For seriøse Zenith Energy investorer.

ZENA 25.12.2020 kl 14:12 287489

Kære Zenith medskribenter & Zenith investorer.

Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.

Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.

Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.

Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.

Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.

Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.

Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.

Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴

Redigert 30.10.2023 kl 13:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.07.2022 kl 10:20 5284

Det er en god tid at kunne tale lidt Italiensk, tænker jeg - derudover viser dette meget tydligt at alt gas kan afsættes i Italien, uden problemer.

Italy is another step ahead in its venture to increase its export of natural gas as the country signed a new deal with the Republic of Congo on Thursday.

The Italian delegation paid a visit to Angola and now Congo Republic this week to line up LNG contracts. Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio announced the deal alongside Congolese foreign minister Jean Claude Gakosso in Brazzaville on Thursday, saying that the Russian attack on Ukraine has obliged Italy to diversify its sources of energy.

Italy like most countries in Europe is trying to cut its reliance on Russian natural gas imports quickly, with leaders recognizing that their payments help fund Moscow's war, but Umberto Triulzi, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Rome, Sapienza, believes Italy doesn't has the proper arragement for such a swift change.

"The countries with which we have made agreements in the last years like Algeria, Libya, Qatar, Azerbaijan, Angola, Congo, Mozambique, all these countries, we have asked them to increase their export to Italy and we have to do this in a different way. For some of them we have pipelines, like Algeria, like Libya, and Azerbaijan, but for others we don't have it. So we need to build oil pipelines, and gas pipelines, and also the regasificator (regassification plant), as we said, but we don't produce it, we have to buy it from countries who do produce it, like Korea. So it is a lot of investment that we need to do and this is something that requires again time, resources, which we don't have so much now because of the crisis, but you cannot do anything else, this is something that is a must."

The new deal with Congo calls for a new Liquefied Natural Gas project that is expected to launch next year with a capacity of up to 4.5 billion cubic meters a year.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
30.06.2022 kl 19:05 5736

Les travailleurs de Total énergie Congo ont rejoint l’appel a la grève ( deuxieme phase )

Total Energy Congo-arbejdere har tilsluttet sig strejkeopkaldet (anden fase)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
29.06.2022 kl 19:33 5941

En vidéo , les travailleurs du secteur pétrolier en grève. « Brazzanews, hier nous avons eu une réunion avec le ministère des hydrocarbures, mais ils nous propose rien de concret . Nous avons donc décidé de lancer la deuxième phase de la grève » dixit syndicats

På video strejker arbejdere i oliesektoren. "Brazzanews, i går havde vi et møde med ministeriet for kulbrinter, men de tilbød os ikke noget konkret. Vi har derfor besluttet at iværksætte anden fase af strejken” dixit fagforeninger.

Det kan tyde på, at der er tidsler i “rosenhaven” vi følger med i udviklingen, og ser om ministeriet kommer på andre tanker.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
18.06.2022 kl 13:24 6870

Mulig dette er gammelt nytt for noen, men AC er oppført som Speaker på energikonferansen som holdes 30. nov - 2. des.

Dette kan da ikke være annet enn et sterkt signal om at Zenith er på vei til å etablere seg i Kongo??
18.06.2022 kl 11:28 6913

Mon tro om det kan finnes noe spennende i den listen som er oversendt til Parlamantet??
(Google translated)
Minutes of the Council of Ministers of Friday, June 17, 2022

I/- Ministry of Hydrocarbons
Invited by the President of the Republic to speak, Mr. Bruno Jean Richard ITOUA, Minister of Hydrocarbons, presented thirty (30) bills approving permits operated by various oil companies. It shows that the oil sector has experienced a decline in activity in recent years due to the economic, financial and then health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The adoption of the new Hydrocarbons Code on October 12, 2016, as well as the repeal of establishment agreements from which certain oil companies benefited, generated numerous disputes which had the effect of aggravating the reduction in investments induced by the triple crisis with as a corollary a significant decline in production.

The objective of the amendments in question is to define a tax and customs framework and an incentive exchange regime for a resumption and even an acceleration of investments in the liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons sector, in strict compliance with the rules for the preservation of the environment.

It is not only a question of stopping the downward trend in production but of increasing it, in order to generate additional and new resources to support the financing of the PND 2022-2026.

These amendments relate in particular to the following topics:

Amendment No. 7 to the “Haute Mer” production sharing contract operated by TotalEnergies EP Congo: extension of the validity period of the NKOSSA permit by 20 years;
Amendments made by Perenco/Congorep: adjustment of production levels associated with taxation. These include:
Amendment No. 1 to the Yombo-Masseko production sharing contract;
Amendment No. 2 to the Tchendo II production sharing contract;
Amendment No. 2 to the Tchibeli-Litanzi II production sharing contract;
Amendment No. 2 to the Tchibouela II production sharing contract.
The list of all 30 amendments, which concern the companies TotalEnergies EP Congo, ENI Congo SA and Perenco Congo/Congorep, is appended to this report of the Council of Ministers.

These amendments should allow foreign direct investments of more than 2 billion US dollars in the Congolese oil industry, in addition to the investments being implemented or scheduled under the production sharing contracts not concerned by the amendments submitted. consideration of today's Council of Ministers meeting.

Finally, Minister ITOUA noted that in addition to these investments, the payment of bonuses is planned, after adoption by Parliament of the amendments submitted today for the approval of the Council of Ministers.

After discussion, the Council of Ministers ratified the bills approving the thirty (30) amendments to the production sharing contracts submitted for its examination. These bills will be submitted to Parliament for consideration and adoption.
17.06.2022 kl 18:55 6973

Two government sources on Friday said that Italy could declare the state-of-alert on gas next week if Russia continues its reduction of gas supplies to Rome.

The existing Italian gas emergency protocol has three stages. It starts with a state pre-alert at February’s end, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Next, it moves to a state alert and then to a condition of emergency.

A series of measures would be taken to reduce gas consumption, such as rationing gas to select industrial users, increasing production at coal power plants, and asking for more gas imports from other suppliers.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
17.06.2022 kl 17:45 7014

Vi må vel uansett smøre oss med tålmodighet HVIS vi er heldige at det avgjøres i dag.. 1-3uker?
17.06.2022 kl 11:06 7132

Da er de i gang, så gjenstår det bare å se om noe skjer før mandag kl. 09:00.
17.06.2022 kl 11:02 7023

Takk for deling!
Er det mulig å finne agendaen for minister-rådene på nett?
17.06.2022 kl 10:05 6833

kim2002 skrev Vi får håpe
Agreed it seems we are at the mercy of the Congolese government, Zenith have done all the hard work now its just up to the government to give us the green light. Thats the game high risk big reward in places such as Africa.
17.06.2022 kl 08:38 6721

Le Conseil des Ministres se tiendra ce Vendredi 17 juin 2022 en "présentiel" au Palais du Peuple et à partir de 10h00 sous l'autorité de SEM. Denis Sassou N'Guesso, Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat.

Hvis det skal være, så er det i dag.

God dag derude

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
09.06.2022 kl 21:34 7154

Algeria: 'we work with Tunisia for energy needs' -

TUNIS, JUNE 1 - Algeria's energy and mining minister, Mohamed Arkab, has said that Algeria is coordinating with Tunisia to identify energy needs in order to avoid a crisis ahead of the summer season. "Algeria assists and supports Tunisia", added the minister at a meeting of the joint Tunisian-Algerian commission for energy and mining cooperation held in Algeria.

The Tunisian minister of industry, energy and mining, Neila Nouira Gongi, also met Algeria's prime minister, who "stressed his country's will to work together to favor bilateral relations in these vital sectors".

Gongi observed moreover that talks between the Algerian and Tunisian delegations will allow to "develop a partnership, not only commercial" in nature and stressed Tunisia's commitment to boost cooperation in the field of electricity and natural gas, given the current global situation, stating that Algeria has always supported Tunisia to overcome such crises. Discussions between the two delegations also focused on issues regarding renewable energy, energy transition and the trade of oil products.(ANSAmed).


Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
31.05.2022 kl 22:21 7951

Hej Lato 😃

Selvfølgelig, hvis Tilapia kommer samt Tunesien lykkes, snakker vi 2-5000 fat hvis de lykkes 💰

3500 X 120 X 365 X 9 = 1,4 mia kr brutto💰

Det er da ihvertfald i 1 kr værd, hvis ikke nærmere 2 kr 💰

Sid i ro og vent et par år 👍
Slettet bruker
31.05.2022 kl 22:12 7975

Tror du 1 kr kan passeres som aksjekurs med dagens antall aksjer?

Hadde vært rått!
31.05.2022 kl 21:52 8006

Fuldstændig enig AQ 👍
Håber AC tager os på sengen, ( positivt )

Når vi runder 1 kr, har Svartsyn råd til at købe et slot, så der er plads nok 😂😂😂😂

Du bestemmer, samt Svartsyn 👍
31.05.2022 kl 21:46 7883

Hej Herbius,

Du har ret, det virker bare for åbenlyst at med alt det arbejde der er lavet, at vi så stadig skulle få det samme output! -

Nu kommer der snart en stor pose penge på kontoen, så vi går en spændene sommer i møde -

Er du forresten ved at sælge billetter til turen Nord på? jeg så der var endnu en frivillig deltager (Cat349e)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
31.05.2022 kl 21:38 7787

Vi kommer det ikke nærmere, end det jeg allerede har skrevet - beklager

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
31.05.2022 kl 21:29 7788

Hej AQ 😃

Jeg er fuldstændig enig, men lad os ikke sætte baren for højt, bedre at vi samt markedet bliver positivt overrasket over, hvis de leverer bedre ind forventet 👍😃

Men en spændende måned Juni 💰
31.05.2022 kl 20:19 7786


Takk for kommentar angende Rob-1. spennende!

Men disse ryktene fra Congo: er ryktene noe i forbindelse med zenith, eller kun Congo/lisens generelt?
31.05.2022 kl 20:05 7820

Med dagens super positive RNS, er der i min optik nogle endnu mere positive meldinger på vej end 100-120 boepd, vil det være helt urimeligt at tænke, at ROB-1, med alt det arbejde der nu er udført, kommer til at levere som i 1980érne? her fra firmaets hjemmeside,:

>Studies have suggested that an infill well, to be drilled in the proximity of well ROB-1, is expected to produce approximately 200 barrels of oil per day.<

Disse oplysninger med infill well, var før alt blev skiftet i ROB-1, og før dagens RNS, (ergo med eksisterende problemer i hullet.)

Fra RNS 19 Aug 2021 -

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:

"We are very pleased to begin Zenith's operational journey in Tunisia with our inaugural well intervention in Robbana. We are confident that this first well intervention in ROB-1, which has remained untouched since 2012, will result in a relatively significant uplift in production and, at the same time, provide us with valuable additional insights that we can apply towards the planned drilling of ROB-3.

Our primary objective for Robbana is to achieve a daily production rate of approximately 200-250 bopd, to be obtained via the successful workover of ROB-1 and the drilling of ROB-3, representing a tenfold increase in respect of current daily production from the concession.

Plans to drill an infill well in Robbana ("ROB-3"), first announced on June 10, 2021, remain unchanged and the Company is pleased to confirm that, having carried out an inventory inspection, the long-lead equipment required for the drilling of ROB-3 are already on location and meet the prescribed technical and safety standards.

Er planen den samme? eller bliver ROB-3, en helt ny well, frem for en infill well?

Fra RNS 24 Jan - 2022:

Robbana Concession

The Company has finalised plans to drill Robbana-3 ("ROB-3") in the Robbana concession, a new well that will reach a total target depth of approximately 2,500 metres, having designated a different location to that previously considered following an in-depth geological and reservoir review.

ROB-3 will target three proven hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Cretaceous Upper Meloussi sandstone formation, from which successful production has been achieved from the Robbana-1 well ("ROB-1") for many years.

In the event of a successful outcome, ROB-3 is expected to produce approximately 150-200 BOPD.

Ezzaouia Concession:

The Ezzaouia concession is producing approximately 500 barrels of oil per day ("BOPD") and 18 MSCF of natural gas at a stable rate.

The Company is currently consulting with its partner, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières ("ETAP"), having decided to perform sidetracks in two non-producing wells on a 'back-to-back' basis to maximise cost control.

The first side-track will be performed in well EZZ-18. The drilling programme for the well intervention is currently being finalised with ETAP. A casing log to determine casing integrity has been agreed and is expected to be performed in March 2022.

The selection of the second side-track well has still not been finalised and will be determined upon completion of a reservoir study to optimise the selection of the most productive and technically favourable well.

Zenith is expecting to achieve a gross production rate of 1,000 BOPD from the Ezzaouia concession upon completion of the two sidetracks.

Fremtiden bliver ikke kedelig i Zenith, men forvent at tingende kan ændre sig hurtigt, da det er en lille organisation, det har både sine fordele og ulemper -

Ps. jeg forventer mere end 124 boepd, fra ROB-1 - (nok nærmere omkring 200 boepd)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.05.2022 kl 21:23 8496

Takk! Har selv saumfart sidene til myndighetene(flere ganger i uken), men ikke sett denne setningen før nå!

Disse ryktene. Er det kun at det skjer noe i Congo, eller handler disse ryktene også noe om zenith?
Takk for at du deler, ingen skjellsord fra meg uansett om det fører til noe eller ikke:-)
27.05.2022 kl 20:46 8525

Uden at skulle være årsag til at nogle køber eller sælger - og med fare for at blive kaldt alverdens skældsord, så har jeg mere end fra en kilde modtaget meldinger om at der sker noget i Congo i Juni måned, men i må selv udlede hvad i vil, vedhæftede er det tætteste jeg kan komme en bekræftelse fra ministeriet, lidt gemt for det utrænede øje - men prøv at læs hvad der står som den sidste linje i dette link til ministeriet egen hjemmeside og bedøm selv om i kan se en sammenhæng:

The next awards meeting will be held in June 2022 in Pointe-Noire

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.05.2022 kl 16:48 8608


Både SNPC & The Minister of Hydrocarbons, har en interesse i at få lukket og godkendt vores PSC, det sender et stærkt signal til alle der deltager i de nævnte arrangementer. - det er mere økonomi end "Showcase" hvis vi ser lidt på hvordan tilstanden er i Brazzaville - arbejdsløsheden er igen stigende blandt de unge og med nogle enkle greb kan man udlede i mellem 4-6 nye job for hver 1 i olieerhvervet, det er værd at tænke over.

Til dem der ikke har læst Centurions rapport, er den her:
Der står mange gode oplysninger.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
27.05.2022 kl 16:26 8618

Okey, så for å ikke blande kortene:
- Congo International Energy Conference - June 15/16/17 2022
- Congo’s International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, CIEHC 5 - November 30 - December 02 2022

Aqualight, har du noe tro på at myndighetene er interessert å få på plass TLP2 eller lignende avtaler før 15. juni 2022? ("showcase"). Slik Viking påpeker.

Nå som de har sikret betydelig finansiering(på toppene av rekordinntektene); tror du noe av betydning er i ferd med å offentliggjøres? Som krever en slik garanti.
27.05.2022 kl 16:11 8613

The Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of Congo and AME Trade Ltd are delighted to announce that the 5th edition of the Congo’s International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, CIEHC 5, will take place from November 30 – December 02 2022 in the International Conference Center of Kintélé, Brazzaville, Congo. This edition’s theme is: “Congo’s energy transition: opportunities and challenges”.


Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
18.05.2022 kl 16:51 9528

@Barneskirenn -

Hvis man vil se helheden er der 2 ting der skal opfyldes 1. Højde og 2. Perspektiv -

Det går et direkte link fra at kunne håndter alt det olie der potentielt kan hives op af Tilapia ll og til den fremdrift, der er med nogle af de nævnte projekter i det delte materiale - og som jeg har nævnt 12000 gange, så nytter det ikke at hive 20.000 Boepd op af Tilapia ll eftersom det ikke kan håndteres - og heller ikke 5000 Boepd kan lade sig gøre at håndter pt. Men med en pipeline tættere på end 17 km, som vi kan gå på - ser det endnu mere lyst ud end for 1 år siden.

Svaret på fremtidens spørgsmål ligger ofte i fortidens svar.

Og om jeg ved noget mere end “oss andre” ! Det kan jeg ikke svare på.

Jeg bruger måske samlet set flere kraften på at holde mig opdateret omkring hvad der sker omkring firmaet og de lande hvor firmaet er, end “oss andre”.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 18.05.2022 kl 17:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.05.2022 kl 12:28 9591


Kan jeg spørre hvorfor du legger ut denne gamle artikkelen nå?
Vet du noe mer enn oss andre? "Jeg kan afsløre at der er liv i AC her til aften, til jer der forgæves forsøger at få kontakt uden held."
Slettet bruker
17.05.2022 kl 21:44 9813

Flott og se at du er aktiv igjen Aqualight! Du deler mye bra!

Måtte ZENA lykkes!
17.05.2022 kl 21:20 6361

Congo: Top Projects to Watch 2022 -

A new $600-million oil refinery with a nominal processing capacity of 2.5 million tons per annum (mtpa) – the Atlantic Petrochemical Refinery – is being constructed close to the Congo’s oil hub, Pointe-Noire, through a joint-venture between the government and China’s Beijing Fortune Dingheng Investment. Construction of Phase 1 was launched in February 2021, and includes the engineering, commissioning and start-up of the main refining units, which will have a minimum capacity of 65,000 bpd. The second phase will start in late 2022 and will see the construction of additional units, increasing total capacity to 110,000 barrels per day (bpd). The refinery will produce gasoline and diesel, as well as liquefied petroleum gases, light fuel oils and kerosene.

In 2019, Eni launched phase 2A of the offshore Nené field development, with the addition of 12 new wells commencing production, bringing the total number of wells to 15. Situated on the Marine XII block, the Nené field has seen multiple phases of development, starting production in 2014. Phase 2B began in 2019 and was completed in 2020, starting production by linking the production to an existing production platform. The completion of the field development is expected to start in 2022. Eni is the sole operator of the field with 65% of participating interests; Lukoil acquired 25% in 2019, and the remaining 10% belongs to the SNCP, Congo’s state national oil company. Phase 2B increased gross production by 26,000 bpd, bringing the total to 54,000 boed. In August of this year, Eni confirmed that it will carry out exploration activities in December 2021 and that it will construct a new platform and dig seven new wells.

The Congo is set increase biofuel production capacity in the coming years. The government and Italian IOC, Eni, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on October 4 2021 to commence large scale castor oil production that will provide feedstock for Eni’s bio-refinery system. The pilot phase is due to start in October this year – with approximately 200 hectares allocated for castor sowing activities. By 2030, the industrial development phase will extend cultivation land to 150,000 hectares and benefit some 90,000 people. This project supports the Congolese National Development Plan for Agriculture 2018-2022, which aims to develop the country’s agricultural sector and contributes to the decarbonization of the Congo’s energy mix.

The Congo and Cameroon signed a concession agreement on April 12, 2021, with China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) to build a 108m high dam, named Chollet, on the Dja River, which serves as a natural border between the two central African nations. The project is estimated to cost $700 million and will be capable of producing 600 MW of electricity. CCGC will carry environmental and social assessment and then launch the construction of the dam in addition to the hydroelectric plant, access roads, and substations. Two evacuation lines for the electricity produced at Chollet will power the Congo and Cameroon, with the possibility of delivering electricity to other neighboring countries. The Chollet project is expected to be complete in 2025.


Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
17.05.2022 kl 20:20 6453

A Russian company for the construction of the Pointe-Noire – Maloukou oil pipeline
It should be noted that the holding of the sixth session of the Congo-Russia Joint Grand Commission, initially scheduled for 15 and 16 March 2022, will finally take place in September 2022, face-to-face.


Oil pipeline construction design -

The RusGazEngineering Group of Companies, under a contract with the National Oil Company of the Congo, is implementing a project to build the oil pipeline Pointe-Noire – Brazzaville – Oyo – Ouesso with a branch Ye – Maluko – Trecheau. The project is being implemented under the patronage of the Russian-Congolese Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Energy and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

At the first stage, archival data of remote sensing of the Earth (RSD) to the territory of projected routes of oil product pipelines in the Republic of Congo were selected and obtained. The length of the route "Pointe-Noire – Brazzaville – Ye – Maloukou – Trechot” - 600 km, "Yie – Oyo – Ouesso" – 800 km. The shooting width is 4 km (+/- 2 km from the axis of the route)


Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
17.05.2022 kl 12:28 6605

Den var ment til X43 Scamret.

Ser nå at du la den inn for to dager siden,
X-43 scramjet
17.05.2022 kl 12:22 6535

Blir en ny "lillejulaften" på ny i juni hvis Tilapia II kommer, flere så har troen på juni måned her. Skal laste opp det jeg kan, har en god følelse Zena har noe bra i sikte denne sommeren