Er det nå vi starter ferden mot 60kr
Oppløftende rater fra Avance.98 $/ton Houston-Chiba.Baltic er noe ned.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:39
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30.09.2020 kl 22:35
IceTea skrev Noen som har dagens rater ?
Litt opp 43172$
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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30.09.2020 kl 22:36
IceTea skrev Noen som har dagens rater ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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01.10.2020 kl 09:36
Vi skal nok litt ned idag,men håper jeg tar feil.Jeg registrerer at antall aksjer i selskapet har gått ned med 5917 til 63694083
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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En god del som tar litt gevinst. Jeg tror personlig at JF fortsatt er på kjøperen... Snur nok opp igjen ganske snart...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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01.10.2020 kl 09:39
Mulig det.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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01.10.2020 kl 10:50
USD/day 44.042, up 1,8 %
Looking at the position list for the balance of the year, there is reason to believe 4q20 will also prove to be a strong one.
USD/day 44.042, up 1,8 %
Looking at the position list for the balance of the year, there is reason to believe 4q20 will also prove to be a strong one.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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Har anntall aksjer gått ned?
hvordan forklares det? vet de sitter på drøye 1% egne aksjer, men de har vel ikke slettet noen aksjer.
Håper de går for tilbakekjøp i stedet for utbytte i q3, mye bedre det på denne lave nav verdsettelsen.
hvordan forklares det? vet de sitter på drøye 1% egne aksjer, men de har vel ikke slettet noen aksjer.
Håper de går for tilbakekjøp i stedet for utbytte i q3, mye bedre det på denne lave nav verdsettelsen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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Så ca 20k per båt per dag i potensielt overskudd fremover... 25M per q i overskudd med 14 båter... Nå vet vi at ca 30% ikke får denne raten men rundt 31k og man skal ha noe dokking... Men ser ikke bort fra at de vil klare kanskje 20M usd i q3 og 15M usd i q4. Det er vel ca 20% av mcap på to q...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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01.10.2020 kl 11:14
Er det storeulv som handler med pølsefingrene
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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Syns han kan vente til selskapet selv hadde fått lastet aksjer, men gribben tenker jo mest på seg selv.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:23
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01.10.2020 kl 12:20
JF skal sikkert jobbe seg opp mot en eierandel på ca 33%. Det er der han pleier å ligge i sine andre skipseiende selskaper.
Da er det bare å holde på aksjene... Bør gå greit opp mot 50kr på kort sikt isåfall...
Redigert 01.10.2020 kl 12:37
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Sandsli invest
01.10.2020 kl 16:00
Voleon har kjøpt i morgentimene og redusert sin shorting posisjon.
Avance Gas Holding (AVANCE)
24.56 NOK-0.30 (-1.21 %)
# Player Short Position value Latest win/loss Startprice position Total value change
Susquehanna International Holdings Llc
0.52 % 8.31 M +0.10 M 22.20 NOK -0.80 M
Voleon Capital Management Lp
2.18 % 34.67 M +0.42 M - - M
Sum: 2.70 % 42.98 M +0.52 M -0.80 M
Avance Gas Holding (AVANCE)
24.56 NOK-0.30 (-1.21 %)
# Player Short Position value Latest win/loss Startprice position Total value change
Susquehanna International Holdings Llc
0.52 % 8.31 M +0.10 M 22.20 NOK -0.80 M
Voleon Capital Management Lp
2.18 % 34.67 M +0.42 M - - M
Sum: 2.70 % 42.98 M +0.52 M -0.80 M
Just me
01.10.2020 kl 19:31
Poten kjørte podcast i dag Om lpg markedet nå og frem i tid;
01.10.2020 kl 21:11
Hyggelig lesning fra Arctic:
LPG – US production up 6% w-o-w; VLGC spot edging higher!
Yesterday, EIA published weekly propane and propylene production, demand and imports figures for the week ending 25 September. Weekly production came in at 2.351mbd, up by ~6% w-o-w, and up by ~9% y-o-y.
As such, production for the week was 22% higher than the YTD low recorded in early May, and only ~5% below the all-time-high figure recorded in the first week of 2020. Inventories were up by ~4.1m barrels, and the current level of ~102m barrels is about 15% higher than the 5yr average and ~6% higher than the level seen a year ago.
In the VLGC market, the Baltic Index increased by 1.5% to USD 54.93/ton yesterday. On our calculations, this equates to USD ~42.5k/d, which is obviously a very strong level. FFAs for the remainder of the year are trading in line with the spot, pointing to a very strong market throughout the year.
Still the listed VLGC owners are trading at a significant discount to underlying values, and we calculate that on average, a resale VLGC is implicitly valued below USD 60m in the listed owners. This compares to a historical average newbuild price of USD ~72m.
LPG – US production up 6% w-o-w; VLGC spot edging higher!
Yesterday, EIA published weekly propane and propylene production, demand and imports figures for the week ending 25 September. Weekly production came in at 2.351mbd, up by ~6% w-o-w, and up by ~9% y-o-y.
As such, production for the week was 22% higher than the YTD low recorded in early May, and only ~5% below the all-time-high figure recorded in the first week of 2020. Inventories were up by ~4.1m barrels, and the current level of ~102m barrels is about 15% higher than the 5yr average and ~6% higher than the level seen a year ago.
In the VLGC market, the Baltic Index increased by 1.5% to USD 54.93/ton yesterday. On our calculations, this equates to USD ~42.5k/d, which is obviously a very strong level. FFAs for the remainder of the year are trading in line with the spot, pointing to a very strong market throughout the year.
Still the listed VLGC owners are trading at a significant discount to underlying values, and we calculate that on average, a resale VLGC is implicitly valued below USD 60m in the listed owners. This compares to a historical average newbuild price of USD ~72m.
05.10.2020 kl 15:43
Voleon tar tap og slikker sine sår. Short eksponeringen er nede i 1.93%.
Det andre selskapet er helt ute av shortposisjonen sin.....
Det andre selskapet er helt ute av shortposisjonen sin.....
05.10.2020 kl 20:53
The introduction of the trade deal between the two largest economies in
the world seems to be supporting LPG shipping for now. China's imports
of US LPG for the January-August period have recorded greater volumes
when compared with the pre- tensions period, which halted flows in
August 2018 with the imposition of prohibitive tariffs.
As a result, term contracts were extended, new ones were created, in combination with
an increase in the activity of monthly spot purchases that provide
Chinese importers were attracted by the lower prices of US LPG
cargoes, particularly propane, compared to cargoes ex-Middle East,
which consist of a mix of propane and butane, and are also attractive to
buyers in India and Indonesia that utilises them for cooking purposes.
Imports from the US resumed around March when China began
accepting applications for tariff exemptions on 696 US-origin goods,
including crude, LNG and refined products such as LPG.
This was music to the ears of the shipowners, which saw an increase in the tonne-mile
demand of the sector.
Moreover, on the demand side, the commencement of several new PDH
plants recently has boosted China's overall LPG imports to 1.92 Mn T in
August, up almost 25 per cent from July and up 15.4 per cent y-o-y,
according to Chinese customs data.
Regarding imports from the US solely, China imported about 485,406 T of LPG in August,
up 3.5% m-om, General Administration of Customs data showed.
As a result, the US surpassed the UAE to become the top LPG supplier to China for the
month. China has 11 PDH plants in operation with combined propylene
production capacity of 6.71 Mn T per year and can use up to 8.05 Mn T
per year of propane as feedstock at full capacity, according to Platts.
Regarding the future of the Sino-American relationship, opinions are
mixed in the industry. This is mainly because of the uncertainty of the
extent of the impact that the Trump administration's new licensing
restrictions on US firms exporting products to China's top
semiconductor manufacturer, Semiconductor Manufacturing
International Corp., would have on wider trade relations.
This is, however, why there is an uptick on the spot activity compared to the
term contracts. "Spot cargoes are very flexible, it only takes around one
month to deliver to China from the US," the source stated.
Having said that, the future on the demand side seems bright.
Another source of spot cargo activity has been new PDH plants coming online.
Oriental Energy will start up its facility in Ningbo in November after
multiple delays or January at the latest.
Yantai Wanhua Chemical has delayed the start of its new LPG cracker and downstream chemical
units in Shandong province to early November from end October.
Finally, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Co. Ltd., and China Gas Holdings
Co., Ltd. have started construction of a joint venture PDH plant with a
propylene production capacity of 600,000 T per year in the Taixing
Economic Development Zone.
Source: Platts, Chinese General Administration of Customs
the world seems to be supporting LPG shipping for now. China's imports
of US LPG for the January-August period have recorded greater volumes
when compared with the pre- tensions period, which halted flows in
August 2018 with the imposition of prohibitive tariffs.
As a result, term contracts were extended, new ones were created, in combination with
an increase in the activity of monthly spot purchases that provide
Chinese importers were attracted by the lower prices of US LPG
cargoes, particularly propane, compared to cargoes ex-Middle East,
which consist of a mix of propane and butane, and are also attractive to
buyers in India and Indonesia that utilises them for cooking purposes.
Imports from the US resumed around March when China began
accepting applications for tariff exemptions on 696 US-origin goods,
including crude, LNG and refined products such as LPG.
This was music to the ears of the shipowners, which saw an increase in the tonne-mile
demand of the sector.
Moreover, on the demand side, the commencement of several new PDH
plants recently has boosted China's overall LPG imports to 1.92 Mn T in
August, up almost 25 per cent from July and up 15.4 per cent y-o-y,
according to Chinese customs data.
Regarding imports from the US solely, China imported about 485,406 T of LPG in August,
up 3.5% m-om, General Administration of Customs data showed.
As a result, the US surpassed the UAE to become the top LPG supplier to China for the
month. China has 11 PDH plants in operation with combined propylene
production capacity of 6.71 Mn T per year and can use up to 8.05 Mn T
per year of propane as feedstock at full capacity, according to Platts.
Regarding the future of the Sino-American relationship, opinions are
mixed in the industry. This is mainly because of the uncertainty of the
extent of the impact that the Trump administration's new licensing
restrictions on US firms exporting products to China's top
semiconductor manufacturer, Semiconductor Manufacturing
International Corp., would have on wider trade relations.
This is, however, why there is an uptick on the spot activity compared to the
term contracts. "Spot cargoes are very flexible, it only takes around one
month to deliver to China from the US," the source stated.
Having said that, the future on the demand side seems bright.
Another source of spot cargo activity has been new PDH plants coming online.
Oriental Energy will start up its facility in Ningbo in November after
multiple delays or January at the latest.
Yantai Wanhua Chemical has delayed the start of its new LPG cracker and downstream chemical
units in Shandong province to early November from end October.
Finally, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Co. Ltd., and China Gas Holdings
Co., Ltd. have started construction of a joint venture PDH plant with a
propylene production capacity of 600,000 T per year in the Taixing
Economic Development Zone.
Source: Platts, Chinese General Administration of Customs
06.10.2020 kl 09:54
Litt gevinstsikring idag,men det er rimelig normalt.Det fundamentale er det samme som for noen uker siden
BWLPG har et fint brudd på 40kr,selskapet viser kanskje vei idag.
BWLPG har et fint brudd på 40kr,selskapet viser kanskje vei idag.
Redigert 06.10.2020 kl 09:56
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08.10.2020 kl 11:16
Fearnleys 46.666$/måned.Sinnsykt stabile rater for tiden,og godt er det om vi skal nå 60kr før 2021
08.10.2020 kl 11:43
Personlig mener jeg det er et helt urealistisk kursmål. Man kan kanskje forsvare det med noen regnestykker hvis man legger godviljen til, men markedet vil ikke prise den så høyt uansett. Det generelle børsmarkedet vil være altfor ruglete fremover til at vi kan drømme om noe sånt. Men at den forsvarer en høyere pris enn idag er vi alle enige om(bortsett fra shorterne da).
08.10.2020 kl 11:59
Arbistrasjen Vest-Øst øker og er knallsterk. Forsvarer rater langt over $50k/dag. Oppside i ratene pt.
Spot propan US: $266/mt
Spot propan East (1mnd forward): $423/mt
Pareto i dag:
VLGC: Another positive propane inventory report
} US propane inventories were essentially flat last week (down 0.1m barrels), and remain 6% above the level seen a year ago at 101.8m barrels. This came despite significantly higher domestic demand w/w (1.2mbd - +95% w/w), where the 4-week average figure remains down 2% y/y. Exports also relatively high at 1.2mbd, up 4% y/y
} Production remains the key item to watch, and came in at 2.26mbd, down 4% w/w but up 6% y/y. The 4-week average figure remains 3.3% higher than a year ago, which is positive considering the hurricane-issues we have had recently
} Propane prices fell after the report, and the spread between USGoM and Asian prices is now enough to see rates far above USD 50,000/day
} Meanwhile, the monthly report that was released a few days ago showed that July-production of propane was 6% higher than a year ago, which is a higher number than what the weekly reports suggested. And, it is still the ‘Texas Inland’ region that posts the most rapid growth (which also is ~44% of the total), with 14% y/y growth in July – and nearly back at the pre-COVID production record from March (0.73mbd in July vs. 0.74mbd in March)
Spot propan US: $266/mt
Spot propan East (1mnd forward): $423/mt
Pareto i dag:
VLGC: Another positive propane inventory report
} US propane inventories were essentially flat last week (down 0.1m barrels), and remain 6% above the level seen a year ago at 101.8m barrels. This came despite significantly higher domestic demand w/w (1.2mbd - +95% w/w), where the 4-week average figure remains down 2% y/y. Exports also relatively high at 1.2mbd, up 4% y/y
} Production remains the key item to watch, and came in at 2.26mbd, down 4% w/w but up 6% y/y. The 4-week average figure remains 3.3% higher than a year ago, which is positive considering the hurricane-issues we have had recently
} Propane prices fell after the report, and the spread between USGoM and Asian prices is now enough to see rates far above USD 50,000/day
} Meanwhile, the monthly report that was released a few days ago showed that July-production of propane was 6% higher than a year ago, which is a higher number than what the weekly reports suggested. And, it is still the ‘Texas Inland’ region that posts the most rapid growth (which also is ~44% of the total), with 14% y/y growth in July – and nearly back at the pre-COVID production record from March (0.73mbd in July vs. 0.74mbd in March)
08.10.2020 kl 16:46
Si det. Men hvorfor gikk futten av "våre 2" ut å slutten? Dorian nå opp godt over 3%!
Oj hva skjer? Dorian nå opp nesten 5%?
Er det shortekjeltringene som er ute på tokt nå igjen?
Oj hva skjer? Dorian nå opp nesten 5%?
Er det shortekjeltringene som er ute på tokt nå igjen?
Redigert 08.10.2020 kl 17:16
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08.10.2020 kl 18:29
Ja,det er utrolig stabile,sunne rater.Dorian knaller til med en foreløpig oppgang på 4,5%
08.10.2020 kl 18:33
Det er vel både shorterne og truseskvetterne som rir aksjen for tiden,men det hjelper så lite når oljeprisen stiger,høye stabile rater og en forventning om at Q3 og Q4 skal bli særdeles bra.Et annet poeng er at den historisk dårlige september er over for den gang.Her er det bare å ligge stille i balja..
Jeg tør ikke å tenke på hva som skjer med verdens børser når vaksinene er på å sitte på aksjene nå.
Jeg tør ikke å tenke på hva som skjer med verdens børser når vaksinene er på å sitte på aksjene nå.
Redigert 08.10.2020 kl 18:36
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09.10.2020 kl 13:07
Som nevnt lenger oppe eller i en annen tråd melder Fearnleys om TCE på $1,400,000 pr måned for VLGC. Det er historisk sterke rater (ca ($46,027 pr dag). Det som imidlertid er enda hyggeligere nyheter er at også LGC og MGC styrker seg. LGC +$100,000/måned til $1,000,000 pr måned. Og MGC +$25,000 pr måned til $875,000 pr måned. Dette betyr at underskuddet på skip begynner å bli strukturelt. LGC og MGC i LPG segmentet tilsvarer det samme som SuezMax og AfraMax gjør i Crude segmentet. Dvs at befrakterne kan ikke lenger justere cargo størrelsen sin og ta en billig "lillebror". Jeg tipper VLGC vil gå opp 100-200K/Måned neste uke i takt med at arbitrasjevinduet åpner seg..
Redigert 09.10.2020 kl 14:25
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09.10.2020 kl 14:28
RT 27,28! Det gledes!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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09.10.2020 kl 14:53
Gas Gas Gas, over hele linja
Champagne hele året,
det er ingenting å le av....
Champagne hele året,
det er ingenting å le av....
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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Noen som har link til bra chart som viser rateutvikling i en eller annen form?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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Hammers, slik jeg vurderer Avances chart, er det aldeles nydelig!
Har du mulighet til å legge ut ett av dine charts?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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10.10.2020 kl 14:17
Oppdateres ukentlig på
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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Det ligger teknisk motstand rundt 35 kr.
Avance er ganske enkel å regne på , du vet snitt raten for q3 i grove trekk, du vet også raten q4 hvis du forutsetter FFA stemme.
Det er bare å gå tilbake historisk å se på tidligere aksjekurs på de rater selskapet nå seiler på, du kan også skjekke dividende historikk på disse rater.
På toppen av dette kan kan en legge cash i selskapet, de har holdt tilbake dividende q1 og q2.
q3 på langt bedre rater en q2 + salg av skip- selskapet renner over av cash q3 og Q4 blir trolig enda bedre på cashflow, utbyttene vil selvf være tilbake q3.
Dette ser super bullish ut.
Avance er ganske enkel å regne på , du vet snitt raten for q3 i grove trekk, du vet også raten q4 hvis du forutsetter FFA stemme.
Det er bare å gå tilbake historisk å se på tidligere aksjekurs på de rater selskapet nå seiler på, du kan også skjekke dividende historikk på disse rater.
På toppen av dette kan kan en legge cash i selskapet, de har holdt tilbake dividende q1 og q2.
q3 på langt bedre rater en q2 + salg av skip- selskapet renner over av cash q3 og Q4 blir trolig enda bedre på cashflow, utbyttene vil selvf være tilbake q3.
Dette ser super bullish ut.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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Sandsli invest
10.10.2020 kl 16:18
Hva skal et selskap som tjener godt med en konto som stiger og stiger? Er det oppkjøp av FLNG som venter, før FRO sluker begge?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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Ja, hvorfor tjener selskapene penger?
Uansett vil aksjonærene tjene på at ratene og overskuddet stiger, enten det blir oppkjøp eller ikke.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:01
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