Akobo Minerals på Euronext notc

AKOBO 02.02.2021 kl 17:24 23403

Hva trur dere utsikten om dette eneste norske gullselskapet? Ble børsnotert forrige fredag
03.02.2021 kl 15:40 13323

Akobo Minerals ser onekligen intressant ut.

Läs mera om reportaget här.


Marknaden verkar tycka det också:

Redigert 03.02.2021 kl 15:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.02.2021 kl 16:47 13516

Fra 9 kr aksjen forrige fredag til 12kr idag, interessant... 🧐
04.02.2021 kl 12:41 13325

Fortsätter värderingen upp i veckan för Akobo Minerals?
08.02.2021 kl 12:24 13063

När kan det väntas nyheter från Akobo Minerals - någon som är insatt?
09.02.2021 kl 11:30 12960

Nu står kursen i 9 kr igen läge att gå in?

Redovisas nya rika guldhalter så lär väll akobo minerals värderas högre.
Redigert 09.02.2021 kl 11:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.02.2021 kl 17:04 12781

Jeg er intr i denne, men av helt irrasjonelle og romantiske grunner. En av mine favorittbøker er "Ung manns land" Wilbur Smith's. Dette er en episk roman fra sent 1800 tallet og mye av historien lagt til gullfeltene i Hwitwaterrand og det er mye børs innvolvert i deler av historien.

Jeg er også svak for eventyret om skatten fra afrika. Dette er nok den eneste måten å få være med på et slikt eventyr på.
12.02.2021 kl 14:03 12644

Man får se. Spännande är det :)!
23.02.2021 kl 13:44 12353

PM :)

New bonanza grade intersections from diamond drilling at Segele
Akobo Minerals is pleased to announce that they have received new assay results back from the ALS Ireland laboratory regarding the Segele gold target. Many high grade assays have been returned, including new significant intersections of 131g/t over 2.5m and 17g/t over 13m (see Table 1). These results complement previous bonanza and high grade assay results including 340g/t over 21m and 115g/t over 5m announced previously.

Chief Executive Officer, Jørgen Evjen said:

“We are very pleased with this latest round of assays from Segele and we are confident that the gold mineralization continues much further to depth. Although we are at the start of our drilling campaign at the Akobo Project, our continued success at Segele gives us optimism that we will reach our goal of defining 1.5 to 2 million ounces of gold over the next three years. We have a large area of exciting and prospective licenses and we are excited about the times ahead”


29.03.2021 kl 11:05 11898

Hoppas och spännande och se om det kan komma någon uppdatering/resultat snart från senaste PM:et?

AKOBO MINERALS - SRK Consulting Begins Work on Mineral Resource Estimate for Segele Gold Target
Company news
2021-03-03 10:37:07
Following the recent exciting gold assay results, Akobo Minerals AB is pleased to announce that SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd has begun their work on the maiden mineral resource estimate for the Segele gold target. SRK is a world leading specialist within exploration and mining consultancy and has experience from working on over 20,000 projects worldwide out of their 45 global offices.

The maiden mineral resource estimate is a first step towards reaching Akobo Minerals goal of defining 1,5 million to 2 million ounces gold.

CEO of Akobo Minerals Jørgen Evjen has this to say;

“Another milestone for the company, being able to define a maiden resource just after some thousand meters of drilling. This is unusual and says a lot about the Segele deposit. Even though this will be only our first indication of grade and tonnage at Segele, the main purpose of this estimate is to get our operations and quality systems acknowledged by an industry player as SRK. This will be the first of many updates going forward as we continue exploring the Segele deposit”

Principal Consultant at SRK, Michael Lowry (Resource Evaluation Specialist) said:

“SRK are excited to be working on the maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the Segele Gold deposit. We look forward to partnering with Akobo Minerals and to join them in their journey to uncover the full potential of the region.”

The completion of this work with SRK will be an important milestone demonstrating the company’s ability to perform JORC compliant resource definition in addition to the discovery of new deposits. Akobo Minerals has now added additional world-class resource definition capacity which will be used at Segele, Joru and other targets to reach the corporate objectives.
02.04.2021 kl 19:18 11730

Samtidig stuper kursen for første gang under 7 kr. Dette er et sjukt risikabelt objekt å investere i, når landet samtidig er i ferd med å havne i krig igjen. Ekstremsport.
06.04.2021 kl 09:26 11607

Nytt fint PM:

AKOBO MINERALS – Announces encouraging Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate at Segele
Inferred Mineral Resource of 78 Kilotons at 20,9g/t gold above a cut-off of 0,5g/t gold, equal to 52.410 oz of gold.

Table 1: Segele Gold Deposit Mineral Resources as at 6 April 2021

Classification Cut-off (Au g/t) K tons Au (g/t) Au Ounces
Measured ≥0,5 0 0 0
Indicated ≥0,5 0 0 0
Inferred ≥0,5 78 20,9 52.410
Total ≥0,5 78 20,9 52.410
After drilling only 3.160m over seven months at Segele achieving an Inferred Mineral Resource of 78 kilotons at 20,9g/t gold, equal to 52.410 oz of gold, is a very encouraging first result on the way to reaching the company goal to uncover the potential of the area. The current drilled area is no larger than 30m wide by 120m long, and the majority of the mineralisation is located near to the surface. The deposit has excellent exploration potential because it is open at depth, and there are additional targets to the East and West. Given the high-grade, there is an opportunity to establish a high margin mining operation.

The geological modelling by SRK has interpreted that the drilling intersected a series of stacked lenses within the current drilled area. The current model also indicates good potential for additional mineralization to be found immediately East, West and below the area covered by this resource estimate. Akobo Minerals is currently planning to ramp up its drilling program and expects to expand on this resource considerably.

Given that typical mineable grades of gold deposits are generally less than 4g/t gold, the impressive grade of 20,9 g/t gold supports the view that a high-revenue, moderate-cash cost operation is viable at Segele. The ongoing study of the license area from the high-grade Segele deposit to the Joru targets suggests a significant potential over the 15km strike length.

Gold targets in the 182km2 Akobo Project Licence Area. The Segele Deposit drilling covering only 3.600m2.
According to the World Gold Council, larger and better-quality underground mines contain around 8 to 10 g/t gold, while marginal underground mines average around 4 to 6 g/t gold. Open-pit mines usually range from 1 to 4 g/t gold, but can still be highly valuable. To illustrate, Kirkland Lake Gold’s Fosterville Mine in Australia had the most impressive grade with 24,9 g/t gold of milled ore in 2018. Combined with a cash cost of 231 USD/ozt, Fosterville is one of the world’s most remarkable underground gold mines.

CEO of Akobo Minerals Jørgen Evjen has this to say;

“We are of course very proud that our internal systems and QAQC processes have been validated by SRK, but even more that we within this first defined area of only 3.600m2 have already discovered 52.410 oz of gold at an average grade of 20,9 g/t. Given the near surface location and host structure of the gold, we expect that this area is easily mineable at a moderate cash cost and with limited up-front investment. Segele alone has a great potential for an early positive operational cash flow and we are driving forward to discover more such deposits nearby and further afield in our license area. We will initiate a Scoping study to uncover the operating cost and investment for exploiting the mineralisation. “

The Segele gold target was first discovered by Akobo Minerals geologists and previous assays from core-drilling have demonstrated a gold zone where the gold is predominantly present as large grains which are often easily visible to the naked eye (coarse-gold type mineralization).
06.04.2021 kl 16:56 11562

Dags aktien ökar i värde nu då för det ser ju väldigt bra ut!
08.04.2021 kl 10:12 11452

Ja det är stor risk men du måste väll hålla med att det finns stor potential i denna aktien.

Igår steg aktien över +10%

Guldpriset verkar röra på sig uppåt nu också igen:



09.04.2021 kl 17:51 11390

Konstigt att kursen går ner när bolaget gör allting rätt och genom prover så ser potentialen att finna mycket Guld stor ut!

Kursen borde gå upp rejält istället för ner.
11.04.2021 kl 17:13 11293

Detta tycker jag är spännande jälle fall att kunna vara med i ett Guldbolag med stor Potential från början:

Gullbonanza i OTC-listede Akobo Minerals
Prøveboring viser nye forekomster av typen «bonanza grade». – Gir stor grunn til optimisme, sier Akobo Minerals-sjef Jørgen Evjen.
– Vi er veldig fornøyde med den seneste runden analyseresultater fra Segele-forekomsten. Nå er vi sikre på at gullmineraliseringen fortsetter langt dypere enn vi tidligere har trodd, sier Jørgen Evjen, daglig leder i Akobo Minerals.

Selskapet graver gull i Etiopia, og i slutten av januar ble aksjen klar for handel på OTC-listen, Euronext NOTC.

Den seneste måneden har det vært stille fra selskapet, men nå bryter Akobo Minerals tausheten, og varsler om intet mindre enn gullbonanza.

«Bonanza grade»

Selskapet sendte tirsdag formiddag ut en melding med detaljerte og tekniske beskrivelser av gullgehalt i forskjellige deler av forekomsten.

Mineralprøvene er tatt ned til 130 meters dyp, og skal dokumentere at selskapet sitter på forekomster av typen «high grade» og «bonanza grade».

Bonanza-grade innebærer mer enn 34 gram gull pr. tonn fjell eller masser. High-grade er mer enn 8 gram gull pr. tonn.

– Mange nye high grade-prøver er kommet tilbake fra analyser i Irland. Analysene viser konsentrasjoner på 131 gram gull pr. tonn i snitt over en lengde på 2,5 meter og 17 gram gull pr. tonn i snitt over en lengde på 13 meter. Dette kommer i tillegg til bonanza- og high-grade forekomstene vi tidligere har påvist, sier Evjen.

Han viser til funn på inntil 340 gram gull pr. tonn i snitt over en lengde på 21 meter og 115 gram pr. tonn i snitt over en lengde på 5 meter.

Priset til 300 millioner kroner

– Selv om vi bare er på starten av borekampanjen, gir suksessen i Segele-feltet stor grunn til optimisme. Det styrker oss i troen på at vi skal kunne påvise 1,5 TILL 2 MILLIONER unser gull de kommende tre årene. Vi har et stort område med spennende lisenser å utforske i tiden som kommer, sier han.

Hans Othar Blix, Okea-gründer Erik Haugane, Edvin Austbø, tidligere analysesjef i Carnegie og Lykke-familien, som står bak bak Bunnpris-kjeden er blant aksjonærene i Akobo Minerals.

Akobo Minerals sikter mot børsnotering på Euronext Growth i løpet av 2021. Den operative virksomheten foregår primært i det etiopiske datterselskapet Etno Mining.

Tirsdag morgen var selskapet verdsatt til rundt 300 millioner kroner, og kursen har ligget ganske stabilt siden OTC-listingen startet.


Redigert 11.04.2021 kl 17:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.04.2021 kl 18:54 11242

Dom som är intresserade kan få mera kontinuerliga uppdateringar från bolaget klicka vidare här:

19.04.2021 kl 10:53 10949

Akobo Minerals har gått ner från 12 kr till 6 kr.

The maiden mineral resource estimate is a first step towards reaching Akobo Minerals goal of defining 1,5 million to 2 million ounces gold.


Guldpriset är också på en hög nivå nu.

Hur resonerar ni andra hur/vad värdet bör/kan ligga på bolaget?

26.04.2021 kl 15:31 10765


AKOBO MINERALS – Announces start of core-drilling campaign and intercepted mineralization at it’s Joru gold target
After the latest drilling at Segele, and receiving a successful maiden resource estimate, the drill rig has now moved to the next exciting target at Joru for some initial drilling. Joru is very different from Segele, both in mineralogy and also expected gold grade. Joru is a very large area, with expected lower grade gold content. The combination of the Segele and Joru targets is very compelling, especially when considering the potential 15 km strike between the two areas. Joru is not an unknown area, we have been doing exploration work in the area for many years through RC drilling, trenching and soil sampling. What we see gives us good expectations for the area.


Disseminated sulphide mineralization and a highly encouraging Silica-Sericite-Carbonate alteration assemblage and has been intersected in all holes.
Fine grained visible gold seen at 39.5m depth in hole JODD03.
As previously reported, sampling of trenches adjacent to this latest core drilling has resulted in high-grade intercepts in similar rock formations (eg 18g/t over 2m and 12g/t over 1m).
Joru is the next priority target after the Inferred Mineral Resource announced for Segele (Inferred Mineral Resource of 78 kilotons at 20,9g/t gold)
A total of 600 m of core drilling has been completed at the Joru target.
376 samples have been delivered to the ALS (Addis Ababa) laboratory for analysis.

Figure 1: Gold targets in the 182km2 Akobo Project License Area. Figure 2: Silicified quartzofeldspathic shist containing fine grained visible gold (39.5m JODD03, gold not visible in photograph)
The Joru gold target has a strike-length of at least 3km and has so far been investigated with wide spaced geological and structural mapping, soil sampling and reverse circulation drilling (fourteen holes totaling 1.375m). The core drilling announced here is milestone for the company as it is the start of detailed understanding of the project leading towards eventual resource estimation.

Although the mineralization style at Joru is different to Segele, the Joru target has also been exploited by government controlled artisanal mining over many parts of the strike length. Akobo Minerals geologists are well acquainted with the lithologies which are found to contain valuable gold mineralization. The series of quartzofeldspathic shists identified in this core drilling is known to host gold-rich rocks.

Previous exploration identified excellent gold grades in trenches and the potential for a large-volume low-grade deposit, however core-drilling has been needed to understand the lower grades found in RC drilling. Given the highly encouraging alteration assemblage and visible gold (at 39.5m in hole JODD03), we expect that the assay results from this core drilling campaign will assist us greatly in planning future resource definition drilling.

Table 1: Significant intercepts from the Joru RC drilling campaign. No upper cut-off used.

Table 2: Channel sampling significant intervals (See press release, 30th June, 2019). No upper or lower cut-off used. Intersection lengths are apparent widths only.

Trench Interval Gold grade Comments
JOTR012 – 17 69m 1.45 g/t
JOTR018 25m 3.32 g/t Trench ends in mineralisation
See previous press releases and investor presentations for more details. For further Information visit: www.akobominerals.com.

For more information contact:

Jørgen Evjen, CEO



Back to 13 nok?
Redigert 26.04.2021 kl 15:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.04.2021 kl 16:33 10737

Jeg syntes dette er utrolig spennende. Jeg føler jeg med på et eventyr i det mørkeste afrika. Jeg har virkelig tro på at de faktisk får dette til. og rapportene er jo BULL så det holder og derfor har jeg også kjøpt aksjer. MEN jeg tror dette er en av de mest risky aksjene på børs. Gullgraving i afrika!! Det er ikke akkurat DNB eller Equinor vi snakker om. Plutselig finner en eller annen general ut at han vil ha dette selv, eller det kommer en borgerkrig eller noe og vips så var det eventyret ute. Men så sant at Etiopia klarer å forholde seg til 2021 og at dette går bra, tror jeg dette blir KJEMPE gøy, og at 6kr bare er latterlig den dagen de skuffer ut gullbarrer med gaffeltruck.
26.04.2021 kl 18:32 10676

Gull priset har gått från 1270 USD i slutet av 2018 och nu står Gull priset 1780 USD så otrolig värdeökning!

Gjennom sin lisens har Akobo Minerals ambisjon om å påvise 2 millioner unser med gull i løpet av 2022. Det tilsvarer rundt 55 tonn gull. Ferdig utvunnet og raffinert skal det gi en verdi på rundt 30 milliarder kroner.



Så jag förstår inte riktigt varför Akobo Minerals aktiekurs gått från toppen 13 Nok till nu kursen 6 NOK..

Men det lär väll vända!
Redigert 26.04.2021 kl 18:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.04.2021 kl 17:13 10482

Kan denne kjøpes via nordnet? (finner den ikke der.....)
27.04.2021 kl 19:09 10420

Er det noen som har lest artikkelen i Finansavisen i dag og kan referere litt fra analysen?
27.04.2021 kl 20:01 10378

er veil ikke helt innafor m klipp og lim, men dette er vel åpne tall
Om man antar at selskapet kan produsere 95.000 unser gull år. år, kan man anslå en EBITDA på 100 millioner dollar i året, og et resultat på 60 millioner dollar i året. Når man ser dette opp mot dagens verdsettelse på 26 millioner, ser det ikke ut til at mye av det er reflektert i dagens aksjekurs», står det.

Ifølge Akobo-sjef Jørgen Evjen har ikke Sparebank 1 Markets hentet penger eller gjort noen transaksjon for selskapet. De fungerte imidlertid som mentor, et nødvendig krav for NOTC -registreringen.

– Det sagt så er deres corporate-avdeling våre rådgivere for fremtidige transaksjoner, legger han.

Evjen understreker at analysen ikke er betalt, og at Sparebank 1 har skrevet den på egen hånd.

kursmål 10 kr.

prøvene i første området viser 34gr gull /tonn masse. driveverdige gruver operer fra 4gr/tonn masse!!!

Etter det jeg forstår har de nå begynt prøveborringer i området nr 2.

27.04.2021 kl 23:11 10281

Hvor kan man handle denne aksjen?
Slettet bruker
28.04.2021 kl 14:56 10080

Er ikke søkt om lisens eller nåkka.
28.04.2021 kl 16:02 10043

Handeln i Akobo Minerals har ökat vesäntligt - mot högre kurs.
28.04.2021 kl 16:57 10017

- Han viser til funn på inntil 340 gram gull pr. tonn i snitt over en lengde på 21 meter og 115 gram pr. tonn i snitt over en lengde på 5 meter.

Opptil 340 g/tonn, det blir jo nesten 10 uncer gull pr. tonn! Det må da være verdensklasse. Selv 20 g/tonn er jo en drøm...
Etiopia, er ikke det sosialisme da litt som Venezuela? Det er åpenbart politisk risiko i dette prosjektet, men leser om at landets ledere ønsker å åpne opp økonomien for utenlandske investeringer. Helt fantastiske gullmengder i jorde der, uten tvil.

03.05.2021 kl 09:51 9515

Vad tror ni om veckan. Hittar Akobo aktien tillbaka till ATH kursen 12 kr?

Kul med uppvärderingen av Sparebank 1 Markets i förra veckan! (https://finansavisen.no/tema/Akobo_Minerals)

Varför går Guldpriset upp så mycket idag tro?


Redigert 03.05.2021 kl 15:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.05.2021 kl 08:25 8823

Akobo Minerals hires Tesfaye Medhane as General Manager of Etno Mining
Akobo Minerals announces that Tesfaye Medhane has joined our Ethiopian company Etno Mining as General Manager. In his new role, Tesfaye will oversee all aspects of managing Etno Mining and will be responsible for all facets of the exploration and future mining operations at the Akobo project.

“We are very pleased that Tesfaye Medhane has joined our team. Etno Mining will benefit from his proven track record of developing teams that exceed expectations, and from his ability as a senior mining professional to build a culture of personal empowerment and collaboration. With Tesfaye on board we have completed our management team setup both in Akobo Minerals and Etno Mining”, says Jørgen Evjen, CEO of Akobo Minerals.

Tesfaye has gained extensive operational, technical and management experience from more than 14 years of working in the international exploration and mining community. He was instrumental in developing the gold operations of Endeavour Mining/Avion Gold in Mali, West Africa, from exploration to large scale production. While at Endeavour Mining, he successfully oversaw complex multi-year contracts of up to USD $20m in value.

He has consistently worked internationally in areas of geology (exploration and mining), mine construction, mine development, production planning, management and administration, and has a proven track record in successfully playing a key role in moving an exploration project through to mining.

Tesfaye has a MSc degree in Mining Geology from Addis Ababa University and has received various management and leadership training certificates.



13.06.2021 kl 20:18 5316

Er vel ikke så mye som skjer her vår de kommer på euronext growth. og de sparer kanskje nyheter til etter det?

Når ser de for seg å begynne og utvinne gull?
15.06.2021 kl 11:27 5257


AKOBO MINERALS - Contemplated private placement and listing on Euronext Growth Oslo
Company news
2021-06-15 07:30:39
Akobo Minerals AB (publ): Contemplated private placement and listing on Euronext Growth Oslo


Akobo Minerals AB (publ) (“Akobo” or the “Company”) has engaged SpareBank 1 Markets AS (the “Manager”) to advise on and effect a contemplated private placement in the Company of between 4,000,000 and 6,666,666 new shares (the “Offer Shares”) at a price per share of NOK 7.50, which will raise gross proceeds of between NOK 30 and 50 million (the “Private Placement”).

The bookbuilding period in the Private Placement will commence today, 15 June 2021 and closes on 18 June 2021 at 16:30 CEST. The Manager and the Company may, however, at any time resolve to shorten or extend the bookbuilding period. If the bookbuilding period is shortened or extended, any other dates referred to herein may be amended accordingly.

Akobo will apply for its shares to be admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo and, subject to a successful completion of the Private Placement and the necessary approvals from the Oslo Stock Exchange, aims to have a first day of listing during mid-July (the “Listing”).

The Private Placement will be directed towards Norwegian and international investors, in each case subject to an exemption being available from offer prospectus requirements and any other filing or registration requirements in the applicable jurisdictions and subject to other selling restrictions. The minimum application and allocation amount have been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000. The Company may, however, at its sole discretion, allocate shares corresponding to an amount below EUR 100,000 to the extent applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirement pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and other applicable regulations are available. Completion of the Private Placement is conditional upon, inter alia, i) all necessary corporate resolutions being validly made by the Company, including without limitation, the board being granted authorisation to increase the Company's share capital by the general meeting in the annual general meeting to be held on 18 June 2021 and the board resolving to issue and allocate the Offer Shares, (ii) the registration of the share capital increase in the Company pertaining to the Offer Shares in the Swedish Register of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret) having taken place, and (iii) the Oslo Stock Exchange having approved the Company’s application for listing.

The Company reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, to cancel, and/or modify the terms of, the Private Placement. Neither the Company nor the Manager will be liable for any losses incurred by applicants if the Private Placement is cancelled, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation.

SpareBank 1 Markets AS is acting as manager in connection with the Private Placement. AGP Advokater AS is acting as legal advisor to the Company and Kvale Advokatfirma DA is acting as legal advisor to the Manager.



21.06.2021 kl 09:52 5155

Nytt PM:

Private Placement successfully completed and update on listing on Euronext Growth Oslo!

- Raising NOK 50 million in gross proceeds


Slettet bruker
21.06.2021 kl 12:30 5138

Er det stor fare for at dette selskapet ender opp som det "nye" Avocet mining?? Eller er det vesentlige forskjeller her??
Redigert 21.06.2021 kl 12:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.07.2021 kl 11:01 4943


Akobo Minerals sources a second drill rig – signs contract with MIDROC
Akobo Minerals is pleased to announce the signing of an agreement with MIDROC Geo/Exploration Services in Addis Ababa to supply a second drill rig to start core drilling on the Segele deposit. The drill rig will mobilise to the Akobo region shortly and the company anticipates that the drilling will start upon arrival in field. This development is an important part of increasing the Segele Mineral Resources, advancing the Joru target and supporting ongoing mining studies, as described in our company presentation from May this year.

“This is another milestone in our Ethiopian journey. The mobilisation of a second drill rig to start additional resource definition drilling at our Segele gold deposit is an important step in our strategy to drastically increase the resources at Segele and move towards mining. This doubling of operational activity also allows us to increase the confidence in the resources and extract samples for metallurgical testing, both vital contributions to the ongoing the Scoping Study and anticipated Preliminary Feasibility Study.”, says Jørgen Evjen, CEO of Akobo Minerals.

The contract allows for a minimum of 3.000m of core to be drilled and for extensions in increments of 3.000m. The drilling contractor is expected to drill a minimum of 1.000m per month.

The first, company-owned drill rig is currently undergoing maintenance and is expected to be operational within a short period of time. Hence it is expected that the company soon will be drilling simultaneously at Segele and Joru.

MIDROC Geo/Exploration Services PLC is a subsidiary of MIDROC – Mohammed International Development Research and Organization Companies (MIDROC Group). While the MIDROC Group has Swedish and global operations, within Ethiopia the organization made important contributions to Ethiopian society through operation of the Lega Dembi Gold Mine since 1998. MIDROC also owns 70% of National Oil Ethiopia, the Tossa Steel Plant, cement production facilities and many other operations.

The drilling arm of MIDROC has completed well over 80,000m of core drilling in throughout Ethiopia and has a fleet of 5 drill rigs and an operations team of well over 50 people.

11.07.2021 kl 16:05 4901

I morgen blir vi notert på Euronext Growth det blir spennende.

The Oslo Stock Exchange has received an application from Akobo Minerals AB for admission to trading on Euronext Growth.

The Oslo Stock Exchange has decided to take the shares in the company up to trade. It is assumed, prior to the first day of trading, that the company will meet the admission criteria for Euronext Growth.

It is expected that the company will be admitted to trading on or around 12 July 2021.

Company information:

Name: Akobo Minerals AB
Ticker: AKOBO
ISIN: SE0015193412

13.07.2021 kl 19:50 4816

Spännande tider väntar för Akobo Minerals - helt klart!
14.07.2021 kl 09:28 4771


Publication of Information Document
The attached information document has been prepared by Akobo Minerals AB (publ.) (“Akobo” or the “Company”) solely for use in connection with the admission to trading of the Company’s shares on Euronext Growth Oslo. The first day of trading in the Company’s shares on Euronext Growth Oslo will be 14 July 2021. SpareBank 1 Markets AS has acted as Euronext Growth advisors for the Company. AGP Advokater AS has acted as legal advisor to the Company in connection with the listing on Euronext Growth Oslo and Kvale Advokatfirma DA has acted as legal advisor to the manager.
