Hva Skjer’a ?

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01.10.2021 kl 16:07
BGBIO 26.10.2020 kl 09:14 1811034

225000 aksjer omsatt før 09:10 på stigende priser på en «negativ børsdag»....
Her er det definitivt noe som skjer - stay tuned...
Redigert 15.09.2021 kl 17:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.04.2021 kl 15:50 7602

Investtech sier: Selg-høy risiko score-80. Noe støtte ved 25
20.04.2021 kl 16:14 7511

Her blir det stort apetitt på Bemcentinib ....

16:08 VG

Fersk konklusjon fra EUs legemiddeltilsyn: Mulig sammenheng mellom sjelden blodpropp og Johnson & Johnson-vaksinen
Redigert 20.04.2021 kl 16:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.04.2021 kl 16:57 7334

De her 4 ekstra som dog i kontrollgruppen til Accord kan man definere hvor syke de var, og kan man garantere att de overlevt om de fått Bemcentinib . Jeg førstår att YH mener det, men er det virkligen bevist. Det her selskapet som Merck kjøpte hadde vel liknande resultater, men pakka ihop hele produktet når FDA krevde mer dokumentasjon.
Yngling ØH
20.04.2021 kl 17:48 7177

Du kan også stille følgende spørsmål:
Hvor mange ganger av 100 forsøk kan du forvente at 1 død pr 28 pasienter utgjør null effekt, fordi gjennomsnittet for dødelighet i bemcentinib armen var 1 død pr 28 deltagere, selv om kontrollgruppen viste 5 døde pr 32 deltagere, og selv om deltagerne ble tilfeldig distribuert mellom gruppene?
20.04.2021 kl 18:00 7143

Om en fokuserer på det som er kontrollerbart i testene, som er at i begge testene var dødsraten på ca 3.5% ved bruk av bemcentinib.
Dette er uavhengig av nasjonalitet, BMI, og alle de andre underliggende sykdommer som øker dødsratene i de forskjellige landene.
Da betyr det ingenting om det er differanser på pasientgruppene eller andre variabler som kan gi utslag på overlevelsesratene i referansegruppen i de to testene.
Det som betyr noe er overlevelsesraten på 3.5 % i begge testene.
20.04.2021 kl 18:01 7153

Så da skal du kjøpe igjen på 25kr da vet vi det.
20.04.2021 kl 18:17 7072

Solgte en del BgBio i dag i håp om å plukke de samme aksjene til en lavere pris litt fram i tid.
Mange ulike fortolkninger av koronaresultatene skaper mye usikkerhet blant aksjonærene og i markedet.

Dessuten ser det ut som en internasjonal aksjekorreksjon nå er på gang, og da følger norske aksjer etter i fallet.
20.04.2021 kl 18:24 7108

BGBIO sin mulighet !

Storbritannias statsminister Boris Johnson kunngjorde tirsdag at de har nedsatt et spesialutvalg som skal utforske om det finnes antivirale tabletter som kan motvirke utviklingen av et alvorlig sykdomsforløp for pasienter med covid-19.
Johnson sa britiske myndigheter håper at utvalget vil finne en behandling som «stopper viruset» om man er smittet, eller som kan motvirke sykdom om man bor sammen med noen som er smittet.
– Dette vil være en pille man kan ta hjemme, sier Johnson, og forbereder britene på at det kan komme enda en smittebølge i 2021.
– Derfor må vi finne en måte for å leve med viruset, sa statsministeren.
Yngling ØH
20.04.2021 kl 19:01 7065

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Veldig bra!
20.04.2021 kl 19:13 7098

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Supert initiativ, long41!
La oss inderlig håpe at de bruker Tom Wilkinson, MA Cantab MBBS PhD FRCP FERS, Professor i respiratorisk medisin og hovedutprøver på ACCORD-programmet for det han er verdt!
20.04.2021 kl 19:44 7041

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Dailymail skriver dette i fobindelse med Boris Johnson sine uttalelser i dag :

There aren't other antivirals routinely used to treat Covid, but clinical trials are ongoing.

One already deep into trials is molnupiravir, which was originally designed to tackle flu but worked against Covid in trials on hamsters and is now being studied in humans.

Molnupiravir, made by the pharmaceutical firms Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, 'continues to show promise as a potential treatment for non-hospitalised patients,' the companies said after their second phase study. They decided it was not effective for seriously ill people after testing it in hospitals.

Another, called Tollovir, is being trialled on people by the company Todos Medical in Israel.

Todos Medical said past research had shown the drug could work against coronaviruses in general and that it had potential to 'significantly reduce' the severity of Covid.

Favipiravir is another antiviral drug, made in Japan where it is used to treat flu, that is being trialled in the UK in the PRINCIPLE NHS trial. It is not a new drug but it could be added to the UK's arsenal if trials show it works against Covid, too.

Ritonavir and lopinavir, drugs developed to treat HIV, are also being trialled on coronavirus patients in the UK. They have been in studies throughout the pandemic and results have been conflicting, but trials are still recruiting.

US company Romark is trying to get US approval for its antiviral drug NT-300, made using a chemical called nitazoxanide, which it said trials showed could cut the risk of severe disease by up to 85 per cent.

Romark is still doing late-scale human trials of the drug and already uses a slightly different version of it treat parasitic illnesses.

Asked if there were any specific treatments in mind, Boris Johnson said at today's press conference: 'Obviously there are various shots we already have in our locker like dexamethasone; remdesivir is also used in some cases.

'And then there are various other treatments with names that sound a bit like Aztec divinities – tocilizumab and various others that we're certainly looking at.'

Dr Nikki Kanani, a London GP and medical director for primary care at NHS England, added: 'To make sure we really focus on prevention and treatment in the community, so managing a rise in infections and variants, the NHS has been working internationally to identify effective treatments for Covid – and huge thanks to the over one million people in the UK who've participated in a research trial so far.

'We know that over 22,000 lives have already been saved in the UK from the use of dexamethasone.

'What have we got in the pipeline? There are a number of treatments at the moment that are being tested and refined and what we've found is that it's taking about six days to go from a positive research finding to putting that particular treatment into practice.

'We're starting to look at budesonide and other treatments as well, and this really gives us a chance to focus and ramp up pace on the use of antivirals particularly in the community and at home.'

20.04.2021 kl 19:55 6998

Hadde begynt å svette hadde jeg sittet short i denne aksjen 😀
20.04.2021 kl 20:41 6917

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Glimrende initiativ. Men er det virkelig mulig at BGBIO ikke får med seg sånne nyheter? Jeg regner med Boris Johnsen og hans regjering har kontaktet legemiddelbransjen og etterlyst studier på behandlende medisin mot Covid-19. Uansett well done!
20.04.2021 kl 21:07 6810

Regner med at BGBIO’s Oxford Team er en del av miljøet som Boris Johnson er fullt klar over.

Bare å glede seg fremover for alle som eier aksjer i BGBIO.

Trond Mohn , Stener Kvinnsland og Sveinung Hole har stål kontroll - Garantert!
Redigert 20.04.2021 kl 21:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.04.2021 kl 21:53 6686

Enig med deg BioBull. Mindre intermessoer med lav omsetning, lav kurs og ingen hendelser betyr nada. Her er det bare å glede seg til oppgangen som vil komme. Men når?
20.04.2021 kl 22:33 6471

Jeg vil tro at Boris Johnson & Co. bl.a. har fokus på en medisin som denne:

Vir Biotechnology and GSK Announce VIR-7831 Reduces Hospitalization and Risk of Death in Early Treatment of Adults with COVID

11. marts 2021 02.22 CET

Vir Biotechnology and GSK Announce VIR-7831 Reduces Hospitalization and Risk
of Death in Early Treatment of Adults with COVID-19

– Independent Data Monitoring Committee recommends stopping Phase 3 COMET-ICE
trial early given an 85% reduction in hospitalization or death –

– Vir and GSK plan to immediately seek Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S.
and authorizations in other countries –

– Additional new in vitro studies indicate VIR-7831 maintains activity against
major circulating COVID-19 variants –

Biotechnology, Inc. (Nasdaq: VIR) and GlaxoSmithKline plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK)
today announced that an Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC)
recommended that the Phase 3 COMET-ICE (COVID-19 Monoclonal antibody Efficacy
Trial - Intent to Care Early) trial evaluating VIR-7831 (GSK4182136) as
monotherapy for the early treatment of COVID-19 in adults at high risk of
hospitalization be stopped for enrollment due to evidence of profound

Move Along
20.04.2021 kl 22:49 6345

Det er SLIK en pressemelding bør skrives ja!!! Wakey, wakey Bergenbio!!!
Yngling ØH
20.04.2021 kl 23:15 6315

Jo. Intravenøs. Monoclonalt antistoff.
20.04.2021 kl 23:29 6255

Om det er infusjon eller intravenøs behandling har jeg faktisk ikke vært i stand til finne ut av, men hvis det er infusjon (som jeg tror er mest sannsynlig), så blir det vel noe som ligner insulinbehandling til sukkersykepasienter...bortsett fra at dette ikke blir en nesten uendelig behandling, men blir avsluttet ganske fort.

Det skjer jo veldig mye forskning på dette området i denne tid, så det er nok å forvente at det kommer effektive og godkjente Covid-19 medisiner på markedet i løpet av 2021-2022. Jeg håper og tror at BGBIO's Bemcentinib blir en av disse medisinene. Og her er jo en av de store fordelene at den er i pilleform.
Redigert 20.04.2021 kl 23:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 07:08 5916

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Det ser jo ut som Boris Johnsen (🇬🇧+🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿) snart er klar for å rulle ut Bemcentinib fra BerGenBio 👍

Forum forum
21.04.2021 kl 07:28 5876

Kan bli en meget spennende Q&A etter den presentasjonen som avdekker en del.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 07:36 5834

Går nok nordover herfra ! 🤘
21.04.2021 kl 08:08 5666

BerGenBio’s Bemcentinib blir første-valget til Antivirals Taskforce 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Government launches COVID-19 Antivirals Taskforce to roll out innovative home treatments this autumn
The Antivirals Taskforce will identify treatments for UK patients who have been exposed to COVID-19 to stop the infection spreading and speed up recovery time.

Department of Health and Social Care
20 April 2020

New Antivirals Taskforce could identify and deploy innovative COVID-19 treatments as early as autumn
Treatments could be taken at home after a positive test or exposure to COVID-19 to reduce transmission and speed up recovery
Drugs could help combat a rise in infections or new variants over the winter flu season
A new Antivirals Taskforce has been launched by the government to identify treatments for UK patients who have been exposed to COVID-19 to stop the infection spreading and speed up recovery time.

The taskforce will search for the most promising novel antiviral medicines that can be taken at home and support their development through clinical trials to ensure they can be rapidly rolled out to patients as early as the autumn.

The taskforce will also look at opportunities to onshore the manufacture of antiviral treatments.

The aim is to have at least 2 effective treatments this year, either in a tablet or capsule form, that the public can take at home following a positive COVID-19 test or exposure to someone with the virus.

This will be another vital tool to combat any future increase in infections and limit the impact of new variants, especially over the flu season later this year.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

The success of our vaccination programme has demonstrated what the UK can achieve when we bring together our brightest minds.

Our new Antivirals Taskforce will seek to develop innovative treatments you can take at home to stop COVID-19 in its tracks. These could provide another vital defence against any future increase in infections and save more lives.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

The UK is leading the world in finding and rolling out effective treatments for COVID-19, having identified dexamethasone, which has saved over a million lives worldwide, and tocilizumab.

In combination with our fantastic vaccination programme, medicines are a vital weapon to protect our loved ones from this terrible virus.

Modelled on the success of the vaccines and therapeutics taskforces, which have played a crucial part in our response to the pandemic, we are now bringing together a new team that will supercharge the search for antiviral treatments and roll them out as soon as the autumn.

I am committed to boosting the UK’s position as a life science superpower and this new taskforce will help us beat COVID-19 and build back better.

The antivirals could be used alone or in combination with one another in order to increase effectiveness and reduce the risk of further mutations.

The new taskforce will sit alongside the government’s existing Therapeutics Taskforce, which will continue its vital work to identify and supply treatments found to be effective in clinical trials, for all stages of a patient’s exposure and response to COVID-19.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the UK has proven itself to be a world-leader in identifying and rolling out effective treatments for COVID-19 – including the world’s first treatment dexamethasone, which has since saved 22,000 lives in the UK so far and an estimated million worldwide.

The UK’s renowned life sciences sector makes it the ideal base for the brightest of global innovators to research and progress cutting-edge treatments for COVID-19 through the clinical trials process here in Britain.

Sir Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, said:

The speed at which vaccines and therapeutics such as dexamethasone have been identified and deployed against COVID-19 has been critical to the pandemic response.

Antivirals in tablet form are another key tool for the response. They could help protect those not protected by or ineligible for vaccines. They could also be another layer of defence in the face of new variants of concern.

The taskforce will help ensure the most promising antivirals are available for deployment as quickly as possible.

Dr Nikita Kanani, Medical Director of Primary Care for NHS England, said:

Alongside caring for 400,000 COVID-19 patients since the start of the pandemic, the NHS has saved lives around the world through its contribution to developing the first ever treatment for COVID-19, dexamethasone, as well as administering the first vaccine for the virus, outside of clinical trials.

The NHS has put research into reality at record speed during the pandemic and this taskforce will now help us to identify and roll out even more new, convenient treatments for patients with COVID-19.

Background information
A competition to identify a chair for the Antivirals Taskforce will be launched shortly, and further details on the structure of the taskforce will be set out in due course.

On 16 June, the government-funded RECOVERY trial became the first to identify the benefits of dexamethasone in reducing mortality by 20% in patients requiring oxygen support and 35% for ventilated patients, following a readout from the RECOVERY trial and later supported by the WHO and REMAP-CAP.

Through securing a supply chain and stockpile of the drug, we were able to ensure quicker distribution to tackle the effects of COVID-19.

Dexamethasone has since shown to have saved 22,000 lives in the UK so far and an estimated million worldwide.

More recently, the REMAP-CAP trial demonstrated the benefits of tocilizumab and sarilumab, as well as the RECOVERY trial, which found tocilizumab reduced the relative risk of death for patients on oxygen by 14%, when administered in addition to dexamethasone.

The Therapeutics Taskforce alongside RAPID C-19 worked swiftly to ensure that patients were able to receive treatment where clinically appropriate straight away.

Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 08:31 5543

Boris Johnsen var med på å raskt få stoppet den nye superligaen, vil Boris Johnsen ta det samme tak for å rulle ut Bemcentinib fra BerGenBio?
21.04.2021 kl 08:36 5495

re; "Kunne de ikke bare skrevet "80% reduksjon i UK covid dødsfall"?"

Tror du ikke dem ville skrevet dette, om det faktisk var tilfelle/så enkelt ?
Noterer meg hva som er covid agenda i kommende presentasjon. Preklinisk.
Det er behov for en forklaring fra Godfrey. April presentasjon framstår som hausing vs siste melding.

Tilliten begynner å bli bra tynnslitt.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 08:43 5420

Sjekk her så får du nok de svar du er på jakt etter.
Arctic Securities Biotech Webinar, April 22, 2021 - Live presentation at 14.05hrs CET
In COVID-19, AXL has two synergistic mechanisms of action, it acts a co-receptor to ACE2, to which the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus attaches and enters the host cell, and AXL expression is upregulated in infected organs with an activation of the signalling pathway leading to suppression of the Type 1 Interferon immune response by infected cells and neighbouring cells, in their environment. Pre-clinical research studies demonstrate that bemcentinib inhibits SARS-CoV-2 host cell entry and promotes anti-viral Type I interferon response.
21.04.2021 kl 08:46 5389

BioBull, med respekt å melde. Du begynner i større og større grad å framtre som en viss annens like mann.
Du presenterer mer og mer virvar, ref: "BerGenBio’s Bemcentinib blir første-valget til Antivirals Taskforce 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿" Dette er i beste fall antakelser presentert som fakta.
Jeg kunne listet opp en rekke tilsvarende ytringer.

Vi aksjonærer har lite igjen av en slik hausing og mangel på bakkekontakt.

La oss diskutere saklig.
21.04.2021 kl 08:50 5389

Nei, hvordan klarer du å tolke 80% reduksjon i UK covid dødsfall ut av dette?
21.04.2021 kl 08:53 5392

ordet «blir» er et ønske - en ytring og et håp»

De som kan lese hele teksten på engelsk forstår at det ikke er bestemt at Bemcentinib er endelig valgt.
Hvis man ikke håper og tror på BerGenBio - kan man like gjerne selge sine aksjer og holde munn. ( Det gjelder jo mange andre her også).

Ta deg sammen unge mann.( Sorry hvis du er voksen )
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 08:59 Du må logge inn for å svare