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For seriøse Zenith Energy investorer
Kære nye og "gamle" Zenith investorer & Zenith medskribenter,
OPDATERING fra 2025, er lagt under indledningen:
Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.
Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.
OPDATERING Fredag den 3 Januar 2025:
- Der er sket utrolig mange ting de sidste 3-4 år i firmaet, og der er sendt mange bolde i luften, hvilket kan være positivt hvis man husker at gribe bare nogle af dem igen, det har ledelsen dog haft urimelig svært ved, og den præmis skal man kende fra start, ellers kan man godt blive slemt skuffet.
Zenith Energy har indledt tre separate retssager mod Republikken Tunesien og/eller ETAP, det nationale olieselskab, som er beskrevet herunder,
- Er der d.d. reelt, 7,3 milliarder grunde til at købe aktier i firmaet? det spørgsmål lader jeg være op til den enkelte investor, men vi ved at der ligger reelle krav (set med vores briller) på 639.700.000 $ ( 7.259.837.106 nok kr.) så langt så godt.
-: Vi ved også at vi har vundet ICC-1 Arbitration, som udløser 9,7 millioner $ ( ca 110 mill nok kr.) Dette er grundlaget for at vinde de kommende sager, derfor er denne MEGET vigtig, fremadrettet.
-: Der går rygter om at Tunesien har tilbudt et "forlig" med 120 mill $ fordelt over 8 år (1.363.349.691nok kr.) som skulle være afvist af firmaet
-: Vi ved at sagen vedrørende skade mod firmaet CNAOG ICC Arbitration 130 mill $ ( 1.476.962.165 nok kr.) skal præsenteres for en domstol, her i slutningen af februar 2025, og firmaet forventer en dom, omkring sommeren 2025.
-: Vi ved at firmaet har en ICSID Arbitration, (ICSID-voldgiften,) kørende mod Tunesien, for ikke at overholde de underskrevet aftaler men specielt artikel 8 mellem UK - Irland & Tunesien, som er underskrevet 1989. (ICSID er en forkortelse for - >International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes<) kravet er på 503 mill $ ( 5.714.707.456 nok kr.) og forventes afsluttet i Q1 - 2026.
-: Vi ved at Tunesien har sparker deres advokater ud, efter at have arbejdet på sagen i mere end 2 år! den del kommer de jo nok til at fortryde, rygtet siger at de har været ærlige overfor regerings apparatet og godt kan se at de næste sager kommer til at falde ud til firmaets fordel frem for Tunesien, med en sejer vedrørende ICC-1 Arbitration, i December 2024, er det en ren tilståelsessag, med de kommende afgørelser, hvilket stiller firmaet i en urimelig god situation. det har advokater selvfølgelig godt kunne se.
Sagerne i overskrifter ser således ud:
1. The ICC-1 Arbitration was commenced following ETAP’s failure to comply with its contractual obligations to pay for oil produced and sold by the Company’s fully owned subsidiary, Ecumed Petroleum Zarzis Ltd, in Tunisia. - 9,7 mill $ VUNDET
2. The Company has formalised a claim for damages in the amount of US$130 million (the “Claimed Amount”) in connection with the CNAOG ICC Arbitration. The CNAOG ICC Arbitration is distinct from the other arbitrations initiated by the Company, being the recently concluded ICC Arbitration against ETAP resulting an award in favour of Zenith
3. The ICSID Arbitration was launched following a series of actions undertaken by the Tunisian government to the material detriment of the commercial interests of the Investors in the Republic of Tunisia, including, inter alia, unreasonable, and arbitrary obstructions in relation to the development of the Sidi El Kilani and Ezzaouia concessions. - 503 mill $
4. Zenith Energy CEO said: "We are making steady progress on all fronts in the arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia. The total cumulative amount claimed in the three ongoing arbitrations now stands at US$639.7 million, reflecting the extent of the damages inflicted on Zenith and its shareholders by the Tunisian authorities. We hope that the outcome of the ICC 1 arbitration, scheduled for the end of the year, will provide concrete confirmation of the validity of our position, as we direct our efforts towards the much larger ICC 2 and ICSID arbitrations, which are due to be concluded in 2025 and 2026 respectively."
Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.
Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.
Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.
Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.
Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.
Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
OPDATERING fra 2025, er lagt under indledningen:
Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.
Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.
OPDATERING Fredag den 3 Januar 2025:
- Der er sket utrolig mange ting de sidste 3-4 år i firmaet, og der er sendt mange bolde i luften, hvilket kan være positivt hvis man husker at gribe bare nogle af dem igen, det har ledelsen dog haft urimelig svært ved, og den præmis skal man kende fra start, ellers kan man godt blive slemt skuffet.
Zenith Energy har indledt tre separate retssager mod Republikken Tunesien og/eller ETAP, det nationale olieselskab, som er beskrevet herunder,
- Er der d.d. reelt, 7,3 milliarder grunde til at købe aktier i firmaet? det spørgsmål lader jeg være op til den enkelte investor, men vi ved at der ligger reelle krav (set med vores briller) på 639.700.000 $ ( 7.259.837.106 nok kr.) så langt så godt.
-: Vi ved også at vi har vundet ICC-1 Arbitration, som udløser 9,7 millioner $ ( ca 110 mill nok kr.) Dette er grundlaget for at vinde de kommende sager, derfor er denne MEGET vigtig, fremadrettet.
-: Der går rygter om at Tunesien har tilbudt et "forlig" med 120 mill $ fordelt over 8 år (1.363.349.691nok kr.) som skulle være afvist af firmaet
-: Vi ved at sagen vedrørende skade mod firmaet CNAOG ICC Arbitration 130 mill $ ( 1.476.962.165 nok kr.) skal præsenteres for en domstol, her i slutningen af februar 2025, og firmaet forventer en dom, omkring sommeren 2025.
-: Vi ved at firmaet har en ICSID Arbitration, (ICSID-voldgiften,) kørende mod Tunesien, for ikke at overholde de underskrevet aftaler men specielt artikel 8 mellem UK - Irland & Tunesien, som er underskrevet 1989. (ICSID er en forkortelse for - >International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes<) kravet er på 503 mill $ ( 5.714.707.456 nok kr.) og forventes afsluttet i Q1 - 2026.
-: Vi ved at Tunesien har sparker deres advokater ud, efter at have arbejdet på sagen i mere end 2 år! den del kommer de jo nok til at fortryde, rygtet siger at de har været ærlige overfor regerings apparatet og godt kan se at de næste sager kommer til at falde ud til firmaets fordel frem for Tunesien, med en sejer vedrørende ICC-1 Arbitration, i December 2024, er det en ren tilståelsessag, med de kommende afgørelser, hvilket stiller firmaet i en urimelig god situation. det har advokater selvfølgelig godt kunne se.
Sagerne i overskrifter ser således ud:
1. The ICC-1 Arbitration was commenced following ETAP’s failure to comply with its contractual obligations to pay for oil produced and sold by the Company’s fully owned subsidiary, Ecumed Petroleum Zarzis Ltd, in Tunisia. - 9,7 mill $ VUNDET
2. The Company has formalised a claim for damages in the amount of US$130 million (the “Claimed Amount”) in connection with the CNAOG ICC Arbitration. The CNAOG ICC Arbitration is distinct from the other arbitrations initiated by the Company, being the recently concluded ICC Arbitration against ETAP resulting an award in favour of Zenith
3. The ICSID Arbitration was launched following a series of actions undertaken by the Tunisian government to the material detriment of the commercial interests of the Investors in the Republic of Tunisia, including, inter alia, unreasonable, and arbitrary obstructions in relation to the development of the Sidi El Kilani and Ezzaouia concessions. - 503 mill $
4. Zenith Energy CEO said: "We are making steady progress on all fronts in the arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia. The total cumulative amount claimed in the three ongoing arbitrations now stands at US$639.7 million, reflecting the extent of the damages inflicted on Zenith and its shareholders by the Tunisian authorities. We hope that the outcome of the ICC 1 arbitration, scheduled for the end of the year, will provide concrete confirmation of the validity of our position, as we direct our efforts towards the much larger ICC 2 and ICSID arbitrations, which are due to be concluded in 2025 and 2026 respectively."
Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.
Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.
Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.
Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.
Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.
Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 18.03.2025 kl 12:54
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X-43 scramjet
22.04.2022 kl 12:06
Ting tar tid med Zenith Energy ja. Ser en del investorer har blitt litt utålmodige, aksje kursen har stått stille lenge. Håper selv det snur nå. Er viktig den Tilapia avtalen. Positivt hvis de finner noen lukrative oljebrønner nå fremover og får en god cash flow. Hvilke kursmål som settes fremover er interessant
22.04.2022 kl 12:58
publisert 17.04.22.
Ser det ut som at Zenith har lagt press på myndighetene for å "få ut fingen"? Jeg kan ikke fransk, så her er google translate til engelsk på full gnu.
Forfatteren/La Presse påpeker hvor viktig det er for Tunisia/økonomien at myndighetene kommer ut fra "dvalen" og effektiviserer byråkratiet i disse prosessene. Slik at det er attraktivt for små/middels selskaper å investere i landet.
publisert 17.04.22.
Ser det ut som at Zenith har lagt press på myndighetene for å "få ut fingen"? Jeg kan ikke fransk, så her er google translate til engelsk på full gnu.
Forfatteren/La Presse påpeker hvor viktig det er for Tunisia/økonomien at myndighetene kommer ut fra "dvalen" og effektiviserer byråkratiet i disse prosessene. Slik at det er attraktivt for små/middels selskaper å investere i landet.
22.04.2022 kl 21:13
Hej Svartsyn,
Ja det husker jeg tydeligt, men det var også som du skriver - et anderledes firma, på det tidspunkt, dog fastholder jeg at vi er små 30 personer der ikke har rystet på hånden, i processen hertil.
Det her kommer til at udvikle sig én af 2 veje, som jeg ser det - for at få pengene til at rulle ind hurtigere og i større omfang, så SKAL der bruges penge i Italien, der er afregning hver eneste måned, hvilket vi behøver løbende, også når TLP ll bliver meldt underskrevet. - samtidig er vi forpligtet til at udvikle i Tunesien, den del må vi ikke glemme, prioritet 2 i Tunesien er vores 100% felter, - Robbana & El Bibane, med 57 millioner kr. på kontoen om et øjeblik, er der mange døre der åbner sig, og med yderligere 45 millioner kr, i sommerferien, så ser det meget positivt ud - og så er det værd at huske at den udviklingskontrakt med ligger (med Tunesien) og er underskrevet er gensidig, så hverken vi eller de kan løbe fra det aftalte -
Specielt dit punkt 4, betjene egen gæld - er en af de vigtigste parameter for at kunne udvikle dette firma, og det mål er nu opfyldt.
Nu fornemmer jeg der kommer mere tempo på udviklingen, generelt - så vi ser hvad der sker lidt længere nede af vejen, herfra er hånden rolig og humøret højt - god weekend derude
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Ja det husker jeg tydeligt, men det var også som du skriver - et anderledes firma, på det tidspunkt, dog fastholder jeg at vi er små 30 personer der ikke har rystet på hånden, i processen hertil.
Det her kommer til at udvikle sig én af 2 veje, som jeg ser det - for at få pengene til at rulle ind hurtigere og i større omfang, så SKAL der bruges penge i Italien, der er afregning hver eneste måned, hvilket vi behøver løbende, også når TLP ll bliver meldt underskrevet. - samtidig er vi forpligtet til at udvikle i Tunesien, den del må vi ikke glemme, prioritet 2 i Tunesien er vores 100% felter, - Robbana & El Bibane, med 57 millioner kr. på kontoen om et øjeblik, er der mange døre der åbner sig, og med yderligere 45 millioner kr, i sommerferien, så ser det meget positivt ud - og så er det værd at huske at den udviklingskontrakt med ligger (med Tunesien) og er underskrevet er gensidig, så hverken vi eller de kan løbe fra det aftalte -
Specielt dit punkt 4, betjene egen gæld - er en af de vigtigste parameter for at kunne udvikle dette firma, og det mål er nu opfyldt.
Nu fornemmer jeg der kommer mere tempo på udviklingen, generelt - så vi ser hvad der sker lidt længere nede af vejen, herfra er hånden rolig og humøret højt - god weekend derude
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
22.04.2022 kl 21:46
Hei Aqualight.
Tror først at antallet personer som.har fulgt Zenith til bunns er mindre enn 30 personer .
Det er takket være deg og Herbius at eg snittet ned og fulgte aksjen ned til 4øre.
Det virket da som å kaste penger ned i et svart hull som,bare slukte pengene ned i en fallende aksjekurs.
Det var blodrød kan man si.
Det er nesten utrolig hvordan dette har gått videre.
Det viktigste er den kjekke cash-flowen, trur ikke folk forstår egenfinansiering kontra å låne penger til 10 % rente.
Det er finansieringen som dreper 85% av alle oljemygger.
Vi er straks over det stadiet.
Når vi ser tilbake har du hatt et riktig perspektiv (syn) på det meste.
Men du får gi meg rett i en ting , antall brønner boret i løpet av et år.
Ja det vet eg nok endel mere om enn flesteparten på denne siden.. (Ironi)
Slapp helt av , den dagen vi opplever å produsere 1000 fat pr.dag. Da er vi klare for turen oppover.
Det eneste negative er " avtalene. som. Cattaneo gjorde når oljeprisen var på vei til 20-30 dollar, de er utrolige".
De er for gode selv i oljebransjen.
Det var å kjøpe gull for knapper og glansbilder.
Vi får heller betale litt meir og. få de godkjent er. mitt håp.
Ha en utmerket helg og. Som jeg sier,det har aldri sett bedre ut.
Ha en flott helg alle Zenithere...........
Tror først at antallet personer som.har fulgt Zenith til bunns er mindre enn 30 personer .
Det er takket være deg og Herbius at eg snittet ned og fulgte aksjen ned til 4øre.
Det virket da som å kaste penger ned i et svart hull som,bare slukte pengene ned i en fallende aksjekurs.
Det var blodrød kan man si.
Det er nesten utrolig hvordan dette har gått videre.
Det viktigste er den kjekke cash-flowen, trur ikke folk forstår egenfinansiering kontra å låne penger til 10 % rente.
Det er finansieringen som dreper 85% av alle oljemygger.
Vi er straks over det stadiet.
Når vi ser tilbake har du hatt et riktig perspektiv (syn) på det meste.
Men du får gi meg rett i en ting , antall brønner boret i løpet av et år.
Ja det vet eg nok endel mere om enn flesteparten på denne siden.. (Ironi)
Slapp helt av , den dagen vi opplever å produsere 1000 fat pr.dag. Da er vi klare for turen oppover.
Det eneste negative er " avtalene. som. Cattaneo gjorde når oljeprisen var på vei til 20-30 dollar, de er utrolige".
De er for gode selv i oljebransjen.
Det var å kjøpe gull for knapper og glansbilder.
Vi får heller betale litt meir og. få de godkjent er. mitt håp.
Ha en utmerket helg og. Som jeg sier,det har aldri sett bedre ut.
Ha en flott helg alle Zenithere...........
23.04.2022 kl 21:51
Så meget som situationen i Europa har ændret sig, siden November 2021, er jeg og andre nødt til at arbejde for at få Masseria Vincelli 2 i produktion, straks - uanset hvad firmaet har meldt ud tidligere, at afvente med en opstart i op til 3 år, den går ikke - Europa har brug for gas og strøm, vi har med nogle enkle greb løsningen.
AC plejer at være yderst lydhør overfor forslag fra investor baglandet -
In Italy, the Group owns various working interests in several onshore exploration and production
properties and two gas concessions. This minor operation of electricity generation using low grade natural gas, has been generating substantial revenue as a result of the recent energy crisis
in Europe which has caused gas and electricity prices to skyrocket. The Italian portfolio includes
13 production and exploration properties of which Torrente Cigno is the most significant and it
has one operating well, Masseria Vincelli 1. Proved and probable reserves in the property stand
at 17154 mmcfe (2859 mboe) when including planned offset horizontal well, Masseria Vincelli 2.
The company is producing from Masseria Vincelli 1 well with very good pressure and gas
production. According to Zenith’s information, the reserves at the well are higher than expected.
Therefore, the potential drilling of the Masseria Vincelli 2 sidetrack, as recently announced, will
be postponed until all the reserves of the current well are produced. According to the current
situation, the production is expected to continue for the next three years.
The well Masseria Vincelli 1 is currently producing at a fairly constant rate of 458 Mscf/d into the
Company's electrical generation facility. This production rate is predicted to be constant for the
next six years to maintain operation of a single 1.4 MWh unit before commencing a decline.
The offset probable horizontal well location Masseria Vincelli 2 is expected to be drilled in 2021
and produce al a rate of 1,000 Mscf/d which will maintain the operation of the other three 1.4
MWh units at the electrical generation facility for a number of years. Later in life, as the well
declines, non utilized units will be taken off line.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
AC plejer at være yderst lydhør overfor forslag fra investor baglandet -
In Italy, the Group owns various working interests in several onshore exploration and production
properties and two gas concessions. This minor operation of electricity generation using low grade natural gas, has been generating substantial revenue as a result of the recent energy crisis
in Europe which has caused gas and electricity prices to skyrocket. The Italian portfolio includes
13 production and exploration properties of which Torrente Cigno is the most significant and it
has one operating well, Masseria Vincelli 1. Proved and probable reserves in the property stand
at 17154 mmcfe (2859 mboe) when including planned offset horizontal well, Masseria Vincelli 2.
The company is producing from Masseria Vincelli 1 well with very good pressure and gas
production. According to Zenith’s information, the reserves at the well are higher than expected.
Therefore, the potential drilling of the Masseria Vincelli 2 sidetrack, as recently announced, will
be postponed until all the reserves of the current well are produced. According to the current
situation, the production is expected to continue for the next three years.
The well Masseria Vincelli 1 is currently producing at a fairly constant rate of 458 Mscf/d into the
Company's electrical generation facility. This production rate is predicted to be constant for the
next six years to maintain operation of a single 1.4 MWh unit before commencing a decline.
The offset probable horizontal well location Masseria Vincelli 2 is expected to be drilled in 2021
and produce al a rate of 1,000 Mscf/d which will maintain the operation of the other three 1.4
MWh units at the electrical generation facility for a number of years. Later in life, as the well
declines, non utilized units will be taken off line.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
25.04.2022 kl 14:42
I just wrote a long post on the UK forums in response to a new poster who wanted information on Zenith. Although most on here will already know the details of what I have written, I hope that nobody minds me posting it here as well tomaybe help those who do not. I have also updated the production figures based on Etap’s 2022 production rates. It doesn’t make a huge amount of difference to be honest, but it is noce to be accurate.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on the company as a whole in case there is anything here that you don’t know.
Tunisia oil and Italian power are really promising. Zenith have just sold $6.4 million worth of Tunisian oil and are due to sell another $5 million worth in June. The delay is slightly irritating as we were all expecting to sell the full $11 million worth of oil in one go, but over the long term it will probably be beneficial to the company as having multiple different points in the year when Tunisian revenue is received is actually better for cash-flow purposes than just having two payment windows.
Overall, with electricity production in Italy now being worth approximately EUR 3 million per year and oil production in Tunisia equating to approximately 440 bopd (Ezzaouia 210 bopd / SLK 110 bopd / El Bibane 100 bopd / Robanna 20bopd) with a value (at oil price $101 and opex $25) then we have a current oil production in Tunisia worth approximately $13 million annually. This give us a total income from Italy and Tunisia of about $16 millon per annum today.
However, we should also see a significant increase on this in the near future as there are a number of projects that we expect to carry out in Tunisia in the near future which will significantly increase production.
1. We are expecting the workover of ROB-1 to increase production there by another 100 bopd which is worth another $3 million per annum to Zenith. This rig is already on site and operating so I would hope that the production increase will be apparent on the balance sheet by May.
2. We know that the company are intending to drill ROB-3 in June this year, and that in the evens of a successful outcome this will deliver 150-200 bopd net to Zenith. We know that this is anticipated to cost £600,000 and is fully funded out of the November raising.
3. We also know that Zenith intend to drill two new sidetracks back to back at Ezzaouia which will target an increase in production of 500 bopd (250 net to Zenith) at a cost of £1.3 million which was also fully funded out of the November raising.
4. We also know that Zenith are continuing their attempts to acquire the additional 22.5% of SLK which would cost about $500k and deliver an additional 110 bopd.
So in all, if all goes well by June we would hopefully expect to see an increase in Tunisian production from the current numbers of 440bopd up to 1,100 bopd which would mean that we would be generating approximately $30 million in net revenue from Tunisia as well as another $3 million from Italy. This means that the company is making a huge amount of profit even without Tilapia.
However, there is no question in my mind that the big prize for Zenith in the immediate future is still Tilapia and it is a source of great frustration to me that the license is taking so long to be granted but it feels like things must be coming to a successful conclusion now. Andrea has said in the investor conference calls that the company is getting on well with the relevant officials in Congo but that there is simply no way to speed them up. Officialdom in Africa simply goes at the speed that officialdom in Africa wants to go. Assuming that the new license is granted for Tilapia 2 then Zenith will have acquired for £200,000 a 25 year license on an asset that AAOG originally paid almost £7 million for when it only had 5 years left. The license also contains a well (TLP-103C) that has already been drilled at a cost of £9.6 million (£5.4 million net to AAOG with the rest owed by SNPC) and has discovered oil across 56 meters. This money spent by AAOG Congo but owed by the SNPC is very important to Zenith as when they bought AAOG Congo this debt became due to them. At the last count I have seen, the amount of money owed now stands at $5.7 million owned by SNPC to AAOG Congo. Although it is highly likely that much of this money will go back to the government when it comes to finalising the signing on bonus it is still means that a 25 year oil license where oil is known to be present was acquired in it’s entirety for a mere £200,000. If for any reason the license is refused then the company is still owed $5.7 million from the Congolese government and this will be a strong reason for then to grant the license approval in the first place.
Although the drill itself was not commercially viable, the fact that it did discover oil is important and the information that was gathered during the failed drill is going to be extremely important to making sure that any new drill is successful. Other things that we know from the release of information by AAOG is that they thought that the original well (targeting the Djeno layer) would deliver at least 1,000 bopd and that it could deliver up to 2,500 bopd (see page 19 of the AAOG AIM Admission document). They also thought that by drilling down to the Mengo layer with a second well then they could increase this production up to 5,300 bopd and they stated that opex costs (at the 5,300 per day production level) were less than $5 per barrel.
TLP-103C is a nearly completed well that was drilled to 80% of the depth and, according to Andrea’s interview with Financial Fox in February 2021 and there only remains a few hundred meters to drill as a sidetrack/completion before it can be taken into production. It is important to note that this Djeno structure that it is targeting is extremely promising and has produced at least 1,000bopd everywhere it has been drilled in Pointe Noire. What Zenith now know (having had access to all of the AAOG data) is that there were a series of technical mistakes that were made by AAOG in the original drilling of well 103 and so they are confident that they can succeed in this well by doing the right things.So, in conclusion we have a drill that simply needs a sidetrack to be completed and after this will have high expectations of delivering 1,000 bopd production.
It is hard to tell how much the drill will cost to complete but considering it is 80% complete and it only requires a sidetrack being drilled an estimate of between £2.3 - £4.8 million (between 50% and 25% of the £9.6 million spent on the original drill does not seem to wide of the mark). This money could easily be raised by debt as it would not be difficult to service a loan of £4.8 million with a cash flow of $16 million (which is the current net revenue delivered from the Tunisian assets).
Revenue from a successful drill would be pretty significant at today’s prices and considering the opex costs that were originally put out by AAOG. 1,000 bopd production would be split 50%-50% between Zenith and the SNPC (presumably with drilling costs to be covered first) and this would give Zenith an initial production of 500bopd. With oil prices at $101 and doubling up on the $5 opex listed by AAOG to call it a more conservative $10 this would give Zenith a net revenue of $91 per barrel which would work out at $45,500 per day or another $16 million per annum. Essentially a successful sidetrack at Tilapia would pay for itself in under 6 months and then the revenue produced from the well would allow the company to fund a comprehensive drilling program on an ongoing basis. This could either target the full 5,300bopd that AAOG talked about as being potentially available in Tlilapia or it could fund exploration work in the new Congolese license that Andrea has said that we are in discussions about.
The financial benefits to Zenith from Tilapia alone could clearly be company-making but whereas with many other companies this would be the only asset that the company had, with Zenith it is simply the cherry on the top of the cake. Anyway, I hope this all helps.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on the company as a whole in case there is anything here that you don’t know.
Tunisia oil and Italian power are really promising. Zenith have just sold $6.4 million worth of Tunisian oil and are due to sell another $5 million worth in June. The delay is slightly irritating as we were all expecting to sell the full $11 million worth of oil in one go, but over the long term it will probably be beneficial to the company as having multiple different points in the year when Tunisian revenue is received is actually better for cash-flow purposes than just having two payment windows.
Overall, with electricity production in Italy now being worth approximately EUR 3 million per year and oil production in Tunisia equating to approximately 440 bopd (Ezzaouia 210 bopd / SLK 110 bopd / El Bibane 100 bopd / Robanna 20bopd) with a value (at oil price $101 and opex $25) then we have a current oil production in Tunisia worth approximately $13 million annually. This give us a total income from Italy and Tunisia of about $16 millon per annum today.
However, we should also see a significant increase on this in the near future as there are a number of projects that we expect to carry out in Tunisia in the near future which will significantly increase production.
1. We are expecting the workover of ROB-1 to increase production there by another 100 bopd which is worth another $3 million per annum to Zenith. This rig is already on site and operating so I would hope that the production increase will be apparent on the balance sheet by May.
2. We know that the company are intending to drill ROB-3 in June this year, and that in the evens of a successful outcome this will deliver 150-200 bopd net to Zenith. We know that this is anticipated to cost £600,000 and is fully funded out of the November raising.
3. We also know that Zenith intend to drill two new sidetracks back to back at Ezzaouia which will target an increase in production of 500 bopd (250 net to Zenith) at a cost of £1.3 million which was also fully funded out of the November raising.
4. We also know that Zenith are continuing their attempts to acquire the additional 22.5% of SLK which would cost about $500k and deliver an additional 110 bopd.
So in all, if all goes well by June we would hopefully expect to see an increase in Tunisian production from the current numbers of 440bopd up to 1,100 bopd which would mean that we would be generating approximately $30 million in net revenue from Tunisia as well as another $3 million from Italy. This means that the company is making a huge amount of profit even without Tilapia.
However, there is no question in my mind that the big prize for Zenith in the immediate future is still Tilapia and it is a source of great frustration to me that the license is taking so long to be granted but it feels like things must be coming to a successful conclusion now. Andrea has said in the investor conference calls that the company is getting on well with the relevant officials in Congo but that there is simply no way to speed them up. Officialdom in Africa simply goes at the speed that officialdom in Africa wants to go. Assuming that the new license is granted for Tilapia 2 then Zenith will have acquired for £200,000 a 25 year license on an asset that AAOG originally paid almost £7 million for when it only had 5 years left. The license also contains a well (TLP-103C) that has already been drilled at a cost of £9.6 million (£5.4 million net to AAOG with the rest owed by SNPC) and has discovered oil across 56 meters. This money spent by AAOG Congo but owed by the SNPC is very important to Zenith as when they bought AAOG Congo this debt became due to them. At the last count I have seen, the amount of money owed now stands at $5.7 million owned by SNPC to AAOG Congo. Although it is highly likely that much of this money will go back to the government when it comes to finalising the signing on bonus it is still means that a 25 year oil license where oil is known to be present was acquired in it’s entirety for a mere £200,000. If for any reason the license is refused then the company is still owed $5.7 million from the Congolese government and this will be a strong reason for then to grant the license approval in the first place.
Although the drill itself was not commercially viable, the fact that it did discover oil is important and the information that was gathered during the failed drill is going to be extremely important to making sure that any new drill is successful. Other things that we know from the release of information by AAOG is that they thought that the original well (targeting the Djeno layer) would deliver at least 1,000 bopd and that it could deliver up to 2,500 bopd (see page 19 of the AAOG AIM Admission document). They also thought that by drilling down to the Mengo layer with a second well then they could increase this production up to 5,300 bopd and they stated that opex costs (at the 5,300 per day production level) were less than $5 per barrel.
TLP-103C is a nearly completed well that was drilled to 80% of the depth and, according to Andrea’s interview with Financial Fox in February 2021 and there only remains a few hundred meters to drill as a sidetrack/completion before it can be taken into production. It is important to note that this Djeno structure that it is targeting is extremely promising and has produced at least 1,000bopd everywhere it has been drilled in Pointe Noire. What Zenith now know (having had access to all of the AAOG data) is that there were a series of technical mistakes that were made by AAOG in the original drilling of well 103 and so they are confident that they can succeed in this well by doing the right things.So, in conclusion we have a drill that simply needs a sidetrack to be completed and after this will have high expectations of delivering 1,000 bopd production.
It is hard to tell how much the drill will cost to complete but considering it is 80% complete and it only requires a sidetrack being drilled an estimate of between £2.3 - £4.8 million (between 50% and 25% of the £9.6 million spent on the original drill does not seem to wide of the mark). This money could easily be raised by debt as it would not be difficult to service a loan of £4.8 million with a cash flow of $16 million (which is the current net revenue delivered from the Tunisian assets).
Revenue from a successful drill would be pretty significant at today’s prices and considering the opex costs that were originally put out by AAOG. 1,000 bopd production would be split 50%-50% between Zenith and the SNPC (presumably with drilling costs to be covered first) and this would give Zenith an initial production of 500bopd. With oil prices at $101 and doubling up on the $5 opex listed by AAOG to call it a more conservative $10 this would give Zenith a net revenue of $91 per barrel which would work out at $45,500 per day or another $16 million per annum. Essentially a successful sidetrack at Tilapia would pay for itself in under 6 months and then the revenue produced from the well would allow the company to fund a comprehensive drilling program on an ongoing basis. This could either target the full 5,300bopd that AAOG talked about as being potentially available in Tlilapia or it could fund exploration work in the new Congolese license that Andrea has said that we are in discussions about.
The financial benefits to Zenith from Tilapia alone could clearly be company-making but whereas with many other companies this would be the only asset that the company had, with Zenith it is simply the cherry on the top of the cake. Anyway, I hope this all helps.
30.04.2022 kl 12:38
Lidt weekend læsning +500 sider, det er et fint lille dokument man kan slå op i, så man ikke bruger tid på at gætte sig frem. Både til nye og knap så nye aktionærer.
Velbekomme og god weekend
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
Velbekomme og god weekend
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
30.04.2022 kl 13:26
Litt mye lesning en lørdag.. trekk gjerne ut det mest vesentlige om du har lest alt. Noe nytt som bør bemerkes??
10.05.2022 kl 12:06
Hva tenker vi om dagens melding:
The Company plans to use the funds received in connection with the Loan to
provide additional financial support for the achievement of its business
development objectives in the Republic of the Congo
The Company plans to use the funds received in connection with the Loan to
provide additional financial support for the achievement of its business
development objectives in the Republic of the Congo
10.05.2022 kl 13:41
To me it seems positive.
1) The loan is also non-convertible which means that there can be no dilution of shareholders and that the company has now become mature enough to service loans out of cash flow instead of equity which is something that AC has said that he has been aiming to achieve for a while now – so it is good to finally get there.
2) The loan is only in place for ten months and the warrants are priced at double the current share price and only valid are only valid for the duration of the loan. So for these to be effective for the lender then our share price needs to more than double by the end of this year.
3) They were very specific that the loan is to be used “for the achievement of its business development objectives in the Republic of the Congo as well as for general working capital purposes.” Obviously, at the moment the only business development objectives that we have in the Congo are to acquire the Tilapia 2 license and potentially the additional licenses that AC referred to in his last interview when he said: “After 2 years we are still waiting but we are still supremely confident that we will complete this transaction. It has taken longer than has been expected but the consolation on this is we can be awarded with more than just Tilapia. Tilapia is a great field that is very affordable and it should only cost $5 million to get production of 5,000 (AAOG said). We are slightly more more cautious in our predictions but still expect production in the thousands.”
Overall, my thoughts are that we need this EUR1.3 million effectively as a short-term loanin order to secure the rights to multiple licenses in the Congo, which should hopefully be announced in the near-future. The lenders clearly see a strong use for their money too or they would not have agreed to warrants that are double the current share price.
In addition to these key points, it is also useful to see that we have been able to sell the A-100 workover rig for no loss just before we incurred expensive shipping costs for a rig that we would no longer be able to get spare parts to due to the Ukranian war and nice to see that we are still making very significant money from the Italian electricity assets.
1) The loan is also non-convertible which means that there can be no dilution of shareholders and that the company has now become mature enough to service loans out of cash flow instead of equity which is something that AC has said that he has been aiming to achieve for a while now – so it is good to finally get there.
2) The loan is only in place for ten months and the warrants are priced at double the current share price and only valid are only valid for the duration of the loan. So for these to be effective for the lender then our share price needs to more than double by the end of this year.
3) They were very specific that the loan is to be used “for the achievement of its business development objectives in the Republic of the Congo as well as for general working capital purposes.” Obviously, at the moment the only business development objectives that we have in the Congo are to acquire the Tilapia 2 license and potentially the additional licenses that AC referred to in his last interview when he said: “After 2 years we are still waiting but we are still supremely confident that we will complete this transaction. It has taken longer than has been expected but the consolation on this is we can be awarded with more than just Tilapia. Tilapia is a great field that is very affordable and it should only cost $5 million to get production of 5,000 (AAOG said). We are slightly more more cautious in our predictions but still expect production in the thousands.”
Overall, my thoughts are that we need this EUR1.3 million effectively as a short-term loanin order to secure the rights to multiple licenses in the Congo, which should hopefully be announced in the near-future. The lenders clearly see a strong use for their money too or they would not have agreed to warrants that are double the current share price.
In addition to these key points, it is also useful to see that we have been able to sell the A-100 workover rig for no loss just before we incurred expensive shipping costs for a rig that we would no longer be able to get spare parts to due to the Ukranian war and nice to see that we are still making very significant money from the Italian electricity assets.
10.05.2022 kl 13:52
Do you think the financing of 1,3 mill EUR (and payment to The Congo) is the last step before closing the deal of Tilapia + additional licenses?
Can we expect to see an announcement in May? Damn, it will be finally good to see AC smiling on a picture in Brazzaville with a signed piece of paper...!
Do you think the financing of 1,3 mill EUR (and payment to The Congo) is the last step before closing the deal of Tilapia + additional licenses?
Can we expect to see an announcement in May? Damn, it will be finally good to see AC smiling on a picture in Brazzaville with a signed piece of paper...!
X-43 scramjet
11.05.2022 kl 12:16
Tok et lodd idag på 10 øre, ska handle mer og mer Zena nå fremover. Den lille oljemyggen Zena har bra potensiale, men kursen står stille. Kanskje følge Aqualight sitt råd her og laste opp masse billige Zena aksjer, slutte å se for mye på kursen og dra de fram før jul. En gang må jo 20 øre komme
X-43 scramjet
13.05.2022 kl 16:01
Det diskuteres om at signering av Tilapia II kan komme i juni, de har noen gode ting neste måned som kan overraske markedet. Har lastet opp mer nå. Zena vil sjokkere nå vi minst venter det. Setter 20 øre som kursmål i løpet av 2022. Håper Zena begynner å røre på seg neste måned
15.05.2022 kl 21:39
Republic of Congo to Host First-Ever International Energy Summit in Brazzaville 2022
Taking place on June 15, 16 and 17, The Congo International Energy Summit and Exhibition 2022 – organized by Energy Capital & Power under the patronage of H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons – will represent the first international energy event of its kind held in Congo-Brazzaville.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest producer is seeking to reassert its oil, gas and power industries through an influx of foreign direct investment and heightened regional energy diplomacy.
As global investors turn an eye to green energy investments, the African continent is undertaking an ambitious drive to harness and monetize its vast natural gas reserves, with gas-rich countries like the Republic of the Congo set to become a major regional gas player and exporter.
The Congolese government has implemented several key reforms aimed at attracting upstream investment and cementing its status as sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest oil producer. National oil company SNPC has been at the forefront of establishing new regulatory frameworks that mitigate organizational and performance inadequacies –investing heavily in infrastructure projects that enhance E&P capabilities. Leading upstream activities in the Kundji and Tilapia fields, SNPC drilled five appraisal wells in 2021, with a view to increasing output by 30,000 bpd.
Last September, OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo applauded the Congo’s renewed efforts to promote its energy industry during an official visit to Congo-Brazzaville and reaffirmed his endorsement of H.E. Bruno Jean-Richard Itoua, Minister of Hydrocarbons as President of OPEC for 2022. The OPEC delegation helped solidify the country’s position among established and leading oil-producing partners. In the wake of oil price volatility, OPEC-led coordination and unity among petroleum producers have proven critical, particularly for African producers that depend on crude oil exports for the lion’s share of their GDP and foreign exchange earnings.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Taking place on June 15, 16 and 17, The Congo International Energy Summit and Exhibition 2022 – organized by Energy Capital & Power under the patronage of H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons – will represent the first international energy event of its kind held in Congo-Brazzaville.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest producer is seeking to reassert its oil, gas and power industries through an influx of foreign direct investment and heightened regional energy diplomacy.
As global investors turn an eye to green energy investments, the African continent is undertaking an ambitious drive to harness and monetize its vast natural gas reserves, with gas-rich countries like the Republic of the Congo set to become a major regional gas player and exporter.
The Congolese government has implemented several key reforms aimed at attracting upstream investment and cementing its status as sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest oil producer. National oil company SNPC has been at the forefront of establishing new regulatory frameworks that mitigate organizational and performance inadequacies –investing heavily in infrastructure projects that enhance E&P capabilities. Leading upstream activities in the Kundji and Tilapia fields, SNPC drilled five appraisal wells in 2021, with a view to increasing output by 30,000 bpd.
Last September, OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo applauded the Congo’s renewed efforts to promote its energy industry during an official visit to Congo-Brazzaville and reaffirmed his endorsement of H.E. Bruno Jean-Richard Itoua, Minister of Hydrocarbons as President of OPEC for 2022. The OPEC delegation helped solidify the country’s position among established and leading oil-producing partners. In the wake of oil price volatility, OPEC-led coordination and unity among petroleum producers have proven critical, particularly for African producers that depend on crude oil exports for the lion’s share of their GDP and foreign exchange earnings.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Får håpe de lander Tilapia 2 før dette starter da.
Er det til uka ting løsner?
Er det til uka ting løsner?
16.05.2022 kl 07:40
Da håper vi dette er det som skal til. Spennende å se om folk får opp interessen rundt denne myggen med gode vekstmuligheter..
16.05.2022 kl 08:35
Kongo ønsker å være et attraktivt land for oljeselskaper. Da må de få opp tempoet på godkjenningene sine. Det er ikke akkurat god reklame hvis Tilapia fortsatt står på vent når denne konferansen arrangeres.
16.05.2022 kl 19:08
16th May 2022 4:35 pm RNS Issue of New Series of EMTN 2022-26
"Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has issued a new series of unsecured, multi-currency Euro Medium Term Notes at par value (the "Notes").
The Notes have been issued as part of Zenith's existing EUR 25,000,000 multi-currency Euro Medium Term Notes Programme.
The following Notes have been issued:
· Series No.5: EUR 2,000,000 bearing an interest of 10.125 per cent per year. ISIN: XS2478298909
· Series No.6: GBP 2,000,000 bearing an interest of 10.50 per cent per year. ISIN: XS2478299030
· Series No.7: USD 2,000,000 bearing an interest of 10.375 per cent per year. ISIN: XS2478299113
The Notes will mature on May 9, 2026.
The Notes are governed by Austrian law and are not convertible into equity of the Company."
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
"Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has issued a new series of unsecured, multi-currency Euro Medium Term Notes at par value (the "Notes").
The Notes have been issued as part of Zenith's existing EUR 25,000,000 multi-currency Euro Medium Term Notes Programme.
The following Notes have been issued:
· Series No.5: EUR 2,000,000 bearing an interest of 10.125 per cent per year. ISIN: XS2478298909
· Series No.6: GBP 2,000,000 bearing an interest of 10.50 per cent per year. ISIN: XS2478299030
· Series No.7: USD 2,000,000 bearing an interest of 10.375 per cent per year. ISIN: XS2478299113
The Notes will mature on May 9, 2026.
The Notes are governed by Austrian law and are not convertible into equity of the Company."
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
X-43 scramjet
16.05.2022 kl 19:47
Venter fortsatt på 20 øre, lille oljemyggen Zena tar snart revansje på børsen. Tipper i juni at vi får en hyggelig melding som endelig gir et løft i aksje kursen. Lykke til
16.05.2022 kl 19:48
Det er Congo der kræver Garanti for at Tilapia kan udvikles hurtigt 👍😃
Spændende 💰
Spændende 💰
16.05.2022 kl 19:58
Hei Herbius og Aqualight.
Dere husker argumentet som ble brukt mot Zenith angående at Zenith ikke hadde økonomiske midler til å overta Tilapia kontrakten en lang stund siden.(Det var også sant).
Vi drømte å få til finansiering for å starte opp.
Ingen ville låne penger til "lille" Zenith. Kanskje naturlig nok.
Idag er situasjonen snudd , Zenith begynner å få orden på sakene.
Vi begynner å få cash-flow, og andre begynner å forstå "caset".
Det er bare å finne frem kaffekoppen igjen.
Du spurte meg sist Herbius, om jeg merket "det"
I kveld er svaret ennå mere. Ja.
Ha en flott kveld alle Zenithere, det ordner seg for snille gutter....
Dere husker argumentet som ble brukt mot Zenith angående at Zenith ikke hadde økonomiske midler til å overta Tilapia kontrakten en lang stund siden.(Det var også sant).
Vi drømte å få til finansiering for å starte opp.
Ingen ville låne penger til "lille" Zenith. Kanskje naturlig nok.
Idag er situasjonen snudd , Zenith begynner å få orden på sakene.
Vi begynner å få cash-flow, og andre begynner å forstå "caset".
Det er bare å finne frem kaffekoppen igjen.
Du spurte meg sist Herbius, om jeg merket "det"
I kveld er svaret ennå mere. Ja.
Ha en flott kveld alle Zenithere, det ordner seg for snille gutter....
16.05.2022 kl 20:13
Hej Svartsyn 👍
Vi er fuldstændig enig, tingene falder på plads nu 🙏
Tror vi går en meget spændende tid i møde, men vi fortjener det SATME også 😃
Jeg kan mærke det samme, PINGUS står og smiler til mig 👍
Vi er fuldstændig enig, tingene falder på plads nu 🙏
Tror vi går en meget spændende tid i møde, men vi fortjener det SATME også 😃
Jeg kan mærke det samme, PINGUS står og smiler til mig 👍
16.05.2022 kl 20:14
Hej Svartsyn & Herbius -
Nogen skal i hvertfald have en eller anden form for garanti, hvilket er yderst positivt.
Herbius, har du pakket tasken så vi kan tage op til Svartsyn og få drukket den Solo appelsinvand? Et løfte er et løfte, uanset hvor fjollet det er.
Jeg kan afsløre at der er liv i AC her til aften, til jer der forgæves forsøger at få kontakt uden held.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Nogen skal i hvertfald have en eller anden form for garanti, hvilket er yderst positivt.
Herbius, har du pakket tasken så vi kan tage op til Svartsyn og få drukket den Solo appelsinvand? Et løfte er et løfte, uanset hvor fjollet det er.
Jeg kan afsløre at der er liv i AC her til aften, til jer der forgæves forsøger at få kontakt uden held.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
16.05.2022 kl 20:34
Hej AQ
Jeps håber det er Tilapia 🙏
Bliver vildt hvis den tikker ind 💥💥💥
Haha det er rigtigt, men Svartsyn får ikke tid, ham sender vi til Congo, så ingenting går galt 😂😂
Der har altid været Liv, men han gider nok ikke svare små håbløse aktionærer, der ikke aner hvad de har investeret i🙈
Spørgsmålet er hvor højt vi skal når Tilapia kommer 💥
Jeps håber det er Tilapia 🙏
Bliver vildt hvis den tikker ind 💥💥💥
Haha det er rigtigt, men Svartsyn får ikke tid, ham sender vi til Congo, så ingenting går galt 😂😂
Der har altid været Liv, men han gider nok ikke svare små håbløse aktionærer, der ikke aner hvad de har investeret i🙈
Spørgsmålet er hvor højt vi skal når Tilapia kommer 💥
16.05.2022 kl 20:41
I am expecting a big re-rating and at least 150% rise from our current share price. Tilapia is the game changer in terms of adding significant shareholder to the market cap.
16.05.2022 kl 21:03
Jeg tror på 30 øre, da det er helt fair med sådan et felt, men ikke sikkert at markedet er enig 🙈
Men ting fra Tunesien kan komme som et plus oveni 🙏
Men ting fra Tunesien kan komme som et plus oveni 🙏
X-43 scramjet
16.05.2022 kl 21:26
Bare laste opp alt vi kan og se at olje eventyret endelig begynner for Zena
X-43 scramjet
17.05.2022 kl 10:02
Republic of Congo to Host First-Ever International Energy Summit in Brazzaville 2022
Taking place on June 15, 16 and 17, The Congo International Energy Summit and Exhibition 2022 – organized by Energy Capital & Power under the patronage of H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons – will represent the first international energy event of its kind held in Congo-Brazzaville.
Vi får håpe Zena er med inn i bildet her og sikrer oppstart nytt spennende prosjekt, signering av Tilapia II kan jo komme når som helst, ting tar lang tid i Afrika. 10 øre aksjen blir snart historie tenker jeg
Taking place on June 15, 16 and 17, The Congo International Energy Summit and Exhibition 2022 – organized by Energy Capital & Power under the patronage of H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons – will represent the first international energy event of its kind held in Congo-Brazzaville.
Vi får håpe Zena er med inn i bildet her og sikrer oppstart nytt spennende prosjekt, signering av Tilapia II kan jo komme når som helst, ting tar lang tid i Afrika. 10 øre aksjen blir snart historie tenker jeg
17.05.2022 kl 10:16
Fra artikkelen du sannsynligvis refererer fra:
« Leading upstream activities in the Kundji and Tilapia fields, SNPC drilled five appraisal wells in 2021, with a view to increasing output by 30,000 bpd.«
« Leading upstream activities in the Kundji and Tilapia fields, SNPC drilled five appraisal wells in 2021, with a view to increasing output by 30,000 bpd.«
Redigert 17.05.2022 kl 10:18
Du må logge inn for å svare
17.05.2022 kl 11:47
looking good we should not be too far off for a Tilapia announcement
17.05.2022 kl 11:48
Sandsynligvis? Nej ret præcist faktisk - eftersom jeg selv indsatte linket!!
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
X-43 scramjet
17.05.2022 kl 12:22
Blir en ny "lillejulaften" på ny i juni hvis Tilapia II kommer, flere så har troen på juni måned her. Skal laste opp det jeg kan, har en god følelse Zena har noe bra i sikte denne sommeren
17.05.2022 kl 12:28
Den var ment til X43 Scamret.
Ser nå at du la den inn for to dager siden,
Ser nå at du la den inn for to dager siden,
17.05.2022 kl 20:20
A Russian company for the construction of the Pointe-Noire – Maloukou oil pipeline
It should be noted that the holding of the sixth session of the Congo-Russia Joint Grand Commission, initially scheduled for 15 and 16 March 2022, will finally take place in September 2022, face-to-face.
Oil pipeline construction design -
The RusGazEngineering Group of Companies, under a contract with the National Oil Company of the Congo, is implementing a project to build the oil pipeline Pointe-Noire – Brazzaville – Oyo – Ouesso with a branch Ye – Maluko – Trecheau. The project is being implemented under the patronage of the Russian-Congolese Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Energy and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
At the first stage, archival data of remote sensing of the Earth (RSD) to the territory of projected routes of oil product pipelines in the Republic of Congo were selected and obtained. The length of the route "Pointe-Noire – Brazzaville – Ye – Maloukou – Trechot” - 600 km, "Yie – Oyo – Ouesso" – 800 km. The shooting width is 4 km (+/- 2 km from the axis of the route)
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
It should be noted that the holding of the sixth session of the Congo-Russia Joint Grand Commission, initially scheduled for 15 and 16 March 2022, will finally take place in September 2022, face-to-face.
Oil pipeline construction design -
The RusGazEngineering Group of Companies, under a contract with the National Oil Company of the Congo, is implementing a project to build the oil pipeline Pointe-Noire – Brazzaville – Oyo – Ouesso with a branch Ye – Maluko – Trecheau. The project is being implemented under the patronage of the Russian-Congolese Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Energy and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
At the first stage, archival data of remote sensing of the Earth (RSD) to the territory of projected routes of oil product pipelines in the Republic of Congo were selected and obtained. The length of the route "Pointe-Noire – Brazzaville – Ye – Maloukou – Trechot” - 600 km, "Yie – Oyo – Ouesso" – 800 km. The shooting width is 4 km (+/- 2 km from the axis of the route)
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
17.05.2022 kl 21:20
Congo: Top Projects to Watch 2022 -
A new $600-million oil refinery with a nominal processing capacity of 2.5 million tons per annum (mtpa) – the Atlantic Petrochemical Refinery – is being constructed close to the Congo’s oil hub, Pointe-Noire, through a joint-venture between the government and China’s Beijing Fortune Dingheng Investment. Construction of Phase 1 was launched in February 2021, and includes the engineering, commissioning and start-up of the main refining units, which will have a minimum capacity of 65,000 bpd. The second phase will start in late 2022 and will see the construction of additional units, increasing total capacity to 110,000 barrels per day (bpd). The refinery will produce gasoline and diesel, as well as liquefied petroleum gases, light fuel oils and kerosene.
In 2019, Eni launched phase 2A of the offshore Nené field development, with the addition of 12 new wells commencing production, bringing the total number of wells to 15. Situated on the Marine XII block, the Nené field has seen multiple phases of development, starting production in 2014. Phase 2B began in 2019 and was completed in 2020, starting production by linking the production to an existing production platform. The completion of the field development is expected to start in 2022. Eni is the sole operator of the field with 65% of participating interests; Lukoil acquired 25% in 2019, and the remaining 10% belongs to the SNCP, Congo’s state national oil company. Phase 2B increased gross production by 26,000 bpd, bringing the total to 54,000 boed. In August of this year, Eni confirmed that it will carry out exploration activities in December 2021 and that it will construct a new platform and dig seven new wells.
The Congo is set increase biofuel production capacity in the coming years. The government and Italian IOC, Eni, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on October 4 2021 to commence large scale castor oil production that will provide feedstock for Eni’s bio-refinery system. The pilot phase is due to start in October this year – with approximately 200 hectares allocated for castor sowing activities. By 2030, the industrial development phase will extend cultivation land to 150,000 hectares and benefit some 90,000 people. This project supports the Congolese National Development Plan for Agriculture 2018-2022, which aims to develop the country’s agricultural sector and contributes to the decarbonization of the Congo’s energy mix.
The Congo and Cameroon signed a concession agreement on April 12, 2021, with China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) to build a 108m high dam, named Chollet, on the Dja River, which serves as a natural border between the two central African nations. The project is estimated to cost $700 million and will be capable of producing 600 MW of electricity. CCGC will carry environmental and social assessment and then launch the construction of the dam in addition to the hydroelectric plant, access roads, and substations. Two evacuation lines for the electricity produced at Chollet will power the Congo and Cameroon, with the possibility of delivering electricity to other neighboring countries. The Chollet project is expected to be complete in 2025.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
A new $600-million oil refinery with a nominal processing capacity of 2.5 million tons per annum (mtpa) – the Atlantic Petrochemical Refinery – is being constructed close to the Congo’s oil hub, Pointe-Noire, through a joint-venture between the government and China’s Beijing Fortune Dingheng Investment. Construction of Phase 1 was launched in February 2021, and includes the engineering, commissioning and start-up of the main refining units, which will have a minimum capacity of 65,000 bpd. The second phase will start in late 2022 and will see the construction of additional units, increasing total capacity to 110,000 barrels per day (bpd). The refinery will produce gasoline and diesel, as well as liquefied petroleum gases, light fuel oils and kerosene.
In 2019, Eni launched phase 2A of the offshore Nené field development, with the addition of 12 new wells commencing production, bringing the total number of wells to 15. Situated on the Marine XII block, the Nené field has seen multiple phases of development, starting production in 2014. Phase 2B began in 2019 and was completed in 2020, starting production by linking the production to an existing production platform. The completion of the field development is expected to start in 2022. Eni is the sole operator of the field with 65% of participating interests; Lukoil acquired 25% in 2019, and the remaining 10% belongs to the SNCP, Congo’s state national oil company. Phase 2B increased gross production by 26,000 bpd, bringing the total to 54,000 boed. In August of this year, Eni confirmed that it will carry out exploration activities in December 2021 and that it will construct a new platform and dig seven new wells.
The Congo is set increase biofuel production capacity in the coming years. The government and Italian IOC, Eni, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on October 4 2021 to commence large scale castor oil production that will provide feedstock for Eni’s bio-refinery system. The pilot phase is due to start in October this year – with approximately 200 hectares allocated for castor sowing activities. By 2030, the industrial development phase will extend cultivation land to 150,000 hectares and benefit some 90,000 people. This project supports the Congolese National Development Plan for Agriculture 2018-2022, which aims to develop the country’s agricultural sector and contributes to the decarbonization of the Congo’s energy mix.
The Congo and Cameroon signed a concession agreement on April 12, 2021, with China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) to build a 108m high dam, named Chollet, on the Dja River, which serves as a natural border between the two central African nations. The project is estimated to cost $700 million and will be capable of producing 600 MW of electricity. CCGC will carry environmental and social assessment and then launch the construction of the dam in addition to the hydroelectric plant, access roads, and substations. Two evacuation lines for the electricity produced at Chollet will power the Congo and Cameroon, with the possibility of delivering electricity to other neighboring countries. The Chollet project is expected to be complete in 2025.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Flott og se at du er aktiv igjen Aqualight! Du deler mye bra!
Måtte ZENA lykkes!
Måtte ZENA lykkes!
18.05.2022 kl 12:28
Kan jeg spørre hvorfor du legger ut denne gamle artikkelen nå?
Vet du noe mer enn oss andre? "Jeg kan afsløre at der er liv i AC her til aften, til jer der forgæves forsøger at få kontakt uden held."
Kan jeg spørre hvorfor du legger ut denne gamle artikkelen nå?
Vet du noe mer enn oss andre? "Jeg kan afsløre at der er liv i AC her til aften, til jer der forgæves forsøger at få kontakt uden held."
18.05.2022 kl 16:51
@Barneskirenn -
Hvis man vil se helheden er der 2 ting der skal opfyldes 1. Højde og 2. Perspektiv -
Det går et direkte link fra at kunne håndter alt det olie der potentielt kan hives op af Tilapia ll og til den fremdrift, der er med nogle af de nævnte projekter i det delte materiale - og som jeg har nævnt 12000 gange, så nytter det ikke at hive 20.000 Boepd op af Tilapia ll eftersom det ikke kan håndteres - og heller ikke 5000 Boepd kan lade sig gøre at håndter pt. Men med en pipeline tættere på end 17 km, som vi kan gå på - ser det endnu mere lyst ud end for 1 år siden.
Svaret på fremtidens spørgsmål ligger ofte i fortidens svar.
Og om jeg ved noget mere end “oss andre” ! Det kan jeg ikke svare på.
Jeg bruger måske samlet set flere kraften på at holde mig opdateret omkring hvad der sker omkring firmaet og de lande hvor firmaet er, end “oss andre”.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Hvis man vil se helheden er der 2 ting der skal opfyldes 1. Højde og 2. Perspektiv -
Det går et direkte link fra at kunne håndter alt det olie der potentielt kan hives op af Tilapia ll og til den fremdrift, der er med nogle af de nævnte projekter i det delte materiale - og som jeg har nævnt 12000 gange, så nytter det ikke at hive 20.000 Boepd op af Tilapia ll eftersom det ikke kan håndteres - og heller ikke 5000 Boepd kan lade sig gøre at håndter pt. Men med en pipeline tættere på end 17 km, som vi kan gå på - ser det endnu mere lyst ud end for 1 år siden.
Svaret på fremtidens spørgsmål ligger ofte i fortidens svar.
Og om jeg ved noget mere end “oss andre” ! Det kan jeg ikke svare på.
Jeg bruger måske samlet set flere kraften på at holde mig opdateret omkring hvad der sker omkring firmaet og de lande hvor firmaet er, end “oss andre”.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 18.05.2022 kl 17:30
Du må logge inn for å svare
27.05.2022 kl 16:11
The Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of Congo and AME Trade Ltd are delighted to announce that the 5th edition of the Congo’s International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, CIEHC 5, will take place from November 30 – December 02 2022 in the International Conference Center of Kintélé, Brazzaville, Congo. This edition’s theme is: “Congo’s energy transition: opportunities and challenges”.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.05.2022 kl 16:26
Okey, så for å ikke blande kortene:
- Congo International Energy Conference - June 15/16/17 2022
- Congo’s International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, CIEHC 5 - November 30 - December 02 2022
Aqualight, har du noe tro på at myndighetene er interessert å få på plass TLP2 eller lignende avtaler før 15. juni 2022? ("showcase"). Slik Viking påpeker.
Nå som de har sikret betydelig finansiering(på toppene av rekordinntektene); tror du noe av betydning er i ferd med å offentliggjøres? Som krever en slik garanti.
- Congo International Energy Conference - June 15/16/17 2022
- Congo’s International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, CIEHC 5 - November 30 - December 02 2022
Aqualight, har du noe tro på at myndighetene er interessert å få på plass TLP2 eller lignende avtaler før 15. juni 2022? ("showcase"). Slik Viking påpeker.
Nå som de har sikret betydelig finansiering(på toppene av rekordinntektene); tror du noe av betydning er i ferd med å offentliggjøres? Som krever en slik garanti.
27.05.2022 kl 16:48
Både SNPC & The Minister of Hydrocarbons, har en interesse i at få lukket og godkendt vores PSC, det sender et stærkt signal til alle der deltager i de nævnte arrangementer. - det er mere økonomi end "Showcase" hvis vi ser lidt på hvordan tilstanden er i Brazzaville - arbejdsløsheden er igen stigende blandt de unge og med nogle enkle greb kan man udlede i mellem 4-6 nye job for hver 1 i olieerhvervet, det er værd at tænke over.
Til dem der ikke har læst Centurions rapport, er den her:
Der står mange gode oplysninger.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Både SNPC & The Minister of Hydrocarbons, har en interesse i at få lukket og godkendt vores PSC, det sender et stærkt signal til alle der deltager i de nævnte arrangementer. - det er mere økonomi end "Showcase" hvis vi ser lidt på hvordan tilstanden er i Brazzaville - arbejdsløsheden er igen stigende blandt de unge og med nogle enkle greb kan man udlede i mellem 4-6 nye job for hver 1 i olieerhvervet, det er værd at tænke over.
Til dem der ikke har læst Centurions rapport, er den her:
Der står mange gode oplysninger.
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.05.2022 kl 20:46
Uden at skulle være årsag til at nogle køber eller sælger - og med fare for at blive kaldt alverdens skældsord, så har jeg mere end fra en kilde modtaget meldinger om at der sker noget i Congo i Juni måned, men i må selv udlede hvad i vil, vedhæftede er det tætteste jeg kan komme en bekræftelse fra ministeriet, lidt gemt for det utrænede øje - men prøv at læs hvad der står som den sidste linje i dette link til ministeriet egen hjemmeside og bedøm selv om i kan se en sammenhæng:
The next awards meeting will be held in June 2022 in Pointe-Noire
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
The next awards meeting will be held in June 2022 in Pointe-Noire
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.05.2022 kl 21:23
Takk! Har selv saumfart sidene til myndighetene(flere ganger i uken), men ikke sett denne setningen før nå!
Disse ryktene. Er det kun at det skjer noe i Congo, eller handler disse ryktene også noe om zenith?
Takk for at du deler, ingen skjellsord fra meg uansett om det fører til noe eller ikke:-)
Disse ryktene. Er det kun at det skjer noe i Congo, eller handler disse ryktene også noe om zenith?
Takk for at du deler, ingen skjellsord fra meg uansett om det fører til noe eller ikke:-)
31.05.2022 kl 20:05
Med dagens super positive RNS, er der i min optik nogle endnu mere positive meldinger på vej end 100-120 boepd, vil det være helt urimeligt at tænke, at ROB-1, med alt det arbejde der nu er udført, kommer til at levere som i 1980érne? her fra firmaets hjemmeside,:
>Studies have suggested that an infill well, to be drilled in the proximity of well ROB-1, is expected to produce approximately 200 barrels of oil per day.<
Disse oplysninger med infill well, var før alt blev skiftet i ROB-1, og før dagens RNS, (ergo med eksisterende problemer i hullet.)
Fra RNS 19 Aug 2021 -
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:
"We are very pleased to begin Zenith's operational journey in Tunisia with our inaugural well intervention in Robbana. We are confident that this first well intervention in ROB-1, which has remained untouched since 2012, will result in a relatively significant uplift in production and, at the same time, provide us with valuable additional insights that we can apply towards the planned drilling of ROB-3.
Our primary objective for Robbana is to achieve a daily production rate of approximately 200-250 bopd, to be obtained via the successful workover of ROB-1 and the drilling of ROB-3, representing a tenfold increase in respect of current daily production from the concession.
Plans to drill an infill well in Robbana ("ROB-3"), first announced on June 10, 2021, remain unchanged and the Company is pleased to confirm that, having carried out an inventory inspection, the long-lead equipment required for the drilling of ROB-3 are already on location and meet the prescribed technical and safety standards.
Er planen den samme? eller bliver ROB-3, en helt ny well, frem for en infill well?
Fra RNS 24 Jan - 2022:
Robbana Concession
The Company has finalised plans to drill Robbana-3 ("ROB-3") in the Robbana concession, a new well that will reach a total target depth of approximately 2,500 metres, having designated a different location to that previously considered following an in-depth geological and reservoir review.
ROB-3 will target three proven hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Cretaceous Upper Meloussi sandstone formation, from which successful production has been achieved from the Robbana-1 well ("ROB-1") for many years.
In the event of a successful outcome, ROB-3 is expected to produce approximately 150-200 BOPD.
Ezzaouia Concession:
The Ezzaouia concession is producing approximately 500 barrels of oil per day ("BOPD") and 18 MSCF of natural gas at a stable rate.
The Company is currently consulting with its partner, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières ("ETAP"), having decided to perform sidetracks in two non-producing wells on a 'back-to-back' basis to maximise cost control.
The first side-track will be performed in well EZZ-18. The drilling programme for the well intervention is currently being finalised with ETAP. A casing log to determine casing integrity has been agreed and is expected to be performed in March 2022.
The selection of the second side-track well has still not been finalised and will be determined upon completion of a reservoir study to optimise the selection of the most productive and technically favourable well.
Zenith is expecting to achieve a gross production rate of 1,000 BOPD from the Ezzaouia concession upon completion of the two sidetracks.
Fremtiden bliver ikke kedelig i Zenith, men forvent at tingende kan ændre sig hurtigt, da det er en lille organisation, det har både sine fordele og ulemper -
Ps. jeg forventer mere end 124 boepd, fra ROB-1 - (nok nærmere omkring 200 boepd)
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
>Studies have suggested that an infill well, to be drilled in the proximity of well ROB-1, is expected to produce approximately 200 barrels of oil per day.<
Disse oplysninger med infill well, var før alt blev skiftet i ROB-1, og før dagens RNS, (ergo med eksisterende problemer i hullet.)
Fra RNS 19 Aug 2021 -
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:
"We are very pleased to begin Zenith's operational journey in Tunisia with our inaugural well intervention in Robbana. We are confident that this first well intervention in ROB-1, which has remained untouched since 2012, will result in a relatively significant uplift in production and, at the same time, provide us with valuable additional insights that we can apply towards the planned drilling of ROB-3.
Our primary objective for Robbana is to achieve a daily production rate of approximately 200-250 bopd, to be obtained via the successful workover of ROB-1 and the drilling of ROB-3, representing a tenfold increase in respect of current daily production from the concession.
Plans to drill an infill well in Robbana ("ROB-3"), first announced on June 10, 2021, remain unchanged and the Company is pleased to confirm that, having carried out an inventory inspection, the long-lead equipment required for the drilling of ROB-3 are already on location and meet the prescribed technical and safety standards.
Er planen den samme? eller bliver ROB-3, en helt ny well, frem for en infill well?
Fra RNS 24 Jan - 2022:
Robbana Concession
The Company has finalised plans to drill Robbana-3 ("ROB-3") in the Robbana concession, a new well that will reach a total target depth of approximately 2,500 metres, having designated a different location to that previously considered following an in-depth geological and reservoir review.
ROB-3 will target three proven hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Cretaceous Upper Meloussi sandstone formation, from which successful production has been achieved from the Robbana-1 well ("ROB-1") for many years.
In the event of a successful outcome, ROB-3 is expected to produce approximately 150-200 BOPD.
Ezzaouia Concession:
The Ezzaouia concession is producing approximately 500 barrels of oil per day ("BOPD") and 18 MSCF of natural gas at a stable rate.
The Company is currently consulting with its partner, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières ("ETAP"), having decided to perform sidetracks in two non-producing wells on a 'back-to-back' basis to maximise cost control.
The first side-track will be performed in well EZZ-18. The drilling programme for the well intervention is currently being finalised with ETAP. A casing log to determine casing integrity has been agreed and is expected to be performed in March 2022.
The selection of the second side-track well has still not been finalised and will be determined upon completion of a reservoir study to optimise the selection of the most productive and technically favourable well.
Zenith is expecting to achieve a gross production rate of 1,000 BOPD from the Ezzaouia concession upon completion of the two sidetracks.
Fremtiden bliver ikke kedelig i Zenith, men forvent at tingende kan ændre sig hurtigt, da det er en lille organisation, det har både sine fordele og ulemper -
Ps. jeg forventer mere end 124 boepd, fra ROB-1 - (nok nærmere omkring 200 boepd)
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴