Hva Skjer’a ?

Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
01.10.2021 kl 16:07
BGBIO 26.10.2020 kl 09:14 1811054

225000 aksjer omsatt før 09:10 på stigende priser på en «negativ børsdag»....
Her er det definitivt noe som skjer - stay tuned...
Redigert 15.09.2021 kl 17:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 21:23 4715

Det skal jeg huske på så får vi se i løpet av noen år om du da har kjøpt igjen.
21.04.2021 kl 21:19 4746

Nei, 60% av tilfellene i enkelte regioner gjelder den såkalte dobbeltmutasjonen.

Nå er det en trippel på gang:
"Cases of triple mutation where three different COVID 19 strains combine to form a new variant have been detected in parts of the country."

Vinod Scaria, a scientist at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s Institute of Genomic and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) in New Delhi, explained in a Twitter thread that the new strain is characterised by the deletion of two amino acids (H146del and Y145del), as well as possessing E484K and D614G variants in spike protein. All this, according to him, helps in increased infectivity capabilities."
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 21:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 21:18 4726

Ja nå skjønner jeg du hadde 14 aksjer i BGBIO. Det kan vi være enige om ha en fortsatt fin kveld. BGBIO har flere studier så hvis det ikke blir noe av Covid-19 studien så kan det være at dem lykkes med noe annet.
21.04.2021 kl 21:18 4704

Rule skrev
"jeg tror markedet har slugt nyhederne helt helt galt. mon ikke BGBIO selv er overasket over at man har kunnet reducere dødeligheden signifikant. Ingen andre behandlinger har kunnet det...".

Problemet er at de ikke har vist noe som helst som holder statistisk signifikans. Det er derfor kursen faller.
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 21:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 21:16 4688

Godfrey: ....and subsequently discussing these results with the market, regulators, industry and Government partners and KOLs to determine next steps."
gentager: "..to determine next steps"

en klokke klar melding der peger stik imod hvad vores basher venner siger ( de har skrinlagt Covid behandling ).

man kan selvfølgelig sige at next step er at skrinlægge Covid19 indikationen - ha ha ha
21.04.2021 kl 21:12 4725

Lidt gentagelse:
As such data from the two studies will be analysed separately and in combination in a meta-analysis to inform next steps for this potential new COVID-19 treatment.
BGBC020...81% of the COVID-19 patients were assessed as grade 4 within 24 hours of admission to hospital

*hvorfor fortælle for BGBC020 hvor mange der er grade-4, men ikke afsløre grade 3+5...?
*hvorfor fortæller de ikke det samme for ACCORD...?
*ved kontakt siger selskabet selv at det var gode nyheder de frigav (ref Yngling)

Primary endpoint som ikke fik p<0.05:
The primary endpoint of the trial is time to clinical improvement of at least two points (from randomisation) on the 9-point WHO ordinal scale, or live discharge from the hospital, whichever comes first.

hvilket må betyde at fx så skal en grade 4 patient bevæge sig ned i grade 2 hurtigere (time) end i reference gruppen...?

hvis korrekt forstået så virker det noget håbløst. det handler da vel om at folk dør eller ej.....?
om 2 grade 5 patienter ryger ned i grade 3 hurtigere end i reference gruppen er da håbløst ligegyldigt ifht om de skal dø....?

jeg tror markedet har slugt nyhederne helt helt galt. mon ikke BGBIO selv er overasket over at man har kunnet reducere dødeligheden signifikant. Ingen andre behandlinger har kunnet det....
21.04.2021 kl 21:11 4694

Focuss lyver ikke. Han har jo skapt verdier for over 10 milliarder inn i statskassa. Det er ikke mange andre som har klart. Godt gjort og da skal alle her være glad for at focuss benytter så mye av sin dyrebare tid til å biasse en aksje han hverken eier eller interessert i.
21.04.2021 kl 21:11 4661

Nå går det visst litt for fort i svingene for deg til at du får med deg hvem som skriver hva.....
21.04.2021 kl 21:09 4629

Hva i all verden skulle jeg ha interesse av å lyve om?? Å få noen til å selge aksjer jeg ønsker å kjøpe?? Det blir faktisk mange nummer for dumt for meg. Folk som tenker slik må jo være totalt hjelpetrengende i aksjemarkedet. Jeg stoler ikke på Godfrey og jeg ønsker ikke kjøpe aksjen. Ikke engang på 20 kroner.
21.04.2021 kl 21:08 4627

Han er jo en storkar - NOT

02.02.2021 kl 10:57
Uten å gå i detalj så har jeg vel skapt mer verdi inn i statskassa enn hva de aller fleste knapt kan drømme om. Og da snakker vi ikke ensifret antall milliarder.
21.04.2021 kl 21:02 4634

Nr 15 0g 16 på lista har hver 850 000 aksjer
Tilsvarer det 2% av porteføljen, ja, da er det pengemessig velstand hos personen.
2% tilsvarer vel også de 2 minuttene hen daglig bruke på denne forumtråden.

Lyver? focuss? wouldn't dream of it!
21.04.2021 kl 21:00 4563

Ja hvor mye suppe kan noen koke.? Jeg skrev at BGBIO var min femtende største aksje investering. Jeg hadde 14 aksjer hvor jeg var tyngre investert. Det har altså Carrer fått til at jeg er 15 tende største aksjonær i BGBIO. Takk å pris for at det ikke er tilfelle.
21.04.2021 kl 20:58 4546

Carrera skrev Innlegget er slettet
Som sagt før, Focuss er her primært for å dyrke sitt eget selvbilde som den fantastiske investoren, han som vet bedre enn alle andre.
Saklige diskusjoner og å sette seg inn i eller forholde seg til fakta har pri 2.

Alle andre når ikke Kong Focuss til knærne i aksjemarkedet.

I år er det for øvrig 30 år siden mitt første aksjekjøp.
Innsatsen var under 1000 kroner og selskapet Fokus bank.
Jeg var nysgjerrig på aksjemarkedet.
2 uker senere ble aksjen nullet.
All erfaring i aksjemarkedet er verdifull så lenge man evner å lære av det.
21.04.2021 kl 20:51 4560

Ja,mye rart fra den karen.
Null troverdighet.

11.12.2020 kl 22:23
2% av min portefølje er i BGBIO.
Yngling ØH
21.04.2021 kl 20:51 4547

"Senior doctors and hospital executives at five of the 15 New Delhi hospitals treating Covid-19 cases said many more patients were dying than official figures suggested. The five hospitals, which responded to Financial Times requests for information on condition of anonymity, suffered at least 577 confirmed coronavirus fatalities as of June 1. The death toll rose to 654 when suspected cases — those patients who showed symptoms but died without testing — were also included.
The figures from these five hospitals alone exceeded the state government’s official tally of 523 deaths across the entire New Delhi national capital territory up until June 1."
"Two of the 15 hospitals contacted by the FT declined to release their death figures because it was against government protocol. A further eight said they could not give specific data for the period up until June 1, or could not be reached for comment."
21.04.2021 kl 20:44 4530

Carrera skrev Innlegget er slettet
Focus skrev for noen dager siden at han mente han var en topp 15 aksjonær i BGBIO om dette stemmer er det bare han som har solgt de siste dager og vi får se hvem han er på neste oppdatering.
Om han ikke lyger da
Yngling ØH
21.04.2021 kl 20:39 4530

Ja. Ser at den er oppe i 60% av alle registrerte mutasjoner i noen deler av India nå, og at R-tallet for denne mutasjonen er rundt 2 i India. Så spørs det hvor pålitelig de tallene er. Men den virker mye mer smittsom ut fra tilgjengelige data.
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 20:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 20:37 4471

India har for øvrig ny mutasjon på gang (referert til som trippelmutasjon)
Yngling ØH
21.04.2021 kl 20:36 4462

Om det skjer systematisk underrapportering. Kan man da stole på dataene fra BGBC020? Eller behøver de dataene mer oppfølging?
Er det mulig at rare tall medførte at det tok lang tid før selskapet meddelte markedet? Kan det være at det kommer mer data vedrørende dødsfall i BGBC020 studien?
Det er jo i alle fall en del spørsmål jeg kunne tenke meg å fått avklart i morgen. Dessverre tror jeg ikke det blir tid.
21.04.2021 kl 20:20 4406

Nok en gang et langt irrelevant bidrag for folk som er opptatt av børs og Bemcentinib. Hvordan få folk til å fokusere helt feil??
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 20:16 4411

Og hva så.??*? Hjelper dette bergenbio??
Yngling ØH
21.04.2021 kl 20:14 4333

"India coronavirus: How a group of volunteers 'exposed' hidden Covid-19 deaths"
"Since March, a group of volunteers in India's southern state of Kerala have trawled local papers and news networks for reports on deaths due to Covid-19.

Led by Dr Arun N Madhavan, a general medicine physician, they checked the district editions of seven local newspapers and followed five news channels unfailingly every day. They took notes on every death reported in the news and obituary notices and diligently entered the details in a spreadsheet. "It's a useful method of counting," says Prabhat Jha, of the University of Toronto, who led India's ambitious Million Death Study, one of the largest studies of premature mortality in the world.

As of Thursday night, the volunteers had counted 3,356 deaths from the infection in Kerala, which reported its first Covid-19 case in January and the first casualty in March. But the official death toll from the disease is 1,969.

"We are missing a lot of Covid-19 deaths here," Dr Madhavan told me. He reckons the state has recognised a little more than half of the deaths caused by Covid - and attributed the rest to underlying conditions or co-morbidities.

India's tally of recorded coronavirus cases exceeds 8.9 million, the second-highest in the world behind the US. It has reported more than 130,000 deaths from the infection but the case fatality rate or CFR, which measures deaths among Covid-19 patients, is below 1.5%, among the lowest in the world.

Some experts believe that India's relatively low fatality rate doesn't tell the whole story and allege substantial undercounting in several states. They say suspected cases are not being added to the final count, and deaths from the infection are being carelessly attributed to underlying conditions.

t is striking that Kerala, which has claimed data transparency and has an exhaustive and detailed official Covid-19 dashboard, has been undercounting deaths. Dr Madhavan believes under-reporting is rampant. Patients who tested negative "just before they died" and did not belong to Kerala were not counted. Three patients - all men, aged between 65 and 78 - came to his clinic with symptoms and died in hospital in October during treatment. "Their deaths didn't come up in the media or the official count. All of us are missing deaths, but the government is missing them the most," he said.

Rajeev Sadanandan, a top health bureaucrat who is advising the government on handling the pandemic, admits there has been "some" under-reporting of deaths. "We did not count cases who were suffering from terminal or renal diseases and were found to be infected with Covid-19. That was wrong. The protocols are very clear about defining a coronavirus death," he told me.

Mr Sadanandan said Kerala had always prided itself on its transparency of data, and it was this that helped the state fight an outbreak of the vicious Nipah virus in 2018. "We have not consciously hidden data. Some districts might not have reported deaths fearing adverse reactions. It is difficult to hide data in a society which insists on total transparency," he said.

Nearly all countries have undercounted initial Covid-19 deaths by 30 to 50%, says Dr Jha. India's municipalities, he adds, must release total deaths by week with comparison to earlier years to find out the number of excess deaths during this period. Excess deaths are the deaths above normal levels, some of which may have been caused by Covid-19.

Oommen C Kurian of the Observer Research Foundation, a Delhi-based think tank, believes that the undercounting of deaths in Kerala has been "conscious and systematic, and not because of systemic weakness". Despite robust surveillance capacity and a government panel to advise on the matter, "no major reconciliation of deaths has happened yet", he adds.

"The authorities seem to be convinced that by whatever means the state should keep its reputation as a Covid-19 success story," Mr Kurian said.

In January, Kerala reported India's first Covid-19 case, a medical student who returned from Wuhan in China, where the pandemic began. The number of cases rose steadily and it became a hotspot. But in March, half a dozen states were reporting more cases than the picturesque southern state.

By May, sticking faithfully to the contagion control playbook of test, trace and isolate, and with the help of grassroots networks, Kerala brought down its case count drastically - there were days when it reported no new cases.

The celebrations were premature. Kerala took 110 days to report its first thousand cases. But in mid-July, it was reporting around 800 infections a day. Infections peaked in mid-September. As of 19 November, Kerala had reported 545,641 cases. More than 46,000 people are currently in hospital or under home quarantine. The state is averaging around 60,000 tests a day. With local elections around the corner, authorities fear another uptick in infections.

Some of this under-counting possibly did not serve much purpose. A senior government official, who preferred to remain unnamed, told me that he "estimated that the state had under-reported deaths by 30%". He told me even if the official toll was doubled to factor in uncounted deaths, the number would remain well below that reported by most other states.

That's the irony, Mr Kurian says. "Even if all Covid-19 deaths were to be counted, what Kerala would have achieved up until now in terms of mortality reduction would still be extraordinary"."
Yngling ØH
21.04.2021 kl 20:12 3602

Experts have questioned shortcomings and lack of clarity in vital registration, testing practices, and classification of COVID-19 deaths. Patralekha Chatterjee reports from New Delhi.
India has had 3·6 million cases of COVID-19, the third most in the world after the USA and Brazil, with 65 288 officially confirmed deaths from the disease as of Sept 1, 2020.
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The Indian Government says that the national recovery rate has reached 77% and the case fatality rate is down to 1·8%, due to “timely and effective clinical management of the patients in critical care” according to an official statement on Aug 30. However, experts who spoke with The Lancet have pointed to several sources of uncertainty in India's COVID-19 mortality data.
It is unclear how suspected or probable COVID-19-attributable deaths are being included in mortality estimates. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines stipulate that deaths of people with suspected or probable COVID-19 should be included in mortality data, based on WHO ICD-10 codes for COVID-19-related deaths. However, the guidelines are advisory. Information about whether state data on deaths include suspected and probable cases is not in the public domain and the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare did not respond to The Lancet's requests for clarification.
“For COVID-19, we have to throw the net more widely to capture all the deaths (confirmed and suspected) in order to understand the disease better and for its management” says Prashant Mathur, director of the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR), an ICMR body. “It is important to correctly record the cause of deaths. But it is up to individual states to follow these guidelines. As per the existing law, NCDIR is not required to get data about suspected or probable deaths from states so I can't say whether deaths are being certified.”
When asked about reports that some states had not recorded any suspected or probable COVID-19 deaths, Giridhara R Babu, an epidemiologist at the Public Health Foundation of India, pointed to general weaknesses in vital registration. He told The Lancet that in rural areas, where most of India's population lives, most deaths occur outside the hospital, which can delay registration. “Among the deaths registered under the civil registration system, only 22% are medically certified nationally with cause of death.”
Rijo John, public health policy analyst and senior fellow at the Centre for Public Policy Research in Kerala, said some under-reporting is happening. He told The Lancet that “while it is true that only 21% of all deaths are medically certified in India, we should not forget that more than 65% of the total COVID-19 deaths reported in India so far are from just four states, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Delhi. In all these states, the death registration is 100%.”
Babu also highlighted shortcomings in wider surveillance. “[The] Integrated Disease Surveillance System is collecting the data on deaths due to COVID-19 from testing laboratories and hospitals, but misses deaths due to COVID-19 among those who were not tested.” Babu told The Lancet that “verification of data and detailed examination of the death numbers from several hospitals and field offices needs to be done”. He also emphasised the need for data on all-cause mortality to understand the effects of the epidemic. “Patients die due to underlying comorbid conditions and unavailability of critical care.”
Different Indian states are using different COVID-19 diagnostic tests. “Comparing test positive rates between different states has become extremely difficult as more and more states are moving towards rapid antigen detection tests, which are known to have a high percentage of false negatives and not utilising the gold standard RT-PCR tests to full capacity”, said John. Not all states are equally forthcoming with data on how many of each type of test is being used. “Given that we need more resources to scale up testing, knowing the cost-effectiveness of different testing types can be very useful in developing more effective testing guidelines“, he said.
John called on the central government to enforce standards. “Although health is a state responsibility, the health ministry could at least release an advisory to make the data reporting standardised and transparent across states”, he said. “It should be made mandatory for all states to report the break[down] of different test types as well as the positives from these.”
Public pressure and media reports about alleged undercounting have begun to push many states to review their COVID-19 mortality data. “In several states, many of the ‘missing’ deaths were added later on to the tally after audits. For example, Tamil Nadu has added backlogs of 400-plus deaths. So did Maharashtra. West Bengal used to exclude all deaths due to comorbidities from COVID deaths, but they stopped such practices”, John said.
21.04.2021 kl 20:08 3598

Lakshmi skrev Innlegget er slettet
Det jeg mener er bare att jeg har mer erfaring i aksjemarkedet og derfor har bedre dømmekraft ikke minst i biotec enn hausserne på BGBIO tråden. Når sant skal sies så skal det ikke mye til. Det har de jo dokumentert med å ha tapt egne penger og følgernes penger i historiens bull marked, mens andre har hatt historiske gevinster.
Men hausserne her har nok en snev av grandiositet i seg når de har pratet folk inn i en taperaksje i et år og fortsatt synes de er fantastiske.
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 20:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 20:06 3576

Lakshmi skrev Innlegget er slettet
En riktig diagnose du gir focuss her - det er vel hjelp å få men problemet med de som har denne diagnosen ikke ser det selv - det er alle andre det er noe feil med.
Yngling ØH
21.04.2021 kl 20:05 3541

Det er ganske omfattende beskyldninger mot India i forhold til mulig underrapportering av dødsfall.
"Non-stop cremations cast doubt on India's counting of COVID dead"
""We are working around the clock at 100% capacity to cremate bodies on time," Kamlesh Sailor, the president of the trust that runs the crematorium in the diamond-polishing city of Surat, told Reuters.

And with hospitals full and oxygen and medicines in short supply in an already creaky health system, several major cities are reporting far larger numbers of cremations and burials under coronavirus protocols than official COVID-19 death tolls, according to crematorium and cemetery workers, media and a review of government data."


"In the western state of Gujarat, for instance, regional-language media has been upfront in its criticism of the government, which has been accused of downplaying the Covid-19 situation. The high court in Gujarat has also filed a suo moto case and asked the government to explain how its numbers are grossly different from people’s accounts of the rise in infections and deaths.

For instance, in Gujarat’s merchant town Surat, crematoriums have been working overtime. A metal grill on the furnace at one such crematorium melted because of round-the-clock use, a macabre proof of the sharp rise fatalities.

And yet, the city of Surat has been reporting under 20 deaths a day. “Before the coronavirus outbreak last year, around 20 bodies were cremated at the Kurukshetra Crematorium (in Surat) every day,” Kamlesh Sailor, president of a trust which manages the crematorium, told the Press Trust of India on April 13. “Now, there is a sudden rush of bodies. At present, we are handling about 100 bodies per day.”

According to local news reports, all 16 gas-based crematoriums in the city have been operating at capacity without a break.

This underreporting of deaths is being contested in other states, too.

Covid-19 crematoriums overworked
The central state of Madhya Pradesh reported 37 deaths on April 12. Yet, in its capital city Bhopal alone, there were 37 funerals at one single crematorium the same day, NDTV reported. On some days, the Covid-19 funerals at a single crematorium exceeded the total death toll of the entire state.
Officials at the crematoriums in Bhopal told NDTV that they haven’t seen such long queues of ambulances waiting their turn for funerals since the 1984 gas tragedy in the city. “I am feeling weak, getting tired… too many dead bodies are coming in and it is crowded here. We can’t even take a break for lunch,” Pradeep Kanojia, a worker at the Bhopal crematorium, told NDTV. The crematorium is now also running short of firewood for the pyres.

In Delhi, which has seen its worst-ever surge in Covid-19 cases at 17,282 on April 14, crematorium workers have complained that the local body has not given sufficient protective gear.
The death figures appear to be suppressed in other states, too.

A sudden surge in deaths
In Uttar Pradesh’s capital Lucknow, there has been a consistent rise in the number of Covid-19 funerals. On April 11, nearly 70 bodies came to one Covid-19 crematorium in the city, leading to a long queue and overworked staff. Yet, the state-wide death figure for one of India’s largest states on the day was 72.

“We were handling 7-8 cremations of Covid patients’ bodies on average per day (combined for the two crematoriums). But in the last one week, the number went up to 30 and then 40. Eventually, 69 bodies came for cremation Sunday,” Ajay Dwivedi, Lucknow’s municipal commissioner, told ThePrint."
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 20:01 3550

Det skulle bare mangle..Men det kommer stadig nye uerfarne som leser forumet. De investerer mye på grunn av forumet og da mener jeg vi har ett ansvar. Jeg har stor tro på selskapet. Men det er ikke sakt at jeg har rett for det. Vi trenger en motpol som foccus,kanskje han får rett.....Ingen ting er bevist så langt. Men har troen.
21.04.2021 kl 19:44 3507

focuss skrev Innlegget er slettet
Bare det at her er så mye meninger og diskusjoner rundt BergenBio, det sier at her bør du for din egen del være inne.
21.04.2021 kl 19:41 3501

Det kan jeg være enig i til tider men det gjelder andre veien også
21.04.2021 kl 19:38 3508

Burde jeg takke Godfrey for at han la ut en manipulerende presentasjon på hjemmesiden som ga meg anledning til å selge aksjene mine langt over dagens kurs? Nei jeg synes ikke det, rett og slett for at det at det er skadelig for børsens renome`. Man kan jo spørre, var det mange av hans venner å bekjente som solgte på 34 -35 slik jeg gjordet? Bare trist med slikt.
21.04.2021 kl 19:21 3588

focuss skrev Innlegget er slettet
Og det har absolutt ingen verdi for de som undres over om man ønsker superavkastning om BGBIO er stedet å være. Han kjenner jo ingen andre selskap.