bruker
17.09.2018 kl 16:50 528

Hennes karakter er behørlig beskrevet i Gary J. Byrne "Crisis of Character".

Gary Byrne was actually the uniform secret service agent standing just outside Bill Clinton's door.
He was the last guy with a gun before somebody got to President Clinton in The Oval Office.
He has written this book.

Byrne forteller om hennes voldsomme og uforutsigbare humørsvingninger.

"Byrne says that she is DANGEROUS, ABUSIVE and PARANOID.
The book talks about the President having a black eye.
Talks about her obscenity laced tirade, that he witnessed in the White House."

Byrne beskriver også hvordan Hillary forfulgte og mobbet Vince Foster.
Vince Foster var rådgiver for Bill Clinton de første få månedene av hans presidentperiode.

"When I met Vince Foster in the White House and saw him walk around,
I never saw anybody that didn't wanna be there more than he didn't wanna be there. He looked so uncomfortable.
There were many incidents where the staff would hear her betray Vincent.
She blamed him publicly for some of the things that they didn't get done.
As a lot of people know, in his suicide note he basically said that,
Washington DC was this terrible vindictive place, and that it was one of the reasons he took his own life."

"Vince Foster took his life at Fort Marcy Park just across the parkway outside Washington, D.C. in 1993.
Bryn said that the circumstances of his death was so fishy and so spooky he says,
that he was worried that the Clintons actually want to kill him."

Og hvem hadde absvaret for etterforskingen av dette selvdrapet? Brett Kavanaugh :-)
Slettet bruker
18.09.2018 kl 00:10 494

Clinton made fascism policy. He and Hillary set in motion the destruction of the core institutions of the American Republic.

On Jan. 20, 1993, Bill Clinton was inaugurated.
On Feb. 28, 1993, C. LeBleu, T. McKeaham, R. Williams, S. Willis, bodyguards for Bill and Hillary Clinton, were all killed by gunfire in the illegal Waco, Texas raid on the David Koresh Branch Davidian compound.
On May 19, 1993, W. Barkley, B. Hassey, S. Reynolds, T. Sabel, bodyguards for Bill and Hillary Clinton, were killed in a helicopter crash.
On May 19, 1993, John A. Wilson, Washington, D.C. councilman died mysteriously as he was preparing to expose the Clintons.
On Jun. 22, 1993, Phil Wilcher, Washington, D.C. attorney investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton's drug smuggling and money laundering in Mena, Arkansas, allegedly committed suicide.
On Jul. 20, 1993, Vincent Foster, Jr., Deputy White House counsel and Clinton childhood friend, allegedly committed suicide.
On Aug. 15, 1993, Jon Walker, Senior RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) specialist investigating Whitewater, allegedly committed suicide.
On Sep. 10, 1993, S. Heard, S. Dickson, Clinton's healthcare advisory committee members, died in a plane crash.
On Sep. 26, 1993, Luther 'Jerry' Parks, Bill & Hillary Clinton's chief of security at the Clinton campaign headquarters, was murdered.
On Nov. 30, 1993, Ed Willey, Bill & Hillary Clinton's manager of the Clinton Presidential campaign finance committee, allegedly committed suicide.
On Mar. 01, 1994, Herschel Friday, a member of Bill & Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign finance committee, died in a plane crash.
On Mar. 03, 1994, Ronald Rogers, was killed enroute to an interview for The Clinton Chronicles.
On May 11, 1994, Kathy Ferguson, former wife of Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson, allegedly committed suicide.
On Jun. 12, 1994, Bill Shelton, Arkansas State Police officer, fiance of Kathy Ferguson, former wife of Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson, allegedly committed suicide.
On Jul. 28, 1994, Calvin Walraven, a police informant in Jocelyn Elders' son's cocaine distribution trial, allegedly committed suicide.

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