IDEX outlook 2021 to be announced commercial launches
Rapid acceleration in volume deployments expected in 2021 through several to- be-announced commercial launches by banks in several geographies
• Addressable market is expected to steadily grow to 3 billion units
• Addressable market is expected to steadily grow to 3 billion units
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:36
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18.01.2021 kl 17:59
Mastercard i France med FrenchSys 130 Miljoner kunder
Press Releases
Mastercard joins forces with FrenchSys to enhance and speed up the roll-out of new payment features and innovations across France
Paris, 18 January 2021
Every year, 130 million French and international consumers enjoy easy access to French electronic banking services, where transaction volumes are growing rapidly. While France has historically been a forerunner in card payment technology, it needs to constantly innovate to remain at the leading edge along with its European counterparts.
In addition to complying with European payment regulations, it is becoming increasingly important to provide features and innovations that meet the needs of consumers and merchants alike. In this context, it is vital for Mastercard to ensure that its products and services are rolled out in France under optimal conditions.
It is against this backdrop that Mastercard and FrenchSys – a company aimed at facilitating the development of card payment acceptance in France – have decided to form a partnership. On the basis of this agreement, Mastercard’s developments and innovations in payment technology will be made more readily available and make for easier deployment in line with other European countries. Some of these benefits include contactless payment with PIN code entry and no amount limit, card refunds immediately credited to an account, or innovations such as Mastercard’s new sound identity built into the payment process.
“We are delighted about our partnership with FrenchSys, which aims to enhance the quality of service we provide to merchants and consumers by making our payment features more readily available so as to deliver a better shopping experience. This agreement illustrates our determination to deploy more and more innovative, practical and secure products and services across the French market. This partnership will enable the banks adopting the system to develop their business thanks to improved integration of the solutions Mastercard deploys for retailers and businesses,” says Solveig Honoré Hatton, CEO of Mastercard France.
“Through this agreement with Mastercard, FrenchSys gains another opportunity to bring its customers the advantages of its multi-scheme card and payment method acceptance facilitation and consolidation offering in France. Operating at the very core of the digital payment ecosystem in France, FrenchSys can help card schemes such as Mastercard to accelerate innovation roll-out in France, support merchant banks wishing to take advantage of all the innovative features of card schemes and work with payment acceptance solution developers to improve and optimise their offering across the French market” adds Régis Folbaum, Chairman of FrenchSys.
Press Releases
Mastercard joins forces with FrenchSys to enhance and speed up the roll-out of new payment features and innovations across France
Paris, 18 January 2021
Every year, 130 million French and international consumers enjoy easy access to French electronic banking services, where transaction volumes are growing rapidly. While France has historically been a forerunner in card payment technology, it needs to constantly innovate to remain at the leading edge along with its European counterparts.
In addition to complying with European payment regulations, it is becoming increasingly important to provide features and innovations that meet the needs of consumers and merchants alike. In this context, it is vital for Mastercard to ensure that its products and services are rolled out in France under optimal conditions.
It is against this backdrop that Mastercard and FrenchSys – a company aimed at facilitating the development of card payment acceptance in France – have decided to form a partnership. On the basis of this agreement, Mastercard’s developments and innovations in payment technology will be made more readily available and make for easier deployment in line with other European countries. Some of these benefits include contactless payment with PIN code entry and no amount limit, card refunds immediately credited to an account, or innovations such as Mastercard’s new sound identity built into the payment process.
“We are delighted about our partnership with FrenchSys, which aims to enhance the quality of service we provide to merchants and consumers by making our payment features more readily available so as to deliver a better shopping experience. This agreement illustrates our determination to deploy more and more innovative, practical and secure products and services across the French market. This partnership will enable the banks adopting the system to develop their business thanks to improved integration of the solutions Mastercard deploys for retailers and businesses,” says Solveig Honoré Hatton, CEO of Mastercard France.
“Through this agreement with Mastercard, FrenchSys gains another opportunity to bring its customers the advantages of its multi-scheme card and payment method acceptance facilitation and consolidation offering in France. Operating at the very core of the digital payment ecosystem in France, FrenchSys can help card schemes such as Mastercard to accelerate innovation roll-out in France, support merchant banks wishing to take advantage of all the innovative features of card schemes and work with payment acceptance solution developers to improve and optimise their offering across the French market” adds Régis Folbaum, Chairman of FrenchSys.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:45
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Ifølge artikkelen over, er produsenten av BNP Paribas sine BPC med FPC sensor franske Thales, og ifølge Thales er 80% (4/5) av de ca 10.000 BNP Paribas kundene som har fått et slikt kort, fornøyde med kortet. Overraskende lavt sammenlignet med markedsføringen til FPC og IDEX.
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Ifølge artikkelen er (i Frankrike antar jeg) ved point-of-sale (korteieren har kortet i hånden) fysisk betaling med kort + PIN svindelraten = 0,01%, dvs 1 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt.
Ved point-of-sale (korteieren har kortet i hånden) fysisk kontaktløs betaling er svindelraten = 0,019%, dvs nesten 2 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt. Mao nesten dobbelt så høy som for point-of-sale med PIN.
For ONLINE handel med kortbetaling er svindelraten = 0,17%, dvs 17 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt. Dvs at online svindelraten er hhv 17 og 8,5 ganger høyere enn ved point-of-sale betaling med PIN hhv kontaktløst.
Lagt sammen, gir det for kortbruk en samlet svindelrate = 0,2%, dvs 20 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt:
• point-of-sale kort + PIN svindel = 5% av all kortsvindel (i Frankrike)
• point-of-sale kontaktløs svindel = 10% av all kortsvindel (i Frankrike)
• online svindel = 85% av all kortsvindel (i Frankrike)
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Bank card: what will change in 2021 for the security of your payments?
«In 2019, the level of fraud was 17 times higher for online payments than for payments in physical stores!»
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Ifølge artikkelen er (i Frankrike antar jeg) ved point-of-sale (korteieren har kortet i hånden) fysisk betaling med kort + PIN svindelraten = 0,01%, dvs 1 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt.
Ved point-of-sale (korteieren har kortet i hånden) fysisk kontaktløs betaling er svindelraten = 0,019%, dvs nesten 2 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt. Mao nesten dobbelt så høy som for point-of-sale med PIN.
For ONLINE handel med kortbetaling er svindelraten = 0,17%, dvs 17 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt. Dvs at online svindelraten er hhv 17 og 8,5 ganger høyere enn ved point-of-sale betaling med PIN hhv kontaktløst.
Lagt sammen, gir det for kortbruk en samlet svindelrate = 0,2%, dvs 20 euro svindlet for hver 10.000 euro omsatt:
• point-of-sale kort + PIN svindel = 5% av all kortsvindel (i Frankrike)
• point-of-sale kontaktløs svindel = 10% av all kortsvindel (i Frankrike)
• online svindel = 85% av all kortsvindel (i Frankrike)
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Bank card: what will change in 2021 for the security of your payments?
«In 2019, the level of fraud was 17 times higher for online payments than for payments in physical stores!»
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:45
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18.01.2021 kl 19:47
Mexico’s national biometric register of mobile phone users proposal advances
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:45
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19.01.2021 kl 09:20
Om den är VISA då är Mastercard, UnionPay, VISA
Snart kommer VISA certifiering 🤞
Snart kommer VISA certifiering 🤞
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:45
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21.01.2021 kl 13:48
The Impact of IDEMIA’s Technology
IDEMIA’s impact is already widespread. They are making over 2.3 billion euros in revenue and have over 1500 active patent families. Furthermore, IDEMIA is accredited for the world’s largest biometric deployment in Aadhaar, India. Their IDWay solution has benefitted over 1.3 billion people there.
IDEMIA has a wide range of products suited to the needs of a diverse set of companies. As governments work to modernize bureaucratic processes and companies continue to innovate, IDEMIA’s product range will continue to grow. All this speaks to the steadfast future IDEMIA has ahead of them. With a wide range of adaptable products, IDEMIA is expanding in all directions
IDEX är med på en hel del hoppas jag 🙏
IDEMIA’s impact is already widespread. They are making over 2.3 billion euros in revenue and have over 1500 active patent families. Furthermore, IDEMIA is accredited for the world’s largest biometric deployment in Aadhaar, India. Their IDWay solution has benefitted over 1.3 billion people there.
IDEMIA has a wide range of products suited to the needs of a diverse set of companies. As governments work to modernize bureaucratic processes and companies continue to innovate, IDEMIA’s product range will continue to grow. All this speaks to the steadfast future IDEMIA has ahead of them. With a wide range of adaptable products, IDEMIA is expanding in all directions
IDEX är med på en hel del hoppas jag 🙏
21.01.2021 kl 15:01
Lite att läsa
Press Releases
Mastercard and Network International launch digital platform to accelerate digital payment adoption across Middle East and Africa
Innovative digital solutions will enhance mobile-based payments for issuers, merchants, acquirers and consumers
The solution will initially be launched across 40 African countries including Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and South Africa and extended across the rest of Middle East and Africa in the coming months.
Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 January 2020 – Mastercard, a technology leader in the global payments industry, and its strategic partner, Network International, the leading enabler of digital commerce in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, have collaborated to launch a new digital platform which will accelerate the adoption of digital payments across the Middle East and Africa.
“Our partnership with Mastercard is focused on rapidly growing electronic payment usage across our region and this initiative is a major foundational step in meeting that goal,” added Paul Clarke, Group Head of Product & Innovation, Network International. “We believe the launch of this platform is the first in a series of steps towards delivering simplified, collaborative payment solutions across the payments value chain in the Middle East and Africa. We have plans to grow the platforms’ capabilities so that we can help our joint customers, large and small, accelerate the move from cash to digital solutions.”
Press Releases
Mastercard and Network International launch digital platform to accelerate digital payment adoption across Middle East and Africa
Innovative digital solutions will enhance mobile-based payments for issuers, merchants, acquirers and consumers
The solution will initially be launched across 40 African countries including Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and South Africa and extended across the rest of Middle East and Africa in the coming months.
Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 January 2020 – Mastercard, a technology leader in the global payments industry, and its strategic partner, Network International, the leading enabler of digital commerce in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, have collaborated to launch a new digital platform which will accelerate the adoption of digital payments across the Middle East and Africa.
“Our partnership with Mastercard is focused on rapidly growing electronic payment usage across our region and this initiative is a major foundational step in meeting that goal,” added Paul Clarke, Group Head of Product & Innovation, Network International. “We believe the launch of this platform is the first in a series of steps towards delivering simplified, collaborative payment solutions across the payments value chain in the Middle East and Africa. We have plans to grow the platforms’ capabilities so that we can help our joint customers, large and small, accelerate the move from cash to digital solutions.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 15:04
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21.01.2021 kl 16:55
IDEX Mastercard Biometric Card
3 Dollars when order 10 Cards
Shenzhen Union Smart Card Co., Ltd.
High Secured Fingerprint Smart Card for Biometric Solution and Stand-alone Authentication
Model Number:fingerprint-1,Material:PVC,Memory:256 byte
USD 3.0000
USD 150.0000
× 10.00
Product Amount
USD 30.00
Total Order Amount:
USD 30.00
Payment Records
Shipping Method:
Shipping Date:
14 days after full amount collected is credited
Order No.:;
3 Dollars when order 10 Cards
Shenzhen Union Smart Card Co., Ltd.
High Secured Fingerprint Smart Card for Biometric Solution and Stand-alone Authentication
Model Number:fingerprint-1,Material:PVC,Memory:256 byte
USD 3.0000
USD 150.0000
× 10.00
Product Amount
USD 30.00
Total Order Amount:
USD 30.00
Payment Records
Shipping Method:
Shipping Date:
14 days after full amount collected is credited
Order No.:;
21.01.2021 kl 17:10
I mange år det samme om og om igjen. Artikler om framtidens kort og hvor stort dette en gang skal bli. Synd det aldri gjør noe med kursen.. 1 steg fram og 2 tilbake = Idex
21.01.2021 kl 21:50
IDEMIA Smart City Card eller ? Jag läste i en annanstans att man kunde lägga till flera tjänster i samma kort , transport, verifikation mm
The upgrade comes after IDEMIA announced its “Converged Card” concept toward the end of last year. The Converged Card would essentially combine a driver’s license and payment card into a single physical credential. Down the line, it’s easy to imagine such a concept being paired with a mobile virtual credential; in any case, it’s clear that IDEMIA is actively working to innovate in the government-issued ID space through these different, if complementary, technological approaches.
Converged Card is a state-issued driver’s license or identification with a payment credential. This card or digital application will support state-subsidized programs, including unemployment benefits, housing and utility assistance, and tax refunds, allowing the government to automatically reach people that need funding through the public sector faster than with a paper check.
Mastercard is proud to support the Converged Card solution with our trusted partner IDEMIA. This Converged Card solution is the result of Mastercard's strategic partnership with IDEMIA, established in 2018 through City Possible, a unique global network for urban co-development. City Possible allows members to draw on the collective expertise and resources of all stakeholders in order to scale innovative solutions that address pressing global challenges. Over the past two years, we have collaborated to develop solutions that would enable financial inclusion worldwide.
We see a massive opportunity for the convergence of identity and finance. This solution creates an easy way for our citizens to access financial services to receive payments, including unemployment insurance benefits and tax refunds, or to make payments including vehicle registration fees, income taxes, and professional licensing fees. This creates a more secure environment for both citizens and the state as we can confirm that payments are going to real and eligible customers. We’re grateful for partners like IDEMIA and Mastercard that we can work with to provide our citizens with these impactful innovations.
Jag kan bara säga att Mexico, Afrika, India och en del USA med detta och ni kan hitta länkar i mina tidigare inläggen
The upgrade comes after IDEMIA announced its “Converged Card” concept toward the end of last year. The Converged Card would essentially combine a driver’s license and payment card into a single physical credential. Down the line, it’s easy to imagine such a concept being paired with a mobile virtual credential; in any case, it’s clear that IDEMIA is actively working to innovate in the government-issued ID space through these different, if complementary, technological approaches.
Converged Card is a state-issued driver’s license or identification with a payment credential. This card or digital application will support state-subsidized programs, including unemployment benefits, housing and utility assistance, and tax refunds, allowing the government to automatically reach people that need funding through the public sector faster than with a paper check.
Mastercard is proud to support the Converged Card solution with our trusted partner IDEMIA. This Converged Card solution is the result of Mastercard's strategic partnership with IDEMIA, established in 2018 through City Possible, a unique global network for urban co-development. City Possible allows members to draw on the collective expertise and resources of all stakeholders in order to scale innovative solutions that address pressing global challenges. Over the past two years, we have collaborated to develop solutions that would enable financial inclusion worldwide.
We see a massive opportunity for the convergence of identity and finance. This solution creates an easy way for our citizens to access financial services to receive payments, including unemployment insurance benefits and tax refunds, or to make payments including vehicle registration fees, income taxes, and professional licensing fees. This creates a more secure environment for both citizens and the state as we can confirm that payments are going to real and eligible customers. We’re grateful for partners like IDEMIA and Mastercard that we can work with to provide our citizens with these impactful innovations.
Jag kan bara säga att Mexico, Afrika, India och en del USA med detta och ni kan hitta länkar i mina tidigare inläggen
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 22:07
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21.01.2021 kl 23:05
Just denna vecka kom ut VISA med pressmeddelande att de ska ut med debit Kort I USA for Social Allowance 😝 IDEX säkert ha VISA i bagaget nu
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 23:07
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22.01.2021 kl 11:43
Government Payment Cards
Quick and easy access to your benefit funds.
Learn more about EIP cards
Quick and easy access to your benefit funds.
Learn more about EIP cards
Redigert 22.01.2021 kl 11:44
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22.01.2021 kl 12:34
Etter dagens kursnedgang på 6-7% på det verste, må det ha skjedd noe veeeeeeeeeeeeeeldig nedslående for selskapet. Jeg bare spør, hvorfor solgte du så mange aksjer i IDEX i dag?. Jeg har ikke klart å oppdrive noe info som skulle tilsi at jeg burde selge en eneste en aksje i IDEX i dag. Er dere stokk dumme eller er det noe jeg ikke vet? Vi får se når dagen er omme om det var noen grunn til salg, eller burde alle ha solgt alt, og til hvem?
22.01.2021 kl 13:21
Er vel ikke noe nytt, dette skjer jo hele tiden. Men med en omsetning på 5-6 mill er det jo bare en vits og henge seg opp i det . Sikkert noen som er lei av og vente på raketten som aldri blir skutt opp, gresset er mye grønnere mange andre steder nå.
22.01.2021 kl 13:24
Er vel ikke noe nytt, dette skjer jo hele tiden. Men med en omsetning på 5-6 mill er det jo bare en vits og henge seg opp i det . Sikkert noen som er lei av og vente på raketten som aldri blir skutt opp, gresset er mye grønnere mange andre steder nå.
22.01.2021 kl 13:26
He He 6-7% er ingen vits, vil en ut er det dager nok å gjøre det på. Det kan også oppfattes som kursmanipulerende.
22.01.2021 kl 15:00
Møyfrid ja. Det var vel egentlig Trump og hans medsammensvornes beste "venninne"!
22.01.2021 kl 18:32
Slettet brukerskrevInnlegget er slettet
Gutten, da. Har du aksjer i selskapet.
22.01.2021 kl 18:38
Money Revolution
During the last year, consumers have had to adjust from paying with e-wallets in stores to making automatic payments through apps. Now consumers can add the experience of other payment infrastructures positioned to set a new standard, noted Vince Graziani, Boston-based CEO of IDEX Biometrics.
The New Era of Cashless, Invisible Payments
Money Revolution
During the last year, consumers have had to adjust from paying with e-wallets in stores to making automatic payments through apps. Now consumers can add the experience of other payment infrastructures positioned to set a new standard, noted Vince Graziani, Boston-based CEO of IDEX Biometrics.
The New Era of Cashless, Invisible Payments
Redigert 22.01.2021 kl 18:58
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Hvor blir det av Nasdaq noteringen av IDEX?
Snart 2 måneder siden IDEX sendte siste søknad!
Mitt tipp er at Nasdaq ikke noterer nye selskaper uten å gå dem etter i sømmene. Det viktigste spørsmålet for Nasdaq er trolig:
• Når er IDEX kassen tom? SVAR = omtrent i månedsskiftet mars/april 2021.
Tror ikke IDEX går konk med det første, men heller ikke at Nasdaq tillater notering av et selskap som TEORETISK kan gå konk 2-3 måneder etter noteringen. Skulle det skje, vil det skade Nasdaqs omdømme, og Nasdaq risikerer et gruppe-erstatnings-søksmål fra US borgere. Spørsmålet er hvor mye egenkapital Nasdaq krever for at IDEX skal bli listet?
For 1 års operativ drift = ca NOK 200-250 millioner. For 2 års operativ drift = ca NOK 400-500 millioner. OSV.
Jo mer penger på bok Nasdaq krever, jo vanskeligere for IDEX å oppfylle.
• Hvordan verdsettes og prises IDEX? F.eks. Price-to-Sales Ratio (P/S Ratio) = MCAP / Revenue[Inntekt]
IDEX 2020 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4[≈Q3] total revenue = USD 100.000 + 149.000 + 248.000 + 250.000 = USD 747.000
IDEX MCAP = NOK 2.209.349.616 = USD 260.536.511
IDEX prises til ca. 350 ganger forventet 2020 revenue/inntekt. Er det man kaller EKSTREM bobleprising.
Til sammenligning, Apple prises til ca 9 ganger forventet 2020 inntekt, og Tesla prises til ca 30 ganger forventet 2020 inntekt:
• Hvor lenge har IDEX eksistert? SVAR = i snart 25 år.
• Hva har historisk vært IDEXs hovedinntektskilde? SVAR = emisjoner i snart 25 år, INTET annet.
• Hva er forholdet mellom forventningene IDEX har børsmeldt, og innfrielser/resultater? SVAR = mindre enn 1/1000.
• Hvorfor ønsker IDEX en Nasdaq notering?
Notering på Nasdaq Capital Market er for oppstartselskaper som skal hente penger, IKKE for 25 år gamle travere som ikke vil hente penger, bare hvor største aksjonær tilbyr å selge 38% av aksjene sine.
Tror ikke Nasdaq liker slikt, og spør seg hvorfor Keith ikke kan selge aksjene sine på OSE når IDEX har vært listet der siden 1999.
Hvorfor skal Nasdaq være interessert i å liste en slik 25 år lang EKSTREM BOBLE og FIASKO som IDEX?
Redigert 23.01.2021 kl 21:59
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Pass på blodtrykket. Kan være at du bør bruke mer energi på å vende blikket fremover.
Klarer du å bidra med noe mer konstruktivt? Noe om IDEX?
Har så lavt blodtrykk (100/60) at jeg nesten må ta med medisiner.
"Se fremover", har vært IDEX menighetens 1. bud siste 20 år, uten at den troen har gitt resultater.
Har så lavt blodtrykk (100/60) at jeg nesten må ta med medisiner.
"Se fremover", har vært IDEX menighetens 1. bud siste 20 år, uten at den troen har gitt resultater.
IDEX P/S Ratio ttm = 4.071,50
FPC P/S Ratio ttm = 4,28
AAPL P/S Ratio ttm = 8,52
TSLA P/S Ratio ttm = 28,48
P/S Ratio = MCAP / Revenue[Inntekt]
ttm = Trailing Twelve Months = over siste 12 måneder (4 siste Q-resultater)
Forteller at IDEX er EKSTREMT SINNSSYKT HINSIDES overpriset.
Også ifølge alt annet under STATISTICS.
FPC P/S Ratio ttm = 4,28
AAPL P/S Ratio ttm = 8,52
TSLA P/S Ratio ttm = 28,48
P/S Ratio = MCAP / Revenue[Inntekt]
ttm = Trailing Twelve Months = over siste 12 måneder (4 siste Q-resultater)
Forteller at IDEX er EKSTREMT SINNSSYKT HINSIDES overpriset.
Også ifølge alt annet under STATISTICS.
Redigert 24.01.2021 kl 00:01
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24.01.2021 kl 11:24
Utrolig hvor enormt du ønsker å komme inn i IDEX til lavest mulig pris. Hadde jeg vært inne i et slikt drittselskap som du no strever av alle dine krefter (fare for hjertestopp her) for å få noen til å selge deg billige aksje, så hadde jeg ikke brukt et SEKUND her på tråder for å fortelle andre til stadighet om mitt syn. Det normale er, (altså å ha en forståelse av hva en bør gjøre til egen verdi) å bruker tid og krefter på ting en selv har nytte av. Da spør jeg deg "Reserven", hva slags nytte ar du av å drite ut IDEX til stadighet????. Får du betaling for å veilede oss tullinger som ikke forstår vårt eget beste , slik at vi selger oss ut i bøtter og spann og at dette gir nye aksjonærer en unik mulighet til stor fortjeneste pga en veldig lav inngang?
Nytten er masse moro av å lese alle de tullete personangrep-svarene som alltid kommer etter mine saklige innlegg om IDEX, samt økt egen kunnskap.
Redigert 24.01.2021 kl 23:42
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25.01.2021 kl 07:24
Selv aksjonær i selskapet, så ønsker det jo en positiv utvikling. Men kunne være interessant å få noen SAKLIGE motargumenter mot Reservens innlegg, i stedet
for bare å påstå det er dumt, idiotisk osv. Skulle gjerne gjort det selv, men føler egentlig at jeg ikke har kunnskaper nok (les langt fra nok).
for bare å påstå det er dumt, idiotisk osv. Skulle gjerne gjort det selv, men føler egentlig at jeg ikke har kunnskaper nok (les langt fra nok).
25.01.2021 kl 08:02
Hva idex har brukt 25år er likegyldig for meg, og ikke noe jeg heller har satt meg inn i. Det jeg ser idag er patenter på et knallgodt produkt i et marked som kommer til å eksplodere.
Bare det at de forventer at salg av sensor kommer til å øke fra rundt 0 i 2020 til 25 millioner i 2021, og mot 400 millioner + i 2024 gjør dette til et interessant case. Slik jeg ser det har de et sterkt produkt og legger sten for sten hva angår samarbeid og partneravtaler, men har også omsider begynt å få volumordre.
Bare det at de forventer at salg av sensor kommer til å øke fra rundt 0 i 2020 til 25 millioner i 2021, og mot 400 millioner + i 2024 gjør dette til et interessant case. Slik jeg ser det har de et sterkt produkt og legger sten for sten hva angår samarbeid og partneravtaler, men har også omsider begynt å få volumordre.
Redigert 25.01.2021 kl 08:07
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Er dette noe du har drømt, eller noe du kan dokumentere?
25.01.2021 kl 08:20
Siste presentasjon, "Projected number of biometric payment card shipments (millions of units)", men kan også være at de her tenker på totale forsendiger for bransjen som helhet, med forventet 10% andel til idex.
25.01.2021 kl 08:38
Det saklige er; Reserven er en notorisk drittslenger om IDEX, han forteller historie, og lukker ørene for at det har skjedd en stor utvikling i kontaktløs betaling. Her har Idex en sensor som ligger i verdenstoppen og har inngått mange samarbeidsavtaler om levering av sin TrustedBio sensor . Dette har ingen ting med det Reserven driver å poster, han er så hevngjerrig mot IDEX forde han har tapt så mye penger på børs at han nekter å ta inn over seg denne nye utviklingen. Det er bare veldig trist at noen ikke forstår sin egen dumhet. Det er også uten mening å snakke om fortiden ang. børs, her snakker vi om fremtiden, og det er den som interessant å kunne forutsi.
25.01.2021 kl 09:47
Du snakker om saklige og innholdsrike innlegg, ja ja. Her møter du deg selv i døren.
25.01.2021 kl 10:03
Det er ingenting spesielt nytt i de postene dine. Ikke er det noe sensasjonelt heller.
Markedet har en forventning til at Idex vil ha en større salgsvekst enn Fingerprint Cards.
Å dra paralleller og sammenligninger med Apple og Tesla er å dra den strikken din vel langt. DET er å sammenligne epler og pærer.
Det er ingenting spesielt nytt i de postene dine. Ikke er det noe sensasjonelt heller.
Markedet har en forventning til at Idex vil ha en større salgsvekst enn Fingerprint Cards.
Å dra paralleller og sammenligninger med Apple og Tesla er å dra den strikken din vel langt. DET er å sammenligne epler og pærer.
Det kan se ut som vedkommende timer sine utspill til forventede dårlige dager på børsen for å få uttelling for egen posisjonering.
En ny IDEX presentasjon hos Arctic Securities. Da er jakten på investorer til neste IDEX emisjon i gang?
Da IDEX la frem 2018-Q4 resultatet i februar 2019 - for knapt 2 år siden - spådde IDEX - i et konservativt anslag - at det i 2020 skulle være 43 millioner kort med sensor i bruk. For drøyt 3 år siden - i november 2017 - spådde IDEX at det i 2020 skulle være 350 millioner kort med sensor i bruk:
Nå vet vi fasit. I slutten av 2020 var det ca 15.000 kort med sensor i bruk, ALLE med FPC sensor. Ca 10.000 utstedt av BNP Paribas + ca 5.000 utstedt av en bank i Sveits.
Skal det om 11 måneder være 25 millioner kort med sensor i bruk, burde vi for lengst ha hørt noe om/fra de kortutstederne/bankene som har tenkt å tilby kort med sensor,
Jeg har kun hørt om følgende 2:
• BNP Paribas som planlegger i 2. halvår 2020 å tilby BPC til alle sine Visa Premier kunder (100.000- 200.000 kunder er mitt estimat)
• Credit Agricole som vil tilby BPC i 2021-Q1, til alle GOLD og WORLD ELITE kunder (100.000- 200.000 kunder er mitt estimat)
En stor europeisk bank med bilde av BPC med FPC sensor på hjemmesiden sin
Begge to med kort med FPC sensor, mest sannsynlig produsert av Thales.
Redigert 25.01.2021 kl 18:45
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