Hva Skjer’a ?

Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
01.10.2021 kl 16:07
BGBIO 26.10.2020 kl 09:14 1809083

225000 aksjer omsatt før 09:10 på stigende priser på en «negativ børsdag»....
Her er det definitivt noe som skjer - stay tuned...
Redigert 15.09.2021 kl 17:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.02.2021 kl 22:22 10946

Nemlig. Jeg er inde for +10 år. Håber BGBIO selv kører derudaf og ikke bliver opkøbt for peanuts så man kan have sin beholdning stående længe til grov akkumulering uden skat.
Yngling ØH
25.02.2021 kl 06:01 10712

Timing er ikke lett. Det har skjedd noen ganger tidligere at jeg mistet tålmodigheten og solgte meg ut av en aksje, og PANG! så gikk den selvfølgelig kraftig opp etter at jeg solgte. Det verste var at jeg hadde gjort forarbeidet, og var bull på selskapene. Jeg skulle bare trade i noen andre aksjer før jeg skulle tilbake for å få med meg oppturen. Det har jo fungert godt noen ganger, men jammen har jeg truffet feil også.
En annen aksjestrategi som mange velger er å kjøpe det "alle andre" kjøper. Greentech, IT og for eksempel Tesla. Det fungerer også fint.... helt til den dagen det raser nedover igjen, og du opplever at du endte opp som "the greatest sucker". Nå har det vert oppgangstider en stund... Jeg tenker at ingenting vokser inn i himmelen. En dag smeller det - igjen. Når det skjer.. tja.. det var det der med timing da.

Jeg må bare innrømme for meg selv at timing... det er ikke min greie. Nå har jeg brukt noen måneder på å lese meg opp på forskning på Axl, og ser at effekten av bemcentinib som kreftmedisin kommer til å vise mye bedre resultater enn det inntrykket man kunne fått av fase 2 studiene. Og den økningen i overlevelse vi har sett i publiserte studier indikerer så langt 8-10 gangen så lang overlevelse for de som får bemcentinib, men dette er jo på pasienter som allerede er veldig syke. Vi vet jo også fra mange studier at effekten av bemcentinib er langsom, men effektiv når behandlingen får virke en stund. Det er derfor all grunn til å tro at behandlingseffekten av bemcentinib kan bli vesentlig bedre enn 10x med bemcentinib, enn uten bemcentinib.

Jeg tror ikke dette har gått opp for institusjonelle investorer ennå. Jeg tror ikke analytikerne har forstått det heller. De analytikerne jeg har snakket med er i alle fall ikke klar over dette, hvor en av dem kanskje har en fornemmelse, men som vedkommende ikke tør å klistre på i analysene sine på dette tidspunktet. Jeg tror ikke det er noen analytikere som har lest så mye forskning om Axl som det flere her på forumet har gjort.

Vi er rett og slett tidligere ute enn mange. Kanskje ikke først, men tidlig ute.

Og så kan du snu på den, og tenke at ja ja.. om vi er tidlig ute, så kanskje jeg burde trade litt i andre aksjer i mellomtiden?

Vel... om du kjøpte aksjer i Amazon i 2010, så kunne du fått aksjen for 140 dollar.
Om du beholdt aksjen til 1. mai 2015, så kunne du notere det med dobling på ca 5 år. Så solgte du, fordi dette gikk for langsomt. I dag står kursen i 3159.
Om du hadde kjøpt aksjer i Tesla i juni 2010, så kunne du fått aksjen for under 4 dollar. I månedskiftet februar- mars 2013 bikket aksjen 7 dollar. 3 år med "ørkenvandring". Så gikk kursen til 35 dollar i oktober 2013. 26. mai 2019 kunne du kjøpt Tesla for 37 dollar... 2 dollar på 5.5 år!!! Nå omsettes aksjen for ca 790 dollar, etter å ha bikket peak 880 dollar.

Poenget er at det er vanskelig å spå når den kurven tar av. Men jeg tipper det var mange med innsikt i både Amazon og Tesla som forstod godt hvor dette ville være hen allerede tidlig. Men selv om de visste det, og selv om de fortalte om det til andre, og skrev om det på forum, så beveget det ikke kursen før det plutselig sa PANG!

Det er flere her på tråden som ser ut til å ha gjort noen kuler i Genmab og flere andre farmaselskap som plutselig tok av.
Jeg hadde telefonmøte med noen av gründerne i Uber for noen år siden, der en av dem delte sin erfaring med eksplosjonen de opplevde. Alle visste at de kom til å lykkes, men fra den ene dagen til den andre tok det helt av. Og deretter fortsatte det bare.
Det samme kan sies som nær sagt de fleste selskaper som jobber med å levere revolusjonerende produkter i markedet.

Man kan selvfølgelig forsøke å hive seg på det dagen det sier PANG! Det er bare det at du ikke kan forutsi hvor høyt det skal gå, og du ender kanskje opp med å kaste deg på, på en så høy kurs at du langt fra ville klart å fått tilsvarende avkasting bakover i tid om du solgte deg ut for å trade andre aksjer, som du ville hatt om du bare ble sittende.

Ta en runder på Investing.com eller Yahoo Finance, eller den tjenesten du bruker for å undersøke aksjer, og zoom ut til maks tidsperiode på et titalls selskap som har gjort det veldig bra de siste årene. De aller fleste vil ha en eksplosjonsartet vekstkurve. I noen av tjenestene så kan du velge å se selskapsmeldinger på tidslinjen. Les meldingene på selskapene i perioden like før, og frem til etter veksten har tatt av. Ville du klart å finne en fellesnevner der som gjør at du kan forutse når det er riktig tid til å kjøpe nesten ett hvert selskap rett før vekstkurven tar av? Jeg synes den er vrien...

Jeg tør ikke trade BGBIO, selv om det kan bli "ørkenvandring" i perioder. Det kan hende at jeg er kort ute og inne igjen om det gir logikk der og da, men bommer du på sånne trades, så kan du fort ende opp med langt færre aksjer enn du hadde før du bestemte deg for å trade aksjen. Det oppleves mye surere å tape penger, enn å miste en opptur.

Yngling ØH
25.02.2021 kl 06:07 10717

Her er kurshistorikk på Genmab. Jeg tror den illustrerer poenget godt. Det å time oppturene og nedturene der er nok ikke for vanlige dødelige.
Men sitter du lenge nok, så slår det til. Jeg tenker at det også kommer til å skje for BerGenBio.

25.02.2021 kl 08:42 10507

Tålmodighet er helt essensielt på børs, samtidig er det viktig å følge selskapet med argus øyne og ikke mist eventuelle konkurrenter.. Nå vet vi at resultater fra covid studier og med stor sannsynlighet fase3 på kreftstudie kommer innen noen uker /mnd i hverfall covid resultater..på forhånd må man vurdere sannsynlighet for utfall basert på tidlige resultater , meldinger og tilgjengelig informasjon i markedet...
25.02.2021 kl 08:48 10499

No Guts - No Glory 💫

det går riktig vei -

snart PANG 💥

Litt hissigere kjøpere før start idag - he he ...
Redigert 25.02.2021 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.02.2021 kl 08:54 10447

På slutten av 2011 var kursen på Genmab der BGBIO er i dag...2500 DKK er ikke et urealistisk mål. Dette tilsvarer 3500 NOK eller drøyt 100 gangen fra dagens nivå. Da er BerGenBio verd ca 300 Mrd NOK og tidspunktet er 2031

...men,- det blir nok en fusjon eller to før den tid...
Redigert 25.02.2021 kl 08:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
Yngling ØH
25.02.2021 kl 09:48 10291

Jeg tror det er sagt at vi kan vente på en mulig partneravtale for fase 3 i løpet av 2021. Selve studiet kan nok få oppstart senere.
25.02.2021 kl 09:52 10295

Jepp,det var det jeg mente 🎯
25.02.2021 kl 11:42 10152

🐾🐾 patience is a predators best weapon...
Yngling ØH
25.02.2021 kl 12:42 10071

Ser ut som BerGenBio nå finnes tilgjengelig for kinesiske investorer.
25.02.2021 kl 13:40 9934

Opps,der var vi på rødt - igjen,og den lille effekten av TM støttekjøp er borte - igjen....
25.02.2021 kl 13:53 9897

Det var et kort besøk opp mot 33 kr. Som alle andre oppturer ender også denne i en nedtur.
25.02.2021 kl 14:00 9911

Svake sjeler kaster kortene.

Vi andre ser på Sk VM i Oberstdorf og gleder oss over gode resultater fra både BerGenBio og norske skiløpere.

La nå meglere og Market Makere «røre» i aksjekursen til BerGenBio så lenge de orker. «Ses på den andre siden av 100 lappen snart» ....
Redigert 25.02.2021 kl 14:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.02.2021 kl 15:54 9686

Jeg mener å begynne å se et mønster her.. mulig jeg er helt på jordet.. men jeg ser ikke på kjøpene til TM som støttekjøp. For meg virker det nesten som om han har et type samarbeid med de som shorter aksjen... For det er rart hvordan han alltid kommer inn å handler når den er på det laveste i en type dip.. Kanskje det er slik at når han har handlet trekker shorten seg ut, og kursen stiger.. og når TM har kapital til å handle flere aksjer kjøper shorten seg inn igjen og får kursen ned.. En vinn-vinn situasjon for begge.. og vi sitter igjen og klør oss i hode hvorfor ikke denne befinner seg på kursmålene som er satt for snart et år siden på kr. 60,-.. Ja, nei.. ikke vet jeg, men noe rart er det.. Jeg har også lagt merke til at det er rart hvordan BergenBio og Akso følger hverandre på opp og nedturer.. Det er jo helt forskjellige bransjer, men kan kanskje ha noen felles store investorer og shortere.. rart er det ihvertfall i min verden..
25.02.2021 kl 20:52 9301

Full speed ahead ! 👏👏👏
Årsrapport fra BGBIO :

Chairman’s Statement:


Dear Shareholders

2020 was a challenging year on many levels, with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the lives of millions around the world. For the healthcare sector, the challenge was particularly profound, as we and many of our
peers found ourselves operating
in an environment inhospitable to the continuation of the research
and clinical activities central to the progression of our work, as well as having to spearhead the response to the biggest global healthcare crisis in recent memory.
We were aware of pre-clinical studies that have shown the potential of AXL inhibition in the treatment of viruses.
This potential was validated by the decision of the UK government in April to select bemcentinib as the
first candidate in the ACCORD study, a multicentre, seamless, Phase II adaptive randomisation platform
trial to assess the efficacy and safety of multiple candidate agents for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalised UK NHS patients. Whilst funding was suspended by UKRI in July due to
the falling number of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, this was reinstated in September following a rise in
UK cases, and the trial recruitment resumed in December. In addition,
we have initiated our own sponsored studies in South Africa and India, countries of high COVID-19 incidence,
to continue obtaining the necessary data to determine the potential efficacy of bemcentinib in COVID-19 patients.
We are hopeful that bemcentinib can play a significant role in the global effort to find suitable treatment options for COVID-19 patients, which has had such serious implications for so many people and thereby ease pressures
on hospital intensive care units, and ultimately treat thousands
of patients.
The central focus of our efforts, oncology, remains unchanged. Throughout the year, and despite
the pandemic, we have continued
our work to explore the potential of bemcentinib as a first and second-line
Reflecting on the events of the past year, as Chairman of BerGenBio I am very proud of the way in which our company and staff have adapted, ensuring the continuation of our important work in oncology, where we hope to establish our AXL targeting therapies as a cornerstone treatment for cancer, but also in utilising our expertise to directly address the effort in combatting the virus.

cancer treatment, with specific focus on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the largest cancer killer worldwide,
and leukemia (AML and MDS). These diseases remain areas of high unmet need, with low survival rates amongst those who fail to respond to now well- established immunotherapy treatments such as checkpoint inhibitors, or who are too weak to undergo additional courses of chemotherapy.
Finally, I would like to thank the staff and management of BerGenBio, on behalf of the Board, for their dedication throughout this extraordinary year. We also extend our thanks to patients who have placed their trust in us and both new and established shareholders
for their support as we continue our progress.
Sveinung Hole
Chairman of the Board
Looking forward we will build on
the progress we have made into the coming year, with the aim of advancing bemcentinib into late-stage trials
in NSCLC and AML. The company remains well funded to achieve this goal, securing a NOK 520 million fundraising in May 2020 and
having maintained tight cost
controls throughout.
As a responsible corporate citizen,
we have a commitment to pursuing our business activities sustainably and support the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations, in particular SDG 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages. Further details of BerGenBio’s corporate governance and sustainability policies can be found later in this report and I urge shareholders to familiarise themselves with these.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff and management of BerGenBio, on behalf of the Board, for their dedication throughout this extraordinary year. We also extend our thanks to patients who have placed their trust in us and both new and established shareholders
for their support as we continue our progress.

Sveinung Hole
Chairman of the Board
Stokk Dum
25.02.2021 kl 21:24 9215

Re: "...og når TM har kapital til å handle flere aksjer..."

Er det slik at TM venter spent på ukelønnen sin slik som mange av oss andre, og bråhandler aksjer så fort han noen kroner igjen etter utgifter til godteposen, mon tro.

25.02.2021 kl 21:32 9286

For TM så betyr det nada om han kjøper en pott aksjer i ny og ne.
Det er nok andre signaler han jevnlig vil sende ut,som : "Se,jeg har troen,det bør dere også ha" !
25.02.2021 kl 21:41 9304

Kjøper du aksjer da?
25.02.2021 kl 22:30 9138

Enig - stående klap klap klap - jeg skal love for chairman for formuleret sig TUNGT her. Jeg ved godt vi ved det, men hold da op:

..with specific focus on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the largest cancer killer worldwide, and leukemia (AML and MDS)
...Looking forward ....into the coming year, with the aim of advancing bemcentinib into late-stage trials in NSCLC and AML.
...hopeful that bemcentinib can play a significant role in the global effort to find suitable treatment options for COVID-19 patients.....and thereby ease pressures
on hospital intensive care units, and ultimately treat thousands of patients.
25.02.2021 kl 22:43 9099

Blir nesten for.mye det her🎲
25.02.2021 kl 22:54 9141

Ja ha - det er næsten uhyggeligt. Der er royalties imod Rigel der udvilkede bemcentinib for BGBIO. MEN, MEN, MEN:

While both tilvestamab and bemcentinib block the AXL signal, they will be strategically developed in different indications.

wupsa, der er to kort på hånden til at kaste sig ind med...ho ho ho...det er altså sygt overbevisende det de har gang i ! ! !

tidslinien i årsrapporten er også fin læsning....
25.02.2021 kl 22:59 9092

De scanner markedet og researcher og laver gennembrud på mindre indikationer og så skal der rammes og tjenes BIG BIG MONEY med tilvestamab....
25.02.2021 kl 23:16 9085

Global oncology sales i 2026 = 300.000.000.000 $
Og står med forecast til 50% forøgelse i 2040 fordi der bliver flere ældre og cancer er et stigende problem.
Så hvis man får en rimelig Jacpot her på 3-5år, kan den så kigge ind i et marked i vækst i 15år.
26.02.2021 kl 01:32 8978

From the Annual report 2020. 👍

CEO Richard Godfrey:

I am pleased to report that our business operations and clinical trials have all been able to maintain high levels of activity throughout the year and our mitigation plans have been successful in limiting the impact of the pandemic.

This research leadership was showcased in a virtual R&D day we hosted in November 2020, which featured independent key opinion leaders from the US and Europe sharing their latest research findings on AXL and clinical experience with bemcentinib in a range of disease settings. I would like to extend my thanks to all of those who participated in and attended this event.
Throughout the year we have continued to make progress with our clinical
trials and data read outs, presenting updated clinical data and translational research findings to the scientific and medical community at several leading international congresses, albeit virtual. We remain committed to reporting our research findings and data at similar forums at regular intervals, and plan to present further data from our ongoing phase II trials in 2021.
In November 2020 we were pleased to be invited to make an oral presentation at the prestigious The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) conference, where we provided an update on clinical and translational
data from our Phase II bemcentinib and pembrolizumab combination study in refractory NSCLC patients previously treated with a PD-L1 or PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) as a monotherapy. These patients have very limited treatment options available to them and their survival outlook is dismal.
Looking back on 2020, I reflect on what has been a challenging year, with the COVID-19 pandemic impacting communities and business around
the world with tragic consequences.
I am also extremely proud of the
way that the healthcare sector has responded to the challenge we are facing; with collaborations between academic institutions, governments and companies proving that the industry can be mobilised effectively to address a common good.

BerGenBio has been playing its own role in the effort to tackle COVID-19, about which I will go into some detail later, but our principal focus has remained unchanged: progressing the Phase II clinical development programme investigating our lead product candidate bemcentinib.
I am pleased to report that we
have made good progress towards meeting our clinical and operational milestones over the year despite COVID-19 related disruption. This global crisis has affected BerGenBio, along with many other companies across the sector, by extending the anticipated development timelines due to restrictions at clinical trial sites and lengthening patient recruitment processes. However, I am pleased to report that our operations and trials have all been able to remain active throughout the year and our mitigation plans have been successful in limiting the impact of the pandemic.
Bemcentinib is a first-in-class, highly selective, potent, once-a-day oral inhibitor of AXL kinase, and is currently undergoing trials as a monotherapy and in combination with other drug treatments against aggressive diseases, including non-small cell
lung cancer, acute myeloid leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and COVID-19.
As a company, we remain world leaders in understanding the role
and function of AXL biology. AXL
is increasingly validated as a key mediator of aggressive disease, fostering immune evasion and therapy resistance and as a driver of metastasis, fibrosis and viral infection. BerGenBio’s development strategies are based on the hypothesis that selective inhibition of AXL has the potential to underpin the successful treatment of many serious diseases, including those where options for patients are limited.

Redigert 26.02.2021 kl 01:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.02.2021 kl 01:34 9005

This research leadership was showcased in a virtual R&D day we hosted in November 2020, which featured independent key opinion leaders from the US and Europe sharing their latest research findings on AXL and clinical experience with bemcentinib in a range of disease settings. I would like to extend my thanks to all of those who participated in and attended this event.
Throughout the year we have continued to make progress with our clinical trials and data read outs, presenting updated clinical data and translational research findings to the scientific and medical community at several leading international congresses, albeit virtual. We remain committed to reporting our research findings and data at similar forums at regular intervals, and plan to present further data from our ongoing phase II trials in 2021.

In November 2020 we were pleased to be invited to make an oral presentation at the prestigious The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) conference, where we provided an update on clinical and translational
data from our Phase II bemcentinib and pembrolizumab combination study in refractory NSCLC patients previously treated with a PD-L1 or PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) as a monotherapy. These patients have very limited treatment options available to them and their survival outlook is dismal.

The combination of bemcentinib and checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab continued to report promising clinical benefit and in June we presented an interim data read out from an ongoing study reporting the median progression-free survival is 2.5 times greater for cAXL-positive, checkpoint refractory, NSCLC patients. AXL expression is associated with resistance to immunotherapy, and the interim translational analysis of these data suggests that bemcentinib has the potential to reverse acquired resistance to checkpoint inhibitors among previously treated NSCLC patients by targeting AXL-expressing immune cells in the tumour. This finding was well received by the scientific community as it reinforces the belief that bemcentinib has the potential to improve the clinical benefit of existing immuno-oncology drugs.

At the American Society of Hematology conference (ASH) in December, we were pleased to share updated interim clinical data from two Phase II studies of bemcentinib in AML and MDS; reporting a clinical benefit rate of over 70% in relapsed AML patients. The prognosis for relapsed AML patients under current standards of care is very bleak, so we are pleased to see such an encouraging clinical benefit, with many of these seriously ill patients remaining on the drug for extended durations of time. Collectively, these continuing positive data readouts strengthenour confidence in bemcentinib as a therapy in these relapsed haematological cancer indications.

In addition, during 2020 togetherwith highly respected international research collaborators we announced several new clinical trial initiations and data being read out from investigator lead studies exploring bemcentinib’s potential in:
High Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (HR-MDS) or Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML),
Glioblastoma (GBM),
relapsed malignant mesothelioma,
and COVID-19.

Redigert 26.02.2021 kl 01:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.02.2021 kl 01:37 8996

Alongside this core oncology-focused pipeline, 2020 saw BerGenBio respond to the global pandemic with the initiation of two trials to evaluate bemcentinib’s potential as a treatment for COVID-19. The rationale for these studies was based on consecutive research findings suggesting that AXL plays an important role facilitating enveloped viruses (SARS-CoV-2, Ebola, Zika, etc) entering host cells and dampening the anti-viral immune response, and bemcentinib has been shown to demonstrate promising anti-viral activity in pre-clinical models. With the continued emergence of
new strains of COVID-19, we remain confident that bemcentinib could play an important role in the global effort to combat the disease.
Two COVID-19 bemcentinib
studies are currently ongoing.
Patient recruitment for BGBC020,
a BerGenBio sponsored trial being conducted in South Africa and
India, was initiated in October. Post period-end, the trial’s independent Data Monitoring Committee twice confirmed that no safety concerns
had emerged, and recruitment of the target 120 patients could continue.
In the UK, in December 2020, we announced dosing had resumed in the Investigator Sponsored ACCORD trial funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). We look forward to providing further updates on the progress in
this trial.
Looking ahead to 2021, we look forward to updating the market with further data from our AML, MDS
and NSCLC studies, in particular, we anticipate important data from AML and MDS studies to be reported during the first half of the year and NSCLC data later in the year as the survival data needs to mature and expect the first data readout from our COVID-19 studies in South Africa and India in Q1.

26.02.2021 kl 01:37 9046

During 2020 our organisation successfully adopted new working patterns ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff, collaborators and patients. We continued to build our organisation as we prepare for
the demands of late-stage clinical development. During the year we successfully completed two capital raises and we remain well-funded with a strong cash position and tight cost control, and as such BerGenBio is well positioned for continued success in 2021.
Going forward, we will continue to develop our sustainability management and report on the progress we make.
We are committed to building our business in line with international best practice on Environmental and Social Governance, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations. Through our vision to develop innovative drugs for aggressive diseases, we directly contribute
to SDG 3 – health and wellbeing. Through our work, we are also contributing to SDG 8 - decent work and economic growth, 9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure, and 17 – partnerships for the goals.
I am extremely proud and grateful
to our staff of the way our company has responded to challenges the past year has posed. I am also grateful
for the trust placed in us by patients, collaborators, and our shareholders as we have adapted to the rapidly changing landscape. We remain focused on delivering the best outcomes for all our stakeholders and look forward to providing updates from our oncology and COVID-19 trials in the coming months.

Richard Godfrey
26.02.2021 kl 07:08 8842

BerGenBio is the future of medicine

Annual Report 2020:

Årsrapporten til BGBIO burde vært kopiert av Moderna.

BerGenBio har en bedre PipeLine enn de fleste innen BigPharma( BP) og er mye mer informativ og spennende enn de fleste.


Q4 + 2020: https://investors.modernatx.com/node/11136/pdf

150 Milliarder NOK
Moderna venter å få en inntjening på 18,4 milliarder dollar på sin koronavaksine i 2021. Det tilsvarer rundt 154 milliarder norske kroner. Dermed kan koronavaksinen bli svært innbringende for det amerikanske selskapet, viser selskapets regnskap som ble offentliggjort torsdag. Det har tidligere blitt dokumentert at deres vaksine er den dyreste blant de seks produsentene som EU har inngått avtaler med. (NTB)

Redigert 26.02.2021 kl 07:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.02.2021 kl 11:10 8581

🌴Oasen🌱🌿 i ørkenen heter Bemcentinib !
De to andre er luft speiling...
26.02.2021 kl 12:25 8485

Ny oppdatering : https://www.edisongroup.com/publication/axleration-of-data-catalysts-in-2021/28906

BerGenBio (BGBIO) has made steady progress during 2020. Lead asset bemcentinib (oral, once a day, highly selective AXL inhibitor) reported encouraging efficacy data from ongoing Phase II trials. Multiple catalysts expected in 2021 will define BGBIO’s clinical trial strategy in AML/MDS and/or NSCLC. The FY20 operating loss was significantly higher than in FY19 (NOK261.1m vs NOK204.4m) due to higher set-up costs and increased investment in programme expenses. We expect operating expenses to increase significantly across 2021/22 as BGBIO further progresses its innovative AXL-centred pipeline, which includes bemcentinib in oncology (and COVID-19 potential) and the initiation of a Phase Ib/IIa trial to evaluate its AXL antibody tilvestamab in an undisclosed indication. BGBIO remains well funded following net c NOK700m raised in 2020. We value the company at NOK4.72bn or NOK54.1 per share.

Dual approach to AXL inhibition
We expect a plethora of bemcentinib efficacy data in 2021 to define its pivotal clinical trial strategy. This includes median overall survival data in relapsed AML and top-line data in NSCLC in combination with Keytruda. We believe BGBIO will focus on the relapsed AML/MDS setting (Phase III study of bemcentinib plus LDAC in relapsed elderly AML patients could start in 2021). We forecast the NDA submission for this indication in 2023 (FDA has granted fast-track status). BGBIO’s second clinical asset, tilvestamab (first-in-class AXL-targeting antibody), developed in-house and wholly owned by BGBIO, is set to start a Phase Ib/IIa trial shortly.
Eyes on COVID-19 trial readout
COVID-19 represents an additional opportunity that could expediate bemcentinib’s route to market in 2022. Bemcentinib has presented a unique dual mechanism of action in the potential treatment of COVID-19. Given the numerous emerging variants of COVID-19, we believe innovative therapies will be required alongside global vaccination strategies. Two Phase II trials are exploring bemcentinib efficacy (in combination with SOC) in hospitalised patients (the IDMC has confirmed safety). Top-line clinical data are expected in Q121 and will define the route to approval.
Valuation: NOK4.72bn or NOK54.1 per share
We value BGBIO at NOK4.72bn or NOK54.1/share (NOK5.16bn or NOK59.1/share previously). Our forecasts remain unchanged, but our valuation has been affected by FX. The key value drivers are bemcentinib in second-line NSCLC (peak sales $1.2bn, NOK37.4/share) and AML (peak sales $598m, NOK12.3/share) plus the COVID-19 opportunity (peak sales $300m, NOK5.4/share). We do not include tilvestamab in our valuation, but will revisit this when we have clarity on the indications prioritised for development.

Redigert 26.02.2021 kl 12:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.02.2021 kl 13:17 8526

The key value drivers are bemcentinib in second-line NSCLC (peak sales $1.2bn, NOK37.4/share) and AML (peak sales $598m, NOK12.3/share).
Må bare spørre, er dette realistisk med peak sales på 1.2 milliarder USD som tilsvarer omtrent 10 milliarder NOK og bare 37.4 NOK/aksje + de andre tallene
Stokk Dum
26.02.2021 kl 13:43 8456

Ikke glem at dette tallet (37,4) er antatt med en 'Probability of success' på 35%.

Redigert 26.02.2021 kl 14:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.02.2021 kl 21:22 8080

Hoved oppslag i nyhetene nå var en Amerikansk medisin,Ivermektin,som visstnok skal ha god effekt som medisin mot Covid-19.
Noen som kjenner denne - og Ivermektin vs.Bemcentinib ?
26.02.2021 kl 21:52 8031

Vi VET vel lite om Bem sin Covid virkning enda, men ett bredt studie med nesten 7500 deltagere viste liten virkning av Ivermectin både på overlevelsesgrad og sykehusdøgn. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.26.21250420v1
Redigert 26.02.2021 kl 21:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.02.2021 kl 17:15 7469

Ikke glem at covid-19 kun er en bonus mhp Bemcentinib. Hovedvekten i en verdivurdering av BgBio vil alltid være med fokus på kreftbehandling.
28.02.2021 kl 03:12 7087

Afhængig af resultater og hvordan pandemien udvikler sig kan covid19 indikationen efter min mening være kandidat til at være uhyggeligt meget værd.
Hvis/når vi får op-blusning med nye mutationer så vil bemcentinib kunne være i frontlinien inden der så er nye vacciner klar. Her snakker folk om et muligt 10 årig marked.
Ud over dette så vil Covid19 indtjening kunne løfte BGBIO videre uden behov for yderligere kapital indsprøjtning. Hvis de skal klare sig med det vil deres tempo måske ikke være super højt, men de kan.
CEO har ydermere meldt meget sikkert ud omkring hvordan de ser opbakning fra aktionærerne. Han er fremstået med en uhyggelig selvtillid her. Jeg tænker Trond Mohn har givet ham noget selvtillid her.
28.02.2021 kl 03:15 7102

Men ja, cancer er det som BGBIO virkelig kan få uhyggelig flyvehøjde af. Her vil Covid19 være peanuts. Oncology marked i cancer er 300 milliarder dollars og med gennemsnitlig årlig vækst på ca. 8%. BIG BIG BIG money.

28.02.2021 kl 03:17 7142

Covid19 kan gøre BGBIO meget berømt. De behøves ikke bruge ret meget krudt på at gøre opmærksom på sig selv hvis der kommer stærke resultater. Reklame værdien er enorm. Hvem kender ikke de firmaer der laver vacciner til covid19.