Hva Skjer’a ?

Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
01.10.2021 kl 16:07
BGBIO 26.10.2020 kl 09:14 1808468

225000 aksjer omsatt før 09:10 på stigende priser på en «negativ børsdag»....
Her er det definitivt noe som skjer - stay tuned...
Redigert 15.09.2021 kl 17:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
29.03.2021 kl 15:48 6564

Det er korrekt. Slapp billig unna. Nå er det bare å folde hendene og håpe på det beste.
29.03.2021 kl 15:47 6561

Stemmer :
Active positions
SUM 0 0,00%
Historical Positions
29.03.2021 kl 15:44 6554

hva jeg kan se så e der ingen short over 0.5% i BGBIO
29.03.2021 kl 14:44 6765

Bra, klar tale. Takk for alle innlegg du kommer med, jordnære og seriøse.
BGBIO burde få denne greie meldingen som et tips.
Yngling, igjen takk! :-)
Yngling ØH
29.03.2021 kl 14:29 6768

Om det blir 29. mars eller 8. april er mindre viktig. Det viktige er at dataene et grundig analysert, og at når data publiseres, så har de evnet å kommunisere ut alt som er av positiv informasjon. De bør ikke komme med kryptiske meldinger, eller hva som kanskje kan skje osv. De må skrive hva studien viser, og hva de har tenkt å forsøke å gjøre med dataene de nå sitter på.
29.03.2021 kl 14:09 6829

Nei, ikke sist i Q1, men rundt slutt Q1. Det kan fort bli en uke inn i april.
Redigert 29.03.2021 kl 14:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.03.2021 kl 14:00 6860

Hayen skrev 8 april
Hej Hayen. Hvorfor tænker du 8 April...?
Ledelsen har meldt ud man forventer at kunne komme med resultater sidst i Q1.
29.03.2021 kl 11:33 7320

Kan jo virke som noen vet mer enn andre,- eller er det bare short inndekning 😎 ...

504 842
Active positions
VOLEON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 504 842 0,57% 25.03.2021
SUM 504 842 0,57%
Redigert 29.03.2021 kl 11:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.03.2021 kl 10:49 7508

Slettet bruker skrev 30 mars, 👍
30 Marts 07:00
29.03.2021 kl 09:53 7652

Påske-quiz :

Hvilken dag og tidspunkt blir COVID-19 Accord resultatene fra BerGenBio’s Fase II studier offentliggjort?

29 mars 07:00-16:30
30 mars 07:00-16:30
31 mars. 07:00-16:30

Eller blir det 1 april ....?

Redigert 29.03.2021 kl 11:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
Yngling ØH
29.03.2021 kl 09:48 7664

"Study of coronavirus variants predicts virus evolving to escape current vaccines".
Yngling ØH
28.03.2021 kl 19:34 8473

Skummel coronavariant oppdaget i Tanzania.
28.03.2021 kl 17:15 8742

Det er en svært alvorlig bivirkning..
Har en person som jeg kjenner som ble smittet på sykehus i jobbsammenheng, hadde et mildt sykdomsbildet men har aldri blitt helt bra, har nå utviklet ME pga covid 19.. Er fortsatt betydelig redusert allmenntilstand ,er fortsatt 100% sykemeldt ,går nå på avklaring via NAV... ( 14 måneder etter covid sykdom)
Redigert 28.03.2021 kl 17:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.03.2021 kl 13:57 9041

NewYork Times : March 22nd. 2021

The Cruel Reality of Long Covid-19...

(Eksempel på COVID-19 relaterte senskader)


Some people who contract the coronavirus experience lingering, debilitating health issues.

We look at how the disease could have long-term effects on the brain.

Hosted by Michael Barbaro; produced by Austin Mitchell and Rachelle Bonja; edited by Dave Shaw and Lisa Chow; and engineered by Corey Schreppel.

Redigert 28.03.2021 kl 14:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.03.2021 kl 11:46 9248

Så farlig er det nå å oppholde seg i samme rom som en COVID-19 / COVID20(mutasjon) smittet person :


«DET SISTE ÅRET har vi lært oss å sprite hendene, vaske overflater og trodd at vi kan unngå smitte så lenge vi holder avstand.

Den viktigste smitteveien for coronaviruset anses å være dråpesmitte. Personer med covid-19 utskiller dråper og partikler fra munn og nese som inneholder viruset. Smitte kan skje når disse treffer slimhinner i munn, nese og øyne hos mottaker, eller hvis de trekkes ned i lungene.

Men det finnes en smittevei som ikke bryr seg om avstandskravet på to meter. Flere og flere forsknings­rapporter peker på luftsmitte som en viktig smittevei i tillegg til dråpesmitte.

HVOR FARLIG ER DET å samles 14 stykker i en leilighet for å spise sushi? Eller holde nachspiel på et hotellrom med åtte personer? Eller ha besøk av mer enn to personer på hytta?

I denne artikkelen kan du selv regne ut risikoen for å bli smittet på denne måten.

I MOTSETNING TIL dråper kan aerosoler holde seg svevende i timevis og spres over større avstander og smitte fra ett rom til et annet, eller fra én etasje til en annen. Meslinger (langt mer smittsomt enn corona) og tuberkulose er eksempel på sykdommer det er dokumentert at smitter på denne måten.

I New Zealand er det nylig laget en rapport som peker på luftsmitte av coronaviruset på et karantenehotell. Personer som oppholdt seg på ulike rom skal ha blitt smittet via en åpen uventilert korridor, bare ved at dørene var åpne i 50 sekunder.

Aerosoler kan ses på som en usynlig «sky» som bare sakte legger seg. Hvis en smittet person er lenge i et rom uten ventilasjon vil det samles mange aerosoler fra den personen i lufta.

AEROSOLER DANNES f. eks ved hoste, nysing og snakking. Hva slags aktivitet man bedriver, har mye å si for for hvor mye dråper som dannes og hvor mange av dem som er så små at de blir hengende i luften som aerosoler.

Grafikken under viser hvordan forskere ved universitetet i Queensland og Cassino and Southern Lazio mener det kan være etter en time; hver prikk under viser én dose med smittsomme partikler som kan være tilstrekkelig til å smitte andre hvis de pustes inn – ifølge beregninger de har gjort.

Hvor mange smittsomme partikler som utløses av en smittet person er svært usikkert. Vi har basert oss på denne rapporten. En såkalt «superspreder» vil antagelig spre langt flere partikler, mens et barn vil spre vesentlig færre.

PROFESSOR JOSE L. JIMENEZ ved universitetet i Colorado-Boulder forsker på corona-luftsmitte og har lenge ment at luftsmitte spiller en mye viktigere rolle i smittespredning og at offisielle helseorganer ikke tar luftsmitte alvorlig nok.

Jimenez og kollegene hans har laget beregninger som viser hvordan de mener man kan bli smittet i ulike rom ved ulike grader av smitteverntiltak. Beregningene er tidligere omtalt i flere internasjonale medier, blant annet El Pais.

Modellene tar kun utgangspunkt i luftsmitte, ikke eventuell dråpe- eller kontaktsmitte, og at personene holder to meter avstand. Virusmengden som faktisk må til for å smitte noen, er også usikker.

(Eksempel i artikkelen)

HER KAN DU SELV bruke Jimenez modell til å regne ut risikoen for å bli smittet av dråper som blir hengende i lufta. (aerosoler.)

Den britiske mutasjonen er dominerende i Norge nå og er antatt å være 30 til 70 prosent mer smittsom. VG har vært i kontakt med Jiménez, som har bidratt til utregning av muterte varianter.

Kalkulatoren er kun en matematisk utregning og ingen fasit på om man kan bli smittet eller ikke. Det største usikkerhetsmomentet er hvor mye smittsomt virus som utløses fra en smittet person. Virusmengde kommer an på hvor den smittede er i sykdommen. Man er på langt nær like smittsom når det har gått noen dager. FHI mener man smitter mest akkurat like før man får symptomer.»

Sør-Afrikanske og Brasilianske mutasjoner er også smittsomme og farligere ...😱
Redigert 28.03.2021 kl 11:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.03.2021 kl 10:22 9410

Ja kan de søke midlertidig godkjenning vid en fase 2 studie. Burde det vare enklare vid en pågående fase 3 studie da de har mere data.
Og det blir vel mere informasjon om det når de presenterer resultaten..
28.03.2021 kl 09:06 9545

Brasil - behov for ny klinisk studie med Bemcentinib?
Krever de nye mutasjoner flere forsøk ?

Situasjonen i 🇧🇷Brasil er et 🔥helvete🔥

NY Times :

A Collapse Foretold: How Brazil’s Covid-19 Outbreak Overwhelmed Hospitals

By Ernesto Londoño and Letícia CasadoPhotographs by Mauricio Lima
March 27, 2021
The virus has killed more than 300,000 people in Brazil, its spread aided by a highly contagious variant, political infighting and distrust of science.

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil — The patients began arriving at hospitals in Porto Alegre far sicker and younger than before. Funeral homes were experiencing a steady uptick in business, while exhausted doctors and nurses pleaded in February for a lockdown to save lives.

But Sebastião Melo, Porto Alegre’s mayor, argued there was a greater imperative.

“Put your life on the line so that we can save the economy,” Mr. Melo appealed to his constituents in late February.

Now Porto Alegre, a prosperous city in southern Brazil, is at the heart of an stunning breakdown of the country’s health care system — a crisis foretold.

More than a year into the pandemic, deaths in Brazil are at their peak and highly contagious variants of the coronavirus are sweeping the nation, enabled by political dysfunction, widespread complacency and conspiracy theories. The country, whose leader, President Jair Bolsonaro, has played down the threat of the virus, is now reporting more new cases and deaths per day than any other country in the world.

“We have never seen a failure of the health system of this magnitude,” said Ana de Lemos, the executive director of Doctors Without Borders in Brazil. “And we don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.”

On Wednesday, the country surpassed 300,000 Covid-19 deaths, with roughly 125 Brazilians succumbing to the disease every hour. Health officials in public and private hospitals were scrambling to expand critical care units, stock up on dwindling supplies of oxygen and procure scarce intubation sedatives that are being sold at an exponential markup.

Intensive care units in Brasília, the capital, and 16 of Brazil’s 26 states report dire shortages of available beds, with capacity below 10 percent, and many are experiencing rising contagion (when 90 percent of such beds are full the situation is considered dire.)

In Rio Grande do Sul, the state that includes Porto Alegre, the waiting list for intensive care unit beds doubled over the past two weeks, to 240 critically ill patients.

At Hospital Restinga e Extremo Sul, one of the main medical facilities in Porto Alegre, the emergency room has become a crammed Covid ward where many patients received care in chairs, for lack of a free bed. Last week, the military built a tent field hospital outside the main entrance, but hospital officials said the additional bed space is of little use for a medical staff stretched beyond its limit.

“The entire system is on the verge of collapse,” said Paulo Fernando Scolari, the hospital’s director. “People are coming in with more serious symptoms, lower oxygen levels, in desperate need of treatment.”

The breakdown is a stark failure for a country that, in past decades, was a model for other developing nations, with a reputation for advancing agile and creative solutions to medical crises, including a surge in H.I.V. infections and the outbreak of Zika.

Mr. Melo, who campaigned last year on a promise to lift all pandemic restrictions in the city, said a lockdown would cause people to starve.

“Forty percent of our economy, our labor force, is informal,” he said in an interview. “They’re people who need to go out and work in order to have something to eat at night.”

President Bolsonaro, who continues to promote ineffective and potentially dangerous drugs to treat the disease, has also said lockdowns are untenable in a country where so many people live in poverty. While several Brazilian states have ordered business shutdowns in recent weeks, there have been no strict lockdowns.

Some of the president’s supporters in Porto Alegre have protested business shutdowns in recent days, organizing caravans that stop outside of hospitals and blast their horns while inside Covid wards overflow.

Epidemiologists say Brazil could have avoided additional lockdowns if the government had promoted the use of masks and social distancing and aggressively negotiated access to the vaccines being developed last year.

Instead, Mr. Bolsonaro, a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, called Covid-19 a “measly flu,” often encouraged large crowds and created a false sense of security among supporters by endorsing anti-malaria and anti-parasite drugs — contradicting leading health officials who warned that they were ineffective.

Last year, Mr. Bolsonaro’s government took a pass on Pfizer’s offer of tens of millions of doses of its Covid-19 vaccine. Later, the president celebrated setbacks in clinical trials for CoronaVac, the Chinese-made vaccine that Brazil came to largely rely on, and joked that pharmaceutical companies would not be held responsible if people who got newly developed vaccines turned into alligators.

“The government initially dismissed the threat of the pandemic, then the need for preventive measures, and then goes against science by promoting miracle cures,” said Natália Pasternak, a microbiologist in São Paulo. “That confuses the population, which means people felt safe going out in the street.”

Terezinha Backes, a 63-year-old retired shoemaker living in a municipality on the outskirts of Porto Alegre, had been exceedingly careful over the past year, venturing out only when necessary, said her nephew, Henrique Machado.

But her 44-year-old son, a security guard tasked with taking the temperature of people entering a medical facility, appears to have brought the virus home early this month.

Ms. Backes, who had been in good health, was taken to a hospital on March 13 after she began having trouble breathing. With no beds to spare, she was treated with oxygen and an IV in the hallway of an overflowing wing. She died three days later.

“My aunt was not given the right to fight for her life,” said Mr. Machado, 29, a pharmacist. “She was left in a hallway.”

Her body was among the scores that have made March the busiest month ever at a funeral home owned by a family friend, Guaraci Machado. Sitting in his office on a recent afternoon, Mr. Machado said he has been struck by the number of young Covid-19 patients who have been brought to his facility in coffins over the past few weeks.

Yet Mr. Machado, 64, who took his face mask off halfway through an interview, said he’s opposed to lockdowns or business closures. From the beginning, he said, he has been convinced that the virus was created by China so it could sell medical supplies around the world, and ultimately develop a profit-making vaccine.

When he had Covid-19 in June of last year, Mr. Machado said he took the anti-malaria drug championed by the president, hydroxychloroquine, which he credited with “keeping me alive.”

Mr. Machado will be eligible in the coming weeks for a Covid-19 vaccine in Brazil. But he won’t get one even if he were “being beaten with a stick,” Mr. Machado said, noting that he recently read online that vaccines are more lethal than the virus.

Such conspiracy theories about Covid-19 vaccines have spread widely on social media, including on WhatsApp and Facebook. A recent public opinion poll by the firm IPEC found that 46 percent of respondents believed at least one widely disseminated falsehood about vaccines.

Mistrust of vaccines and science is new in Brazil and a dangerous feature of the Bolsonaro era, said Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, a Brazilian neurologist at Duke University who led a coronavirus task force in the country’s northeast last year.

“In Brazil, when the president of the republic speaks, people listen,” Dr. Nicolelis said. “Brazil never had an anti-vaccine movement — ever.”

But many hard-core supporters of Mr. Bolsonaro, who retains the support of roughly 30 percent of the electorate, argue that the president’s instincts on the pandemic have been sound.

Geraldo Testa Monteiro, a retired firefighter in Porto Alegre, praised the president as he and his family were preparing to bury his sister, Maria de Lourdes Korpalski, 70, who died of Covid-19 last week.

In recent months, Mr. Monteiro said he began taking the anti-parasite drug ivermectin as a preventive measure. The drug is part of the so-called Covid kit of drugs, which also includes the antibiotic azithromycin and the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. Mr. Bolsonaro’s health ministry has endorsed their use.

Leading medical experts in Brazil, the United States and Europe have said those drugs are not effective to treat Covid-19 and some can have serious side effects, including kidney failure.

“Lies,” Mr. Monteiro, 63, said about the scientific consensus on the Covid kit. “There are so many lies and myths.”

He said medical professionals have sabotaged Mr. Bolsonaro’s plan to rein in the pandemic by refusing to prescribe those drugs more decisively at the early stages of illness.

“There was one solution: to listen to the president,” he said. “When people elect a leader it is because they trust him.”

The mistrust and the denials — and the caravans of Bolsonaro supporters blasting their horns outside hospitals to protest pandemic restrictions — are crushing for medical professionals who have lost colleagues to the virus and to suicide in recent months, said Claudia Franco, the president of the nurses union in Rio Grande do Sul.

“People are in such denial,” said Ms. Franco, who has been taking care of Covid-19 patients. “The reality we’re in today is we don’t have enough respirators for everyone, we don’t have oxygen for everyone.”

Ernesto Londoño reported from Porto Alegre. Letícia Casado reported from Brasília.
28.03.2021 kl 09:03 9520

Håper at det er mulig å få en midlertidig godkjenning sammen med en fase 3 studie.
28.03.2021 kl 05:24 6514

Ja det er kjekt med prekliniske studier som bekrefter teorien om hvordan bemcentinib virker på covid 19. Men har vel ikke noen praktisk betydelse om de ikke påvirker investorer eller BP positivt. De kliniske studierne blir det de blir uansett. Og her mener eg Accord gjør det rette, de vil finne en medisin som begrenser og leger syke som behøver behandling. Og det er mye enklare att bevise att medisinen virker på de som er målbart syke, og det behøver ikke vare på så stort antall pasienter. Men på de som er litt syke og flertalet blir friske av seg selv, behøver du et meget stort antall pasienter før att vise en signifikant forbedring vid bruk av medisin.

Men virker den på syke så virker den naturligtvis enda bedre på de som er litt syke. De prekliniske studierne viste jo att bemcentinib virkte på de som var i behov av sykhusbehandling. Og blir det bevist uten tvivel så har de skutt gullfågeln. All forskning som er kjent før oss i dag er jo kjent før alle andre og uten att det hjelper stort.
Er jo ganske sikker på att resultaten er positive men grunnlaget er før litet, vilket accord kan bøte på. Men vi får som sagt ett pekefinger åt vilken vei det bær snart.
Og det er mange muligheter som opner seg om resultaten er gode.
Move Along
28.03.2021 kl 00:08 6656

Takk Yndling for all ny og nyttig informasjon du tar deg tid til å tilføye. Jeg tenker nå at alle her inne gjør et klokt valg ved å fristille noen ekstra midler for å kunne kjøpe seg kjapt inn i denne aksjen dersom og når vi står ovenfor et stort nyhetsslipp av muligens enorm og verdensomspennende betyding. Det kan faktisk skje når som helst nå. Det er som alltid om å være tidligst mulig inne, men det vil fortsette å stige over en periode dersom nyhetene er positive. All kjent forskning tilsier at Bemcentinib påvirker Sars-Covid-19 på akkurat ønsket måte, men der eneste usikkerhetsmoment er om det har blitt gitt tidlig nok i sykdomsforløpet til å kunne bevise fantastisk virkningsgrad med de studiene som de er inne i nå, eller om det bare viser «noe forbedring». I alle fall kommer det nå hvert øyeblikk en nyhetsbombe som jeg tror vil være av enorm betydning når verden fortsatt mangler en eneste fullgod behandlingsform mot denne pandemien. Det kan gå fort i svingene dersom nyheten ikke skuffer. Så vær litt obs og klar i forkant. Ønsker dere alle masse lykke til og god påske!
Redigert 28.03.2021 kl 00:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
Yngling ØH
27.03.2021 kl 23:30 6768

EMT -, eller reversering av fibrose med bemcentinib kan bli mye større enn bemcentinib mot covid og bemcentinib mot kreft.
Yngling ØH
27.03.2021 kl 23:24 6777

1736P Elevated AXL expression following SARS-CoV-2 infection in nonsmall cell lung cancer K. Ramkumar 1 , C.A. Stewart1, C. Gay1, R. Cardnell1, L. Diao2, Q. Wang2, L. Shen2, Y. Xi2, S. Kundu1, C. Della Corte3, D. Gibbons1, J. Wang2, J.V. Heymach1, L.A. Byers1 1Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; 2Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; 3Department of Precision Medicine, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy Background: Patients with thoracic cancers affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2), appear to have poor clinical outcomes. AXL, a TAM (Tyro3, AXL, Mer) family receptor tyrosine kinase, is a known mediator of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and therapeutic resistance in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and other cancers. Additionally, AXL plays a role in efficient Ebola and Zika viral entry and infection and AXL inhibition has demonstrated antiviral activities. Recently, bemcentinib, a highly selective and potent AXL inhibitor with antiviral activity, has been fast-tracked as the first potential treatment for assessment in the United Kingdom’s ACcelerating COVID-19 Research & Development (ACCORD) multicenter, randomized phase II trial. Methods: We analyzed mRNA expression of AXL and other TAM family members as well as angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the SARS-CoV-2 receptor, in treatment-naïve (n¼1016) and previously treated (n¼239) NSCLC tumors and in a panel of NSCLC cell lines (n¼70). We also analyzed AXL mRNA levels in NSCLC cell lines (n¼3) infected with SARS-CoV-2. Results: In treatment-naïve and previously-treated NSCLC tumors, AXL mRNA expression was higher in mesenchymal tumors, as expected, and inversely correlated with ACE2. Similarly, in NSCLC cell lines, high ACE2 expression was associated with low AXL mRNA and protein expression. Notably, expression of ACE2 was downregulated while that of AXL and ZEB1, an EMT transcription factor, were upregulated in NSCLC cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 as compared to mock infected cells, suggesting a shift to a more mesenchymal phenotype. Treatment with bemcentinib for 24h downregulated ZEB1 expression in mesenchymal cell lines, reversing EMT. Conclusions: These data, in the context of ACE2’s role in preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome, suggest a shift from ACE2-expressing epithelial cells to a more mesenchymal phenotype characterized by low ACE2 and high AXL expression, upon infection of NSCLC cells with SARS-CoV-2. In addition to bemcentinib’s antiviral activity, it can also reverse EMT, further supporting AXL and EMT as novel therapeutic targets for COVID-19 treatment. Legal entity responsible for the study: Lauren A. Byers.

Yngling ØH
27.03.2021 kl 21:10 7007

Fra BerGenBios presentasjon:
"Enveloped viruses display phosphatidylserine that is recognized by GAS6, the AXL receptor ligand, that mediates viral entry through “apoptotic mimicry”."

Årsaken til forhøyet Gas6... som igjen øker Axl, er altså at Gas6 gjenkjenner phosphatidylserine, og deretter øker Axl, som igjen bidrar til cellepenetrasjon via Ace2. Flere studier av ulike forskerteam har nå vist at hemming av Axl, også hemmer sars-cov2 penetrasjon i cellene.

Yngling ØH
27.03.2021 kl 15:29 7308

"....while knocking out AXL significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infection in H1299 pulmonary cells and in human primary lung epithelial cells."

Dette er akkurat det samme som Wendy Maury har funnet, bare at Maurys studier er vesentlig mer omfattende og detaljert knyttet til hvilke prosesser som er involvert.
Yngling ØH
27.03.2021 kl 15:25 7279

Phosphatidylethanolamine and Phosphatidylserine Synergize To Enhance GAS6/AXL-Mediated Virus Infection and Efferocytosis

Lizhou Zhang et al. J Virol. 2020.


Phosphatidylserine (PS) receptors mediate clearance of apoptotic cells-efferocytosis-by recognizing the PS exposed on those cells. They also mediate the entry of enveloped viruses by binding PS in the virion membrane. Here, we show that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) synergizes with PS to enhance PS receptor-mediated efferocytosis and virus entry. The presence of PE on the same surface as PS dramatically enhances recognition of PS by PS-binding proteins such as GAS6, PROS, and TIM1. Liposomes containing both PE and PS bound to GAS6 and were engulfed by AXL-expressing cells much more efficiently than those containing PS alone. Further, infection of AXL-expressing cells by infectious Zika virus or Ebola, Chikungunya, or eastern equine encephalitis pseudoviruses was inhibited with greater efficiency by the liposomes containing both PS and PE compared to a mixture of liposomes separately composed of PS and PE. These data demonstrate that simultaneous recognition of PE and PS maximizes PS receptor-mediated virus entry and efferocytosis and underscore the important contribution of PE in these major biological processes.IMPORTANCE Phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) are usually sequestered to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane of the healthy eukaryotic cells. During apoptosis, these phospholipids move to the cell's outer leaflet where they are recognized by so-called PS receptors on surveilling phagocytes. Several pathogenic families of enveloped viruses hijack these PS receptors to gain entry into their target cells. Here, we show that efficiency of these processes is enhanced, namely, PE synergizes with PS to promote PS receptor-mediated virus infection and clearance of apoptotic cells. These findings deepen our understanding of how these fundamental biological processes are executed.

Yngling ØH
27.03.2021 kl 15:23 7212

AXL is a candidate receptor for SARS-CoV-2 that promotes infection of pulmonary and bronchial epithelial cells

Shuai Wang et al. Cell Res. 2021 Feb.

Free PMC article


The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic presents a global public health challenge. The viral pathogen responsible, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), binds to the host receptor ACE2 through its spike (S) glycoprotein, which mediates membrane fusion and viral entry. Although the role of ACE2 as a receptor for SARS-CoV-2 is clear, studies have shown that ACE2 expression is extremely low in various human tissues, especially in the respiratory tract. Thus, other host receptors and/or co-receptors that promote the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells of the respiratory system may exist. In this study, we found that the tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO (AXL) specifically interacts with the N-terminal domain of SARS-CoV-2 S. Using both a SARS-CoV-2 virus pseudotype and authentic SARS-CoV-2, we found that overexpression of AXL in HEK293T cells promotes SARS-CoV-2 entry as efficiently as overexpression of ACE2, while knocking out AXL significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infection in H1299 pulmonary cells and in human primary lung epithelial cells. Soluble human recombinant AXL blocks SARS-CoV-2 infection in cells expressing high levels of AXL. The AXL expression level is well correlated with SARS-CoV-2 S level in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells from COVID-19 patients. Taken together, our findings suggest that AXL is a novel candidate receptor for SARS-CoV-2 which may play an important role in promoting viral infection of the human respiratory system and indicate that it is a potential target for future clinical intervention strategies.

27.03.2021 kl 13:46 7328

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Den kan ikke være annet enn BULL.
27.03.2021 kl 13:45 7327

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Meget bra. Dette kan bare gå en vei.
Spennende dager i møte..
27.03.2021 kl 12:06 7432

Det er ikke umulig, det er jo meldt at det snarlig skal foreligge info rundt virkning Covid så det er grunnen vil jeg tro
Slettet bruker
27.03.2021 kl 11:55 7408

Voleon reduserte shorten sin fredag. Kun 25.000 av 530.000, men håper og tror at dette fortsetter mandag.
27.03.2021 kl 11:17 7313

Hva tid tror du det blir? Info neste uke?:-)
Kan en legge noe i det at det ser ut som om MOHN, ikke støtte kjøper?. Kan det være nyheter som gjør at MOHN kan få kritikk i etterkant, som er grunnen til at han ikke handler, Synspunkter?
Redigert 27.03.2021 kl 11:28 Du må logge inn for å svare