Oslo (TDN Direkt): Pareto Securities tar opp dekning av Salmon Evolution med kursmål på 9 kroner, ifølge en oppdatering fra meglerhuset tirsdag.
Pareto ser stort vekstpotensial i Norge, hvor Salmon Evolution har lisenser til å produsere opptil 31.000 tonn. Videre venter de også at selskapet vil ekspandere betydelig utenfor Norge, med Sør-Korea som det naturlige første steget.
Lars Henrik Bjerke Lars.Henrik.Bjerke@tdndirekt.com
Infront TDN Direkt
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Pareto Securities tar opp dekning av Salmon Evolution med kursmål på 9 kroner, ifølge en oppdatering fra meglerhuset tirsdag.
Pareto ser stort vekstpotensial i Norge, hvor Salmon Evolution har lisenser til å produsere opptil 31.000 tonn. Videre venter de også at selskapet vil ekspandere betydelig utenfor Norge, med Sør-Korea som det naturlige første steget.
Lars Henrik Bjerke Lars.Henrik.Bjerke@tdndirekt.com
Infront TDN Direkt
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:30
Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2021 kl 22:27
Støtter den. Penger på bok, smolt i eget anlegg, alt går etter planen. Dette ser meget lovende ut.
25.11.2021 kl 22:20
Cashisking skrev 7,70 1 januar 🤞🤞
1 januar er vi i kvartalet for aller første utsett. Kun to mnd til mars. Tror ikke på plutselig fall under 8 før denne enorme milepælen. Ikke emisjonsaksje heller, så tror vi begynner på den store oppgangen snart 😊.
Redigert 25.11.2021 kl 22:20
Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2021 kl 14:16
Jeg velger fortsatt å ha en litt forsiktig forhåpning til kursen, og blir ikke overrasket om den går under 8 før jul, med mindre noen gode nyheter kommer eller aksjen blir»årets julegave».
Redigert 25.11.2021 kl 14:28
Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2021 kl 09:26
Flere som vil ha lakseaksjer til jul. Fin utvikling, tror vi snart ryker over 9.
24.11.2021 kl 09:08
Tradinator skrev 9 er kursen på rundt juletider.
Nok en gang, dette vil vi slippe!!
Nok en gang, dette vil vi slippe!!
19.11.2021 kl 08:46
Ikke veldig vanskelig å drive kursen nedover på denne aksjen ser det ut til, så blir ikke overrasket om vi ser 7-tallet ganske snart.
19.11.2021 kl 07:45
Jeg er redd vi har sett 7 tallet for siste gang, men skulle børsen surne så skal jeg grafse tak. Har veldig tillit til ledelse og utviklingen av selskapet. Hvor er vi om et par år folkens?
19.11.2021 kl 06:47
Salmon evolution er så stabilt å trygt, 1år går fort det! "nyktern" 15kroner burde være passert da! I mellomtiden kan den jo egentlig falle litt på nyåret for min del, så jeg får fylt på mere💁
Uansett om 1 år 2-3år snakker vi helt andre priser hær🐟
Uansett om 1 år 2-3år snakker vi helt andre priser hær🐟
18.11.2021 kl 16:18
Den manipulerer seg sakte men sikkert oppover da:-) Ikke hver dag, men mer opp enn ned er jo greit. Vi er ca 200 % under der den står om noen år..
Mr Strange
17.11.2021 kl 10:11
Legger merke til en ny setning ...globalt fyrtårn..ergo en er ikke fornøyd med dette de setter opp nå..
Selskapet har et ambisiøst mål om å bli et globalt fyrtårn innen bærekraftig oppdrett.
Selskapet har et ambisiøst mål om å bli et globalt fyrtårn innen bærekraftig oppdrett.
17.11.2021 kl 09:30
Dette er første gang Eksfin er med på å finansiere et landbasert matfiskanlegg i Norge. Jeg vil gjerne gratulere Salmon Evolution med det innovative anlegget og selskapet tar i bruk ny teknologi for å sikre bærekraftig lakseoppdrett, sier Tone Lunde Bakker, administrerende direktør i Eksfin
17.11.2021 kl 09:22
Dundrer videre her, hundre 100% sikker på at det kurmålet må økes første halvår 2022.
17.11.2021 kl 09:10
Pareto opprettholder Kjøp.
Salmon Evolution - Still on track for first smolt release in March 2022
SALME just released its Q3 report, with the key take-away being that construction is still progressing according to plan both related to timing and cost. First fish is set to be released in March 2022, with the smolt already above 200g and performing well at the Kraft Laks smolt facility. CAPEX was as expected record high in the quarter and is expected to gradually come down from Q1 22 (also as expected). The South Korea JV (K Smart Farming) is also progressing according to plan, with construction expected to start during 22e. The EBIT of NOK -4.6m in the quarter was better than expected, as contribution form the newly acquired Kraft Laks has been strong. We expect limited changes to our estimates following the report. Currently we have a Buy recommendation, TP NOK 11 on SALME.
Salmon Evolution - Still on track for first smolt release in March 2022
SALME just released its Q3 report, with the key take-away being that construction is still progressing according to plan both related to timing and cost. First fish is set to be released in March 2022, with the smolt already above 200g and performing well at the Kraft Laks smolt facility. CAPEX was as expected record high in the quarter and is expected to gradually come down from Q1 22 (also as expected). The South Korea JV (K Smart Farming) is also progressing according to plan, with construction expected to start during 22e. The EBIT of NOK -4.6m in the quarter was better than expected, as contribution form the newly acquired Kraft Laks has been strong. We expect limited changes to our estimates following the report. Currently we have a Buy recommendation, TP NOK 11 on SALME.
17.11.2021 kl 08:37
Tenker det var mange kortsiktige posisjoner før Q3 som spekulerte på at selskapet ville presentere noen overraskelser. De får bare tømme seg igjen, så fortsetter vi andre på reisen oppover. Bare å ha is i magen ;)
Mr Strange
16.11.2021 kl 22:46
Syns jo det er rart at en selger på dette ruske nivået..er jo fortsatt kostpris...men som det så ut så var det en sværing som hamstret ...så får vi se de nermeste dagene hvor pilen peker..men jeg er relativt 100 % sikker på at denne er 10 før nyttår
16.11.2021 kl 18:21
Ikke uventet, her vil nok noen ta plass før toget går. Kan bli rekyl mot ny ATH i morgen igjen.
16.11.2021 kl 16:45
Ble en flott trading dag spør du meg!
Masse nervøse småsparere og gevinstsikring/trading.
1,2miliarder på bok
ALT I RUTE på budsjett!
Plutselig kommer nye kursmål for denne og, eventuelt store som kjøper når de ser hvor godt salme gjør det,
Kursen nå blir bare gøy å tenke på neste år, når smolten i mars kommer, å slakt slutten neste år🐟
Masse nervøse småsparere og gevinstsikring/trading.
1,2miliarder på bok
ALT I RUTE på budsjett!
Plutselig kommer nye kursmål for denne og, eventuelt store som kjøper når de ser hvor godt salme gjør det,
Kursen nå blir bare gøy å tenke på neste år, når smolten i mars kommer, å slakt slutten neste år🐟
Mr Strange
16.11.2021 kl 16:15
Nissebørsen og robotene slår til igjen..kanonpresentasjon og likevel så selges det utelukkende på kjøps siden..men noen store har tatt imot i dag..så her er det oppgang i vente
16.11.2021 kl 16:00
Tradinator skrev Mine kan de glemme på denne siden av 20, stenger nok i blått.
På tross av ikke veldig overraskende, men likevel gode nyheter ser det ut til å gå mot en liten crashlanding i dag sammenlignet med gårdagen som kanskje var litt i overkant bra. Det spiller vel i det store og det hele ikke veldig stor rolle, et stykke igjen enda……
Mr Strange
16.11.2021 kl 12:31
jepp, det var desverre Tja, men en ser på bildet så er det noen større som samler aksjer av de små..en tok 200k på 8,7...så var det samme som ligger med 200k på 8,4..så dette er bare litt krampetrekninger
Mr Strange
16.11.2021 kl 08:23
16.11.2021, 07:00 · Cision
Salmon Evolution: Results for the third quarter 2021
Third quarter highlights
* Construction of Phase 1 at Indre Harøy progressing according to plan - on time on budget
* Preparing for first smolt release at Indre Harøy in Q1 2022
* Acquired smolt company Kraft Laks AS, securing in-house smolt for Indre Harøy Phase 1
* Kraft Laks smolt performing well, Indre Harøy March 2022 batch already 200+ gram
* Listing of the company's shares at the main list on Oslo Stock Exchange
* Available liquidity of NOK 1,198 million per 30 September 2021 including committed undrawn credit facilities and adjusted for Cargill USD 5m private placement
Subsequent events
* Entered strategic feed partnership with Cargill, combined with USD 5 million private placement towards Cargill
Since the groundwork at Indre Harøy started in May 2020, Phase 1 has developed according to plan, on time and on budget. Ten out of twelve fish tanks are now assembled, and the remaining two are expected to be completed in Q4 2021. In October Salmon Evolution also successfully installed the two water inlet pipes, and the full intake station is expected to be completed in Q4 2021. The company remains on track for the first smolt release which is scheduled for March 2022.
Total capital expenditures during the quarter were NOK 239 million, of which NOK 230 million were investments related to the turnkey project with Artec Aqua at Indre Harøy. As per 30 September 2021, accumulated capex from project initiation in 2019 amounts to NOK 745 million.
On 16 August 2021 Salmon Evolution announced the acquisition of smolt company Kraft Laks AS ("Kraft Laks"). Kraft Laks currently has an annual production capacity of around 1.8 million smolt but holds licenses to produce up to 5 million smolt per year subject to certain conditions. The acquisition secures access to quality smolt for Phase 1 at Indre Harøy. Kraft Laks utilizes a similar production technology as Salmon Evolution's hybrid flow-through system (HFS), making Kraft Laks an ideal fit for Salmon Evolution.
On July 9, the Salmon Evolution share was transferred to the main list on Oslo Stock Exchange, opening new opportunities for funding of further growth.
Commenting on the development, CEO Håkon André Berg, said:
"The company is now putting a lot of focus and attention into planning for production start. During Q3 2021 several new employees were enrolled. The company will continue to retain highly qualified operating personnel also in Q4, ensuring a well functioning operating organization in place well ahead of March 2022. In South Korea, the initial feasibility study was delivered in October and K Smart is now in the process of tuning the facility layout and production plans".
In October 2021 Salmon Evolution entered a strategic partnership with feed producer Cargill. Cargill has committed to allocate significant resources and R&D capacity, with the purpose of developing sustainable feed solutions tailored to Salmon Evolution's operational targets. As part of the agreement, Cargill invested USD 5 million in Salmon Evolution through a private placement.
Salmon Evolution is now only some four months away from releasing the first smolts into the fish tanks at Indre Harøy and the activity level at the construction site is at all-time high.
Salmon Evolution's success is dependent on the competence of the people in the organization. As part of the operational planning, Salmon Evolution is now in process of hiring day to day operating personnel. In this context, the Board is very pleased to observe that Salmon Evolution is regarded as an attractive employer and that the company is able to recruit tier 1 personnel across the entire organization.
The average Fish Pool salmon price in Q3 2021 was NOK 55.5/kg, compared to NOK 48.6/kg in Q3 2020. Total export of Atlantic salmon from Norway during the quarter increased 17% year over year. The solid price development in parallel with high volume growth is a good indicator on the underlying development in the salmon market and the development seen during the third quarter indicates that the market is well underway to recover from the challenges caused by Covid-19.
Salmon Evolution reiterates its view that land-based salmon farming will play a vital role in growing the overall salmon market. However, it will take time before meaningful volumes are brought forward, as lead times are long, capital intensity is high and access to competent and experienced personnel may become a bottleneck.
With all committed projects fully funded, the first smolt soon to enter the fish tanks, a solid organization and world leading partners across the value chain, the Board is of the opinion that Salmon Evolution is uniquely positioned to take a global frontrunner position in the future development of land-based salmon farming.
Results presentation
CEO Håkon André Berg and CFO Trond Håkon Schaug-Pettersen will present the results by webcast today, Tuesday November 16 at 08:00 a.m. CEST.
The presentation and subsequent Q&A will be held in English.
The presentation can be accessed at www.salmonevolution.no, or with the following link: https://streams.eventcdn.net/salmonevolution/2021q3/
For further information, please contact:
Håkon André Berg, CEO, Salmon Evolution
+47 41 19 22 57
Trond Håkon Schaug-Pettersen, CFO, Salmon Evolution
+47 91 19 13 27
About Salmon Evolution
Salmon Evolution is a Norwegian land-based salmon farming company focused on extending the ocean's potential by transferring the best preconditions offered by the sea to farm fish on land through its hybrid flow-through system technology (HFS). This secures a truly sustainable production process with controlled and optimal growth conditions and limiting operational and biological risk.
The Company's first production facility is under construction at Indre Harøy, strategically located on the Norwegian west coast with unlimited access to fresh seawater, renewable energy, established infrastructure for salmon farming, and an educated and experienced work force. The entire project is designed for an annual capacity of approx. 31,500 tonnes HOG.
The Company has also entered into a joint venture with Dongwon Industries where the parties will develop, construct and operate a land-based salmon farming facility in South Korea with an annual production capacity of 16,800 tonnes HOG, using Salmon Evolution's HFS technology.
Salmon Evolution ASA is listed on Oslo Børs under the ticker SALME.
To learn more, please visit www.salmonevolution.no
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
16.11.2021, 07:00 · Cision
Salmon Evolution: Results for the third quarter 2021
Third quarter highlights
* Construction of Phase 1 at Indre Harøy progressing according to plan - on time on budget
* Preparing for first smolt release at Indre Harøy in Q1 2022
* Acquired smolt company Kraft Laks AS, securing in-house smolt for Indre Harøy Phase 1
* Kraft Laks smolt performing well, Indre Harøy March 2022 batch already 200+ gram
* Listing of the company's shares at the main list on Oslo Stock Exchange
* Available liquidity of NOK 1,198 million per 30 September 2021 including committed undrawn credit facilities and adjusted for Cargill USD 5m private placement
Subsequent events
* Entered strategic feed partnership with Cargill, combined with USD 5 million private placement towards Cargill
Since the groundwork at Indre Harøy started in May 2020, Phase 1 has developed according to plan, on time and on budget. Ten out of twelve fish tanks are now assembled, and the remaining two are expected to be completed in Q4 2021. In October Salmon Evolution also successfully installed the two water inlet pipes, and the full intake station is expected to be completed in Q4 2021. The company remains on track for the first smolt release which is scheduled for March 2022.
Total capital expenditures during the quarter were NOK 239 million, of which NOK 230 million were investments related to the turnkey project with Artec Aqua at Indre Harøy. As per 30 September 2021, accumulated capex from project initiation in 2019 amounts to NOK 745 million.
On 16 August 2021 Salmon Evolution announced the acquisition of smolt company Kraft Laks AS ("Kraft Laks"). Kraft Laks currently has an annual production capacity of around 1.8 million smolt but holds licenses to produce up to 5 million smolt per year subject to certain conditions. The acquisition secures access to quality smolt for Phase 1 at Indre Harøy. Kraft Laks utilizes a similar production technology as Salmon Evolution's hybrid flow-through system (HFS), making Kraft Laks an ideal fit for Salmon Evolution.
On July 9, the Salmon Evolution share was transferred to the main list on Oslo Stock Exchange, opening new opportunities for funding of further growth.
Commenting on the development, CEO Håkon André Berg, said:
"The company is now putting a lot of focus and attention into planning for production start. During Q3 2021 several new employees were enrolled. The company will continue to retain highly qualified operating personnel also in Q4, ensuring a well functioning operating organization in place well ahead of March 2022. In South Korea, the initial feasibility study was delivered in October and K Smart is now in the process of tuning the facility layout and production plans".
In October 2021 Salmon Evolution entered a strategic partnership with feed producer Cargill. Cargill has committed to allocate significant resources and R&D capacity, with the purpose of developing sustainable feed solutions tailored to Salmon Evolution's operational targets. As part of the agreement, Cargill invested USD 5 million in Salmon Evolution through a private placement.
Salmon Evolution is now only some four months away from releasing the first smolts into the fish tanks at Indre Harøy and the activity level at the construction site is at all-time high.
Salmon Evolution's success is dependent on the competence of the people in the organization. As part of the operational planning, Salmon Evolution is now in process of hiring day to day operating personnel. In this context, the Board is very pleased to observe that Salmon Evolution is regarded as an attractive employer and that the company is able to recruit tier 1 personnel across the entire organization.
The average Fish Pool salmon price in Q3 2021 was NOK 55.5/kg, compared to NOK 48.6/kg in Q3 2020. Total export of Atlantic salmon from Norway during the quarter increased 17% year over year. The solid price development in parallel with high volume growth is a good indicator on the underlying development in the salmon market and the development seen during the third quarter indicates that the market is well underway to recover from the challenges caused by Covid-19.
Salmon Evolution reiterates its view that land-based salmon farming will play a vital role in growing the overall salmon market. However, it will take time before meaningful volumes are brought forward, as lead times are long, capital intensity is high and access to competent and experienced personnel may become a bottleneck.
With all committed projects fully funded, the first smolt soon to enter the fish tanks, a solid organization and world leading partners across the value chain, the Board is of the opinion that Salmon Evolution is uniquely positioned to take a global frontrunner position in the future development of land-based salmon farming.
Results presentation
CEO Håkon André Berg and CFO Trond Håkon Schaug-Pettersen will present the results by webcast today, Tuesday November 16 at 08:00 a.m. CEST.
The presentation and subsequent Q&A will be held in English.
The presentation can be accessed at www.salmonevolution.no, or with the following link: https://streams.eventcdn.net/salmonevolution/2021q3/
For further information, please contact:
Håkon André Berg, CEO, Salmon Evolution
+47 41 19 22 57
Trond Håkon Schaug-Pettersen, CFO, Salmon Evolution
+47 91 19 13 27
About Salmon Evolution
Salmon Evolution is a Norwegian land-based salmon farming company focused on extending the ocean's potential by transferring the best preconditions offered by the sea to farm fish on land through its hybrid flow-through system technology (HFS). This secures a truly sustainable production process with controlled and optimal growth conditions and limiting operational and biological risk.
The Company's first production facility is under construction at Indre Harøy, strategically located on the Norwegian west coast with unlimited access to fresh seawater, renewable energy, established infrastructure for salmon farming, and an educated and experienced work force. The entire project is designed for an annual capacity of approx. 31,500 tonnes HOG.
The Company has also entered into a joint venture with Dongwon Industries where the parties will develop, construct and operate a land-based salmon farming facility in South Korea with an annual production capacity of 16,800 tonnes HOG, using Salmon Evolution's HFS technology.
Salmon Evolution ASA is listed on Oslo Børs under the ticker SALME.
To learn more, please visit www.salmonevolution.no
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Mr Strange
16.11.2021 kl 08:22
Hobbydansken skrev ATH på mine charts er 8,95 den 27. aug 2021.
Ja, jeg sa den var høyere, men etter det jeg ser var close 27 august 8,70, så styrer veldig greit mot ett brudd i dag
16.11.2021 kl 07:54
Ikke rart denne gikk i går, det her ser så lovende ut som det går an.
16.11.2021 kl 07:45
Den kan ryke i dag faktisk, folk begynner å finne ut av hva Salme er unike på, og skjønner at dette er oppdrett gjenoppfunnet som bærekraftig.
15.11.2021 kl 21:22
Vi har ca 40 tonn med laks allerede som er rundt 200gram stor allerede 😊
15.11.2021 kl 19:59
Kommer stadig nærmere fisk i tankene. Det i seg selv er kursdrivende. Om alt er i rute og budsjettet holder vil dette bli bedre og bedre. Min beste venn på børsen er tiden:)
Mr Strange
15.11.2021 kl 18:03
Brudd opp og ny ATH ved dagslutt. Vet den har vært høyere intradrag.. Men dette kan fort fly i morgen omplanen holde.
En oppdatering og økning i korea satsningen hadde vært kanon... Relativt sikker på at de 4 dobler den satsni gen der relativt fort
En oppdatering og økning i korea satsningen hadde vært kanon... Relativt sikker på at de 4 dobler den satsni gen der relativt fort
15.11.2021 kl 15:12
Brutt 8,50. Fordelen med Salme er at kursmålene kommer til å flyttes betydelig oppover når fisken slaktes. Det er ikke altfor lenge til første slakt og skal man ha full opptur må man være før de som skal ha alt testet og gjennomprøvd før de kjøper. Med Salme sin ledelse og kvalitet i alle ledd er jeg null bekymret. Oppturen er fortsatt gedigen her.
15.11.2021 kl 08:05
Perfekt for mine spådommer om at Canada er next etter Sør Korea for Salme. Det er ikke i konvensjonell oppdrett man bør være i fremover. Veksten i hybride anlegg, som ikke forpester fjordene og som sikrer velferd hos fisken, blir vinnere.
Redigert 15.11.2021 kl 11:20
Du må logge inn for å svare
09.11.2021 kl 15:52
On schedule to receive fish next March
Almost 200 people are in full swing at Salmon Evolution’s Indre Harøy fish farm, with nine of 12 tanks completed and both input pipes in place to take water from 25 and 95 metres respectively.
This means the company is on schedule for receiving its first fish at the land-based facility in western Norway during March 2022, project director Kamilla M Holo confirms.
Almost 200 people are in full swing at Salmon Evolution’s Indre Harøy fish farm, with nine of 12 tanks completed and both input pipes in place to take water from 25 and 95 metres respectively.
This means the company is on schedule for receiving its first fish at the land-based facility in western Norway during March 2022, project director Kamilla M Holo confirms.
08.11.2021 kl 20:11
Energima Ålesund har inngått en kontrakt med Artec Aqua på leveranse av avtrekksystemer for oppdrettsanlegget til Salmon Evolution på Indre Harøy.
02.11.2021 kl 20:40
Nedgang for sjømatindeksen
Sjømatindeksen på Oslo Børs har falt gjennom dagen, og ender ned 1,69 prosent. Her var alle selskapene i minus, med unntak av Atlantic Sapphire og Salmon Evolution.💪
Sjømatindeksen på Oslo Børs har falt gjennom dagen, og ender ned 1,69 prosent. Her var alle selskapene i minus, med unntak av Atlantic Sapphire og Salmon Evolution.💪