Q-Free - kanskje like godt å beholde Infomobility?

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QFR 26.01.2021 kl 09:46 2257

Hvis Q-Free selger Infomobility, må vi vel iallefall kunne forvente en bra pris?

Ser jo ut som om det går mot at Q-Free skal teppebelegge hele Ukraina med W-i-m!


25 JANUARY , 2021

The State Agency for Infrastructure Projects (Ukrinfraproekt) and the Norwegian company Q-Free ASA have discussed the prospects for cooperation in 2021 regarding the installation of Weigh-in-Motion (WiM) complexes.

“Today we’ve met with representatives of the Norwegian company Q-Free ASA, who are interested in the development of a project for Weigh-in-Motion complexes in Ukraine. We discussed the prospects for cooperation in 2021 on the establishment of such complexes,” Head of Ukrinfraproekt Kyrylo Khomiakov said on Facebook.

At the same time, he noted that in 2020 Ukrinfraproekt installed 20 WiM complexes, in 2021 it is planned to install 28 such complexes.

Q-Free ASA (Trondheim) is a Norwegian company founded in 1984. It has offices in 16 countries of the world, the number of employees is about 380. Since 2002, it has been listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker QFR.


Vi husker denne børsmeldingen fra begynnelsen av desember...

4.12.2020, 08:30 · Cision

Q-Free ASA: Q-FREE: Weigh in motion contracts - 30 MNOK

Q-Free has received orders for weigh-in-motion (WIM) solutions in Ukraine and Saudi Arabia with a total value of approximately 30 MNOK. Deliveries will start in 2020 and continue in 2021.
Weigh-in-motion solutions enable vehicle weight monitoring and enforcement through a highly-effective targeting tool that ensures a significant percentage of overloaded vehicles are identified. Used in over 50 countries worldwide, Q-Free's cost-effective WIM systems are available for both high and low speed applications.

-Our WIM solutions are in demand these days as customers look to protect their roads and bridges infrastructure from the significant damage caused by overloaded vehicles, introducing concepts such as `pay by plate and weight'. We are very happy to be chosen as a preferred supplier and look forward to successful deployments and further business in both Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, says Mark Phillips, Managing Director of Q-Free UK.

Redigert 26.01.2021 kl 09:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.01.2021 kl 11:48 2203

Tror ikke at Q-free selger verken Parking eller Infomobility på billigsalg. Hvis jeg husker rett har de bokført de delene som er til salgs med100 millioner NOK. Vi får vel høre på Q4 om hvordan de tenker nå. Uansett så er det jo bra for en evt. salgspris at det skjer noe innenfor Infomobility.

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26.01.2021 kl 13:09 2155

Holdes ned på lavt volum nå. Vi husker jo at det skjedde mange ganger før og noen ganger i forbindelse med en positiv melding. Blir spennende å se når den "slippes fri", da kan det gå fort oppover.
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09.03.2021 kl 13:56 1899

Imponerende greier igjen, signert børsens "ukjente" ESG selskap!

Selge Infomobility!!!??? I så fall må iallefall Q-Free ta seg veldig godt betalt! Skal vi kanskje like godt håpe at Volldal kommer ned kotrabeskjed under Q1 2021 i mai? Altså at han forteller oss at Q-Free har bestemt seg for Infomobility forblir en del av Q-Free.

Q-Free launches first multiuse high-speed weigh-in-motion and multimodal classification solution

Press Release
9 March 2021

The versatile, future-proof HI-TRAC® TMU4X was developed in direct response to global demand for a single roadside data solution to help communities address Vision Zero and sustainability goals.

Q-Free (OSE: QFR), a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, announced the formal launch of the HI-TRAC® TMU4X, an advanced multimodal, high-speed weigh-in-motion (WIM) and data collection solution offering automatic vehicle classification (AVC) along with pedestrian and cyclists data counts, all in a single unit.

The product is the evolution of Q-Free’s popular HI-TRAC® TMU4 and is going into full production for global distribution following successful pilots in North America, Asia, and The Gulf.

Q-Free began development of the HI-TRAC TMU4X to double the unit’s detection capacity up to 16 traffic lanes. Rather than stop at that, Q-Free innovators built many more client wish list capabilities creating a holistic solution with greater processing power for seamless integration with automatic number plate recognition (ANPR/ALPR), CCTV cameras, LIDAR systems, and VMS signs. The system is the first high-speed WIM solution to include bicycle and pedestrian detection to help agencies throughout the world meet their sustainable development goals, today and in the future. Staying true to Q-Free’s commitment that customers should be able to choose the best solution or integrate with what they already own, the TMU4X is sensor agnostic.

Tony Di Monaco, head of sales for Q-Free UK, says the TMU4X epitomizes the company’s customer first, greater good philosophy. “In many ways, our customers designed this solution,” he said. “Virtually every thought, every idea we built into it was the result of a conversation with an existing or future client. Customers get to choose the components that make sense for them rather than having to buy multiple devices to accomplish the same goal.”

The TMU4X comes with greater processing power and data delivery than its predecessors and integrates seamlessly with scanners, overhead signage, and other traffic management devices. Its ability to integrate with cycle and pedestrian monitoring as well as VMS displays to warn drivers of the detected presence of pedestrians or cyclists fits perfectly with Q-Free’s commitment to the goals of Vision Zero, to ultimately eliminate road fatalities completely.

With its open protocol design, the TMU4X can use any third-party sensor or device making it one of the most flexible and cost-effective devices on the market. This aligns with Q-Free’s commitment to the #FREEtheMIBS campaign and advancing open standards for the benefit of the transportation industry, traffic agencies, and the tax-paying public. “Our clients tell us they want to provide the best solutions without being forced into restrictive contracts,” said Di Monaco. “We agree, and the TMU4X is a perfect representation of that. We know our business model is rare in this industry, but we believe it’s the only way to protect the public from paying exorbitantly for unnecessary or inappropriate traffic management products.”

Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 14:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.03.2021 kl 14:38 1846

Han så vel under samtalen med Petter Kongslie fra Sparebank1 Markets nylig at Infomobility går bedre en tidligere forventet. Parking ville han bli kvitt fort og der var heller ikke mye å hente, men Infomobility ville han ikke selge for knapper og glansbilder.
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09.03.2021 kl 14:47 1833

Godt å høre Hansemann! Så takk for info. Har ikke fått rotet meg til å se Kongslies samtale med Volldal ennå, men den skal selvfølgelig sees.

Det jeg liker så ekstremt godt når det gjelder Q-Free nå, er at selskapet er bransjens soleklart sterkeste forkjemper for åpne standarder. Dette er et kjennetegn på vinnere innen teknologi! Sier alt om selvtillit og tro på egen teknologi og egne produkter. Tapere derimot karakteriseres ofte av hang til å forskanse seg og gjemme seg bak proprietære løsninger.
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 15:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.03.2021 kl 15:21 1796

Q-free har også posisjonert seg bra innenfor veiprising og holder på med en veiprisingspilot sammen med Statens vegvesen og SINTEF .

Dermed blir Q-free antakelig godt forberedt hvis veiprising blir innført. Det er kun FRP som er imot. Med FRP ute av regjeringen vil oppmersomheten rundt veiprising skyte fart igjen i valgkapmen.

Både AP, SP, SV, Rødt og KRF ønsker å innføre eller prøve det ut.
AP - https://www.arbeiderpartiet.no/politikken/bompenger/
SP - https://www.senterpartiet.no/aktuelt/sp-vil-redusere-bilavgiftene-i-distriktet
SV - https://www.sv.no/sv-fra-a-til-a/bompenger/
RØDT: - https://roedt.no/bompenger
KRF - https://krf.no/politikk/transport-og-kommunikasjon/bompenger/
HØYRE – ønsker veiprising i sitt utkast til nytt partiprogram 2021 – 2025

Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 15:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.03.2021 kl 18:13 1729

Hansemann. Takk for veldig informativt innlegg som med all ønskelig tydelighet dokumenterer at veiprising har alle muligheter til å bli "the next big thing" innen ITS. Med Q-Free i førersetet. I norsk politikk er det som du her dokumenterer tverrpolitisk enighet om at det det nå bør satses på dette.

Webinar allerede imorra altså, med Q-Free tungt representert blant foredragsholderne.

Slik dette nå ser ut for meg, er Q-Free av i dag under Volldal i så fin shape og spisset at jo mer avanserte teknologiske løsninger ITS markedet etterspør, jo større konkurransefordel for Q-Free, den fremste "frontsoldaten" i kampen for åpne standarder innen ITS.

Skrev i tidligere innlegg at jeg liker Q-Frees lederrolle i kampen for åpne standarder inne ITS ekstremt godt. Nå begynner jeg etterhvert også å like ganske godt at Q-Free går under radaren til de aller fleste og er ekstremt underanalysert. Det stinker disruptiv kurseksplosjon lang vei av dette nå. Den kommer når den kommer.
Redigert 09.03.2021 kl 18:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.03.2021 kl 18:53 1691

Nasse opp over 3 prosenter i dag ;-) klatringen starter i morgen👌
09.03.2021 kl 21:53 1613

Her er et opptak fra webinaret Q-free var med på angående fremtidens vegprisingsteknologi i Februar.

10.03.2021 kl 08:58 1508

Nu kjør vi😁