Ocean sun Nyheter
Ocean sun er helt i startgropa enda, meglerhus spår opptil 10x på osun.
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Ocean sun er helt i startgropa enda, meglerhus spår opptil 10x på osun.
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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:39
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21.08.2022 kl 16:33
Her er en reminder om hvor gigantisk markedet for PV på vannreservoar potensielt kan bli fremover:
Saken er nesten to år gammel, men jeg tenker den likevel kan gi en grei pekepinn på hva OSUN kan se ut til å bli en del av fremover.
Saken er nesten to år gammel, men jeg tenker den likevel kan gi en grei pekepinn på hva OSUN kan se ut til å bli en del av fremover.
19.08.2022 kl 19:54
Tre børsdager igjen til Q2. Er det noen her som har noen tanker om hva vi kan forvente oss?
Energi er jo virkelig i vinden og jeg tenker at OSUN burde kunne nyte godt av satsningen mange land har på PV fremover.
Ser på IG nå at det ser ut til at de så smått teaser noe på Kypros.
Mulig at jeg leser altfor mye inn i COO sin feriereise her, men OSUN har jo et samarbeid med MP Quantum Group på Kypros, og Greece’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) har et mål om å utvikle 35% av forbruket til fornybar energi innen 2030, noe HELAPCO sier indikerer en etablering av 400-500MW med PV hvert år frem til 2030.
Kilde: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/529416
Det hadde jo vært skikkelig hyggelig å få inn en ny avtale av litt størrelse nå før Q2, men det er vel kanskje litt tidlig å håpe på noe helt enda… 🤞🏻
Energi er jo virkelig i vinden og jeg tenker at OSUN burde kunne nyte godt av satsningen mange land har på PV fremover.
Ser på IG nå at det ser ut til at de så smått teaser noe på Kypros.
Mulig at jeg leser altfor mye inn i COO sin feriereise her, men OSUN har jo et samarbeid med MP Quantum Group på Kypros, og Greece’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) har et mål om å utvikle 35% av forbruket til fornybar energi innen 2030, noe HELAPCO sier indikerer en etablering av 400-500MW med PV hvert år frem til 2030.
Kilde: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/529416
Det hadde jo vært skikkelig hyggelig å få inn en ny avtale av litt størrelse nå før Q2, men det er vel kanskje litt tidlig å håpe på noe helt enda… 🤞🏻
15.08.2022 kl 07:42
Nå skal vi vel ta TA med en klype salt men jeg ser en kile i TA chartet som kan ende i et utfall om ikke lenge. Tror selv det vil gå nordover og det kan stemme med at høsten blir het i OSUN.
09.08.2022 kl 15:33
Prøvd å regne litt på Ocean Sun. Så vidt jeg kan se er de godt kapitalisert for i det minste de neste 2-3 årene. Nåværende og planlagte pilotinstallasjoner er på 6MWp. Når de 30 - 50 MWp er burn rate på null, de slipper nyemisjoner og de begynner å tjene penger på lisensiering.
29.07.2022 kl 15:30
Floating Solar Panels Market Report: 69% of Growth to Originate from APAC, Driven by Increasing Investments in Renewable Energy - Technavio
JULY 29, 2022
NEW YORK, July 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The floating solar panels market size is expected to grow by USD 775.85 million from 2021 to 2026, progressing at a CAGR of 16.89% as per the latest market report by Technavio. The increasing investments in renewable energy is one of the key drivers supporting the floating solar panels market growth. Advancing from fossil fuels to renewable sources, such as wind and solar, is the key to achieving economic, social, and environmental development. This can be attributed to the low cost required to manufacture PV system components due to technological advances that result in the reduction of the overall capital expenditure per MW of power generation. Several countries have been adopting renewables as the primary energy source. For instance, Mindanao, the Philippines, is witnessing an uptrend in renewable energy projects. Jose Layug Jr., the chairman of the National Renewable Energy Board, the Philippines, announced that the power mix of Mindanao is composed of 40% renewables, and the rest is non-renewables. This mix is likely to increase further, where the share of renewables is expected to grow during the forecast period.
JULY 29, 2022
NEW YORK, July 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The floating solar panels market size is expected to grow by USD 775.85 million from 2021 to 2026, progressing at a CAGR of 16.89% as per the latest market report by Technavio. The increasing investments in renewable energy is one of the key drivers supporting the floating solar panels market growth. Advancing from fossil fuels to renewable sources, such as wind and solar, is the key to achieving economic, social, and environmental development. This can be attributed to the low cost required to manufacture PV system components due to technological advances that result in the reduction of the overall capital expenditure per MW of power generation. Several countries have been adopting renewables as the primary energy source. For instance, Mindanao, the Philippines, is witnessing an uptrend in renewable energy projects. Jose Layug Jr., the chairman of the National Renewable Energy Board, the Philippines, announced that the power mix of Mindanao is composed of 40% renewables, and the rest is non-renewables. This mix is likely to increase further, where the share of renewables is expected to grow during the forecast period.
28.07.2022 kl 22:44
Er som du sier Mathias, OSUN ser lovende ut. lå på 11,52 med en større post, fikk bare småposter der, fikk mere aksjer til 11 . Også småposter i sving. Har rimelig mye aksjer tilsammen. Har virkelig tro på at det løsner i høst , Verden skriker etter fornybar energy.
28.07.2022 kl 10:21
Lurer på om Osun kan få noen utbytte av at USA tilsynelatende nå vil satse så hardt på fornybar energi de neste 10 årene?
Det er over 2000 dammer som produserer vannkraft i USA (av 90.000 dammer totalt), så en kan vel tenke seg at det er et potensielt stort marked for flytende sol der 👍🏻
Det er over 2000 dammer som produserer vannkraft i USA (av 90.000 dammer totalt), så en kan vel tenke seg at det er et potensielt stort marked for flytende sol der 👍🏻
28.07.2022 kl 08:02
Bliver spændende at se om gårsdagens rally i US vil have effekt på OSUN kursen (:
Hvis ikke, er det bare at laste mere🥂 Invesco’s solar ETF (TAN) endte 6% op🍀
Hvis ikke, er det bare at laste mere🥂 Invesco’s solar ETF (TAN) endte 6% op🍀
27.07.2022 kl 13:03
Ocean Sun’s løsninger ser mere og mere attraktive ud i dagens marked. 10% højere effektivitet pga nedkøling i vandet er en god sjat penge i det lange løb🥂
Solar Power Equipment Prices Keep Rising in Clean Energy Threat
JULY 27, 2022
Higher costs have begun to suppress demand, especially for giant utility-scale solar farms in China that are price-sensitive. Still, Tongwei and Longi’s increases indicate that there are still buyers willing to pay the higher rates, especially with power-generating fossil fuels like coal and natural gas trading at record highs this year.
Fra denne tråd (som jeg opdaterer mindst en gang om ugen, dog med fokus på RECSI polysilicon pris)
Solar Power Equipment Prices Keep Rising in Clean Energy Threat
JULY 27, 2022
Higher costs have begun to suppress demand, especially for giant utility-scale solar farms in China that are price-sensitive. Still, Tongwei and Longi’s increases indicate that there are still buyers willing to pay the higher rates, especially with power-generating fossil fuels like coal and natural gas trading at record highs this year.
Fra denne tråd (som jeg opdaterer mindst en gang om ugen, dog med fokus på RECSI polysilicon pris)
25.07.2022 kl 15:05
Det var også sidste køb for denne måned fra min side af - men jeg holder fingrene krydset for, at du også når lidt flere inden vi letter :)
Syntes også det er ved at være en lille stund siden sidste melding, men Q2 er nu også om en lille måneds tid. Så jeg forventer ikke rigtigt noget inden da, selvom det nu havde været guld :)
Syntes også det er ved at være en lille stund siden sidste melding, men Q2 er nu også om en lille måneds tid. Så jeg forventer ikke rigtigt noget inden da, selvom det nu havde været guld :)
25.07.2022 kl 14:33
Ja, skulle gjerne ha tatt litt mer her selv, men jeg har ikke noe mer penger tilgjengelig for øyeblikket… Kanskje jeg er heldig og får kjøpt litt mer til denne prisen i august, men det kan jo fort komme flere meldinger og kursen flyr et godt stykke opp herfra 🤷🏼♂️
25.07.2022 kl 10:08
Hmm interessant udvikling i dag indtil videre - der var tydeligvis nogen der fik travlt ((:
Nå uanset, det blev til en håndfuld aktier mere her (:
Nå uanset, det blev til en håndfuld aktier mere her (:
21.07.2022 kl 15:31
Der ligger fortsat 27k aktier på 11,52 og 87k på 11.50 - glad for at se utålmodige aktionærer blive plukket op så småt, fordi de ikke kan finde ud af at deres markedshandler bliver executed på nærmeste køber (som lige nu er 11.52), og ikke på 11.98 når Jens fra Trondheim køber 20 aktier for at sende kursen op 4%
20.07.2022 kl 14:55
Der er også kun "små" ca 9k aktier mellem 11.64 og 13 tallet :)
Nogen der føler sig fristet?
Nogen der føler sig fristet?
20.07.2022 kl 14:52
Ja præcis! Det er jo vitterligt flere dages omsætning (hvis man tænker hvordan aktien har opført sig de sidste mange uger)
Jeg glad virkelig godt vide hvem der laster sådan op ((:
Jeg glad virkelig godt vide hvem der laster sådan op ((:
20.07.2022 kl 10:50
manman01 skrev De ligger der endnu ((:
Det ligger også en med 86.913 aksjer på kjøp på 11.5. Det gikk vel over 130.000 på ett kjøp på 11.5 for noen dager siden, så her kan det se ut til at noen er i ferd med å posisjonere seg med en større post :)
19.07.2022 kl 14:50
Keppel, Ocean Sun to pilot membrane-based floating PV project in Singapore
JULY 19, 2022
JULY 19, 2022
19.07.2022 kl 13:53
Og endnu 30k ligeud ved 11.52 :)
Stor efterspørgsel lige pludselig :)
Stor efterspørgsel lige pludselig :)
Redigert 19.07.2022 kl 13:54
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19.07.2022 kl 13:20
Keppel to pilot Singapore’s first membrane-based nearshore floating PV system at Jurong Island
JULY 19, 2022
Compared to the conventional floating PV systems used in Singapore in calmer water bodies such as reservoirs, the membrane-based PV system is designed based on floating PV specialist Ocean Sun’s technology to harness solar energy reliably amid stronger waves and rougher sea conditions in a nearshore marine environment. This is achieved by attaching solar panels directly onto large circular reinforced membranes protected by a high-density polyethylene pipe structure surrounding the membrane, which creates a stable and safe platform.
The pilot PV system consists of three circular platforms, which will have an installed capacity of 1.5 MWp when deployed in the seawater surrounding Jurong island. The circular reinforced membranes for the PV panels ensure the lowest material usage of any floating PV system, enabling a lower Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) as well as resource conservation. The system is easy to deploy and install, and features increased efficiency from direct water cooling.
Expected to be ready in 4Q 2023, it will serve as a model for future scaling and replication in nearshore waterbodies in Singapore as well as overseas.
Ms Janice Bong, Executive Director, Power & Renewables, Keppel Infrastructure said, “We are pleased that the innovative floating solar PV system has been selected to help catalyse the deployment of renewable energy using unutilised sea space around Jurong Island. With the limited space Singapore has for solar panel deployment, the robust and innovative system can be easily scaled up and significantly increase the supply of floating solar power in Singapore to beyond just the deployment in reservoirs.
“This pilot innovation is in line with our commitment to support the energy transition through providing renewables, clean energy and decarbonisation solutions as part of Keppel’s Vision 2030 which puts sustainability at the core of the Group’s strategy.”
JULY 19, 2022
Compared to the conventional floating PV systems used in Singapore in calmer water bodies such as reservoirs, the membrane-based PV system is designed based on floating PV specialist Ocean Sun’s technology to harness solar energy reliably amid stronger waves and rougher sea conditions in a nearshore marine environment. This is achieved by attaching solar panels directly onto large circular reinforced membranes protected by a high-density polyethylene pipe structure surrounding the membrane, which creates a stable and safe platform.
The pilot PV system consists of three circular platforms, which will have an installed capacity of 1.5 MWp when deployed in the seawater surrounding Jurong island. The circular reinforced membranes for the PV panels ensure the lowest material usage of any floating PV system, enabling a lower Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) as well as resource conservation. The system is easy to deploy and install, and features increased efficiency from direct water cooling.
Expected to be ready in 4Q 2023, it will serve as a model for future scaling and replication in nearshore waterbodies in Singapore as well as overseas.
Ms Janice Bong, Executive Director, Power & Renewables, Keppel Infrastructure said, “We are pleased that the innovative floating solar PV system has been selected to help catalyse the deployment of renewable energy using unutilised sea space around Jurong Island. With the limited space Singapore has for solar panel deployment, the robust and innovative system can be easily scaled up and significantly increase the supply of floating solar power in Singapore to beyond just the deployment in reservoirs.
“This pilot innovation is in line with our commitment to support the energy transition through providing renewables, clean energy and decarbonisation solutions as part of Keppel’s Vision 2030 which puts sustainability at the core of the Group’s strategy.”
Redigert 19.07.2022 kl 13:20
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19.07.2022 kl 10:37
Jeg har nu plottet alle børsmeldinger på en timeline, og fryder mig over at stilheden efter Q1 (& Albania uheldet) er ovre :)
Jeg kan mærke vi går gode tider i møde.
Jeg kan mærke vi går gode tider i møde.
19.07.2022 kl 10:20
Der ligger lige nu ca 86k aktier til køb ved 11.5
18.07.2022 kl 11:49
Fint å se at interessen stiger og at Osun fortsetter å vise seg frem på denne måten 👍🏻
18.07.2022 kl 11:28
Ocean Sun
3.359 følgere
2t • 2 timer siden
We were happy to participate at #HYEL22: The 9th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology in Rome last week.
The interest around our unique FPV technology is growing and was one of the topics at the conference.
Professor Trygve Kristiansen presented results from recent work on membrane modelling conducted at Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU).
Thank you to the organizers and all participants for an interesting event!
3.359 følgere
2t • 2 timer siden
We were happy to participate at #HYEL22: The 9th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology in Rome last week.
The interest around our unique FPV technology is growing and was one of the topics at the conference.
Professor Trygve Kristiansen presented results from recent work on membrane modelling conducted at Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU).
Thank you to the organizers and all participants for an interesting event!
17.07.2022 kl 15:05
Projects Awarded Under $6 Million Grant to Test-bed and Accelerate New
Clean Energy Innovations on Jurong Island
JULY 15, 2022
Clean Energy Innovations on Jurong Island
JULY 15, 2022
16.07.2022 kl 13:03
Imponerende omsætning, især når det har været så svært at komme over 15k aktier omsætning de sidste mange dage
16.07.2022 kl 13:00
Dejligt at se :)
Ocean Sun
3.329 følgere
1d • Redigeret • 1 dag siden
Exciting news in Singapore today! Local energy giant Keppel has together with Ocean Sun been awarded a grant by the Energy Market Authority and JTC to do our first project together:
We are looking forward to showing how Singapore can reach solar installation capacity targets locally near shore with this demonstrator. #OceanSun #floatingsolar
Floating solar panels at sea part of S'pore's $6m investment in clean energy tech on Jurong Island
JULY 15, 2022
SINGAPORE - While the Republic has made great strides in increasing its solar capacity through the building of floating solar farms at reservoirs, it is now piloting a new type of floating solar panel system that can be placed at sea.
The new system is designed by Norwegian solar firm Ocean Sun to withstand stronger waves and rougher conditions associated with marine environments so that solar energy can be harnessed reliably. It is being tested by conglomerate Keppel's subsidiary, Keppel Energy Nexus.
The pilot will generate 1.5 megawatt-peak of solar energy and will be constructed close to shore on Jurong Island, said the Energy Market Authority (EMA), JTC and Enterprise Singapore in a joint statement on Friday (July 15).
The project was one of three awarded a total of $6 million in grants to test new, clean energy solutions on Jurong Island.
Speaking at the Energy Innovation 2022 conference on Friday at Marina Bay Sands, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling said that the power sector currently accounts for 40 per cent of Singapore's carbon emissions, and a move to reach net-zero by 2050 will require collaboration from all of society - including the Government, industries and businesses.
Making Jurong Island a more sustainable energy and chemical park is part of the efforts to reach net-zero emissions, said the agencies in their statement on Friday.
Ms Janice Bong, executive director of power and renewables at Keppel Infrastructure, a subsidiary of Keppel, told The Straits Times that the project makes use of unutilised sea space on Jurong Island. She added that the project could be scaled up and replicated in other sea spaces both in Singapore and in the region if it is successful. The pilot is expected to be ready by the fourth quarter of next year.
Ocean Sun
3.329 følgere
1d • Redigeret • 1 dag siden
Exciting news in Singapore today! Local energy giant Keppel has together with Ocean Sun been awarded a grant by the Energy Market Authority and JTC to do our first project together:
We are looking forward to showing how Singapore can reach solar installation capacity targets locally near shore with this demonstrator. #OceanSun #floatingsolar
Floating solar panels at sea part of S'pore's $6m investment in clean energy tech on Jurong Island
JULY 15, 2022
SINGAPORE - While the Republic has made great strides in increasing its solar capacity through the building of floating solar farms at reservoirs, it is now piloting a new type of floating solar panel system that can be placed at sea.
The new system is designed by Norwegian solar firm Ocean Sun to withstand stronger waves and rougher conditions associated with marine environments so that solar energy can be harnessed reliably. It is being tested by conglomerate Keppel's subsidiary, Keppel Energy Nexus.
The pilot will generate 1.5 megawatt-peak of solar energy and will be constructed close to shore on Jurong Island, said the Energy Market Authority (EMA), JTC and Enterprise Singapore in a joint statement on Friday (July 15).
The project was one of three awarded a total of $6 million in grants to test new, clean energy solutions on Jurong Island.
Speaking at the Energy Innovation 2022 conference on Friday at Marina Bay Sands, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling said that the power sector currently accounts for 40 per cent of Singapore's carbon emissions, and a move to reach net-zero by 2050 will require collaboration from all of society - including the Government, industries and businesses.
Making Jurong Island a more sustainable energy and chemical park is part of the efforts to reach net-zero emissions, said the agencies in their statement on Friday.
Ms Janice Bong, executive director of power and renewables at Keppel Infrastructure, a subsidiary of Keppel, told The Straits Times that the project makes use of unutilised sea space on Jurong Island. She added that the project could be scaled up and replicated in other sea spaces both in Singapore and in the region if it is successful. The pilot is expected to be ready by the fourth quarter of next year.
Redigert 16.07.2022 kl 13:01
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15.07.2022 kl 14:26
Oj! Gikk det faktisk 132.000 aksjer i en jafs på 11,5 nå kl 14:01? (Ser det på dnb men ikke på euronext)
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 14:47
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15.07.2022 kl 13:49
Helt enig i at det er viktig at de har kvalitet i alle ledd fremover.
Vedr. det siste, så tenker jeg det høres ganske bra ut med ca 500 boliger på 16000m2, da det betyr ca 32m2 med solceller til hver bolig.
Jeg får ikke tilstrekkelig med strøm til huset mitt med 32m2 solceller på taket (må vel opp i rundt 100m2), men i Albania er det nok andre energibehov, mer sol + en del høyere effekt av solceller i vann.
Det tar en del plass med solceller, så det er ikke uten grunn at det er ønskelig å legge disse på vann i stedet for på land.
Vedr. det siste, så tenker jeg det høres ganske bra ut med ca 500 boliger på 16000m2, da det betyr ca 32m2 med solceller til hver bolig.
Jeg får ikke tilstrekkelig med strøm til huset mitt med 32m2 solceller på taket (må vel opp i rundt 100m2), men i Albania er det nok andre energibehov, mer sol + en del høyere effekt av solceller i vann.
Det tar en del plass med solceller, så det er ikke uten grunn at det er ønskelig å legge disse på vann i stedet for på land.
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 13:49
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15.07.2022 kl 12:43
Gode vurderinger. Det jeg er mest spent på er om Ocean Sun klarer å ta selskapet videre til et skikkelig industrikonsern med kvalitet i ale ledd. Det er så myesom skal stemme. Ikke råd til flere tabber. Hvis de skal skalere opp så krever det at de har stålkontroll i alle ledd. Nivået internasjonalt er skyhøyt og det kreves så mye for å dra en start up til et trygt stort konsern med store volumer og leveranser over hele verden.
Ser forresten at når alle de fire ringene er oppe å kjøre i Albania vil de gi strøm til 500 boenheter, er det bra ? Synes det hørtes litt lite ut
Ser forresten at når alle de fire ringene er oppe å kjøre i Albania vil de gi strøm til 500 boenheter, er det bra ? Synes det hørtes litt lite ut
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 12:48
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15.07.2022 kl 12:38
Gitarhelt1 skrev Men fortsatt greit å få aksjer på 11 tallet. Merkelig ??
Jeg tipper dette har en sammenheng med at det stort sett er pilotprosjekter som settes opp nå for tiden. Disse utgjør foreløpig ikke de helt store inntektene (ca 500.000 per MWp?)
Det er vel først når testing av anleggenes holdbarhet + sammenkobling med strømnettet de store kontraktene vil komme inn. DA kan vi nok brått kunne se større investorer gå tungt inn i denne og kursen gå radikalt opp.
Det fine er at flere av pilotanleggene de har hatt en stund (feks med Statkraft og Fred. Olsen Renewables) vel nærmer seg ferdigtestet, så jeg tror ikke det er så fryktelig lenge igjen å vente.
Krysser fingrene for at Statkraft, som nå har god erfaring med systemet, kjører i gang med et par 100MWp anlegg i første omgang 🤞🏻
Det er vel først når testing av anleggenes holdbarhet + sammenkobling med strømnettet de store kontraktene vil komme inn. DA kan vi nok brått kunne se større investorer gå tungt inn i denne og kursen gå radikalt opp.
Det fine er at flere av pilotanleggene de har hatt en stund (feks med Statkraft og Fred. Olsen Renewables) vel nærmer seg ferdigtestet, så jeg tror ikke det er så fryktelig lenge igjen å vente.
Krysser fingrene for at Statkraft, som nå har god erfaring med systemet, kjører i gang med et par 100MWp anlegg i første omgang 🤞🏻
15.07.2022 kl 10:38
Kontrakt på nytt 1.5MWp anlegg 👍🏻
Denne gangen med Keppel Infrastructure i Singapore.
«Ms Janice Bong, Executive Director, Power & Renewables, Keppel Infrastructure said, “We are pleased that the innovative floating solar PV system has been selected to help catalyse the deployment of renewable energy using unutilised sea space around Jurong Island. With the limited space Singapore has for solar panel deployment, the robust and innovative system can be easily scaled up and significantly increase the supply of floating solar power in Singapore to beyond just the deployment in reservoirs.»
Fantastisk at det fortsetter å rulle inn prosjekter for Osun.
Kontrakt på nytt 1.5MWp anlegg 👍🏻
Denne gangen med Keppel Infrastructure i Singapore.
«Ms Janice Bong, Executive Director, Power & Renewables, Keppel Infrastructure said, “We are pleased that the innovative floating solar PV system has been selected to help catalyse the deployment of renewable energy using unutilised sea space around Jurong Island. With the limited space Singapore has for solar panel deployment, the robust and innovative system can be easily scaled up and significantly increase the supply of floating solar power in Singapore to beyond just the deployment in reservoirs.»
Fantastisk at det fortsetter å rulle inn prosjekter for Osun.
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 10:56
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14.07.2022 kl 10:17
Floating Solar Market Analytical Overview, Growth Factors, Demand, Trends and Forecast to 2031
JULY 11, 2022
Transparency Market Research delivers key insights on the global floating solar market. In terms of revenue, the global floating solar market is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 30% during the forecast period, owing to numerous factors, regarding which TMR offers thorough insights and forecast in its report on the global floating solar market.
The global floating solar market has been positively impacted by an increase in global solar energy capacity and investment.
Floating Solar Market: Prominent Regions
In terms of value, Asia Pacific dominated the global floating solar market in 2020. The region is expected to remain highly lucrative during the forecast period, due to high industrial activities and the presence of a large number of floating solar companies. The region has witnessed significant investment in the solar energy industry in the last decade, due to governments’ initiatives and increased awareness about solar energy.
Request Sample Copy: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=83993
China is the leading country and holds a major share of the Asia Pacific floating solar market. The market in China is driven by the introduction of national renewable energy targets and specific solar PV policies. Existing renewable energy targets set under national policies have driven the demand for new renewable energy projects, as China’s 2019 renewable portfolio standard requires the country to source 20% of primary energy from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.
Therefore, utilities in every state must develop capacity expansion plans that ensure they meet the renewable portfolio standard. These national energy targets, in addition to environmental pollution laws in some provinces, have encouraged deployment of RE, including floating PV systems.
Europe was another lucrative region of the global floating solar market in 2020. In Europe, countries such as the U.K., France, and the Netherlands are investing in renewable sources of energy as an alternative source of energy.
The Netherlands is the leading country in the floating solar market in Europe, and expansion of the market in the Netherlands can be ascribed to government support for the development of floating solar. The government supports floating solar projects as part of its larger renewable energy strategy.
In 2017, the country’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management created a consortium called “Zon op Water” (“Sun on Water”) to work toward development of 2,000 MW of FPV by 2023. The Netherlands also supports RE development under the Sustainable Energy Production Incentive Grant 15 program. This program reimburses the difference between the costs of generating energy from the FPV system.
JULY 11, 2022
Transparency Market Research delivers key insights on the global floating solar market. In terms of revenue, the global floating solar market is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 30% during the forecast period, owing to numerous factors, regarding which TMR offers thorough insights and forecast in its report on the global floating solar market.
The global floating solar market has been positively impacted by an increase in global solar energy capacity and investment.
Floating Solar Market: Prominent Regions
In terms of value, Asia Pacific dominated the global floating solar market in 2020. The region is expected to remain highly lucrative during the forecast period, due to high industrial activities and the presence of a large number of floating solar companies. The region has witnessed significant investment in the solar energy industry in the last decade, due to governments’ initiatives and increased awareness about solar energy.
Request Sample Copy: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=83993
China is the leading country and holds a major share of the Asia Pacific floating solar market. The market in China is driven by the introduction of national renewable energy targets and specific solar PV policies. Existing renewable energy targets set under national policies have driven the demand for new renewable energy projects, as China’s 2019 renewable portfolio standard requires the country to source 20% of primary energy from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.
Therefore, utilities in every state must develop capacity expansion plans that ensure they meet the renewable portfolio standard. These national energy targets, in addition to environmental pollution laws in some provinces, have encouraged deployment of RE, including floating PV systems.
Europe was another lucrative region of the global floating solar market in 2020. In Europe, countries such as the U.K., France, and the Netherlands are investing in renewable sources of energy as an alternative source of energy.
The Netherlands is the leading country in the floating solar market in Europe, and expansion of the market in the Netherlands can be ascribed to government support for the development of floating solar. The government supports floating solar projects as part of its larger renewable energy strategy.
In 2017, the country’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management created a consortium called “Zon op Water” (“Sun on Water”) to work toward development of 2,000 MW of FPV by 2023. The Netherlands also supports RE development under the Sustainable Energy Production Incentive Grant 15 program. This program reimburses the difference between the costs of generating energy from the FPV system.
14.07.2022 kl 10:16
Bare hyggelig :)
Jeg er også ganske tilfreds. OSUN vokser, mens kursen skrumper - det høres ikke særlig fornuftigt ud. Kurs 75 må vi nok vente lidt tid med, men kurs 12 er helt fejl :)
Ser frem til store fremtidige projekter, ser ingen grund til at de ikke skulle komme :)
Jeg er også ganske tilfreds. OSUN vokser, mens kursen skrumper - det høres ikke særlig fornuftigt ud. Kurs 75 må vi nok vente lidt tid med, men kurs 12 er helt fejl :)
Ser frem til store fremtidige projekter, ser ingen grund til at de ikke skulle komme :)
Redigert 14.07.2022 kl 10:26
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14.07.2022 kl 09:43
Takk for deling Manman01 :)
Det er fint å se at Osun er representert her. Det viser jo at de er med i spillet om en plass blant de største i gamet.
Jeg tror nok ikke det er helt grunnløst at Fearnley Securities kom med et skyhøyt kursmål på 75,- (ev 175,- i beste fall) for en tid tilbake. Det er så mye som skjer, og vil skje fremover, innen flytende sol at dette vil bli et enormt marked for de aktørene som lykkes i å bli med på de virkelig store prosjektene.
Osun har nå vist at de er med i konkurransen om de største kontraktene, så personlig tror jeg det er en overhengende mulighet for at vi på litt sikt kan se en bevegelse mot estimatene til Fearnley, om enn noe justert for den generelle markedsutviklingen ellers i verden.
Det er fint å se at Osun er representert her. Det viser jo at de er med i spillet om en plass blant de største i gamet.
Jeg tror nok ikke det er helt grunnløst at Fearnley Securities kom med et skyhøyt kursmål på 75,- (ev 175,- i beste fall) for en tid tilbake. Det er så mye som skjer, og vil skje fremover, innen flytende sol at dette vil bli et enormt marked for de aktørene som lykkes i å bli med på de virkelig store prosjektene.
Osun har nå vist at de er med i konkurransen om de største kontraktene, så personlig tror jeg det er en overhengende mulighet for at vi på litt sikt kan se en bevegelse mot estimatene til Fearnley, om enn noe justert for den generelle markedsutviklingen ellers i verden.
14.07.2022 kl 09:01
pv magazine Roundtables: Videos on solar everywhere, PV manufacturing trends, risk sharing in PPA markets, and green hydrogen
JULY 13, 2022
During the 45-minute session, Samira Jama Aden, Architect Design Research at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin’s BAIP consultancy for BIPV, and Teodosio del Caño, CTO at Onyx Solar, joined us for a panel discussion on building solar cities and structures; while Jan Mastny, Head of Sales at Studer Cables held a presentation on the five myths of PV projects.
Alexander Telje, Chief Commercial Officer at Ocean Sun; Philipp Sinn, CEO of Sinn Power; Nathanaël Kasriel, Chief of staff to the CEO at France Agrivoltaïsme; and Andrea Viaro, Head of Sales EMEA Renewable Energy at Stäubli Electrical Connectors also contributed to the discussions.
JULY 13, 2022
During the 45-minute session, Samira Jama Aden, Architect Design Research at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin’s BAIP consultancy for BIPV, and Teodosio del Caño, CTO at Onyx Solar, joined us for a panel discussion on building solar cities and structures; while Jan Mastny, Head of Sales at Studer Cables held a presentation on the five myths of PV projects.
Alexander Telje, Chief Commercial Officer at Ocean Sun; Philipp Sinn, CEO of Sinn Power; Nathanaël Kasriel, Chief of staff to the CEO at France Agrivoltaïsme; and Andrea Viaro, Head of Sales EMEA Renewable Energy at Stäubli Electrical Connectors also contributed to the discussions.
14.07.2022 kl 08:59
Floating solar (FPV) industry
Joint Industry Project
It is estimated that the total global potential capacity for deploying floating solar power on manmade, inland waters alone could be as high as 4 TW with an expected pipeline of more than 10 GW by 2025.
While FPV is a promising growing industry, there are a number of complexities associated with the installation of floating solar plants, especially related to anchoring and mooring systems and to the floating structures (“floats”).
The objective of these two new JIPs is to issue standards to guide the industry, help scale projects, and increase confidence in FPV technology.
The first JIP will focus on writing a design standard for anchoring and mooring systems of FPV projects and the second JIP will investigate writing a testing and qualification standard for floats of FPV projects. The two resulting standards are meant to be used together to provide a framework for verification and certification.
These JIPs follow the recently issued DNV Recommended Practice DNV-RP-0584 Design, development and operation of floating solar photovoltaic systems - the world’s first recommended practice for floating solar power plants. DNV-RP-0584 was also issued as a result of a joint industry project with FPV stakeholders.
By 2050, DNV predicts that floating offshore wind will generate 264 GW or 15% of all offshore wind energy. Likewise, floating solar has a bright future, with up to 30 GW expected by 2030. The technology offers great potential for green energy production, particularly in areas where there is a shortage of available land for large photovoltaic plants.
The time to move FPV forward is now and by joining these JIP’s the results enable trust and confidence in the technology and scaling to contribute to net-zero goals.
DNV has already hosted on the 30th June the preliminary kick-off for boths JIP initiatives, with the companies that confirmed participation. However, a call for more interested partners remains open, and we welcome more companies spanning various interests (operators, designers, manufacturers, contractors, regulators, universities and research institutes) to join the joint industry projects to increase its reach and the quality of the final result.
We plan to carry out the JIP over a period of 18 months.
Partners in the JIP will participate in scoping workshops, receive early access to knowledge gained, and have insight to the revised design provisions.
Current participants to the Anchoring and Mooring JIP:
BayWa r.e. AG
BlueC Engineering
Fred. Olsen 1848
Moss Maritime
Oceans of Energy
Sungrow Floating
Ocean Sun.
Current participants to the Floats JIP:
BayWa r.e. AG
BlueC Engineering
Oceans of Energy
Ocean Sun
Sungrow Floating
Zimmermann PV.
Joint Industry Project
It is estimated that the total global potential capacity for deploying floating solar power on manmade, inland waters alone could be as high as 4 TW with an expected pipeline of more than 10 GW by 2025.
While FPV is a promising growing industry, there are a number of complexities associated with the installation of floating solar plants, especially related to anchoring and mooring systems and to the floating structures (“floats”).
The objective of these two new JIPs is to issue standards to guide the industry, help scale projects, and increase confidence in FPV technology.
The first JIP will focus on writing a design standard for anchoring and mooring systems of FPV projects and the second JIP will investigate writing a testing and qualification standard for floats of FPV projects. The two resulting standards are meant to be used together to provide a framework for verification and certification.
These JIPs follow the recently issued DNV Recommended Practice DNV-RP-0584 Design, development and operation of floating solar photovoltaic systems - the world’s first recommended practice for floating solar power plants. DNV-RP-0584 was also issued as a result of a joint industry project with FPV stakeholders.
By 2050, DNV predicts that floating offshore wind will generate 264 GW or 15% of all offshore wind energy. Likewise, floating solar has a bright future, with up to 30 GW expected by 2030. The technology offers great potential for green energy production, particularly in areas where there is a shortage of available land for large photovoltaic plants.
The time to move FPV forward is now and by joining these JIP’s the results enable trust and confidence in the technology and scaling to contribute to net-zero goals.
DNV has already hosted on the 30th June the preliminary kick-off for boths JIP initiatives, with the companies that confirmed participation. However, a call for more interested partners remains open, and we welcome more companies spanning various interests (operators, designers, manufacturers, contractors, regulators, universities and research institutes) to join the joint industry projects to increase its reach and the quality of the final result.
We plan to carry out the JIP over a period of 18 months.
Partners in the JIP will participate in scoping workshops, receive early access to knowledge gained, and have insight to the revised design provisions.
Current participants to the Anchoring and Mooring JIP:
BayWa r.e. AG
BlueC Engineering
Fred. Olsen 1848
Moss Maritime
Oceans of Energy
Sungrow Floating
Ocean Sun.
Current participants to the Floats JIP:
BayWa r.e. AG
BlueC Engineering
Oceans of Energy
Ocean Sun
Sungrow Floating
Zimmermann PV.
Redigert 14.07.2022 kl 09:00
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13.07.2022 kl 15:08
1H chartet ligner vi er på vej til at bunde ud, samtidigt med at vi har fået nogle stærke bull indikatorer
Bullish doji star https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/morningstar.asp
Three outside up https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/three-outside-updown.asp
Bullish doji star https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/morningstar.asp
Three outside up https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/three-outside-updown.asp
13.07.2022 kl 07:42
Dette er helt klart også noget jeg vægter højt - Jeg vil dog sige at OSUN har været fantastiske til at informere, sammenlignet med nogle af de andre virksomheder vi deler ejerskab i (;
Manglen af insidekøb har også undret mig en smule, men jeg har som dig valgt at tolke det som at der er flere meldinger på vej🥂
Bliver spændende at se hvad dagen bringer!
Manglen af insidekøb har også undret mig en smule, men jeg har som dig valgt at tolke det som at der er flere meldinger på vej🥂
Bliver spændende at se hvad dagen bringer!
Redigert 13.07.2022 kl 07:42
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12.07.2022 kl 22:29
Dette var jo ikke helt en nyhet for oss, men jeg liker godt at de er så offensive for tiden og tydelig jobber med markedet på flere fronter.
Jeg registrerer at det fremdeles ikke har dukket opp noen melding om innsidekjøp, og tar det som et tegn på at det vil komme flere nyheter og avtaler.
Spennende å følge Osun for tiden 👍🏻
Jeg registrerer at det fremdeles ikke har dukket opp noen melding om innsidekjøp, og tar det som et tegn på at det vil komme flere nyheter og avtaler.
Spennende å følge Osun for tiden 👍🏻
11.07.2022 kl 14:13
Ocean Sun
3.122 følgere
25m • 25 minutter siden
We are pleased to announce, that we have received the approval for rings number 2,3 and 4 at Statkraft’s hydropower plant in Albania. 🔥
Our project team is now in the ordering phase of the components and aim for a start of construction by end-August. 🔜
The total installed capacity of the project is 2MWp and the 4 rings are 70m in diameter or almost 4000m2 – about 2/3rds of a football pitch - each! 🏟 A total 4 ring FPV will generate 2.8 GWh annually and power more than 500 Albanian households.
Are you as excited as we are?🔥🔥
Read more about the project: https://lnkd.in/eNrR54vh
#OceanSun #hydropower #floatingpv
3.122 følgere
25m • 25 minutter siden
We are pleased to announce, that we have received the approval for rings number 2,3 and 4 at Statkraft’s hydropower plant in Albania. 🔥
Our project team is now in the ordering phase of the components and aim for a start of construction by end-August. 🔜
The total installed capacity of the project is 2MWp and the 4 rings are 70m in diameter or almost 4000m2 – about 2/3rds of a football pitch - each! 🏟 A total 4 ring FPV will generate 2.8 GWh annually and power more than 500 Albanian households.
Are you as excited as we are?🔥🔥
Read more about the project: https://lnkd.in/eNrR54vh
#OceanSun #hydropower #floatingpv
11.07.2022 kl 14:06
Følger man også med på ordrebogen, ser man også at købsordrene så småt bliver rykket opad.
Der ligger nu købsordre på ca 25k aktier mellem 11,84 og 11tallet - og samtidigt kun 14k aktier mellem 11,84 og 14 :)
Interessen er her ihvertfald ;))
Der ligger nu købsordre på ca 25k aktier mellem 11,84 og 11tallet - og samtidigt kun 14k aktier mellem 11,84 og 14 :)
Interessen er her ihvertfald ;))
11.07.2022 kl 13:57
Endnu et bullish doji star pattern udløst, på 1H chartet denne gang
11.07.2022 kl 11:50
Gitarhelt1 skrev Handler visst om Albania ? Kilde?
De skrev det på IG i dag 👍🏻
(Det står i kommentarfeltet)
(Det står i kommentarfeltet)
Redigert 11.07.2022 kl 11:51
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11.07.2022 kl 11:34
Nyheten de sikter til på IG handler visst om Albania. Hva slags store nyheter kan det være snakk om der?
Kan det være at de allerede nå vil fortsette å utvide prosjektet fra de planlagte 2MWp? Det er en ganske stor dam de jobber på nå, så en kan vel tenke seg at det er plass til en hel del flere ringer der? 🤞🏻
Kan det være at de allerede nå vil fortsette å utvide prosjektet fra de planlagte 2MWp? Det er en ganske stor dam de jobber på nå, så en kan vel tenke seg at det er plass til en hel del flere ringer der? 🤞🏻
11.07.2022 kl 09:33
Tja posten på IG blev vel lagt ud d 7 juli - og vi havde sidste børsmelding d. 6 juli kl 16.30 (:
11.07.2022 kl 09:23
Spørs om ikke den handlet om siste nyhet i Kina.
De kan ikke hinte om nye meldinger bare på Instagram
De kan ikke hinte om nye meldinger bare på Instagram
11.07.2022 kl 09:13
Er spændt på hvad de mener med deres Instagram post - og især på hvornår vi får mere at vide ((:
Lad os se hvad ugen bringer - mon en melding mere?
Lad os se hvad ugen bringer - mon en melding mere?