John McCain Was Executed By A Military Tribunal

Slettet bruker
30.09.2018 kl 23:34 118778

By Kyle Mantyla | September 17, 2018

Mark Taylor, the so-called “firefighter prophet” and radical conspiracy theorist about whom Liberty University is making a movie, appeared on “The Sharpening Report” last week, where he declared that the late Sen. John McCain had not died of brain cancer but had actually been executed by a military tribunal. Taylor also claimed that the “deep state” opposes Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court because they know that he will support President Trump’s use of military tribunals against the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

“We both know that John McCain was executed under military tribunals,” Taylor told the host. “Which is another reason why Judge Kavanaugh, they’re screaming so loud. They’re trying to disguise it that it’s abortion that they’re worried about; that’s not what they’re worried about. They want a solid 5-4 vote for military tribunals … It’s the military tribunals [they’re worried about] because they know it’s going to cost them lives and they’re going to be executed.”

Taylor went on to cite a recent clip of Ohio Gov. John Kasich misspeaking by saying that McCain had been “put to death” when he obviously meant “put to rest” as proof that McCain had been executed by a military tribunal.

“When you watched John McCain’s funeral and you saw the entire cabal right there in one spot,” Taylor said, “these people weren’t smiling. They knew John McCain was a prophetic marker in time that we have moved from judgment to justice is now being served. Period. And they know it and they know that if they don’t do something to stop this, they’re next. John McCain was the number three guy—you’ve got Barack Obama being number one, Hillary Clinton being number two, and John McCain being number three. So if they can take down the head of ISIS, John McCain, the number three guy out of all of this, they know they’re next. That’s why they’re scared to death, that’s why they’re screaming.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
30.09.2018 kl 23:44 117781

Kasich: McCain Was "Put To Death" / Kavanagh Goes On Record Acknowledging Military Tribunals
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
06.10.2018 kl 16:31 116947

Deep State Panic, Arrests & Military Tribunals Around The Corner

Robert David Steele highlights that Senator John McCain was executed.

Brett Kavanaugh is being taken down by the Democrats because they, the Democrats, fear the coming arrests & military tribunals. Lindsey Graham we (the United States) are in a state of war. Democrats completely violated the separation of powers. …Without a single redaction – what this is going to do is fry Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as Loretta Lynch. Commercial and insurance fraud dressed up as terrorism. In 1988 and 1989 the New York City twin towers were condemned and then Governor George Pataki and his counterpart in New Jersey made a deliberate decision to calibrate with Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney for a future control demolition dressed up as terrorism. Dick Cheney basically created a shadow government using the continuity of government a super-super secret program and have been doing things illegally off the books. It is not only Barack Obama but also the two Bushes and Dick Cheney. Host: A lot of people are sleeping and don’t realize that this is happening, how is the country going to react to something like this. Do you see a civil war, do you see riots? George Soros resist movement – they were seeking to create violence in the streets the summer after Donald Trump was inaugurated. They should throw the press out of the White House. Right now America is badly educated and it cannot get education from the mainstream media. Alternative media is being repressed. They are being digitally assassinated. A truth-channel is being talked about to properly inform the people of America. Should start to come online next year 2019. It will basically replace Google, and MeetUp-dot-com who works for the Anti-Defamation League. The Internet is not designed to empower the public; not designed to protect the public; and its not designed to achieve direct democracy. Trump is being skewed by Twitter. The pending new truth-channel is going to give Trump more power to interact with the public. A lot of people will be taken down for pedophilia in the United States in the next six years. Not just movie stars, but judges, prosecutors, governors, vice presidents, etc. Joe Biden is on a list. That’s why he’s not running for 2020. And if he runs for 2020 the pedophilia monsters are going to come up and eat him. Post Office to get into email and social media. The Deep States uses false-flags. Zionism. The FBI was found by a pedophile. J Edgar Hoover took small boys from the mafia as gifts. The FBI has four chains of command, not one. If Donald Trump gets a second term, the hope is that he will close all military bases overseas. Leave NATO and throw the United Nations out of New York. And cleanup the government.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.10.2018 kl 10:17 116083

Mark Taylor: "I got news for the Democrats, there's three more coming"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.10.2018 kl 10:46 115742

Re Change 14.
Sjelden så mye sykt "bullshit" på en gang. Jeg antar at Du er ironisk (setningen "these people weren’t smiling" på McCainsbegravelse, var morsom) over alle naïve konspirasjonsteoretiker (De har fått et fint navn!) men jeg vil bare vare sikker:
Du tror vel egentlig ikke på det Du skriver? Hvis det er sånn at Du og folk generellt tror på rent tull så kann man jo bare gi opp. Hvis kunnskap og informasjon ikke hjelper så vet ikke jeg hva man skal gjøre. Alle oppegående mennesker I Norge har jo minimum 9 års skolegang (Det er I hvert fall lenge siden 9 års obligatorisk skolegang ble inført I Norge). 9 år burde vare nok til å lære å lese og skjønne hvordan verden I stort sett fungerer. Det er også tragisk at det blir brukt tid og resurser på rent nonsense. Den tid jeg bruker på å skrive det her får jeg heller aldri igjen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.10.2018 kl 12:48 115249

Dette blir en litt flau av på andres vegne , haha de her dumme konspirasjonsteorier??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.10.2018 kl 12:51 115153

Satan for noe galskap. Konspirasjonsgjengen blir bare villere og villere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.10.2018 kl 13:50 114981

Det er sånn det begynner, dessverre! Teoriene blir så mange og gale, at til og med normalt oppegående folk etterhvert kobler ut og mister interessen for politikk. Vi ler og gråter av dagens Amerika, men latteren kan fort sette seg i halsen når vi får nok Lysglimter og Mumle Gåsegg hos oss også.

Det eneste jeg er usikker på, er om dette er folk som får betalt for å spre slik drit, eller om det dreier seg om pasienter som burde miste internett-tilgangen sin for en periode.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.10.2018 kl 16:40 114767

Det er ikke min skyld at det går noen sikringer i hjernen på godtroende nordmenn fordi de ikke orker å forholde seg til virkeligheten!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.10.2018 kl 18:44 114505

Can't fix crazy!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:38 Du må logge inn for å svare