For seriøse Zenith Energy investorer.

ZENA 25.12.2020 kl 14:12 294714

Kære Zenith medskribenter & Zenith investorer.

Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.

Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.

Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.

Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.

Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.

Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.

Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.

Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴

Redigert 30.10.2023 kl 13:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.08.2023 kl 14:14 9458

Nå, så er pausen herfra slut, og der er mange oplysninger der ligger og venter på at blive delt.

Elon og undertegnet har åbenbart haft et udestående, men vi er nu enige om at den nye profil på X (Twitter) hedder ZenithWizard og at den ikke bliver lukket ned.

Flere positive oplysninger følger meget snart.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
03.08.2023 kl 00:20 9152

Så bra!
Håper på spennende nytt (endelig)!
03.08.2023 kl 19:55 8728

Herfra bliver det bedre end hvad vi har set før, uanset om det koster 5,1 mill kr. hver gang vi skal bore en well, i gennemsnit er tilbagebetalingen under 110 dage, pr. stk. og ja så er der omkostninger, men der er også nogle meget gunstige skatteregler i USA, og når vi gør brug af de lokale sjak der har arbejdet i området de sidste mange år, så kommer vi til at vinde på den rejse vi nu er på vej ud på.

Husk på at vi er startet forfra 5-6 gange nu, bolden har kun fået lov til at rulle en lille smule, hver gang vi har præsterede en smule, uanset om det har været Tunesien - Congo eller andre steder, med en undtagelse af Italien (et land hvor det fungerer dårligt, men det fungerer) nu er vi i USA, og i et område hvor de siden deres spæde start i 1866 med 10 boepd, har været i gang i 157 år, så når først bolden ruller i staterne så går det hurtigt.

Fra dagens RNS - AC har heldigvis lært en hel del i processen vi har været igennem de sidste 4-5 år, og det kan læses, specielt den del med >The first well is planned to be drilled by the close of 2023. Drilling and cementing activities are expected to take less than seven days, with subsequent potential stimulation and testing work to be performed, as well as the installation of any required infrastructure to manage potential production from the wellsite.<
>The acquisition of the Property in Texas should enable Zenith to achieve material additional daily production revenue in an exponential manner by way of drilling activities on very advantageous terms.<

Mit bedste bud er at ved slutningen af 2024, tjener vi urimelig mange penge.

Men prøv selv at tælle mulighederne sammen

1. RNS Number : 4247B - It is planned that the Newco will negotiate the acquisition of approximately 70 oil production wells located on property leases totalling approximately 3,200 acres located in the State of Oklahoma for sale by a third-party identified by Stateside

2. RNS Number : 0718F - The Acquisition comprises of 155 oil and gas wells located in the vicinity of Midland (TX) across licences named Corsicana, Powell, BrookLaw and Sun Valley.

· 47 wells are currently active with a daily production of approximately 60 barrels of oil per day ("BOPD").

· It is expected that production can be increased to an average rate of 100 BOPD with light workover and field rehabilitation activities within six months from Completion.

· Located in the State of Texas, a prolific oil and gas petroleum system with favourable fiscal terms, relatively low production costs and the ready availability of technical expertise and equipment.

3. RNS Number : 2235I - 320 acres of oil and gas lease from surface down to a depth of approximately 800 metres, located in the East Half of section 14, Block 50, University Lands, Crockett County, Texas (the "Property").

· Geologically, the Property is situated in the southern section of the Midland Basin, a subbasin of the Permian Basin. The Property will give Zenith the opportunity to develop production from the San Andres formation, a prolific carbonate formation in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico.

· The Property is situated in the southern section of the Farmer Field which has produced over 34 million barrels of oil since 1950 from approximately 1,000 wells drilled in leases adjoining the Property.

· Zenith has confirmed its intention to operate the Property and conduct oil and gas extraction and exploration activities.

Man kan ærgre sig over at vi skal starte forfra, igen. Men jeg tror det er det rigtige sted at gøre det, når nu det skal være.

God aften derude

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
03.08.2023 kl 20:37 8635

Hei Aqualight.
Godt å se skilpadden rører litt på seg igjen..
Aksjene ligger fortsatt nedstøvet i skuffen , det tar tid dette løpet her...
Men som jeg alltid har sagt den dagen vi produserer 1000 fat/dag. Så vil det ta av...
Litt synd dog at økningene i egenproduksjon går i skilpadde fart.
Men skilpadden vinner som regel til slutt...
Time will show, ha en flott kveld alle Zenithere..
03.08.2023 kl 20:42 8615

Meldingen som kom i dag var meget god. Selv om det ikke er en «gamechanger»-melding. Dette er akkurat det zenith trenger.
Som du skriver, investering på 5mill kan gå i null etter 100-120 dager.. pr brønn. In the great state of Texas!
Står det noe sted hvor mange brønner som er planlagt nå (dagens RNS)?
Lord Wincheste
03.08.2023 kl 21:56 8483

det sto vel 9 brønner med 60 boep pr stk operative i dag
03.08.2023 kl 22:01 8467

Hvis man bemærker det, og kender lidt til den måde AC kommuniker på, så ved man også at der kommer mere fra USA, meget snart - ordvalget i de udsendte RNS er ikke tilfældig - First Agreement for USA acquisition campaign - Second acquisition in USA - Third Acquisition in USA.

Hvis du med >Gamechanger< mener en straks produktion, som kan sælges, så hold vejret et øjeblik.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
03.08.2023 kl 22:07 8446

Lige for at vende Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo - S.A.U ("AAOGC") -

Skriv datoen 29 September ned -

Her fra Publication of 2023 FY annual audited report - på side 51 ( )

On July 3, 2023, the Company announced that its fully owned subsidiary, Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo
S.A.U ("AAOGC"), has been awarded a payment of compensatory damages by the Paris Commercial Court
(the "Court") in its claim against SMP Energies ( hereafter "SMP", formerly Société de Maintenance
Pétrolière - SMP) the rig contractor that performed drilling services in wells TLP-103 and TLP-103C of the Tilapia oilfield during 2018-2019.

In the decision, the Court rejected SMP's request for a stay of proceedings in France due to new proceedings having been initiated in the Republic of the Congo, stating that SMP's request contained "all the characteristics of a dilatory request", and ordered it to pay an amount of EUR 30,000 to AAOGC by way of compensatory damages. The Court decision is immediately enforceable.

The Court has scheduled the next procedural date as September 29, 2023.

Management has therefore not recognised an impairment in respect of this receivable.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
04.08.2023 kl 18:26 7993

Today 17:20

RNS Number : 4153I
Zenith Energy Ltd
04 August 2023

August 4, 2023


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Update on Benin PSC

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, announces that it has decided to discontinue negotiations with the Ministry of Water and Mines of the Republic of Benin for the finalisation of a Production Sharing Contract for Block 1, containing the Sèmè oilfield.

The Board has taken the decision following a comprehensive evaluation of recent geopolitical developments in the vicinity of Benin, the significant long-term investment required to successfully develop the Sèmè oilfield, and the material progress made in other jurisdictions where Zenith now intends to maximise its technical and financial resources with comparatively reduced risk for the Company's shareholders.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
04.08.2023 kl 18:29 7984

Jeg synes personligt det positivt de ikke smider penge i det våde huld. Man har ingen idé om det nogensinde ville kunne løbe rundt eller om der hele tiden ville komme vand i de brønde og der skulle lukkes ned igen.

Fint de nu satser på US der er noget mere sikre og på land. 👌
04.08.2023 kl 19:28 7902

Nå går de for det trygge og garantert lønnsomme. Bygger seg rolig opp. En trygghet for langsiktige aksjonærer, men kanskje dumt for traderen..
04.08.2023 kl 19:44 7871

Det var neppe frivillig. Tipper de ble ansett for ikke kompetent til dette store og relativt kompliserte prosjektet. Ikke rart for et mikroselskap. Kan ha blitt reddet fra store problemer. Ikke minst miljømessig. Potensialet var riktignok stort for et slik selskap.
11.08.2023 kl 09:06 7428

Jeg vil godt opfordre til, at vi hver især spørger firmaet vedrørende den udsendte RNS, den 13 Jul 2022 - de har selv sat en dato samt forklaret hvor enkelt opgaven er på feltet, så hvorfor er det ikke sket? Tillæg dertil den forholdsvis lave udgift.

Feltet kunne have været i produktion i 8 måneder nu!

Reactivation of Sant'Andrea concession in Italy

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the energy company with proven revenue generating production, exploration and development assets in Africa and Europe, is pleased to announce that it is finalising plans to reactivate the Sant'Andrea natural gas production concession ("Sant'Andrea" or the "Concession") located in onshore Italy, with production expected to commence in Q4 2022.

Overview of Sant'Andrea

The Concession covers 164.32 square kilometres and is located in the Veneto region of North-Eastern Italy. It was first granted in 1992 and is due to expire in 2027. Two wells have been drilled within the Concession, namely S. Antonio-1 and Anzano-1.

The Company plans to reactivate the S. Antonio-1 well, with an expected initial production rate of 1,300 cubic metres of natural gas per day.

Monthly fixed production costs are expected to be approximately EUR 3,000 with estimated net revenues of approximately EUR 40,000 to EUR 50,000 per month.

Zenith, via its Italian subsidiary, holds a 40% interest in the Concession. The Company's partners in Sant'Andrea have communicated that they do not intend to fund the reactivation of the Concession. Zenith will therefore receive full entitlement to the production revenue to be received from Sant'Andrea, as well as bearing the full costs associated with reactivation of the Concession (approximately EUR 20,000).

Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer, and Managing Director of Italian operations, commented:

"We have embarked on a gradual strategy of optimising our Italian portfolio, parts of which have remained dormant for some time, in the context of the increasing necessity for European domestic energy security and a highly encouraging pricing climate.

It is our intention to continue to assess other, potentially much larger, opportunities for development within our Italian portfolio in the foreseeable future."

Jeg håber at mange vil følge opfordringen.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
Slettet bruker
11.08.2023 kl 10:05 7356

Company need to answer regarding issues, where they used money including Tunisian operations issues. What will happen if they issue bankruptcy in Jan 2024 before payment of notes? Look like there is no production in Tunisia also specially EL Bibano stop production which used to produces 80bbl condanset.
12.09.2023 kl 08:34 6251

Endnu en opfordring, til at skrive til firmaet med reference til RNS 4534I - 2 december 2022. - ( )

- Our Italian energy production portfolio has significant untapped development potential. We look forward with enthusiasm to unlocking this during Q1 and Q2 of 2023 and progressively scaling up our revenue generation in the current favourable energy pricing climate."

Det er i min optik yderst kritisk, at de udmeldte forventninger fra firmaet, ikke bliver nået eller overholdt, er det aktionær pleje? Det ser jeg ikke for mig!

Og konsekvensen bliver at en håndfuld aktionærer med rigeligt aktier, smider hele porteføljen og at kursen styrter med russiske procenter.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
12.09.2023 kl 09:10 6176

Velkommen tilbake :) er du fortsatt aksjonær og har troen?
21.09.2023 kl 21:57 5567

Jeg var aldrig væk @Kim2002 - jeg er gået væk fra tro og håb, men er gået over til faktum og proff -

Og i den forbindelse har jeg lavet en lille huske liste som det står enhver frit at bruge, for jeg mangler en del svar, og spørgsmålet for stort set alle punkterne er, hvad er status og hvorfor er der ikke fulgt op?

1. Hvorfor skulle de sidste MOU være mere troværdige en nogle af de andre RNS der er sendt ud?
2. 30 Jan 2020 - The Company is exploring a number of avenues to enrich our portfolio at a time of great opportunity for counter-cyclical expansion." -
3. 20 Aug 2020 - Pre-qualification in Nigeria's 2020 Marginal Field Bid Round -
4. 7 Jul 2020 -Joint Venture Agreement for acquisition -
5. 28 Apr 2020 - Manufacturing of PPE -
6. 11 Jan 2021 - New acquisitions in MENA -
7. 2 Mar 2022 - OML 141 RSC Option Nigeria -
8. 24 Jan 2022 - Operational update Tunisia -
9.13 Jul 2022 - Reactivation of Sant’Andrea concession in Italy -
10. 14 Nov 2022 - Opening of Representative Office in Yemen -
11. 2 Dec 2022 - Development of Italian Gas Production Portfolio -

Og NEJ jeg er ikke sur, eller i mod firmaet, jeg forventer bare nogle svar - som alle aktionærer i øvrigt har KRAV på. Det er overhoved ikke svært.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
22.09.2023 kl 18:34 5331

Flott at du fortsatt er inne og stå på med dine refleksjoner og vurderinger. Jeg håper at vi snart får landet noen avtaler som kan løfte kursen. Jeg har jobbet aktiv med å snitte ned og er ganske fornøyd. Lykke til
22.09.2023 kl 23:05 5233

Believe me I understand where you are wright know .When you struggle by finding answers and you don't get them, you haw to seek answers with in you ( in humane nature). When the thinks don't go as we planned and hopet we get with drown in our self, to work from the inside and try to find solutions, withdraw conclusion from our learning experience.So is the same case with Zenith people to. It's unfortunate for me to hear that you haw lost the fate ( fate haw nothing to do with religion). You wore one of the inspirations people in Zenith forums.In to days world where everything is measured with what you have and haw much you achieve and not by haw did you achieve . Nobody won't to talk to everyone of they unfinished, not complicated for what ever reason business . In stade you get determent to move forward . Liket ore not sum times we hav to have fate and believe in order to achieve our goals in life.
Astrology or fortune telers says that destiny is writing in the stares,
Shakespare sad: Destiny is not written in the stares but with in our selfs.
I will say its little bit of both : You haft to du the work ( that's Shakespeare ) and have faith in universe that will open our way ( this is more like Astrology's ore fortune telers).
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 23:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
Lord Wincheste
28.09.2023 kl 08:14 4795

Hva tenker menigheten om kommende dager med jurister? Er endelige dager for saker satt både rundt Kongo og Tunisia?
03.10.2023 kl 17:52 4421

For company is significant events for forward movement, for stocks holders who thinks in the short term I don't think it has any significant positive impact. That's my believe so far.
09.11.2023 kl 18:44 3288

Hvis jeg siger 28 februar 2023? ringer der så en klokke?

Vi fik en morgen RNS udsendt, hvor følgende blandt andet blev meldt ud af AC -

Use of Proceeds

The proceeds of the Financings will be used to provide additional funding for the following:

· Negotiation and planned finalisation of a Production Sharing Contract for Block 1, Sèmè oilfield in Benin - IKKE OPFYLDT

· Technical and managerial appointments in view of planned operations in Yemen - IKKE OPFYLDT

· Additional funding for the development of Zenith's Tunisian oil and Italian natural gas production portfolio - IKKE OPFYLDT

· Business development activities in Africa and the Middle East - IKKE OPFYLDT

· General working capital - Skal vi kalde det hvad der er.............. Lommepenge.


Derudover var der noget gæld som skulle betales med 12,5 mill aktier!!

Jeg tænker faktisk at premier miton tålmodighed ligeledes er opbrugt nu, ac havde også svært ved at huske deres navn i det seneste interview (udtalen var i hvert fald forkert, i første hug) men det også kun en af de vigtigste støtter firmaet har.

Vi talte om, at vi skulle have en stigning til i omegnen 2 kr. - 4 kr. (20 øre - 40 øre gammel kurs) ved positive nyheder - jeg tror desværre det bliver tæt på umuligt at nå den kurs, når man ser på firmaets historie.

Og igen, selv med 3-4 positive nyheder, så viser historien desværre at der ikke bliver eksekveret på de lovede RNS.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
20.12.2023 kl 23:20 2776

Interview with Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith Energy, held in December 2023, covering progress achieved during the year and future plans for the Company as it enters 2024.
18.01.2024 kl 21:23 2386

Hvad får investorerne helt præcis ud af dagens RNS?

Ingen oplysninger om hvor mange penge der er brugt!
Ingen oplysninger om hvad indtægten er nu, hvis der er nogen.
Ingen oplysninger om de helt sikre områder i USA, men kun et - nu gør vi ikke det mere!

Så man smider 3 x lovende USA, RNS ned af gaden uden så meget som at forklare sig.

Sikke en fantastisk ledelse, og billig - kun 1 million kroner pr. mdr. det er fundet til de penge.

Hvis ikke aktien var billig før, så bliver den det nok.

God aften

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
26.01.2024 kl 20:09 2113

Does Tunisia have problems with oil companies? / (Есть ли у Туниса проблемы с нефтяными компаниями?)

Shell, ENI, Zenith Energy... When international oil companies do not leave Tunisia, they try to assert their rights in international courts. But what is the problem?

Early 2022. While the Zenith Energy group increased its presence in Tunisia, the press described a real honeymoon. At the beginning of January last year, the Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, Neila Gongi, received the managing director of the Italian-Canadian oil company with great humour. Andrea Cattaneo, CEO, then reaffirmed his desire to strengthen Zenith Energy's presence in Tunisia. He proposed to increase Zenith's investment in the hydrocarbon sector by buying fields that other foreign oil companies wanted to sell. At the end of the meeting, the minister promised to "support new investors in the hydrocarbon sector."

Smear campaigns against foreign oil companies
Facade speech. Because behind the scenes, even then, the discontent among industrialists in the oil industry was noisy. Following ENI's example. Like Shell before that, the Italian oil group announced its exit from Tunisia in 2021. But in late 2022, blocked by the government, the group eventually suspended the sale of its assets, although it found a buyer. "Several oil companies seeking to leave Tunisia are facing a wait-and-see attitude from the state," Africa Intelligence wrote at the time. A few years earlier, EnQuest decided to leave Tunisia after several acquisitions without receiving a non-objection letter from the Tunisian authorities.

In May 2021, Hassène Zargouni, head of the opinion polling institute Sigma Conseil, rejected the official reasons put forward by the oil companies, pointing out that unofficially, with "smear campaigns known or unknown to the oil companies and foreign gas companies in Tunisia, with social instability and untimely and frequent work stoppages, with vandalism to which production sites as well as pipelines are exposed, it is currently difficult to work in Tunisia for many objective and subjective reasons in terms of fossil energy."

The Zenith Energy case is a bad signal sent to international organisations
So when Neyla Gonji explained to Andrea Cattaneo that Tunisia would do anything to support its sector, the analysts behind the fine speeches knew that the Italian-Canadian company would quickly become disillusioned. Less than a year later, relations between the two sides deteriorated.Zenith Energy has indeed dragged Tunisia into the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (Cirdi),regulated by the Washington Convention of 1965. The decision settles a The decision settles a dispute concerning Ezzaouya oil concessions in Zarzis administered by Ecumed Petroleum Zarzis, a subsidiary of Zenith Energy, and Sidi El Kilani, operated by another subsidiary, Canadian North Africa. Kerosene gas.

Amid litigation from Zenith Energy, Tunisia and the International Monetary Fund, negotiations are ongoing. However, the However, the complaint against Tsirdi is problematic for the country when discussing with the IMF, although Zenith Energy admits behind the scenes that it wants friendly talks. However, if Tunisia does not cooperate, the tone may rise. This is not in Tunisia's interest, while the Bretton Woods body has requirements that also affect the oil sector: as a study by the Tunisian Association of Official Controls (ATCP) points out, Tunisia must make it mandatory to complete the process of joining the Global Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), whose members met the other day in Dakar, Senegal. Because if the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy confirms thataccession process is well underway, we're still far from that. In addition, the Minister for Industry, Mines and Energy, Neila Nuira Gonji, was dismissed a month ago and her successor has not yet been elected.

"Every unfinished barrel is the foreign exchange earnings the state loses"
Meanwhile, the number of notifications and departures, as well as lawsuits, is increasing. Administrative blockages are forcing major oil companies to leave Tunisia, according to Charfeddine Yacoubi, an expert on governance and natural resources. The ATCP investigation points to "serious disturbances" at the Tunisian Petroleum Company (ETAP), particularly in connection with a dispute between Swedish exploration company PA Resources and its authorities over the licence to operate the Maktar well. - and calls for a revision of the hydrocarbon code.

Blockages in a sector that nevertheless contributes to the country's development are as damaging to international companies as they are to Tunisia, La Presse de Tunisie pointed out in April 2022. The national newspaper recalled that at least 50% of oil revenues "return to the country in one way or another through ETAP and tax revenues." "Every unfinished barrel is foreign currency revenue lost to the state," lamented the newspaper, which was interested in the administrative "ordeal" to which Zenith Energy was subjected. The Italian-Canadian group has pledged to invest in Tunisia's oil sector. But the "bureaucracy" and "rigidity of administration" overcame the will of the Italian general director of the company, who, however, is still ready to continue its activities in Tunisia, despite the arbitration procedure. "But there may well be a limit to Zenith's patience," worries one expert in the field.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
26.01.2024 kl 20:15 2101

Ja, de greier å skremme bort de fleste. Dog kjenner jeg godt til Panoro. På Q/A seksjonen ifm. Q3-presentasjonen fikk de spørsmål om betalingen. Svaret var at noen ganger går det greit mens det andre ganger tar litt tid. Virket som at han hadde et avslappet forhold til det. De økte sin eierandel kraftig i fjor så det må jo bety at de har et godt forhold til ETAP og myndighetene.

EDIT: Til opplysning har de en samlet net produksjon på ca 2000 bopd.
Redigert 26.01.2024 kl 20:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2024 kl 20:38 2049

Følgende felter har ETAP udskrevet 100% af zenith portefølgen -


Men begge Ecumed felterne står der endnu -


Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
26.01.2024 kl 21:55 1998

Hei Aqualight.
Denne rettsaken vinner vi/Zenith.
Beløpet kan dog forhandles.?
Time will come.. Skilpadden våkner....
27.01.2024 kl 08:01 1870

La merke til at et 3 felt også står under Ecumed , EL MENZAH der vi står med 75 %. Noen som kjenner til dette?

Leser også at Etap har hatt 100% av SIDI EL KILANI siden 1992 men at den lisensen nå er utgått. Mener da bestemt at her har både kufpec og cnaog hatt sin del hver før zenith kjøpte seg inn. Virker på meg som at denne listen ikke er korrekt og har flere feil.
27.01.2024 kl 11:45 1769

Spennende er det ihvertfall. Sitter fortsatt fullastet men har snittet kraftig ned. Nå venter jeg en siste gang. LYKKE TIL :)
27.01.2024 kl 16:09 1658

Tenker zenith har en god sak, men beløpet blir nok lavere enn 1,5mrd.

Hva kan årsaken være at advokaten som opprinnelig representerte Tunisia har trukket seg, og blitt satt inn ny?
27.01.2024 kl 23:15 1527

Ja, vi skal lete lenge for å finne nyheter som ikke kjent for allmennheten 👍 Bare å være tålmodig.