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For seriøse Zenith Energy investorer.

ZENA 25.12.2020 kl 14:12 321131

Kære nye og "gamle" Zenith investorer & Zenith medskribenter,

OPDATERING fra 2025, er lagt under indledningen:

Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.

Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.

OPDATERING Fredag den 3 Januar 2025:

- Der er sket utrolig mange ting de sidste 3-4 år i firmaet, og der er sendt mange bolde i luften, hvilket kan være positivt hvis man husker at gribe bare nogle af dem igen, det har ledelsen dog haft urimelig svært ved, og den præmis skal man kende fra start, ellers kan man godt blive slemt skuffet.

Zenith Energy har indledt tre separate retssager mod Republikken Tunesien og/eller ETAP, det nationale olieselskab, som er beskrevet herunder,

- Er der d.d. reelt, 7,3 milliarder grunde til at købe aktier i firmaet? det spørgsmål lader jeg være op til den enkelte investor, men vi ved at der ligger reelle krav (set med vores briller) på 639.000.000 $ ( 7.259.837.106 nok kr.) så langt så godt.

-: Vi ved også at vi har vundet ICC-1 Arbitration, som udløser 9,7 millioner $ ( ca 110 mill nok kr.) Dette er grundlaget for at vinde de kommende sager, derfor er denne MEGET vigtig, fremadrettet.

-: Der går rygter om at Tunesien har tilbudt et "forlig" med 120 mill $ fordelt over 8 år (1.363.349.691nok kr.) som skulle være afvist af firmaet

-: Vi ved at sagen vedrørende skade mod firmaet CNAOG ICC Arbitration 130 mill $ ( 1.476.962.165 nok kr.) skal præsenteres for en domstol, her i slutningen af februar 2025, og firmaet forventer en dom, omkring sommeren 2025.

-: Vi ved at firmaet har en ICSID Arbitration, (ICSID-voldgiften,) kørende mod Tunesien, for ikke at overholde de underskrevet aftaler men specielt artikel 8 mellem UK - Irland & Tunesien, som er underskrevet 1989. (ICSID er en forkortelse for - >International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes<) kravet er på 503 mill $ ( 5.714.707.456 nok kr.) og forventes afsluttet i Q1 - 2026.

-: Vi ved at Tunesien har sparker deres advokater ud, efter at have arbejdet på sagen i mere end 2 år! den del kommer de jo nok til at fortryde, rygtet siger at de har været ærlige overfor regerings apparatet og godt kan se at de næste sager kommer til at falde ud til firmaets fordel frem for Tunesien, med en sejer vedrørende ICC-1 Arbitration, i December 2024, er det en ren tilståelsessag, med de kommende afgørelser, hvilket stiller firmaet i en urimelig god situation. det har advokater selvfølgelig godt kunne se.

Sagerne i overskrifter ser således ud:

1. The ICC-1 Arbitration was commenced following ETAP’s failure to comply with its contractual obligations to pay for oil produced and sold by the Company’s fully owned subsidiary, Ecumed Petroleum Zarzis Ltd, in Tunisia. - 9,7 mill $ VUNDET

2. The Company has formalised a claim for damages in the amount of US$130 million (the “Claimed Amount”) in connection with the CNAOG ICC Arbitration. The CNAOG ICC Arbitration is distinct from the other arbitrations initiated by the Company, being the recently concluded ICC Arbitration against ETAP resulting an award in favour of Zenith

3. The ICSID Arbitration was launched following a series of actions undertaken by the Tunisian government to the material detriment of the commercial interests of the Investors in the Republic of Tunisia, including, inter alia, unreasonable, and arbitrary obstructions in relation to the development of the Sidi El Kilani and Ezzaouia concessions. - 503 mill $


Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.

Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.

Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.

Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.

Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.

Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴

Redigert 04.01.2025 kl 21:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2021 kl 06:19 12550

Dejligt at høre AQ 😃👍

Født sjov 😂😂

Vi står foran et par meget spændende år, tror AC bliver årets julemand, ligesom sidst 👍😃🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
Redigert 24.11.2021 kl 06:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.11.2021 kl 13:06 12699

Skeptikere av Zenith har lenge argumentert med at vi ikke har organisasjon nok til å drive bedriften på en forsvarlig måte. Med direkteoppkjøp av bedrifter siste tiden ser det ikke ut til å være et nevneverdig problem. Hva tenker dere om andre muligheter/utfordringer også siste oppkjøp gir Zenith bortsett fra de rent økonomiske forhold? Selv tenker jeg dette følger bedriftens vekst som hånd i hanske, og arbeiderne fortsetter vel der de har hatt sin arbeidsplass. Er der nøkkelpersonell i bedriftene Zenith kan få bruk for også?
22.11.2021 kl 11:26 12743

Jeg hadde et godt kjøp i går :)
Noen som har regnet på hvilke verdier dagens avtale har?
Kursen løftet seg jo noe, men hadde forventet mer.
22.11.2021 kl 08:48 12834

Slettet bruker skrev Strålende nyhet!!!
Da er vel 15 øre på trappene, Tipper det kommer mye mer frem mot Jul og videre de første ukene på nyåret. Skal bli moro å se tilbake om ett par tre mnd på prosentvis økning i aksjekurs. Uansett, denne tråden skal jeg personlig ta opp igjen når fasit foreligger, lykke til!!
22.11.2021 kl 08:43 12891

Nå har selskapet sikret seg 50% av de 300 fatene. Gjenstår resterende 150 boe med KUFPEC som venter på myndighetsgodkjennelse.
Lite sjakk trekk fra AC:)
22.11.2021 kl 08:35 12922

RNS fra den 8 september 2020 -

Upon Completion of the Tunisian Acquisition, the Company's working interest in SLK will equate to a daily production of approximately 300 barrels of oil per day.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
22.11.2021 kl 08:12 13071

Acquisition of SLK from CNPC

Mon, 22nd Nov 2021 07:00

RNS Number : 0480T
Zenith Energy Ltd
22 November 2021

November 22, 2021


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Acquisition of SLK from CNPC

Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the Africa focused production and development energy company, is pleased to announce that Zenith Overseas Assets Holdings Ltd. ("ZOA"), its fully owned subsidiary, has entered into a share purchase agreement ("SPA") for the acquisition of a 100 percent interest in the issued, allotted, outstanding and fully paid-up share capital of Canadian North Africa Oil & Gas Ltd. ("CNAOG") (previously named CNPC International (Tunisia) Ltd), a 100% subsidiary of CNPC International Ltd.

CNAOG holds an undivided 22.5% interest in the North Kairouan permit and the Sidi El Kilani Concession in Tunisia ("SLK" or the "Concession"), together with 25 Class B shares in Compagnie Tuniso-Koweito-Chinoise de Pétrole ("CTKCP"), the operator, representing 25% of the issued share capital of CTKCP.


Pursuant to the terms of the SPA, ZOA has acquired CNAOG for a consideration of US$1,658,680, paid by the Company upon completion (the "Consideration"). As at the Completion date, the volume of crude oil produced from the Concession and allocated to and received by CNAOG, which has not been sold or otherwise disposed of, amounts to approximately thirty thousand (30,000) barrels of crude oil.

The Company confirms that the terms of the SPA constitute a new transaction, and are in full and final replacement of the terms previously outlined in Zenith's announcement dated September 8, 2020.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:

"The Board is delighted to have now completed Zenith's acquisition of an equity stake in the SLK concession, providing Zenith with immediate additional daily production revenue in Tunisia and an exciting future in developing SLK which has significant unexploited potential.

The Company will now begin investing technical management time and resources towards the performance of targeted field rehabilitation and drilling activities to gradually increase production from SLK.

We are also pleased to have increased our footprint in Tunisia, a country where we are now increasingly well-established as an oil and gas producer and where we hope to further consolidate our presence.

I thank CNPCI for their constructive assistance in successfully concluding this transaction. We look forward to exploring further opportunities for cooperation with them in due course.

Similarly, we shall seek to provide further updates to shareholders on other areas of long-held focus between now and the close of the year."

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
Slettet bruker
22.11.2021 kl 00:29 13143

I differ here in reserve it is 1C reserve and not 2C reserve. But I am still not convince with valuation made by $3 with current oil price. Correct 2p reserve is not known for El bibbane and Robana. Current share price is defended by 1 year Tunisian production without SLK.
21.11.2021 kl 19:46 13372

Hej Kim2002,

Jeg så godt du havde handlet ind igen - godt set.

Den opmærksomme investor vil måske se lidt på vores 100% felter .. El Bibane & Robbana - med henholdsvis 25,7 mill og 10,99 mill i reserve - alene, med en konservativ værdi fastsættelse på 5$ som er i den lave ende, og med det nuværende antal aktier så tilsiger kursen 0,9595 Nkr. - med 50% af reduktion af 5 $, hedder prisen altså 0,4797 Nkr. og en værdi ansættelse på 2,5$ som er helt væk fra enhver logik i dagens marked - og endnu værre ser det ud med yderligere 50% reduktion til 1,25$ som er total uhørt i dagens marked, men det giver stadig 0,2398 Nkr.

Men den nuværende værdiansættelse ligger på under 0,625$ på reserven alene......... og 0,1199 Nkr. pr. aktie.........

Ovenstående er så et bud på en værdiansættelse af de 2 -100% felter, og dermed - uden produktion - uden Italien - uden indtægt - men kun reserve..... der er et voldsomt misforhold. Det tror jeg alle kan se, og retfærdiggør fortiden den slags "rabat"? eller skal vi komme videre nu, og så se bare en smule fremad.

Jeg har brugt 1.684.392.631 aktier til regnestykket -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
21.11.2021 kl 18:30 13253

Ja her fikk jeg handlet billig og har for lengst rundet 12 mill. Spennende tider.
AQ takk for informative innlegg.

Lykke til
Nano Rekyl
21.11.2021 kl 17:30 13297

Heisan, AQ!

Takk for all info!

Ha en så riktig trivelig søndag videre!
21.11.2021 kl 16:43 13362

Velbekomme Herbius.

Mistet modet?? haha du er da ikke helt uden humor kan jeg se - Næ du jeg har bare haft lidt rigeligt at se til - tak for aktierne til jer der valgte at sælge, det var en fantastisk positiv overraskelse at se, at mine handler var gået igennem -

At AC ikke bare sidder på hænderne og venter, kan jeg ikke se som andet end positivt, fremdriften og momentum bliver holdt i højt gear, og at de forskellige regeringer og andet ikke kan få taget sig sammen til at få eksekveret, det kan aldrig falde tilbage på AC - Han har jo meddelt hvad planen og strategien er, og han følger den så ganske fint, alternativet var at tilslutte sig det tude kor, der jævnligt poster på de forskellige forum der nu er.

Jeg er i + på min samlede beholdning i Zenith, selvom jeg har købt et par ordentlige klodser. Derudover har lavet en ganske ganske fornuftig forrentning på mine andre investeringer - AC har bundet en ganske stor del af sin formue i selskabet, så hvis han ikke er motiveret for at få det til at rulle, så ved jeg helt enkelt ikke hvem der har motivationen.

Husk lige på, at for hver 1 øre aktien falder eller stiger ændres AC´s formue med noget der ligner 635.000 Nkr!!! hvis ikke DET er motivation nok for at få tingende til at lykkedes.....

Til de seriøse som godt vil vide lidt mere om Tunesien har jeg fundet dette frem fra gemmerne :

Vi ser om ikke tingende ændre sig drastisk i ugerne der kommer

God søndag -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 21.11.2021 kl 16:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.11.2021 kl 15:21 13402

Takker AQ, de penge er ihvetfald vores 👍

Håber ikke du har mistet modet 😃
20.11.2021 kl 15:17 12984

SLK & EZZA, har for periode - 1/11 -14/11 - 2021 - BEMÆRK det er for 2 perioder

Samlet set leveret 14.296 Boe - 45% til firmaet = 6433 Boe x 65$ = 418.145 $ (3.683.821 Nkr = 263.130 Nkr. pr dag) før udgifter - (Husk nu at der bliver afregnet med en gennemsnitspris, for året - i henhold til aftalerne, derfor bruges dagsprisen IKKE)

Jeg tilskriver beløbet på arket og vi er nu samlet set på ca. 88.000.000 Nkr - (ca. 10 mill $) eller det der svare til ca. 799.955.936 millioner aktier ved lukkekurs 0,11 Nkr .

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
Slettet bruker
05.11.2021 kl 14:17 14142

100 to 120 bopd and 80 days to payout for workover cost then its its just operating cost max $10 per barrel and USD 2.2 million (before tax) per year to company. I see desperate attempt to lower value best of luck to them. SLK looks soon as no long stopover date and waiting CCH meeting date and minutes of meeting from October/November. no one will come down to 0.1210. Get whatever below 0.15 Nigeria Tilapia and SLK something before 10th November.
Redigert 05.11.2021 kl 14:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.11.2021 kl 13:40 13846

Rob 3 looks excellent I suspect they have done extra diligence there in getting the oil out
05.11.2021 kl 13:38 13608

Opfølgning fra igår, og han har bestemt en pointe 👍

Having reconsidered what I posted yesterday there is an obvious answer to the query I raised of an apparent inconsistency of information in the 'Energy Year' article and the RAEX-Europe Credit Rating Report. Evidence in support of the 'answer' is in the “Use of Proceeds” listed in the 02.11.2021 RNS re the £3m capital raise.

This states “£600,000 – expected cost of drilling a new well in the Robbana concession” which must refer to the planned ROB-3, 2400m well “ As this was previously costed at $1.5m [June 10 RNS] the reduction in cost would be explained by use of ZEN's own rig. There is no way the well could be drilled for £600k at current industry rates without some compensatory factor.

The 'Use of Proceeds' also allocates “£1,300,000- funding of Zenith's share of work programme costs in respect of the Ezzaouia concession......including the drilling of two sidetracks in non-producing wells” Even at 45% of the total cost [ETAP must fund 55%] £1.3m seems very low since the CTF rigs used by ETAP are usually costed at up to £3m per well. That again suggests that AC may have negotiated use of the BD-260 with a consequent reduction in ZEN's cash contribution.

If, as seems to be the case, the above supports the statement in the RAEX Report, of deployment of the rig to Tunisia, we can expect confirmation with the anticipated announcement of operations for ROB-3 very soon.
04.11.2021 kl 20:24 13905

De magtede ikke og hente penge, lidt at tænke over til dem der er sure over Emissionen på 30 mio 🙈🙈

En CPR udgivet i 2016 indikerede 1,3 milliarder tønder olie på plads fra to sandreservoirintervaller, svarende til dem, der er placeret i det nærliggende Nembe Creek-felt.
Barracuda-feltet har fire eksisterende brønde, og det er hensigten, at en femte brønd skal bores i fjerde kvartal i år, hvor finansieringspartneren Dubai Bridge potentielt vil give nogle investeringer.

ADM's interne skøn tyder på, at første olie på 4.000 tønder olie om dagen kan være mulig. i andet halvår i år.
Investeringsselskabet sagde, at vederlaget kan udgøre op til $1,3 millioner, hvoraf $250.000 skal afregnes kontant ved færdiggørelsen, og resten skal afregnes i egenkapital.

Det AIM-noterede firma planlægger at rejse 500.000 $ i kontanter via et tegning af nye ordinære aktier for at skaffe ekstra finansiering til investeringen.
04.11.2021 kl 19:24 13907

Godt arbejde Fake 👍👍

Lidt om Nigeria 😃 Gammelt men snart aktuelt 💰

August 31, 2021


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Exclusivity agreement for OML 141 RSC in Nigeria

Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an exclusivity agreement (the "Exclusivity") with Noble Hill-Network Limited ("NHNL"), a private Nigerian oil and gas company, that holds 100% of the Risk Service Contract ("RSC") for the development of the North-West Corner of OML 141 ("NW OML 141").

NW OML 141 covers an area of approximately 105 square kilometres in the swamp area of the Niger Delta region. The NW OML 141 RSC contains two discovered fields and one prospective field with an estimated 232.7 million barrels of discovered oil (Degeconek 2019 CPR) with the potential to grow to more than 500 million barrels of Contingent and Prospective Resources with several TCF of prospective natural gas and condensate.

The discovered fields include the potentially highly productive Elepa South and Barracuda oilfields, which are both categorised as discoveries under SPE-PRMS rules and are 'drill-ready' with the first well location having already been purchased and the necessary civil works having already been performed. The prospective field, Curlew Channel, is a large multi TCF natural gas and condensate prospect containing the deeper "U" and "X" reservoirs identified both on the Northern boundary of the Risk Service Contract Area ("RSCA") in NW OML 141 and the nearby Shell OML 33. NHNL plans to commence drilling activities before the close of 2021 and start production through an Early Production Facility shortly thereafter.

Under the terms of the Exclusivity, Zenith has a period of 90 days during which to conduct due diligence and to evaluate the opportunity to participate in the RSC via the potential purchase of an equity stake in NHNL, the sole holder of the RSC.

The Company wishes to underline that no terms for any possible transaction have been discussed at this point.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:

"We are very pleased to begin our evaluation of the opportunity to participate in NHNL's RSC for the development of the North-West Corner of OML 141 in Nigeria directly with the exclusive holder of this agreement following the signing of the Exclusivity.

The RSC for NW OML 141 would represent a very exciting opportunity for Zenith to enter the Nigerian oil and gas space and to exploit an undeveloped, potentially highly prolific selection of oil and gas fields.

This opportunity is in line with our strategy of identifying assets, which are 'drill-ready' and with significant near-term production potential, that will position the Company to achieve its goal of becoming an oil and gas company with a well-balanced portfolio producing more than 10,000 bopd."
04.11.2021 kl 18:51 13944

Not sure where I read it, but I know I was surfing and reading alot about the Nigeria venture when the intrigues about the other 'partners' where at its peak.

I read that a so called swamp-rig were required,- a special construction for the conditions there. Do you have any knowledge about that, AGEOS?

AGEOS svar:
Fakevenues, although Barracuda, Elepa South and the Curlew Channel are defined as being in the “swamp depobelt” the terrain within the belt varies from open water to mango marginal swamp, saturated ground and dry land. It appears from the limited mapping available that Barracuda and Elepa are well clear of the open water and presumably the marginal swamps. The suitability of the BD-260 rig will therefore depend on ground stability in the locations determined by the seismic analysis but regardless of that will inevitably require appropriate drill-pad construction and overland heavy vehicle access.

Thank you, AGEOS.
Then there is a chance that the BD-260 becomes a very interesting bargaining chip.
AC said long time ago that they were in negotiations for rig locally in Congo. In Tunisia it may seem that they are fine with the current arrangement.

************* DREMMEL TO THE PEOPLE **********
04.11.2021 kl 17:11 14020

The 'Energy Year' article re “Zenith Energy” to which a link was posted by Fakevenues yesterday is especially intriguing in that it combines a highlighted subtitle link to data on Nigeria with the following textual statement :

“Owning its own drilling and workover equipment also represents an attractive proposition to potential partner companies who see the value in directly operating key operational equipment and may give Zenith equity in their licences in lieu of payment for drilling services” [penultimate paragraph]

The obvious implication is that. this is a thinly veiled hint that current negotiations with Noble Hill-Network Ltd might include deployment of the BD-260 rig to Nigeria in return for all or part of the equity stake in NHNL previously stated as ZEN's preferred option. This article, as with others in Energy Year is said to be the result of an interview with the CEO so is unlikely to include journalistic speculation.

However, the above scenario is at odds with the statement below, included in the recent RAEX-Europe Credit Rating Report and posted by GaryMegson.

“The company has also stated that the ZEN-260 drilling rig, which was used in Azerbaijan, is currently at a port on the Black Sea and is scheduled to be moved to Tunisia in the next months. The main use of the rig will be for drilling operations in the Robbana concession, as well as the Ezzaouia concession.” [page 4, penultimate paragraph].

As well as not having been publicly “stated by the company”, at least in RNS to my knowledge, such a deployment would appear to be potentially problematic in view of ETAP's 55% controlling share in the Ezzaouia concession. As the State Oil Company it can influence or determine what partnership companies can and cannot do in developing resources. Allowing ZEN to import the BD-260 rig for use at Ezzaouia would be surprising, given that ETAP has access to two CTF onshore rigs; a Midcontinental U-914 EC 2000HP, 15000ft depth rated rig and an Oil Well E 2000HP, 20,000ft depth rated rig, together with highly experienced drill crews. MARETAP, the joint operating company for Ezzaouia is listed as a customer of CTF.

There will of course be pro's and con's wherever the BD-260 is deployed but on balance the upgrade to a c5000m depth rating, originally intended for the ZEN-01 Azer well, should provide a sound basis for operations in most settings. C-37 was successfully drilled to 4350m in Sept 2019. Hopefully the investor call will provide clarification of this issue.
04.11.2021 kl 16:05 14058

Everything in Tunisia is fine, AC has too many contacts and connections and good relations, if anything I think he will further his stronghold in that area and further increase production.
04.11.2021 kl 12:04 14091


Nu skal vi lige have noget på det rene 👍😃

Zen har købt og betalt de 2 licenser med en andel på 45 %,
Så selvfølgelig er den olie der er solgt siden Zens,
Ingen tvivl om det 👍👍

De Tunesiske myndigheder kan måske vælge at sige nej til Zen, men til den Dato er 45 % af olien Zen 👍👍
Den er købt og betalt 💰

Men hvorfor skulle de dog gøre det, tænk hvilket Rama skrig det ville give i pressen, tror nok at de har problemer nok pt at slås med...
Så dårlig omdømme kan de slet ikke bruge hvis de vil have landet på fode igen..
04.11.2021 kl 08:21 8716

Både du Aqua og selskapet inkluderer SLK i beregningen av produksjon. Men burde ikke da selskapet ha kommunisert status på den ene 22,5% andelen hvor stop date gikk ut 31.10.2021?
03.11.2021 kl 17:46 8345

SLK & EZZA, har for periode - 18/10 -31/10 - 2021 - BEMÆRK det er for 2 perioder

Samlet set leveret 13.166 Boe - 45% til firmaet = 5924 Boe x 65$ = 385.060 $ (3.256.000 Nkr = 232.571 Nkr. pr dag) før udgifter - (Husk nu at der bliver afregnet med en gennemsnitspris, for året - i henhold til aftalerne, derfor bruges dagsprisen IKKE)

Jeg tilskriver beløbet på arket og vi er nu samlet set på ca. 84.311.332 Nkr - (ca. 9,8 mill $) eller det der svare til ca. 670.201.367 millioner aktier ved dagens lukkekurs 0,1258 Nkr .

BONUS INFO : Vi har netop rundet 150.000 Boe, siden firmaet indgik aftalerne.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 18:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.11.2021 kl 14:00 8428

Veldig spennende! Jeg legger spesielt merke til følgende:

«Owning its own drilling and workover equipment also represents an attractive proposition to potential partner companies who see the value in directly operating key operational equipment and may give Zenith equity in their licences in lieu of payment for drilling services.
The company looks forward to further delivering on this strategy by acquiring additional new production assets in Africa, with a specific focus on Nigeria, the Republic of Congo and Tunisia.»
Slettet bruker
03.11.2021 kl 13:57 8272

Recent highlights include the sale of approximately USD 4.5 million of oil production from its newly acquired Tunisian portfolio,
After drilling ROB-1 where is remaining USD 4.0 million is it invested in Nigeria ?
Slettet bruker
03.11.2021 kl 13:29 8192

Look like Nigeria will come soon than 30tn Nov. may be before IC (10th Nov) its pattern to issue shares before major announcement. why anyone pay 34 million nok to buy share for market price?
"The company looks forward to further delivering on this strategy by acquiring additional new production assets in Africa, with a specific focus on Nigeria, the Republic of Congo and Tunisia"
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 13:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.11.2021 kl 08:02 8053

Noget er i gang

Successfully completed a subscription (the "Subscription") for new common shares in the share capital of Zenith (the "Subscription Shares") by a selection of existing shareholders, including institutional investors from the United Kingdom and Norway.

As a result of the Subscription, the Company has issued a total of 272,727,273 Subscription Shares at a price of £0.011 (equivalent to approximately NOK 0.13), a discount of approximately 7% to Zenith's London Stock Exchange closing share price on November 1, 2021, to raise gross proceeds of approximately £3 million (equivalent to approximately 34,500,000 NOK).

Use of Proceeds

The Company intends to use the proceeds of the Subscription as follows:
· £1,300,000 - funding of Zenith's share of work programme costs in respect of the Ezzaouia concession onshore Tunisia. This will include the drilling of two sidetracks in non-producing wells with the objective of achieving a gross production of 1,000 bopd from the Ezzaouia concession.
· £600,000 - expected cost of drilling a new well in the Robbana concession, also onshore Tunisia, where Zenith holds a 100% working interest. Long-lead items required for drilling of two wells already acquired and on location.
· £300,000 - transportation expenses for Zenith's 1,200hp drilling rig to Africa.
· £250,000 - Tilapia II licence, (located onshore Republic of the Congo), development costs, including finalisation of licence award process and employment of operational personnel to optimise the planned beginning of drilling operations in well TLP-103C.
· £150,000 - expenses associated with the preparation and publication of a UK Prospectus. See below for more details.
· £400,000 - general working capital.
01.11.2021 kl 19:57 8358

Sånn er livet noen ganger.. vi takker for innsatsen!!
Burde kanskje hørt noe om tankene videre da ja. Er det kommet inn en erstatter?
01.11.2021 kl 19:11 8349

Med reference til RNS 0918D - 25 June 2021 -

Det er med sorg, at jeg har fundet ud af at vores udnævnte Mohamed Bouleymen, er afgået ved døden - 4 Oktober 2021 - han blev 79 år. jeg har efterhånden mange kontakter i Tunesien, og også her undre det, at firmaet ikke har meddelt dødsfaldet, da Mohamed, skulle bestride en vigtig funktion for firmaet.

The Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Messieurs Jacky Fleschen and Mohamed Bouleymen to its Advisory Committee.

Mr Bouleymen is a former Mayor of Tunis, the capital city of the Republic of Tunisia, having served for two terms (1986-1988 and 1990-2000), during which time he was awarded the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) award for the best managed Arab city.

Since his mayoral tenure, he has held a number of positions including serving as President and Director of SITEP (Société Italo-Tunisienne d'Exploitation Pétrolière), a company that operates the El Borma oilfield in Tunisia, one of the most productive oilfields in the country, and is jointly owned by Italian oil major ENI and the State of Tunisia.

Link til Wiki :

Ære være Mohamed Bouleymen´s minde.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
31.10.2021 kl 19:35 8896

Efter at have læst andre tråde, mener jeg at det er tid til refleksion over Tilapia ll - & Tunesien

Jeg er ikke af det opfattelse at det handler om at kunne stille garanti, det er en formalitet, med det udestående der er. Det handler nok mere om at kunne håndterer de mængder af olie, som potentielt kan hives op, og med egen rig, giver det både nogle muligheder og udfordringer for Congo/Brazzaville, ingen tvivl om at når godkendelsen kommer, så har vores egen rig fast plads på feltet de næste mange år, lad mig her komme med lidt fakta omkring håndteringen af 2-3-4-5 x 5000 F/d - fra Allenby, ved vi følgende :

The Congo currently has a small oil refinery near Pointe-Noire operated by a subsidiary of the national oil company, Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo (SNPC). Capacity is 1mm tonnes/year or around 20,000 b/d while , domestic consumption in the Congo is around 25,000 b/d. Production, in fact, has apparently been running closer to 12,000 b/d.

Derudover oplyses det at :
In February 2021, the, Congolese government announced the commencement of construction of a new $600m refinery also near Pointe-Noire. This will be considerably larger than the existing facility with a capacity initially of 65,000 b/d using light Djeno crude as feedstock. The plan is to increase capacity to 110,000 b/d in the fourth quarter of 2022 and to upgrade the facility to operate on normally lower priced medium and heavy crude grades.

Potentially attractive economics with a breakeven of $35/barrel: AAOG pointed to the potential for very attractive production economics on the Tilapia license. The Chapman CPR corroborated this view. According to AAOG, the breakeven cost at 5,300 b/d would be less than $5/barrel and that at a price of $35/barrel operations can be profitable at production of 500 b/d. The reasons for the attractive economics not surprisingly were given as a low-breakeven cost base. Multi-stacked reservoir formations probably contribute to the favourable cost position. The precise methodology used in arriving at the breakeven estimates is not known but we
would assume that the calculations have been made on a cash basis. Interestingly Chapman has suggested fixed operating costs/month/well at Tilapia are likely to be only $10,000. Assuming production of 500 b/d this equates to under $1/barrel. Variable costs including transportation were put by Chapman at $4/barrel. To this we might have to add another $1/barrel for workovers so we could be looking at cash costs of perhaps $6/barrel using the Chapman approach. Revenues would, of course, need deflating by the 15% royalty rate.

Kan i se mønstreret? man kender til de kommende muligheder, og skal have aftagningen på plads, inden man begynder at slippe vores rig løs, i et område som man formoder kan levere endog MEGET store mængder olie. Derudover skal vi lige huske at der stadig er nogle meget store spillere i gang - som ligeledes skal af med olie, derfor kan det give god mening med at det tager lang tid, og selvfølgelig er der CV-19.

Med hensyn til Tunesien, så er tingende allerede på plads der :

Given the conditional nature of the SLK acquisition, Zenith has yet to assign any reserves to the property. SLK however is clearly a mature field. Peak production occurred at over 20,000 boe/d in 1995 but is now down to around a modest 550 b/d gross mainly from two wells. The SLK production facilities include a gas-oil separation plant and a 125 km 8-inch diameter pipelin to the terminal at La Skhira on
Tunisia’s east coast. Oil produced is light with an API of 39ᵒ. The by-product gas produced at La Skhira is largely used for on-site power generation.

The Ezzaouia concession is well endowed with infrastructure. There are two pipelines for oil and gas linking the Ezzaouia field with the port terminal of Zarzis
approximately 20 km to the south. Field terminal capacity is 20,000 barrels while that at the port is 200,000 barrels.

Zenith is planning a major development programme for Ezzaouia over the next three years. The CPR points to capital outlays over this period of US$26m
with the aim of boosting output to roughly 1,000 b/d gross. The key planned initiatives relate to workovers, infill drilling, side-tracking well EZZ-18 and redrilling EZZ-4 and a facility upgrade. Drilling will target the Mrabtine reservoir. The work programme has been agreed between Zenith and ETAP and a request has been made to the Tunisian government for a new 20-year Ezzaouia concession. The new concession is awaiting parliamentary approval.

The El Bibane concession covers 228 km² immediately offshore the Medenine shoreline around 50 km southeast of Zarzis. The El Bibane field is located about
18 km offshore in shallow water of 7-8m depth. Marathon Petroleum made a discovery on the concession in 1982 but development was not undertaken until 1998. The concession currently contains three wells including one oil/gas producer, a gas injector and one suspended well. Production from EBB-5, according to Zenith, is 80-100 b/d of condensate and 5.5mm cf/d of gas which is re-injected into the Zebbag formation. Zenith is planning refurbishment of well EBB-3 which could result in production of 500 boe/d. We believe there is a ready market for gas at a local power facility. The capital cost is likely to be US$3.5m.

The Robbana concession covers 48 km² on the south side of Djerba Island approximately 40 km northwest of Zarzis in the southern Gulf of Gabes. Despite modest production no proved reserves have been assigned to Robbana in the CPR. Based however on two planned well locations plus the existing producing well Robbana has probable reserves of 746,000 barrels all sourced from the Meloussi reservoir. A further 281,000 barrels have been identified in the possible category resulting in 3P resources of 1,027,000 barrels.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 31.10.2021 kl 21:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.10.2021 kl 22:57 9206

Litt om den politiske situasjonen i Tunisia:

«Kais Saied’s Tunisia: Where Is It Headed?

29 Oct 2021
Issue: 64 / 43
Aydin Calik
For some, President Kais Saied’s takeover of Tunisia represents a slide towards authoritarianism and an erosion of the democratic gains of the past decade. For others, it represents a new dawn in a country held back by political paralysis, corruption and economic stagnation.

On 25 July, Mr Saied suspended parliament, dismissed the government and assumed extraordinary powers. Many at the time said his moves amounted to a coup. He has since frozen much of the constitution and said he will rule by decree. A new government headed by the Arab world’s first female prime minister, Najla Bouden Romdhane, has been tasked with implementing his vision.»

30.10.2021 kl 15:11 9040

Der skjer ting I Tunisia, AC behøver da ikke utdype alt.
Trolig så er der bare et ‘requirement’ som mangler før de har stempel på SLK, Om der hadde vært mer, så ville det nok neppe blitt snakk om noen longstop tidligere i år. Nøkkelen her kan like gjerne være ROB-1
Rotet litt rundt på og fant følgende:

Oversatt ved hjelp av Google:
(fikk ikke satt det inn i tabellform, men det bør ikke være vanskelig å forstå)

Management response: The company was informed of the opinion of the committee On February 24, 2021
Committee notes: The Advisory Committee for Hydrocarbons held No. 129 expressed its opinion rejecting the referral request.
Offers / demands / various points: A requirement regarding assignment of the rights and obligations of a company Kufpec for Zenith Franchise in Energy Netherlands BV Exploitation “Sidi Kilani”

Management response: The company was informed of the opinion of the committee On February 24, 2021
Committee notes: The Advisory Committee on Hydrocarbons No. 129 expressed its opinion rejecting the referral request
Offers / demands / various points: A requirement regarding assignment of the rights and obligations of a company
CNPC Internaional (Tunisia)"
Energy Zenith Ltd
BV Netherlands “in concession to exploit” “Sidi Kilani”

Management response: The company was informed of the committee’s opinion on July 22. 2021
Committee notes: The Hydrocarbons Advisory Committee took note of the 130 change of supervision "Ecumed Petroleum Tunisia Limited" company on oversight
Offers / demands / various points: About the announcement of the change of control for a company Ecumed Petroleum Tunisia Limited
Redigert 30.10.2021 kl 15:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2021 kl 21:14 9473

Takk for oppdatering, og flott å se at du har fått med et tredje flagg. :)
28.10.2021 kl 20:59 9053

Jeg tror ikke vi skal se på et hvert kommende ministerråd som tildeling av Tilapia II, men jeg synes det er litt merkelig at Zena har blitt valgt som den foretrukne innehaver av lisensen, samt at 'folket' har gitt grønt lys for dette,- Hva kan det da være av 'behandling' som tar så mye tid? (Om ikke tidligere ledere for energi har brent ned hele kontoret før de forlot)
Det hadde vært greit med en guiding fra AC på hva som kan være rekkefølgen på kommende eventer.
28.10.2021 kl 19:49 8998

Republikkens præsident, statsoverhoved, vil denne lørdag den 30. oktober 2021 kl. 11.00 være formand for det 29. møde i den nationale koordinering for styring af pandemien via videokonference.

Det vil blive efterfulgt af et ministerråd.

Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat, présidera ce samedi 30 octobre 2021 à 11h00 la 29ème Réunion de la Coordination nationale de gestion de la pandémie par visioconférence. Elle sera suivie d'un Conseil des Ministres.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
27.10.2021 kl 21:41 9278

Ventetiden kan jo bruges på lidt blandet, herunder at finde ud af at det med at producer strøm, er i høj kurs - Det er lykkedes at finde ønskelisten for Congo/Brazzaville - og nej det er ikke en joke, den er god nok - bemærk hvor mange steder der er nævnt noget med elektricitet : (A- PUBLIC-PRIVATE GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS)

Derudover har API været så venlige at offentliggøre lidt brugbare oplysninger :

1. 6 billion barrels of crude oil reserves + Gas reserves: 130 billion m3
2. Very high energy potential estimated at 14000MW in hydroelectric

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.10.2021 kl 19:53 9312

Naturligvis Fakevenues -

Og der kommer referat fra dages ministerrådsmøde her kl. 20.00 - de bruger meget tid på at få deres miner op og køre, men vi må vente og se hvad de vælger at dele (offentligt)

CONSEIL DES MINISTRES : je viens d’enregistrer le compte rendu de sa réunion de ce mercredi 27 octobre 2021. Il sera diffusé sur tous les supports médiatiques dans les prochaines heures.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.10.2021 kl 19:30 9325

Har du funnet noe "Enregistrement par le Porte-parole du Gouvernement",- av interesse i dag?
27.10.2021 kl 14:24 9506

Takk for mange reflekterte innlegg spesielt til trådstarter. Må si at jeg gleder meg som et barn til oppdateringer ang både produksjon og lisenser/kontrakter :)

Sitter fullastet til ripa og det skal ikke mye til før man kan skilte seg som mangemilionær :)

Uansett selges ikke en eneste aksje før det er kommet avklaringer fra sjefen sjøl.

Oljepris og produksjon av både olje og gass er kun bonus.

Lykke til alle tålmodige.
Slettet bruker
27.10.2021 kl 09:44 9617

New production report from ETAP for 18/10 - 24/10 SLK 234 bopd and EZZ 166 bopd look like work is going on in EZZ as stated before and production will reach 1000bopd in Nov 2021.