For seriøse Zenith Energy investorer.

ZENA 25.12.2020 kl 14:12 292182

Kære Zenith medskribenter & Zenith investorer.

Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.

Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.

Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.

Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.

Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.

Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.

Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.

Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴

Redigert 30.10.2023 kl 13:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.01.2022 kl 22:01 11155

Takk for oppdatering! Er helt enig med deg og tålmodighet er nødvendig.
Ingen aner når det kommer big news!
26.01.2022 kl 07:32 10971

26.01.2022 kl 08:46 10905

Helt enig i dine synspunkter Aq. Sitter tungt lastet og sitter trygt. Ny melding i dag ang kommende salg av olje :) hva utgjør det på bunnlinjen?
26.01.2022 kl 12:42 10776

A very good post. As you correctly say, whatever way we look at Zenith just now everything is pointing in a positive direction. We are just about to sell $9 million of oil that we have produced from our Tunisian assets and are about to acquire another asset in Tunisia (presumably the second SLK 22.5%) that will increase our production revenues further. Tilapia appears to be just around the corner too.

I would be interested to hear if anyone can think of anything negative about the company just now.
26.01.2022 kl 13:43 10859

Many sold in last 2 days to buy cheap in range of 0.08 soon they will come back, it will give good boost. I am waiting for CCH meeting result as EZZ workover was conditional of 20year license so will get update on it. many more things are interesting happening in Tunisia will surpass Tilapia II Congo in terms of production and 2P reserve. Remaining SLK is interesting to see how much AC bargain in new deal or trough traditional way to get back 80000 barrels. (obviously paying after operational cost )
Redigert 26.01.2022 kl 13:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2022 kl 16:06 10884

I think that Tunisia will be the “engine room” of the company for the near future. It is the “grown up” bit of the company which although not terribly sexy will allow the company to continue going forwards and growing by generating the cash-flow that will enable the company to service debt and develop in the future without resorting to yet more equity raises.

At the moment we have Tunisia generating large amounts of money that cover all of the company’s operating costs. Today’s RNS shows that we will be selling about $8 million worth of oil in April. We are also waiting for Tiliapia to come on board and this should put a massive boost under the share price when it does as the potential there will be enormous. However, imagine if we did not have Tunisia and we were just waiting for Tilapia or the Nigerian deal to come it. That would make the company a total disaster that was just gambling on getting a license and then doubling down on being successful in production there.

Because we have Tunisia actually working, it does not matter if the Tilapia or Nigerian deals don’t come through. We would just look for another one. Don’t get me wrong, I really want Tilapia 2 to come in and I think that it will do in the near future – but the point I am making is that even if it doesn’t the company will still survive and prosper because of Tunisia.

The Nigeria deal I would personally be happier if Zenith walked away from it. Originally, I thought that it was a great deal because the amount of oil within the license is clearly huge, but with the dispute between ADME and NHNH still not resolved and the cost being $20 million for our share then it looks like this could be a mess. Our current option expires on March 1st and the 17th January ADME RNS said that the next court hearing will not be until March 1st so there is no way we are going to close this deal before the option expires. I could see us going ahead with it if the court rules wholly in NHNL’s favour on March 1st but if (as I suspect) this is just the beginning of a long drawn out court case then I would rather we walked away. For $20 million I expect we could get just as good a deal elsewhere and without any of the messy legal issues.

And in the meantime, Tunisia will just keep on pumping out oil and delivering cash-flow. It might not be sexy, but it is the most crucial part of the company at the moment.
26.01.2022 kl 21:11 10738

Thank you MarketGunsling -

I got this, from the EU parlement -

Remember RNS 5834R? - As previously announced, we are evaluating how best to optimise and, where possible, enhance the productivity of our Italian portfolio, which also includes a number of other prospective concessions in addition to Torrente Cigno." -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.01.2022 kl 00:10 10833

Meget spennende . Ser gjerne en oppbygging i Italia. Der er arbeidsforholdene mye enklere selv om arbeidskraft er noe dyrere.. godt innlegg Aqua
28.01.2022 kl 11:41 10362

With gas prices looking like they will stay where they currently are then it is a no brainer to expand the Italian operations - providing that the acquisition price is one of AC's normal bargain deals. My only concern is that this could be quite difficult to achieve in this gas price environment and we do not want to overpay for assets in this sector in case there is a fall back in gas prices over the next 2-3 years.

This is unlikely I know, but I have always been impressed with Andrea's deal-making abilities and how good he is at finding a bargain and I would not want to lose this determination to get the best price just because energy prices are high right now.
31.01.2022 kl 21:33 9943

Jeg kommer lige med en lille betragtning i forhold til AC´s handel i dag - og måske lidt svar -

Hvem har 40 millioner aktier? må jeg anbefale at i kikker lidt på hvem der har købt ind fra 2019 og frem - herunder se lidt på de private placement der løbende har været- her har i svaret. - AC må ikke handle på ikke børsmeddelte oplysninger, det er korrekt, men hvad er det der ikke er børsmeldt? alle udsendte RNS afsluttes stort set hver gang med >in due course < ergo er det meddelt, men resultatet kan variere - derudover har direktionen et tilladt vindue at handle indenfor, her må de handle uanset, med visse små begrænsninger. Hvis der bliver lavet insider handel som vi kender det fra bøgerne, er det endog MEGET svært at bevise det, så hvis det ikke bliver anmeldt, bliver det ikke undersøgt, og han påvirker ikke kursen positivt med dagens handel, han køber indenfor det man roligt kan kalde et acceptabelt niveau, hvis han havde købt til kurs 20 øre, så var det manipulation - det er der bare ikke tale om.

Hvis AC, havde fået oplysninger om noget nært forestående på gaden i Brazzaville, så vil jeg godt se de personer som skulle bevise det, alt der ikke er optaget eller nedskrevet er rent retsligt en påstand - men igen, hvis der kommer nyheder omkring de allerede udmeldte ting vi venter på, så er det altså ikke insiderhandel, beklager.

Og så husker i vel et af de sidste interview, hvor han jo netop sagde det med at han godt ville købe flere aktier, samt hans kommentar med hvilken betydning og hvilket signal det kunne sende til marked, ellers så gense det.

Jeg kan kun se det er yderst positivt at AC køber stort ind, det sender det helt rigtige signal til andre store investorer og som mange har nævnt så har han for alvor noget på spil med mere end 100 millioner aktier -

God aften til jer alle.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
01.02.2022 kl 01:34 9802

Dette selvfølgelig kjempe positivt og beviser jo bare at AC har stål tro på det som skjer i kulissene sine:-) En annen ting som jeg tror mange allerede har glemt er RNS 2.November hvor det blir utstedt aksjer for ca 35 000 000 NOK til kurs 0,13, så sier det seg selv at de ikke driver med "lodd" kjøp og sjanse spill til 35 mill. Angående innsidehandel er det vel bare AC selv som kan bevise, så der er han nok safe;-)
12.02.2022 kl 15:22 8907

En lille detalje, man nok lige skal huske, er en af følgende punkter, det højeste antal aktier der er omsat på en enkelt dag er i omegnen af, 383 millioner stk, så udbuddet er ikke så stærkt som nogle måske tror, der er rigtig mange aktier ud af den samlede mængde, som er på meget lange hænder, derfor mener jeg også at et ædrueligt bud på aktier der kan købes når "flaget" går op, er under 300 millioner stk. og det kan lyde af meget, men når mange vil ind, holder sælgerne igen, så det tal er nok meget optimistisk, rigtig mange har de sidste 2 år, sagt at når den stiger så er de ude, men tro mig, det er de ikke, for mere vil have mere, derfor er det også klogt at have en strategi med indbygget exit plan.

Omkring den 9 september 2019, var kursen tæt på 1 nok kr. - på en meget lav omsætning, faktisk under 6 millioner stk. (på det tidspunkt var der omkring 200 millioner aktier) kursen gik fra 0,20 nok kr. til - omkring 0,99 nok kr. - det vidner præcis om det jeg nævner omkring at mere vil have mere, og nu sidder der måske en håndfuld og tænker jo jo AQ, men nu er der jo næsten 10 x det antal aktier, og det er korrekt, men det ændre ikke på at største delen af de 10 x er på meget lange hænder, både i Norge og i UK, så derfor, kan aktien eksplodere på sammen måde igen? umiddelbart ja- Har tingende ændret sig så meget siden 2019, at sådan en kursstigning kan forsvares? umiddelbart ja -

Jeg ved godt mange har en holdning til skribenten Viking_I, med diverse datoer og så videre, men lad mig slå en ting fast, de beregninger skribenten fremlægger er samlet set nogle af de mest præcise, jeg har set fremlagt, både med værdi fastsættelse og fremtidige indtægter, bevares så er der en fejl her og der, men det kan ske, for en hver -

Jeg ser frem til de kommende uger, hvor jeg er overbevist om at vi alle bliver meget klogere, på mange områder.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 12.02.2022 kl 17:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2022 kl 17:39 8815

Har tenkt i de samme baner, synes det er flott info viking leverer. Men klart det er lett å være negativ da det stort sett har siget nedover den siste tiden.. fint å høre fra deg Aqua, vi må håpe det snart blir landet en av de større avtaler. Vi står liksom klar på startstreken med helt nye joggesko!!
12.02.2022 kl 17:43 8826

Kommer inden 14 dage 😃😃👍👍

Har vi hørt det før 😂😂

Nu tror jeg på det, ham der han inside info 💰💰
12.02.2022 kl 18:30 8863

Har laget meg et excel-ark hvor jeg har lagt inn hva ZENA har og hva ZENA kan få. Jeg har også lagt inn noen av de lisenser som AGEOS har presentert. For ordens skyld må jeg bare nevne at AGEOS er visstnok Geolog og en aktiv bidragsyter & sparringpartner på LSE forumet,- i tillegg så er det Londonfishb5 som også skal være geolog, og bidrar med mye ‘negativt’ rundt ADME, men positivt for ZENA.
Men så til saken,- Det som jeg finner i mitt Excel-ark, er så sinnsykt at jeg kommer ikke til å publisere dette,- men jeg kan gå så langt som å si at Viking1, er aldeles ikke helt på jordet i sine analyser.
Redigert 12.02.2022 kl 18:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.02.2022 kl 19:33 8618

Lidt nyt fra Congo/Point Noir :

Oversat til Engelsk -

In 2019, the Republic of Congo's oil benefited large multinational groups, traders and the Chinese partner. The share reserved for the needs of the people, which was already small, has been reduced by unfortunate transactions.

The 2019 report of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) recently published on Congo reveals that out of a total of $7.27 billion in oil sold, only $624.5 million (FCFA 361.3 billion) has been donated to the coffers of the national public treasury. This share represents just over 8.6%, according to calculations by the Ecofin Agency.

More generally, the share of income captured by the Congolese State on sales of its hydrocarbons in 2019, including social and environmental payments reported by extractive companies, shares of the Société Nationale Pétrolière du Congo (SNPC) net of taxes and various tax revenues, was $1.6 billion. This represented just 21% of the total.

The share available for the Congolese public treasury has been reduced by several levies that have gone out of the country, including $523.5 million to guarantee infrastructure projects built by China. A debt that was $2 billion and repayable over 20 years.

There was also a levy of $451.2 million to repay a debt contracted from traders Glencore, Trafigura, and Orion-Oil. At the end of 2019, Congo still owed these traders $2 billion, repayable until 2023.

The EITI report reveals that Total Energies collected $2.3 billion in the sale of its shares of Congolese oil that year. To this must be added various commissions charged for its assistance to Congolese public administrations. The second beneficiary is Chevron Overseas, which received $1.25 billion from the sale of its shares, and the third beneficiary is the local subsidiary of the Italian ENI group, which received just over $1 billion. The latter also received various payments for financial transactions on an electricity project. A loan that had an interest rate of 18%.

Of the amount that finally arrives in the public treasury accounts, another part was taken by CORAF, the national refining company. Its economic model provided that it would be able to finance itself. But by the end of 2019, the company had returned to the public treasury only CFAF 3.6 billion out of more than FCFA 194.6 billion expected.

Finally, we note that the share of oil revenues that will have actually been allocated directly to the 5.4 million Congolese is rather negligible. Infrastructure projects guaranteed with the oil that belongs to them, only slightly benefits local businesses and the 264 social housing units built with the Chinese loan are far from meeting the actual demand of the people.

These populations are even penalized for living in an oil-producing country. In the city of Pointe Noire, the cost of living is high, due to the presence of oil sector workers who have the means to finance their consumption, unlike those who still do not have access, directly or indirectly, to oil revenues.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
13.02.2022 kl 19:41 8695

Lidt nyt fra Nigeria :

Oversat til Engelsk :

The economy of the leading black gold producer depends largely on oil rent. Despite the efforts of the federal government to restructure the oil sector, the results are slow to be observed.

In Nigeria, a note from financial rating agency Fitch Solutions, published last week, indicates that the low oil production performance recorded in recent months could affect economic growth in the coming years.

According to Fitch, the overall growth of the Nigerian economy will experience relatively low rates over the next four years, despite the new law on the oil industry, which aims to accelerate the growth of the sector and in turn the economy. A situation that, according to the firm, is directly related to the underperformance of the oil and gas sector, the main source of public revenue.

"Despite the new law, our oil and gas team expects oil production to gradually decrease in the coming years. We expect an average annual decrease of 0.5% between 2023 and 2026. In total, fixed investment spending will contribute only 0.6% to overall growth in 2022, "comments the report.

However, Fitch Solutions indicates in its report that Nigeria is expected to record slightly higher economic growth in 2022, from 3.1% in 2021 to 3.5% in 2022, the country's best performance since 2014.

For several months, the country has been facing low production due to maintenance work, the obsolescence of the facilities and the maturity of some key projects. All these difficulties are closely linked to the country's weak upstream investment over the past two decades, when the sector was still framed by the old oil code. The document was considered too restrictive according to investors.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
14.02.2022 kl 11:10 8443

I am ready to discuss numbers based on reports. It look sometimes totally unrealistic after adding Nigeria and Congo 2P reserve but its a fact. If all assumption fall in line then we will able to cross kr 1 until next year. AC has to restrain issuing more warrants and share until he complete Tunisia work. If as planned 4 well in Nigeria and 4 Tilapia in production we will reach kr 4 to kr 6. (it will take time may be 2 more years)
Redigert 14.02.2022 kl 11:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.02.2022 kl 11:18 8475

IOX having similar numbers of share but less 2P reserve and more debt than zenith but daily production is around 3000 bopd (6 times more Zenith). price now 16 times than Zenith.
14.02.2022 kl 11:22 8500


I have your back when it comes to the numbers, about the time frame, lets wait and see - one step at the time.

Thank you for your post, on the numbers.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
14.02.2022 kl 11:36 8585

wrong...Iox has 180 million shares....Zenit has 1 800 million shares...10 times cap same, around 200
14.02.2022 kl 11:43 8606

Then i am wrong on IOX, then it is too much undervalue company too. P/E is below 0.5 now for IOX.
Redigert 14.02.2022 kl 11:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.02.2022 kl 16:57 8336

Fire on a platform in Pointe-Noir -

Brand på olieplatform i Pointe-Noir - 20 personer menes at være fanget. Platformen ejes af Perenco.

Incendie sur une plateforme pétrolière de Pointe-Noire ( Emeraude SUD ). Plus de 20 travailleurs seraient coincés dans l’incendie à cause d’un dispositif de sécurité défaillant. La plate forme pétrolière appartiendrait à PERENCO .

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
15.02.2022 kl 21:29 8166

Fra RNS udsendt den 24 Januar - 2022 -

Ved vi følgende, fra den udsendte RNS - og jeg har tilknyttet lidt tal samt lidt kommentar :

Ezzaouia Concession

The Ezzaouia concession is producing approximately 500 barrels of oil per day ("BOPD") and 18 MSCF of natural gas at a stable rate. - 500 boe x 85$ x 28 dage = 1.190.000$ ( 10.583.352 nok kr.) før udgifter pr. 28 dag x 12 måneder i alt 14.280.000$ ( 127.000.000 nok kr.) pro anno. uden salg af gas.

The Company is currently consulting with its partner, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières ("ETAP"), having decided to perform sidetracks in two non-producing wells on a 'back-to-back' basis to maximise cost control.

The first side-track will be performed in well EZZ-18. The drilling programme for the well intervention is currently being finalised with ETAP. A casing log to determine casing integrity has been agreed and is expected to be performed in March 2022. - Opstarten er lige om lidt

The selection of the second side-track well has still not been finalised and will be determined upon completion of a reservoir study to optimise the selection of the most productive and technically favourable well.

Zenith is expecting to achieve a gross production rate of 1,000 BOPD from the Ezzaouia concession upon completion of the two sidetracks.

Robbana Concession

The Company has finalised plans to drill Robbana-3 ("ROB-3") in the Robbana concession, a new well that will reach a total target depth of approximately 2,500 metres, having designated a different location to that previously considered following an in-depth geological and reservoir review.

ROB-3 will target three proven hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Cretaceous Upper Meloussi sandstone formation, from which successful production has been achieved from the Robbana-1 well ("ROB-1") for many years.

In the event of a successful outcome, ROB-3 is expected to produce approximately 150-200 BOPD. - 150 (200) boe x 85$ = > 357.000$ (476.000$) pr. mdr. x 12 = 4.284.000$ (5.712.000$) pro anno. (38,1 - 50,8 mill nok kr pro anno)

Funding for ROB-3 is expected to be obtained by way of debt financing and from the Company's existing cash reserves.

The necessary long-lead items have previously been acquired and are already on location. The Company is currently in the process of completing negotiations with a drilling contractor.

Drilling activities are scheduled to commence in June 2022, following the completion of civil work activities and the mobilisation of a drilling rig to the well location.

Update on ROB-1

The Company has suspended production activities from ROB-1 because of increasing water influx caused by a possible lack of casing integrity.

A casing integrity test by to be run by wireline will shortly take place to determine the cause of the water ingress in the wellbore. The necessary action to restore production will be taken accordingly.

Remedial action to restore production from ROB-1 will be planned accordingly based on the results of the investigations performed.

El Bibane concession

El Bibane is producing a stable rate of approximately 90 BOPD net to Zenith. - 90 boe x 85$ x 28 dage = 214.200$ x 12 (22,8 mill nok kr pro anno)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
Redigert 15.02.2022 kl 22:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
X-43 scramjet
18.02.2022 kl 13:34 7781

Håper dette går veien for Zena. Ser ut som det blir endel aktiviteter fremover. Nå håper jeg virkelig aksje kursen gjenspeiler suksessen i 2022. Kan det endelig gå mot 30 øre Aqualight?
18.02.2022 kl 13:55 7722

Obviously with Tilapia looking like it is going to be the next major move in the Zenith acquisitions trail most of our recent calculations have been on what a huge amount of money that could be worth. However, with oil prices as they are at the moment we also should not forget that Tunisia Is kicking off a large amount of cash as well.

With production currently at somewhere between 450-500 bopd, oil prices at $90 per barrel and opex costs at about $25 then we are looking at a net revenue of:

450bopd = $10.6 million per annum
500bopd = $11.8 million

When we add the additional income from the Italian electricity generation then we are probably up to about $14-$15 million per annum of income. This is more than enough to cover the $12.6 million (CAD$16 million) of administrative expenses for the company and also to leave approx. $2 million left over.

This excess capital is potentially very important for Zenith because this means that that company is already (and even with Rob-1 currently not producing) generating enough money to service debt. This in turn means that when the Tilapia license comes in and we need to drill it then it will be easy to get a debt facility to do this -serviced by the cash generated by Tunisia and the company does not have to issue any more shares to fund the first stage of Tilapia development.

The first step of generating revenue to service debt has already been completed. The next step is to seal the T2 license and assuming, that we get thisgranted while Andrea is in the Congo next week (as per the twitter rumours) then we only have to finish off the last 20% of the TLP-103C drill and then the real money can start to come in.

In short, the Tunisian production allows us to kick start the development of Tilapia and unlock the potential riches there without diluting shareholders.
18.02.2022 kl 15:45 7639

Before anyone goes crazy over the cost of administration, just look at the half-year accounts, because there is an explanation that is not included in the post. see page 34 - so you do not have to guess.


Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
18.02.2022 kl 19:04 7526

Thats normal In 2021 Zena had mor bolls in the air compare to 2020, so its understandable than expensives war much higher.
05.03.2022 kl 22:29 7080

Maixent Raoul Ominga renouvelé dans ses fonctions de directeur général de la Société nationale des pétroles du Congo. Le décret a été signé ce jeudi 3 Mars 2022 .

Bare smil og vær glad - helt enkelt.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
Slettet bruker
05.03.2022 kl 22:43 7086

Hvem er denne mann?
Maixent Raoul Ominga fornyet i sine funksjoner som daglig leder for National Petroleum Company of Congo. Dekretet ble signert torsdag 3. mars 2022
07.03.2022 kl 18:28 7032

@LATO - vi kan kalde ham kongen af SNPC. Alle beslutninger uden undtagelse går igennem Maixent - og så er han pro Zenith.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
07.03.2022 kl 18:32 7014

Hvis der er nogle der ønsker at følge prisudviklingen i Italien på strøm, helt tæt så kan i starte lige her :

Så kan i også regne de kommende RNS meldinger ud, med hensyn til det stigende overskud.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
X-43 scramjet
07.03.2022 kl 19:02 6934

Tenker litt på Zena tilbake høsten 2019, kursen gikk fra 0.20 kr til 1 kr. Det hadde vært fint hvis det samme skjedde igjen. 30 øre er vel realistisk denne gang. Laster opp mer denne måneden hvis vi fortsatt er på 10-12 øre per aksje
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 19:51 6854

Høres bra ut! Håper på endelig news denne uken og at Tilapia er i boks!
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 22:59 6583

Galskap å selge nå! 🍾
08.03.2022 kl 07:17 6351

Idag sker det, kan jeg mærke 💰💰💰
08.03.2022 kl 08:03 6233

Som jeg har tillatt meg å synse litt om så burde det skje denne uken, hver sitt valg, lykke til!
X-43 scramjet
08.03.2022 kl 08:23 6140

Salg av olje slutten av mars som kan gi Zena litt inntekter, tildeling av Tilapia som mange håper på, så er det aktiviteter med olje brønn aktiviteter fremover spesielt sommeren som kan gi positive utslag for aksje kursen. Nå har jeg troen på at dette kan bli bra igjen. Pandemien har utsatt prosjekter og vil jeg tro. Men nå vil det bli lettere fremover
22.04.2022 kl 10:52 5369

International crude lifting for a value of approx. US$6.4 million from Tunisia

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
22.04.2022 kl 11:29 5375

Hei Aqualight.
Husker du tiden da vi alltid avsluttet innleggene med High risk/High reward.......
Den risikoen er det idag nesten ikke noe igjen av.
Cash-flowen som kommer inn på konto i mai og så neste etter neste salg vil føre til..
1. Tror tiden med emisjoner er over.
2. Det blir lettere å få finansiering til videre utvikling.
3. Det bør være mulig å låne penger uten å betale 10% rente.
4.Det bør gå greit å betjene egen gjeld., noe som knekker 8 av 10 oljemygger.
5. Ting tar tid det vet vi veldig godt, men med penger på konto går ting fortere.
Det har aldri sett bedre ut for Zenith Energy. Som jeg før har sagt, den dagen Zenith produserer 1000 fat olje pr. dag er vi på skinner.
Ha en flott dag alle Zenithere.
Og glem dagens aksjekurs,den er uvesentlig.
Ta på de lange brillene, og prøv å se hva som kan skje videre....