MasterCard Launch 🚀 Started Unified City Card, Smart ID, B Card
Aman Bank
We'll post you your new card and account details.
Once it's complete we'll send you a letter with your account details and your new banking card.
We'll post you your new card and account details.
Once it's complete we'll send you a letter with your account details and your new banking card.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:37
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18.12.2020 kl 09:35
Knot skrev Artikkel fra desember 2019 !
Det ligger liksom noe i luften nå!. Hvor lenge må vi vente før raketten fyres? Timer, eller dager?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:04
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18.12.2020 kl 06:37
Artikkel fra desember 2019 !
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Top 20 shareholders in the VPS register on record at close 4 December 2020,
trades through 2 December 2020 have been settled.
IDEX does not beneficially hold any of its own shares.
Name Holding Share (%) Account Citizenship
UBS Switzerland AG 72 975 720 8,79 % NOM CHE
KEITH, ROBERT 61 639 394 7,42 % GBR
Goldman Sachs International 59 623 073 7,18 % NOM GBR
SUNDVALL HOLDING AS 57 964 051 6,98 % NOR
SUNDT AS 56 740 365 6,83 % NOR
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br 45 030 909 5,42 % NOM GBR
MIDDELBORG INVEST AS 34 654 726 4,17 % NOR
ALDEN AS 18 501 159 2,23 % NOR
COLARGOL INVEST AS 15 500 318 1,87 % NOR
Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. 12 243 318 1,47 % NOM BEL
SMART RICHES LIMITED 11 968 240 1,44 % BVI
TIGERSTADEN AS 10 000 000 1,20 % NOR
Avanza Bank AB 6 177 748 0,74 % NOM SWE
Nordnet Bank AB 5 901 532 0,71 % NOM SWE
Citibank, N.A. 5 199 167 0,63 % NOM IRL
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 5 182 037 0,62 % NOM FRA
Sum of top 20 shareholders 516 407 560 62,16 %
Others 314 211 271 37,84 %
Total number of outstanding shares 830 618 831 100,00 %
trades through 2 December 2020 have been settled.
IDEX does not beneficially hold any of its own shares.
Name Holding Share (%) Account Citizenship
UBS Switzerland AG 72 975 720 8,79 % NOM CHE
KEITH, ROBERT 61 639 394 7,42 % GBR
Goldman Sachs International 59 623 073 7,18 % NOM GBR
SUNDVALL HOLDING AS 57 964 051 6,98 % NOR
SUNDT AS 56 740 365 6,83 % NOR
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br 45 030 909 5,42 % NOM GBR
MIDDELBORG INVEST AS 34 654 726 4,17 % NOR
ALDEN AS 18 501 159 2,23 % NOR
COLARGOL INVEST AS 15 500 318 1,87 % NOR
Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. 12 243 318 1,47 % NOM BEL
SMART RICHES LIMITED 11 968 240 1,44 % BVI
TIGERSTADEN AS 10 000 000 1,20 % NOR
Avanza Bank AB 6 177 748 0,74 % NOM SWE
Nordnet Bank AB 5 901 532 0,71 % NOM SWE
Citibank, N.A. 5 199 167 0,63 % NOM IRL
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 5 182 037 0,62 % NOM FRA
Sum of top 20 shareholders 516 407 560 62,16 %
Others 314 211 271 37,84 %
Total number of outstanding shares 830 618 831 100,00 %
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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18.12.2020 kl 01:42
Klassisk trolling av Salbei.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Top 20 shareholders in the VPS register on record at close 4 December 2020,
trades through 2 December 2020 have been settled.
IDEX does not beneficially hold any of its own shares.
Name Holding Share (%) Account Citizenship
UBS Switzerland AG 72 975 720 8,79 % NOM CHE
KEITH, ROBERT 61 639 394 7,42 % GBR
Goldman Sachs International 59 623 073 7,18 % NOM GBR
SUNDVALL HOLDING AS 57 964 051 6,98 % NOR
SUNDT AS 56 740 365 6,83 % NOR
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br 45 030 909 5,42 % NOM GBR
MIDDELBORG INVEST AS 34 654 726 4,17 % NOR
ALDEN AS 18 501 159 2,23 % NOR
COLARGOL INVEST AS 15 500 318 1,87 % NOR
Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. 12 243 318 1,47 % NOM BEL
SMART RICHES LIMITED 11 968 240 1,44 % BVI
TIGERSTADEN AS 10 000 000 1,20 % NOR
Avanza Bank AB 6 177 748 0,74 % NOM SWE
Nordnet Bank AB 5 901 532 0,71 % NOM SWE
Citibank, N.A. 5 199 167 0,63 % NOM IRL
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 5 182 037 0,62 % NOM FRA
Sum of top 20 shareholders 516 407 560 62,16 %
Others 314 211 271 37,84 %
Total number of outstanding shares 830 618 831 100,00 %
trades through 2 December 2020 have been settled.
IDEX does not beneficially hold any of its own shares.
Name Holding Share (%) Account Citizenship
UBS Switzerland AG 72 975 720 8,79 % NOM CHE
KEITH, ROBERT 61 639 394 7,42 % GBR
Goldman Sachs International 59 623 073 7,18 % NOM GBR
SUNDVALL HOLDING AS 57 964 051 6,98 % NOR
SUNDT AS 56 740 365 6,83 % NOR
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br 45 030 909 5,42 % NOM GBR
MIDDELBORG INVEST AS 34 654 726 4,17 % NOR
ALDEN AS 18 501 159 2,23 % NOR
COLARGOL INVEST AS 15 500 318 1,87 % NOR
Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. 12 243 318 1,47 % NOM BEL
SMART RICHES LIMITED 11 968 240 1,44 % BVI
TIGERSTADEN AS 10 000 000 1,20 % NOR
Avanza Bank AB 6 177 748 0,74 % NOM SWE
Nordnet Bank AB 5 901 532 0,71 % NOM SWE
Citibank, N.A. 5 199 167 0,63 % NOM IRL
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 5 182 037 0,62 % NOM FRA
Sum of top 20 shareholders 516 407 560 62,16 %
Others 314 211 271 37,84 %
Total number of outstanding shares 830 618 831 100,00 %
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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DNB Nyheter
Børs og marked
Dette er årets nyttårsraketter
Blir det som det pleier, skal disse aksjene skyte i været rundt nyttår, tror aksjestrateg Paul Harper i DNB Markets.
Aksjestrateg Paul Harper i DNB Markets
OPPTUR I AKSJER? Paul Harpers kvantitative analyse av aksjene på Oslo Børs har pekt ut et knippe kandidater til årets nyttårsraketter. Foto: Stig B. Fiksdal
Lesetid 2 min lesetid
Publisert 16. des 2019
Kari Vartdal Riise
av Kari Vartdal Riise
De såkalte nyttårsrakettene er aksjer som har vist seg å stige kraftig i verdi rundt årsskiftet.
For den som går inn i aksjene på riktig tid, og ut igjen med like god timing, har «januareffekten» dermed vist seg å gi god gevinst.
- De siste 19 årene er det kun to ganger at vi ikke har sett «januareffekten» i markedet, sier Harper.
Januareffekten går ut på at små og mellomstore selskaper som har hatt en relativt sett svak utvikling fram mot slutten av året, brått løfter seg og gjør det bedre enn markedet ellers rundt nyttår.
DNB Markets finner fram til nyttårsrakettene utelukkende ved hjelp av kvantitativ analyse, der man plukker ut aksjene som har levert dårligst hittil i år.
- Januareffekten har vist seg å være forbløffende regelmessig, sier Harper.
I 17 av de 19 siste årene har denne strategien kastet av seg, men januareffekten uteble i 2015 / 16 og i 2018 / 19.
- De siste 19 årene er det kun to ganger at vi ikke har sett «januareffekten» i markedet
Dette er årets nyttårsraketter fra OSEBX:
Gaming Innovation Group (GIG)
IDEX Biometrics
Norwegian Air Shuttle
Nordic Nanovector
Aker Solutions
MPC Container Ships
Borr Drilling
Kongsberg Automotive
Børs og marked
Dette er årets nyttårsraketter
Blir det som det pleier, skal disse aksjene skyte i været rundt nyttår, tror aksjestrateg Paul Harper i DNB Markets.
Aksjestrateg Paul Harper i DNB Markets
OPPTUR I AKSJER? Paul Harpers kvantitative analyse av aksjene på Oslo Børs har pekt ut et knippe kandidater til årets nyttårsraketter. Foto: Stig B. Fiksdal
Lesetid 2 min lesetid
Publisert 16. des 2019
Kari Vartdal Riise
av Kari Vartdal Riise
De såkalte nyttårsrakettene er aksjer som har vist seg å stige kraftig i verdi rundt årsskiftet.
For den som går inn i aksjene på riktig tid, og ut igjen med like god timing, har «januareffekten» dermed vist seg å gi god gevinst.
- De siste 19 årene er det kun to ganger at vi ikke har sett «januareffekten» i markedet, sier Harper.
Januareffekten går ut på at små og mellomstore selskaper som har hatt en relativt sett svak utvikling fram mot slutten av året, brått løfter seg og gjør det bedre enn markedet ellers rundt nyttår.
DNB Markets finner fram til nyttårsrakettene utelukkende ved hjelp av kvantitativ analyse, der man plukker ut aksjene som har levert dårligst hittil i år.
- Januareffekten har vist seg å være forbløffende regelmessig, sier Harper.
I 17 av de 19 siste årene har denne strategien kastet av seg, men januareffekten uteble i 2015 / 16 og i 2018 / 19.
- De siste 19 årene er det kun to ganger at vi ikke har sett «januareffekten» i markedet
Dette er årets nyttårsraketter fra OSEBX:
Gaming Innovation Group (GIG)
IDEX Biometrics
Norwegian Air Shuttle
Nordic Nanovector
Aker Solutions
MPC Container Ships
Borr Drilling
Kongsberg Automotive
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Skriv ovenfor la CEO i Idex ut på blogg hjemmeside idex i dag. Han skriver i siste avsnitt at han er sikker på at han er på vinnerteamet når han leder Idex og ikke en av konkurrentene. Også litt artig at DNB har med Idex i sin nyttårsrakett anbefaling.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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CEO’s Bi-Annual Update
It has been nine months since Vince Graziani joined IDEX Biometrics as CEO just as lockdowns were happening across the globe. Read on to get Vince’s overview on his first few quarters.
I joined IDEX Biometrics on the 27th February and by the 16th March I had to tell the team to stop travelling and start working from home. Clearly this is not my standard approach when joining a new firm! But I’m incredibly appreciative of how the whole IDEX team transitioned seamlessly, and how the pandemic has forced us to find new ways of delivering.
As a result of the whole team’s collaborative spirit, there have not been any significant delays in development projects and we’ve not incurred additional costs due to the pandemic. I’ve learnt that at IDEX, we encourage ingenuity and for everyone to approach things in clever, original and inventive ways. We proved we do this even in the most testing of times!
While my first nine months have definitely been challenging, I’m incredibly proud that we’ve continued to grow the business. We’ve seen some remarkable achievements since I joined, some of the highlights include:
Two of the world’s most famous payments networks certified our technology: China UnionPay and another global player. These networks, combined, issue around 70% of global branded payment cards. We’re also talking to several other payment networks who are seeing that biometric payment cards are the future
IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity and a global payment card manufacturer, selected our recently launched TrustedBio™ fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions for its next-generation biometric payment card offering
Zwipe, a leading fintech, selected our fingerprint sensors to be integrated with their Pay ONE platform, creating a complete system solution that card manufacturers can use to mass-produce biometric payment cards
Ubivelox, the global smart card and software manufacturer, selected our TrustedBio family of products for their biometric payment cards to service their extensive customer base, particularly Mastercard and Visa card issuers, across the Asia Pacific region
In September we received volume production orders for our TrustedBio fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions from a Tier 1 card manufacturer
In October we received further volume production orders, for both our current and future generation, TrustedBio, fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions from multiple customers including DWA, Hengbao and Zwipe
From a financial perspective we executed a successful Private Placement in early November and we also announced our intention to list American Depository Shares on the Nasdaq Stock Market
Tom Quindlen, Executive Vice President & CEO for Retail Card at Synchrony, joined the IDEX board. Tom has extensive knowledge and experience of the payment card industry so will really help guide the strategic direction of our company.
Some of the great brands, in addition to the ones I’ve talked about above, that we’re lucky to work with include Feitian Technologies, Goldpac Group, Infineon and Mastercard. I’m seeing for myself that IDEX has great relationships with an impressive list of customers and partners within the ecosystem.
To deliver on our objective of bringing biometric payment cards to the masses, our strategy continues to be on identifying and collaborating with all members of the payment card ecosystem including payment networks, card manufacturers and card issuers. Through co-development with the biggest players in the ecosystem, we’re able to offer market-ready biometric solutions to any smart card and device manufacturer around the globe.
One area where we’ve made great strides in the last few months is in building a broad portfolio of Secure Element (SE) partners. Today, we have the largest portfolio of SE partnerships in the industry including HED, Infineon, TMC, IDEMIA/Zwipe and Fudan. This approach enables smart card manufacturers to use their current SE technology investments rather than us forcing an SE partner on them. Ensuring flexible and broad SE support is critical to enable the rapid manufacturer of biometric cards.
Our partner Zwipe has been in the news a lot in recent months. The combination of Zwipe’s Pay ONE platform and our next-generation, TrustedBio, sensor delivers a market-leading solution for both card makers and banks who want a proven solution and fast time to market. Zwipe has made several announcements in the last few months in regard to the platform including Publicenter, Italy’s largest domestic smart card manufacturer and with Thomas Greg and Sons do Brasil (TGS), one of the largest smart card manufacturers in Latin America. Just last week Zwipe announced a pilot with OP Financial Group, Finland’s largest financial services group. Let’s be clear every sale of the Pay ONE platform includes IDEX’s fingerprint sensor and related technologies.
As a team we’re incredibly excited by the very high levels of interest and demand – interestingly from a much broader base of potential partners and customers – for our next generation of fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions, TrustedBio. We strongly believe this family of sensors and solutions are a game changer for the fingerprint biometric industry. TrustedBio sensors and solutions are being selected by multiple card and device manufacturers around the globe as they offer both compelling cost and performance benefits.
While I’ve not been able to meet people face-to-face, Zoom, Teams, Webex and other video conference solutions have become a way of life. I speak regularly to key contacts at all our customer and partners and I’ve been listening to what they need from us and what their own customers, such as the card issuers, are looking for. The hot topic is clearly that consumers are more motivated to go cashless than ever before. Several prominent US retailers that I’ve been speaking with said they have seen a 150% increase in the use of contactless payments each month since the pandemic began, which is amazing considering the initial scepticism contactless was greeted with by Americans. No matter which geography, Asia, Europe or the Americas, retailers and consumers alike are driving demand for a secure and touch-free payment experience that is enabled by contactless biometric payment cards.
I feel strongly that IDEX is in the position to meet this demand. We have the right products and solutions, strong and broad partnerships, the essential certifications and now volume orders.
From my discussions with analysts, customers, investors and partners it is clear the biometric fingerprint industry must pull together. With billions of cards shipped every year, this will become a battle for market share. May the best solution win. I’m confident that I’ve joined the winning team at the right time.
In closing, can I just take this opportunity to wish all readers “Best Wishes for the Holidays and Health and Happiness Throughout the Coming Year”
Related Posts
CEO’s Bi-Annual Update
It has been nine months since Vince Graziani joined IDEX Biometrics as CEO just as lockdowns were happening across the globe. Read on to get Vince’s overview on his first few quarters.
I joined IDEX Biometrics on the 27th February and by the 16th March I had to tell the team to stop travelling and start working from home. Clearly this is not my standard approach when joining a new firm! But I’m incredibly appreciative of how the whole IDEX team transitioned seamlessly, and how the pandemic has forced us to find new ways of delivering.
As a result of the whole team’s collaborative spirit, there have not been any significant delays in development projects and we’ve not incurred additional costs due to the pandemic. I’ve learnt that at IDEX, we encourage ingenuity and for everyone to approach things in clever, original and inventive ways. We proved we do this even in the most testing of times!
While my first nine months have definitely been challenging, I’m incredibly proud that we’ve continued to grow the business. We’ve seen some remarkable achievements since I joined, some of the highlights include:
Two of the world’s most famous payments networks certified our technology: China UnionPay and another global player. These networks, combined, issue around 70% of global branded payment cards. We’re also talking to several other payment networks who are seeing that biometric payment cards are the future
IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity and a global payment card manufacturer, selected our recently launched TrustedBio™ fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions for its next-generation biometric payment card offering
Zwipe, a leading fintech, selected our fingerprint sensors to be integrated with their Pay ONE platform, creating a complete system solution that card manufacturers can use to mass-produce biometric payment cards
Ubivelox, the global smart card and software manufacturer, selected our TrustedBio family of products for their biometric payment cards to service their extensive customer base, particularly Mastercard and Visa card issuers, across the Asia Pacific region
In September we received volume production orders for our TrustedBio fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions from a Tier 1 card manufacturer
In October we received further volume production orders, for both our current and future generation, TrustedBio, fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions from multiple customers including DWA, Hengbao and Zwipe
From a financial perspective we executed a successful Private Placement in early November and we also announced our intention to list American Depository Shares on the Nasdaq Stock Market
Tom Quindlen, Executive Vice President & CEO for Retail Card at Synchrony, joined the IDEX board. Tom has extensive knowledge and experience of the payment card industry so will really help guide the strategic direction of our company.
Some of the great brands, in addition to the ones I’ve talked about above, that we’re lucky to work with include Feitian Technologies, Goldpac Group, Infineon and Mastercard. I’m seeing for myself that IDEX has great relationships with an impressive list of customers and partners within the ecosystem.
To deliver on our objective of bringing biometric payment cards to the masses, our strategy continues to be on identifying and collaborating with all members of the payment card ecosystem including payment networks, card manufacturers and card issuers. Through co-development with the biggest players in the ecosystem, we’re able to offer market-ready biometric solutions to any smart card and device manufacturer around the globe.
One area where we’ve made great strides in the last few months is in building a broad portfolio of Secure Element (SE) partners. Today, we have the largest portfolio of SE partnerships in the industry including HED, Infineon, TMC, IDEMIA/Zwipe and Fudan. This approach enables smart card manufacturers to use their current SE technology investments rather than us forcing an SE partner on them. Ensuring flexible and broad SE support is critical to enable the rapid manufacturer of biometric cards.
Our partner Zwipe has been in the news a lot in recent months. The combination of Zwipe’s Pay ONE platform and our next-generation, TrustedBio, sensor delivers a market-leading solution for both card makers and banks who want a proven solution and fast time to market. Zwipe has made several announcements in the last few months in regard to the platform including Publicenter, Italy’s largest domestic smart card manufacturer and with Thomas Greg and Sons do Brasil (TGS), one of the largest smart card manufacturers in Latin America. Just last week Zwipe announced a pilot with OP Financial Group, Finland’s largest financial services group. Let’s be clear every sale of the Pay ONE platform includes IDEX’s fingerprint sensor and related technologies.
As a team we’re incredibly excited by the very high levels of interest and demand – interestingly from a much broader base of potential partners and customers – for our next generation of fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions, TrustedBio. We strongly believe this family of sensors and solutions are a game changer for the fingerprint biometric industry. TrustedBio sensors and solutions are being selected by multiple card and device manufacturers around the globe as they offer both compelling cost and performance benefits.
While I’ve not been able to meet people face-to-face, Zoom, Teams, Webex and other video conference solutions have become a way of life. I speak regularly to key contacts at all our customer and partners and I’ve been listening to what they need from us and what their own customers, such as the card issuers, are looking for. The hot topic is clearly that consumers are more motivated to go cashless than ever before. Several prominent US retailers that I’ve been speaking with said they have seen a 150% increase in the use of contactless payments each month since the pandemic began, which is amazing considering the initial scepticism contactless was greeted with by Americans. No matter which geography, Asia, Europe or the Americas, retailers and consumers alike are driving demand for a secure and touch-free payment experience that is enabled by contactless biometric payment cards.
I feel strongly that IDEX is in the position to meet this demand. We have the right products and solutions, strong and broad partnerships, the essential certifications and now volume orders.
From my discussions with analysts, customers, investors and partners it is clear the biometric fingerprint industry must pull together. With billions of cards shipped every year, this will become a battle for market share. May the best solution win. I’m confident that I’ve joined the winning team at the right time.
In closing, can I just take this opportunity to wish all readers “Best Wishes for the Holidays and Health and Happiness Throughout the Coming Year”
Related Posts
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 19:11
Dine negative spådommer er en god indikasjon på at du fortsatt sitter short. En liten gevinstsikring er helt naturlig, med nedgang på synkende volum. At den nå er i ferd med å stabilisere seg er utvilsomt en styrke og "grobunn" for videre vekst.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 16:27
Tak for henvisningen Mentos777. Jeg må meget klart sige, at dette er en beretning, som alle seriøse investorer grundigt bør læse. Det overgår alt hvad jeg kunne forvente for IDEX. Jeg tror det er vigtigt, at nogle deltagere i dette debatforum tager sig tid til at læse denne halvårs-beretning fra CEO Vince Graziani. Det kan efter min opfattelse kun opkvalificerer debatten.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 14:52
Dette blir gøy 😀😀😀
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 14:43
Man selger ikke nå når den nettopp har touchet bunnen og signaliserer oppgang. Ikke rart at det er mange tapere blant traderne! Rett før det smeller opp. Så lykke til!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 14:24
Ser ut til å bli en trist dag, nok en gang, for Idex-aksjonærer..Når folk nå begynner å ta tap i aksjen for å redde seg fra en katastrofal julefeiring er det bare å forvente en begivenhetsrik kommende uke ( I negativ forstand) Følg med!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 13:02
Nå vil jeg ha den opp 😊😊
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Slettet brukerskrev prøvde seg ofte på Thin. De tok alltid feil - uten unntak.
Hehe thin er et helt annet selskap:-) har ikke særlig trua på det selskapet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 12:22
Slettet brukerskrev prøvde seg ofte på Thin. De tok alltid feil - uten unntak.
Kanskje de har lært av sine feil? Ditt nick var forøvrig bra! Prøvd deg på Thin selv? Jeg likte også Fjodor Dostojevskijs roman om Mysjkin, eneste er at jeg glemmer raskt russiske romaners for meg kompliserte navn. Riktig god jul! Noen aksjeanbefalinger?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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” Another quote from @ABIresearch
" ABI Research believes that the #Biometric payment card market will succeed and eventually become a
de facto payment card form factor, which will inevitably overtake the standalone Dual interface card that dominates"
" ABI Research believes that the #Biometric payment card market will succeed and eventually become a
de facto payment card form factor, which will inevitably overtake the standalone Dual interface card that dominates"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Alby skrev Kan ikke du kutte ut tulle ditt 😡😡
Är det så förfärligt hemskt om kursen rekylerar ned? Visst är det mer morsamt med konstant raket men det är inte länge sen kursen var nere på 0,30. Tycker det verkar gå åt rätt håll men med rejäl volatilitet så som det brukar vara i förhoppningsbolag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
Du må logge inn for å svare prøvde seg ofte på Thin. De tok alltid feil - uten unntak.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Alby skrev Kan ikke du kutte ut tulle ditt 😡😡
Du kan fint blokkere sånne nick som vil inn i aksjen:))) det er derfor han bruker tiden sin her. Sånn er det overalt, har opplevd mange av dem som Rec aksjonær så blokkerings lista er lang.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 11:40
Kan ikke du kutte ut tulle ditt 😡😡
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Enkelt forklart her:-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 11:27
Klassisk dead cat bounce i går..og som forventet videre ned i dag. Spent på sluttkurs neste fredag. Skal vi tippe på 1,8?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 11:26
Han mener, brudd teknisk 2.50, tyder på at den skal ned til 1,5-2 kr.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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17.12.2020 kl 11:12
Slettet brukerskrev Kjøpte denne i dag, brudd teknisk 2,50 tyder på at den skal opp til 3,50-4 kr
Kan du forklare på en enkel måte hva det betyr ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27
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Kjøpte denne i dag, brudd teknisk 2,50 tyder på at den skal opp til 3,50-4 kr
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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17.12.2020 kl 08:59
Up to 2.5 Million Biometric Payment Cards to be issued in 2021 as Second-Generation Architectures Hit the Market
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 22:08
Før covid måtte en noen ganger skrive inn PIN kode selv med trådløst og en må fortsatt gjøre det med større beløp.
Med Biometrisk kort slipper en PIN kode, siden sensoren godkjenner transaksjonen.
Med Biometrisk kort slipper en PIN kode, siden sensoren godkjenner transaksjonen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 21:47
Ja du tepper det gjør nesten all
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 21:25
Hva slags kort er det egentling snakk om, jeg betaler allerede i dag trådløst med mitt kort. Og det har jeg faktisk en god stund.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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Har inte sett något om cert från Amex. Saknar både Amex och Visa certade bpc med Idex. Och JCB, Idemia har kört JCB pilots med FPC. Bör kunna bli aktuellt för Idex.
Min poäng är att Idex bör vara med i samtliga stora networks certade kort. Det skulle minska risken en smula.
Min poäng är att Idex bör vara med i samtliga stora networks certade kort. Det skulle minska risken en smula.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 20:51
Utan VISA bara Mastercard och UnionPay och American Express räcker mer än 70% av totala marknaden
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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Tror inte det är så enkelt. Vill förövrigt det händer mer på certfronten, exempelvis Visa certat bpc med Idex. Det saknas.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 20:26
Poki enkelt valg
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 20:24
Enkelt 10 dollars kort eller 5 dollars kort 🤪😂
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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Japp. Gissningsvis Idemias gamla batterikort. Det är iaf inte det batterilösa Idemia F.Code Easy med Idex som Mastercard pilotar i Singapore.
Idemia nämner att Rockers kort blir batterilöst efter proof of concept/pilot. Ska bli intressant se vems fps det blir då.
Idemia nämner att Rockers kort blir batterilöst efter proof of concept/pilot. Ska bli intressant se vems fps det blir då.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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13.12.2020 kl 20:10
Stemmer, de skal kjøre en "proof of Concept" i Q1 2021.
Full ut rulling i mid 2021.
Full ut rulling i mid 2021.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:59
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