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THIN 05.01.2021 kl 15:19 1939

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Litt info for de som er nye aksjonærer eller lurer på hvilke batterier har patent på og som samarbeidspartnere "sikler" etter... Nå kommer første kundene til å bli offentliggjort ila K U N få timer/dager.....

P L I N G:

Renewable energy storage devices
The thin film lithium ion battery can serve as a storage device for the energy collected from renewable sources with a variable generation rate, such as a solar cell or wind turbine. These batteries can be made to have a low self discharge rate, which means that these batteries can be stored for long periods of time without a major loss of the energy that was used to charge it. These fully charged batteries could then be used to power some or all of the other potential applications listed below, or provide more reliable power to an electric grid for general use.

Smart cards
Smart cards have the same size as a credit card, but they contain a microchip that can be used to access information, give authorization, or process an application. These cards can go through harsh production conditions, with temperatures in the range of 130 to 150 °C, in order to complete the high temperature, high pressure lamination processes.[9] These conditions can cause other batteries to fail because of degassing or degradation of organic components within the battery. Thin film lithium ion batteries have been shown to withstand temperatures of -40 to 150 °C.[8] This use of thin film lithium ion batteries is hopeful for other extreme temperature applications.

RFID tags
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags can be used in many different applications. These tags can be used in packaging, inventory control, used to verify authenticity and even allow or deny access to something. These ID tags can even have other integrated sensors to allow for the physical environment to be monitored, such as temperature or shock during travel or shipping. Also, the distance required to read the information in the tag depends on the strength of the battery. The farther away you want to be able to read the information, the stronger the output will have to be and thus the greater the power supply to accomplish this output. As these tags get more and more complex, the battery requirements will need to keep up. Thin film lithium ion batteries have shown that they can fit into the designs of the tags because of the flexibility of the battery in size and shape and are sufficiently powerful enough to accomplish the goals of the tag. Low cost production methods, like roll to roll lamination, of these batteries may even allow for this kind of RFID technology to be implemented in disposable applications.[3]

Implantable Medical Devices
Thin films of LiCoO2 have been synthesized in which the strongest x ray reflection is either weak or missing, indicating a high degree of preferred orientation. Thin film solid state batteries with these textured cathode films can deliver practical capacities at high current densities. For example, for one of the cells 70% of the maximum capacity between 4.2 V and 3 V (approximately 0.2 mAh/cm2) was delivered at a current of 2 mA/cm2. When cycled at rates of 0.1 mA/cm2, the capacity loss was 0.001%/cycle or less. The reliability and performance of Li LiCoO2 thin-film batteries make them attractive for application in implantable devices such as neural stimulators, pacemakers, and defibrillators.

Implantable medical devices require batteries that can deliver a steady, reliable power source for as long as possible. These applications call for a battery that has a low self-discharge rate, for when it’s not in use, and a high power rate, for when it needs to be used, especially in the case of an implantable defibrillator. Also, users of the product will want a battery that can go through many cycles, so these devices will not have to be replaced or serviced often. Thin film lithium ion batteries have the ability to meet these requirements. The advancement from a liquid to a solid electrolyte has allowed these batteries to take almost any shape without the worry of leaking, and it has been shown that certain types of thin film rechargeable lithium batteries can last for around 50,000 cycles.[10] Another advantage to these thin film batteries is that they can be arranged in series to give a larger voltage equal to the sum of the individual battery voltages. This fact can be used in reducing the “footprint” of the battery, or the size of the space needed for the battery, in the design of a device.

Wireless Sensors
Wireless sensors need to be in use for the duration of their application, whether that may be in package shipping or in the detection of some unwanted compound, or controlling inventory in a warehouse. If the wireless sensor cannot transmit its data due to low or no battery power, the consequences could potentially be severe based on the application. Also, the wireless sensor must be adaptable to each application. Therefore the battery must be able to fit within the designed sensor. This means that the desired battery for these devices must be long-lasting, size specific, low cost, if they are going to be used in disposable technologies, and must meet the requirements of the data collection and transmission processes. Once again, thin film lithium ion batteries have shown the ability to meet all of these requirements.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.01.2021 kl 15:36 1877


Tidligere teknologi:

Løsningsbasert elektrolytt
Polymer separatorer
Metalliske nåværende samlere


Elektrolytt med solid tilstand
Skilletegn for papir
Karbon nanorør nåværende samlere
Karbon nanorør anode


Økt sikkerhet og sykluslevetid
Redusert kostnad økte ionledningshastighete
Redusert enhetsvekt, økt energitetthet
Redusert enhetskompleksitet
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.01.2021 kl 15:45 1836

Merk også:

Li-ion overføringsceller er de mest lovende systemene for å tilfredsstille etterspørselen av høy spesifikk energi og høy effekt og ville være billigere å produsere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.01.2021 kl 15:48 1817

...og fordi som ikke har hørt om Thinfilms ferdige roll to roll produksjon... her kommer den til anvendelse- en fabrikk verdt 400 millioner står klar med produksjonsutstyr og svært kompetente ansatte i Silicon Valley..

Utvikling av tynne solid state batterier gjør det mulig for "roll to roll" type produksjon av batterier for å redusere produksjonskostnadene. SSD-batterier har også råd til økt energitetthet på grunn av reduksjon i total enhetsvekt, mens den fleksible naturen gir ny batteridesign og enklere inkorporering i elektronikk.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.01.2021 kl 16:21 1716

Milestone 3-


Konkurrenter som ikke har solid state lithim batterier, men som Thin vil konkurrere mot (de med micro batterier i første bølge):

Milestone 4-

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