Ny HL-SAN agreement Simcere

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AZT 08.10.2020 kl 17:13 22053

ArcticZymes has entered into an agreement with Simcere Diagnostics to supply its HL-SAN product for Simcere’s metagenomics sequencing tests

Tromsø, 08 October, 2020: ArcticZymes AS, a subsidiary of ArcticZymes Technologies ASA (OSE:AZT), announces that it has entered into a supply and distribution agreement with precision medicine company Jiangsu Simcere Diagnostics, Nanjing, China for the supply of Heat-Labile Salt Active Nuclease (HL-SAN) to be used in the development and manufacturing of Simcere’s sequencing assays.

HL-SAN is a critical component of Simcere Diagnostics’ infectious disease metagenomic assays. In particular, the nuclease supplied by ArcticZymes plays a key role in the removal of host DNA from the sample. This results in a streamlined and efficient sample preparation process that reduces background noise from the assay. Metagenomic assays are extremely sensitive to competing background noise. Fortunately, HL-SAN’s unique capability to interact with salt provides Simcere the best host DNA removal solution available on the market.

Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, the parent of Simcere Diagnostics, is recognized as one of the “Top 10 Innovative Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China” and “Top 100 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Enterprises in China”. Simcere has three R&D centers including Boston in the United States and focuses on oncology, central nervous system disease, and autoimmune disease therapeutic and diagnostic areas with a diverse portfolio of products.

ArcticZymes Technologies ASA, CEO, Jethro Holter said:

“We look forward to supporting Simcere Diagnostics in the development and future commercialization of their innovative sequencing assays as well as other future technologies. This is just the beginning of a long-term relationship together where ArcticZymes’ novel enzyme technologies and scientific competence will aid Simcere Diagnostics in marketing best in class sequencing technologies. The agreement marks the first step for ArcticZymes in becoming a long-term supplier of its enzymes to commercial partners in China.”

Simcere Diagnostics CEO, Yong Ren said:

“Simcere Diagnostics is excited to collaborate with ArcticZymes AS. This global collaboration not only helps Simcere in the development and commercialization of its metagenomic products, it also provides our friend ArcticZymes with a market penetration opportunity to the Chinese market. We plan to work closely in the future to explore additional means to strengthen our partnership and achieve additional penetration in China.”
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26.10.2020 kl 16:15 1465

Der var det en som treffer spikeren på hodet, det er hvertfall hva jeg har tenkt utover dagen i dag når jeg ser hva som skjer med OSE og andre børser. Det er rødt over hele planeten og det er vel selvsagt at dette påvirker AZT og forsterker fallet. Det er mange skyer på himmelen når det gjelder verdens økonomier og får vi et krakk i aksjemarkedet så vil ingen være upåvirket av dette ettersom psykologien ikke er forankret i det fundamentale. Frykten tar overhånd og jeg vil tippe endel medaksjonærer i AZT har kjent på frykten i dag. Noen har sikkert og solgt grunnet frykt.
26.10.2020 kl 22:37 1217

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26.10.2020 kl 23:19 1104

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