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THIN 27.01.2021 kl 14:46 6738

Thin Film Electronics ASA
Tue, January 26, 2021, 8:00 AM·6 min read
Oslo, 26 January 2021

Differentiated solid-state microbatteries expected to deliver 2x volumetric energy density, 3x cycling lifespan, superior safety compared to lithium-ion coin cells

- First product design taped out based on customer requirements
- Technology evaluation agreements signed with customers and partners
- Process enhancements in development to increase energy density up to 600 Wh/L
- Key executive hires support roll-to-roll scale-up and go-to-market activity

Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm" or the “Company”), a developer of ultrathin, flexible, and safe energy storage solutions for wearable devices and connected sensors, today unveiled the next phase of its strategy to support the commercialization of the Company’s premium microbattery products based on solid-state lithium battery (“SSLB”) technology.

To support the microbattery needs of its target markets, Thinfilm has launched development of its innovative product platform based on the Company’s core SSLB technology and has completed the design of the first product optimized for its initial target markets. This microbattery product, optimized for form-factor-constrained applications such as hearing aids, earbuds, and wearable medical devices, prioritizes market requirements validated in a series of substantive business and technical conversations with market leading OEMs. The Company targets initial revenue shipments based on this product platform, combining Thinfilm innovations in battery cell design and fabrication with novel packaging techniques, by the end of 2021.

The Company can now announce that Thinfilm’s go-to-market initiatives have resulted in signed technology evaluation agreements with potential customers and partners. As the Company proceeds toward commercialization and scale-up of its SSLB technology, leveraging its existing roll-to-roll facility, it has prioritized those engagements with the greatest potential to leverage the energy density, form factor, and cycling advantages of the core product platform. In parallel, the Company’s go-to-market team is engaging global market leaders in additional categories, such as wearables and defense, where Thinfilm SSLB advantages address the limitations of legacy battery technologies.

Thinfilm’s premier ultrathin microbattery is enabled by the Company’s enhanced SSLB product platform. The Company’s technologists have continued to optimize the core SSLB technology platform, including processes, materials, and tools, to target leading microbattery energy densities up to 600 Watt-hours per liter and cycling performance in excess of 1000 charge-discharge cycles. By delivering double the volumetric energy density of legacy lithium-ion coin and button cells, Thinfilm SSLB products could occupy 50% less space and enable thinner, more comfortable hearables and other wearable devices. In addition, the expected rating of 1000 charge/discharge cycles – compared to 300-400 cycles achieved by common lithium-ion devices – means Thinfilm-enabled products could enable overnight charging of hearing aids, earbuds, and other daily-use items over the multi-year lifetimes required to both satisfy demanding consumers and minimize warranty repair costs due to premature battery failure. Furthermore, to address the safety expectations of consumers, manufacturers, and regulators – particularly for on-body wearable and medical electronics – Thinfilm SSLB technology practically eliminates two major safety risks associated with common lithium rechargeable batteries: thermal runaway, which can lead to excessive heat, fire, and even explosion; and electrolyte leakage, which can lead to toxic chemicals contacting human skin.

To support the commercialization of Thinfilm SSLB technology, Thinfilm announced the hiring of two battery industry experts:

Louis Golato joins Thinfilm as vice president, operations and will lead manufacturing scale-up activities related to roll-based solid-state lithium battery manufacturing. Thinfilm’s roll-to-roll production capability in San Jose, California is unique in the SSLB industry and is essential to achieving manufacturing scale in support of the Company’s target applications. Golato brings decades of experience leading factory ramp-up and manufacturing operations in the energy storage and semiconductor industries. Most recently, he served as vice president, manufacturing and operations at grid-scale energy storage company VionX Energy and previously served in executive roles at Stion Corporation and A123 Systems, where he was responsible for launching multiple lithium-ion battery factories worldwide.

Tim Powers joins Thinfilm as senior director, applications engineering and business development and will lead the Company’s customer engagement, qualification, and support initiatives. Powers brings years of direct experience in Thinfilm target markets and will apply his expertise to all aspects of the Company’s go-to-market activities. Previously, as vice president, business development and director, applications engineering at ZPower, Powers led customer engagement and design-in activities for novel rechargeable microbatteries, resulting in pioneering design wins and rapid revenue growth in the hearables and medical device industries.

“Thinfilm warmly welcomes Louis and Tim, both highly experienced battery experts, to our team as we launch our ultrathin SSLB product platform, announce our initial product design optimized for hearables, and accelerate our roll-to-roll scale-up activities,” said Kevin Barber, CEO of Thinfilm. “Based on our steady pace of technological and manufacturing achievements, Thinfilm is excited to broaden and deepen evaluations of our SSLB product platform and first product with leading global brands and innovative startups who can use our unique technology to develop the next generation of wearable devices and connected sensors.”

Although some development has taken longer than initially expected, Thinfilm has made considerable technical progress as a result of parallel innovation in all areas of battery development, including design, fabrication, and packaging. Cell-level testing has met expectations on key battery parameters, including ion conductivity and core energy density. In addition, backend process development activities, encompassing both cell stacking and package encapsulation, have resulted in innovative concepts designed to maximize energy density and maintain reliability within ultracompact footprints.

Based on the breadth and quality of customer input received in its engagements, the Company will now shift focus from building general technology evaluation samples to developing specific products based on the technology platform announced today. With core technical and market building blocks in place, process optimization will continue throughout product platform development, with emphasis on cycle life consistency, increased energy density, and enhanced manufacturability necessary for production. Furthermore, the Company’s operations team has begun executing plans to bring up its roll-to-roll tools, transfer process technology from the Company’s sheet-based production line, and qualify initial roll-based SSLB products in preparation for volume delivery of batteries to customers and partners later this year and into 2022.

Thinfilm is Energizing Innovation™ with ultrathin, flexible, and safe energy storage solutions for wearable devices, connected sensors, and beyond. Thinfilm's innovative solid-state lithium battery (SSLB) technology is uniquely positioned to enable the production of powerful, lightweight, and cost-effective rechargeable batteries for diverse applications. The company's state-of-the-art flexible electronics manufacturing facility, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, combines patented process technology and materials innovation with the scale of roll-to-roll production methods to bring the advantages of SSLB technology to established and expanding markets. Thin Film Electronics ASA is a publicly listed company in Norway with corporate headquarters in Oslo and global headquarters in San Jose, California.

Kevin Barber - Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: kevin.barber@thinfilmsystems.com

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

27.01.2021 kl 15:03 6666

Denne meldingen alene ville under normale omstendigheter ha gitt aksjen et spark opp til minst 5 kroner.. Folk er grådige og vil kjøre den opp 2-3 ganger pr dag. For at du ikke som småaksjonær ikke skal tape penger- Sitt i ro !

Snakkes om noen uker nå kundene blir navngitt... Jeg vet allerede hvem disse er- gled deg !!!

Noen må visst ha alt inn med teskje....

Det meste her er plankekjøring---- ikke så mye spenning igjen.... Dette er en enkel aksje nå etter meldingen som kom i går..


En avstand i kursen på så mye vil skape store svingninger på veien oppover da det blir så voldsomt.... Dette igjen skaper usikkerhet fordi folk selger for tidlig.....

fra 0,57 øre til 20 kr i første omgang er det mange muligheter til å kjøpe og selge.

Nå har de ansatt 2 av de beste folka innenbatteribransjen som direktør og produksjonssjef... Kevin Barber mener alvor denne gangen og Joe Biden vil muligens overøse Thinfilm etterhvert med midler og gratis reklame i sin søken etter grønne aksjer og betydelige arbeidsplasser som igjen gir ringvirkninger for flere.

En liten fotnote:
**kundene er altså klare, men Thinfilm kan nødvendigvis ikke gå ut med hvem disse er, Eneste de skirver er at de er markedsledere........

Tenk igjen før du selger- det kan være utfordrende psykisk å vite om du kommer deg inn igjen og til hvilken pris....
Redigert 27.01.2021 kl 15:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.01.2021 kl 13:44 6401

I’m very excited to share some great news! I have taken a new position as Senior Director, Applications Engineering and Business Development at Thin Film Electronics.

With its innovative SSLB technology, Thin Film is uniquely positioned to deliver high-energy, cost-effective rechargeable microbatteries at scale using its state-of-the-art flexible electronics manufacturing facility.

Leading Thin Film’s customer engagement, qualification, and support initiatives; I look forward to partnering with our customers to provide microbattery solutions that will empower innovators to create smaller, more powerful devices across established and expanding markets.

It truly is a great honor to join the incredible team at Thinfilm Electronics. Now let’s get started!

#microbatteries #innovation #batteries #wearables #hearables #hearingaids #truewireless #IoT #medicaldevices #digitalhealth #solidstate
28.01.2021 kl 13:45 6393

MAO: Kunde nr 1 er..mest sannsynlig

Redigert 28.01.2021 kl 13:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.01.2021 kl 13:46 6378

ja, her er et lite utvalg, sjekk Linkedin selv:

The U.S. military plans to spend billions in the coming years on unmanned aerial and ground vehicles (UAVs), small vehicles critical for tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. There’s one problem: most rely on batteries that limit flight time and must be manually recharged/replaced.

This is a perfect application for Energous’ WattUp RF-based wireless charging tech, which reduces the need for cables, ports or battery doors that can get dirty and reduce physical integrity. Because WattUp power is transmitted through the air at near-field and mid-field ranges instead of through magnetic coil, it’s ideal for devices like UAVs with round or irregular shapes. Additionally, WattUp’s limited need for manual intervention can facilitate a safer transmission of power in the highly secure, highly tense environments UAVs operate in.

For more on how WattUp could help military applications overcome the myriad challenges with current battery charging options and embrace the power of #wirelesscharging 2.0, check out this post by our own James E. Pope.
28.01.2021 kl 13:50 6346

Kan du forklare linken til Thin her? Du er også "freidig" nok å sammenligne FREYR og Thin??
Redigert 28.01.2021 kl 13:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.01.2021 kl 13:59 6296

Det er en gåte du m å finne ut av selv.. De smarte kjøper, de dumme og shortere shorter....

Klarer du å lese om 2 nyansettleser og hva de har delt å likt de siste ukene og dagene og ikke forstår sammenhengen må du bytte aksje... Sett deg inn i mer enn overskrifter så hadde ikke stilt så mye rare baisse spørsmål...

Jeg har fulgt Thin i 25 år...... jeg kjenner lusa på gangen... Sees oppe på tosifret...
28.01.2021 kl 14:17 6239

Lykke til og det at "alle" følger og kjøper Thin er like mye tull som resten av dine innlegg. Hadde det vært substans i 10% av dine innlegg så hadde ikke Thin svevet der den er nå og det vet du. Du prøver i det minste å overbevise deg selv:) Thin er nær konkurs og det vet alle som kan matte
28.01.2021 kl 14:28 6189

At du har fulgt Thin i 25 år er meg en gåte. De som kan Thin her er Tynnidioten og Gi_Faen
01.02.2021 kl 06:16 5809

Les deg opp her !

Årets kjøp akkurat nå før kunder og
samarbeidspartnere presenteres ....dvs kundene er i boks, kommersialisering er igang og for de som trenger navn: og ha ting inn med en ekstremt liten teskje:

VENT med å kjøpe !

Til dere andre som er smarte og litt kjappere enn de dummeste:


Fortsatt i tvil?

LES her:


05.02.2021 kl 16:17 5497






WAKE UP !!!!!

Produkt 1:

"Medical devices and wireless power
Hearing aids can be life-changing for those who have lost their hearing. Replacing small batteries can, however, be a challenge for some individuals, especially older people. These small batteries must be frequently replaced for devices to continue to operate.

“Behind the ear, in the ear canal, and implants: The primary goal with these hearing devices is to make the product as accessible and easy-to-use as possible for customers, often elderly individuals for whom replacing tiny batteries is a challenge. Most hearing aids have batteries that need to be replaced as frequently as every three days, and the small form factor of the devices means the batteries are also small and difficult for individuals with reduced dexterity to change out,” said Rizzone."

Produkt 2:
"The U.S. departments of Defense and Homeland Security will spend billions of dollars over the next few years on unmanned aerial and ground vehicles (UAVs) and sensor systems. The U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps will make greater use of Class I mini/micro vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) UAVs to provide tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities at the small unit level. Other branches of the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security are also dramatically increasing the use of drones and sensors as crucial components of infrastructure, border, and base defense systems.

Virtually all small UAV platforms, however, rely on batteries that provide only a short amount of flight time before they need to be recharged or replaced - manually. This need to manually replace and recharge batteries presents obvious tactical and logistical issues."
Redigert 05.02.2021 kl 16:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.02.2021 kl 16:24 5453

Our WattUp wireless charging technology is suitable for many military applications, including UAVs/UGVs, communication devices, situational awareness and targeting devices, portable field medical equipment, and more.
05.02.2021 kl 16:25 5447

This morning, Energous and American Equus announced that the American Equus EQx VitalsSensor, the first wirelessly charged equine health tracking sensor, has successfully completed trials and is on track for availability in Q1 2021
Slettet bruker
05.02.2021 kl 17:03 5356

Thin er supert! Allerede 22 % gevinst. Men det er klart det er surt å ha kjøpt på 50 kroner, snitta ned som noen tullinger forså å gi opp og selge med dundrende tap. Hadde sikkert surva like mye om jeg hadde vært så grådig...
08.02.2021 kl 06:24 5059

Med stadig nye digitale roadshows fra Barber og co vil interessen bli euforisk internasjonalt....... snart sitter det internasjonale storfisker på kroken - da kan det gå fort til kr 22.....
Dukat er så godt som ferdigsolgt! Da blir det rekylfest!!!

Hvem er det som IKKE vil være med å investere i verdens første roll to roll SSB produksjonen???? Fabrikken nedbetalt, utstyr nedbetalt, folka på plass, kundene på plass..............
Kan det egentlig bli bedre enn nå for at det skal et skikkelig "jafs" oppover på kursen??
Teknisk sykt positiv i tilegg-.......
Rosinen i pølsa: Skatterie overskudd i mange år fremover..............................
Og flere aksjonærer vil ikke selge, noe som skaper enorm effekt i kursen når ting reprises.... det er akkurat det som skal skje ila svært kort tid, til tross for oppgang fra 0,10-0,25,0,59-0,7/0,8..........

Bli med på festen før raketten kan være i tosifret.....

Redigert 08.02.2021 kl 19:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.02.2021 kl 06:40 5010

Vet ej var du får in Aldén i bilden, du bör nog kolla upp listorna innan du skriver, men jag antar du menar Voldberg
08.02.2021 kl 19:05 4783

Mente selvsagt Dukat AS
08.02.2021 kl 19:12 4747

Ok, men følg med på handelen. Her er det noe på gang. Samme mønsteret i 1-3 uker 🤨
08.02.2021 kl 20:13 4592

Ikke så sikker på hva du mener med det.
08.02.2021 kl 21:14 4431

Vi får se- denne er fra 20-6.....

Tim Powers har jobbet tett med firmaet og han startet i Thin for et par mnd siden. Mao kan det ha skjedd en kobling i etterkant...... spennende tider....

Veldig rart om han kommenterer og likern innlegg på LinkedIn nå hvis det gjelder en konkurrent... veldig rart spør du meg...veeeeldig rart.... særlig når Thin er i ersignfase med 14 forskjellige produsenter. Burde han da ikke likt og delt noe annet enn fra konkurrenten på batterier til de nye hearables?????
Redigert 09.02.2021 kl 02:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.02.2021 kl 22:08 4286

Global Printed Semiconductors Market 2021 to 2028 is growing with prominent players are ThinFilm Electronics, GSI Technologies, PARC, BASF

Global Printed Semiconductors Market is growing by +15% during the forecast period 2021 to 2028.

While offset and flexographic printing are mainly used for inorganic and organic conductors, gravure printing is especially suitable for quality-sensitive layers like organic semiconductors and semiconductor/dielectric-interfaces in transistors, due to high layer quality.

The recently released report by Report Consultant titled as Global Printed Semiconductors Market 2021 is a detailed analogy that gives readers an insight into the intricacies of several elements like growth rate, technological developments, and impact of socio-economic conditions that affect the market space. An in-depth study of these numerous components is essential as all these aspects need to blend-in seamlessly for the Market to achieve success in this industry.

Artificial intelligence will likely be the substance that will drive another decade-long growth cycle for the semiconductor sector. We expect the market for AI-related semiconductors to grow from a current US$6bn in revenues to more than US$30bn by 2028, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of almost +50%.

Global Printed Semiconductors Market Key Players:-

ThinFilm Electronics
GSI Technologies
Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Printed Semiconductors Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is affecting the Printed Semiconductors Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Covid-19 Impact on Key Regions and Proposal for Printed Semiconductors Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact.

Global Printed Semiconductors Market by Type:-

Global Printed Semiconductors Market by Application:-

Manufacturing RFID Tags
Monitoring Equipment
Data Storage Equipment
Display and Visual Effects Equipment
Regional and Country-level Analysis

08.02.2021 kl 22:14 4232

Dukat AS og Skøien AS er Tore Aksel Voldberg.
09.02.2021 kl 02:59 3985

Ser ikke Skøien på lista jeg...
Redigert 09.02.2021 kl 02:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.02.2021 kl 15:46 3663

Hva skal man si?

At jeg hadde rett og at jeg får enda mer rett med kursmål kr 22 på kort sikt og deretter 100?

Kommer derfor med enda en ting jeg kommer til å få rett i, nemlig følgende...:

Endret akkurat nå kursmål på kort sikt etter å ha hørt at break even går ved 70% mindre volum enn fra forrige presentasjon i september.
Kursmålet og tiden justeres derfor opp til
Kr 40 på mellomlangsikt og 180 ila 2022.

At vi skal lukte på kr 2-8 kr denne uken er vel ikke utenkelig..... Nå er Dukat ferdig solgt- tror ingen selger på en god stund nå.....utfra presentasjon og roadshow..

Tenk at Barber korrigerer at han tok feil om en ting siden forrige presentasjon med Nordnet i september.....

«han oppga for lave marginer.»

Sist var det 80%, nå er det altså 140% mer, dvs at marginer er oppe i 200% istedet for 80%...

ER IKKE DET Brensel så vet faen ikke jeg ...???

Hvor er baisserne nå????

God handel folkens!!


Hahaha, Barber er HELT konge......

Guider 200% marginer..... ikke 80%..

Haha. Helt konge( dette er kos etter 25 år med nedtur- mye skal tjenes inn igjen nå for flere enn meg) Hevnen blir BRUTAL!!! På tide å kaste seg på denne raketten alle Thinfilm venner ..

Redigert 09.02.2021 kl 16:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.02.2021 kl 15:56 3609

Det går raskt oppover nå ja, men synes ærlig talt den bør korrigere litt snart (forhåpentligvis i morgen) slik at jeg får lastet opp mer til en bedre pris. Kan vel ikke gå i 90 grader for evig XD
09.02.2021 kl 18:40 3280


Mener du at Dukat nå er helt ute?
09.02.2021 kl 19:37 3096

Nei, han er ikke ute. Han flytter aksjer mellom kontoene sine og tjener penger både på nedgang og oppgang.