Tomra - Collection Solutions (pant)

TOM 06.10.2018 kl 21:14 13456

Tenker at vi trenger en generell tråd om pant. Tomra har i dag en gloobal markedsandel på 75% (!!!) når det gjelder automatiserte panteløsninger.

Det EU kommer med her, er en helt enorm trigger for Tomra som altså dominerer globalt når det gjelder teknologi for innsamling/pant. Tomra er også klar global markedsleder når det gjelder sortering av blandet plastavfall. Som dere kan lese, slår EU her fast at det er et kritisk behov for innsamling av mer plast hvis man skal lykkes med å skape en sirkulær økonomi. I den forbindelse påpeker man at man må se til europeiske land som i dag har velfungerende systemer for innsamling. I disse systemene er det Tomras teknologi som dominerer.

Increased plastic waste collection is the cornerstone for higher recycling rates

Written by Antonino Furfari on 3 October 2018 in Opinion Plus

Today far too much plastic waste still escapes the European collection system. Of the 60m tonnes of plastics produced annually in the EU, only around 25.5m tonnes are collected and a mere 6.6m tonnes makes its way to recycling. This has a myriad of environmental and economic consequences.

Increasing the circularity of plastics in light of the EU Plastics Strategy hinges on ramping up plastics waste collection. A strong secondary materials market can only be secured through increased collection along with other fundamental measures.

Failing to collect plastic waste leads to a loss of valuable resources, leaving European recyclers of certain product streams in a vulnerable position, unable to meet demand without sufficient flows of input materials.

This is the case for recyclers of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) drinking bottles in Europe, whose recycling capacity exceeds the amount of waste processed. Around 200,000 tonnes of PET recycling capacity in Europe remains unexploited.


Well-established collection schemes are the driving force of a successful circular economy. Applying the best practices and learning from European countries with effective collection schemes in place, can give valuable insights to legislators and municipalities.

Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 06:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.10.2018 kl 01:27 13419

Nødvendig med 5 tråder om det samme selskapet?
07.10.2018 kl 08:15 13310

Vanligvis kunne jeg fulgt deg Mammon, men ikke her. Kommentatoren jobber så mye med å skaffe formidabel relevant informasjon på de forskjellige områdene, så ja det er helt ok. Og det blir oversiktlig å følge og delta i trådene
07.10.2018 kl 12:25 13189

MammonUlriksen, du misforstår min intensjon. Min intensjon er faktisk å holde antall Tomra-tråder på et minimum når det gjelder det jeg poster. I stedet for stadige nye tråder med capslock og utropstegn, som det er mange av her på forumet, prøver jeg å poste det meste på et antall tematråder som grovt sett tilsvarer Tomras forretningsområder + en "investortråd" med anbefalinger, analyser o.l. At du plutselig så mange Tomra-tråder på forumet i går kveld, skyldtes at jeg i en ledig stund oppdaterte tråder med litt stoff jeg hadde samlet opp.
Redigert 07.10.2018 kl 12:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.10.2018 kl 13:11 13127

Takk for arbeidet du gjør, deler med oss andre og din fornuftige måte og poste dette på.
Vær så snill og forsett med dette, rundt dette flotte selskapet som beriker oss alle uansett aksjonær eller ikke.
Godt arbeid og flott levert.
Slettet bruker
07.10.2018 kl 15:04 13051

Jeg synes også kommentatoren gjør en flott jobb med sine innlegg, og en tråd fra eller til spiller vel ingen trille.
08.10.2018 kl 23:21 12903

Takker for hyggelige tilbakemeldinger.

Her et lite eksempel på hvordan prosesser rundt automatiske pantesystemer nå pågår over hele kloden. Helt konkret vet vi at Queensland åpner sitt pantesystem nå 1.november med Tomra som operatør av 10 - 12 store pantesentre i og rundt Brisbane med 10 pantemaskiner i hvert senter + stormaskin, iallefall i noen sentre. Skottland og Western Australia har kommet langt i sine prosesser og hele Storbritannia og alle nasjonene i EU som ikke har pantsystem står for tur. At Jamaica også skal innføre pantesystem, var nytt for meg, men ifølge denne artikkelen er det ventet et utspill om innføring av pantesystem fra jamaicanske myndigheter allerede innen utgangen av denne måneden.


Seven truckloads of garbage taken from Kingston coastline — JET

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Seven truckloads of garbage were collected by the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) during the organisation's beach clean-up on International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) Day 2018 on September 15.

JET said that the garbage was taken at the end of the 2018 International Coastal Cleanup Day flagship event from the Palisadoes Go Kart-Track in Kingston.

JET stated that volunteers collected over 1,000 bags of garbage weighing an estimated 15,488 pounds from the Kingston Harbour coastline.

The number one item collected was plastic bottles, with a reported two truckloads of the items weighing an estimated 1,900 pounds removed for recycling by Recycling Partners of Jamaica (RPJ).

“Over 36,500 plastic bottles were collected by volunteers at the Go Kart Track on ICC Day this year,” said JET's Programme Director Tamoy Singh Clarke.

“This is the largest number of plastic bottles JET has ever recorded at a single clean-up site in Jamaica since we began coordinating ICC nationally in 2008,” Singh Clarke stated.


A news release outlining data from JET's 2018 beach cleanup comes less than a month after an announcement from the Jamaica Government that a ban is to be imposed on single-use plastic straws, plastic shopping bags, and Styrofoam food and beverage containers starting January 2019.

“The ban is a positive step towards Jamaica's waste stream becoming more biodegradable in composition. But as our 2018 clean-up data highlights there is still an urgent need for a strategy to tackle the waste generated by plastic bottles in Jamaica. We look forward to the Government's announcement on the plastic bottle deposit refund scheme which has been promised for later this month,” Stanley continued.
Redigert 08.10.2018 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.10.2018 kl 00:08 12755

Det begynner å bli seint, men her en kjapp henvisning til et par artikler som forteller oss at supermarkedgiganter i Frankrike og Storbritannia allerede er godt i gang med piloter med pantemaskiner fra Tomra! :) God natt.

Since June 2018, Cycleen set up in french stores, including the E. Leclerc, the instructions of the Norwegian manufacturer Tomra. There are 30 facilities this year, mainly in E. Leclerc, and an additional 100 in 2019

Supermarket giant Tesco, meanwhile, started to trial bottle-return machines in its stores, a move that competitors Iceland and Morrisons have already made with reverse-vending machines from Tomra Sorting.
Redigert 29.10.2018 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.11.2018 kl 22:11 12526

Vær klar over at ting er på gang også i Spania, og Tomra er med som dere kan lese. Ja, den lille regionen Navarra med ca. 650 000 innbyggerre og Pamplona som hovedstad har allerede vedtatt å innføre pant og Balearene med Mallorca, hovedstad Palma, drøyt 1.1 millioner innbyggere og kolossalt med turister er i ferd med å gjøre det samme. Hertil er prosesser i gang i Catalonia med 7.5 millioner innbyggere og hovedstad Barcelona og Valencia-regionen med 5 millioner innbyggere og hovedstad Valencia. Det er hardnakket motstand fra bransjen, men de respektive regionale myndigheter mener det ikke finnes noen vei utenom hvis man skal grei å oppfylle EUs resirkuleringskrav. Disse kravene vil selvsagt gjelde for hele EU så vi ser mer enn konturene av et enormt marked i Europa for Tomra Collection Solutions i årene som kommer når vi jo vet at Tomra har en global markedsandel på 75 - 80% når det gjelder pantesystemer Under er innledningen av artikkelen gjengitt.

Companies and finances

The autonomies will raise the price of beverages with a recycling rate

The industry alerts of a rise by the imposition of a system of return

Javier Romera
8:14 - 11/5/2018

The autonomies want to impose a fee for each container to guarantee its collection and subsequent recycling. This is what is known as the SDDR or System of Deposit, Refund and Return, by which the consumer has to pay a bond of around 10 cents, which will be delivered when you return the plastic or glass container in a machine enabled for this in the distribution chains.

It would be a parallel system to the one currently managed by Ecoembes and Ecovidrio through selective collection in containers that could cause a sharp rise in the price of beverages. "It is a system eight times more expensive than the current one, which will cause a rise in prices", warn from Ecoembes.

Navarra has already approved a law to begin the study on the viability of the new system and to agree on its implementation; The Balearic Islands is about to approve a norm in the same sense; Catalonia, which has carried out several tests in the past, wants to reactivate the project, and Valencia, which was already on the verge of putting it into operation, keeps it in the bedroom.

The system is being promoted by a foundation, Retorna, supported by the Norwegian company that manufactures the Tomra machines, and has already caused a strong discomfort in the commercial distribution and the food and beverage industry, especially since the Waste Law that opens the The door to the implementation of the SDDR makes it clear, however, that it is a state competence. "It is an outrage that the autonomies intend to go it alone and legislate on environmental issues," says Javier Campo, the president of Aecoc, an organization that includes 28,000 companies in the large consumer sector.
Redigert 05.11.2018 kl 22:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.11.2018 kl 07:18 12432

Kjempenyheter!! Dette er Spania. Alle andre (Frankrike, Polen, osv) i Europa kommer nå fortløpende etter. Så må man ikke glemme resten av verden da :-) Dette er uendelig stort!!!

12.11.2018 kl 18:08 12236

Når man følger med på dette, blir man bare mer og mer overbevist om at pantesystemer gradvis vil komme overalt på kloden. Den folkelige opinionen mot forsøplingen av naturen vokser seg sterkere dag for dag, og politikerne innfører skatter og avgifter for å få opp prosentdelen av resirkulert plast i plastembalasje. Skal man ha mer resirkulert plast i plastembalasje, må selvsagt tom plastembalasje samles inn, for så å bli resirkulert. Her et par eksempler, for å underbygge min påstand om at pantesystemer vil komme overalt. Disse to artiklene omhandler de pågående prosessene i Slovakia og Kenya. Tomra har 75 - 80% global markedsandel når det gjelder pantesystemer...

How would a PET deposit scheme work in Slovakia?

Plastic bottle producers and retailers will pay for the deposit return scheme. Not all the retailers will buy empty PET bottles, though.

All shops in Slovakia will have to deposit plastic bottles and cans, but not all of them will buy them back. This is one potential deposit return scheme, presented by the Environmental Policy Institute (IEP), which runs under the Environment Ministry.

The compulsory purchase of bottles will apply only to retailers whose shops are no bigger than 400 square metres, the SITA newswire reported.

A high tax for no deposits

The model was inspired by the successful Scandinavian system. Under the proposed scheme, the deposit for a plastic bottle should amount to 12 cents, while a deposit for a can would be set to 10 cents. Most of the bottles and cans will be collected in machines, while in smaller shops, there will be shop assistants to gather them, SITA wrote.

If producers fail to collect at least 90 percent of plastic bottles or decide not to deposit them, they will have to pay a high environmental tax for each piece of packaging.

Government Wants Manufacturers To Recycle Plastic Bottles

By Francis Muli - November 12, 2018

The Environment ministry has encouraged more manufacturers to commit to a scheme that promotes the collection and recycling of plastic bottles.

Speaking at the first national PET forum and exhibition, Environment Chief Administrative Secretary Mohammed Elmi described the initiative by the Kenya Association of Manufacturers as a useful and timely venture that needs the support of everyone who manufactures or uses plastics.

“We want all the players to be part of a take-back scheme. All companies should join or establish a new scheme. Managing PET is a priority. Make sure you belong to a take-back scheme,” said Mr Elmi.

The CAS said the ministry would back the trash-to-cash efforts noting that such efforts have gained traction around the world.
Redigert 12.11.2018 kl 18:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.11.2018 kl 20:11 12052

IDG (Institute of Grocery Distribution) avholdt "IGD Supply Chain Summit 2018" i London 13.november, og Tomras pantesjef Harald Henriksen var blant foredragsholderne. Henriksen tok opp en tematikk jeg bare går og venter på skal eksplodere når som helst: Pantesystemer for mer enn flasker og bokser! Altså veien videre til en virkelig sirkulær økonomi. Tomra har uttalt at man allerede er klar med teknologi for innsamling av alt fra tannkremtuber til shampoflasker...

Harald Henriksen, EVP with TOMRA Collection Solutions, described TOMRA’s Clean Loop Recycling solution, focused on Deposit Return Schemes for a variety of recyclable materials. The focus is on enabling a true circular economy in which materials are recycled and used for the same purpose multiple times.

I Storbritannia vil det nå bli innført avgifter som gjør at produsentene og supermarkedene som skaper forurensningen/avfallsprobleme må ta en mye større del av regningen for innsamling og resirkulering enn hva tilfellet er i dag.

WASTE COSTS Supermarkets to face huge rise in recycling charges under £1billion scheme to slash Britain’s plastic waste

Ministers are considering plans to significantly improve recycling and make major producers of packing waste pay more towards collecting and recycling their own waste

By Steve Hawkes, Deputy Political Editor
11th November 2018, 11:56 pmUpdated: 11th November 2018, 11:57 pm

SUPERMARKETS and drink giants face a huge rise in recycling charges under a £1billion scheme to slash plastic waste.

Sources yesterday claimed Ministers were considering a radical increase in costs for waste “producers” as part of Environment Secretary Michael Gove’s bid to clean up Britain.

It will spark fresh fears that Brits may be forced to pick up part of the tab as companies pass the costs on to customers.

But the Government wants supermarkets and other manufacturers and producers to pay more towards the cost of collecting and recycling the estimated 11million tons of package waste produced in the UK.

Under a new waste strategy, one option is to increase ‘contributions’ from retailers and producers from £70million a year to between £500million and £1billion.

There are also plans to increase the number of companies that contribute from the current 7,000, the Guardian said.
Redigert 15.11.2018 kl 21:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2018 kl 17:10 11696

Alt går på skinner når det gjelder innføring av pantesystemet i Western Australia som skal være oppe og gå tidlig i 2020.

DECEMBER 12 2018 - 4:06PM

Container deposit scheme introduced to parliament

Legislation to establish a container deposit scheme has reached a major milestone with its introduction to state parliament.

Western Australia's scheme is expected to start in early 2020, aiming to reduce littering and boost recycling throughout the state.

It will also provide a range of opportunities for social enterprises and hopes to create a better environment for future generations.

Under the scheme, local residents will be offered a 10 cent refund for returning eligible beverage containers to a refund point.

The new scheme will be aligned with those in other Australian jurisdictions.

All returned containers must be recycled or reused and can include soft drink cans and bottles, bottled water containers and flavoured milk cartons.

Projections show that the WA Container Deposit Scheme will result in 706 million fewer beverage containers being littered, and 5.9 billion fewer containers sent to landfill over 20 years.

During the same period, it is expected to deliver net positive benefits of about $152 million.

The scheme will also create up to 500 jobs at container sorting facilities and refund points.

Premier Mark McGowan said the scheme had a number of promising benefits.

“Western Australians have been supportive of a scheme and this was evident when more than 3,000 people got behind the public consultation period,” he said.

“Protecting WA's unique natural environment and reducing waste in the community are priorities of this Government.”

Environment Minister Stephen Dawson said he was confident the scheme would have a positive impact on the environment.

“It will also be designed to provide business opportunities for social enterprises and help charities and community organisations raise money to fund vital community work,” Mr Dawson said.

“This scheme will be a win for the environment and a win for the local economy.

“Western Australians are overwhelmingly supportive of a container deposit scheme in this State, and the McGowan Government remains committed to bringing the scheme into operation in 2020.”

Malta ser faktisk ut til å komme endelig tidligere på banen med sitt pantesystem! Malteserne satser nemlig på at deres system skal være oppe og gå mot slutten av 2019. Maltesiske myndigheter avviser at det allerede er bestemt at Tomra kommer til å levere og eventuelt operere pantesystemet.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 11:44 by Ivan Martin

150 million bottles to be collected every year through new refund scheme, says Muscat

Refund scheme to be up an running by end of next year

Around 150 million beverage containers would be collected for recycling through the new refund scheme every year, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on Wednesday, marking the first step in the project.

Speaking during the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the government, private sector players, and other stakeholders, Dr Muscat said that around 200 million beverage containers were put onto the market in Malta every year. Of these, just a quarter were currently being collected for recycling.

“We have a situation today where three quarters of the bottles and cans end up either in our valleys, sea, or landfills. We aim to flip this situation on its head, and start collecting three quarters, with just one in four no longer accounted for,” he said.

Read: Bottle recycling plans put to consultation

Dr Muscat said the project had seen all private sector players come together to agree on the setting of a 10c price for bottle refunds.

“I am happy to say we are taking this next step forward together will all the industry,” he said, adding that once all the players had come on board the government could opt for an MOU rather than a call for tenders.

The government is aiming to encourage plastic bottle recycling through the introduction of reverse vending machines at shops and petrol stations.

Environment Minister Jose Herrera said the MOU would see the government and the private sector work together to see the project become a reality by the end of next year.

All told, the project would require a €10million investment, and the aim was for up to 90 per cent of all containers to start being collected after the first four years of the project.

“This is a concrete example of how we want to move from a linear to a more circular economy,” he said.

Dr Herrera said the beverage containers would be processed at centralised location to ensure maximum utilisation.

The next step after this project, he said, would be to attract foreign investors to start recycling processes on the island rather than exporting the material as is currently being done.

According to the MOU, every retailer selling beverage containers shall be obliged to accept empty beverage containers through arrangements set up by the agreement.

This shall either be through a reverse vending machine at the vendor; through a common machine placed in the vicinity to which the retailer will be subscribed; or manually.

The parties in the MOU now have to ensure the scheme maintains data transparency; establish clear performance targets for recovery and recycling; and ensure adequate coverage of return infrastructure.

Dr Herrera said he had not heard any mention of a businessman with links to the Prime Minister’s right-hand man, Keith Schembri, in relation to the bottle refund scheme.

Industry sources have repeatedly said that several businesses interested in buying plastic bottle recycling machines made by the Norwegian company Tomra, a major player in the sector, were told to speak to a company with links to Mr Schembri.

Read: Keith Schembri plays down links to bottle scheme

Media reports have said that Mr Schembri’s business partner, Malcolm Scerri, was the official representative in Malta of Tomra.

Mr Scerri is the general manager of Mr Schembri’s Kasco Holdings Ltd and managing director of Kasco Engineering.

Asked about this, Dr Herrera said he had never heard any mention of Mr Scerri in any relation to this project.

“To be quite honest I never met the guy with regards to this project,” he said.
A spokesman for the minister later clarified that the project was not yet at the stage where a provider of bottle refund machines had been selected.

Dr Herrera said he had built an excellent relationship with the private sector through the project which he said had good intentions.
13.12.2018 kl 00:23 11623

Mye spennende som skjer når det gjelder pant. Det er de private aktørene som kjører showet i Malta og av det jeg har lest er Tomra favoritten til å overta markedet der.

Jeg vil også minne om denne artikkelen;

Målet til EU er å ha resirkulerbare og gjenvinningsbare flasker i 2025. Disse flaskene er også tiltenkt å samles inn til gjennvinningsstasjoner. Det er forestilt en innsamlingsprosent på 90%. Det lukter Tomra i lang vei.
13.12.2018 kl 08:55 11543

Dersom Tomra kommer inn i alle markedene som ligger fremfor oss, vil vi se en dobling og vel så det.
18.12.2018 kl 07:38 11382

Hva skal vi tro om markedet fremover? Blir det videre fall i denne også? Jajo, noe fall er vel ikke til å unngå, men skal denne så langt at det blir skikkelig vondt? Komme seg ut av aksjen og avvente en stund? Hva anbefales fra dere som har vært på børs noen år?
Fersking siden Mai
17.01.2019 kl 16:07 11054

Tomra er en av to intererssenter som har meldt interesse for å delta i anbudsprosessen når det gjelder pantesystem som skal innføres i Hviterussland. Anbudspapirene skal ut i 2.kvartal 2019 og ambisjonene er at systemet skal være oppe og gå i 2020. Tomra bør kanskje bruke Ole Einar (Bjørndalen) og Darja (Domratsjeva) i feelgood-intro-kampanje her hvis man vinner anbudskonkurransen og får systemet? ;)

When machines will appear in Belarus to receive the bottles?

Introduce a deposit system for disposable packaging is slated for the year 2020, but perhaps the timing shift.

Alexander YARASHEVICH / 17.01.2019 /09:31 / Society

By the second quarter of this year, Belarus can declare open competition to attract investors to create a deposit system for the collection of disposable packaging. The desire to participate in the contest expressed two companies — Remondis and Tomra.

About this told the head of the Office for the coordination of activities in the field of treatment of secondary material resources PG "operator secondary material resources» Anatoly Shagun.

The German company Remondis collects, removal and disposal of wastes in Belarus from 2009 onwards. It has already concluded with the National Agency for investment and privatization, where the Protocol gave notice of its intention to participate in the contest. The world's largest manufacturer of machines for the reception of containers headquartered Tomra in Norway such a protocol should soon sign.

"The likely participants there are, so it makes sense to move forward," said Chief Operator control secondary material resources.

For the implementation in Belarus of the deposit system prepared a draft decree and decisions of the Government. They are in Government. When documents are signed, is still unknown. It is not excluded that the alleged timing of implementation of the system can move.

"In any case, the investor will have to come here, to register, start working on the design of the system and its creation. The preparatory phase will take a year and a half ", — said Anatoly Shagun.

Mener å huske at KanonBra5 har postet om den store kazakhstanske delegasjonen som var på norgesbesøk for å studere vårt pantesystem og vår avfallshåndtering for ikke lenge siden. Her er omfattende, dagsfersk artikkel om dette besøket med mange bilder (fra Norge, blant andre flere fra Tomras produksjonsanlegg). Kazakhstan fremstår som en feit mulighet for Tomra.

What is Kazakhstan going to learn from Norway in waste recycling?

Today, 11:58 Eugenia Bodrova

Recently, representatives of Kazakh operator DPB went to Norway to visit and view to adopt and implement the Norwegian "green" technology
Redigert 17.01.2019 kl 17:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.01.2019 kl 07:26 10934

Med ca. 10 millioner innbyggere snakker vi om et bra marked som åpner seg!! Ingen reelle konkurrenter for Tomra her heller.

God Helg.

07.02.2019 kl 17:26 10679

Full speed ahead! Ja, det må man kunne si når Jamaica nå skal ha pantesystem opp og gå rekordraskt. Så gjenstår det å se hvilken type system jamaicanerne går for. I artikkelen nevnes "designated redemption centres across the island".


Plastic bottle refund deposit scheme coming in 2019/20

Thursday, February 07, 2019

THE deposit refund scheme, which will provide cash to consumers who return their plastic bottles, is to be operational early in the 2019/20 financial year.

Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Daryl Vaz, made the disclosure during a statement to the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

The forthcoming scheme is intended to reduce littering and encourage recycling.

“The deposit refund scheme will allow for the application of a deposit on plastic bottles placed on the market and a cash rebate to the consumer on the return of these bottles to designated redemption centres across the island,” Vaz said.

“This scheme will be implemented by a reconstituted Recycling Partners Jamaica Limited,” he added.

He told the House that participating members of the private sector have instituted a self-imposed cess of $1 per bottle, to start, which will see an initial private-sector investment of $850 million in the first year.

Vaz said the funds will be used to establish collection points, purchase trucks to increase collection capacity, and fund an expanded education campaign.

He said there is a proposal to move the $1 deposit per bottle to $3 deposit per bottle by September 2019.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness, in his contribution to the 2018/19 Budget Debate, had announced the Administration's intention to support the proposal for the deposit refund scheme submitted by the private sector.

The Government has charged private-sector partners to ensure that the scheme is fully operationalised early in the 2019/20 financial year; that the requisite infrastructure is in place to facilitate effective implementation, including the siting of redemption centres to allow for ease of return of bottles by consumers; and that a plastic bottle recovery rate of at least 85 per cent is achieved within the first four years of implementation.

Additionally, the deposit refund scheme must be supported by a comprehensive and sustained national public education and awareness programme.

“The Government will monitor the implementation of the deposit refund scheme to ensure accountability and transparency, and if deemed necessary, promulgate legislation to govern the scheme. Unrefunded deposits will be used to maintain the deposit refund scheme as well as provide support to the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) in its efforts to improve the island's waste management infrastructure,” Vaz said.

He told the House that plastic bottles, once collected, present an excellent opportunity for recyclers to catalyse economic activity, particularly at the micro and small levels, by designing and producing products for local and regional consumption.

Plastics, by their chemical characteristics, take decades, in some cases thousands of years, to degrade in the environment.

Hence, collection of plastics for disposal at landfills is not a sustainable solution in the longterm, particularly for small island developing states such as Jamaica, where land is a scarce and extremely valuable resource.
Redigert 07.02.2019 kl 17:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.02.2019 kl 07:18 10553

Dette er KJEMPE nyheter!! Jamaica har ca. 3 millioner innbyggere og det kreves derfor et bra system og et stort antall maskiner. Antar her myndighetene vil kikke på suksess historiene i Queenland/NSW for planleggingen av dette.

Man kommer nok ikke unna et TOMRA system/design her!!!

08.02.2019 kl 11:42 10454

Er det noen her på forumet som kan forklare den kraftige nedgangen i Tomra denne uken???
08.02.2019 kl 12:47 10423

Hva mener du? Akkurat vært i all time high, og ligger i pluss siste uke. Fantastisk måned hvor Tomra har vært vesentlig positiv bidragsyter på Oslo Børs som helhet. Hele børsen har vært i surt terreng de siste dager.
Redigert 08.02.2019 kl 12:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.03.2019 kl 18:36 10150

En lokal solskinnshistorie fra et pantesenter i lille Biddeford i delstaten Maine, USA. Det er Tomras panteteknologi som skaper begeistringen.

Senteret har drevet manuelt frem til nå, etter å ha prøvd en teknologi man ikke fant god nok i 2005. Nå er man overvbevist om at man har fremtidens løsning på plass og at den vil komme overalt. Fra mitt ståsted ser det ut som om folkene i "Biddeford Bottle & Can Redemption Center" har helt rett når det gjelder den påstanden.


Bottle and can center installs reverse vending machines

By Molly Lovell-Keely
Managing Editor

BIDDEFORD – The owners of a redemption center in Biddeford say a new reverse vending system could revolutionize the way the entire state recycles.

Diana McKee and John Marcotte of Biddeford Bottle & Can Redemption Center on Alfred Street said the TOMRA system out of Norway is an automated way to collect, sort and handle the return of used drink containers. The husband and wife team worked on implementing it for six months before it was unveiled in August. An open house will be held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 2 at the center, 310 Alfred St.

“We ran a half a million bottles through it to make sure it met our standards before opening it to the public,” Marcotte said.

How did the center handle recycling before leasing and installing three TOMRA machines?

“The way we did it 41 years ago,” Marcotte said. “Manually, counting by hand.”

Marcotte’s father started the business that many years ago on West Street – the first licensed redemption center in the state – when the state enacted the Beverage Container Redemption Program, or Bottle Bill. The couple helped start CLYNK in 2005 and used their showroom on Alfred Street to promote the program, but CLYNK went in a direction they didn’t favor.

Originally, the Alfred Street building was the location of Crystal Bottling Company.

We’ve waited for a technology that would best meet customer needs,” McKee said.

Both called the CLYNK system frustrating, because of how quickly the machine fills.

TOMRA machines can handle 7,000 cans and 3,500 plastics before it needs a bin change.

CLYNK also requires the use of plastic bags. Users spend $1.75 on a box of 10. The TOMRA system eliminates the use of the thousands of bags a year McKee said their business used to require.


Marcotte says the future of recycling is in reverse vending.

“You’re going to see these at every checkout in the state,” he said. “If you’re not looking at the future, you might as well just go away.”
Redigert 03.03.2019 kl 18:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.03.2019 kl 23:30 10008


Regn med at sesong for ekstremvarsel når det gjelder innføring av pantesystem i EUs medlemsnasjoner er like rundt hjørnet. Her er det rumenske myndigheter som varsler om innføring (manuell innkreving) av pant allerede fra 31.mars i år. Som dere kan lese i planene til rumenske myndigheter, skal det innen januar 2021 etableres et automatisert pantesystem ("deposit-return scheme") i Romania.

Retailers to collect RON 0.5 deposit for reusable packaging starting March 31

Anca Alexe 06/03/2019 | 09:06

Starting March 31, 2019, the value of the deposit for returnable bottles and other reusable packaging will be RON 0.5 per package, and retailers will collect this value with each purchase and allow customers to recover it later on.

Emergency ordinance 74/2018 to change a 2011 law on waste and a 2015 law on packaging waste management states:

* Retailers who sell products that use reusable primary packaging must:

* Inform consumers about the cash deposit and the system used to collect the packaging;

* Receive in return the reusable packaging of products they sell that are in a proper state to be reused;

* Return the value of the cash deposit, at the consumers’ request, for reusable packaging of products they sell that are in a proper state to be reused.

* Retailers who introduce products wrapped in reusable packaging onto the national market must:

* Mark the primary packaging or the product label with the phrase “reusable packaging”;

* Organise the collection of reusable packaging in order to obtain a minimum return rate of 90 percent.

* From March 31 onwards, the value of the cash deposit for reusable primary packaging on products designated for consumption is RON 0.5/package.

* The circulation of reusable packaging among retailers is done through exchange based on legal provisions, and beneficiaries who don’t own the necessary amounts to operate the exchange must pay a cash deposit in exchange for the packaging they receive.

* By January 2021, based on an economic, social and environmental efficiency evaluation, as well as an evaluation of the impact on SMEs, a government decision will establish a deposit-return scheme that also applies to primary non-reusable packaging made of glass, plastic or metal with volumes between 0.1 and 0.3 liters, used to package beer, alcoholic drinks, cider, other fermented drinks, juices, nectars, non-alcoholic beverages, mineral waters and other types of drinks.

* Retailers who introduce packaged products on the national market must have, starting January 2020, an average share of reusable packaging of at least 5 percent, but no less than the average share obtained in 2018-2019 and increase this percentage annually by 5 percent up to and including the year 2025.
Redigert 06.03.2019 kl 23:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.03.2019 kl 22:07 9854

Vi har vært innom Malta (med drøyt 1.3 millioner innbbyggere) som går litt under radaren når det gjelder pant før her på forumet. Under "The Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly" som ble avholdt i Nairobi 11. - 15.mars og samlet verdensledere og miljøvernministere, sa faktisk Maltas minister for miljø og bærekraft at man jobber for å introdusere pantesystem på Malta mot slutten av 2019.

Malta 'stepping up its effort' to address the effects of single-use plastic

Monday, 18 March 2019, 15:14


Addressing the Assembly, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change José Herrera affirmed that, as committed in the third UN’s Environment Assembly, Malta is actively looking for innovative solutions and is in fact working towards the introduction of the Beverage Container Refund Scheme by the end of 2019. Minister Herrera also confirmed that Malta is stepping up its efforts and is committed to issue a strategy that will tackle more single use plastic items.
Redigert 18.03.2019 kl 22:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.03.2019 kl 22:23 9750

Pant ser som påpekt flere ganger ut til å bli innført overalt. Kun et tidsspørsmål. Nå har også ferieparadiset Maldivene satt i gang prosessen.

News / News

MWSC supply water safe for drinking: Environment Minister

Shahudha Mohamed
20 March 2019, MVT 12:47


Work is ongoing to introduce a recycling programme to minimize single-use plastic. EPA's Director General Ibrahim Mohamed stated that a "container deposit scheme", was being devised. When this scheme is introduced, MVR one would be added to the price of every bottle, which will be returned to customers once they bring back the bottles for recycling.
25.03.2019 kl 23:22 9640

Tomra har pantemaskiner i New York, USA. Pantesystemet i New York er en suksess.. Nå vil myndighetene med guvernør Cuomo i spissen utvide systemet til å gjelde flere flasketyper, for å redusere forsøpling og ikke minst for å skaffe råvarer av høy nok kvalitet til at de er interessante for resirkuleringsindustrien, med henblikk fremstilling av resirkulert plast av høyeste kvalitet ("clean loop"). .


New York State Lawmakers Look to Advance Recycling by Expanding the Bottle Bill

Earlier this year, members of the New York State Legislature proposed an expansion of the Bottle Bill, a program that has dramatically improved recycling in the Empire State over the past three and a half decades. The New York State Returnable Container Law, commonly referred to as the Bottle Bill, places a five-cent deposit on most types of bottles and cans sold in New York, which can be refunded by returning a bottle to a recycling outpost. The Bottle Bill program has been very successful at incentivizing recycling and reducing solid waste pollution in New York, but the program still has some shortcomings that Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature are currently working to address. Proposed expansions to the Bottle Bill would place a five-cent deposit on several types of bottles and cans that are not currently included in the bill, which would greatly increase the effectiveness of the program. As the State government looks to lead the nation on environmental issues, it must take this practical and impactful action to improve recycling in New York.

To fully understand why it is so important to improve New York’s recycling this year, one must look at the larger picture of the world’s recycling market. Until last year, most recycled materials in the United States were sold and shipped overseas to Chinese companies to be processed. However, the Chinese government recently established much higher standards for what recycled materials can be imported, effectively banning imports of almost all recycled goods from around the world. These new rules have caused the global recycling market to collapse, leaving many municipalities in the United States with nowhere to go with their recycled materials. The collapse of the global recycling market means that in order to maintain and improve its recycling rate, New York must improve how efficiently it manages its recyclable materials. Expanding the Bottle Bill, coupled with State financial support for municipal recycling programs, is a good place to start.


03.22.19 // AUTHOR: Mikey Lampel // State Wide, Politics, Waste
11.04.2019 kl 22:42 9446

Da kan vi gratulere Tomra med 40 milliarder innsamlede flasker og bokser. Legg også merke til at flasker som samles inn av pantemaskiner og ikke er skitne og tilsmussede fordi de samles inn fra husstander og annetsteds fra som en del av blandet plastavfall, har en mye høyere resirkuleringsverdi. Nettopp dette er meget viktig nå som høykvalitets, resirkulert (PET)plast nå får mye høyere kommersiell verdi på grunn av pålegg og avgifter fra myndighetshold, og vil føre til at utbredelsen av pantesystemer vil eksplodere over hele kloden i årene som kommer, tror jeg.


Record return rates for resource sustainability company TOMRA

10 April 2019

TOMRA have confirmed their 82,000 reverse vending machines (RVMs) have received a record-breaking 40 billion containers back for recycling in the past year. Head of TOMRA Collection Solutions Harald Henriksen says the company and its customers have “40 billion reasons to be extremely proud”.

“We have been waiting to hit the 40 billion mark and we feel an enormous sense of achievement having reached this milestone. Of course, this is a joint effort and we couldn’t have done this without our customers and the hundreds of thousands of recyclers in over 60 markets, who have delivered their beverage containers back to TOMRA reverse vending machines for recycling.”


“The growing number of countries that are establishing container deposit schemes as well passing legislation to use more recycled material, proves that the world is waking up to the plastic pollution problem. With 8 million tons of plastic waste is ending up in our oceans every year, this legislation cannot come any sooner.”


When a bottle is returned to a reverse vending machine for a recycling, the material is protected from contamination from other types of household waste, such as food waste or types of plastic that cannot be used for bottles. In a circular economy the principle of ‘waste’ is abandoned, everything is a resource – and one key enabler is to maintain the quality of materials we consume.

A bottle returned at an RVM maintains its food-grade status and can be turned back into another plastic bottle in a never-ending ‘closed loop’, it does not get downcycled or thrown away and we don’t need fresh resources to make a new one – a double good deed. TOMRA call this process ‘Clean Loop Recycling’ and is campaigning for as many beverage containers to be kept in the Loop as possible.

I Nederland øker presset på myndighetene. Flere og flere ønsker innføring av pantesystem. Det kreves også at bokser og ikke bare flasker skal inkluderes i et fremtidig pantesystem. Dette ikke minst fordi man ikke ser fremgang i nasjonen når det gjelder forsøplingen forårsaket av tomme flasker og bokser. Nederlandske myndigheter har til nå gitt etter for lobbyvirksomhet fra drikkevarebransjen som hevder man skal løfte resirkuleringen av flasker og bokser til store høyder, uten innføring av pantesystemet. Disse har frist til å nå spesifikke resirkuleringsmål i løpet av 2020, men siden ingen fremgang er observert til nå, sier det vel nesten seg selv allerede at de ikke vil lykkes. I så fall blir det innføring av pantesystem i Nederland i 2021. Ansvarlig minister jobber allerede med utformingen av systemet og presses altså stadig sterkere for at dette også skal omfatte bokser.

The pressure to also raise deposits on cans increases

Mark Baldwin – 19:26, 10 april 2019

Beverage cans are an exception to the deposit scheme. It is feared that producers of vials switch to cans.

The pressure on state secretary Sarah van Veldhoven (D66) to extend the deposit on small bottles to cans increases. Opposition parties in the Second Chamber want to broaden the legislation. The Association of Dutch municipalities (VNG) Also asks for this. In a letter to the Chamber, the VNG to fear that the packaging industry will switch to cans for many products when it is put on plastic bottle deposits.

According To Professional Zwerfafval raper Dirk Groot from Purmerend, aka @Zwerfinator, the cans, bottles and other waste that he finds on the street are not shrunk. Great records all the garbage he picks in an app. After 2.5 years of turnips, he sees no reduction in the number of beverage packaging in litter. Great publishes this week's research. "The average number of pieces of waste per kilometre remains the same, despite actions and measures to reduce litter."


The Secretary of state has given the business community space to make sure that there are far fewer plastic bottles in the litter before 2020. The percentage should be reduced by 70 next year. In Anticipation of this, she is working on a scheme to enter 2021 of the deposit by 1 January, if the business sector in 2020 does not meet the requirement.

I Estland har et samarbeid mellom operatøren av landets pantesystem Eesti Pandipakend, Tomra og supermarkedkjeden Prisma Peremarket ledet til at Tomras pantemaskiner i Prisma Peremarkets butikker nå også mottar flasker og bokser som ikke er produsert i Estland. Det betales ikke ut pant for disse, men mange ønsker jo uansett å gjøre "the right thing" og mindre forsøpling er målet. Denne nyheten forteller meg dessuten noe mer. Nemlig at det nå er kommersielt interessant å også samle inn flasker og bokser som ikke er omfattet av pantesystemet. Dette er råvarer av høy kvalitet som stadig får høyere kommersiell verdi, må vite.

Prisma stores to begin accepting returns of non-deposit bottles

08.04.2019 11:58

Bottle-collecting reverse vending machines (RVMs) at Prisma supermarkets in Estonia will begin accepting for free all metal and plastic drink packaging the characteristics of which have been taught to the machine, allowing consumers to return non-deposit bottles alongside those for which deposits are refunded.

"Millions of plastic bottles and metal cans that to not bear a valid deposit label reach Estonia each year, and tend to end their life cycle either in the environment or in the trash," Kaupo Karba, CEO of package deposit system operator Eesti Pandipakend, said in a press release, noting that 100 million such bottles were brought in from abroad last year.

"Due to the configuration of the bottle RVMs, these could not be accepted until now," he continued. "Now we have finally solved this situation in cooperation with Prisma, and have also begun collecting plastic and metal packaging without Estonian deposit labels and directing them to recycling regardless of the origin of the packaging."

Last month, a pilot project launched by Eesti Pandipakend, Tomra Service and Prisma Peremarket which indicated that consumers are happy to return packaging falling outside of the Estonian deposit-refund system alongside their deposit-labelled packaging without receiving remuneration for it.

Tallinn to ban single-use plastic dishes, utensils at public events
Tõnis Tomingas, the member of the management of Prisma Peremarket AS responsible for waste management, said that the solution initiated by Prisma and developed in coordination with Eesti Pandipakend and Tomra is the first of its kind in Estonia.
15.04.2019 kl 20:50 9318


Innføringen av Tomra Care tenker jeg er et smart trekk av Tomra. Tomra har forbløffende ca. 80% global markedsandel når det gjelder pantesystemer, og innføringen av Tomra Care gir en følelse av at det ikke akkurat blir enklere for de øvrige små aktørene å konkurrere med Tomra...

Tomra launches service maintenance program for RVMs

Company offers reverse vending machine software upgrades, preventative maintenance to retailers.

April 11, 2019
Edited by Kelly Maile
International Recycling News Plastics Sorting Equipment

To provide retailers with the support they need to keep their reverse vending machines (RVMs) operating at optimal levels, Tomra has introduced a new service maintenance program, Tomra Care. The program offers an array of service level agreements and access to a team of expert technicians who can diagnose and resolve RVM issues, ensuring a seamless bottle return experience for customers, the company states.

“At Tomra, sustainability is our business, so it’s extremely important to us that our RVMs run as efficiently as possible for all our retail customers from both an environmental and user perspective,” remarks Lisa Hodska, senior vice president, service, Tomra North America. “Our mission is to help lead the way for a smarter, more sustainable future and we promote those ideals by helping to motivate recycling behavior. That means our RVMs need to have best-in-class uptime to serve customers who want to redeem their containers.”

With three different plans available, retailers can choose the option that best fits their needs. All plans include corrective maintenance, labor, travel and parts. The different plan options are:

* Basic: One RVM software upgrade annually, average response time of 8 hours and remote support availability

* Plus: One preventive maintenance, two cleanings, one RVM software upgrade annually, average response time of 8 hours and remote support availability

* Premium: Two preventive maintenances, four cleanings, one RVM software upgrade annually, average response time of 4 hours and remote support availability

Tomra also offers a preventive service plan, which includes two preventive service visits, four professional cleanings and one RVM software upgrade.

In addition to the various plan levels, Tomra support is available in person or remotely. Remote support is effective for minor issues and offers the customer flexibility and convenience, whereas in-person support is more suitable for complex service matters, the company says.