Jens Pace står fast!!

APCL 08.10.2018 kl 10:00 1987

Jens Pace spiller spillet.


African Petroleum Corporation Limited ("African Petroleum" or the "Company"), an independent oil and gas exploration company with licence interests in offshore West Africa, notes the recent update issued by Petrosen which states that it is seeking tenders for two offshore blocks in Senegal, including the Senegal Offshore Sud Profond ("SOSP") block in which African Petroleum holds a 90% operated working interest.

The Company's legal counsel has today written to the Senegalese authorities reminding them of African Petroleum's rights under the SOSP production sharing contract ("SOSP PSC"). The SOSP PSC is currently the subject of an ongoing ICSID arbitration process which has been acknowledged by the Senegalese authorities.

Commenting on the update, African Petroleum's CEO Jens Pace said:
"We are surprised that Petrosen are seeking expressions of interest on our SOSP block at this time given it is the subject of ICSID arbitration, a process which the Senegalese government has acknowledged and interested industry players will be well aware of. The SOSP PSC has not been terminated and until such time as the dispute is resolved, either amicably or through the arbitration channels, African Petroleum remains on the licence, and we shall continue to defend our position rigorously through the ongoing arbitration process."


For further information, please contact:
Jens Pace, Chief Executive Officer
Stephen West, Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +44 20 3655 7810
08.10.2018 kl 10:44 1933

Ikke noe nytt med andre ord. Markedet reagerer negativt på ingenting. Stabiliserer seg ila dagen. Spennende tider fremover, bare å sette seg tilbake og vente på resultat!
Slettet bruker
08.10.2018 kl 10:53 1879

Man burde av moralske grunner holde seg unna dette parasittselskapet.
08.10.2018 kl 11:11 1769

Slik det fremstår nå så ser det ut til at Senegals utlysning er et svar på JP’s «shape the discussions». Begge vil nok vise muskler før vi er i mål. Ikke mye nytt, men helt klart aktivitet.