IDEX: Make way for the biometric smart payment card
How biometric payment smart cards are radically transforming the payment industry innovation process
Dette lover bra! Her er vår IDEX, det er bare å spenne selene. Det kan gå veldig høyt opp! Dette er bare et utdrag:
Introducing the biometric payment smart card
Silently in the background, a group of disruptive fintech’s have been busy creating the next innovation wave to rock the industry and transform the physical card as we know it. Not only will this address security concerns, but it will break down barriers to bolster the popularity of the contactless card. Make way for the biometric smart payment card.
Due to its highly unique nature, a fingerprint is extremely secure and therefore an ideal technology to layer on additional security features within end markets, including payments, where multi-factor authentication is becoming the norm. However, getting a fingerprint sensor on a card has – until now – been a challenge. Cards are extremely thin, lightweight and are passive in nature with no built-in active power source. This is where innovative fingerprint recognition systems come into play, now ready to be attached to the everyday payment card used across the globe.
The use of “off-chip” fingerprint technology allows card manufacturers to simply add a very thin fingerprint sensor to any card. This means costs are kept to a minimum, allowing the technology to be deployed at low cost.
This, combined with the ability to remotely enrol from the comfort of your home, means that the use of biometric payment technology will be accessible to all. As a result, IDEX anticipates that each banking customer will deploy as many as 100,000 biometric cards to their account holders by the end of 2018 and that biometric bankcard issuance will grow into many millions from 2019.
People making card payments will no longer have to compromise security for convenience, thanks to a frictionless approach that utilises the now familiar biometric authentication, with no consumer habit change required. With the £30 transaction cap becoming a thing of the past, along with the need for a PIN or signature, biometrics will prove even more convenient than cash, further moving us towards a cashless society.
The reality also is that it isn’t just the payment landscape that biometric smart cards are making waves in, the innovative technology is driving significant convergence opportunities thanks to the synergies shared between payments and other applications including identification, access control, ticketing, and loyalty.
The bigger picture of biometric benefits
In addition, the use of such biometric technology in the payment space will help to address the global issue that is financial inclusion. Using biometric authentication, individuals that face challenges with illiteracy or health limitations that affect memory will be able to once again enjoy the shopping experience without fear of not being able to enter a pin or sign their signature.
While the market’s priority is to create a frictionless experience, security threat vectors continue to evolve and cybercriminals are on the lookout for ways to outsmart security protocols. The industry must therefore always be two to three steps ahead to adapt and add layers of security. Smaller and more agile players in the market are ideally positioned, closer to the action with their finger on the pulse, or the card, constantly testing innovations to address threat vectors before they become a problem.
Make way for agile fintechs
Phil Sealy, analyst at ABI Research comments: “Not only will the introduction of biometric smart payment cards be the innovative step the industry needs to combat fraud and security concerns by future proofing the traditional payment card, but the technological awakening will raise the importance and profiles of previously overlooked, yet agile, players in the ecosystem.
“What this means for the payments landscape is that big leads in innovation are more commonly coming from the smallest players at the bottom or on the fringe of the metaphorical value chain, being fed through card to manufacturers and then delivered to issuers – turning the traditional chain of command on its head. For example, biometric chips can be created, tested and delivered by independent specialists, direct to card manufacturers, who then work directly with card issuers to get product to market via banks.
“Market giants can now make the most of agile fintech partners to bring innovations to the market faster, safer and more effectively than ever before. These new key partnerships are creating a healthy collaborative ecosystem, making smaller players, traditionally operating at the component or sub-card assembly level, more important and influential than ever before,” states Sealy.
Dette lover bra! Her er vår IDEX, det er bare å spenne selene. Det kan gå veldig høyt opp! Dette er bare et utdrag:
Introducing the biometric payment smart card
Silently in the background, a group of disruptive fintech’s have been busy creating the next innovation wave to rock the industry and transform the physical card as we know it. Not only will this address security concerns, but it will break down barriers to bolster the popularity of the contactless card. Make way for the biometric smart payment card.
Due to its highly unique nature, a fingerprint is extremely secure and therefore an ideal technology to layer on additional security features within end markets, including payments, where multi-factor authentication is becoming the norm. However, getting a fingerprint sensor on a card has – until now – been a challenge. Cards are extremely thin, lightweight and are passive in nature with no built-in active power source. This is where innovative fingerprint recognition systems come into play, now ready to be attached to the everyday payment card used across the globe.
The use of “off-chip” fingerprint technology allows card manufacturers to simply add a very thin fingerprint sensor to any card. This means costs are kept to a minimum, allowing the technology to be deployed at low cost.
This, combined with the ability to remotely enrol from the comfort of your home, means that the use of biometric payment technology will be accessible to all. As a result, IDEX anticipates that each banking customer will deploy as many as 100,000 biometric cards to their account holders by the end of 2018 and that biometric bankcard issuance will grow into many millions from 2019.
People making card payments will no longer have to compromise security for convenience, thanks to a frictionless approach that utilises the now familiar biometric authentication, with no consumer habit change required. With the £30 transaction cap becoming a thing of the past, along with the need for a PIN or signature, biometrics will prove even more convenient than cash, further moving us towards a cashless society.
The reality also is that it isn’t just the payment landscape that biometric smart cards are making waves in, the innovative technology is driving significant convergence opportunities thanks to the synergies shared between payments and other applications including identification, access control, ticketing, and loyalty.
The bigger picture of biometric benefits
In addition, the use of such biometric technology in the payment space will help to address the global issue that is financial inclusion. Using biometric authentication, individuals that face challenges with illiteracy or health limitations that affect memory will be able to once again enjoy the shopping experience without fear of not being able to enter a pin or sign their signature.
While the market’s priority is to create a frictionless experience, security threat vectors continue to evolve and cybercriminals are on the lookout for ways to outsmart security protocols. The industry must therefore always be two to three steps ahead to adapt and add layers of security. Smaller and more agile players in the market are ideally positioned, closer to the action with their finger on the pulse, or the card, constantly testing innovations to address threat vectors before they become a problem.
Make way for agile fintechs
Phil Sealy, analyst at ABI Research comments: “Not only will the introduction of biometric smart payment cards be the innovative step the industry needs to combat fraud and security concerns by future proofing the traditional payment card, but the technological awakening will raise the importance and profiles of previously overlooked, yet agile, players in the ecosystem.
“What this means for the payments landscape is that big leads in innovation are more commonly coming from the smallest players at the bottom or on the fringe of the metaphorical value chain, being fed through card to manufacturers and then delivered to issuers – turning the traditional chain of command on its head. For example, biometric chips can be created, tested and delivered by independent specialists, direct to card manufacturers, who then work directly with card issuers to get product to market via banks.
“Market giants can now make the most of agile fintech partners to bring innovations to the market faster, safer and more effectively than ever before. These new key partnerships are creating a healthy collaborative ecosystem, making smaller players, traditionally operating at the component or sub-card assembly level, more important and influential than ever before,” states Sealy.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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25.09.2018 kl 19:39
Føler på meg at jeg må handle litt mer IDEX igjen i morgen. Håper ikke kursen går bananas fra morgenen av?
25.09.2018 kl 19:21
Takk for gode og opplysende innlegg! Har traydet litt inn/ut til nå men shopper long i morgen!
25.09.2018 kl 16:08
Markedet er stort, og de bytter jo også ut kort etter noen år.
Se her hva som forventes.
1.9B Bank Customers to Use Biometrics by 2021: Goode Intelligence
Får IDEX 30% av alle de kortene er det 25 kr på 1 år i driftsoverskudd. Det høres vel mye ut men at det er penger i det er vel klart.
Se her hva som forventes.
1.9B Bank Customers to Use Biometrics by 2021: Goode Intelligence
Får IDEX 30% av alle de kortene er det 25 kr på 1 år i driftsoverskudd. Det høres vel mye ut men at det er penger i det er vel klart.
25.09.2018 kl 16:01
Europa legger opp til en voldsom vekst i biometrics bruk. Dette starter nå i september og frem til høsten 2019. 1-2 prosent til 25 er veldig mye!
According to research by Mastercard, PSD2 will drive a rapid increase in consumer biometrics use, increasing from one or two percent to as many as 25% in autumn 2019.
According to research by Mastercard, PSD2 will drive a rapid increase in consumer biometrics use, increasing from one or two percent to as many as 25% in autumn 2019.
25.09.2018 kl 13:34
Req skrev Hvem er de to andre som følger IDEX?
25.09.2018 kl 13:13
As cards overtake cash as the most prevalent form of payment in many markets, biometric cards are expected to take centre stage.
25.09.2018 kl 13:08
Bare et poeng. Mastercard videoen blir nok vist på en stor konferanse som pågår akkurat nå i Barcelona, ConnectingTomorrow. Alt fra Apples Steve Wozniak, Skype founders og flere fra Mastercard om ny teknologi og cybersecurity. Her blir nok Idex sine løsninger nevnt og videoen vist.;
Biometrics blir også stort i land som sliter med sikkerhet og gode løsninger idag. Mastercard viser til en studie i Sør-Afrika. Det er Mastercard MEA som skriver:
Nevnt i artikkelen:
In a world where criminals are becoming smarter, Mastercard is applying the power of innovation in technology – like biometrics, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence – to provide consumers, banks and merchants with peace of mind and options to keep themselves secure. And in the event of fraud, Mastercard cardholders have zero liability protection so they won’t be held responsible for unauthorized transactions.
Biometrics blir også stort i land som sliter med sikkerhet og gode løsninger idag. Mastercard viser til en studie i Sør-Afrika. Det er Mastercard MEA som skriver:
Nevnt i artikkelen:
In a world where criminals are becoming smarter, Mastercard is applying the power of innovation in technology – like biometrics, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence – to provide consumers, banks and merchants with peace of mind and options to keep themselves secure. And in the event of fraud, Mastercard cardholders have zero liability protection so they won’t be held responsible for unauthorized transactions.
Redigert 25.09.2018 kl 13:19
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25.09.2018 kl 13:02
Hvem er de to andre som følger IDEX?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 13:01
Kommer nok oppdateringer snart, lenge siden februar, vi er fortsatt langt under kursmål.
Equity research info
Recommendation Buy (22 Feb 18)
Target Price NOK 11.0
Analysts Fredrik Steinslien
Sector Biometrics
Market Cap 3281 NOKm
Status Active coverage
Equity research info
Recommendation Buy (22 Feb 18)
Target Price NOK 11.0
Analysts Fredrik Steinslien
Sector Biometrics
Market Cap 3281 NOKm
Status Active coverage
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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Req skrev Har det kommet nye analyser?
Ikke ennå,M en de bør snart komme.3 meglerhus følges Idex!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 12:55
Har det kommet nye analyser?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 12:50
Nå virker den sterkere igjen, kanskje en oppgang til over 7 nå da.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 12:41
Ja, det er på slike dipp ned folk bør kjøpe. Bare det at Idex samarbeider med Mastercard og slik presentasjoner blir sendt til banker og fremtidens brukere er veldig positivt. Vi når nok 10 kroner og tosifret i år. Idex var der for flere år siden lenge før de positive nyhetene og avtalene kom. Og flere kommer snart.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 12:16
Helt klart at dette er fremtiden for de fleste kort sikrere blir det neppe. Flott video som gir svar på det meste. Styrker ialefall meg i troen på et mega marked for IDEX.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 12:09
Veldig fin video fra Mastercard som viser Idex sin teknologi med lagret biometrics av fingeravtrykket i kortet! Se fremtidens betalingsmetoder.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 09:46
Hyggelig å se deg her også;-)). Enig i at en har gått en del i det siste, men som i PHO bør potensiale være langt høyere enn dagens kurs reflekterer. Blir en meget spennende vinter!
Hyggelig å se deg her også;-)). Enig i at en har gått en del i det siste, men som i PHO bør potensiale være langt høyere enn dagens kurs reflekterer. Blir en meget spennende vinter!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 09:16
Roboten prøver å få tak i aksjer nedover.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 09:13
Har jo gått veldig mye på kort tid som PHO, så det er vel behov for å konsolidere posisjonen før vi drar i gang ny opptur.
Har jo gått veldig mye på kort tid som PHO, så det er vel behov for å konsolidere posisjonen før vi drar i gang ny opptur.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 09:07
Req skrev Det kommer nok.
Det er tydeligvis ikke bare innen farmasi at TTT gjelder. Men jeg tror at vi IDEX aksjonærer kan stå på terskelen til et eventyr med IDEX.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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25.09.2018 kl 08:58
Det kommer nok.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 16:06
Akkurat, vi mangler en rekke nyheter fra Europa og flere land i verden ang biometriske kort, men det kommer. Å da sitte i førersetet som Idex med sin teknologi er flott å se.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 15:52
Det spørs om ikke EU vil utstyre alle med biometrisk kort, se her. Konferanse i dag. Da blir det mange kort som selges.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 15:49
Ser ut som investorer ikke kan få solgt ut Idex fort nok. Sidelengs og ingen giv i aksjen idag. Ser på en del mønster at det må være roboter også som kommer lynraskt inn når aksjer flyttes. De er programmert for ned mot 6 kroner idag, og da blir det det! En nyhet fra et nytt land som introduserer Idex sine kort burde få liv i aksjen. Rart å lese om noen tech-folk som ser for seg mobil som egenrådene, mens statistikk viser en stor økning i kort med biometrics. Hengbao regnet på flere hundre millioner nye kort utsendelser i året bare i Asia.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 15:11
The end of an era: wave goodbye to the PIN
Biometric payment smart cards, with fingerprint recognition will greatly improve our ability to prevent fraud: fingerprints can now be enrolled onto the card directly, rather than a central database.
The personal identification number (PIN) has been central to payment security data for decades, but as the modern landscape has evolved, it is clear that it is no longer fit for purpose.
People do silly things with their PINs; they write them down, share them and use predictable number combinations, leaving themselves exposed to fraud. As a result, the PIN as we know it, is far too insecure for the challenges of tomorrow. A new solution however, is transforming our traditional method of payment authentication. Biometric payment smart cards, with fingerprint recognition, will enter the mass market in the near future and will greatly improve how we are able to defend ourselves against fraud.
Scepticism around biometric identification has ranged from how users are able to protect sensitive data that could be hacked in the case of a breach of security, how the method will operate as a standalone or additional layer of authentication, and how much of this sensitive information is stored by external parties. These doubts need not cause worry.
Firstly, recent advancements have enabled fingerprints to be enrolled onto the card directly, as opposed to a central database, meaning the data is only held on the card and not shared with external parties. Also, the technology incorporates the two-factor authentication required by the upcoming second Payment Service Directive (PSD2) and even if the card itself is stolen, it immediately becomes redundant as the culprit will not have a matching fingerprint.
Despite concerns about biometric authentication as a replacement for PIN authentication, it is a method that should therefore be embraced and not feared.
The role of biometric innovation
Fingerprint sensors, iris recognition and voice recognition have already worked well in various contexts, including financial services. In fact, wherever security is absolutely crucial, you are almost certain to find a biometric sensor — passports, government ID and telephone banking are all applications in which biometric authentication has proven highly successful.
For biometric authentication to work, there has to be a correct (reference) version of the voice, iris or fingerprint stored, and this requires a sensor.
The search for a flexible, lightweight, but resilient, fingerprint sensor, that is also straightforward enough for the general public to use, has been the holy grail of payment card security for quite some time.
Change at your fingertips
Fortunately, the long-held ambition to add biometrics to cashless transactions has now been achieved. The level of technology that has been developed behind the sensor makes it simple for the user to record their fingerprint; the reference fingerprint can easily be uploaded to the card by the user, at home, and once that is done they can use the card over existing secure payment infrastructures in the usual way.
Once it is registered and in use, the resolution of the sensor and the quality of image handling is so great that it can recognise prints from wet or dry fingers and knows the difference between the fingerprint and image ‘noise’ (smears, smudging etc) that is often found alongside fingerprints. The result is a very flexible, durable sensor that provides fast and accurate authentication.
This will make the £30 transaction cap a thing of the past, along with the need for a PIN or signature. Biometrics will be even more convenient than cash, further moving us towards a cashless society.
Fingerprints are very difficult to forge, once registered they are only recorded on the card and not kept in a central data repository in the way that PINs often are - making them inaccessible to anyone who is not physically present with the card. In short, they are far more unlikely to be ‘hacked’.
Long live the sensor
We are gradually entering the golden era of the biometric payment card, and the time has come to bid farewell to the PIN. With the trials of payment cards using fingerprint sensor technology are now complete or under way in multiple markets, including the US, Japan, and South Africa, this vision is becoming a reality, and we can look forward to an upsurge in biometric payment card adoption in the very near future.
Contributed by David Orme, SVP, IDEX Biometrics.
Biometric payment smart cards, with fingerprint recognition will greatly improve our ability to prevent fraud: fingerprints can now be enrolled onto the card directly, rather than a central database.
The personal identification number (PIN) has been central to payment security data for decades, but as the modern landscape has evolved, it is clear that it is no longer fit for purpose.
People do silly things with their PINs; they write them down, share them and use predictable number combinations, leaving themselves exposed to fraud. As a result, the PIN as we know it, is far too insecure for the challenges of tomorrow. A new solution however, is transforming our traditional method of payment authentication. Biometric payment smart cards, with fingerprint recognition, will enter the mass market in the near future and will greatly improve how we are able to defend ourselves against fraud.
Scepticism around biometric identification has ranged from how users are able to protect sensitive data that could be hacked in the case of a breach of security, how the method will operate as a standalone or additional layer of authentication, and how much of this sensitive information is stored by external parties. These doubts need not cause worry.
Firstly, recent advancements have enabled fingerprints to be enrolled onto the card directly, as opposed to a central database, meaning the data is only held on the card and not shared with external parties. Also, the technology incorporates the two-factor authentication required by the upcoming second Payment Service Directive (PSD2) and even if the card itself is stolen, it immediately becomes redundant as the culprit will not have a matching fingerprint.
Despite concerns about biometric authentication as a replacement for PIN authentication, it is a method that should therefore be embraced and not feared.
The role of biometric innovation
Fingerprint sensors, iris recognition and voice recognition have already worked well in various contexts, including financial services. In fact, wherever security is absolutely crucial, you are almost certain to find a biometric sensor — passports, government ID and telephone banking are all applications in which biometric authentication has proven highly successful.
For biometric authentication to work, there has to be a correct (reference) version of the voice, iris or fingerprint stored, and this requires a sensor.
The search for a flexible, lightweight, but resilient, fingerprint sensor, that is also straightforward enough for the general public to use, has been the holy grail of payment card security for quite some time.
Change at your fingertips
Fortunately, the long-held ambition to add biometrics to cashless transactions has now been achieved. The level of technology that has been developed behind the sensor makes it simple for the user to record their fingerprint; the reference fingerprint can easily be uploaded to the card by the user, at home, and once that is done they can use the card over existing secure payment infrastructures in the usual way.
Once it is registered and in use, the resolution of the sensor and the quality of image handling is so great that it can recognise prints from wet or dry fingers and knows the difference between the fingerprint and image ‘noise’ (smears, smudging etc) that is often found alongside fingerprints. The result is a very flexible, durable sensor that provides fast and accurate authentication.
This will make the £30 transaction cap a thing of the past, along with the need for a PIN or signature. Biometrics will be even more convenient than cash, further moving us towards a cashless society.
Fingerprints are very difficult to forge, once registered they are only recorded on the card and not kept in a central data repository in the way that PINs often are - making them inaccessible to anyone who is not physically present with the card. In short, they are far more unlikely to be ‘hacked’.
Long live the sensor
We are gradually entering the golden era of the biometric payment card, and the time has come to bid farewell to the PIN. With the trials of payment cards using fingerprint sensor technology are now complete or under way in multiple markets, including the US, Japan, and South Africa, this vision is becoming a reality, and we can look forward to an upsurge in biometric payment card adoption in the very near future.
Contributed by David Orme, SVP, IDEX Biometrics.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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Tipper at det snart kommer flere analyser. #hus følger selskapet:
Pareto, Arctic og Carnegie. Pareto harkursmål NOK 11 fra nov 2017. Tenkerat dette må revurderes!
"Hengpao" som dei seier i Sogn.
Pareto, Arctic og Carnegie. Pareto harkursmål NOK 11 fra nov 2017. Tenkerat dette må revurderes!
"Hengpao" som dei seier i Sogn.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 14:28
litt avtakende interesse i denne nå? Kursen siger nedover igjen. Det er vel oljen som tar all oppmerksomheten i dag. En liten melding nå, så....
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 13:46
dudelidatt skrev hadde shortet denne nu hvis jeg kunne jeg
Da får du takke din Herre for at du ikke har anledning. Det kunne blitt stygt for deg.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 13:32
hadde shortet denne nu hvis jeg kunne jeg
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 13:08
Det er spesielt de siste linjene i denne artikkelen som gjør dealen med Hengbao og kunden Omnipay veldig interessant. Det er ikke bare et samarbeid, de ønsker å lage en industristandard. I Kina og Asia ellers blir det en veldig stort marked.
Mr. Simoun Ung, President and CEO of OmniPay, a customer of Hengbao, remarked, "As an issuer of payment cards, our company prioritizes security above all. There is strong potential for this innovation to improve our product offering, especially those related to identification, government clearances and travel. We look forward to working with Hengbao and IDEX Biometrics to develop this technology into an industry standard and strengthen the authentication standards of the payment system."
I Sverige er Fing opp vel 5 prosent, da innsidere kjøper 100k aksjer. Mye som rører på seg i biometrics. Skal bli bra når større investorer tar plass i Idex.
Det er spesielt de siste linjene i denne artikkelen som gjør dealen med Hengbao og kunden Omnipay veldig interessant. Det er ikke bare et samarbeid, de ønsker å lage en industristandard. I Kina og Asia ellers blir det en veldig stort marked.
Mr. Simoun Ung, President and CEO of OmniPay, a customer of Hengbao, remarked, "As an issuer of payment cards, our company prioritizes security above all. There is strong potential for this innovation to improve our product offering, especially those related to identification, government clearances and travel. We look forward to working with Hengbao and IDEX Biometrics to develop this technology into an industry standard and strengthen the authentication standards of the payment system."
I Sverige er Fing opp vel 5 prosent, da innsidere kjøper 100k aksjer. Mye som rører på seg i biometrics. Skal bli bra når større investorer tar plass i Idex.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 12:57
Ser slik ut ja. Det blir opp opp opp. Virker som mange fortsatt er lettskremte i aksjen og kaster ut ved første anledning. Imidlertid, ordrere har kommet og kommer, og tilbakemeldingene fra Hengbao er så lovende at 7 kroner kommer denne uken. Idex er i kraftig stigende trend. Falt tilbake mot 4 for å skyte opp, så mot 5 og nå mot 6 kr. 7 kroner er neste stopp. Ingen motstand før 7.40 slik det ser ut.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 12:33
Det er vel også en dobbel bunn foreløpig på rett over 6 kroner. Hvis den starter opp igjen er det ny rakettbane opp over 7 kroner.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 12:24
Teknisk er det også morsomt å se Idex. På Norskbulls som analyserer candlesticks med godt hell sier:
Last Signal:STAY LONG
Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY LONG. The previous BUY signal was issued on 10.09.2018, 11 days ago, when the stock price was 4.2050. Since then IDEX.OL has risen by +45.30%.Market Outlook The bulls are in full control. The negative sentiment that led to the last bearish pattern has evaporated. Besides, the signal is suggesting to STAY LONG. It is best to follow the signal and continue to hold this security
Kort sikt: var ned mot 6 kroner idag som er støtte, viser tegn til å vende opp nå. Fortsatt mange som vil inn og mange som har solgt som prøver igjen. Sterkt momentum
Og om nå Idex holder stø kurs videre etter 2020, indikerer analyser et sterkt marked i forsettelsen. Fra Idex:
Global biometric sensors market is expected to increase from US$863.7 million in 2016, to US$1.75 billion in 2023
30 prosent av 2023 markedet blir vel 525 millioner dollar. Å være teknologisk i førersetet er det avgjørende. Tilbakemeldingene virker veldig lovende.
Last Signal:STAY LONG
Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY LONG. The previous BUY signal was issued on 10.09.2018, 11 days ago, when the stock price was 4.2050. Since then IDEX.OL has risen by +45.30%.Market Outlook The bulls are in full control. The negative sentiment that led to the last bearish pattern has evaporated. Besides, the signal is suggesting to STAY LONG. It is best to follow the signal and continue to hold this security
Kort sikt: var ned mot 6 kroner idag som er støtte, viser tegn til å vende opp nå. Fortsatt mange som vil inn og mange som har solgt som prøver igjen. Sterkt momentum
Og om nå Idex holder stø kurs videre etter 2020, indikerer analyser et sterkt marked i forsettelsen. Fra Idex:
Global biometric sensors market is expected to increase from US$863.7 million in 2016, to US$1.75 billion in 2023
30 prosent av 2023 markedet blir vel 525 millioner dollar. Å være teknologisk i førersetet er det avgjørende. Tilbakemeldingene virker veldig lovende.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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Personlig er jeg overbevist over at når kontaktløs kort m/fingerprint blir sertifisert.
- DA kommer det UENDELIG med bestillinger.
- DA er det ingen begrensninger
- DA vil alle ha det
- DA er det en UTROLIG fordel for ALLE
- DA vil kursen gå opp opp opp opp opp opp opp po p p po pop p p pp pp p på å åå ppppp pp
Har vært mange artikler på hvor stor fordel og etterspørsel det er med fingerprint sensor på KONTAKT-LØSE kort
Når mld kommer om at kontaktløs kort m/sensor er sertifisert hos MasterCard, er det bare til å HAMSTRE AKSJER!!! (det blir fort for sent)
- For det er DA det virkelig starter.. (vi er bare på oppvarmingen nå).
- Jeg er overbevist at markedet / banker VENTER på kontaktløse kort m/fingerprint
- Så jeg venter MER på sertfiseringen enn på bestillinger...
Jeg tror at kontaktkort m/fingerprint er en slags "prøve" fra mastercard / andre for å se om dette fungerer, om det er justeringer som trengs FØR de starter på de VIRKELIGE kortene, kontaktløse kort m/fingerprint
- DA kommer det UENDELIG med bestillinger.
- DA er det ingen begrensninger
- DA vil alle ha det
- DA er det en UTROLIG fordel for ALLE
- DA vil kursen gå opp opp opp opp opp opp opp po p p po pop p p pp pp p på å åå ppppp pp
Har vært mange artikler på hvor stor fordel og etterspørsel det er med fingerprint sensor på KONTAKT-LØSE kort
Når mld kommer om at kontaktløs kort m/sensor er sertifisert hos MasterCard, er det bare til å HAMSTRE AKSJER!!! (det blir fort for sent)
- For det er DA det virkelig starter.. (vi er bare på oppvarmingen nå).
- Jeg er overbevist at markedet / banker VENTER på kontaktløse kort m/fingerprint
- Så jeg venter MER på sertfiseringen enn på bestillinger...
Jeg tror at kontaktkort m/fingerprint er en slags "prøve" fra mastercard / andre for å se om dette fungerer, om det er justeringer som trengs FØR de starter på de VIRKELIGE kortene, kontaktløse kort m/fingerprint
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 12:02
IDEX må vel selge 2-3 millioner kort i kvartalet for å gå i pluss.
Hvis de klarer den markedsandelen de mener å ta, 30% eller mer, så er det stort pluss.
Guidingen sier vel foreløpig at de store salgene skjer i 2019 og mange flere i 2020. Men så har de altså startet nå i Q3. Det er veldig bra at de nå er i mål med utvikling, testing og avtaler med reelle salg.
Hvis de klarer den markedsandelen de mener å ta, 30% eller mer, så er det stort pluss.
Guidingen sier vel foreløpig at de store salgene skjer i 2019 og mange flere i 2020. Men så har de altså startet nå i Q3. Det er veldig bra at de nå er i mål med utvikling, testing og avtaler med reelle salg.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 11:52
Tror det kommer en ny melding om ordre i denne uken. Nå ligger det så mange banker i pipleline her. Idex regner med 100 000 enheter ut i år, men det kan bli mer. Hvordan det fordeler seg mellom 2018 og 2019 er vanskelig å spå, men at Idex går med overskudd i 2019 er bankers utifra tilbakemeldingene som kommer og ordrer som forventes.
En annen ting. Man bør helst være inne før neste ordre meldes. Idex spretter opp utrolig raskt. Da blir det 7 kroner som blir det nye nivået.
En annen ting. Man bør helst være inne før neste ordre meldes. Idex spretter opp utrolig raskt. Da blir det 7 kroner som blir det nye nivået.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:18
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24.09.2018 kl 11:43
Det er kanskje ikke lenge til flere meldinger.
Flere prøveprosjekter er ferdige og er vellykkede:
First European trial of Mastercard’s biometric card completed
Flere prøveprosjekter er ferdige og er vellykkede:
First European trial of Mastercard’s biometric card completed
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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24.09.2018 kl 10:04
Et oppkjøp i dag i biometricsbransjen, det går nok samme vei med IDEX i fremtiden, det meste av høyteknologi i Norge forsvinner jo ut:
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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24.09.2018 kl 09:49
Uansett er det vel 100% rett at IDEX har produkt som fungerer og er nå i markedet. Det kan se ut som de er tidlig ute også og dermed får store markedsandeler. Derfor har jeg troen på kursen skal langt oppover.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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Jeg føler meg ganske trygg på at sensor blir en ny standard på alle kort.
- SMS er i dag standard (hele verden)
- BankID er i dag standard (norge)
- Betalingskort m/chip er i dag standard (i de fleste land)
- WiFi er i dag standard (hele verden)
år 2019 vil sensor i kort begynne å bli allmennkjent
år 2020 vil de fleste ha sett et kort med sensor
år 2021 vil alle banker tilby kort med sensor
år 2022 vil alle kort ha blitt byttet ut med kort m/sensor
- En ny standard over hele verden, kort med sensor!
- SMS er i dag standard (hele verden)
- BankID er i dag standard (norge)
- Betalingskort m/chip er i dag standard (i de fleste land)
- WiFi er i dag standard (hele verden)
år 2019 vil sensor i kort begynne å bli allmennkjent
år 2020 vil de fleste ha sett et kort med sensor
år 2021 vil alle banker tilby kort med sensor
år 2022 vil alle kort ha blitt byttet ut med kort m/sensor
- En ny standard over hele verden, kort med sensor!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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24.09.2018 kl 09:40
Det kan virke som IDEX faktisk har truffet riktig.
The Future of Credit-Card ID Verification
As companies change how they verify identities, Europe offers a glimpse of what’s to come
Credit-card companies, banks and vendors are changing how they verify consumers’ identities. Passwords and PINs could become less important. Biometric analysis could become the norm.
The Future of Credit-Card ID Verification
As companies change how they verify identities, Europe offers a glimpse of what’s to come
Credit-card companies, banks and vendors are changing how they verify consumers’ identities. Passwords and PINs could become less important. Biometric analysis could become the norm.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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Ja - tipper denne artikkelen kan få bra oppmerksomhet.
Limte den også inn på en annen tråd og bet meg merke i hva de forventer av 2018.
Limte den også inn på en annen tråd og bet meg merke i hva de forventer av 2018.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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20.09.2018 kl 19:34
Veldig positivt dette! Blir nok mange på kjøperen i morgen!
Har noen regnet på salgene de kan få?
IDEX regner med større enn 30% markedsandel i 2020 av et marked på 250-300 millioner enheter totalt.
Gjennomsnittlig salgspris oppgir de til USD 3-5 per enhet.
Hvis de klarer det skulle det muligens bety over USD 100 millioner i driftsoverskudd, det er mye penger det hvis det slår til! Og de har startet salg allerede.
Har noen regnet på salgene de kan få?
IDEX regner med større enn 30% markedsandel i 2020 av et marked på 250-300 millioner enheter totalt.
Gjennomsnittlig salgspris oppgir de til USD 3-5 per enhet.
Hvis de klarer det skulle det muligens bety over USD 100 millioner i driftsoverskudd, det er mye penger det hvis det slår til! Og de har startet salg allerede.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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20.09.2018 kl 17:33
This looks good !
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:37
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