Zenith Energy target 50-80 øre og sikker havn💰🛢

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ZENA 02.01.2021 kl 00:40 97310

Jeg tror Zenith Energy skal reprises nå!

08.11 er det telefonkonferanse:

Vi venter:

News fra Tunisia og Nigeria!

Fremdrift fra CONGO!

Pluss mer..

Sjekk ut selskapet her: https://live.euronext.com/en/product/equities/CA98936C1068-MERK



Sluttkurs 2020 ble: 15,9 øre!

Mitt target er: 50-80 øre!

Lykke til!

Redigert 24.02.2022 kl 08:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2022 kl 12:14 2300

jo men marked reagere negativt på det.

nu bliver der skrevet at når penge kommer i april stiger kursen. Det sker næppe for ville den stige før og det gør den ikke
må nok ind se at dette er en død aktie

må nok snart tage tabet og gå ind i en aktie der stiger når olien stiger, for det gør Zenith ikke
Redigert 02.03.2022 kl 12:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
02.03.2022 kl 11:28 2407

I calculated by USD$90 so if we get more then it is good but at least Zenith will get $10 million before tax from oil sale.
02.03.2022 kl 11:17 2390

Godt å få lagt en av boldene på plass. Bedre å konsentrer/fokuser seg mot realiserbare prosjekter, enn være avhengig av kanskje, kanskje bolde i luften. Ser det som en positiv/fornuftig beslutning av selskapet..
02.03.2022 kl 11:09 2400

What did AC say about setting the price? Is the price agreed when the deal was made? Or is the price set around the day of shipping/loading?
Bull dog
02.03.2022 kl 10:53 2397

Det er mange småsparere som blir lurt. Kombinasjonen med masse meldinger og avtale innen uka gjør at mange kjøper noen lodd.
Slettet bruker
02.03.2022 kl 10:33 2421

If institutional investor enters price will increase to significantly.
"The Company is pleased to welcome ARC as corporate broker to the Company, we are confident that their appointment will result in an increased ability by Zenith to attract long-term, institutional investors at a time of great promise for growing energy production and development companies."
Redigert 02.03.2022 kl 10:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
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02.03.2022 kl 10:24 2456

it will double after oil sale within first half of April (As Russia planned Ukraine conflict up to May so oil price will be above 100 all the time until May), It will generate cash more than USD$10million. Now they are not in hurry to finance Nigeria and other Tunisian planned work if fully financed including Tilapia drilling activity in November. Italy is generating good profit will continue until next 2 year. Zenith will start buyback at least 10% to 20% of total shares soon as they will have cash after April.
Also Nigeria is not out of picture "The Company remains of the view that the development of the North-West Corner of OML 141 in Nigeria has significant potential, and it shall look to revisit the opportunity once the ownership of NHNL is unequivocally confirmed by the Nigerian courts."
Redigert 02.03.2022 kl 10:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2022 kl 10:14 2485

Hva er det dette selskapet driver med egentlig? Olje kan det neppe være. Faller mot nye bunner når oljeprisen går til himmels.
Redigert 02.03.2022 kl 10:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2022 kl 10:11 2470

ok der kom så nyhed, men fik kursen til falde så det kunne vi godt have undværet

næsten alle andre olieaktier stiger, men ikke Zena
Slettet bruker
02.03.2022 kl 09:27 2539

Just listened to Petronor Q&A, interesting question about Zenith regarding electricity generation form gas. Petronor may think option about electricity generation form Aje Gas after production start.
from 32.48 to 33.20
Redigert 02.03.2022 kl 10:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2022 kl 08:52 2649

Håper kursen reagerer nordover idag da grunnet siste melding!
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02.03.2022 kl 08:49 2633

Veldig bra ! Nå konsentrer vi oss om utvikling i områder med mindre risiko.
01.03.2022 kl 21:57 2972

Gassprisen tilsvarer 250 dollar fatet!!!! Hinsides. Vondt å se bilder fra Ukraina som er en stor del av bildet nå. Skulle mye heller hatt fred og lavere priser. Penger blir liksom så meningsløst
01.03.2022 kl 18:51 3162

Situasjonen Zenith er i for øyeblikket er rimelig vanskelig med hensyn til å kontrollere hva som skal meldes på. Vi er helt avhengig av afrikanske myndighetsgodkjenning over hele fjøla. TTT er nok dessverre vår fremtid
01.03.2022 kl 18:36 3205

Har du noe utfyllende å komme med, så del i vei👍
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01.03.2022 kl 18:27 3224

Ingen som har snappet opp hva som skjedde i retten i dag?

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01.03.2022 kl 18:20 3203

Oljeprisen mot 107 dollar pr. Fat!

Last opp!!!
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01.03.2022 kl 14:34 3407

Here is 2P reserve for AAOG - 56% share form 2019 report Aling reaserch report.
R1/R2- 1.1 mmboe - Commercial Chance of Success 100% (as it is producing now)
Mengo 4.7 mmboe
Djeno - 10.9 mmboe (Including gas)

2P reserve for Zenith
Congo Total - 16.89 mmboe
Tunisia - 7.7mmboe
Italia - 2.90 mmboe
Total - 27.16 mmboe
Metric EV/2P US$/boe 3.5 7.0
95.06 190.12
Debt 14.0 14.0
81.06 176.12
Share value (81.06/1872.5)*8.75 (176.12/1872.5)*8.75
kr 0.378 kr 0.823

Range is kr 0.378 to kr 0.823

Redigert 01.03.2022 kl 15:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.03.2022 kl 13:42 3487

Tilapia II is worth than kr 0.3 to 0.6 if comes in production with current oil price also 2P reserve is shown in Zenith report only for Djeno fold, not included Mengo and R/R2 which is producing current day. I hope you have AAOG report showing 2P reserve for Mengo and R1/R2
Slettet bruker
01.03.2022 kl 13:35 3500

Zenith will sell oil in next month start worth more than $10million is 100% confirm. Will get Nigeria News tomorrow is confirm. AC is in Congo is confirm. ROB - 1 back in production news will take course to 0.12, it will come any moment.
Redigert 01.03.2022 kl 13:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.03.2022 kl 13:32 3499

Hope you are right, but I will wait until solid info from Zena, before taking out the all the day traders with the 7 million shares. :)
01.03.2022 kl 13:27 3511

From this level it should triple..

Cant wait to just see the face of AC with a thumbs up outside of SNPC's/minister's office! And news within (hopefully) two-three weeks after the meeting.
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01.03.2022 kl 11:46 3669

We will get update 100% until tomorrow morning Nigeria. Here are 7 Million shares by day traders on sale below kr 0.1 despite AC is in Congo, ROB-1 update before next Monday oil price above $100 and Zenith will sale oil next month starting after this war oil price will not come down below 90 for next 2 to 3 month. One news and share will trade above kr 0.12 or kr0.2 (Tilapia II). Its a risk by day trader.
Anyone wants to double money buy it below kr 0.095 after April end price will double after oil sale it will give more than $10 million before tax (55% of total market CAP of company excluding Italy income which will double in summer current scenario and triple in next winter if sanctions on Russia continues ), update from SLK and Tilapia.
Redigert 01.03.2022 kl 12:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Bull dog
01.03.2022 kl 10:46 3773

Ingenting som tyder på at denne skal gå opp. Isåfall hadde nok noen seriøse investert. Men som lotto er det trekning hver lørdag.
01.03.2022 kl 10:03 3856

I am in agreement with you here. I would however like to say that if this is the case then Zenith should have updated the market when the SLK 2 deal was not extended something they did not do, so I would not rule anything out. The SLK-deal has not been updated since they are currently in negotiations. The same could happen in Nigeria, I would not rule it out completely that Andrea could try and leverage the situation to get a better deal.
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01.03.2022 kl 09:55 3872

Kjøpte 77000 til nå. Venter på oppgang.
28.02.2022 kl 15:50 4203

ok og hvis ingenting kommer stopper disse falske forudsigelser ?
28.02.2022 kl 15:41 4195

Unless there is an unexpectedly quick (same day) resolution to the ADME/NHNL court case in Nigeria tomorrow which is incredibly unlikely then Zenith are going to have to give an update on OML141 no later than Wednesday morning as our exclusivity option will expire at the end of the day tomorrow. Whether we just let it expire, or renew it then the markets are going to need to be informed.

Personally, I think that we will extend the option at least until the court case is concluded, as there is no incentive for NHNL to do anything else. However, it will only be once the court case is completely concluded that Zenith will decide whether they want to go ahead with the project or not. As AC said in the investor call Zenith are in negotiations with 5-6 different Nigerian deals and they are looking to focus on those deals that can be concluded quickest. The OML141 (Barracuda) deal would have been perfect for this if it was not for this court case but given it now looks like it could be tied up in long-term litigation my expectation is that Zenith will ultimately abandon it. AC was at pains to point out in the conference call that Barracuda is not the only large opportunity we have and also that speed is of the essence.
28.02.2022 kl 13:43 4354

La ås hop for en gangs skuld at denne gangen Congo besøk er fruktbart og kommer noe positivt ut av det.
28.02.2022 kl 12:54 4435

I think they will wait for the outcome of the process in the Nigerian courts before they give a update, no point in doing it beforehand.
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28.02.2022 kl 12:12 4492

Zenith must give update on Nigeria Tomorrow or max Wednesday morning.
28.02.2022 kl 12:09 4492

Kan vi ikke stoppe med at nyheder kommer i morgen eller næste uge.
Det er ikke sket alle de gange det er blevet sagt
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28.02.2022 kl 11:25 4583

Tomorrow we will get update on Nigeria, 99% chances of extension of deal.
AC is in Congo this week so soon we will get update on Tilapia II.
ROB I update before next Monday. - price will be up by 15 to 20%.
Redigert 28.02.2022 kl 11:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
Bull dog
28.02.2022 kl 09:06 4781

Hvis det er noe hold i "ryktene" bør denne gå jevnt oppover i dag og i dagene fremover.
28.02.2022 kl 00:06 3295


Please remember after friday Oslo close news come
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27.02.2022 kl 19:51 3516

Spennende uke i vente.

AC i Congo.

NIGERIA update kommer
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26.02.2022 kl 20:26 3912

Things to look forward to.Wed 12:35
Key points to recognise near term (within the next 4 months) -

1st March - Court hearing ADME claim for 70% ownership of NHNL. I think AC said something like it looks promising, although can't be sure he wasn't talking about Nigeria in general. He did give the opinion that ADME's claim was aggressive and has no grounds.

1st March - Zenith/NHNL Option Agreement expiration date. AC suspects both events on the same day is no coincidence. If the case is heard on the 1st March NHNL should win. If the case is again adjourned, AC see's no problem for NHNL to extend that option Agreement. Alternatively, AC can if he wishes, close the Option Agreement at any time. A number of Nigerian opportunities available to take it's place.

Tilapia is most definitely on the table and AC adamant that this will happen soon. AC heading to Congo next week.

KUFPEC - SLK concession very much still in play. AC thinks this will be concluded soon. Workovers to increase BPD by 1000 plus by artificial lifting/pumping.

Other potential deals in negotiation.

Rob- 1 - workover for remedial work announcement to commence soon.

Rob- 3 - preparing and about to drill, announcement soon.

Ezzauia - Ezz 17, 18 and 19 side track and 2 new wells to begin in June, I think. Plans to be announced in the next few weeks.

SMP Legal Action
Favourable outcome expected, no timespan given.

Sale fo 114,000 barrells of oil.

Audited 2021 final results due anytime after 31st March.

Share buy back scheme to be discussed by the BOD in three weeks.
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26.02.2022 kl 18:04 4019

Hva baserer du 12 kr på? = 21 milliarder kr.