Her er en samling forskningsrelaterte artikler som samlet sett indikerer at de vaksinene som er under utvikling i fase III i dag, kanskje ikke kommer til å virke mer enn noen måneder, eller at de kanskje til og med kun kommer til å virke mot den opprinnelige virusvarianten D614 (Original Wuhan strain), mens det i dag finnes veldig mange andre varianter, der D614G er den som øker mest og er den mest vanlige.
Det finnes mange andre sars-cov-2 varianter, blant annet V483G* som har vist seg langt mer smittsom, uten å være mindre dødelig (så langt). Denne finnes nå i Brasil, Midt-Østen, UK og i USA.
(Her er en god artikkel som viser virusvarianter som nå er mest utbredt i ulike verdensdeler
Årsaken til at vaksinene kanskje ikke kommer til å være effektive skyldes blant annet at antistoffer ser ut til å forsvinne relativt raskt, samt at vaksinene som nå er i fase III ble ferdigstilt rundt mars måned 2020, og har derfor ikke inkludert mutasjoner som har kommet til senere, eller som ikke var vanlige på det tidspunktet.
En kanadisk studie ledet av forskere ved Temerty Faculty of Medicine ved Universtitetet i Toronto viser at antistoffer kun er effektive i 3 måneder fra man får covid-19 symptomer. IgA og IgM antistoffer falt kraftig, og forsvant etter 3 måneder. IgG antistoffer var stabile opp til 105 dager etter virussykdommen inntraff. Studien vurderte til og med dag 115 (studien stoppet der). De siste dagene fra dag 105 til dag 115 ble det observert signifikant reduksjon i IgG, men siden studien ikke pågikk lengre er det vanskelig å dra konklusjoner ut av dette.
IgA antistoffer er antagelig de viktigste antistoffene mot covid-19, og kan være såkalte "neutralizing antibodies".
Flere studier har funnet at antistoffer mot sars-cov-2 i seg selv ikke beskytter mot covid-19. Det er "neutralizing antibodies" som beskytter best.
"Indeed, IgA is an important mediator of protection against gastrointestinal viruses (38), is essential in achieving immunity against avian viruses (39), has been shown to contribute to the neutralizing antibody (nAb) response to SARS-CoV-2 (28)".
En studie viste at barn kan ha IgG antistoffer mot SARS-COV-2, samtidig som de er smittet med SARS-COV-2.
"SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in two patients who have recovered from COVID-19"
"During the second admission, both patients showed increases in their IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 titers, and one patient also showed renewed reactivity for IgM anti-SARS-CoV-2. As both had recovered clinically and had negative throat swab viral RNA for 43–58 days before they became sick again with positive throat swab viral RNA together with an increase in IgG antibody (with one also showing IgM again), they were considered as having SARS-CoV-2 reinfection."
"Covid-19 Immunity short-lived for those who are asymtpomatic or had mild symptoms. Doubts raised about ability of vaccines to really work".
"Antibodies COVID-19: Another study shows that antibodies not effective in treating COVID-19 and warns of vaccines focusing only on spike proteins"
En artikkel som beskriver hvordan sars-cov-2 smitten spres i land av asymptomatiske pasienter.
"COVID-19 Immunity: Study shows that protective immunity to current seasonal coronaviruses are short-lasting, SARS-COV-2 could be the same".
Studien går tilbake til data fra 1980-tallet til i dag, og ser på infeksjoner med coronavirus. Pasientene hadde 3-17 reinfeksjoner med coronavisu, og reinfeksjon skjedde fra 6-105 måneder. Reinfeksjoner ble hyppig observert etter 12 måneder.,-sars-cov-2-could-be-the-same
"COVID-19 herd immunity is impractical and disastrous according to new study plus emerging studies indicate immunity is short lived".
"Coronavirus latest: Experts concerned as reinfections occuring in shorter intervals, also new study shows antibodies in infected diminish in about 60 days".,-also-new-study-shows-antibodies-in-infected-diminish-in-about-60-
"MUST READ! Study involving case of reinfection questions efficacy of covid-19 vaccines under development or trials against emerging mutated strains".
"BREAKING!! Covid-19 immunity: New study that is yet to be peer-reviewed says humans may never develop immunity against covid-19".
Missed the cut:,-now-belgium-and-netherlands,-phangnga-imposes-strict-measures- (Kun 6 av 77 smittede i en tysk studie hadde antistoffer).,-vaccines-and-antibodies-being-questioned,-record-94,000-cases-in-24-hours,-more-reinfections-appearing-globally
"Reinfections" i nyhetene:
"The Kenya study on endemic human coronaviruses, however, offers evidence to the contrary that may turn out to be applicable to SARS-CoV-2. In some patients, it was found that high antibody levels actually potentiated infection rather than preventing or mitigating it"
*V483G mutasjonen er motstandsdyktig mot antistoffer.
Forøvrig spekuleres det i at dersom monoclonal antibodies fungerer (det Trump fikk), så kan prisen på hver behandling bli 6-8000 dollar.
Det finnes mange andre sars-cov-2 varianter, blant annet V483G* som har vist seg langt mer smittsom, uten å være mindre dødelig (så langt). Denne finnes nå i Brasil, Midt-Østen, UK og i USA.
(Her er en god artikkel som viser virusvarianter som nå er mest utbredt i ulike verdensdeler
Årsaken til at vaksinene kanskje ikke kommer til å være effektive skyldes blant annet at antistoffer ser ut til å forsvinne relativt raskt, samt at vaksinene som nå er i fase III ble ferdigstilt rundt mars måned 2020, og har derfor ikke inkludert mutasjoner som har kommet til senere, eller som ikke var vanlige på det tidspunktet.
En kanadisk studie ledet av forskere ved Temerty Faculty of Medicine ved Universtitetet i Toronto viser at antistoffer kun er effektive i 3 måneder fra man får covid-19 symptomer. IgA og IgM antistoffer falt kraftig, og forsvant etter 3 måneder. IgG antistoffer var stabile opp til 105 dager etter virussykdommen inntraff. Studien vurderte til og med dag 115 (studien stoppet der). De siste dagene fra dag 105 til dag 115 ble det observert signifikant reduksjon i IgG, men siden studien ikke pågikk lengre er det vanskelig å dra konklusjoner ut av dette.
IgA antistoffer er antagelig de viktigste antistoffene mot covid-19, og kan være såkalte "neutralizing antibodies".
Flere studier har funnet at antistoffer mot sars-cov-2 i seg selv ikke beskytter mot covid-19. Det er "neutralizing antibodies" som beskytter best.
"Indeed, IgA is an important mediator of protection against gastrointestinal viruses (38), is essential in achieving immunity against avian viruses (39), has been shown to contribute to the neutralizing antibody (nAb) response to SARS-CoV-2 (28)".
En studie viste at barn kan ha IgG antistoffer mot SARS-COV-2, samtidig som de er smittet med SARS-COV-2.
"SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in two patients who have recovered from COVID-19"
"During the second admission, both patients showed increases in their IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 titers, and one patient also showed renewed reactivity for IgM anti-SARS-CoV-2. As both had recovered clinically and had negative throat swab viral RNA for 43–58 days before they became sick again with positive throat swab viral RNA together with an increase in IgG antibody (with one also showing IgM again), they were considered as having SARS-CoV-2 reinfection."
"Covid-19 Immunity short-lived for those who are asymtpomatic or had mild symptoms. Doubts raised about ability of vaccines to really work".
"Antibodies COVID-19: Another study shows that antibodies not effective in treating COVID-19 and warns of vaccines focusing only on spike proteins"
En artikkel som beskriver hvordan sars-cov-2 smitten spres i land av asymptomatiske pasienter.
"COVID-19 Immunity: Study shows that protective immunity to current seasonal coronaviruses are short-lasting, SARS-COV-2 could be the same".
Studien går tilbake til data fra 1980-tallet til i dag, og ser på infeksjoner med coronavirus. Pasientene hadde 3-17 reinfeksjoner med coronavisu, og reinfeksjon skjedde fra 6-105 måneder. Reinfeksjoner ble hyppig observert etter 12 måneder.,-sars-cov-2-could-be-the-same
"COVID-19 herd immunity is impractical and disastrous according to new study plus emerging studies indicate immunity is short lived".
"Coronavirus latest: Experts concerned as reinfections occuring in shorter intervals, also new study shows antibodies in infected diminish in about 60 days".,-also-new-study-shows-antibodies-in-infected-diminish-in-about-60-
"MUST READ! Study involving case of reinfection questions efficacy of covid-19 vaccines under development or trials against emerging mutated strains".
"BREAKING!! Covid-19 immunity: New study that is yet to be peer-reviewed says humans may never develop immunity against covid-19".
Missed the cut:,-now-belgium-and-netherlands,-phangnga-imposes-strict-measures- (Kun 6 av 77 smittede i en tysk studie hadde antistoffer).,-vaccines-and-antibodies-being-questioned,-record-94,000-cases-in-24-hours,-more-reinfections-appearing-globally
"Reinfections" i nyhetene:
"The Kenya study on endemic human coronaviruses, however, offers evidence to the contrary that may turn out to be applicable to SARS-CoV-2. In some patients, it was found that high antibody levels actually potentiated infection rather than preventing or mitigating it"
*V483G mutasjonen er motstandsdyktig mot antistoffer.
Forøvrig spekuleres det i at dersom monoclonal antibodies fungerer (det Trump fikk), så kan prisen på hver behandling bli 6-8000 dollar.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:40
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20.01.2021 kl 00:28
La oss si at det etter hvert er 9 ulike varianter som dagens vaksiner ikke virker mot.
Kan 10 vaksiner pakkes sammen i en og samme sprøyte?
Eller blir det kaos? Må folk ta ulike sprøyter for de forskjellige variantene?
Og at de må tas f.eks en gang i året for å sikre at immunforsvaret er godt nok.
Kan 10 vaksiner pakkes sammen i en og samme sprøyte?
Eller blir det kaos? Må folk ta ulike sprøyter for de forskjellige variantene?
Og at de må tas f.eks en gang i året for å sikre at immunforsvaret er godt nok.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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Yngling ØH
20.01.2021 kl 09:51
Complete Mapping of Mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-Binding Domain that Escape Antibody Recognition
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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Yngling ØH
20.01.2021 kl 21:05
Vaksinene er designet for å virke mot mange mutasjoner. Om de avviker for mye må det lages nye vaksiner på samme "platform" som inkluderer mutasjoner som har kommet til i etterkant. Om mutasjoner skjer på helt andre steder, eller er svært annerledes kan det være at det må lages helt andre vaksiner eller medisiner. Dess lengre bort fra normalen du beveger deg, dess mindre sannsynlig er det at det skjer. Men når det gjelder covid, så er det så mange som er smittet, at det får et enormt antall sjanser til å mutere. I tillegg kan større avvik i mutasjonene oppstå når det smitter fra mennesker til dyr, og tilbake til mennesker. Det kan tenkes at når smitte er utbredt hos farmere, eller for eksempel hos urfolk i Brasil, øker risikoen for mer ekstreme mutasjoner. Vi har allerede eksempel fra Danmark og Brasil. Brasil varianten(e) er det jo fortsatt noen spørsmålstegn rundt, i forhold til om vaksinene er like effektive mot dem.
(Ref Sinovac vaksinen som kanskje er mindre effektiv i Brasil enn den var i Indonesia og Tyrkia).
(Ref Sinovac vaksinen som kanskje er mindre effektiv i Brasil enn den var i Indonesia og Tyrkia).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 21:52
Ny variant: - Betydelig risiko for resmitte:
Den muterte coronavirusvarianten fra Sør-Afrika øker betraktelig risikoen for å bli coronasmittet på nytt, viser ny forskning.
Funnene fører til bekymring for at vaksinene kan være mindre effektive mot mutasjonen, viser tidlige resultater fra studien lagt fram onsdag.
Andre studier har vist at vaksinene trolig vil virke effektivt mot den muterte varianten fra Storbritannia.
Forskere i Sør-Afrika har testet den muterte varianten – 501Y.V2 – mot blodet til friskmeldte coronasmittede personer. De oppdaget at varianten er motstandsdyktig til antistoffene fra sykdommen.
- Dette indikerer at nye varianter som 501Y.V2 utgjør en betydelig risiko for å bli smittet på nytt, konkluderte forskerne.
Den muterte coronavirusvarianten fra Sør-Afrika øker betraktelig risikoen for å bli coronasmittet på nytt, viser ny forskning.
Funnene fører til bekymring for at vaksinene kan være mindre effektive mot mutasjonen, viser tidlige resultater fra studien lagt fram onsdag.
Andre studier har vist at vaksinene trolig vil virke effektivt mot den muterte varianten fra Storbritannia.
Forskere i Sør-Afrika har testet den muterte varianten – 501Y.V2 – mot blodet til friskmeldte coronasmittede personer. De oppdaget at varianten er motstandsdyktig til antistoffene fra sykdommen.
- Dette indikerer at nye varianter som 501Y.V2 utgjør en betydelig risiko for å bli smittet på nytt, konkluderte forskerne.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 22:05
Synes det er for jevlig at de skal ta seg så fryktelig god tid med å finne ut om Bemcentinib er nyttig eller ikke. Verden renner jo over av pasienter men det synes som det tar lengre tid å finne ut om Bemcentinb har effekt enn å utvikle en vaksine, som det sies at normalt tar 5-10 år å gjøre. Har ikke de som driver med disse studiene oppdaget at det er emergency og det kan søkes om EUA?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 22:15
Her mangler det meste. Vi har ikke engang sett en plan eller målsetting for når man kan forvente å ha noen resultater og vise til. Virker jo som verden er totalt uinteressert i hva BGBIO driver med også. Er det fordi at Bemcentinib er en av hundrevis med alternativer? Da betydde det ikke så mye om Bemcentinib var først av alternativene i Accord studien eller om det rett og slett ikke var andre kandidater.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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Alltid like morsomt å se når du og 2 til har satt short posisjonen deres, da er dere her inne og syter,
Det har ikke godt så godt i det siste, har det vel :)
Dere får en liten overraskelse i morgen.
Det har ikke godt så godt i det siste, har det vel :)
Dere får en liten overraskelse i morgen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 23:04
Dårlig analyse som vanlig.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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Mohn og Co virker å være optimister da. Men til forskjell fra deg, så har de gjerne ikke peiling på hva de driver med.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 23:17
Mohn er en god sikkerhet mot at selskapet blir kjøpt opp for røverpris.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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focuss skrev Dårlig analyse som vanlig.
Vi får se, du solgte til feil gruppe, og vi er sultne.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 23:24
Jeg har da ikke solgt. Det er en del av din dårlige analyse. Hadde jeg gjort det hadde jeg brydd meg katta om denne ledelsen. Ser ikke bort fra at jeg har flere aksjer enn deg.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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It's time :)
Vi tok rotta på deg i mseis og skal gjøre det samme her, vi hadde nok muskler til å knekke deg der :)
Satser vi så satser vi og vi satser ikke uten at vi vet vi har ressurser nok :)
Har du sluppet ut nesten alt sliter du. Time will tell.
Vi tok rotta på deg i mseis og skal gjøre det samme her, vi hadde nok muskler til å knekke deg der :)
Satser vi så satser vi og vi satser ikke uten at vi vet vi har ressurser nok :)
Har du sluppet ut nesten alt sliter du. Time will tell.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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20.01.2021 kl 23:52
Må være feberfantasier. Mine Magseis aksjer har det helt utmerket, det har forresten de fleste av aksjene i min portefølje..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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21.01.2021 kl 02:15
focuss - din tålmodighed er nød til at række en uge i første omgang hen til WCLC konferensen. :-)
jeg tror også mikrofly35 er lige hurtig nok. jeg læser din besked som at de er vældig meget utålmodig på om der ikke snart kommer resultater, hvilket tyder på du ligger tungt lastet. med de positive indikationer der findes er jeg enig i at det er utroligt at man ikke får skabt flere resultater hurtigt. hvorfor kan man ikke lave intensiv test i Norge..? I må da være interesseret i at redde verden...? kom nu igang for pokker - råb op sykehuse og politikere så vi kan få de grimme vacciner udkonkurrert :-)
jeg tror også mikrofly35 er lige hurtig nok. jeg læser din besked som at de er vældig meget utålmodig på om der ikke snart kommer resultater, hvilket tyder på du ligger tungt lastet. med de positive indikationer der findes er jeg enig i at det er utroligt at man ikke får skabt flere resultater hurtigt. hvorfor kan man ikke lave intensiv test i Norge..? I må da være interesseret i at redde verden...? kom nu igang for pokker - råb op sykehuse og politikere så vi kan få de grimme vacciner udkonkurrert :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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21.01.2021 kl 02:18
kom så BGBIO ! kom så BGBIO ! kom så BGBIO ! kom så BGBIO....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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21.01.2021 kl 02:19
og når bomben springer vil vi alle ønske vi havde lastet mere op pånær dem med 100% af PF i BGBIO
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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21.01.2021 kl 06:53
Yes I am (100%) ...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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22.01.2021 kl 06:36
Vaksiner blir mindre og mindre effektive mot nye COVID-19 mutasjoner..Vaksine optimistene begynner å tvile .
Nå trenger verden Bemcentinib fra BerGenBio på «Blå Resept».
Fauci: New data shows Covid vaccines may be less effective against some new strains
Sent from the CNBC app. Available on the App Store
Dr. Fauci says new data shows Covid vaccines appear to be less effective against some new strains
Noah Higgins-Dunn
Early data shows that the Covid-19 vaccines on the market may not be as effective in guarding against more contagious strains of the coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday.
Even if the drugs are less effective, they will still likely provide enough protection to make the vaccines worth getting, he said.
A dip in the vaccines’ effectiveness would be “all the more reason why we should be vaccinating as many people as you possibly can,” Fauci added.
New data shows that the Covid-19 vaccines currently on the market may not be as effective in guarding against new, more contagious strains of the coronavirus, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Thursday.
A handful of new strains of the coronavirus have emerged overseas that have given scientists some cause for concern. Some variants that have been identified in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil appear to be more transmissible than previous strains but not necessarily more deadly.
While it’s no surprise the virus is mutating, researchers are quickly trying to determine what the changes might mean for recently developed lifesaving vaccines and therapeutics against the disease.
Some early findings that were published in the preprint server bioRxiv, which have yet to be peer reviewed, indicate that the variant identified in South Africa, known as 501Y.V2, can evade the antibodies provided by some coronavirus treatments and may reduce the efficacy of the current line of available vaccines.
“Furthermore, 501Y.V2 shows substantial or complete escape from neutralising antibodies in COVID-19 convalescent plasma,” researchers with South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases wrote. Their conclusions, they said, “highlight the prospect of reinfection ... and may foreshadow reduced efficacy of current spike-based vaccines.”
Even if the drugs are less effective, they will still likely provide enough protection to make the vaccines worth getting, Fauci said during a White House press briefing.
Both vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have proven to be highly effective, creating a “cushion effect” that would allow for some dip in their effectiveness.
“We’re following very carefully the one in South Africa, which is a little bit more concerning, but nonetheless not something that we don’t think we can handle,” Fauci said.
A dip in the vaccines’ effectiveness would be “all the more reason why we should be vaccinating as many people as you possibly can.” Mutations occur when the virus spreads and replicates itself, which can be suppressed if enough people are inoculated against the disease to build so-called herd immunity, he explained.
“Bottom line: We’re paying very close attention to it. There are alternative plans if we ever have to modify the vaccine. That’s not something that is a very onerous thing, we can do that given the platforms we have,” Fauci said.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the new director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said on Tuesday that while she believes the vaccines will work against the mutated variants, they may not end up as effective as they were in clinical trials.
“I’m really optimistic about how these variants are going to go,” Walensky said in an interview with the JAMA Network. “I could be wrong. It could be that we’ll find variants and variants may emerge ... where the vaccine is less potent, but I’m still currently optimistic.”
So far, the United States has not detected any cases of Covid-19 with the strain identified in South Africa, Fauci said, though he added that the level of surveillance for the strains “is not at the level that we would have liked.”
Another study printed in bioRxiv by Pfizer and BioNTech’s scientists found that their Covid-19 vaccine was likely to be just as effective against the mutated, infectious strain that was discovered in the U.K. The U.S. has identified at least 144 cases with that variant so far, according to recent data from the CDC.
Authors of the study warned that the rapid spread of Covid variants worldwide required “continuous monitoring of the significance of changes for maintained protection by currently authorized vaccines.”
— Reuters and CNBC’s Sam Meredith contributed to this report.
Nå trenger verden Bemcentinib fra BerGenBio på «Blå Resept».
Fauci: New data shows Covid vaccines may be less effective against some new strains
Sent from the CNBC app. Available on the App Store
Dr. Fauci says new data shows Covid vaccines appear to be less effective against some new strains
Noah Higgins-Dunn
Early data shows that the Covid-19 vaccines on the market may not be as effective in guarding against more contagious strains of the coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday.
Even if the drugs are less effective, they will still likely provide enough protection to make the vaccines worth getting, he said.
A dip in the vaccines’ effectiveness would be “all the more reason why we should be vaccinating as many people as you possibly can,” Fauci added.
New data shows that the Covid-19 vaccines currently on the market may not be as effective in guarding against new, more contagious strains of the coronavirus, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Thursday.
A handful of new strains of the coronavirus have emerged overseas that have given scientists some cause for concern. Some variants that have been identified in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil appear to be more transmissible than previous strains but not necessarily more deadly.
While it’s no surprise the virus is mutating, researchers are quickly trying to determine what the changes might mean for recently developed lifesaving vaccines and therapeutics against the disease.
Some early findings that were published in the preprint server bioRxiv, which have yet to be peer reviewed, indicate that the variant identified in South Africa, known as 501Y.V2, can evade the antibodies provided by some coronavirus treatments and may reduce the efficacy of the current line of available vaccines.
“Furthermore, 501Y.V2 shows substantial or complete escape from neutralising antibodies in COVID-19 convalescent plasma,” researchers with South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases wrote. Their conclusions, they said, “highlight the prospect of reinfection ... and may foreshadow reduced efficacy of current spike-based vaccines.”
Even if the drugs are less effective, they will still likely provide enough protection to make the vaccines worth getting, Fauci said during a White House press briefing.
Both vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have proven to be highly effective, creating a “cushion effect” that would allow for some dip in their effectiveness.
“We’re following very carefully the one in South Africa, which is a little bit more concerning, but nonetheless not something that we don’t think we can handle,” Fauci said.
A dip in the vaccines’ effectiveness would be “all the more reason why we should be vaccinating as many people as you possibly can.” Mutations occur when the virus spreads and replicates itself, which can be suppressed if enough people are inoculated against the disease to build so-called herd immunity, he explained.
“Bottom line: We’re paying very close attention to it. There are alternative plans if we ever have to modify the vaccine. That’s not something that is a very onerous thing, we can do that given the platforms we have,” Fauci said.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the new director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said on Tuesday that while she believes the vaccines will work against the mutated variants, they may not end up as effective as they were in clinical trials.
“I’m really optimistic about how these variants are going to go,” Walensky said in an interview with the JAMA Network. “I could be wrong. It could be that we’ll find variants and variants may emerge ... where the vaccine is less potent, but I’m still currently optimistic.”
So far, the United States has not detected any cases of Covid-19 with the strain identified in South Africa, Fauci said, though he added that the level of surveillance for the strains “is not at the level that we would have liked.”
Another study printed in bioRxiv by Pfizer and BioNTech’s scientists found that their Covid-19 vaccine was likely to be just as effective against the mutated, infectious strain that was discovered in the U.K. The U.S. has identified at least 144 cases with that variant so far, according to recent data from the CDC.
Authors of the study warned that the rapid spread of Covid variants worldwide required “continuous monitoring of the significance of changes for maintained protection by currently authorized vaccines.”
— Reuters and CNBC’s Sam Meredith contributed to this report.
Redigert 22.01.2021 kl 06:39
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22.01.2021 kl 17:50
Gi oss Bemcentinib!
Vaksineprodusenten AstraZeneca har varslet EU-kommisjonen at de ikke kan levere vaksinedosene de har lovet EU-landene like raskt som avtalt, melder den tyske avisen Bild.
Ifølge avisen skal selskapet bare være i stand til å levere et betydelig lavere antall doser enn de avtalte 56,5 dosene til Tyskland i 2021. Det betyr at hele leveransen er forsinket.
Vaksineprodusenten AstraZeneca har varslet EU-kommisjonen at de ikke kan levere vaksinedosene de har lovet EU-landene like raskt som avtalt, melder den tyske avisen Bild.
Ifølge avisen skal selskapet bare være i stand til å levere et betydelig lavere antall doser enn de avtalte 56,5 dosene til Tyskland i 2021. Det betyr at hele leveransen er forsinket.
24.01.2021 kl 00:14
Studier: Vaksinen kan beskytte dårligere mot nye koronavarianter
Koronamutasjoner fra Sør-Afrika og Brasil har endret seg så mye at vaksinene kanskje ikke virker, antyder nye studier. De nye koronavariantene både smitter lettere og kan smitte på nytt. Det bekymrer Folkehelseinstituttet.
Les hele artikkelen her :
Studier: Vaksinen kan beskytte dårligere mot nye koronavarianter
Koronamutasjoner fra Sør-Afrika og Brasil har endret seg så mye at vaksinene kanskje ikke virker, antyder nye studier. De nye koronavariantene både smitter lettere og kan smitte på nytt. Det bekymrer Folkehelseinstituttet.
Les hele artikkelen her :
24.01.2021 kl 08:29
Hadde vert kjekt med noen svar snart. Hvis de er positive kan det bli riktig så hyggelig. Er selvsagt ikke bare å slutte med vaksiner, kan man kjøre begge deler?
24.01.2021 kl 14:39
Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker
Det er sikkert lurt å bruke begge deler , men først må BGBIO få «ræven i gir»( Bergen utrykk) ...
Det somles på laboratoriene og i administrasjonen synes jeg - alt for mange innsidere vet muligens resultatene på Accord testene og hamstrer kanskje aksjer i BGBIO på megler konti som går «under radaren» til Finanstilsynet...
Altså, gitt de krav som ligger til grunn for medisinvitenskaplige studier, så tviler jeg litt på at de behandler dataen såpass lemfeldig at administrativt/uautorisert personell har tilgang på det. Det ville rett og slett vært fryktelig svekkende for studiens kvalitet - og det vil man på ingen måte være tjent med.
24.01.2021 kl 19:20
Jeg har lang erfaring innenfor BP, og det er slik at studieresultater er ukjent til alle, intil kjent for alle. Tunge etiske prosedyrer sikrer det.
25.01.2021 kl 10:20
Vi får håpe dere har rett - jeg venter på beskjed fra om dette stemmer.
(PPD er ikke involvert i Accord studiene til BGBIO.
Det vet jeg med sikkerhet...)
(PPD er ikke involvert i Accord studiene til BGBIO.
Det vet jeg med sikkerhet...)
25.01.2021 kl 12:58
25.01.2021 kl 16:04
De fleste vaksiner må gi opp med nye mutasjoner. Du kan være smittsom selv om du er vaksinert.
Jeg tror at Merck nå satser 110 % på Bemcentinib COVID-19 studier i fase III.
Ingen vaksiner i verden kan nå slå BerGenBio’s Bemcentinib!
Merck kommer til å kjøpe alle aksjene til
INVESTINOR DIREKTE AS 7,270,780 8.33 COMP NOR for ca 140 kr++ pr stk før 1. april ,- tror jeg.
Nå er det bare å glede seg til Singapore seminar til helgen !
Det blir nok nye fase III studie på lungekreft - garantert !
Jeg tror at Merck nå satser 110 % på Bemcentinib COVID-19 studier i fase III.
Ingen vaksiner i verden kan nå slå BerGenBio’s Bemcentinib!
Merck kommer til å kjøpe alle aksjene til
INVESTINOR DIREKTE AS 7,270,780 8.33 COMP NOR for ca 140 kr++ pr stk før 1. april ,- tror jeg.
Nå er det bare å glede seg til Singapore seminar til helgen !
Det blir nok nye fase III studie på lungekreft - garantert !
25.01.2021 kl 18:27
Tror du at INVESTINOR kommer til å selge bort en eneste aksje etter å ha satt long sååå lenge?!?!
25.01.2021 kl 18:33
Full støtte her BioBull. Dette er ikke et utenkelig scenario. Vi nærmer oss to presentasjoner nå som kan løfte denne aksjen betydelig. Hvilken spenning, tror neppe jeg har opplevd maken på OSX. Latterlig lav pris i dag passet meg bra, fikk lastet opp en god del.
26.01.2021 kl 08:04
Kan Bemcentinib bli den første medisinen i verden mot HPV ? Et potensielt samarbeid med Merck kan være nært forestående på flere sykdommer:
Iflg Merck finnes det ingen medisin idag som kurerer HPV
Get informed about HPV
Learn more about the connection between human papillomavirus, or HPV, and certain cancers.
A common virus that can cause certain cancers in both men and women
HPV is a common virus that can have potentially serious consequences. In fact, HPV is so common that a majority of sexually active people will become infected in their lifetime. For most people, HPV clears on its own. But, for others who don’t clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers and other diseases. And there’s no way to predict who will or won’t clear the virus.
HPV doesn’t discriminate. Both men and women are at risk for the certain cancers and diseases it can cause. In women, HPV can cause cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer. It can also cause anal cancer and genital warts in both women and men.
Les mer her :
Iflg Merck finnes det ingen medisin idag som kurerer HPV
Get informed about HPV
Learn more about the connection between human papillomavirus, or HPV, and certain cancers.
A common virus that can cause certain cancers in both men and women
HPV is a common virus that can have potentially serious consequences. In fact, HPV is so common that a majority of sexually active people will become infected in their lifetime. For most people, HPV clears on its own. But, for others who don’t clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers and other diseases. And there’s no way to predict who will or won’t clear the virus.
HPV doesn’t discriminate. Both men and women are at risk for the certain cancers and diseases it can cause. In women, HPV can cause cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer. It can also cause anal cancer and genital warts in both women and men.
Les mer her :
Redigert 26.01.2021 kl 08:05
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26.01.2021 kl 08:31
Tre HPV-vaksiner har markedsføringstillatelse i Norge: Cervarix «GlaxoSmithKline», Gardasil og Gardasil 9 «MSD». Gardasil vil etter hvert fases ut. Gardasil og Cervarix fikk markedsføringstillatelse i 2006 og 2007 og Gardasil 9 i 2015.
26.01.2021 kl 19:28
Fake News Carrera !
Skjerpings !
Ingen av disse medisinene fungerer iflg Merck.
De er tydeligvis heller ikke godkjent av FDA.
26.01.2021 kl 19:39
FHI :"Legemiddelmyndighetene har godkjent vaksinen ut i fra en grundig vurdering av effekt og bivirkninger. Som alle andre legemidler er HPV-vaksinen godkjent både hos internasjonale og nasjonale legemiddelmyndigheter før den ble tatt i bruk."
Nani Alvez
26.01.2021 kl 20:23
Dere kjenner godt til aksjen, og når det gjelder fredagens presentasjon, hva er det vi kan forvente/håpe at kommer?
Har dere en kort oppsummering på hva som vil være
- veldig gode nyheter
- ok nyheter, men positive utsikter
- negative nyheter
Altså; hva kan vi forvente? Hva bør vi håpe på?
Innenfor da fornuftige og realistiske ønsker og forventninger da selvsagt :)
Dere kjenner godt til aksjen, og når det gjelder fredagens presentasjon, hva er det vi kan forvente/håpe at kommer?
Har dere en kort oppsummering på hva som vil være
- veldig gode nyheter
- ok nyheter, men positive utsikter
- negative nyheter
Altså; hva kan vi forvente? Hva bør vi håpe på?
Innenfor da fornuftige og realistiske ønsker og forventninger da selvsagt :)
Redigert 26.01.2021 kl 20:23
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26.01.2021 kl 21:38
Regner med at ditt sitat er «gått ut på dato», hvis ikke ville ikke Merck ha informert om at det ikke finnes medisiner mot sykdommen.
Jeg siterer fra Merck web side - se nederste avsnitt !
« A common virus that can cause certain cancers in both men and women
HPV is a common virus that can have potentially serious consequences. In fact, HPV is so common that a majority of sexually active people will become infected in their lifetime. For most people, HPV clears on its own. But, for others who don’t clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers and other diseases. And there’s no way to predict who will or won’t clear the virus.
HPV doesn’t discriminate. Both men and women are at risk for the certain cancers and diseases it can cause. In women, HPV can cause cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer. It can also cause anal cancer and genital warts in both women and men.
The impact of HPV
The estimated number of people in the U.S. infected with HPV each year.
2015 estimated U.S. incidence of cervical, vulvar, vaginal and anal cancers.
The probability of being infected with HPV by age 45 among sexually active people in the U.S.
The number of treatment options for HPV infection.
While there may be treatments available for certain HPV-related cancers and diseases, there is no treatment available for HPV infection.»
Jeg siterer fra Merck web side - se nederste avsnitt !
« A common virus that can cause certain cancers in both men and women
HPV is a common virus that can have potentially serious consequences. In fact, HPV is so common that a majority of sexually active people will become infected in their lifetime. For most people, HPV clears on its own. But, for others who don’t clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers and other diseases. And there’s no way to predict who will or won’t clear the virus.
HPV doesn’t discriminate. Both men and women are at risk for the certain cancers and diseases it can cause. In women, HPV can cause cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer. It can also cause anal cancer and genital warts in both women and men.
The impact of HPV
The estimated number of people in the U.S. infected with HPV each year.
2015 estimated U.S. incidence of cervical, vulvar, vaginal and anal cancers.
The probability of being infected with HPV by age 45 among sexually active people in the U.S.
The number of treatment options for HPV infection.
While there may be treatments available for certain HPV-related cancers and diseases, there is no treatment available for HPV infection.»
Redigert 26.01.2021 kl 21:55
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26.01.2021 kl 21:43
Statens legemiddelverk.
Det er mangel på Gardasil 9 «MSD Vaccins». Årsak til mangelen er økt etterspørsel internasjonalt. Forventet leveringstid er 1. kvartal 2021
Gardasil 9 inneholder rekombinant Humant Papillomavirus (HPV) og brukes til aktiv immunisering mot HPV-relaterte premaligne lesjoner, kjønnsvorter og kreft.
Legemiddelverket har frem til 31. juli 2020 mottatt til sammen 1165 bivirkningsmeldinger etter at nesten 540 000 personer har blitt vaksinert med minst en dose HPV-vaksine i Norge. I all hovedsak betegnes bivirkningene som lite alvorlige.
Det er mangel på Gardasil 9 «MSD Vaccins». Årsak til mangelen er økt etterspørsel internasjonalt. Forventet leveringstid er 1. kvartal 2021
Gardasil 9 inneholder rekombinant Humant Papillomavirus (HPV) og brukes til aktiv immunisering mot HPV-relaterte premaligne lesjoner, kjønnsvorter og kreft.
Legemiddelverket har frem til 31. juli 2020 mottatt til sammen 1165 bivirkningsmeldinger etter at nesten 540 000 personer har blitt vaksinert med minst en dose HPV-vaksine i Norge. I all hovedsak betegnes bivirkningene som lite alvorlige.
26.01.2021 kl 21:58
Ta imot gode råd fra Merck - ikke mer fra meg :
« For more information about HPV, certain related cancers and preventative measures, speak with your doctor»
26.01.2021 kl 22:34
Gardasil 9 is an HPV vaccine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and can be used for both girls and boys. This vaccine can prevent most cases of cervical cancer if given before a girl or woman is exposed to the virus.
Yngling ØH
26.01.2021 kl 22:37
Hør gjennom siste presentasjoner.
NSCLC dataene som er presentert tidligere, er såkalte "umodne" data. Dvs det tar tid før man kan se hva den faktiske forskjellen i bedring og overlevelse blir.
For å være godt forberedt til presentasjonen kan det nok være lurt å se gjennom siste NSCLC ppt /pdf presentasjon.
AML studiene viste svært gode resultat, så der kan vi nok forvente at BGBIO lykkes med å finne en partner i løpet av 2021.
De umodne NSCLC dataene har ikke vert like overbevisende. Og det er NSCLC som det er mest penger i. Det blir derfor spennende å se hva de kommer med.
NSCLC dataene som er presentert tidligere, er såkalte "umodne" data. Dvs det tar tid før man kan se hva den faktiske forskjellen i bedring og overlevelse blir.
For å være godt forberedt til presentasjonen kan det nok være lurt å se gjennom siste NSCLC ppt /pdf presentasjon.
AML studiene viste svært gode resultat, så der kan vi nok forvente at BGBIO lykkes med å finne en partner i løpet av 2021.
De umodne NSCLC dataene har ikke vert like overbevisende. Og det er NSCLC som det er mest penger i. Det blir derfor spennende å se hva de kommer med.
26.01.2021 kl 22:41
Shortly after the first HPV vaccine was approved, bills to make the vaccine mandatory for school attendance were introduced in many states.[171] Only two such bills passed (in Virginia and Washington DC) during the first four years after vaccine introduction.[171] Mandates have been effective at increasing uptake of other vaccines, such as mumps, measles, rubella, and hepatitis B (which is also sexually transmitted).[165] However most such efforts developed for five or more years after vaccine release, while financing and supply were arranged, further safety data was gathered, and education efforts increased understanding, before mandates were considered.[171] Most public policies including school mandates have not been effective in promoting HPV vaccination while receiving a recommendation from a physician increased the probability of vaccination.[172] The FDA approved Gardasil 9 for women and men ages 27 to 45 in October 2018.[1
Shortly after the first HPV vaccine was approved, bills to make the vaccine mandatory for school attendance were introduced in many states.[171] Only two such bills passed (in Virginia and Washington DC) during the first four years after vaccine introduction.[171] Mandates have been effective at increasing uptake of other vaccines, such as mumps, measles, rubella, and hepatitis B (which is also sexually transmitted).[165] However most such efforts developed for five or more years after vaccine release, while financing and supply were arranged, further safety data was gathered, and education efforts increased understanding, before mandates were considered.[171] Most public policies including school mandates have not been effective in promoting HPV vaccination while receiving a recommendation from a physician increased the probability of vaccination.[172] The FDA approved Gardasil 9 for women and men ages 27 to 45 in October 2018.[1
26.01.2021 kl 23:12
Full fokus på Fredagens presentasjon:;
For dere som ikke har registrert dere eller har fått tilgang :
OA01 - Established Drugs in Special Populations and New Drugs in Established Populations
09:15 - 10:15 ( Singapore time)
Location: Scientific Program Auditorium
IASLC CME Accredited
Type: Oral
Track: Immunotherapy (Phase II/III Trials)
OA01.07 - A Phase II Study of the Oral Selective AXL Inhibitor Bemcentinib with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Advanced NSCLC
09:50 - 10:00 | Presenting Author(s): Matthew G. Krebs
AXL is a mediator of resistance to immunotherapy and a negative prognostic factor for NSCLC. Bemcentinib (BGB324), a first-in-class, oral, selective and potent AXL kinase inhibitor, enhances checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) efficacy in pre-clinical models through tumor-immune mechanisms. Increasingly, the combination of doublet chemotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors (Chemo-CPI) is a commonly used option for advanced NSCLC, and recurrence following such first line therapy represents an area of great unmet need. BGBC008 addresses the unmet need for NSCLC patients who fail 1L SOC.
BGBC008 is a PhII single-arm, 2-stage study with bemcentinib (200mg/d) and pembrolizumab (200 mg/q3wk) for previously-treated Stage IV lung adenocarcinoma comprising 3 cohorts: chemotherapy-failed IO-naïve patients (post-Chemo), patients progressing on prior CPI therapy (post-CPI monotherapy) and platinum-doublet chemotherapy in combination with pembrolizumab (post-Chemo-CPI). Primary endpoint was ORR according to RECIST1.1 with pre-defined criteria to proceed from the first to second stage in each cohort. Secondary endpoints included DCR, PFS, OS and safety. Exploratory endpoints include biomarker analysis and correlation with clinical endpoints, including composite (tumor and immune cell) cAXL score, PD-L1 TPS, and genome-wide mutational and transcriptome analyses.
As of August 2020, enrollment in the post-Chemo cohort and stage 1 of the post-CPI monotherapy cohort is completed. Results of the post-Chemo cohort (n=50) and post-CPI monotherapy stage 1 cohort (n=16) were previously presented. Stage 2 of the post-CPI monotherapy cohort and stage 1 of the post-Chemo-CPI cohort are currently recruiting into the study.
In patients treated to date, common TEAEs (>25% of patients) for NSCLC patients receiving the bemcentinib + pembrolizumab combination were: increased ALT (29%; 10% G3+), AST (29%; 5% G3+), and diarrhoea (29%; 1% G3+). All cases of treatment-related transaminase increase were reversible and managed with concomitant administration of steroids and treatment interruption.
Having previously demonstrated a very high clinical benefit rate in post-Chemo and post-CPI monotherapy (stage 1) in cAXL-positive patients (73% and 85%, respectively), and low probability of clinical benefit in cAXL-negative patients (40% and 0%, respectively) further focus on the predictive value of cAXL in second line patients following either CPI monotherapy or Chemo-CPI relapse will be reported, together with transcriptional analysis to identify gene based predictive signatures.
Overall, bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab was well-tolerated and shows promising clinical activity in relapsed lung cancer. The key unmet need population of second line patients refractory to CPI monotherapy or Chemo-CPI will be presented together with translational data. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT03184571;
For dere som ikke har registrert dere eller har fått tilgang :
OA01 - Established Drugs in Special Populations and New Drugs in Established Populations
09:15 - 10:15 ( Singapore time)
Location: Scientific Program Auditorium
IASLC CME Accredited
Type: Oral
Track: Immunotherapy (Phase II/III Trials)
OA01.07 - A Phase II Study of the Oral Selective AXL Inhibitor Bemcentinib with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Advanced NSCLC
09:50 - 10:00 | Presenting Author(s): Matthew G. Krebs
AXL is a mediator of resistance to immunotherapy and a negative prognostic factor for NSCLC. Bemcentinib (BGB324), a first-in-class, oral, selective and potent AXL kinase inhibitor, enhances checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) efficacy in pre-clinical models through tumor-immune mechanisms. Increasingly, the combination of doublet chemotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors (Chemo-CPI) is a commonly used option for advanced NSCLC, and recurrence following such first line therapy represents an area of great unmet need. BGBC008 addresses the unmet need for NSCLC patients who fail 1L SOC.
BGBC008 is a PhII single-arm, 2-stage study with bemcentinib (200mg/d) and pembrolizumab (200 mg/q3wk) for previously-treated Stage IV lung adenocarcinoma comprising 3 cohorts: chemotherapy-failed IO-naïve patients (post-Chemo), patients progressing on prior CPI therapy (post-CPI monotherapy) and platinum-doublet chemotherapy in combination with pembrolizumab (post-Chemo-CPI). Primary endpoint was ORR according to RECIST1.1 with pre-defined criteria to proceed from the first to second stage in each cohort. Secondary endpoints included DCR, PFS, OS and safety. Exploratory endpoints include biomarker analysis and correlation with clinical endpoints, including composite (tumor and immune cell) cAXL score, PD-L1 TPS, and genome-wide mutational and transcriptome analyses.
As of August 2020, enrollment in the post-Chemo cohort and stage 1 of the post-CPI monotherapy cohort is completed. Results of the post-Chemo cohort (n=50) and post-CPI monotherapy stage 1 cohort (n=16) were previously presented. Stage 2 of the post-CPI monotherapy cohort and stage 1 of the post-Chemo-CPI cohort are currently recruiting into the study.
In patients treated to date, common TEAEs (>25% of patients) for NSCLC patients receiving the bemcentinib + pembrolizumab combination were: increased ALT (29%; 10% G3+), AST (29%; 5% G3+), and diarrhoea (29%; 1% G3+). All cases of treatment-related transaminase increase were reversible and managed with concomitant administration of steroids and treatment interruption.
Having previously demonstrated a very high clinical benefit rate in post-Chemo and post-CPI monotherapy (stage 1) in cAXL-positive patients (73% and 85%, respectively), and low probability of clinical benefit in cAXL-negative patients (40% and 0%, respectively) further focus on the predictive value of cAXL in second line patients following either CPI monotherapy or Chemo-CPI relapse will be reported, together with transcriptional analysis to identify gene based predictive signatures.
Overall, bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab was well-tolerated and shows promising clinical activity in relapsed lung cancer. The key unmet need population of second line patients refractory to CPI monotherapy or Chemo-CPI will be presented together with translational data. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT03184571
27.01.2021 kl 07:45
Vaksine / COVID-19 nytt fra BBC - podcast:
Redigert 27.01.2021 kl 08:07
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27.01.2021 kl 07:59
Flott tilbud for alle som ønsker å leve «det gode liv» på Barbados under COVID-19.
“Working remotely from Barbados 🇧🇧 is seem less”
Manhattan Investment Banker working from the Beach
“Working remotely from Barbados 🇧🇧 is seem less”
Manhattan Investment Banker working from the Beach
28.01.2021 kl 11:36
Mulig denne studien som er publisert i Nature er kommentert tidligere. Det er tydeligvis mange kompetente her på forum. Hva er deres kommentar til konklusjonen neders og relevans for Bergen Bio?
The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic presents a global public health challenge. The viral pathogen responsible, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), binds to the host receptor ACE2 through its spike (S) glycoprotein, which mediates membrane fusion and viral entry. Although the role of ACE2 as a receptor for SARS-CoV-2 is clear, studies have shown that ACE2 expression is extremely low in various human tissues, especially in the respiratory tract. Thus, other host receptors and/or co-receptors that promote the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells of the respiratory system may exist. In this study, we found that the tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO (AXL) specifically interacts with the N-terminal domain of SARS-CoV-2 S. Using both a SARS-CoV-2 virus pseudotype and authentic SARS-CoV-2, we found that overexpression of AXL in HEK293T cells promotes SARS-CoV-2 entry as efficiently as overexpression of ACE2, while knocking out AXL significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infection in H1299 pulmonary cells and in human primary lung epithelial cells. Soluble human recombinant AXL blocks SARS-CoV-2 infection in cells expressing high levels of AXL. The AXL expression level is well correlated with SARS-CoV-2 S level in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from COVID-19 patients. Taken together, our findings suggest that AXL is a novel candidate receptor for SARS-CoV-2 which may play an important role in promoting viral infection of the human respiratory system and indicate that it is a potential target for future clinical intervention strategies.
The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic presents a global public health challenge. The viral pathogen responsible, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), binds to the host receptor ACE2 through its spike (S) glycoprotein, which mediates membrane fusion and viral entry. Although the role of ACE2 as a receptor for SARS-CoV-2 is clear, studies have shown that ACE2 expression is extremely low in various human tissues, especially in the respiratory tract. Thus, other host receptors and/or co-receptors that promote the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells of the respiratory system may exist. In this study, we found that the tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO (AXL) specifically interacts with the N-terminal domain of SARS-CoV-2 S. Using both a SARS-CoV-2 virus pseudotype and authentic SARS-CoV-2, we found that overexpression of AXL in HEK293T cells promotes SARS-CoV-2 entry as efficiently as overexpression of ACE2, while knocking out AXL significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infection in H1299 pulmonary cells and in human primary lung epithelial cells. Soluble human recombinant AXL blocks SARS-CoV-2 infection in cells expressing high levels of AXL. The AXL expression level is well correlated with SARS-CoV-2 S level in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from COVID-19 patients. Taken together, our findings suggest that AXL is a novel candidate receptor for SARS-CoV-2 which may play an important role in promoting viral infection of the human respiratory system and indicate that it is a potential target for future clinical intervention strategies.