QEC - Remember QEC produces oil and gas!

MC Axel
QEC 05.02.2021 kl 10:49 15813

There are many who forget that QEC produces every day and that revenues are increasing.

My big question is how the financial reports are going to look like. I'm positive

What do you think?
Redigert 05.02.2021 kl 12:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
12.02.2021 kl 16:41 1195

Kursen hadde vært høyere hvis QEC hadde vært en sokkeprodusent
Slettet bruker
12.02.2021 kl 16:52 1174

Det blir nok binnas neste prosjekt. Clean tech sokker..

Eller promp og luktfrie clean tech undertøy med 0 utslipp
Redigert 12.02.2021 kl 17:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
13.02.2021 kl 16:19 889

Det spekuleres i om Qec vil få erstatning slik som oljeselskapene på Anticosti fikk da deres kontrakt ble terminert. Selskapene på Anticosti hadde frackingsertifikat som var utstedt av daværende regjering og sto i en særstilling i forhold Qec i dag. Da det ble regjeringsskifte og frackingsertfikatene skulle inndras, uttalte den nye primeministeren, Philippe Couillard at kontraktene med forrige regjering var bindende, og at myndighetene derfor måtte betale erstatning til oljeselskapene. Couillard har i løpet av sin regjeringstid aldri sagt noe tilsvarende om Qec, og påfølgende Primeminister Legault har heller aldri firt en tomme overfor Binnion. Så har som nevnt Qec ikke frackingsertifikat eller annen form for spesialtillatelse som myndighetene kan anse som bindende.

Jubelen sto høyt i juni 2016 da Quebec for første gang utstedte et frackingsertifikat. Binnion uttalte på vegne av QOGA at sertifikatene med frackingtillatelse var et viktig skritt mot olje- og gassutvinning i Québec. Her her meldingen som ble sendt ut av QOGA:

Quebec government gives the first authorization certificate for fracking in Quebec
Québec city, Thursday, June 16, 2016– Quebec Oil and Gas Association (QOGA) is pleased to announce that the Quebec government, for the first time, gave a certificate of authorization for fracking yesterday. The certificate allows for three hydraulic fracking procedures on Anticosti Island. The project of Hydrocarbures Anticosti is the first oil and gas project to go through this complete environmental approval process in Quebec. Our association is very satisfied that it was successful.
Quebec Oil and Gas Association Chairman Michael Binnion notes that, “This is a hard-fought victory for the industry in the province. Many years of advocacy have paid off and we see this as a significant step forward for oil and gas development in Quebec”.
QOGA has promoted best practices in hydraulic fracking for a long time. We believe that when best practices are used, and with adequate oversight, this technology respects the environment and allows to explore for new oil and gas plays, and produce efficiently new discoveries. We encourage all our members that frack to do it safely, in compliance with all Quebec laws and regulations.
The process has been used tens of thousands of times elsewhere in the world, notably in the United States where it allowed the country to operate a true energy revolution in the last ten years. Countless studies in the US have time and again said that fracking is safe, when done safely. Our association is happy that Quebec has allowed it here, and we hope it will, in term, help Quebec close the gap on its 12 billion dollars hydrocarbon import problem.
About QOGA
QOGA has been created to promote a dialogue on a potential new industry for Quebec: the oil and gas industry. Quebec energy resources can be produced in a safe way that respects the environment in order to contribute to the province general economic development. Our goal is to demonstrate shared interests and mutual benefits that all Quebeckers and our members can get from local production.

Redigert 14.02.2021 kl 12:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
13.02.2021 kl 16:45 854

Så kom der lige et ultra gammelt ligegyldigt link mere 🤣👏