QEC - communities see ocean of opportunity in oil and gas!

MC Axel
QEC 06.10.2020 kl 21:00 30317

The thread was full and too much junk in it

"communities see ocean of opportunity in oil and gas

By Kerry Jothen on October 5, 2020No Comment

Editor’s note: Indigenous communities across Canada are learning how to prosper in a new era of co-operation in oil and gas development. Setting aside old grievances, industry, government and First Nations communities are working together to ensure that, as equal partners, Canada’s Indigenous peoples enjoy employment and sustainable growth trickles down to them.

In this unprecedented time of Indigenous rights and title, oil and gas companies recognizing that treating First Nations people as equal partners is a win-win that advances the cause of economic and social reconciliation.

Governments are attempting to facilitate development through economic, employment and business partnerships. This is particularly relevant in light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and legal and other developments.

“It’s through economic development, economic reconciliation, that we’re going to find a path back to our true identities and revitalize our culture as Indigenous people,” says Crystal Smith, chief councillor for the Haisla First Nation in northwest British Columbia. She notes that Canada ranks ninth in the world when it comes to living standards but that falls to 63rd for on-reserve communities.

With this in mind, Indigenous communities across Canada are increasingly pursuing economic, employment and business partnerships with oil and gas companies. First Nations, the private sector and governments have shared and unique interests in this form of development.

According to a recent task force report, Indigenous communities increased their access to market capital for business and economic development by more than double, to $5.9 billion between 2003 and 2013. The report suggests Indigenous economic contributions to our gross domestic product (GDP) could reach $100 billion by 2023.

The opportunities are tantalizing.

“Indigenous-owned businesses are 40 times more likely to be involved in the mining and oil and gas sectors than the average Canadian business,” wrote Dale Swampy, president of the National Coalition of Chiefs In the Task Force for Real Jobs, Real Recovery final report. “The extractive sector hires twice as many Indigenous employees and pays on average twice as much in wages as other sectors.”

The main instrument for First Nations to participate in the resource economy has been through negotiated impact and benefit agreements, and similar instruments.

As historian Ken Coates suggests in a recent report, these agreements are driven by a duty to consult and accommodate. In addition, they contain four main components: financial payments to the First Nation; employment and training outcomes; special procurement and business development opportunities; and general assurances of First Nations’ participation in the oversight and monitoring of the resource activities.

Such agreements have been used by many major oil and gas companies and for major projects. For example:

Construction of the $6-billion Coastal GasLink project includes project agreements with all 20 First Nations along the pipeline route and $825 million in contracts to Indigenous and local businesses and First Nations employment opportunities.LNG Canada and Haisla Nation have a benefits agreement that has been lauded by the community and others. The LNG Canada project workforce included almost 10 per cent Indigenous people at the end of 2019, and it has facilitated various commercial joint ventures (e.g., module offloading facility with the multinational company Mammoet). The First Nations Group Limited Partnership consists of 16 First Nations along the Kitimat LNG Project and Pacific Trail Pipelines route and is a commercial partnership valued at more than $500 million. If this project moves forward, the First Nations involved will incur huge benefits and ownership opportunities.Trans Mountain Pipeline has signed 58 mutual benefit agreements and similar commercial agreements with Indigenous communities worth more than $500 million. It has provided training and hired more than 300 Indigenous people and contracts with many First Nations businesses and suppliers.

First Nations want to lead land and resource development. And they want to have an ownership stake in economic ventures to address community development, poverty and social needs. This ramps up First Nations’ economic and business opportunities and risks, and goes beyond the typical impact and benefits agreement.

Niilo Edwards, executive director of the First Nations Major Projects Coalition, notes three key advantages that equity in oil and gas development have over annual payments in traditional impact and benefits agreements:

Profits from ownership of equity are expected to be many times larger than annual payments that can be negotiated with industry.First Nations with equity will be in a better position as owners to influence the business decisions that impact them and their lands.Indigenous communities will have the opportunity to use the secured project revenue streams to gain financing for community infrastructure projects, like housing and water.

The first major development in Indigenous ownership in oil and gas was a 2017 agreement among Suncor and Fort McKay and Mikisew Cree First Nations. The two nations jointly purchased a 49 per cent stake in Suncor’s East Tank Farm for $503 million.

There are other examples of First Nations equity stakes in energy projects and many more in the works (e.g. Eagle Spirit Pipeline, Churchill pipeline, Woodfibre LNG). A smaller recent energy-related example is Ridley Terminals Inc., which the federal government sold in 2019. In the transaction, the Lax Kw’alaams Band and Metlakatla First Nation obtained a 10 per cent equity share.

In another recent Coastal GasLink project, company owner TC Energy announced it had allocated a 10 per cent equity stake for First Nations. The coalition brought together 13 First Nations investors who want to own up to 30 per cent of the value of the pipeline. A deal could be reached in coming months.

The Trans Mountain expansion project has at least two Indigenous groups proposing to purchase ownership of a portion of the pipeline. Project Reconciliation, an Indigenous-led group, is pursuing majority ownership of the project through an Indigenous sovereign wealth fund. And the Iron Coalition led by the Assembly of Treaty Chiefs also seeks an equity stake, intending to purchase between half and all of the project post-construction.

Yet there are still challenges.

As Ellis Ross, Skeena, B.C., MLA and former chief councillor of the Haisla Nation, said: “Many First Nations do not have the governance continuity or corporate memory in pursuing protracted negotiations on complicated revenue sharing and project equity stakes with resource companies.”

Ross said “equity” means a lot of responsibility, risks, long-term commitments and First Nations leadership meaningfully engaging with its community.

Lawyer Douglas Eyford, who has been involved in project development negotiations for several years, said there are obstacles to increased Indigenous participation in infrastructure development. Those include access to capital, capacity challenges with some Indigenous communities and territorial disputes among Indigenous groups.

Barry Nikal, former chief councillor of the Moricetown Indian Band (now Witset First Nation) for two terms and a Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief, has negotiated agreements on the Pacific Trails and Coastal GasLink pipelines.

“We need a cohesive approach when companies and governments are negotiating agreements with First Nations,” he says.

Nikal stresses the importance of working with groups of First Nations on revenue sharing and other benefits in a holistic approach, rather than “cutting individual deals that can pit communities in competition with one another for partners and contracts.”

Edwards of the First Nations Major Projects Coalition said there are additional challenges: “a lack of Indigenous at-risk capital and scarce resources at the community level for legal and financial experience to manage complicated transactions.”

The federal Indian Act limits First Nations’ access to capital through commercial loans and private investments, and their ability to use assets as collateral for borrowing and obtaining low-interest rates.

Indigenous groups, such as the First Nations Major Projects Coalition, are calling for changes to the act. They want creative financing programs from government and more support to the First Nations Finance Authority, which has provided more than $600 million in loans at low interest rates and other financial support to Indigenous communities.

For Crystal Smith and her community, being part of one of Canada’s largest commercial developments – LNG Canada – is a key part of their drive to ensure sustainable financial independence from governments.

If Canada’s growth in oil and gas development is supported, First Nations will realize long-term economic and social benefits.

Kerry Jothen, BA, MA, is principal of Human Capital Strategies and has 42 years of experience in human capital roles. HCS is one of the longest-standing independent strategic planning, workforce research and strategy development consultancies in B.C."


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:28 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 09:06 5054

NĂ„r Binnion IKKE har sĂžkt, har han tillatelse eller ikke tillatelse?
MÄ gratulere bÄde deg og D med en frapperende mangel pÄ logikk.
Redigert 25.11.2020 kl 11:10 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
25.11.2020 kl 09:21 5012

Ketchup, dette er hva du selv skrev :

En demonstrasjon. Som Binnion ikke har fÄtt tillatelse til Ä kjÞre enda sÄ mye han har forsÞkt. Ganske enkelt fordi Quebecs myndigheter ikke er interessert.

Hvis han ikke har sĂžkt...hvordan kan han da ha forsĂžkt??

Du prÞvde deg med nok en lÞgn og vrir deg nÄ som en slange for Ä unngÄ det ubehagelige - nemlig Ä bli tatt i enda en lÞgn!

Det er nok nÄ.
25.11.2020 kl 09:34 4958

Oljen har doblet seg siden bunnen, mens QEC lusker med 28% , sÄ det burde snart komme en rekyl.

Hadde vĂŠrt koselig Ă„ ringe julen inn med glĂžgg i koppen, ribbe i ovnen, juletreet pyntet og qec over krona.
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 11:01 4832

Jeg mener vi mÄ ha bare lukket qec innlegg slik at de kan ikke skrive lÞgnene sine der. SelvfÞlgelig jeg har ogsÄ blokkert dem , men det er irriterende Ä se dem der med rÞd blokk pÄ. Hvis de er ikke short da er de veldig syke.
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 11:08 4807

ja de er ikke bare litt syke men VELDIG SYKE!!!! ha en fin dag, tror dette her blir meget bra etterhvert :-)
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 11:12 4789

ps, der sÄ du njn og Domus konfirmerte PU atter engang i en lÞgn og svada uttalelser.
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 11:13 4786

NĂ„r Binnion IKKE har sĂžkt, har han tillatelse eller ikke tillatelse?

Gratulerer med en frapperende mangel pÄ logikk.
Redigert 25.11.2020 kl 11:15 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
25.11.2020 kl 13:13 4657

ok er nok riktig kommentar nÄ...
25.11.2020 kl 13:28 4619

Jeg ved godt det er en gentagelse fra i gÄr - men folk mÄ ikke forvente at QEC stiger pga. olien stiger.
PrÞv at kigge pÄ omsÊtningen - den er nÊsten ikke eksisterende - og det er selvom olien stiger og stiger.

Vi skal have noget nyt fra QEC - gerne snart.

Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 14:42 4534

Qec fÞlger ikke oljen, de har jo nesten ingen produksjon ! Sist oljen var sÄ hÞy som nÄ sÄ var Qec over 1,50 og da sier det seg selv at oljeprisen har lite Ä si... nÄr olja gÄr ned, da fÞlger den oljeprisen ....
25.11.2020 kl 19:05 4365

Mitt inntrykk er at det er et bredt og tett samarbeid mellom alle selskapene i AEQ. Her virker det som markedet mangler informasjon. Tidligere emisjon, nÄ kreditt - hvordan kom den pÄ plass? Tradisjon tro burde det vel vÊrt en emisjon?


Energy Association samler arrangÞrer, selskaper, investorer, leverandÞrer og servicesektoren fra Quebec, Canada og resten av verden som er interessert i Ä utvikle naturressurser i Quebec. Det er to grunnleggende prinsipper som AEQ-medlemsbedrifter overholder. Sosial aksept er viktig for ethvert naturressursprosjekt, og de deler fordelene med lokalsamfunn. Dens medlemmer tilbyr ogsÄ ny teknologi for Ä redusere miljÞavtrykket, og i noen tilfeller redusere prosjektutslipp til null eller nÊr null.

StÄr 100 prosent bak Questerre, og klar til Ä gripe inn om nÞdvendig?

Mars 2020

AEQ sier at det beklager at "mennesker med lite kunnskap om bransjen gjĂžr sine synspunkter kjent uten Ă„ kunne svare. Mange i Quebec snakker om naturgass. Imidlertid er det ingen eksperter her, fordi det ikke er noen industri og ingen lokal produksjon, ”skriver Mr. Tetrault og legger til at AEQ vil gripe inn nĂ„r det er behov for det. anser det nĂždvendig.

Redigert 25.11.2020 kl 19:53 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 20:45 4240

Det er jo ikke fÞrste gang Qec har fÄtt kreditt. For eksempel for noen Är tilbake fikk Qec kassakreditt pÄ oppjusterte ressurser og holdt likevel etterpÄ en emisjon som kom overraskende. Binnions forklaring den gangen var at kassakreditten var en Þkonmisk trygghet som lÄ i bunn for selskapets drift, og at emisjonspengene skulle investeres i verdiskapning for aksjonÊrene uten at jeg spesifikt husker hva det innebÊrte, men produksjonsÞking var ganske sikkert et nÞkkelord den gangen som alltid ellers. NÄ det er sagt, skal jeg villig innrÞmme at nÄvÊrende kassakreditt kom overraskende pÄ meg dagens situasjon tatt i betraktning.
Redigert 25.11.2020 kl 22:57 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
25.11.2020 kl 20:59 4200

Denne gang ingen resurs oppdatering, ei produksjonsĂžkning.
25.11.2020 kl 21:20 4148

Normalt vil en bank have noget sikkerhed for st stille en kredit....
Kigger man pÄ QEC og deres historie, sÄ kan man godt spekulere lidt over hvordan de har fÄet den kredit.
Hvordan har Binnion solgt den til Banken?
25.11.2020 kl 21:30 4115

25.11.2020 kl 21:40 4078

Det er i hvert fald ikke deres produktion eller evne til at Ăžge produktionen der har imponeret banken.
Slettet bruker
25.11.2020 kl 22:51 3946

Neppe heller pilot. Pilot er et nonkommersielt og vitenskapelig forskningsprosjekt sÄ fremt det blir godkjent av MiljÞdepartementet.
Redigert 26.11.2020 kl 06:30 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
25.11.2020 kl 23:31 3873

Hva vet vi?

- AEQ og Questerre sier de har teknologien klar. En hÄndfull selskaper og Québec kan med det produsere verdens reneste gass. Null utslipp, null kjemikalier. Les AEQ linker og siste oppdatering av Clean Tech Questerre.com

- MeningsmÄling bekrefter sosial aksept i Becancour ( 53 prosent ) og Lotbiniere ( 63 prosent ) ref siste clean tech oppdatering.
Begge kommuner hvor Questerre og Utics R har store arealer. med gyldige letelisenser.
RĂžr systemer og planer ligger klar for pilot - 20 til 25 brĂžnner.
I Becancour ligger industriparken, nÄ et mekka for forskningsprosjekter.

Og i lys av nylig tilfÞrt kassakreditt pÄ ca 200 Mnok, i et svÊrt anstrengt kredittmarked, og denne fra Questerre i januar - er det kanskje noe i emningen?

Canada: Questerre closes acquisition of Quebec assets

22 Jan 2020
Photo - see caption
Questerre Energy has received all approvals and has closed the acquisition of assets in Quebec pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement with a senior exploration and production company as set out in the Company’s press release dated March 7, 2019.

Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive Officer of Questerre, commented:

'With the acquisition closed, we have regained control and operatorship of our giant natural gas discovery in the Lowlands. We are now well positioned to engage the Government and all stakeholders on our Clean Tech Energy project. This will allow us to follow through on our plans to share profits with local communities. We believe this will be essential to the social acceptability we need to move forward.'

Commenting on the Clean Tech Energy project, he added:

'Our goal to produce natural gas with zero emissions, zero freshwater usage and zero toxic chemicals below ground will be among the first of its kind worldwide. We believe this can be accomplished today by using new technologies and leveraging Quebec's hydropower advantage.'

Pursuant to the Agreement, Questerre has acquired the exploration rights to 753,000 net acres in Quebec, associated wells and equipment, geophysical data and other miscellaneous assets. Post-closing, Questerre holds the rights to approx. one million net acres covering a well-established gas resource. Based on an independent resource assessment prepared by GLJ Petroleum Consultants as of December 31, 2017 for the majority of this acreage where the Company holds a working interest, the best estimate of unrisked gross contingent and prospective resources was 3.9 Tcf and 21.3 Tcf respectively. The Company plans to update this assessment for the newly acquired acreage later this year.

Both parties have released each other from all claims related to outstanding litigation. For more information, please see the Company’s press releases dated June 4, 2018. Other consideration including cash and contingent payments and the security required for the assumption of abandonment and reclamation liabilities is approx. $11 million in aggregate prior to closing adjustments. The Company has posted letters of credit as security for the A&R Liabilities.

Redigert 25.11.2020 kl 23:35 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
25.11.2020 kl 23:40 3852

Denne kassakreditten dere nÄ plutselig snakker i positive ordlag om og som ogsÄ ketchup er overrasket over, er jo ingen nyhet eller overraskelse.
Qec har jo hatt denne kreditten i flere Ă„r. Med jevne mellomrom er den oppe til fornyelse. NĂ„ har den blitt fornyet slik den pleier.
25.11.2020 kl 23:42 3846

Det var oppklarende Domus - men mÄ vel tolkes positivt at den fornyes?
25.11.2020 kl 23:45 3839

SÄ lenge Qec er innenfor rammene av sikkerhet, fornyes den hver gang. Mao ikke noe Ä vektlegge utover sikring av finanser. Deler av den er jo ogsÄ brukt.
Redigert 25.11.2020 kl 23:46 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
25.11.2020 kl 23:49 3822

Ok, igjen oppklarende. Kun Sikring av finans, ikke en selvfĂžlgelighet for mange i dagens marked.
25.11.2020 kl 23:59 3796

Videre opp i Toronto, og tiltagende volum. Lenge siden det har vĂŠrt handlet over 200k aksjer i Canada:

Questerre Energy CorpCOMPANY INFO
Prev Close
MC Axel
26.11.2020 kl 00:10 3772

To get refinanced in these days is always positive. I have heard that some banks have tightened the requirements for their credits due to the Covid-19

Rough times
26.11.2020 kl 08:14 3580

Hei, tuja 👍- hvor ser du Toronto-omsetning ? Nordnet viser 0,13 CAD pĂ„ slutt tirsdag kveld - og 0,13 CAD i gĂ„r kveld, men kun 137k aksjer omsatt... Nordnet fĂ„r tydeligvis ikke med alle bevegelser/kjĂžp ...(?) Enig - selv med beskjedent volum, lenge siden handelen har vĂŠrt pĂ„ dette nivĂ„ ..
Redigert 26.11.2020 kl 08:15 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
26.11.2020 kl 08:24 3554

Ok, det var jeg ikke lige opmÊrksom pÄ - men trodsalt positivt at de vil forlÊnge den.
26.11.2020 kl 08:43 3486

Takker, tuja 👍 Jeg var inne pĂ„ Toronto Stock Exchange - den viste samme utvikling/volum som Nordnet.. - det er jo kursutv. som er viktigst 😊
Mulig det kan vĂŠre noe med fĂžrhandel her og..
Redigert 26.11.2020 kl 08:52 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
26.11.2020 kl 20:45 3277


Vet du hva som planlegges ved industriparken i Becancour?

Vil et evt forskningsprosjekt vĂŠre i regi av AEQ eller de enkelte medlemmene?
27.11.2020 kl 08:16 3067

AEQ har uttalt at verdene reneste gassproduksjon vil ha Carbon avtrykk lik sol- og vindkraft.
De to stÞrste av en hÄndfull er Questerre og Utica R., pilot bÞr passe rett inn i konseptet i Becancour.

13. november

Pierre Fitzgibbon, Ăžkonomi- og innovasjonsminister
Pierre Fitzgibbon hevdet at BĂ©cancour industri- og havnepark og det nĂŠrliggende universitetet i Quebec i Trois-RiviĂšres (UQTR) allerede har ekspertise innen karbonfangst og rene industrielle prosesser.

Ministeren for Ăžkonomi og innovasjon, Pierre Fitzgibbon.
Ministeren for Ăžkonomi og innovasjon, Pierre Fitzgibbon, indikerte at rundt femti prosjekter for opprettelse av innovasjonssoner har blitt mottatt hittil. Foto: Radio-Canada
Ministeren sa imidlertid at den endelige avgjĂžrelsen ville avhenge av interessene til privat sektor, slik at regjeringen ikke investerer i prosjektet alene.

Quebec har ogsÄ til hensikt Ä identifisere en person som er ansvarlig for Ä tiltrekke virksomheter til industriparken og havnen i Bécancour, som for Þyeblikket bare er 40% okkupert. Det er en barnehage Ä fylle ut hullene, foreslo minister Fitzgibbon.

Redigert 27.11.2020 kl 08:16 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Slettet bruker
01.12.2020 kl 13:26 2787

Feil postert
Redigert 01.12.2020 kl 15:21 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.12.2020 kl 13:28 2781

NĂ„ snakker vi :)
M. Binnion
01.12.2020 kl 15:04 2666

KjĂžpte 50 000 lodd til i dag, er det Ă„ anse som innsidehandel ;-)
Slettet bruker
01.12.2020 kl 15:53 2579

Sitat Opp+ "Hvor skal quebec fÄ olje og gassen sin fra nÄ?? Tror de mÄ vurder og fÄ den opp selv jeg, kanskje med en renere metode?"

Alberta company to provide Quebec with ‘responsible’ natural gas

Seven Generations Energy has achieved new international certification based on an independent review of its its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance

By Grady Semmens on February 10, 2020, 4:10 pm MST

Photo courtesy Seven Generations Energy

A Western Canadian energy company is the first to receive international certification for sustainable natural gas production – a designation that is helping it tap into the Quebec market through a new deal with the province’s biggest gas provider.

Seven Generations Energy has achieved EO100 certification from New York-based non-profit Equitable Origin, following an independent assurance process that examined its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. This included discussions with key stakeholders and assessments of its operations.

ESG metrics are of increasing interest to investors who are concerned about companies adopting practices that will mitigate risk and ensure their long-term sustainability, according to S&P Global.

The acronym refers to a broad range of environmental, social and governance criteria that reflects the growing sensitivity of consumers to how companies operate as factors in their buying decisions, S&P Global says.

This can include metrics like greenhouse gas emissions, community investment, worker safety, representation of women, Indigenous people and visible minorities, and board diversity.

Seven Generations produces approximately 200,000 barrels of oil-equivalent per day of natural gas and condensate from its Kakwa River project in northwestern Alberta.

Earning the EO100 certification was critical to reaching a new supply contract with Énergir, which distributes 97 per cent of Quebec’s gas supply to more than 200,000 customers and is the state of Vermont’s sole gas provider.

Énergir expects 20 per cent of its gas to be supplied by Seven Generations over the next year as the gas distributor strives to reduce its environmental footprint and provide its customers with more information about the sources of their energy products.

The certification process also involved collaboration with the Pembina Institute, a Canadian clean energy think-tank that advised Énergir on potential certification frameworks and served as a third-party adviser on the certification process.

“Certification provides an incentive to produce natural gas at a higher standard than business as usual and offers companies such as Seven Generations a strong competitive advantage as the world decarbonizes,” the Pembina Institute’s Chris Severson-Baker said in a statement.

“We applaud Seven Generations and Énergir for their leadership, and encourage other companies to follow in their footsteps.”



MC Axel
05.12.2020 kl 00:33 2234

Good timing! 😁👍

Sell on 30 NOK ;)