Reach vil revolusjonere subsea-markedet!!
Hvor høyt skal denne nå tro!!!??
For the past 18 months, Reach Subsea ASA (Reach) has been developing new and future-proof, sustainable solutions for subsea services. The project, named Reach Remote, is carried out in cooperation with renowned industrial partners Kongsberg Maritime and Massterly, and is also supported by a grant from Innovation Norway.
The first stage of Reach Remote is to introduce Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) dedicated to survey, inspection, and light repair projects. These USVs will serve as mobile power banks, data centres and communication modules for underwater ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), with both the USVs and ROVs operated from an onshore control centre. Features for both real time operator control and autonomous operations will be incorporated, as well as hybrid modes blending remote and semi-autonomous control. The goal is to be in the market with the first two USVs in 2022, with the ambition of providing a full portfolio of subsea services from a low-emission, cost-effective remote and autonomous fleet by 2025.
The low-emission, cost-effective subsea services which will be offered by Reach Remote are viewed with great interest from both offshore wind farm operators and oil and gas asset owners. Reach Remote will be a great enabler, building on framework agreements already in place to position Reach as a preferred supplier of survey, inspection, and light repair services to the fast-growing offshore wind industry. It will also be key to providing services to other markets, such as aquaculture, subsea mining, and environmental surveillance.
Technology is enabling a radical redesign of how ROV operations are performed: shifting from a capital- and personnel-intensive setup operated from larger, energy-intensive offshore vessels towards a lean remote and autonomous platform, with certified personnel located onshore. Reach Subsea’s operational competence – together with Kongsberg Maritime’s advanced technologies and Massterly’s pioneering efforts in autonomous maritime operations – is vital to unlocking this opportunity.
Currently, Reach provides its subsea services from six vessels. A typical Reach project today will involve some 30-50 personnel onboard a subsea vessel operating under strict HSEQ regimes. With Reach Remote, the same project can be executed with a much smaller, more fuel-efficient vessel and one third of the personnel, who will be located onshore without exposure to offshore operational risks. This is revolutionary in terms of cost efficiency and enhanced safety and will drastically reduce the CO2 footprint of this type of operation.
The key benefits of Reach Remote, compared to equivalent solutions using a full-scale subsea vessel, are:
• More than 90% reduction in CO2 and NOx emissions
• Virtual elimination of the personnel risk associated with offshore operations
• Significant reductions in the cost of subsea survey and inspection services
Financing of the construction part of Reach Remote is being evaluated and may involve new equity, new debt, industrial partnerships, or a combination thereof.
Tom Eystø, CEO of Massterly – a Kongsberg Wilhelmsen joint venture – says: “The Reach Remote concept fits perfectly with Massterly’s offering of safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly logistics solutions. We are proud to be preferred partners for Reach Subsea for the operation of their USVs. The unmanned vessels will be operated from our Remote Operations Centre, manned with certified maritime personnel. The Remote Operations Centre will also serve other innovative customers like ASKO, who has two autonomous vessels under construction for delivery in 2022. By uniting the competencies from Massterly’s two owners, Kongsberg Maritime and Wilhelmsen, we are in a unique position to deliver future-proof services to Reach Subsea.”
Jostein Alendal, CEO of Reach Subseas, says: “Based on the massive feedback and interest we experience from our clients, we believe the timing is right to introduce Reach Remote to the market. Even though the transition from manned to unmanned needs some time it is realistic to aim for a fleet of at least 10 USVs as early as 2025 in our worldwide operations. There is no doubt in my mind that we have joined with the right partners to drive the development and be in the forefront of this transition. Unmanned and carbon neutral offshore operations is a bold ambition, but with right team and the right partners we believe this ambition is achievable.”
Reach Remote main design features
The Reach Remote project uses a USV in conjunction with a next-generation ROV in an innovative solution which will transform the current market for ROV survey and inspection services. The Reach Remote USV design philosophy is based on a few key drivers which are instrumental in the total solution. The main design features are:
• Dedicated unmanned, self-propelled remotely and autonomously operated ROV mother vessel of approx. 25 m overall length.
• Robust maritime and subsea equipment with high reliability and long maintenance intervals
• Onshore control room facilities for both marine and ROV operations
• Semi-autonomous ROV for survey and inspection tasks
• Hull-mounted survey sensors
• Optimised hydrodynamic properties for excellent data acquisition and subsea positioning performance
• Focused on ROV operability in an extended weather window vs. peers
The USV solution has been optimised for very low energy consumption and a minimal carbon footprint. The current design is based on a redundant hybrid electric configuration and will be capable of 30 days or more endurance for most operations, ensuring efficiency and operational flexibility.
For further information, please contact:
Jostein Alendal, CEO
Birgitte Wendelbo Johansen, CFO
For the past 18 months, Reach Subsea ASA (Reach) has been developing new and future-proof, sustainable solutions for subsea services. The project, named Reach Remote, is carried out in cooperation with renowned industrial partners Kongsberg Maritime and Massterly, and is also supported by a grant from Innovation Norway.
The first stage of Reach Remote is to introduce Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) dedicated to survey, inspection, and light repair projects. These USVs will serve as mobile power banks, data centres and communication modules for underwater ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), with both the USVs and ROVs operated from an onshore control centre. Features for both real time operator control and autonomous operations will be incorporated, as well as hybrid modes blending remote and semi-autonomous control. The goal is to be in the market with the first two USVs in 2022, with the ambition of providing a full portfolio of subsea services from a low-emission, cost-effective remote and autonomous fleet by 2025.
The low-emission, cost-effective subsea services which will be offered by Reach Remote are viewed with great interest from both offshore wind farm operators and oil and gas asset owners. Reach Remote will be a great enabler, building on framework agreements already in place to position Reach as a preferred supplier of survey, inspection, and light repair services to the fast-growing offshore wind industry. It will also be key to providing services to other markets, such as aquaculture, subsea mining, and environmental surveillance.
Technology is enabling a radical redesign of how ROV operations are performed: shifting from a capital- and personnel-intensive setup operated from larger, energy-intensive offshore vessels towards a lean remote and autonomous platform, with certified personnel located onshore. Reach Subsea’s operational competence – together with Kongsberg Maritime’s advanced technologies and Massterly’s pioneering efforts in autonomous maritime operations – is vital to unlocking this opportunity.
Currently, Reach provides its subsea services from six vessels. A typical Reach project today will involve some 30-50 personnel onboard a subsea vessel operating under strict HSEQ regimes. With Reach Remote, the same project can be executed with a much smaller, more fuel-efficient vessel and one third of the personnel, who will be located onshore without exposure to offshore operational risks. This is revolutionary in terms of cost efficiency and enhanced safety and will drastically reduce the CO2 footprint of this type of operation.
The key benefits of Reach Remote, compared to equivalent solutions using a full-scale subsea vessel, are:
• More than 90% reduction in CO2 and NOx emissions
• Virtual elimination of the personnel risk associated with offshore operations
• Significant reductions in the cost of subsea survey and inspection services
Financing of the construction part of Reach Remote is being evaluated and may involve new equity, new debt, industrial partnerships, or a combination thereof.
Tom Eystø, CEO of Massterly – a Kongsberg Wilhelmsen joint venture – says: “The Reach Remote concept fits perfectly with Massterly’s offering of safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly logistics solutions. We are proud to be preferred partners for Reach Subsea for the operation of their USVs. The unmanned vessels will be operated from our Remote Operations Centre, manned with certified maritime personnel. The Remote Operations Centre will also serve other innovative customers like ASKO, who has two autonomous vessels under construction for delivery in 2022. By uniting the competencies from Massterly’s two owners, Kongsberg Maritime and Wilhelmsen, we are in a unique position to deliver future-proof services to Reach Subsea.”
Jostein Alendal, CEO of Reach Subseas, says: “Based on the massive feedback and interest we experience from our clients, we believe the timing is right to introduce Reach Remote to the market. Even though the transition from manned to unmanned needs some time it is realistic to aim for a fleet of at least 10 USVs as early as 2025 in our worldwide operations. There is no doubt in my mind that we have joined with the right partners to drive the development and be in the forefront of this transition. Unmanned and carbon neutral offshore operations is a bold ambition, but with right team and the right partners we believe this ambition is achievable.”
Reach Remote main design features
The Reach Remote project uses a USV in conjunction with a next-generation ROV in an innovative solution which will transform the current market for ROV survey and inspection services. The Reach Remote USV design philosophy is based on a few key drivers which are instrumental in the total solution. The main design features are:
• Dedicated unmanned, self-propelled remotely and autonomously operated ROV mother vessel of approx. 25 m overall length.
• Robust maritime and subsea equipment with high reliability and long maintenance intervals
• Onshore control room facilities for both marine and ROV operations
• Semi-autonomous ROV for survey and inspection tasks
• Hull-mounted survey sensors
• Optimised hydrodynamic properties for excellent data acquisition and subsea positioning performance
• Focused on ROV operability in an extended weather window vs. peers
The USV solution has been optimised for very low energy consumption and a minimal carbon footprint. The current design is based on a redundant hybrid electric configuration and will be capable of 30 days or more endurance for most operations, ensuring efficiency and operational flexibility.
For further information, please contact:
Jostein Alendal, CEO
Birgitte Wendelbo Johansen, CFO
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:27
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17.02.2021 kl 12:52
Velkommen etter. Natto ble solgt latterlig billig, vi får håpe det samme ikke skjer med Reach. Kursmålet til Arctic er bare 3.30, men det blir spennende å se om de jekker den opp i nærmeste fremtid. Ellers står kontraktssesongen snart for tur, q4 er til uka, og operasjonstall den 15.3 vil være kursdrivende om de er like oppløftende som de som kom forleden. Ellers kan vi kanskje se at de får inn en ny strategisk eier, men det er bare spekulasjon. Har fått med meg oppgangen fra ca 2.25, og hvis jeg mister troen på at vi bikker 5 kroner i løpet av 6-12 mnd, kommer jeg til å selge meg ned/ut.
Jeg satt i 11år med natto aksjer ,hadde et snitt på 8kr. Skal aldri gifte meg med en aksje mere..Her ser detut som det er gode muligheter framover en tid.
17.02.2021 kl 13:46
Enig. Det var min største feil. Satt klistret i Natto i 8 år. Etter at jeg endret strategi har jeg hatt over dobbel så høy avkastning på 9 mnd som i åtte år som Natto aksjonær. Men men, håper ikke vi får en stor korreksjon i fleisen. Vet ikke om Reach blir en vinner, men noen subsea selskaper skal til himmels pga havvind eventyret som så vidt har begynt.
17.02.2021 kl 15:57
Nesten alle trøbbel kommer av misligholdt gjeld. vilket Reach ikke har. Reprising kommer.
18.02.2021 kl 08:11
Har vel sett en tydelig posisjonering siste dager ift til Q4 og kontrakter som ikke er meldt enda.
18.02.2021 kl 09:38
Skal de ha autobåtene ferdig til 2022 sesong, kommer det nok noe om det snart og.
18.02.2021 kl 11:09
Her har vi som følger med hatt full kontroll hele tiden.....Året har startet mye bedre enn i fjor. 2021 blir et vannvittig bra år for Reach....
Redigert 18.02.2021 kl 11:29
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18.02.2021 kl 11:28
Kjøpte 20k på facts nå, drog opp snittet litt - men blir bra dette her.
Liten intresse etter en god melding.....
18.02.2021 kl 12:02
For de som ikke skjønner hvor mye dette er.... Det er 6 måneder.Tipper vi kan snakkes til neste vinter ja...
Redigert 19.02.2021 kl 08:47
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18.02.2021 kl 12:09
Starten på året er mye bedre enn i fjor... vi må ikke glemme at fjoråret var meget bra bortsett fra Q1. Som nevnt før: klarer de å «fikse» q1, samt sikre seg en pen vekst resten av året, er en EBT på 80 innen rekkevidde. Da snakker vi om en reprising av dimensjoner. 15.3 får vi som kjent en ny indikasjon på q1.
18.02.2021 kl 12:12
Sitter med inngang 1,91 og er bare litt utålmodig.
Får putte de i skuffen noen måneder til.
Sitter med inngang 1,91 og er bare litt utålmodig.
Får putte de i skuffen noen måneder til.
18.02.2021 kl 12:14
Prisingen er merkelig lav. Dette gjør de sårbare for et bud på selskapet.
Et bud på selskapet er ikke å forakte spør du meg, men lever godt med utviklingen......;) Tirsdag får vi endelig bekreftelsen på at 2020 ble et meget godt år og med meldingen om økt aktivitet i dag burde det gi et ytterligere løft i kursen! Super BULL ;)
19.02.2021 kl 11:04
En og en halv handledag til Q4-tallene presenteres - de blir knallbra......
Redigert 19.02.2021 kl 11:15
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19.02.2021 kl 11:30
Reach informerer om at de har sikret 37.5% flere prosjektdager enn på samme tid i fjor, men aksjen synker i verdi. Hvis dette skulle vise seg å være representativt for veksten gjennom 2021, så får vi en meget flott bunnlinje.
19.02.2021 kl 11:35
Husk at en stor del av grunnen til det dårlige Q1-resultatet i fjor var pga negatviv valutaeffekt (dollar mot NOK). Alt tyder på at Reach i 2021 kommer til å levere et overskudd som er så stort at kursen minst burde klare en kursutvikling til rundt 6-9 kr.
19.02.2021 kl 11:36
Det er nettopp derfor det er interessant å kjøpe Reach-aksjer. Jeg har fulgt nøye med på op.-tallene i flere år nå, q4 blir knallbra!
Redigert 19.02.2021 kl 12:25
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19.02.2021 kl 12:26
Nå har vel reach hatt negativt resultat i q4 hvert eneste år siden ihvertfall 2017, så å forvente et "knallbra" resultat virker nå litt optimistisk.
19.02.2021 kl 12:49
Det er visst bokføring av noen ekstraordinære inntekter som forventes. Utover disse ligger det vel an til et svakt positivt resultat tipper jeg.
19.02.2021 kl 12:57
Er det q4 neste uke allerede?
Her tror jeg på ett rimelig godt resultat nå.
Her tror jeg på ett rimelig godt resultat nå.
19.02.2021 kl 13:47
Kontrakten starter ikke arbeid før i 2021, selv om det er en fornyet versjon av den tildelt i 2017. Når det gjelder operational figuers er de bedre en 2019 nivået, men burde ikke gi kanon resultat. Snart fasit får håpe jeg tar feil.
I fare for å gjenta meg selv; Ebit 2020 +50 mill. 50% utbytte, altså 25 mill, dvs. direkteavkastning på dagens kurs på ca 6%, Kursen burde ligge +4, minst....... Fremtiden ser mye bedre ut,,,,,,BULL. God helg ;)
19.02.2021 kl 15:34
"3Q 2020 EBITDA was NOK 87.9 million compared with NOK 61.3 mill in 3Q2019, while pre-tax result was NOK 33.2 million (NOK 4.1 million).
- EBITDA for the first nine months of 2020 was NOK 206.4 million (NOK 140.1 million), while pre-tax result was NOK 28.9 million (NOK -10.9 million).
- Busy contracting activity during and after quarter end, despite market turbulence. 430 project days secured for the remainder of 2020 season, and 470 project days secured for 2021. "
"- Busy contracting activity during and after quarter end, despite market turbulence."
Burde gi kr.
- EBITDA for the first nine months of 2020 was NOK 206.4 million (NOK 140.1 million), while pre-tax result was NOK 28.9 million (NOK -10.9 million).
- Busy contracting activity during and after quarter end, despite market turbulence. 430 project days secured for the remainder of 2020 season, and 470 project days secured for 2021. "
"- Busy contracting activity during and after quarter end, despite market turbulence."
Burde gi kr.
19.02.2021 kl 15:36
Blir ikke lenge under 3 tallet denne nå , hvem er raskest på avtrekkeren og sikrer seg billig inngang?
Hvilket regnskap har du sett? Reach har jo en del gjeld dem.
21.02.2021 kl 17:18
"The total comprehensive income for 3Q2020 ended at NOK33.3 million, compared with NOK 4.1 million for 3Q2019. Total comprehensive income for the nine months of 2020 was NOK 29.9 million compared to NOK -11.5 million for the same period in 2019."
"4Q2020/1Q2021, eliminating the potential negative earnings and cash flow effects from non-utilization days in this period. Overall,weseethat our capacity, both the fixed and flexible part, is well booked for 4Q2020, while three of our subsea spreads have a good schedule for 1Q2021. "
Det er fra Q3. ikke mer komplisert noen ganger....
"4Q2020/1Q2021, eliminating the potential negative earnings and cash flow effects from non-utilization days in this period. Overall,weseethat our capacity, both the fixed and flexible part, is well booked for 4Q2020, while three of our subsea spreads have a good schedule for 1Q2021. "
Det er fra Q3. ikke mer komplisert noen ganger....
Det du tror er gjeld er leie på båtene... Den regnskapsføres som gjeld, men det er fremtidig leieutgifter som er ført som liabilities... Reach har NULL gjeld bortsett fra dette... Og Q4 vil fremvise dette ganske godt da jeg tror den båten som de ikke lenger har og som de nå får inntekter for installert utstyr på vil redusere liabilities ganske kraftig pluss øke cash ganske kraftig også...
21.02.2021 kl 17:50
Det er jo denne litt merkelige regnskapsføringen (IFRS) som også gjør at EBIDTA blir et håpløst mål for lønnsomhet i dette selskapet. Leie av skip må føres som avskrivninger, og dermed er EBT det mest fornuftige å forholde seg til. Dette vet jo aksjonærene, men for eventuelt nye som snuser på aksjen er det viktig å få med seg.
21.02.2021 kl 18:44
Først historiens beste kvartal, og år. Siden iskall bjellesau. ligger an til en fin uke tross dritvær.
22.02.2021 kl 15:31
Hvis selskapet gir en guiding i morgen som sannsynliggjør at EBT på nærmer seg 80 mill i år, burde ikke kursen da gå raskt til 7-8 kroner? Det blir vel da en forward P/E på ca. 10 som ikke er så galt hvis vekstutsiktene er gode. Blir dette for naivt?
23.02.2021 kl 07:31
LTAT FØR SKATT 14M I 4.KV 2020 (-25) (07:22)
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Reach Subsea fikk et resultat før skatt på 14 millioner kroner i fjerde kvartal 2020, mot -25 millioner kroner i samme periode året før.
Det opplyses i selskapets kvartalsrapport tirsdag.
Omsetningen var 131 millioner kroner (108), mens driftsresultat utgjorde 15 millioner kroner (-19).
Styret foreslår et utbytte på 0,15 kroner pr aksje.
Ordreboken for 2021 var ved 22. februar på 145 millioner (120), og har nå rundt 550 prosjektdager for gjennomføring i 2021 og utover, fremgår det.
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Reach Subsea fikk et resultat før skatt på 14 millioner kroner i fjerde kvartal 2020, mot -25 millioner kroner i samme periode året før.
Det opplyses i selskapets kvartalsrapport tirsdag.
Omsetningen var 131 millioner kroner (108), mens driftsresultat utgjorde 15 millioner kroner (-19).
Styret foreslår et utbytte på 0,15 kroner pr aksje.
Ordreboken for 2021 var ved 22. februar på 145 millioner (120), og har nå rundt 550 prosjektdager for gjennomføring i 2021 og utover, fremgår det.
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
23.02.2021 kl 07:38
HitIT skrev Knalltall og utbytte! Blir bra dette😎
Selskapet leverte et ebt på over 40 mill i 2020, dette til tross for et katastofalt q1. Nå ser det ut som q1 kan gå break even i år. Det betyr at 70-90 mill i EBT bør være innen rekkevidde uten at en supervekst er nødvendig. Et solid Q4 etter katastrofalt q4 i fjor underbygger enda mer at de har fått kontroll på den utfordrende vintersesongen. Market cap på 400 mill, burde strengt tatt vært det det dobbelte. Ny teknologi med 65% kostnadsreduksjon introduseres til neste år. Inntekter fra havvind (green tech) overstiger inntekter fra Olje og gass. Dette var langt over forventning.
Redigert 23.02.2021 kl 07:54
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