Ny lockdown verden rundt om en maaneds tid

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ENG 03.02.2021 kl 12:43 471

Storbritannia har nå identifisert 105 tilfeller av den sørafrikanske varianten, hvorav 11 ikke ser ut til å ha noen koblinger til internasjonale reiser.

Disse tilfellene er de første i Storbritannia av samfunnet overføring av varianten, som er mer overførbar og mer motstandsdyktig mot antistoffer, heve frykt for at effektiviteten av COVID-19 vaksiner kan reduseres.

Redigert 03.02.2021 kl 12:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
03.02.2021 kl 12:49 458

Og i USA er det Brasilianske viruset paa gang.

The variant, known as B. or P.1, shares many mutations with one first identified in South Africa. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines still protect from the variant circulating in South Africa, the companies have said, but they are slightly less effective. They are expected to perform similarly against the variant identified in Brazil.

Slettet bruker
03.02.2021 kl 13:25 426

Covid 19 kan foraarsake hjerneskade.

Currently, the frequency at which Covid-19 patients suffer from seizures, psychosis, and memory-related problems is unknown. Some studies have reported that as many as 84% of patients with severe Covid-19 experience mental confusion and rapid mood changes after they recover. Even if the true frequency of lasting brain damage is lower, the number of people with lasting cognitive problems will be substantial because so much of the population has been infected.

The loss of smell and taste in Covid-19 patients emerged as one of the first signs that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is affecting the brain. A team of researchers looking at the brains of deceased Covid-19 patients found that the virus can remain in the brain after death. Other observations from these autopsies revealed small blood vessels in different areas of the brain were leaking as if patients had suffered mini-strokes. A team of researchers has reported in the January issue of Alzheimer’s & Dementia that the brain inflammation and mini-strokes observed in Covid-19 patients may place them at increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
