Private placement successfully completed, raising NOK 70 million
IDEX Biometrics ASA (the “Company”), a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentications solutions, has successfully conducted a private placement of new shares (the “Private Placement”).
The gross proceeds of the Private Placement amounts to NOK 70 million by issue of 42.5 million new shares at NOK 1.65 per share. The Private Placement took place 9 November 2020 after close of Oslo Børs.
The additional funds are expected to meet the Company’s capital requirements in the medium term.The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to fund growth opportunities and for general corporate purposes.
Vince Graziani, CEO, IDEX Biometrics, said: “This additional capital will enable IDEX to deliver on our commitments to current customers and new customers when we are moving to large scale commercialization. This investment confirms the potential of IDEX’s fingerprint sensor technology in the biometric payment cards market.”
IDEX is an international company traded on Oslo Børs. The Company intends to list American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) representing its ordinary shares, on the Nasdaq Stock Market, this in addition to its current listing on Oslo Børs.
The new shares are issued under the board’s current authorization to issue shares as resolved by the Company’s annual general meeting held on 15 May 2020.
The shares were placed at 3.1% premium on the closing price of the Company’s shares on 9 November 2020, to Norwegian and international investors and existing shareholders of the Company, as well as board members and members of management. The Company’s board believes that the Private Placement is an appropriate funding mechanism at the current time and is in the best interest of the Company and all of its shareholders. The board considers it is appropriate to waive the existing shareholders’ preferential right to subscribe for the Offer Shares.
The subscription amount must be paid by 20 November 2020. The new shares will be issued as soon as practicable after payment and registration of the capital increase with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Following the Private Placement, the Company will have a share capital amounting to NOK 124,592,824.65 divided into 830618831 shares at NOK 0.15 nominal value per share.
The following primary insiders subscribed to shares in the Private Placement:
Chair Morten Opstad subscribed to 100,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Opstad and close associates hold 7,398,916 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Deputy chair Larry Ciaccia subscribed to 150,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Ciaccia holds 271,563 shares and 600,000 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Deborah Davis subscribed to 50,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Ms. Davis holds 564,479 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Hanne Høvding subscribed to 25,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Ms. Høvding holds 487,778 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Steve Skaggs subscribed to 100,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Skaggs holds 764,909 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Board observer Tom Quindlen subscribed to 275,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Quindlen holds 275,000 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
CEO Vince Graziani subscribed to 150,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Graziani holds 1,035,000 shares and 5,000,000 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
CFO Derek D’Antilio subscribed to 125,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. D’Antilio holds 611,479 shares and 2,000,000 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
CTO Anthony Eaton subscribed to 30,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Eaton holds 211,041 shares and 1,452,800 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
VP Finance Erling Svela subscribed to 90,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Svela holds 320,162 shares and 1,061,200 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
IDEX Biometrics ASA (the “Company”), a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentications solutions, has successfully conducted a private placement of new shares (the “Private Placement”).
The gross proceeds of the Private Placement amounts to NOK 70 million by issue of 42.5 million new shares at NOK 1.65 per share. The Private Placement took place 9 November 2020 after close of Oslo Børs.
The additional funds are expected to meet the Company’s capital requirements in the medium term.The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to fund growth opportunities and for general corporate purposes.
Vince Graziani, CEO, IDEX Biometrics, said: “This additional capital will enable IDEX to deliver on our commitments to current customers and new customers when we are moving to large scale commercialization. This investment confirms the potential of IDEX’s fingerprint sensor technology in the biometric payment cards market.”
IDEX is an international company traded on Oslo Børs. The Company intends to list American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) representing its ordinary shares, on the Nasdaq Stock Market, this in addition to its current listing on Oslo Børs.
The new shares are issued under the board’s current authorization to issue shares as resolved by the Company’s annual general meeting held on 15 May 2020.
The shares were placed at 3.1% premium on the closing price of the Company’s shares on 9 November 2020, to Norwegian and international investors and existing shareholders of the Company, as well as board members and members of management. The Company’s board believes that the Private Placement is an appropriate funding mechanism at the current time and is in the best interest of the Company and all of its shareholders. The board considers it is appropriate to waive the existing shareholders’ preferential right to subscribe for the Offer Shares.
The subscription amount must be paid by 20 November 2020. The new shares will be issued as soon as practicable after payment and registration of the capital increase with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Following the Private Placement, the Company will have a share capital amounting to NOK 124,592,824.65 divided into 830618831 shares at NOK 0.15 nominal value per share.
The following primary insiders subscribed to shares in the Private Placement:
Chair Morten Opstad subscribed to 100,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Opstad and close associates hold 7,398,916 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Deputy chair Larry Ciaccia subscribed to 150,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Ciaccia holds 271,563 shares and 600,000 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Deborah Davis subscribed to 50,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Ms. Davis holds 564,479 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Hanne Høvding subscribed to 25,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Ms. Høvding holds 487,778 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Steve Skaggs subscribed to 100,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Skaggs holds 764,909 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Board observer Tom Quindlen subscribed to 275,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Quindlen holds 275,000 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
CEO Vince Graziani subscribed to 150,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Graziani holds 1,035,000 shares and 5,000,000 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
CFO Derek D’Antilio subscribed to 125,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. D’Antilio holds 611,479 shares and 2,000,000 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
CTO Anthony Eaton subscribed to 30,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Eaton holds 211,041 shares and 1,452,800 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
VP Finance Erling Svela subscribed to 90,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Svela holds 320,162 shares and 1,061,200 subscription rights to shares in IDEX.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:20
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Presset produksjonskapasitiet på wafer fab vil i utgangspunktet ramme FPC hardere enn idex fordi FPC bruker mer silisium per sensor enn idex. Men tilgjengeligheten på avansert kapsling som Idex trenger mer av har jo en tendens til å følge etter.
Ellers er jo det også et paradoks for de som tror at idex skal løse neste cash krise med en stor ordre. Med presset kapasitet, så tror jeg ikke en mygg som idex får legge en stor ordre med levering de nærmeste kvartalene, de fleste får det de har i forecast (troverdig forecast) og det er vanskelig å få mer.
Ellers er jo det også et paradoks for de som tror at idex skal løse neste cash krise med en stor ordre. Med presset kapasitet, så tror jeg ikke en mygg som idex får legge en stor ordre med levering de nærmeste kvartalene, de fleste får det de har i forecast (troverdig forecast) og det er vanskelig å få mer.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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Fra FPC sin 2020-Q3 rapport:
«While demand for Fingerprints' products remained healthy, our result in this quarter was again negatively impacted by the prevailing shortage of production capacity among the major semiconductor manufacturers. The limitations in our supply chain pushed up purchasing prices even further, which had a negative effect on the gross margin.»
«While demand for Fingerprints' products remained healthy, our result in this quarter was again negatively impacted by the prevailing shortage of production capacity among the major semiconductor manufacturers. The limitations in our supply chain pushed up purchasing prices even further, which had a negative effect on the gross margin.»
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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11.11.2020 kl 20:57
kaunis skrevInnlegget er slettet
Her lastes det i stillhet.
Tag: "F.CODE Easy"
Tag: "F.CODE Easy"
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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11.11.2020 kl 13:09
12:51 Kurs 1,65 Volum 750 000 NT (Non Ordinary Trade)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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"personal debit and credit cards are bundled behind mobile payments, further increasing the penetration of bank cards"
Det er sikkert ekstra stort behov for biometriske kort når de skal brukes til mobil-betaling!
Kanskje mobil betalingene blir mye sikrere om det ligger et biometrisk kort i skrivebordskuffen?
Det er sikkert ekstra stort behov for biometriske kort når de skal brukes til mobil-betaling!
Kanskje mobil betalingene blir mye sikrere om det ligger et biometrisk kort i skrivebordskuffen?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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Som nevnt tidligere. Det finnes et gigantmarked oså for kort. Så det blir bare å holde seg fast. Idex leverer i henhold til plan!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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Selv om IDEX får noen store bestillinger i nær fremtid, får IDEX ikke levert de før de trenger mer penger. Som Gi_Fan (som jobber i halvlederindustrien) har forklart utallige ganger, tar det fra bestilling til levering typisk minimum 4-5 måneder.
Ifølge vedtakene under punkt 6 på siste ordinære GF 15.05.2020, kan IDEX inntil neste ordinære GF (planlagt 15.05.2021) trykke opp nye aksjer pålydende innstill 10% av aksjekapitalen per 15.05.2020 (NOK 10 769 830,98) UTEN EGF = max 71 798 873 nye aksjer UTEN EGF.
Ifølge denne DN artikkelen tar meglerhuse[t/ne] 3-5 prosent av emisjonsbeløpet (70 125 000) i emisjonshonorar (2 103 750 - 3 506 250)
«Emisjonshonoraret, utgjør typisk mellom 3 og 5 prosent av emisjonsbeløpet.»
Når IDEX nå bare trykker opp 42 500 000 nye aksjer, kan det skyldes:
• Fikk ikke flere til å tegne nye aksjer til 1,65.
• Vet at de må ha neste emi senest i februar/mars 2020 (to måneder før neste planlagte ordinære GF 15.05.2021), og kan da trykke opp inntil ytterligere 29 298 873 nye aksjer uten EGF. Muligens satser IDEX også på at de da kan kjøre en emi til høyere kurs enn nå[1.65].
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For de som ennå ikke har fått det med seg, f.o.m. 30. november 2020 er det for alle aksjer på Oslo Børs,
dvs. alle aksjer på "hovedlisten"[Oslo Børs], Axess[Euronext Expand] og Merkur[Euronext Growth], GRATIS sanntidskurser
på hjemmesiden til OSE:
«Handler vil nå oppdateres i tilnærmet sanntid – ikke med 15 minutters forsinkelse som tilfellet er på nå. Grafen med kurshistorikk vil også utvides, fra 5 til 20 år.»
En interessant artikkel med en del historie om Oslo Børs.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 23:44
Her er hva som har skjedd siden shorten ble satt 9. oktober:
10.nov IDEX Biometrics - Private placement successfully completed, raising NOK 70 million
26. okt IDEX Biometrics and Fudan Microelectronics Collaborate on Biometrics Card Systems Integration
22. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Volume Order for IDX3205 Sensors from Hengbao
21. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Volume Production Order for TrustedBio Sensors from Ubivelox
19. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Production Order from Zwipe as the Roll-Out of Biometric Cards Accelerates
16. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Volume Production Orders for Current and Next Generation Fingerprint Sensors from Dongwoon Anatech
15. okt IDEX Biometrics Submits Registration Statement to the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission to Facilitate a Nasdaq Listing of American Depositary Shares
10.nov IDEX Biometrics - Private placement successfully completed, raising NOK 70 million
26. okt IDEX Biometrics and Fudan Microelectronics Collaborate on Biometrics Card Systems Integration
22. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Volume Order for IDX3205 Sensors from Hengbao
21. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Volume Production Order for TrustedBio Sensors from Ubivelox
19. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Production Order from Zwipe as the Roll-Out of Biometric Cards Accelerates
16. okt IDEX Biometrics Receives Volume Production Orders for Current and Next Generation Fingerprint Sensors from Dongwoon Anatech
15. okt IDEX Biometrics Submits Registration Statement to the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission to Facilitate a Nasdaq Listing of American Depositary Shares
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 23:14
Nesten 4 millioner aksjer short-solgt 9 oktober på kurs 2,38
Kan bli interessant å følge denne shorten.
Kan bli interessant å følge denne shorten.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 22:48
Jeg tror emisjonen passet veldig dårlig på denne shorten:
From 2020-10-09 To 2020-11-10 (ongoing) Startprice 2.385 Short 0.5% #stocks 3,954,219
Gsa Capital Partners Llp har dermed shortet nærmere 4 millioner aksjer. Alle burde skjønne at det kom en emisjon men at den ble så ryddig, til en kurs over børskurs, kom kanskje som en overraskelse på GSA. En bra short men alt har en ende. De fire millioner aksjene skal kjøpes tilbake også.
From 2020-10-09 To 2020-11-10 (ongoing) Startprice 2.385 Short 0.5% #stocks 3,954,219
Gsa Capital Partners Llp har dermed shortet nærmere 4 millioner aksjer. Alle burde skjønne at det kom en emisjon men at den ble så ryddig, til en kurs over børskurs, kom kanskje som en overraskelse på GSA. En bra short men alt har en ende. De fire millioner aksjene skal kjøpes tilbake også.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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Meget interessant informasjon. Kilde og dato?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 21:07
A few days ago, Hengbao Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hengbao Co., Ltd.") won the bid for the 2020-2022 bank card production and personalized outsourcing service procurement project of China Postal Savings Bank.
As the earliest listed company in China to provide smart card products and services, Hengbao has more than 20 years of mature experience in full business process outsourcing services for various card products. It is the long-term experience of hundreds of domestic banking institutions and three major operators. Partner. The winning of the bid once again confirms Hengbao's technical strength and customer reputation in the industry, and will drive the company's smart card business to continue to increase its output value.
With the large-scale popularization of Alipay and WeChat Pay, mobile payments have gradually replaced cash transactions, and personal debit and credit cards are bundled behind mobile payments, further increasing the penetration of bank cards. According to the analysis report on China's financial inclusion indicators issued by the Central Bank's Financial Consumer Rights Protection Bureau in October, as of the end of 2018, the country had 7.22 bank accounts per capita, a year-on-year increase of 9.39%; per capita held 5.44 bank cards, a year-on-year increase of 13.08%; The number of bank card transactions per capita nationwide was 150.75, a year-on-year increase of 40.24%.
Hengbao Co., Ltd. follows the industry trend, fully taps customer needs, deepens market cultivation, continuously improves the design and technology of debit and credit cards, and launches a series of products and solutions. In addition to China Postal Savings Bank, it has successively won bids for the Agricultural Bank of China this year. Credit card special craftsmanship, Huaxia Bank credit card, Bank of Communications credit card, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank credit card and other projects have strong brand value and status in market segments and regions. In the future, Hengbao shares will take this as an opportunity to focus on bank retail business services, through campus all-in-one card, timely card issuance, DIY personalized card making, credit card production and operation management, social security mobile information services and other integrated business application scenarios to further create Product solutions for market core competitiveness
A few days ago, Hengbao Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hengbao Co., Ltd.") won the bid for the 2020-2022 bank card production and personalized outsourcing service procurement project of China Postal Savings Bank.
As the earliest listed company in China to provide smart card products and services, Hengbao has more than 20 years of mature experience in full business process outsourcing services for various card products. It is the long-term experience of hundreds of domestic banking institutions and three major operators. Partner. The winning of the bid once again confirms Hengbao's technical strength and customer reputation in the industry, and will drive the company's smart card business to continue to increase its output value.
With the large-scale popularization of Alipay and WeChat Pay, mobile payments have gradually replaced cash transactions, and personal debit and credit cards are bundled behind mobile payments, further increasing the penetration of bank cards. According to the analysis report on China's financial inclusion indicators issued by the Central Bank's Financial Consumer Rights Protection Bureau in October, as of the end of 2018, the country had 7.22 bank accounts per capita, a year-on-year increase of 9.39%; per capita held 5.44 bank cards, a year-on-year increase of 13.08%; The number of bank card transactions per capita nationwide was 150.75, a year-on-year increase of 40.24%.
Hengbao Co., Ltd. follows the industry trend, fully taps customer needs, deepens market cultivation, continuously improves the design and technology of debit and credit cards, and launches a series of products and solutions. In addition to China Postal Savings Bank, it has successively won bids for the Agricultural Bank of China this year. Credit card special craftsmanship, Huaxia Bank credit card, Bank of Communications credit card, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank credit card and other projects have strong brand value and status in market segments and regions. In the future, Hengbao shares will take this as an opportunity to focus on bank retail business services, through campus all-in-one card, timely card issuance, DIY personalized card making, credit card production and operation management, social security mobile information services and other integrated business application scenarios to further create Product solutions for market core competitiveness
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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Board observer Tom Quindlen subscribed to 275,000 shares. Following the Private Placement, Mr. Quindlen holds 275,000 shares and no other rights to shares in IDEX.
Exec VP/CEO: Retail Card, Synchrony Financial
Synchrony Financial is a consumer financial services company headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. The company offers consumer financing products, including credit, promotional financing and loyalty programs, installment lending to industries, and FDIC-insured consumer savings products through Synchrony Bank, its wholly owned online bank subsidiary.
Number of employees 16,500
Exec VP/CEO: Retail Card, Synchrony Financial
Synchrony Financial is a consumer financial services company headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. The company offers consumer financing products, including credit, promotional financing and loyalty programs, installment lending to industries, and FDIC-insured consumer savings products through Synchrony Bank, its wholly owned online bank subsidiary.
Number of employees 16,500
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 17:13
Ren løgn og ønsketenking.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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"Vanligvis så betales det et forskudd", hvor kom den fantasien fra? Fra Idex?
Hvor stor var forskuddbetalingen på Idex's sin "kjempeordre" på 7 mill USD fra financial service company?
For engineering tjenester og IP er det en vanlig modell, men jeg har aldri hørt om det i komponent-bransjen.
Hvor stor var forskuddbetalingen på Idex's sin "kjempeordre" på 7 mill USD fra financial service company?
For engineering tjenester og IP er det en vanlig modell, men jeg har aldri hørt om det i komponent-bransjen.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 14:16
Veldig bra dette,det er jo ikke slik at selskapet må hente all kapital det trenger i fremtiden. Vanligvis så betales det et forskudd på en del av kontrakten og så følger betalinger etter leveranser i følge inngått kontrakt. Starten, som selskapet er i no, fordrer kapital og de har jo fått inn eller får noen mill på prøveleveranser. IDEX er på vei til å få store ordrer og innen et par år er aksjekursen mangedoblet. Da går dette som en har håpet på, og så kan SVART-malerne ta seg en velfortjent pause, for så å forlate forumet, eller være med på fremtidens oppgang.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 13:27
Det er jo imponerende at IDEX henter 70 millioner over natta og i tillegg over sluttkurs.
"The shares were placed at 3.1% premium on the closing price of the Company’s shares on 9 November 2020"
"The shares were placed at 3.1% premium on the closing price of the Company’s shares on 9 November 2020"
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 08:58
Møyfrid skrev Høy pris? CEO, feks, satte vel ett par ukers lønn 😀
Høy pris i forhold til diverse spådommer her inne. 😉
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 08:57
Høy pris? CEO, feks, satte vel ett par ukers lønn 😀
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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Rettet emisjon er velfungerende og fyller kassen til markedspris. Det betyr at det finnes tro på selskapets fremtid. I mangel av fortrinnsrett-emisjon kan eksisterende aksjonærer kjøpe mer i markedet for å ikke bli vannet ut, og kan således ha som effekt at aksjekursen presses oppover (med mindre short-interesser overgår kjøpsinteresser).
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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10.11.2020 kl 08:16
Mange som deltok på denne, fra styret og ledelsen til en høy pris.
70 Mill NOK er nok for ca. et kvartal, sammenlignet med Q3 resultatet.
Denne emisjonen løser ikke penge problemene til Idex, men heller utsetter problemet en liten stund.
Jobber de med noen store bestillinger i nær fremtid eller var dette alt de kunne lage av aksjer uten en ny generalforsamling?
70 Mill NOK er nok for ca. et kvartal, sammenlignet med Q3 resultatet.
Denne emisjonen løser ikke penge problemene til Idex, men heller utsetter problemet en liten stund.
Jobber de med noen store bestillinger i nær fremtid eller var dette alt de kunne lage av aksjer uten en ny generalforsamling?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:34
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